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Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 10:43am
by Knife
Batman wrote: 2020-10-31 09:37pm Now that's an interesting story concept. Boba Fett DID survive but is shunned by Mandalorian society because he's the most incompetent Mandalorian that ever was (after his father)
IIRC, in the Clone Wars Mandalorian arc, they brought up Jango and the Mandalorian's said he wasn't a true Mando. Don't know if that means he was at one point and got banished, or if he was just a poser with a set of armor.

That being said, liked the episode. Was fun. I really like Tim Olyphant, though he might be typed cast now what with this, Justified, and Deadwood. He does play the 'gunfighter' character well.

I was a bit disappointed in the end of the show reveal. Really wanted Rex.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 01:55pm
by Solauren
bilateralrope wrote: 2020-10-31 09:27pm Plus Fett is the one that needed a reminder that "I want them alive" means "no disintergrations".

How would you feel if Fett was recognized for the competence he actually displayed in the OT, instead of the reputation he got from the fans ?
What competence?
In A New Hope, in cut scences, he followed Jabba around, and looked towards the camera once.

In Empire, he knew a smuggler trick, followed a damaged ship, and then let the Empire do the work.

In ROTJ, he looked badass, did a flying jet leap to land in front of a guy with a laser sword, got knocked over, got up, missed at close range, and then got tossed into the Sarlac by a blind-guy.

That's not competence. That's 'thug', 'educated guess', and 'got my ass handed to be by a blind guy'.

Sorry, Boba was pathetic in the OT. Cool looking, yes. Competent? No.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 02:08pm
by bilateralrope
Yeah. That's the level of "competence" I was talking about.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 02:55pm
by Galvatron
If Boba Fett's helmet is truly made of beskar, I wonder what in the hell gave it that gigantic dent. I realize that it's probably not quite Marvel Universe adamantium, but it's still really damn strong.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 04:44pm
by Lord Insanity
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 10:43am
Batman wrote: 2020-10-31 09:37pm Now that's an interesting story concept. Boba Fett DID survive but is shunned by Mandalorian society because he's the most incompetent Mandalorian that ever was (after his father)
IIRC, in the Clone Wars Mandalorian arc, they brought up Jango and the Mandalorian's said he wasn't a true Mando. Don't know if that means he was at one point and got banished, or if he was just a poser with a set of armor.
Dutchess Satine flat out said Jango wasn't a Mandalorian and that he had stolen his armor. Shortly after that Karen Travis left writing for Star Wars over "creative differences". :lol:

Yeah I have never understood Boba Fett's popularity either. His most memorable scene is where he goes: "Ahhhhh!" and falls down the Sarlac pit. Apparently George Lucas didn't think that was the actions of an elite Mandalorian either. (see above)

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 07:41pm
by bilateralrope
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 10:43amI was a bit disappointed in the end of the show reveal. Really wanted Rex.
Honestly, I'm not sure if it was Boba, Rex, or some other clone. I didn't see enough detail to be sure either way.

Boba is just the one that seems most likely.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 08:45pm
by Knife
bilateralrope wrote: 2020-11-01 07:41pm
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 10:43amI was a bit disappointed in the end of the show reveal. Really wanted Rex.
Honestly, I'm not sure if it was Boba, Rex, or some other clone. I didn't see enough detail to be sure either way.

Boba is just the one that seems most likely.
Considering the McGuffin of the show was Boba's armor, it would be weird if it wasn't.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 09:03pm
by Galvatron
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 08:45pm Considering the McGuffin of the show was Boba's armor, it would be weird if it wasn't.
Unless it was intended as a deliberate misdirection. After all, since Ahsoka's going to show up this season I wouldn't be surprised if Rex isn't far away.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 09:53pm
by bilateralrope
I wonder what Rex would think of Boba.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-01 10:12pm
by LadyTevar
bilateralrope wrote: 2020-11-01 09:53pm I wonder what Rex would think of Boba.
Boba tried to kill Windu, Anakin, and Kenobi. Rex would be asking how the kid got out of punishment (wasn't he put in juvie jail after they caught him?)

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-02 07:13am
by Broomstick
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 10:43am That being said, liked the episode. Was fun. I really like Tim Olyphant, though he might be typed cast now what with this, Justified, and Deadwood. He does play the 'gunfighter' character well.
Guess you didn't see him in The Santa Clarita Diet, then.

Sure, he's a bit typecast, but he's got a greater range than that and I think he's trying out for more than just "gunfighter" these days.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-02 10:43am
by Darth Lucifer
LadyTevar wrote: 2020-10-30 11:52pm BTW: Still wondering how Mando knows their sign language/use-words that go with the sign language.
This wasn't a huge point with me; I've seen a few westerns where the protagonist or a supporting character knows how to speak with some Indian tribe and they don't explain it. He just knows basically because the plot requires it.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-02 11:23am
by Broomstick
Native American sign language was widespread and used as a trade language across wide swathes of North America. While there were no doubt some regional differences, it function as at least a trade pidgin and possibly an actual lingua franca of sorts. It may be that Tatooine has a similar form of sign language, or a trade pidgin that incorporates a lot of sign language.

