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Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 10:22am
by Skywalker_T-65
In answer to the above post... that would be a very bad thing to put it mildly. That's why I said in mine it would be either the ST or SG universe, not modern Earth. though if someone did do modern Earth...that wouldn't end well. Imagine if Iran or NK got a hold of an ISD (heck, imagine if they got a Corvette even) that would be the end of the world as we know it.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 10:30am
by Eternal_Freedom
If my mega-Devastator choice turned up over modern-day Earth, I think I might just let WWIII happen, and use the ship's guns to shoot down all the ICBM's, a la Galactica from oBSG.

Then, I dunno, turn Tehran and Pyongyang into smoking craters with a single shot, just to prove a point.

EDIT: I think, instead of a Superlaser, I'd have my WD mount a number of W-165 Planetary Turbolasers, which can apparently shred ISD's in a single hit. Only one shot per 10 seconds, but that's still faster than a superlaser. 150 diameter platform, but that includes the 50-metre reactor core, targeting systems and defensive systems, which wouldn't be necessary if it's ship-mounted.

EDIT: Also, a few V-150 Planet Defender Ion Cannons, like those used at Hoth. This would give my ship one hell of a punch.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 10:48am
by Panzersharkcat
For hilarity's sake, I'd turn it over to Switzerland. All hail the Swiss Empire! :lol:

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 10:50am
by Eternal_Freedom
Now that would be interesting indeed. A mighty World Devastator, crewed by the Swiss Guard.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 11:02am
by Omeganian
No thanks. They were bad enough with the Archangels.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 12:12pm
by lord Martiya
Stock Executor, with TIE Fighters replaced by Interceptors and loaded with plans for the Imperial ships and a space map to Galmann. The galaxy? Milky Way, year 2165. By that year Gamilon is just gaining the upper hand against Earth... Guess what would happen if I arrived to help Earth with something that outguns Gamilon's entire fleet and I had a map to tell where the Gamilons could emigrate without Gamilonforming Earth, or Zodar's face when he discovers Earth destroyers outsize his dreadnoughts and outguns his Gatlantis... Yes, I love Star Blazers.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 03:28pm
by VarrusTheEthical
Good old fashioned Imperitor for me, thank you. Just the right size for my taste.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 03:43pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Well, since I didn't go into much detail on my personal VSD (not any real ideas at the time), I'll put more of my idea into play here. It will still be dark green with the Rebel/NR/GA symbol, depending on the time period. I'll slap a cloak on there, along with more ion cannons and turbolasers (the ship can support more than it actually has).

I'll put an Asgard hyperdrive (ZPM powered) into it, since it can go between galaxy's faster than a SW one (if you take Outbound Flight at face value) and if I remember correctly its not affected by gravity wells. The hanger will be expanded and filled to the brim with XJ X-wings and Stealth X's. It will also have the blueprints for a World Devastator and all the other Imperial ships. And on the final custom thing it will have that alternate reality jump drive thing, so that I can go to the SG, ST and Halo universes.

As for what I will do in said MW variants, in ST I'll park it over Earth and offer my services to the Feds, and use the VSD to blow the Borg and Dominion back to the stone age. That being said, I realize the designs won't be any help to the Feddies, since they don't have the tech to build them. That's why I have a small WD parked in my hanger :twisted:. Obviously a small one doesn't mean much, but it will be used to eventually make bigger ones, and from there more VSD's, Venators, and ISDs.

As for the SG'verse, I'll again just park my VSD over Earth and offer my services to the SGC. And if some other country *cough*Iran or North Korea*cough* doesn't like it I'll park over their capital and blow it to a smoking crater. After dealing with the Snakes and Wraith, I'll go help the Asgard with the Replicators before heading to the Ori galaxy and turning their civilization into a smoking wreck (I'll also bring a few dozen Jedi along, to counter the power of the Ori proper). After building up a fleet with the WD and its bigger successors, I'll head to some out of the way planet and start building my own little Republic before retiring with my super VSD (oh, and I'll con Q into giving me eternal life in exchange for Janeway... though what he see's in her is beyond me).

And last but not least...the Halo MW. Now that will be the interesting one. The Covies actually have the firepower to threaten my VSD (not an Executor mind you, but even my super VSD is still just a Victory), after all, they can do their own version of a BDZ. But following my plan from the other two MW's, I'll build up a large fleet and use my SVSD (Super Victory Class Star Destroyer) as the flagship of a whole bunch of regular VSD's, Venators, ISD's and a couple Executors. Once the Prophets are meeting their ancestors, I'll get the Elites and UNSC to get along with each other and set off to find the remains of the Forerunners. At which point I'll retire and live my immortal life with my VSD as a personal yacht (with multi-Teraton firepower).

:shock: Wow, didn't realize how long that post was... in any case, that is what you can do if you want with your ship. Though I call Halo. :D

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 03:54pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Hang on...if you want to have a massively powerful warship in ST/SG/HALO/BSG verse, AND you want something that can build you a fleet including Executors?

