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Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 02:13pm
by OmegaChief
No problem with making changes here Shinn, now that I've got a spot of free time I need to speak with you about the Authorities first encounters and history with the Holy Empire adn attendant Micronations.

(Also Scottish Ninja, Esquire and Darkevilme, maybe I'll fire of some PMs tog et thier attention)

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 02:24pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Yeah, I can edit mine too. Just let me know what needs changing (I'm assuming you mean change the wording to reflect the new position). Also, Omega reminded me...anyone who has a particular want to write a first contact thing with Space Sweden, just PM me and we can work out the details. I don't get any PM's so I definitely have the space.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:02pm
by Simon_Jester
I really am a bit uncomfortable about the Anti-Cenintern Pact, guys. I think I'm going to have to be a bit favoritist toward the little guy here, if things get messy...

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:21pm
by Skywalker_T-65
While I can't speak for Shinn or Omega, I'm not going to use the Anti-Ceintern Pact as a way to beat up the little guy. In fact, both OOC and IC, Arcadia is just using it as a way to keep them out of their territory. I'm not going to get in a MEH-Stomp style situation. In point of fact, I wouldn't even attack the Centralists unless they attacked me first.

EDIT: And the same thing goes for anyone else (SPACE VIKINGS included). Arcadia does not attack others, unless they are attacked first. We're the benevolent Space Swedes after all...and don't forget it! :P

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:31pm
by OmegaChief
It's a Defence pact Simon, agreeing that to try and halt the spread of centralism to other nations.

It's not something that's going to turn into something like the MEH-stomp Simon, relax, while I can't speak for Shinn or Skywalker, I'm going to do my darn best to keep what I do in the game fun for everyone.

The Centralism/Anti Centralism pacts could lead to some good old 'caught in the middle' micronation style stories, I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:32pm
by Simon_Jester
Noted. I'm actually quite relaxed about this.

I think I'm still gonna show a bit of favoritism, just because you have a big powerful alliance to back you up if you get in trouble, while Force Lord doesn't. But it won't be anything blatant like HE CONQUERS YOU ALL or bullshit. Just... little stuff. Because having aggressive, dynamic players is good, and I don't want there to be a chilling effect created by one player thinking that if he does anything ambitious he'll get mobbed by three other guys.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:36pm
by OmegaChief
No objection to that at all, fortune should favour the underdog in stories like this after all.

Though I find it hilarious 'Underdog' is being applied to the Centrality of all states.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:39pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Am I the only one who finds it funny that Omega and I said almost the exact same thing? Glad to know we are still on the same page here. :D

And I don't know how much that 'big powerful alliance' is actually going to do. I mean, my Navy is quite a bit weaker than Force Lords. At least in Capital ships...and my Army sucks. The Arcadian Military is very heavily weighted towards defense battles after all, since we don't attack others. Shinn is stronger, but he has Zeon, the Belkans, and the Covvies (with the specter of the Grays) tying down the Holy Empires military. Pretty much the only one of us who has the power to actually take an offensive to the Centralists is Omega, and the Authority is on the other end of the Volscians, who while (relatively) weak make quite a good sized roadblock. So you may be worrying a bit much here Simon. :wink:

EDIT: And I find it funny how 'underdog' equals the Centrality too. Though I actually have a reason to keep an eye on the of my trade partners is the Romulans, and they are a micronation. So I've got someone to protect. Oh, and I also have the SPACE VIKINGS to worry about. Arcadia is the only thing keeping them from attacking everyone in sight. Which could lead to a VIKING-Stomp.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 04:02pm
by Force Lord
Man, all that poking must have riled up something good. :D

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 06:19pm
by Simon_Jester
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:Am I the only one who finds it funny that Omega and I said almost the exact same thing? Glad to know we are still on the same page here. :D

And I don't know how much that 'big powerful alliance' is actually going to do. I mean, my Navy is quite a bit weaker than Force Lords. At least in Capital ships...
So? Points are points are points.
and my Army sucks. The Arcadian Military is very heavily weighted towards defense battles after all, since we don't attack others. Shinn is stronger, but he has Zeon, the Belkans, and the Covvies (with the specter of the Grays) tying down the Holy Empires military. Pretty much the only one of us who has the power to actually take an offensive to the Centralists is Omega, and the Authority is on the other end of the Volscians, who while (relatively) weak make quite a good sized roadblock. So you may be worrying a bit much here Simon. :wink:
I'm not worrying, I'm contingencyplanning.
EDIT: And I find it funny how 'underdog' equals the Centrality too. Though I actually have a reason to keep an eye on the of my trade partners is the Romulans, and they are a micronation. So I've got someone to protect. Oh, and I also have the SPACE VIKINGS to worry about. Arcadia is the only thing keeping them from attacking everyone in sight. Which could lead to a VIKING-Stomp.
The Vikings are also an underdog, and similarly receive favor from Space Odin Noshabkeming some unspecified entity.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 07:19pm
by Skywalker_T-65
I went ahead and posted that Furling Empire prologue. It isn't very long, since I suck at battles, but it should help with the backstory. If anyone wants more posts with the Furlings, just ask and I'll make some more up. Oh, and I don't know what Bastian/Gray ships were capable of at the time this battle took place, so I had to do some guess work. Hopefully it worked out well.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 08:25pm
by Simon_Jester
You don't suck at battles. You just don't write them in loving, descriptive prose-detail.