It does seem that virtually everyone in the SW universe is multi-lingual, including understanding languages they can't physically speak.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-03 03:50am
by Darth Yan
If you're a spacer it helps. Seems a logical view to have.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-03 09:46am
by Steel
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 08:45pm
bilateralrope wrote: 2020-11-01 07:41pm
Knife wrote: 2020-11-01 10:43amI was a bit disappointed in the end of the show reveal. Really wanted Rex.
Honestly, I'm not sure if it was Boba, Rex, or some other clone. I didn't see enough detail to be sure either way.

Boba is just the one that seems most likely.
Considering the McGuffin of the show was Boba's armor, it would be weird if it wasn't.
To me it looked like Temuera Morrison we saw at the end? he is the same guy who played Jango in the PT. Would make a lot of sense for him to be playing an older Boba. The only question for me is if we see him again.
His page seems to say it was him, and he is playing Boba Fett. However I don't know if the entries on IMDB are actually official, or just guesswork by contributors.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-03 01:24pm
by bilateralrope
Isn't IMDB crowdsourced ?

Which means that either fans are assuming it's Boba or someone is intentionally lying like what happened with ST:Discovery. Either way, I'm not trusting IMDB on this.

We are talking about clones here. Temuera Morrison is the actor I'd expect for Rex or Boba.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-04 02:44am
by Dino-Mario
Well, well, well, the definite apex predator of Tatooine, the greater krayt, has finally made made its long anticipated physical debut and hoo boy, does it live to the hype. Gotta adore those KOTOR references.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-06 03:24pm
by Majin Gojira
I got only one thing to say about Season 2 Episode 2:
Did they just perform an interstellar journey without hyperdrive? In less than a day?!

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-06 05:45pm
by Juubi Karakuchi
That got my attention. I have a possible explanation for it.
When trying to make sense of the Holdo Manoeuvre, I got the idea that hyperdrives use a space-warping effect - similar to Warp or Alcubierre drive - to rapidly accelerate to lightspeed. If this is the case, then it’s plausible that this drive could be used by itself; after all, any hyperspace-capable ship would have to include it. This would allow FTL travel without entering hyperspace, with the downside that it’s a lot slower, and the ship is potentially detectable by other ships in realspace.

I can only think of two problems so far. One is that Djarrin seemed be travelling at normal speed when the two X-wings jumped him. That said, this would argue just as much against near-C STL. My current explanation is that a non-hyper journey requires course corrections made in realspace, and the ship was carrying one out when he got jumped. Another is that the system can only manage short hops, and Djarrin got jumped during an interval.

The other is that if such a thing is possible, why don’t people use it to run from an interdictor? Two possible explanations present themselves. One is that any ship trying it would be chased down fairly easily. The other is that doing so may require the hyperdrive to be reprogrammed or otherwise modified; something one might not be able to do on the fly. This would conveniently add to Djarrin’s irritation; he’s having to alter his hyperdrive for the sake of one passenger and her eggs.

And that’s all I’ve got. I just didn’t want to believe that the writers could make a mistake like that. It seems fairly elementary.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-06 07:34pm
by Batman
Except he explicitly said he'd have to do the trip sublight

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-06 07:34pm
by Batman
Also, Idiot's Array, so I guess Sabbac is finally canon?

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-06 09:06pm
by bilateralrope
I guess we aren't going to get anything to confirm which clone we saw in the first episode for a while.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-07 08:04am
by Juubi Karakuchi
Batman wrote: 2020-11-06 07:34pm Spoiler
Except he explicitly said he'd have to do the trip sublight
Unfortunately that’s true.
The best I can suggest is that it’s a colloquialism; that terms like ‘lightspeed’ and ‘sublight’ refer specifically to hyperspace and realspace respectively. After all, Han Solo spawned decades of debates over his phrase ‘point five past lightspeed’. Beyond that, I got nothing.

Returning to fast sublight, on reflection it could be happening. I’m not sure how one would clearly represent such speeds visually. All we see in the episode is the Razor Crest trundling along, and two X-wings pulling alongside. The only time he’s not obviously travelling at such high speed is when he’s approaching the planet, and then after that. He may conceivably have been slowing down after he broke and ran, but we can see his engines lit up from behind. I’m going to have to stick with the course correction explanation on that one.

This still leaves the problem of where he was, and how long his journey was expected to take. Peli Motto told him that the destination was “in this sector, one system trailing”; which seems to meant that it’s fairly close. If so, the obvious explanation is that the destination is less than a light year away; I can’t think of an obvious reason why it couldn’t be. Also, for all we know, poor Djarrin didn’t even manage to leave the system before he got jumped. All we see is him starting the journey, going to get some sleep, then being disturbed by the alarm.

It could be interesting watching this little controversy play out. The Holdo Manoeuvre spawned multiple YouTube videos and a lot of blog articles before it died off.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-07 11:56am
by Knife
Too many things going on, and it was a fluff episode.

Were those the Spiders from Rebels on the planet Atollon?

Anyway, took it as they went sublight but high fraction of C and were still in the system when jumped by the Xwing patrol. Mando just got done programing in the nav and was leaning back to relax when it went sidewards. Seems he was just in the Tatooine system.

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Posted: 2020-11-07 01:13pm
by Galvatron
Okay, I think I'm all Amy Sedaris'd out. She was mildly tolerable in the first season, but now she's just a zany sitcom character.

I miss Nick Nolte.