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Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 03:17pm
by Patroklos
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-29 10:13am
Patroklos wrote: 2019-12-27 08:19am The ST didn’t rehabilitate the prequels. These will take their place is a distant spot behind the OT. I am not sure which will be considered worse between the prequels and ST. The ST are better made films in my opinion.
That may be your view, but I've seen a lot less hostility toward the PT since the trolls and bashers found a new target. I've even seen people argue that the PT was better as a way of attacking the ST. So yes, the PT's reputation has benefited, and I expect the ST to benefit from the next slate of films in the same way, because this is, to some extent, what the Star Wars fandom does- savagely bash whatever's new as ruining the franchise, then eventually grow to like it and move on to hating the next new thing.
I am sure that has nothing to do with them being 20+ years old.

Leaving the PT out for a second as its what's in contention, when the hell has something horrible within the franchise "gotten better" to the fandom? Nobody is singing the praises of the Holiday Special or Dark Saber. This is not a thing.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 05:04pm
by Galvatron
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 10:56am
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-29 10:13am If that's where the money is, then why is Solo the only Star Wars film not to turn turn a profit at the box office?
Because it wasn't that great of the movie. Rogue One, however, made over a billion dollars world wide. It is where the money is, but not like you can make a RomCom about two people living in an apartment on Coruscant and slap a SW title on it and make a billion dollars. You still have to make a decent movie.
I can't speak for every other OT fanboy, but I'm also a Han Solo fanboy and was immediately put off of Solo because it was a Solo movie without the only man who ever played Solo. I'm firmly in the camp of people who may have been able to tolerate Anthony Ingruber in the part, but I thought Alden Ehrenreich was an awful choice.

On the other hand, I thought Donald Glover made an excellent Lando and would have preferred a movie about him instead.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 05:09pm
by Patroklos
To be honest, the time for some of these stand alone OT charater movies has passed. There are plenty of other stand alone ideas out there.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 05:24pm
by Knife
Galvatron wrote: 2019-12-29 05:04pm
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 10:56am
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-29 10:13am If that's where the money is, then why is Solo the only Star Wars film not to turn turn a profit at the box office?
Because it wasn't that great of the movie. Rogue One, however, made over a billion dollars world wide. It is where the money is, but not like you can make a RomCom about two people living in an apartment on Coruscant and slap a SW title on it and make a billion dollars. You still have to make a decent movie.
I can't speak for every other OT fanboy, but I'm also a Han Solo fanboy and was immediately put off of Solo because it was a Solo movie without the only man who ever played Solo. I'm firmly in the camp of people who may have been able to tolerate Anthony Ingruber in the part, but I thought Alden Ehrenreich was an awful choice.

On the other hand, I thought Donald Glover made an excellent Lando and would have preferred a movie about him instead.
Agreed and I'm a huge Solo fan even when I was a kid. Lightsabers are cool but not as cool as gunslingers and MF. Though, I feel like it was too much a shock and if Disney would have made a better movie fans would have dealt with no Harrison Ford better. Glover was a great Lando though and I agree, I'd watch another movie with him as a young Lando. If they're smart, get Mr Williams to do it now with a flash back to his glory days with Glover. Would make a great movie/show. Could use PT and OT motif and design as back drop.
Patroklos wrote: To be honest, the time for some of these stand alone OT charater movies has passed. There are plenty of other stand alone ideas out there.
Agreed. I don't think the OT has the "rights" to goodness. They were just done well. Rogue One was done reasonably well. Mandalorian was done well, though it started really slow paced for a 30 minute show. They were OT just by coincidence, what they had in common was that they were done well. Stand alone ideas, if done well, should do well. I'm very hopeful that the success of the Mandalorian lets them Greenlight the Obi Wan Kenobi show. Since the PT and actually the Clone Wars cartoon, he had become my favorite SW character even more than Solo.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 05:30pm
by Galvatron
Patroklos wrote: 2019-12-29 05:09pm To be honest, the time for some of these stand alone OT charater movies has passed. There are plenty of other stand alone ideas out there.
Yeah, I was also put off by the idea of seeing a movie tick all the boxes of Han's backstory in one convenient two-hour package. I'm surprised we didn't get a scene about how he acquired his Corellian Bloodstripes along with everything else.

