[AVOGARDO] Moron boy's ignorant ravings

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Post by AVOGARDO »

Wyrm wrote:The detection of a photon is interpreted by your brain as a barely-visible flash of light. Therefore, a photon looks like a teeny-tiny, barely-visible flash of light, because that's what it is. Of course, then it's gone because you absorbed the thing to detect it.

There. I've described it. Your witness.

See above. You do sense gravitons by virtue of your graviton detector being designed to detect and measure them, the same way your eye sense photons by virtue of photoreceptor cells being able to detect and measure them. You seeing the hot babe when you detect her image is a mental trick; that's why photography works.

Or are you so isolated that you haven't seen Brittany Spears' bald coochie?
This is my next but last attempt:

Your brain is not able to interpret the interatcion of only one photon with your retina. And even if it would be, your brain would only interpret this interaction. You haven't seen the photon itself.

For you can't see a photon, which fly in your field of vision but doesn't go to your retina or isn't still gone in your retina, even if it wouldn't fly with lightspeed and even if you would be able to see such a small object at all.

To see it, another photon, which then fly in your eye, would have to interacted with the first photon first. But photons usually don't interact among each other

For this, you can't ever get a picture of a photon with your eyes only.

If you haven't understand this, I don't know, how to explain it to you.
Maybe you deliberately pretend, that you doesn't understand me.
Or maybe, you doesn't understand me, cause you are to dump.
Or maybe, you doesn't understand me, cause I use the wrong terms and definitions.

Maybe you should ask Mike to explain it. I do not think much of him, but I think, he would be able to explain it to you.

If he has another opinion, I answere him.

Because the kinds of radiation we're familiar with do not behave like the radiation Fed ships use to probe other vessels. It's obvious that something else we don't know is at work. That we posit that this radiation is subspace radiation is a reasonable hypothesis based on the fact that subspace displays FTL properties (giving Fed ships the ability to detect things at FTL ranges), and the prevalence of subspace devices aboard Fed ships.


To answer briefly, no.

To answer somewhat less briefly, hell no!

Gravitions, as they are theorized to exist, are completely consistent with general relativity. Part of being consistent with general relativity is that there are no influences that exceed the speed of light. Period. This means that gravitational influences and radiation do not, on the large scale, either do not propagate through subspace at all, or propagating through subspace is no shortcut.

Proposing anything else causes the causal structure of the universe to break down. While we assume subspace radiation has mechanisms to prevent breakdown of causality, given that subspace interactions are unambiguously FTL, we do not propose the same for gravitation.
You know, that all known kind of radiation consist of particels too. That is a central concept of quantum mechanics: Every kind of radiation has properties of particels as well as properties of waves.

If you say, that there is some kind of subspace radiation, which doesn't consist of particels too, you would violate this concept. With your words, it would causes the causal structure of the universe to break down.

You could explain it, if you would say, that this concept doesn't apply to subspace, as you do.

But than, there is no reason, to assume, that gravitons, which are only another particel, which existence is hypothesized only because this concept of quantum mechanics, could not exist in subspace.
If I'm reading you right, you've gone from detecting the gravitions themselves at FTL ranges, which is impossible to detecting the effect of the mass's gravitational field on subspace radiation distorting as it goes through the field, but you're still detecting a return signal from your outgoing subspace radation emissions, and inferring the properties of the mass by that return signal.
To be honest, I haven't undestand this sentence. I'm not used to read such long sentences without a comma between every thought. That is in the German not usual, as you can maybe see by the many commas, I set. And I even try to reduce my commas cause I know, that it is unussaly in English to set commas like in German. But in your sentence, I can't find, where one thought end and another thought start. Maybe you try it again.
To this, we add one of Mad's points, which is that the gravitational interaction is a very feeble force, somewhere south of 10^{-40} of the strength of the electromagnetic force... very difficult to detect for even large masses. Furthermore, even assuming you can detect gravitational forces, the influence of gravitation drops off by the distance-squared. That means that if I'm standing 1 m away from you, my gravitational influence on you is more than Mars. When you get to objects as small as ships at distances comparable to Mars, you're getting into VERY TINY influences [...]
I haven't denied, that the gravitational interaction is a very feeble force. I know that. It is even the smallest of the four fundamental interactions.

And I know, that it would be difficult to detect gravitation or rather its gravitons in a passive way. But it is the future and I don't see, why it would be impossible, that they have developed a method. It is not impossible in theory, but only difficult.

