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Posted: 2008-03-01 12:09pm
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Real life and writer's block been getting me down, but I'm still in this thing.

As for first contact between the Haruhiists and the Humanist Union, it played out almost exactly as it did in The Day of Sagittarius (watch at 00:00-01:38 and at 12:51-20:10).

Posted: 2008-03-01 03:09pm
by Beowulf
Waiting on Makay to resolve a bit.

Posted: 2008-03-01 08:35pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Don't look at me, My turn is fully resolved, not much will happen till either DarkEvil Catches Neph forces, or my forces show up ass they are first on the reinforcment waves.

Personally im disheartend that no one ELSE is doing anything.. I mean, its a big Galaxy out there! what happend to all the OTHER wars that were supposed to be raging at this point, eh?

Posted: 2008-03-01 08:46pm
by Darkevilme
The insane barbarian hordes decided to have tea and crumpets with the syndicalists instead of blowing them up. The other wars are suffering from one person or another out of the involved parties suffering from that dreaded eater of stgods known as RL.

My proposed timeline for the Makay situation, as opposed to us just skipping ahead to the BETAC arrival and acting like i'd do nothing for that time.

Timeline from BETAC evades the conquest fleet.
+0 conquest fleet breaks off pursuit, message sent to first incursion fleet to move back to staging point in deep space near theater of operations, conquest fleet corvettes, frigates and support cruisers dispatched to staging point as well, Conquest fleet heavy elements in orbit around godwins hope.
+6 to 12 hours. First incursion fleet and reinforcements have by this point grouped together and deploy to the outer system as close as possible to the BETAC expedition.
12 hours onwards, reinforced first incursion fleet fleet engages in pursuit and combat with the betac expedition. ((We'll be deploying in combat range and our fleet isnt burdened with units much heavier than the Betac ones, the support cruisers will fall behind if needbe in which case the lighter 20 point frigates should be faster than the BETAC expedition))
Sometime before the BETAC fleet gets here, crossroads mothership turns up to say hello either with coms or massive energy beams...probably the latter.
44 hours, 4th fleet turns up, joy.

Posted: 2008-03-02 12:13am
by Beowulf
90 hours: Task Force Victoria shows up.

Posted: 2008-03-04 06:36pm
by Darkevilme
Okay it's been a full week, if Nephtys doesnt get back involved SOON what do we do to resolve things story wise so we can skip ahead to the next time block with the kushwani arrival?

What with at least one fleet in theater under her control.

Posted: 2008-03-05 02:51pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Darkevilme wrote:Okay it's been a full week, if Nephtys doesnt get back involved SOON what do we do to resolve things story wise so we can skip ahead to the next time block with the kushwani arrival?

What with at least one fleet in theater under her control.
Since Nephs forces have been able to thus far at pace thier pursuers, I'd wager that, wihtout a say so from Neph, we can have them "jump away" and then let my forces come in and do thier thing... Now this still doesn't mitasgate the problem that She has forces ALSO coming after mine.

I still say others shoul;d be keeping this thing alive.. Really its just down to you and me Dark >_<

Posted: 2008-03-05 05:25pm
by Nephtys
Aack. Well, what's going on exactly? I've been swamped by RL, but it's clearing slightly. So are you trying to pursue with your light elements? What ships?

Posted: 2008-03-05 06:51pm
by Darkevilme
Its not an immediate pursuit but an intercept will occur if you stick around for a few hours Nephtys.

The forces used will be first incursion fleet backed up with every ship of 30 points or less in first conquest fleet. they'll jump to the outer system near your expedition and start shooting and chasing. You'll probably know something is up as the light elements of first conquest will jump away when first conquest breaks off pursuit and takes up Godwin's hope orbit which is a good few hours before.

Code: Select all

 Elements of first conquest +entirety of first incursion:
Three C cruisers(total baseweight 30, total D 21 total interdict 21)
fifteen frigates(total baseweight 240, the rest is FTL)
8 corvettes (baseweight 16, sensor weight 16)
total baseweight 286
Total active defence 21
Total interdiction 21
total sensors 16

Posted: 2008-03-06 02:44am
by Nephtys
Darkevilme wrote:Its not an immediate pursuit but an intercept will occur if you stick around for a few hours Nephtys.

The forces used will be first incursion fleet backed up with every ship of 30 points or less in first conquest fleet. they'll jump to the outer system near your expedition and start shooting and chasing. You'll probably know something is up as the light elements of first conquest will jump away when first conquest breaks off pursuit and takes up Godwin's hope orbit which is a good few hours before.

