Strategic Fantasy STGOD

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Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Zor »

One thing that i rather liked was the strategic Fantasy Crossover STGOD that was put up a while ago. So i was thinking about trying to start up a new one. For this reason i was thinking about having a new Strategic Fantasy STGOD. This is a basic sytem i came up with for such an event. There are still gaps, but these can be filled out.

Points-20,000 total

Population (you can not have more than 10% of your population under arms)
Humans-1 Point per 3,000 (20 Marks Tax income)
Dwarves-1 Point per 1,000 (20 Marks Tax income)
Tengu-1 point per 100 (2 Marks taxks income)

Cities (By Default, population is rural, living on farms or small villages, cities are required for production, 4 rural people are in required for every city dweller, City Dwellers produce at least twice as much tax income as their rural counterparts and cities are required for higher end)
2 Points to urbanize 1,000 people of any species

A City of 25,000 can support a drydock for ship construction
A City of 50,000 is required for a cannon foundery
A City of 100,000 yields 25% more taxable income than a smaller city

City Defenses

Palisade walls-1 Point per every 1,000 inhabitants.
Rammed Earth Walls-2 points per 1,000 inhabitants
Stone Walls-3 points per 1,000 inhabitants

Human Soldiers

Starting Prices
Infantry-1 Point per Century (100 men)
Cavalry-10 points per Century

Dwarfish Soldiers

Dwarfish infantry-3 Points per century (Two to three as strong humans on average and more resistant to damage while not eating any more, although humans are better long distance runners and swimmers and have a greater resistance to alcohol)

Tengu (Hi Starglider)

Tengu Warriors-40 points per century (Odd looking Raven/ape like things the general size of a man with beaks and wings allowing flight of speeds up to 80km/h for periods of up to two hours, can not be armored or have shields, need three times the food as a man per day)

Weapons (melee)
Default-Hand tools, Kitchen Knives, clubs and pointy sticks
1 Point: Hatchets, rusty old swords, low quality short spears and daggers
2 Points-Maces, Basic pole arms (Naginata and Yari) and short swords
3 Points: Medium swords (Katanas, Jians, Sabers, Spathas), halberds and battle axes, short sword and Lance
4 Points: Pikes (up to five meters long), Great swords (Dai Katana, Zweihänder), Medium sword and Lance
5 Points-Pike or Great Sword along with secondary medium sword
Special-All soldiers with more than 5 points get a free dagger

Weapons (ranged)
Default-Thrown rocks and Profanity
1-Slings, a few Basic javelins
2-Short Bows, sophisticated Javelins (Pilum)
3-Basic crossbow, thrown firebombs, Matchlock Pistol (Requires Gunpowder)
4-Arbalast Crossbow, Arquebus (Requires Gunpowder), wheel lock pistol
5-Longbow, Composite Bow
Special Rules-Daggers are available to ranged infantry with one or more points, short bows require at least 2 points of training to be effective, longbows at least 4, Melee Soldiers can be equipped with up to three points of ranged weapons (save bows) and vice versa)

Body Armor
1 Point-Basic Cloth and leather armor or a basic iron helmet
2 Points-Cloth Armor and helmet
3 Points-Chainmail shirt or light breastplate and Helmet
4 Points-Chainmail shirt, breastplate and helmet
6 Points-Light Plate Armor (Chainmail, Breastplate, some leg armor, gauntlets and helmet)
8 Points-Full Plate Armor

Horse Armor (Cavalry Only)
2 Points: padded cloth
4 Points: Chainmail
8 Points: Horse Plate armor

Shield (not available to ranged soldiers, save for marked (*) exceptions)
Default-No shield
1 Point-A round plywood shield like those the Vikings used, Wicker Tower shield, Buckler*, Anti-Horse Pointy sticks*
2 Points-Round Metal Shield, Kite Shield
3 Points-Tower Shield, Pavise*