It is not impossible to develop a superluminal propulsion in theory. There are several concepts, who would allow that without violating the theory of relativity. But it would be very very difficult and would need in almost all concepts huge amounts of energy. By far more, than the Enterprise would be able to "generate" by a reaction of Deuterium with antideuterium with reasonable amounts. But they have solved the problem someway.
[...] indeed to get swamped by lovely instrument noise. Thus, DW's proverbial crewman fart.
You would know your own mass. And only that and maybe your own velocity, from which you can calculate your - by this velocityy increased mass, is important The proverbial crewman fart wouldn't change the mass of the ship. The gases are only not in the crewman anymore.
Some EM interferences doesn't interact with gravitation or rather gravitons.
Okay, lets assume, by magic, that you have accounted for the passing of gas by your crewmen, and all of the known bodies in range. Now, you have a number of ships exerting gravitational influences on you, and your task is to determine the masses of those ships. Now you've run into a new snag, which is that the problem I gave you, even when the number of ships are known, is unidentified. To answer the question of these ships' masses, you need a lot more information: you would need to know the positions of the ships, and the ratio of the ships' masses to each other. Only then does the problem become solvable. But if you've gotten that far...
I have already said several times, that you always need more than one variable to calculate another variable. That is absolutely normal. You bring the same argument, that has Mad brought already. But, as Mad too, you ignore, that I have already answered this argument.

If you have a pull, you can only determine its direction and its force.
If there would be another source of gravitation, it would sum up to a lightly changed pull. The pull of a source of gravitation would increase, the more its source get near to you (or you to it.) Thus you can determine the velocity throug the increasing force of the pull, if you assume, that the source doesn't change its own mass.
If you would change your position to the axis of both sources, and the position of one source, for example the position of one planet, is known to you, you can determine the positon of the second source.
If the source of the gravitation is flying with a constant velocity in one direction, you can determine with the change of the pulls direction its course.

The same work with several sources, if you have only enough other known variables to cancel out these sources.

But if you have nothing but a not changing pull, you have only the direction of this pull and its force. That is undoubted correct.

Thus, the problem is only, to detect this tiny changes in direction and force of the pull of gravitation.

But that would only be a problem, if you would detect gravitation passive.

If they could detect graviton particles with an active sensor signal, they would have more informations than only a pull. These gravitons doesn't interact among each other. For this, the gravitons would fly from each source of gravitation omnidirectional in a direct course and you could detect angles, where the gravitons of two sources cross their courses. With these angles and the change in this angles, when the sources change their positions to each other, you could determine the exact position of each source without the need to change your own position too.
You could even determine the position directly, if you are able to detect gravitons activly and thus have the course of these, which emanate from one source. You would get a sensor reading similar to a star with beams from its center.
With the amount of gravitons, which are flying from each single source, you can determine the mass, even if you aren't able to cancel out the different influences on the pull, you could sense, anymore.
Who says the Crystiline Entity communicates with its own kind with gravition signals? Even if it did, what makes you think they use graviton emissions to find each other?
Why else would the Crew of the Enterprise assume, that they could communicate with it in this way?
Cpt. Picard wrote: I will make every effort to communicate
If we can determine what its needs
are, we might find other sources
to supply it...
If it isn't its form of communication, they would have to develop a total new language, based on this new and total unfamiliar way. Imagine, you would try to communicate with another being only by giving it and receiving from it electric shocks. That is not the kind of language, in which your mind is used to thinking. And now imagine, that this other being has even a total other structur of its mind. It has not a human mind.
You would need very much time to etablish a language, complex enough to determine, what its needs.
And that require, that the Crystalline Entity is willing, to learn to communicate with you in this strange way at all. It would be strange for it, if it doesn't communicate in this way at first. And its mind would have to adapt itself to this new and unfamiliar form of communication.
No universal translator could help at first.
It could only help at once, if it has only to learn an already etablished language.
Tus, the attempt, to communicate with it in this way is only comprehensible, if they have assumed, that this is the method of communication for the Crystalline Entity at all.

And if they communicate in this way, it would be likely, like all other naturally developed kinds of communicaion, an omnidirectional communication. If it wouldn't be, their would be no real chance, that they would be able to find its own kind in deep space.
It was close enough for the Enterprise to detect in a general way, if not very precisely. If they can pin it within a few light hours from their position, then it's sensible to use graviton radiation to signal it.
But they have said, that they didn't know its exact whereabouts. The have only known, that it was between the Enterprise and the Brechtian Cluster. As far as they have known, it could have been five lightyears away.
Otherwise, they're fucking dumb (but that's not new).
But maybe they aren't so dumb.

at warp.

Captain's Log, stardate 45125.7.
We are still in pursuit of the
Crystalline Entity.Data and
Doctor Marr are prepared to
attempt communication with the
being when we intercept it. I
will admit to some uncertainty
about the prospect... it could
prove to be a scientific
triumph... or a catastrophe.