Code: Select all

 Elements of first conquest +entirety of first incursion:
Three C cruisers(total baseweight 30, total D 21 total interdict 21)
fifteen frigates(total baseweight 240, the rest is FTL)
8 corvettes (baseweight 16, sensor weight 16)
total baseweight 286
Total active defence 21
Total interdiction 21
total sensors 16
My heaviest ship is something like a 20 pointer base. So I've still got somewhat of an accelleration edge on those. So let's resolve a few turns of engagement at range. The Squadron'll try to use it's superior active offense weapons to pick off some of your cruiser group's heavier units or force it to break, waiting for reinforcements.

We need a random factor, tbh :)

Posted: 2008-03-06 04:16am
by Darkevilme
Three turns of combat i reckon till the 5 point edge on being lighter and faster means you outrun the intercept fleets support cruisers and thusly the lot of them.

So i'll wait till you amend your 'attempt at time jumping' post in the main thread then I'll write the first incursion fleets arrival.

Posted: 2008-03-06 10:28am
by Crossroads Inc.
Don't forget I have a 16pt and a 10pt Bustermachine tagging along with your forces Neph. They might not be able to do much, but they are with your forces.

Posted: 2008-03-12 01:50am
by Crossroads Inc.
Update... When dhould I make my Big Mothership arrival post?

Posted: 2008-03-12 07:21am
by Darkevilme
After this battle is resolved probably.

Posted: 2008-03-16 05:49pm
by Crossroads Inc.
And yet,m I have a feeling that might not be for a while >_<

Posted: 2008-03-16 06:44pm
by Darkevilme
Yeah, Nephtys, if you havent posted by tomorrow Kaplan's expedition is assumed destroyed and we will continue without you. This is getting absurd.

Posted: 2008-03-16 10:52pm
by Nephtys
Darkevilme wrote:Yeah, Nephtys, if you havent posted by tomorrow Kaplan's expedition is assumed destroyed and we will continue without you. This is getting absurd.
Eh? I edited in what was going back last sunday. I told you.

Posted: 2008-03-17 04:17am
by Darkevilme
Yes, i've posted since then though. Around monday, it is now monday again.

But seen as you're clearly a very busy person how about cutting this down to one more back and forth and a full damage round (as opposed to two half damage) so Crossroads can turn up on round 3-4.

Posted: 2008-03-18 04:37am
by Darkevilme
Alternately i'm thinking just take it as read that Nephtys's forces take 100 damage and get on with things. So if Nephtys doesnt feel like posting we'll just timeskip to Crossroads arrival if that's fine with her.

Posted: 2008-03-28 10:38pm
by Rogue 9
I'm bored, so it's time to start working on those exploration missions I posted. Tanasinn, you still in?

Posted: 2008-03-28 10:39pm
by Dark Hellion
I am still in as well, I think we lost Academia, thirdfain and cov though.

Posted: 2008-03-28 10:45pm
by Tanasinn
Rogue 9 wrote:I'm bored, so it's time to start working on those exploration missions I posted. Tanasinn, you still in?
I'm still playing here. I've actually been anxious to get back in it. If there's anything we need to cover before posting, I can discuss it here or via PM. I should be free most of this weekend.

Posted: 2008-03-28 11:02pm
by Rogue 9
Essentially, do you have anything in the New Khan system with enough C3 to punch through ten points of stealth on a five point base ship? If not, he's going to poke around to determine what's going on, and then jump to another system. Per the rules, jumping out isn't concealed by stealth (though jumping in is) so if nothing else you should be able to get an idea of what's going on when your systems start reporting anomalous jump readings one after another.

Of course, if you have something that can detect the frigate, it makes things a lot more interesting.

Posted: 2008-03-28 11:05pm
by Ohma
Is it at all possible for a new player to get in the game at this point?

Posted: 2008-03-29 12:27am
by Tanasinn
Rogue 9 wrote:Essentially, do you have anything in the New Khan system with enough C3 to punch through ten points of stealth on a five point base ship? If not, he's going to poke around to determine what's going on, and then jump to another system. Per the rules, jumping out isn't concealed by stealth (though jumping in is) so if nothing else you should be able to get an idea of what's going on when your systems start reporting anomalous jump readings one after another.

Of course, if you have something that can detect the frigate, it makes things a lot more interesting.
If I calculate right, you have 21 points of stealth: I have forces in and around New Khan that approach but don't match that, unfortunately. I've replied to your exploration post with a general planetary overview (the sort of thing almost anyone would know), and an immediate view. Obviously, if your ship is taking more than a glance, you can see the full extent of what's what: mostly more naval ships.
Is it at all possible for a new player to get in the game at this point?
As far as I know, new players can jump in when they feel like it. It's a big galaxy, after all.