Default-A bunch of random sods gathered up that have been told they are Warriors. Moves against the foe in a disorganized leaderless mob that in battle has a hard time with any command more complex than “Everything in that general direction must DIE!”
1 Point-About a month’s worth of practice and a basic leader can form a shield wall, but still loose cohesion quickly in battle.
2 Points-Several months training, more competent fighters than one point fighters, can volley fire and do a few more formations and maneuvers.
3 Points-A year’s training, more orderly in battle
4 Points-3 years training and seasoned veterans, crack troops calm and organized in battle
5 Points-Eight Years of training, Elite hard as nails fighters.
Special Rule-(Cavalry Training Costs 150% higher, rounded to the nearest digit)

Substandard (minus 25% of point cost)-Will stand and fight for you, so long as they see a reasonable chance of winning. Low esprit de corps, break easily, sometimes switch sides in battle when loosing or outnumbered/outweaponed and steal from the rest of your army frequently. They don’t really like you either. Easily bribed to stand down (half training cost) or switch sides (training cost).
Default-In General willing to fight to the Death, although they are only human. Generally will not defect, but they will often break if overwhelmed and you may see at least some of them switch sides if their forces are broken and there is no alternative. Can be bribed to lay down arms (Training cost) or switch sides (Double training costs).
Fanatics (3 Points infantry, 6 points cavalry)-The loyalty of Fanatics is unquestioned. They will stand their ground and will never break ranks out of fear (Bravado, bloodlust, lack of discipline and so forth are another matter, unbreakable loyalty does not equal discipline). Will respond to any attempt at bribery by the enemy with scorn and possibly stabbing.
Special Rule-(Loyalty does not count towards upkeep)

Backpacks (1 Point)-Issues a century backpacks, can carry 25 kilos each
Saddlebacks (2 points, cavalry only) A set of containers.
Wagon (1 Point per 3)-Provides your Century with three 5 tonne ox wagon. Can be used to defend ranged troops

Aquaphobia (25% off point cost, can not be acquired if you choose fanaticism)-Your soldiers hate water, they can’t swim and they will not voluntarily go onto any category of boat or ship if they will be on it for more than a few minutes.
Marines-(2 Points human, 3 points dwarf, Infantry Only), Marines are perfectly fine serving aboard ships and are experts fighting on them as well. They make halfway decent sailors in their own right, strong swimmers and are good at landing operations.
War Horses (5 Points, cavalry only): Heavily built creatures bred and trained for fighting. Capable of powerful Charges against enemy lines and will bite and stomp enemy soldiers even if the rider has fallen. Allows for another 25 kilos of saddlebacks
Medical Priestess (3 Points)-A small team of a unarmed ladies who are good with medicine with healing psionic powers, very useful for keeping your men alive.

Gunpowder Weapons

To make use of Gunpowder weapons, you need to buy the capacity to produce gunpowder in bulk. The default state is that you can not do so. Capacity to produce enough gunpowder weapons costs 2,500 points. This allows you to produce basic firearms and rockets, for cannons you need cannon founderies (500 points). It takes a few years to develop

Training Cost
1 Mark for every point expended per unit
Yearly upkeep costs 20% of the price minus loyalty


Zorian Praetorian Pikemen
Background Info-The Elite Guard of the Zorian Empire. Hand picked from the most skilled recruits, Praetorians are renowned for their resolve and calm composure in battle and many times have forces of Knights have crashed into a forest of Praetorian Pikes and shattered like a wave upon the rocks.

1 Point (Human Infantry)
5 Points melee weapons (Pike, Katana dagger)
Body Armor 4 Points (Chainmail, Breastplate, Helmet)
Shield-3 Points (Tower Shield)
Training-4 Points (Zorian Guard Pikemen are elite soldiers)
Loyalty-3 Points (Praetorian Pikemen are among the most trusted Soldiers of the Zorian Army that will gladly lay down their lives for their Emperor)
Backpacks-1 Point
15 Wagons-5 points
Marines-2 Points (Pikemen are expected to fight on Zorian Galleys)
Medical Priestess-(3 Points)
Total Point cost per Century-33 Points
Training Cost 30 Gold Marks
6 Marks upkeep per year

Zorian Lancers
Background-Lancers are the primary Cavalry of the Zorian Army, normally recruited from cattle and swine farming families in the southern provinces. Lancers are fast fighters used to out-maneuver enemy infantry formations using their pistols to wear them down and charge enemy formations on their flank, the rear and when they have broken.