Picard, Riker, Troi, Worf; Data and Doctor Marr at an
aft science station; Geordi at the other;

Sir, the Brechtian Cluster is now
five light years away.

Are we still picking up the
Entity's pattern?

Yes, Commander. But sensors do
not yet have a lock on its exact

Captain, we are reasonably certain
it's between here and the
Brechtian Cluster. If I start
emitting the graviton beam now,
it may act as a lure... a kind
of beacon.

Make it so.

Marr and Data begin keying controls.

STAR TREK: "Silicon Avatar" - 7/31/91 - ACT FIVE 51.


We'll start with a pulse width
of five nanoseconds, frequency
one pulse per second.

Commencing graviton emission

There is a brief silence, as all on the bridge wait
tensely for results.

No change in the sensor readings.

Let's ramp the frequency.

Emissions now at ten pulses per

Again, the charged silence. Then, Worf reacts to
something on his controls.


What is it? Do you have

A large mass... approaching at
warp speed...

Full stop. Doctor Marr, continue
emitting your signal. On screen,
Mister Worf.
The Enterprise was at warp in pursuit of the Crystalline Entity, when they have started to send the pulses. And then, the Crystalline Entity was approaching at warp speed.

<snip shit we already know about clusters>
However, a five light year diameter cluster [...]
If you would know this >> shit << already about clusters, you would know, that there is no way, that the Brechtian Cluster, which contains at least two inhabited planets and thus could only be an open cluster, could not have a diameter from only five lightyears. That would be only two, maximal three planetary systems side by side. But a open cluster concists of far more stars.
Depends on how fast you sweep it. It's not humanly possible to cover a 5.41 steradian solid angle with a laser pointer, but then again, there's no guy down in the emitter suite steering this beam by hand, is there?


Again, depends on how fast you sweep the beam, and how sensitive the entity is to time. It may be able to see a beam pulsing up to 100 times a second as distinct pulses, but a beam rastering past it 10 billion times per second as a continuous beam, the same way the electron beam of a television sweeps the entire screen thirty times per second, but we perceive it as a continous picture.

If you would sweep a beam, the duration of its contact to the target would shorten the more away the target is, up to the point, that it would have contact to the target only such a short duration, that it would highly unlikely, that a creature would be able to sense it. You have to consider, that we doesn't speak of some thousands kilometers, but lightyears.

Sure, it could be possible, that the Crystalline Entity could sense it anyway. But it would be unlikely.
All these problems disappear, of course, when the beam is set wide.
Of course, but that wouldn't be a beam in a classical sense. A typical definition of beam is:

A narrow, propagating stream of particles or energy.

The only applicable definitions from Merriam Webster online are:
2a) a ray or shaft of light or
2b) a collection of nearly parallel rays (as X rays) or a stream of particles (as electrons)
2c) a constant directional radio signal transmitted for the guidance of pilots; also : the course indicated by a radio beam

A beam with 53° of arc wouldn't usually considered a beam. And the angle would have to be greater, if you consider, that the Brechtian Cluster can't have a diameter of only five light years.
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Post by Batman »

the guacamole ingredient wrote: With a sensor beam, there would be no reflection, if the sensor beam doesn't hit the target.
All its intensity, which would increase the more the beam is focused, wouldn't help it.
No shit Sherlock. Did you work that out all by yourself?
An enlarged angle would decrease the intensity, but arise the chance to hit the target.
If it would be an omnidirectional sensor signal, it would be the weakest, but it would hit the target absolutely.
And the intensity of the return signal would be so low as to be undetectable. Oops.
If you would sweep your sensor signal, the duration of its contact to the target would shorten the more away the target is, up to the point, that it would have contact to the target only such a short duration, that your own instruments wouldn't be able to register a reflection, which would be just as short.
You DO realize that that's EXACTLY the way radar works, right?
And you have to consider, that we doesn't speak of some thousands kilometers, but lightyears.
Meaning the strength of the return signal drops from undetectable to for all practical purposes zero. Yea, a sensor signal that will always hit the target and never get back to you so you actually know about it is eminently useful.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
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Post by Batman »

Hey, you know what, let's assume Avocado's active FTL detection of gravitons actually WORKS.
Congratulations! You are now, at interstellar ranges, unable to tell the mass of a target in realtime because all of the problems Mad showed up still persist, only know you can't solve them for targets farther away right now. That's certainly useful.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

*reads Av's latest post*

ouch. Blood... out my ears...

not good.
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Post by SirNitram »

You think he realizes a stream of particles(PArticularly the example of electrons) will spread quite wide?
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Post by KrauserKrauser »

So like when a phaser is set to wide beam, it's no longer a beam, even though they call it a beam?