A VSD is most definitely NOT your best choice. It's not big enough for one thing, and depending on which estimates you use it doesn't have the firepower to take out the Borg Collective alone.

Do you really think that the ST universe, even with SW designs, could really build up the infrastructure to build Executors base don ONE VSD's worth of material? I doubt it matey.

Be better off getting an Executor or an Eclipse, or a World Devastator kitted out with planetary defence weaponry.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 04:10pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Hang on...if you want to have a massively powerful warship in ST/SG/HALO/BSG verse, AND you want something that can build you a fleet including Executors?

A VSD is most definitely NOT your best choice. It's not big enough for one thing, and depending on which estimates you use it doesn't have the firepower to take out the Borg Collective alone.

Do you really think that the ST universe, even with SW designs, could really build up the infrastructure to build Executors base don ONE VSD's worth of material? I doubt it matey.

Be better off getting an Executor or an Eclipse, or a World Devastator kitted out with planetary defence weaponry.
I know that the VSD is not big enough or strong enough for most of that stuff. I also know the Vic doesn't have enough materials. That's why I said I had a mini World Devastator in the hanger. And the designs to build bigger ones. Granted I didn't specify on when I was going to attack the Borg or Dominion, but it would wait till the WD could build bigger and better ships (and more WD's). That's why I said the Feddie's couldn't build the Imp designs. Granted I could keep the VSD idea, but change my scenario to using an SSD, with a full sized Devastator latched to the bow, and a captured VSD maned by a prize crew. And on the Halo subject, I did say the Covies could destroy even the upgraded Vic didn't I? As far as using an Executor instead with the WD on the bow does that work better? I guess I let my fanboyism of the Vic-Star get in the way of my logic...sorry about that. :oops:

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 04:15pm
by Eternal_Freedom
You're in a situation where you can choose pretty much any combat ship in the history of Star Wars. If you are going to go and play savior to ST/HALO/BSG/SG whatever, why on Earth WOULDN'T you choose the most powerful vessel you can?

And if you love VSD's so much, fine, take a super-World Devastator and you can build a VSD later for your personal use if you so wish.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 04:23pm
by Skywalker_T-65
You're in a situation where you can choose pretty much any combat ship in the history of Star Wars. If you are going to go and play savior to ST/HALO/BSG/SG whatever, why on Earth WOULDN'T you choose the most powerful vessel you can?

And if you love VSD's so much, fine, take a super-World Devastator and you can build a VSD later for your personal use if you so wish.
Point taken... like I said, fanboy beat out logic here. Not sure why I didn't just go with an Executor to start with or a super World Devastator... but I stand by the Vic on the looks point, if not the firepower point. And I figured that it would not be as scary for my 'allies' if I popped up in a Vic as opposed to an Executor.

Not that the Feddies in the Dominion War would complain, or the SGC in the Ori War. But hey, I'll just go with the Super Devastator (oh and I didn't want to copy your idea on the super WD, I don't like copying people if I can avoid it), and build a VSD to use as a yacht. Though I will keep at least one thing from the Vic idea, turning Janeway over to Q in exchange for eternal life.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 04:37pm
by Eternal_Freedom
The exchange with Q is an interesting idea indeed.

And really, in a situation like this I think a super-WD is the only real choice. It allows indefinite operations, expansion and a buttload of firepower. It's already designed to be modified and upgraded, so intergrating one of those AR drives and a top-end Asgard hyperdrive shouldn't be too hard either.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 06:47pm
by The Romulan Republic
You know, I'm considering taking the Subjugator class (ie the Malevolence from The Clone Wars). Its supposedly fast, and can disable a fleet of Venators with one shot from the ion canons (which suits me fine, since I'm the kind of nice pacifist who if under attack would disable and run rather than kill).

Also looks like it has a lot of unused space inside, so I could probably add larger supply stores, more troops and support craft, more passenger space, etc. And its got nasty point defence (pretty much tore Anakin's Y-wing squadron a new one). Thing took a hell of a pounding and survived, too.

Or a Lucrehulk: the usefulness of this class is discussed in this thread: ... 5&start=25

Got to hand it to the CIS: they had some decent ship designs.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 07:08pm
by Purple
Is there even a choice?

Death Star II with a full complement of fighters, all Tai Defenders and Phantoms with Scimitars for bombers. The crew would also contain a full complement of the most elite Dark Trooper Phase III units. Furthermore, parts of it will be retrofitted to house massive shipyards like on the world devastators just for the lol.