10 Points (Human Cavalry)
4 Points Melee weapons (Katana, Lance and Dagger)
3 Points Ranged Weapons (Matchlock Pistol)
Body Armor 3 Points (Breastplate and Helmet)
Horse Armor 2 Points (Cloth armor)
Shield 1 Point (a Light Shield for close quarters combat)
Training 5 Points (level 3) (Effective light cavalry)
Backpacks and saddle packs-3 points
9 Wagons (3 Points)
Total point cost per century 34 Points
Training Cost 34 Gold Marks
6.8 Marks upkeep per year

Zorian Dwarvish Arquebusiers
Background-Dwarves have been brought in for the last few hundred years to Zoria to improve metalworking. While Dwarf immigrants and their children are exempt from conscription, their grandchildren are not and there are some dwarf volunteers. In the last hundred years, an increasing number of Dwarf Centuries have been employed by Zoria, with Arquebusiers being the most common, respectable in both close quarters and at a range.

3 Points (Dwarf Infantry)
3 Points Melee Weapon (A battle axe and a dagger)
4 Points Ranged Weapon (Arquebus)
Body Armor 3 Points (Chainmail and Helmet)
Training 2 Points (Respectably drilled fighters)
Backpacks-1 Point
9 Wagons (3 Points)
Total cost per century 21 Points
Training cost 21 Marks
4.2 Months upkeep per year

So are you guys interested?

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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Starglider »

Shame that last try at 'Fantasy Warlords' didn't actually start. I guess everyone was too busy with SDNWorld XXVII?

The usual question applies, 'how structured'. 'Strategic fantasy' makes me think 'close to an actual wargame'.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Darkevilme »

While Starglider's question is of course important. Another question is why are cannons and galleons not mentioned in the rules except in passing?

I might be interested in getting involved if things are sufficiently loose and flexible. Though we better make sure the game starts at the point everyone wants to play unlike with last game of this ilk.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Zor »

Darkevilme wrote:While Starglider's question is of course important. Another question is why are cannons and galleons not mentioned in the rules except in passing?
As i said this is just a rough system and i have not gotten around to finishing.

Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Darkevilme »

Alrighters now the important questions are the one posed by starglider and the vital one of if we can gather up enough interest for these medieval ish shennanigans to be viable.

Though i have my own less important questions such as:
I'm allowed to draw outside the box set by the rules right? new races and such.
Are we allowed more magic than merely medical priestess's and if so what restrictions are placed on it?

And deficiencies i see in the rules so far:
Rules for boats
Price of artillery
Wagons, they're mentioned but not costed or expounded upon.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Starglider »

Darkevilme wrote:I'm allowed to draw outside the box set by the rules right? new races and such.
You can certainly reskin the existing ones. I am absolutely having my cynataurs back. They were just so cute. I think I still have some sketches of them somewhere.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Darkevilme »

Starglider wrote:
Darkevilme wrote:I'm allowed to draw outside the box set by the rules right? new races and such.
You can certainly reskin the existing ones. I am absolutely having my cynataurs back. They were just so cute. I think I still have some sketches of them somewhere.
And thus another question is added to the list, what the devil are Cynataurs?
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Starglider »

Darkevilme wrote:And thus another question is added to the list, what the devil are Cynataurs?
They are like giant swans, except that there is a humanoid torso in the place of the neck. This is actually a more plausible configuration for a large flying creature than a birdlike humanoid (particularly due to keel depth, also streamlining and weight distribution - sticking wings onto humanoid backs is generally impractical).
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Darkevilme »

Okay i reckon a better way to attract attention to this project and hopefully garner players for it is to have some idea of background. For that reason i present the questions:

Is it set in an alternate version of medieval earth/europe?
Personally i'd vote for an exotic new world geography though that does increase the amount of effort required.