Head asplod?
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Post by Batman »

Avocado wrote:SNIPPY
I'll let Wyrm deal with this garbage.
Gravitions, as they are theorized to exist, are completely consistent with general relativity. Part of being consistent with general relativity is that there are no influences that exceed the speed of light. Period. This means that gravitational influences and radiation do not, on the large scale, either do not propagate through subspace at all, or propagating through subspace is no shortcut.
Proposing anything else causes the causal structure of the universe to break down. While we assume subspace radiation has mechanisms to prevent breakdown of causality, given that subspace interactions are unambiguously FTL, we do not propose the same for gravitation.
You know, that all known kind of radiation consist of particels too.
That is a central concept of quantum mechanics: Every kind of radiation has properties of particels as well as properties of waves.
If you say, that there is some kind of subspace radiation, which doesn't consist of particels too, you would violate this concept.
As they move FTL subspace waves ALREADY violate our understanding of physics so this point is hogwash.
With your words, it would causes the causal structure of the universe to break down.
They would already do so by moving FTL anyway.
You could explain it, if you would say, that this concept doesn't apply to subspace, as you do.
But than, there is no reason, to assume, that gravitons, which are only another particel, which existence is hypothesized only because this concept of quantum mechanics, could not exist in subspace.
Why don't you show they a) can, b) do and c) make one iota's bit of difference as all them doing so is increase the realtime range at which you are incapable of determining the mass of an object that way.
If I'm reading you right, you've gone from detecting the gravitions themselves at FTL ranges, which is impossible to detecting the effect of the mass's gravitational field on subspace radiation distorting as it goes through the field, but you're still detecting a return signal from your outgoing subspace radation emissions, and inferring the properties of the mass by that return signal.
To be honest, I haven't undestand this sentence. I'm not used to read such long sentences without a comma between every thought. That is in the German not usual, as you can maybe see by the many commas, I set.
There were three commas in that sentence you lying shit and incidentally your grammar would be abhorrent in german. Hint: Punctiuation in PROPER english and PROPER german don't differ all that much.
And I even try to reduce my commas cause I know, that it is unussaly in English to set commas like in German.
That would be a lot more convincing if you weren't actually using MORE commas than is proper in german.
But in your sentence, I can't find, where one thought end and another thought start. Maybe you try it again.
Maybe you just report to the closest mental asylum and have then put you in a padded room. That sentence would have been perfectly understandable with the same sentence structure had it been german.
To this, we add one of Mad's points, which is that the gravitational interaction is a very feeble force, somewhere south of 10^{-40} of the strength of the electromagnetic force... very difficult to detect for even large masses. Furthermore, even assuming you can detect gravitational forces, the influence of gravitation drops off by the distance-squared. That means that if I'm standing 1 m away from you, my gravitational influence on you is more than Mars. When you get to objects as small as ships at distances comparable to Mars, you're getting into VERY TINY influences [...]
I haven't denied, that the gravitational interaction is a very feeble force. I know that. It is even the smallest of the four fundamental interactions.