I also dislike prequels in general. Rogue One had some issues too, but at least the principal cast wasn't an assortment of creepy deepfakes or annoying recastings.
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 05:24pmI'm very hopeful that the success of the Mandalorian lets them Greenlight the Obi Wan Kenobi show. Since the PT and actually the Clone Wars cartoon, he had become my favorite SW character even more than Solo.
It was already greenlit. ... n-mcgregor

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 05:42pm
by ray245
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 05:24pm Agreed. I don't think the OT has the "rights" to goodness. They were just done well. Rogue One was done reasonably well. Mandalorian was done well, though it started really slow paced for a 30 minute show. They were OT just by coincidence, what they had in common was that they were done well. Stand alone ideas, if done well, should do well. I'm very hopeful that the success of the Mandalorian lets them Greenlight the Obi Wan Kenobi show. Since the PT and actually the Clone Wars cartoon, he had become my favorite SW character even more than Solo.
I think far too many people assumed OT-ness was the reason why the OT were so successful. Disney basically wanted the OT, but repackaged with a more shiny coat of paint when they made the ST.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 06:05pm
by Knife
I think those who did Mandalorian and R1 were OT fans and cared about what they were doing. I don't think JJ or Johnson cared so much about the nuts and bolts of the franchise, just that they were getting a shot to play with a large brand. We'll never know what the original intent for Solo was going to be, Opi came in and did a lot of reshoots to give us WEG games version of a SW movie, and it didn't work.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 06:13pm
by ray245
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 06:05pm I think those who did Mandalorian and R1 were OT fans and cared about what they were doing. I don't think JJ or Johnson cared so much about the nuts and bolts of the franchise, just that they were getting a shot to play with a large brand. We'll never know what the original intent for Solo was going to be, Opi came in and did a lot of reshoots to give us WEG games version of a SW movie, and it didn't work.
The guy that did the reshoots for R1 didn't really care much about Star Wars, and he attribute that to why he managed to salvage the movie.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 06:16pm
by MKSheppard
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 06:05pm I think those who did Mandalorian and R1 were OT fans and cared about what they were doing.
I've heard from Vympel that there's a scene in Mandalorian where a character on screen yells "They're setting up an E-Web!"

Think of the importance of that line. They could have said "a blaster!" and left it at that. But they cared enough to go and specifically name out the E-Web, which is in itself a WEG designation given to the bigass gun from ESB that the Snowtroopers get killed before they can set it up.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 06:18pm
by Galvatron
Hell, it's way more than that. The bad guy actually takes the time to basically recite the Wookieepedia entry about the E-Web while monologuing to the good guys about how fucked they are.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 06:53pm
by Knife
MKSheppard wrote: 2019-12-29 06:16pm
Knife wrote: 2019-12-29 06:05pm I think those who did Mandalorian and R1 were OT fans and cared about what they were doing.
I've heard from Vympel that there's a scene in Mandalorian where a character on screen yells "They're setting up an E-Web!"

Think of the importance of that line. They could have said "a blaster!" and left it at that. But they cared enough to go and specifically name out the E-Web, which is in itself a WEG designation given to the bigass gun from ESB that the Snowtroopers get killed before they can set it up.
I don't think it was WEG, I think I had the toy as a kid and pretty sure the package said Eweb. I'll have the check the novel, might have been in there.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 10:26pm
by bilateralrope
After some more thought, I don't have any problem with C3P0 having a backup. What I do have a problem with is that he didn't know about the backup, which means that R2D2 copied everything from his memory without C3P0's knowledge or consent. A major invasion of privacy.

What other private information has R2D2 been collecting ?
Can anyone in the Resistance trust R2D2 after that ?

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 10:42pm
by Galvatron
Finn: "Doesn't Artoo back up your memory?"
Threepio: "Oh, please! Artoo's storage units are famously unreliable."
Sounds to me like it's common knowledge, but Threepio is his usual pessimistic self about trusting his "life" to them.

I only wish Artoo had restored ALL of Threepio's memories, including the ones that Bail Organa had wiped at the end of ROTS. That would have been a fascinating payoff.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 11:02pm
by The Romulan Republic
In terms of the fandom and how it relates to the new films, I think we need to differentiate clearly between a few different things in these conversations, since I feel they've been somewhat conflated:

First, there are the people who just like the OT, think they're good movies, but are open to other stuff. Those people are the backbone of the fandom.

Then there are the people who are OT purists, but not necessarily for overtly political reasons. This does tend to be a more conservative bent of fandom, obviously (conservative in the sense of being resistant to change, not necessarily in a politically partisan sense), and the far Right piggybacked on their anger and resentment toward the new films, but they're not necessarily driven by ideological or bigoted motives. Nonetheless, I do find them to often be damaging to the franchise and the fandom due to relentless attacks on new material that doesn't fit their narrow view of what Star Wars is.

Then there are the Alt. Reich, many of whom are probably not true fans at all, but simply saw an opening to use the usual fan resentment to hijack the fandom and franchise and turn it into a vehicle for their agenda, because that's how cultural cancers operate. These people are a vile toxin stealing the franchise and fandom that we love, and anyone who calls themselves a Star Wars fan should be enraged and disgusted by these people.