Time and Place?
Hm... I'd have to go with the Star Trek Galaxy, 1 day before the events of Star Trek: Insurrection and in orbit of the planet in question. The plan is simple, ally with the good guys, kick both federation and stupid amish elf but and and take immortality for my self and my crew. After that steal federation technology like holodecs and replicators and proceed to death star my way through the galaxy consuming all its resources and destroying all in my wake. An eternal rule of an eternal emperor with his eternal crew on their eternal star station. Ruling over a dead and ruined galaxy, forever.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-04 07:30pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Death Star II with a full complement of fighters, all Tai Defenders and Phantoms with Scimitars for bombers. The crew would also contain a full complement of the most elite Dark Trooper Phase III units. Furthermore, parts of it will be retrofitted to house massive shipyards like on the world devastators just for the lol.

Time and Place?
Hm... I'd have to go with the Star Trek Galaxy, 1 day before the events of Star Trek: Insurrection and in orbit of the planet in question. The plan is simple, ally with the good guys, kick both federation and stupid amish elf but and and take immortality for my self and my crew. After that steal federation technology like holodecs and replicators and proceed to death star my way through the galaxy consuming all its resources and destroying all in my wake. An eternal rule of an eternal emperor with his eternal crew on their eternal star station. Ruling over a dead and ruined galaxy, forever.
And this is why I put the 'other' option in there. To see how many people would pick the DS 1 or 2 and blow everything up. Though this is more creative than I was expecting. And who else has an image of Klingon's charging Dark Troopers with random bladed weapon of the week? That would be a funny sight to see (beam it over to the rest of us in our ships! :D)

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 08:20am
by edaw1982
I'm partial to the Acclamator. Sure, it may be under-gunned compared to other vessels, but they're a lot more versatile, if say you want to drop off your entire force instead of shuttles and transports going back and forth.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 01:50pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Well here's a new idea...what would you do with the ship of your choice?

Here's what I mean, if you were stuck with your ship of choice in the ST/SG/Halo/BSG/SW galaxy what would you do with it? I realize that this is pretty much what the OP asked, but this is more a question on what you would do with the ship than which ship you would pick.

I'll stick with my VSD plan from earlier in the thread, but replace the Vic with a Super World Devastator like Eternal Freedom's.

P.S. To any mods who read this, if I need to start a new thread for any new things just let me know and I will.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 02:41pm
by Eternal_Freedom
I' exactly what I said in the original post. Kit it out with an Asgard hyperdrive and an alternate reality drive and offer my services as a defender to three or four different versions of Humanity.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 03:10pm
by Night_stalker
Personally, I'd snag myself a Executor, maybe with a few upgrades, mostly consisting of a cloaking system, more CIWS guns, and maybe even a full compliment of TIE fighters. That should prevent any lucky hostile snubfighters from taking down the Vindex.

Then, off to the nBSG universe. I'm going to need crew for my ship, and they'll want my help in finding Earth. Sounds good to me. All I have to do is fend off a few Cylon raids and they'll be begging to become part of the crew.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 06:51pm
by StarSword

I choose the Scythe-class main battle cruiser from the Legacy comics. Small(ish) ship with a big forward battery of turbolasers. Based on Wookieepedia's description, flying one of those would be the closest thing in the SW universe to flying an M7 in X3: Terran Conflict: engage with the forward battery, and keep the enemy away from you with your other guns.

It'd be amusing to fly that thing in the X-universe: Star Wars firepower and defenses are totally out of proportion to anything they've got.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 07:00pm
by Eternal_Freedom
And what happens when you run out of fuel and supplies in the x-universe? Can anyone there synthesise hypermatter for you? Or replacement proton torpedoes or concussion missiles, or spare parts for shield generators and turbolasers, or hyperdrives?

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 07:13pm
by StarSword
Eternal_Freedom wrote:And what happens when you run out of fuel and supplies in the x-universe? Can anyone there synthesise hypermatter for you? Or replacement proton torpedoes or concussion missiles, or spare parts for shield generators and turbolasers, or hyperdrives?
Given this little tidbit from the OP...
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:If you so choose, you can also have engineers on the ship who know how to build hypermatter refineries.
... I'm assuming I have the ability to manufacture them.

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 07:33pm
by Eternal_Freedom
But will you be able to build a refinery with onboard materials, before consumables run out whilst engaged in presumably heavy combat?

Re: Poll: Which warship would you use?

Posted: 2011-10-05 07:47pm
by Ahriman238
Other: Silencer-7 largest and mightiest of the World Devastators. Why? Well, I still have several thousand ground troops, and two years of supplies, but the main point is I have a flying factory that can consume asteroid belts, moons, or even entire planets over the course of a few months and turn them into all the SW tech I could want. Its even a Von Neuman machine.

And believe me, I'd add a database of every ship, droid, piece of tech, flying city etc.

Then go to the Stargate universe, set up on a quiet planet somewhere, may have to kick out the local 'god' and start recruiting for my new Starfleet. Eat up some uninhabited planets, make myself a few Star Destroyers, a few spares. Then approach SG earth with a deal, total technical exchange, they get SW tech, but I get access to all the goodies they find (and eventually Asgard tech, when they get it.)

That'd be a nice place to settle down, but if I get bored enough, there at least three demonstrated techniques of universe-jumping in the series...