And I know, that it would be difficult to detect gravitation or rather its gravitons in a passive way. But it is the future and I don't see, why it would be impossible, that they have developed a method. It is not impossible in theory, but only difficult.
Why don't you show us that it is done, then.
[...] indeed to get swamped by lovely instrument noise. Thus, DW's proverbial crewman fart.
You would know your own mass. And only that and maybe your own velocity, from which you can calculate your - by this velocityy increased mass, is important[/quote]
What velocity increased mass? Besides, we know Warp field screw with the mass of the surrounded object, who says they do so in a determinable manner? Plus you have to account for the gravitons generated by your artificial gravity...
Some EM interferences doesn't interact with gravitation or rather gravitons.
Evidence. Photons are affected by gravity.
Okay, lets assume, by magic, that you have accounted for the passing of gas by your crewmen, and all of the known bodies in range. Now, you have a number of ships exerting gravitational influences on you, and your task is to determine the masses of those ships. Now you've run into a new snag, which is that the problem I gave you, even when the number of ships are known, is unidentified. To answer the question of these ships' masses, you need a lot more information: you would need to know the positions of the ships, and the ratio of the ships' masses to each other. Only then does the problem become solvable. But if you've gotten that far...
I have already said several times, that you always need more than one variable to calculate another variable. That is absolutely normal. You bring the same argument, that has Mad brought already. But, as Mad too, you ignore, that I have already answered this argument.
Except your answer was incorrect, which Mad pointed out, which you predictably ignored. You can know all their positions and velocities and you STILL cannot determine their mass via their gravity.
Thus, the problem is only, to detect this tiny changes in direction and force of the pull of gravitation.
Assuming there are any within the detection limits of your sensors. Just for the record you DO know the mass difference between a star and a ship, yes? And that's discounting AMRE.
But that would only be a problem, if you would detect gravitation passive.
If they could detect graviton particles with an active sensor signal, they would have more informations than only a pull.
Why? Because you say so? All that gets you is the gravitational pull at a different location than yours. You know know that, were you 2.7 lightyears to your starboard bow, you'd STILL be incapable to tell the masses of targets from their gravity.
These gravitons doesn't interact among each other. For this, the gravitons would fly from each source of gravitation omnidirectional in a direct course and you could detect angles, where the gravitons of two sources cross their courses.
Why? Because you say so? Besides, tell me how far that graviton travelled. You can't? How do you know how far away it's source is?
With these angles and the change in this angles, when the sources change their positions to each other, you could determine the exact position of each source without the need to change your own position too.
Assuming you can actually detect the direction the graviton is travelling, for which you as usual provide no evidence, which doesn't help you one bit without knowing how far the graviton traveled, and again ignoring that there will be about 1E274 gravitons emitted by stellar bodies for every one emanating from a ship. Not that I expect you to understand that.
You could even determine the position directly, if you are able to detect gravitons activly and thus have the course of these
And the ability to do so you have shown where?
which emanate from one source.
No they don't. They emanate from a source SOMEWHERE along that vector unless you can tell how far they've come. Of course you're no doubt going to claim you can do that, too.
You would get a sensor reading similar to a star with beams from its center.
No you wouldn't because you wouldn't have the foggiest where that center is. Or that it is actually the center in the first place.
With the amount of gravitons, which are flying from each single source,
Which you can't tell apart thanks to having no clue how far that graviton has come,
you can determine the mass, even if you aren't able to cancel out the different influences on the pull, you could sense, anymore.
Complete hogwash. Even IF you are able to tell the vector of the graviton (for the ability of your system to do you have as usual provided no evidence whatsoever) that doesn't tell you beans about how far it has come, which means you don't know the source.
And if they communicate in this way, it would be likely, like all other naturally developed kinds of communicaion, an omnidirectional communication. If it wouldn't be, their would be no real chance, that they would be able to find its own kind in deep space.
Explicit mention of a graviton beam. You lose. And the vast majority of communication methods do their level best to NOT be omnidirectional because guess what, when it is, EVERYBODY can hear it, not just the ones you're talking to.
It was close enough for the Enterprise to detect in a general way, if not very precisely. If they can pin it within a few light hours from their position, then it's sensible to use graviton radiation to signal it.
But they have said, that they didn't know its exact whereabouts. The have only known, that it was between the Enterprise and the Brechtian Cluster. As far as they have known, it could have been five lightyears away.
Or it could be sitting right on top of them and their sensors just suck.
The distance is less than 5 ly. That's ALL we know. YOU claim it was out of lightspeed communications range, YOU show how far away it was.
Otherwise, they're fucking dumb (but that's not new).
But maybe they aren't so dumb.
at warp.
Captain's Log, stardate 45125.7.
We are still in pursuit of the
Crystalline Entity.Data and
Doctor Marr are prepared to
attempt communication with the
being when we intercept it. I
will admit to some uncertainty
about the prospect... it could
prove to be a scientific
triumph... or a catastrophe.
Picard, Riker, Troi, Worf; Data and Doctor Marr at an
aft science station; Geordi at the other;
Sir, the Brechtian Cluster is now
five light years away.
Are we still picking up the
Entity's pattern?
Yes, Commander. But sensors do
not yet have a lock on its exact
Captain, we are reasonably certain
it's between here and the
Brechtian Cluster. If I start
emitting the graviton beam now,
it may act as a lure... a kind
of beacon.
Make it so.
Marr and Data begin keying controls.
STAR TREK: "Silicon Avatar" - 7/31/91 - ACT FIVE 51.
We'll start with a pulse width
of five nanoseconds, frequency
one pulse per second.
Commencing graviton emission
There is a brief silence, as all on the bridge wait
tensely for results.
No change in the sensor readings.
Let's ramp the frequency.
Emissions now at ten pulses per
Again, the charged silence. Then, Worf reacts to
something on his controls.
What is it? Do you have
A large mass... approaching at
warp speed...
Full stop. Doctor Marr, continue
emitting your signal. On screen,
Mister Worf.
The Enterprise was at warp in pursuit of the Crystalline Entity, when they have started to send the pulses. And then, the Crystalline Entity was approaching at warp speed.
Yes, I'm thrilled. You will now show me the line that states even the approximate distance between the Big E and the Crytalline Entity.
Sure, it could be possible, that the Crystalline Entity could sense it anyway. But it would be unlikely.
I like it how you show evidence for that. Especially as we haven't the foggiest how far away the CE actually was.
All these problems disappear, of course, when the beam is set wide.
A beam with 53° of arc wouldn't usually considered a beam.[/quote]
Yes it would by anybody who actually understands what a beam is. Besides it doesn't HAVE to be that wide, they can sweep the beam. You know like they do with modern day radar.
And the angle would have to be greater, if you consider, that the Brechtian Cluster can't have a diameter of only five light years.
The cluster is five light years wide. They say so and as your understanding of physics leave alone astrophysics is so abysmal as to be inexistent I'll take their word over yours until you provide some EVIDENCE that it can't be.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Post by Wyrm »