Oh and Knife? I'd totally watch a Rom-Com set in an apartment on Coruscant. I wouldn't expect it to break a billion, no- but maybe we need to stop expecting every Star Wars story to break a billion. I truly believe that the Star Wars universe is big enough to support many different stories, and many different kinds of story-telling, without one diminishing the others. And I'd like to see Disney try to broaden the audience by making films and shows that appeal to different people, rather than trying to make shallow, incoherent films in a bid to please everyone at once. I think that would give us a richer universe, in the end.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-29 11:35pm
by Patroklos
Politics. Yep that’s right, a fascist behind every plastic light saber. FFS.

Just because you can’t separate politics and any aspect of life doesn’t mean other people, normal people, can’t.

I honestly can’t think of anything more toxic to the fandom than someone snoping around convinced he is surrounded by nerd nazis, and he by God will deliver us from their vile conspiracy of cryto fascists forum by forum.

Read your post above out loud in a mirror, actual listen to youself, and then tell us who is being toxic out of the posters here. Get some self-awareness FFS.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 12:00am
by The Romulan Republic
Patroklos wrote: 2019-12-29 11:35pm Politics. Yep that’s right, a fascist behind every plastic light saber. FFS.

Just because you can’t separate politics and any aspect of life doesn’t mean other people, normal people, can’t.

I honestly can’t think of anything more toxic to the fandom than someone snoping around convinced he is surrounded by nerd nazis, and he by God will deliver us from their vile conspiracy of cryto fascists forum by forum.

Read your post above out loud in a mirror, actual listen to youself, and then tell us who is being toxic out of the posters here. Get some self-awareness FFS.
Literally writes a post about the differences between politically motivated trolls and other fans.

Is accused in the very next post of calling all fans fascists and Nazis.

Honestly, what is the point of my even posting here? It is absolutely routine for people here to shameless tell the most bald-faced lies about what I post*, sometimes even while quoting what I actually posted, to not only get zero reprecussions for it but have the mods blame me for it, and the lies have been repeated so many times everyone seems to just assume they're true, and I'm considered a liar when I point it out or correct the record.

It makes zero difference what I post. Shameless trolls just insert "What TRR Must Have Said", and its treated as fucking gospel.

What the hell- reported for lying, for all the good it will do.

*Note, I am assuming you are lying here, but I suppose I could entertain the possibility that you and multiple other posters in various threads are all literally suffering from schizophrenia and genuinely hallucinated words other than the ones I actually typed. If that is the case, my apologies for the mischaracterization.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 12:07am
by Patroklos
Again, self awareness. Get some.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 12:43am
by Rogue 9
Went and saw it today. I found it enjoyable enough once it got past the frankly frenetic opening sequence, but what the fuck is hyperspace skipping, and since when do Star Destroyers have the power generation to run a planet cracking weapon? I'll probably have more to say once I've slept on it.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 12:48am
by Galvatron
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-30 12:00amLiterally writes a post about the differences between politically motivated trolls and other fans.
Couldn't you start a new topic about it then? If I never have to see the term "Alt. Reich" in the PSW forum again it'll be too soon, but at least it won't be cluttering a thread that I actually do wish to participate in.
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-30 12:00amHonestly, what is the point of my even posting here?
Excellent question. Have you even seen this movie yet?

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 01:07am
by The Romulan Republic
Galvatron wrote: 2019-12-30 12:48am
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-30 12:00amLiterally writes a post about the differences between politically motivated trolls and other fans.
Couldn't you start a new topic about it then? If I never have to see the term "Alt. Reich" in the PSW forum again it'll be too soon, but at least it won't be cluttering a thread that I actually do wish to participate in.
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2019-12-30 12:00amHonestly, what is the point of my even posting here?
Excellent question. Have you even seen this movie yet?
Yeah, its a pain to hear about it. Its a pain to talk about it. Above all its a pain that it fucking exists. But ignoring it because "entertainment shouldn't be political" or whatever doesn't make it go away. Quite the opposite, really. Pretending that they didn't hijack the franchise won't make it go away- it'll just mean they got away with it, because too many Star Wars fans would rather ignore an uncomfortable issue. And it will mean that the franchise becomes increasingly associated with the far Right in the public consciousness. Contrary to what this board seems to think, I don't want the day to come when being a Star Wars fan is seen as synonymous with being a racist and a misogynist. But it will, if Star Wars fans who aren't stop calling those people out.

Mind you, half the time I criticize the OT purists I'm not even talking about the bigots- people just assume/assert that any criticism of the film or fandom from me is me "calling everyone who disagrees with me a racist".

That said, giving it its own topic is not a bad idea. I think I'll take you up on that.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 03:22pm
by LadyTevar
Thread Closed.

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Posted: 2019-12-30 07:09pm
by Dalton
Fucking CHRIST