The Coming of the Superheros (RAR!)

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Re: The Coming of the Superheros (RAR!)

Post by Majin Gojira »

K. A. Pital wrote: 2019-09-12 07:05am Many will get drunk and die from drugs horribly due to being ripped out of their worlds.

Daily Planet staff has no career experience that could be acceptable by modern HR, become barely paid freelancers.
To quote from the OP:
They arrive as if their civilian identities and resources were always there, but they weren't always there yesterday.
That means that the businesses and finances port over as well as if they were always there. So, that entire section is right out. Even if that was not clear, I'm clarifying now.

Furthermore, the second half negates any "Ripping" which you seemed to have just made up whole cloth.
Aquaman dies from plastic poisoning or kills himself because his friends who’re from Atlantis die of it.
You are deeply over-estimating what plastic pollution actually does.
Hank Pym and Scott are hunted down by the military and various mercs and criminals. They’re outlaws, but this I guess is pretty close to their original story, so... heh.
You do realize that the film version's crimes are towards laws which do not (yet) exist, right?
Heroes have no regard for judicial procedures and many are worse than Judge Dredd, killing supposed villains and wrecking entire cities in the process.
Those are outnumbered by those who do or operate under Good Samaritan laws.

And even the worst of those aren't showing up until way later on. Silver Age Paragon types will be in place before the "Deconstructions" come along.
Pretty awful, overall. We’ll need The Boys to handle many of them.
Oh, that explains this edgelord nonsense.
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Re: The Coming of the Superheros (RAR!)

Post by K. A. Pital »

“As if they were always there” means that a large section of the US military-industrial complex is obsolete overnight via the porting of Stark’s flying nanotechnology suits.

You have to think a bit more about the implications of mass adjustments to reality. If you move their entire assets, this will have massive repercussions on reality because the scale of sole heroes’ supporting companies is massive and in their respective realities has completely outcompeted other companies- which, if a consequence of technical advances, would have the same effect in our reality.

Remember that supporting cast is only a few people, at best, whereas the typical social circle of a person includes hundreds of people!

You are not going to port the entire social circle of every Daily Planet reporter, right? How do you think these normal people would take being ripped out of reality? Or are you going to go full Earth overpopulation, porting entire cities into our reality? :lol:

Not going to argue about plastic pollution, you probably will see soon it’s further effects on marine lifeforms IRL, so no need to disappoint you in advance.
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Re: The Coming of the Superheros (RAR!)

Post by Formless »

How do you think these normal people would take being ripped out of reality? Or are you going to go full Earth overpopulation, porting entire cities into our reality? :lol:
If you had read the thread you would know the answer to that question already. Yes, we are talking whole cities coming into existence here. Gotham, Metropolis, Star city, and probably a dozen more fictional towns all pop into existence, and probably a little bit of landmass is created to accommodate them just like in DC comics. Its also a drop in the bucket as far as population goes, because most storytellers don't use fictional cities anymore. Maybe a half dozen cities and towns from Dc comics appear and even fewer fictional Japanese towns, and that's it.

And besides that, you were the one who brought in Vought International so casually I had to look them up to even realize they were fucking fictional themselves, so don't tell me that its unfair for Stark Industries, Wayne Enterprises, and The Daily Planet to come into existence as too. This isn't the universe of The Boys, its our universe if an Act of RAR happened 2 years ago. Moreover, using your own argument, because this is our universe The Boys are exactly the kind of vigilante group who are only heroes because everyone else in their universe sucks. I can't see the authorities in our world tolerating them, but many other characters would be because they aren't corrupt. You may find that ridiculous, but that's simply a fact of the stories they come from. Its just plain false to equivocate all Superheroes with Dredd style vigilantes because frankly, the vast majority of Superheroes abhor murder. Due process of law is one thing, but that's not the only thing that matters.

Also, you keep using the term "ripped out of reality" when it was just explained to you that this is explicitly not how it works. They always remember existing in this reality, and one of the sub-questions in the OP was what you would do if you were the only one who didn't remember them always existing. No one bothered with that question only because the answer wasn't as interesting as the scenario where everyone notices. But that should have clued you in to how its supposed to work without MG explaining it for you.