AVOCADO wrote:Your brain is not able to interpret the interatcion of only one photon with your retina. And even if it would be, your brain would only interpret this interaction. You haven't seen the photon itself.
Then you can't see, period. The point has whizzed past the wrinkly green scrotum of the Jolly Green Giant you use as a head, which is that all sensing is inference. A pattern of photons corresponding to a tree looks exactly like a tree, because the sensation of seeing a tree results from receiving a pattern of photons corresponding to that tree. Therefore, even if the tree isn't really there, the same pattern of photons will still look like the tree.

The tree is never "seen"; it's presence is only inferred from the fact that you have seen it's pattern of visible photons.
AVOCADO wrote:For you can't see a photon, which fly in your field of vision but doesn't go to your retina or isn't still gone in your retina, even if it wouldn't fly with lightspeed and even if you would be able to see such a small object at all.
You see the photon when it interacts with your retina. If it doesn't interact with your retina, of course you're not going to see it, but "seeing" is predicated on the object of study interacting with your retina. You don't see a tree unless it's illuminated with light, either. But to conclude that therefore the tree doesn't look like anything is just dishonesty.
AVOCADO wrote:You know, that all known kind of radiation consist of particels too. That is a central concept of quantum mechanics: Every kind of radiation has properties of particels as well as properties of waves.

If you say, that there is some kind of subspace radiation, which doesn't consist of particels too, you would violate this concept. With your words, it would causes the causal structure of the universe to break down.
Don't try to catch me in my own arguments. You don't do it very well.

We have yet to find a way around the difficulties that FTL causes bog-standard theories like general relativity, and therefore we conclude these theories do not allow FTL travel. However, the ST universe manifestly has FTL in the form of subspace effects: the communications techology in the Federation is based on subspace radio. Obviously, the causal structure of the ST universe has not broken down. Thus, we are forced into the conclusion that subspace quantum mechanics has mechanisms to keep the causal structure of the ST universe coherent.

Not so with the gravitational interaction. We never see any FTL influences by way of the gravitational interaction, or indeed, any interaction we know of today. Gravitons traveling through subspace at FTL speeds would cause FTL interactions, which we just don't see. Parsimony tells us that, if we don't see FTL interactions, it is because gravitons cannot travel at FTL speeds by any means. Once you've shucked the possibility that gravitaion can produce FTL effects, you may then in turn shuck any mechanism that would preserve causal structure in FTL interactions.
AVOCADO wrote:But than, there is no reason, to assume, that gravitons, which are only another particel, which existence is hypothesized only because this concept of quantum mechanics, could not exist in subspace.
So, just because these particles are made up, you can ascribe any property at all to them? Why don't we ascribe any property at all to some funky Miracle Particle that takes care of all the Federation's sci-fi needs?

Zap it with electricity ➔ you can travel FTL.
Heat it up ➔ you can communicate FTL.
Apply it to the skin ➔ cures light wounds.
Pour gravy on it ➔ it becomes roast beef.

Gravitons are made-up particles, but they are hypothesized to be the exchange bosons responsible for gravitation and are compliant with general relativity. This latter requirement forbids them from having any FTL properties at all. End of story.
AVOCADO wrote:To be honest, I haven't undestand this sentence.
I'll try again:

You have retreated from your position in the face of being unable to defend it, but not told us that you have done so. (This is called "moving the goalposts.")

It is impossible to detect gravitons at FTL distances. You had claimed that this was possible, but by the way gravitons are hypothesized, this is impossible. Instead, you have silently retreated to the following position: Fed ships detect gravity fields by subspace radiation interacting with gravitons in the field. Subspace radiation passing through the field would distort it, and the Fed ship would detect this distortion in the return echo. This would allow the Fed ship to deduce the mass of the ship.