Trust me, I know. It's fine as a prologue, since you're not really trying to make lasting viewpoint characters of those two.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 09:08pm
by Imperial528
Since we're on the topic of prologues, has anyone read the one I posted? It is supposed to be the first part of a multi-part prologue, but in writing the second part (originally meant to post that weeks ago) I'm starting to have doubts about it.

It's on the first page, by the way.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-02 09:27pm
by Simon_Jester
It's nice and dramatic, although the formatting and punctuation need work.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-03 09:31am
by Skywalker_T-65
Nice to get a vote of confidence. I've always thought writing battles was my weak point, and theres that whole 'You are your worst critic' thing going on. Don't know when (or if) I'll do another Furling prologue post though. Especially considering that I get out of school next Wednesday (last day of High School FTW!). And since I do this on the laptop the school gave me...yeah, I'll only be on once or twice a week at my towns library after I turn this computer in. Just a heads up.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-03 06:50pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Force Lord wrote:*looks up, sees Romulus*

Hey now! They're my trade partners...don't be getting any bright ideas! I must protect the pointy-eared folk from the evils of Centralism! :P

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-03 06:54pm
by Force Lord
Thing is, I have too many to choose, and I can't decide... :(

Ah, the Tyranny of Choice!

EDIT: And here lies one of the Centrality's problems: plenty of Party infighting due to powerful people backing this or that idea and not backing down, at least initially. The Dictator more often that not ends up acting as an arbiter to mediate between bickering subordinates, especially if his own power isn't secure.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-03 07:50pm
by Simon_Jester
Backing this or that idea and not backing down, at least initially, trainwrecks ensuing... naaah, that's not Centrality at all.


Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 12:19pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Hey, a real quick question for anyone who has made their own ship there any free software I can use out there? I'm planning on fixing the old lump of broken metal I call my home computer, and using it to make up some models for my ships (thus making original designs instead of ripping from SG/SW/Halo). I know of stuff like Sketchup, but I don't know where to get it or if its free. And if some of this stuff is download only...would it fit on a flash drive? The aforementioned lump of metal is ancient (by computer terms) and I doubt it would run the internet well, so I'd have to download the software at my towns library.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 01:05pm
by Imperial528
Sketchup's installer will fit on a flashdrive, and it is made by Google, so if you just Google "Sketchup" the download page is the first result.

Anim8tor is another free one, although I think it is a bit dated. There's Wings3D, although I never used it.
You can also try Blender.

Note: Sketchup is a 3d CAD program, so it operates in a radically different manner than the other three programs listed. I personally find it easier to use, but then I was first taught on CAD. Every program I mentioned is free for most functions (Sketchup) or entirely free (The rest).

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 01:14pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Okay then. Thanks for the help, I'll go ahead and try Sketchup first once my desktop is more or less fixed (I doubt it will ever run perfectly). Or alternatively whenever I get the laptop my parents promised for college.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 01:22pm
by Darkevilme
i use Blender for my 3d modelling needs. It's also free..but it has a learning curve that can easily intimidate.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 01:59pm
by Simon_Jester
I'll bear Sketchup in mind, since I have at least limited CAD experience and no 3D modeling experience.

If I didn't have Darkevilme to pester, I'd have tried to represent the Umerian capital ship look in Autodesk. That wouldn't have gone well... ;)

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 06:41pm
by Shinn Langley Soryu
From the rules discussion thread, before it becomes too sidetracked:
Feralgnoll wrote:Muthafucking galaxy better learn to speak crab!
Esquire wrote:Better learn to speak Greek, I believe you mean. Barbalien scum.
Muthafucking crab truckers don't need to speak muthafucking Greek. If anything, as far as the crabs are concerned, you Hellenes and your ilk are the real barbarians.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-05-04 06:45pm
by Force Lord
"I have had enough of these muthafucking crabs, on this muthafucking thread!"


Sorry, but it was too good to pass up.