History needs to be provided either from the point of splitting onwards like with the last one and the tomb of Jesus or the history of the new world from whatever major event started the era.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Master_Baerne »

I'd prefer a blank-slate setup, like with the Space STGOD, but I'll bite.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Darkevilme »

Shall we have everyone draw their own part of the map within reason? just as an idea for doing a new earth sorta map as we're two ayes towards that idea already. Alternately we could have someone come up with a map somehow.

Though that does still leave the question of history for the world. But i suppose we could just throw that together once some people start building their nations.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Zor »

Sorry for the Delay, the file got erased earlier this week and there was a lot of things to do this week.



Green Water Ships-(Dhows, Galleys, Galleasses) 1 point per 25 tonnes. Green Water ships are able to fuction well close to the coast, but are ill suited to the open ocean.
Blue water Ships-(Junks, Longships, Galleons) 2 points per 25 Tonnes. Well suited to the open ocean and better able to take storms.

Note-I am willing to take some suggestions on ship classes.

Oars: Galleys, Galleasses and Longships have oars. Oars allow a greater deal of maneuverability and short linier speed, but take up space and volume and require rowers.

Masts-Ships under 250 tonnes have a single mast as a default, those over 250 tonnes get two masts as a default. Each Additional mast costs 15 points.

Crews (Point costs for combat related material are the same as for infantry, although sailors can not make use of shields or bows, can not buy logistics or special infantry traits and are limited to level 3 ranged weapons, combat training and armor)

1 Point per hundred

Galley Slaves-(50% off) Galley Slaves are the cheapest method of manning the oars. Kept chained up in squalor to row the ship under threat of the lash and barely fed, Galley Slaves will keep a ship moving, but in battle they will not fight against borders unless you are loosing, in which case they will generally lash out against their masters.
Default-Free Rowers, volunteers which have signed up to serve as rowers in exchange for rations, alcohol and possibly a few items of loot after battle. Will fight to defend their ship.
2 Points-Professional Rowers, Drilled and disciplined free rowers that work for actual wages. Gives you a speed advantage.

Humans-2 Point per 100
Dwarves-6 Points per 100

Sailing Quality
Default-Random press ganged sods that have only the most basic understanding of how to operate a ship and generally need supervision to avoid disaster.
1-Some people who know the basics of sailing, but are still novices compared to more experienced seamen.
3-Respectable mariners which are more than capable of operating a ship well, but are still not the best.
5-Elite Crews, if you want to sail around the world, these are the men you want. Top notch, good swimmers

Naval Officers
Human-10 Points per 100
Dwarves-15 Points per 100
Officers keep a ship working properly, keep records organize things and serve as the brains of the outfit. If you man your fleet with press ganged sods, it will be the officers which keep them from capsizing the ship before the leave sight of port. For the best effect a ratio of one officer per 10 sailors or 15 rowers works well.

Non Gunpowder Weapons

Ballista-(3 Points) a large repeating crossbow used to shish kebab people on enemy ships and grab hold of them using harpoons and windlasses
Corvus-(5 points) a specially designed ramp with claw used to make boarding actions a whole lot easier
Ramming prow-(10 Points), a heavy bronze ram for crashing into the hulls of enemy ships
Flame Thrower-(50 Points): A device that shoots out pressurized flammable liquids out of a forward nosel with a range of about 30 meters. Please note that having such a device means that you have substantial reservoir of highly combustible liquid onboard. Requires a crew of fifteen.
Fire Trebuchet-(100 Points, limit one per ship): A Trebuchet on a rotating base that fires ceramic jaws of pitch or Greek Fire with burning oily rags wrapped around them.
Gill Tar-(5 points) your ship is equipped with a supply of a black oily liquid which has the notable feature of being highly irritable for anything which has gills, with prolonged exposure being deadly. Useful for repelling underwater attackers

Gunpowder Weapons
Swivel Guns (1 Point each)-Small breach loading cannon mounted on rotating bases.
1 point per every kilogram of caliber until 12 kilos
2 points per every kilogram of caliber above 12kilos
Blasting Petards-(10 points) A supply of small explosives for killing underwater attackers via shockwaves.