Now, the point of this tirade is that we are still infering the mass of the ship through its effects on the subspace echo. This has been DW overriding point.
AVOCADO wrote:But it is the future and I don't see, why it would be impossible, that they have developed a method. It is not impossible in theory, but only difficult.
Detections are only useful if you can distinguish the signal from background. This background is not only the predictable influence of known objects, but also involves random noise. This noise has many sources, from stray gravitational influences from very far off objects, to the noise inherent in your own detector. These are fundamental limitations: if the strength of the signal is on par with the random noise (some of which are fundamental limitations), then you must observe for a long time so that you can average out that noise. (This is why, even with CCDs (which catches just about every incident photon), astronomers still have to reserve large blocks of time on big telescopes and use them to stare at the same section of sky for hours to catch faint objects.
AVOCADO wrote:It is not impossible to develop a superluminal propulsion in theory. There are several concepts, who would allow that without violating the theory of relativity. But it would be very very difficult and would need in almost all concepts huge amounts of energy. By far more, than the Enterprise would be able to "generate" by a reaction of Deuterium with antideuterium with reasonable amounts. But they have solved the problem someway.
All of the exotic metrics proposed in general relativity to travel FTL are either manifestly not what Fed ships use (wormholes, for example, are not in widespread use), in absolute terms cost far too much energy (ST power generation is not teh uber), or are simply unconstructible (the construction of an Alcubierre metric, for instance, seems to require exotic matter to move at FTL speeds... an obvious problem).

The Federation solved the FTL problem. It is very unlikely that they did it without the use of some novel physics. To wit, subspace.
AVOCADO wrote:
[...] indeed to get swamped by lovely instrument noise. Thus, DW's proverbial crewman fart.
You would know your own mass. And only that and maybe your own velocity, from which you can calculate your - by this velocityy increased mass, is important The proverbial crewman fart wouldn't change the mass of the ship. The gases are only not in the crewman anymore.
Moron. A crewman farting does change how the ship's mass is distributed.
AVOCADO wrote:Some EM interferences doesn't interact with gravitation or rather gravitons.
Yes they do. Black holes affects ALL form of radiation, including EM radiation.
AVOCADO wrote:I have already said several times, that you always need more than one variable to calculate another variable. That is absolutely normal.
Yes, and the condition of being unsolvalbe in a particular scenario is called "unidentifiability".
AVOCADO wrote:If you have a pull, you can only determine its direction and its force.
If there would be another source of gravitation, it would sum up to a lightly changed pull. The pull of a source of gravitation would increase, the more its source get near to you (or you to it.) Thus you can determine the velocity throug the increasing force of the pull, if you assume, that the source doesn't change its own mass.
See, this is why you fail at life. You don't have the effects of the first source (labeled "A") alone, or the change induced by the second source (called "B") alone. All you have is the third, actual measurement, which is the combined effects of A+B.

The second source doesn't appear only when you're ready for it. They're both there from the beginning. In this condition, the problem is unidentified.

This kills your argument dead.
AVOCADO wrote:
Who says the Crystiline Entity communicates with its own kind with gravition signals? Even if it did, what makes you think they use graviton emissions to find each other?
Why else would the Crew of the Enterprise assume, that they could communicate with it in this way?
Cpt. Picard wrote: I will make every effort to communicate
If we can determine what its needs
are, we might find other sources
to supply it...
Notice the dialogue. "Make every effort to communicate," Picard says. "If," he says. This in no way guarantees success. It also doesn't say anything about what means Crystaline Entities use to communicate with each other. For all we know, this might have been a novel experience for the Entity as it was for the Enterprise.
AVOCADO wrote:If it isn't its form of communication, they would have to develop a total new language, based on this new and total unfamiliar way.

<snip pathetic attempt at reasoning>
That would happen either way, dumbass. Even if this is the way the Entity communicates with other Entities, it's a novel channel for the Enterprise to communicate through.
AVOCADO wrote:And if they communicate in this way, it would be likely, like all other naturally developed kinds of communicaion, an omnidirectional communication.

