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Re: Lucasfilm Head confirms KOTOR project in the works

Posted: 2019-04-30 01:37am
by Darth Yan
Lord Revan wrote: 2019-04-21 09:53pm As a direct retelling of KOTOR a TV series/movie would probably not work, however a project set in that era could work like telling how Revan turned from all account idealistic Jedi Knight/Master to a very powerful Sith Lord.

As long they don't go the way of "he was evil all along" the tale of Revan's fall could be intresting. Especially since even as Sith Lord, Revan didn't seem casually brutal or sadistic, ruthless sure and merciless but with purpose behind the brutality rather then just doing it for its own sake.

How idealist becomes a well intentioned extremist and becomes the very thing he was fighting against could be an intresting tale.

TOR had it that Vitiate was the one who seduces Revan or at the least fave the final push into the abyss.

Re: Lucasfilm Head confirms KOTOR project in the works

Posted: 2019-04-30 06:54pm
In theory, Revan's story really should be 3 parts if you were to do it justice and remain accurate.

One - The Mandalorian Wars leading to his fall and the lead up to the Star Forge race

Two - Revan taking on the Republic then switching sides back to Good again for the fight at the Star Forge

Three - Revan going off to face off against the Emperor / hidden Empire

The big issue is if they would follow through on how TOR continued. TOR could end up being a massive can of worms if you wanted to depict it because of the interweaving stories and the greater backstage stuff that happens. I find it more likely that if this project goes through. It will either skip Revan entirely for a new character or ditch the KOTOR story except for the briefest of name drops / nods.

Unfortunately, I do not really see any universe where they go full TOR and have Revan causing the Jedi / Republic and Sith / Empire to ally against him. Nor going forward with the Outlander / Alliance concept.

Re: Lucasfilm Head confirms KOTOR project in the works

Posted: 2019-04-30 08:24pm
by AniThyng
Am I the only one who thinks about the old KOTOR comics ( the ones with the empress tera system and onderon) rather than the games in this context?

I loved the games too but I think the comics weren't bad either, and KOTOR 2 at least referenced them more heavily, IIRC.