But really, in any case most of your claims about heroes suddenly turning into jobless, depressed bums was without evidence or precedent anyway. Superman would continue to be Superman because Clark Kent isn't an idiot, and is committed to doing the Superman thing regardless of the reality he is in. He wants to inspire humanity to better itself, and our version of humanity certainly has a lot to improve about itself. You can say the same thing about a lot of them, especially when its already been established that a whole bunch of nasties end up in our reality by virtue of the same rule that brings Wayne Industries into existence. If anything, a lot of governments would probably be giving job offers to guys like Dr. Strange before too long once its realized that magic now exists and they don't know how to control it; or superpower granting rocks that emit plot radiation; or superpower granting viruses, mists, and all number other disruptive things. As has been noted before in threads about policing supers, there seems to be some truth to the idea that you need supers to police supers.
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Re: The Coming of the Superheros (RAR!)

Post by K. A. Pital »

“Superman” is an alien with offensively godlike superpowers. I don’t think he will be a bum. It is the normal humans who might have a reality-adjustment issue.

Are all the supporting cast also enjoying the benefits of memory adjustments? Because if they are not, then...

Besides, the OP explicitly said: they arrive as if their civilian identities and resources were always there, but they weren't always there yesterday.

To me, this means their supporting infrastructure is here, now, maybe even organically fused with our reality so that its origins lie in the past (ie Batman’s company predates him), but the ported individuals themselves are not, and were not there yesterday.

I jokingly said that such individuals will be harnessed by bad structures - corporations which are “something like Vought”, not necessarily Vought itself. You did not pay attention.

Nanotech arms dealer and international imperialistic terrorist Tony Stark is a welcome addition to our universe. Can’t wait for those American exoskeletons to blow up people in the Middle East.

As for “it is falsely to equivocate all with Dredd” - sure, this is why I said many, not all. Disregard for due process is common to them, but acting ultraviolently is not the feature of each and every single one.

Maybe I’m just trying to think about the greater society and not just individual stories?

Note I don’t really care about the villains either. A lot of them are villains because of something that happened in their own reality. Just as heroes they are ported individuals- even with supporting infrastructure - and might very well take different decisions in the new world.

If everyone is memory-wiped to think they have been here always, it is bound to create serious issues when they start discovering the reality breach that occured.
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Re: The Coming of the Superheros (RAR!)

Post by Majin Gojira »

K. A. Pital wrote: 2019-09-13 05:36am Are all the supporting cast also enjoying the benefits of memory adjustments? Because if they are not, then...

Besides, the OP explicitly said: they arrive as if their civilian identities and resources were always there, but they weren't always there yesterday.

To me, this means their supporting infrastructure is here, now, maybe even organically fused with our reality so that its origins lie in the past (ie Batman’s company predates him), but the ported individuals themselves are not, and were not there yesterday.
I'm referencing Pratchett with that line, which is generally regarding time travel and the effects thereof.

Neither things were there yesterday, but suddenly they are here and it seems like they have always been there, and you are the only one who really notices.
Nanotech arms dealer and international imperialistic terrorist Tony Stark is a welcome addition to our universe. Can’t wait for those American exoskeletons to blow up people in the Middle East.
It's not like Tony keeps a draconian hold on that technology and there's no way it could be prohibitively expensive to operate on a mass scale (the only examples being the much weaker Guardsman Armors used at a Super-Prison). And it's not like the comics have an entire story arc based around Tony going around and making sure his technology wasn't being used for "That Sort of Thing."

Oh, wait, Armor Wars.
Maybe I’m just trying to think about the greater society and not just individual stories?
Maybe you should have checked how many heroes act in that manner and compared it to how many would oppose any such actions once they become aware of them before making an assumption.
Note I don’t really care about the villains either. A lot of them are villains because of something that happened in their own reality. Just as heroes they are ported individuals- even with supporting infrastructure - and might very well take different decisions in the new world.
Remember, the only villains brought over are those integral to the origin of heroes (IE: Lex Luthor for Superboy/Conner Kent, Darkseid for Mister Miracles and Big Barda, Lady Shiva for Cassandra Cain, etc.) or are known to have been heroes themselves for one reason or another (IE: The Secret Six, Doctor Doom, Otto Octavius, etc.).
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
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Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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