If it wouldn't be, their would be no real chance, that they would be able to find its own kind in deep space.
And you know what, you shouldn't discount that possibility. Who says that the Crystiline Entities need others of their kind to procreate? Maybe they reproduce principally by fissioning. (In which case, Dr. Marr hasn't killed the Entity; she turned it into lots of little baby entities to menace passerbys for enternity. Poetic justice for that crazy bitch! :twisted:) Given the known limitations of graviton signaling, and the fact that Crystaline Entities travel at fucking warp speed (that's why they can catch up with and eat starships, remember), it's likely that the Crystaline Entities don't communicate at all unless they're right on top of each other — within the same star system at the very least.
AVOCADO wrote:But they have said, that they didn't know its exact whereabouts.
Obviously. I've never claimed otherwise, moron.
AVOCADO wrote:The have only known, that it was between the Enterprise and the Brechtian Cluster. As far as they have known, it could have been five lightyears away.
Manifestly, the Entity wasn't.
AVOCADO wrote:
Otherwise, they're fucking dumb (but that's not new).
But maybe they aren't so dumb.
Prior probability says otherwise.
AVOCADO wrote:
<snip script>
The Enterprise was at warp in pursuit of the Crystalline Entity, when they have started to send the pulses. And then, the Crystalline Entity was approaching at warp speed.
Then the Entity was very close, within a light-minute or two, and was very curious when it started receiving pulsed graviton emissions. This is the ONLY case where the graviton is the primary emission, because (as we've repeated very, very often) gravitons cannot travel faster than light.

OR, we can take brian's hypothesis of a secondary graviton emission from a primary beam which can travel FTL, which actually has some horribly long name no one can remember, so they abbreviate to "graviton beam".

OR, they're using "graviton" to mean a funky new particle not connected with gravitation. (Maybe they discovered this particle and named it the "gravition", but found out that it was NOT the exchange particle of gravitation, but the name stuck.)

And nowhere in the dialogue does it say that the Chrystaline Entity couldn't be substantially closer than five light years, and the Enterprise got lucky.
AVOCADO wrote:
<snip shit we already know about clusters>
However, a five light year diameter cluster [...]
If you would know this >> shit << already about clusters, you would know, that there is no way, that the Brechtian Cluster, which contains at least two inhabited planets and thus could only be an open cluster, could not have a diameter from only five lightyears.
Yes they can, idiot. You're making shit up.
AVOCADO wrote:If you would sweep a beam, the duration of its contact to the target would shorten the more away the target is, up to the point, that it would have contact to the target only such a short duration, that it would highly unlikely, that a creature would be able to sense it.
Depends on how intense the beam is, twit.
AVOCADO wrote:You have to consider, that we doesn't speak of some thousands kilometers, but lightyears.
If they're gravitons as we know them, the Entity was manifestly not lightyears away. It would've taken years for the gravitons to even REACH the Entity if it was that far.
AVOCADO wrote:
All these problems disappear, of course, when the beam is set wide.
Of course, but that wouldn't be a beam in a classical sense. A typical definition of beam is:

A narrow, propagating stream of particles or energy.
How narrow is "narrow", you semantics whore?
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Post by brianeyci »

You know this semantics whoring is reminicent to the cherry picking Trektards do when they want high firepower for Star Trek ships. Riker said 1 TW power generation in one episode and Data said 1.3e19 W. So naturally, ignore one and pick the other right? What a stupid way to analyze information and the main site covers this. Avacado brain takes the exact same approach, only worse. In the same episode, breaths from each other, Dr. Marr mentions a graviton beam and Data mentions a graviton pulse. So Avacado brain chooses to pick pulse, but not only pulse, omnidirectional pulse, to cherry pick information and support his hypothesis, ignoring the words mentioned seconds before by another character as if they didn't exist. The idea that all evidence should reconcile with each other and the elegance of a beam which pulsates solving the seemingly contradictory statements doesn't occur to Avacado brain, and he automatically declares Dr. Marr wrong and Data right, as if Data or anybody else wouldn't have corrected her if she mentioned something insane. Idiocy at its finest gentlemen.
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Post by LaCroix »

If I'm reading you right, you've gone from detecting the gravitions themselves at FTL ranges, which is impossible to detecting the effect of the mass's gravitational field on subspace radiation distorting as it goes through the field, but you're still detecting a return signal from your outgoing subspace radation emissions, and inferring the properties of the mass by that return signal.
In german:
Wenn ich es richtig lese, bist du von [der Idee] abgekommen, die Gravitonen selber auf Überlicht-Reichweite [zu erfassen], wobei es unmöglich wäre, den Effekt des Gravitationsfeldes der Masse auf die Subraumstrahlung, während sie dieses Feld durchquert, zu erfassen, aber du willst immer noch ein Echo deiner abgestrahlten Subraumstrahlungsemissionen erfassen, und aus diesem Echo die Eigenschaften der Masse ermitteln.
This is the briefest possible translation without butchering the point of the paragraph. For all it might help...
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Post by Batman »

And that, as they say, was that.
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'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
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