Wind Mage (5 Points) Wind Mages are magic users with aerokinetic abilities, thus allowing sailing ships to generate their own wind for moving. This is somewhat taxing and wind mages can at best keep it up for three or four hours a day.
Hydromancer (20 Points) Hydromancers are Hydrokinetic magic users. Their abilities include being able to create waves that can push away ships, form chunks of ice up to 2 meters in diameter (doing so takes about a minute to do and doing more than a few in a hours time drains them) and remove salt from seawater.
Medical Priestesses-(3 points)
Launch-(1 Point each) A 5 meter long rowboat. Useful for landings and escaping sinking ships.
Iron plating (1 point per 5 tonnes of default weight), gives your ships an iron roof similar to Korean Turtle ships.

Ship Building
Drydock-(50 Points) A dedicated Drydock which builds ships at a rate of a week per 10 tonnes. Requires a city with a population of 25,000 people. Each additional Drydock requires another 25,000 people per city.
Assembly Yard-(250 points) similar to the Shipyards of Venice, an Assembly Yard is capable of producing standardized ships up to 200 tonnes at a rate of one per day. Requires a city with a population of at least 100,000



Zorian second class sailors
Second class sailors make up the bulk of the Zorian Navy.

Human Sailors (2 Points)
Seamanship 3 Points
Melee Weapons 2 Points (Naginata and Gladii)
Ranged Weapons 3 points (Crossbows and Matchlock pistols)
Armor 1 Point (helmet)
Combat Training 1 point (A few basic drills and lessons, but nothing fancy)
Total Cost: 12 Points
Training Costs 12 marks
Total cost 2.4 marks a year

Zorian Naval Officers
Human Naval officers (10 Points)
Melee Weapons 3 Points (Katanas)
Ranged Weapons 3 points (Crossbows and Matchlock pistols)
Armor 3 Point (helmet and breastplate)
Combat Training 1 point (A few basic drills and lessons, but nothing fancy)
Loyalty-Fanatics (3 Points)
Total Cost: 23 Points
Training Costs 23 points
Total cost per year 4 marks


Zorian War Galley
Background Info: Produced in bulk, War Galleys are the backbone of the Azure Sea Fleet of the Zorian Empire. Easy to produce, maneuverable and cheap, war galleys can devastate the ships of more primitive powers via cannonade.
Weight 150 Points (5 Points)
100 Free Rowers (1 Point)
50 second class sailors (6 points)
12 Officers (3.32 Points)
Medical priestesses (3 points)
Ramming Prow-(10 Points)
Gill Tar 5 Points
Four swivel guns (4 Points)
Four 6 kilo cannons (24 points) forward mounted
One 12 kilo cannon (12 points) forward mounted
Total Point Cost (Crew Included) 73.32Points
Cost (Crew not included) 60 Points
Construction cost 60 marks
Yearly Upkeep of 12 marks
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Darkevilme »

Crunchy crunchy system you got there Zor. I'm willing to deal with it(i once used gurps vehicles) but i dunno about the other potential players who i assume are waiting and watching till we get our act together, they might be put off but who knows.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Zor »

Darkevilme wrote:Crunchy crunchy system you got there Zor. I'm willing to deal with it(i once used gurps vehicles) but i dunno about the other potential players who i assume are waiting and watching till we get our act together, they might be put off but who knows.
I plan on using the World approach to combat, Pikemen are good against cavalry and people write about how their forces will deal with Pikemen. It does not mean that pikemen have a +15 attack bonus against mounted foes. This system is for determining the crunchy matters like how many soldiers you have and what type they are.

Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by OmegaChief »

Hey, if you were looking for enough players to actually get going with this I'd love to give a STGOD a try they seem like much fun, a fair bit of work, bu much fun.
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

OK. I tend toward making complicated rules, but this is waaaaaay the fuck too complicated for a board playable game. I am currently working on a ruleset which is much less difficult to work with. Will probably post it to its own thread once finished. Though it wont be fantasy. I am going for gritty medieval realism ;)
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Re: Strategic Fantasy STGOD

Post by SapphireFox »

Having never played one before this one makes me curious and If you are willing to deal with an epic noob on the subject I would be willing to take a crack at it.
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