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Posted: 2004-12-16 10:54pm
by Illuminatus Primus
That's not what he said.

Posted: 2004-12-17 02:22am
by VT-16
Minor nitpick....proper scaling has revealed the the Rand Ecliptic is actually more than 2 kilometers long.
So it´s more correct to call it a cruiser, then? All the better for me. 8)

Posted: 2004-12-18 05:40pm
by The Original Nex
Illuminatus Primus wrote:That's not what he said.
Not what who said?

Posted: 2004-12-18 05:45pm
by Illuminatus Primus

Posted: 2004-12-18 05:54pm
by The Original Nex
Well, what did he say? Is this something new he posted on his site?

EDIT: All he says is this:
Curtis Saxton wrote:If the apparently equal components are a true indicator of scale then the Rand Ecliptic should be about 750m long.
As I said, he's going based on the appearance rather than actually scaling it. Even Curtis Saxton, God that he is, can make an error every now and then.

Posted: 2004-12-20 04:09am
by vakundok
:D Don't be too surprised if a new novel says that the Executor is about 19 kms! ... tart=09018
Where did they get that from instead of 18? :roll:

Posted: 2004-12-20 05:26am
by Illuminatus Primus
19 km is the upper limit for Executor scaling; 17.6 is closer to the lower limit.

Posted: 2004-12-20 06:40am
by vakundok
Thanks! So, they did not get it from thin air.

Posted: 2004-12-22 05:08am
by vakundok
Chee wrote:...applies only to the Holocron, but is not the same as their standing in LFL's canon hierarchy.

I'm unclear as to the definition of LFL in this case. I know of no other internal hierarchy currently in use.
The link is here.
If we assume that he is in the position to know about if there were an other hierarchy, we can state that what he says is the canon policy of Lucas Licensing.

Posted: 2005-01-09 03:50am
by Mange
In the online Insider supplement for #79 there's a mention as to why no Wookie Jedi can be seen in the EU: GL requested it. Since the Hyperspace rules states that no direct quotes can be lifted, I suggest you go and check it out.

Again, if GL views the EU as a parallell universe, why would he have any problems with it?

Posted: 2005-01-13 07:57am
by Jason von Evil
Excellent, this means Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 are canon! Good thing I saw this sticky, because I was about to post a thread about whether or not they should be canon. Thank you Lord Poe! :D

Posted: 2005-01-13 08:28pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Lowbacca is a Wookie Jedi.

Posted: 2005-01-13 08:40pm
by The Original Nex
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Lowbacca is a Wookie Jedi.
He's in the Post Endor Era. I believe GL's quote refers only to Clone Wars Era to divert any questions such as "why aren't the Wookiee Jedi defending Kashyyyk?"

Posted: 2005-01-25 03:42pm
by Lord Poe
Rostoni and Chee on the VIP thread:

+ ... tart=09225
Sremmuy, (Rostoni) wrote:I work for Lucas Licensing, a division within Lucasfilm Ltd.
Sremmuy, (Rostoni) wrote:Yeah, LucasBooks is our publishing imprint and we both work in the publishing department of Lucas Licensing.
Sremmuy, (Rostoni) wrote:Yes, the books follow the continuity of the films as best we can taking into account that George follows his own continuity, and rightly so. He's the filmmaker.

As far as "legitimate continuation of the films" -- If George had continued making SW films past Return of the Jedi, I don't think they would have reflected what the SW authors have written. The books, comics, etc., are a "legitimate continuation" of the Star Wars saga as we define it. I'm not certain of the context of your question -- somehow I feel like I'm walking into something here....
Tasty Taste: (Leland Chee) wrote:it's just whether Lucas views it as part of his Star Wars or not, and whether the LL policy is Lucas's view on what is part of Star Wars.

More of the EU is based on Lucas's view of the universe outside the films than you are probably aware of. We just don't discuss it around here a whole lot.

Posted: 2005-01-26 01:36am
by vakundok
Ehh, it is just as confusing and unclear as it was before.
The EU incorporates Lucas thoughts (about the SWU outside the movies), but Lucas is not interested in following the EU. However, if he declares something, it will be automatically placed higher than the EU (if not contradicted by the movies, of course). The only good(?) thing is that he doesn't do such things.

So, there is Lucas' own EU, that is unpublished, can change at any moment, but actually the most important, and the official (not in the canon vs official sense), that is published, encapsulates an unknown degree of the former (at that time) and tries to remain cohesive.
It does not help a lot. On any cannon vs EU debate (or is it a G canon vs rest of the canon now?), it can be stated that the EU tries to follow Lucas' vision, but is not the same, so it can be refused, except parts that EUists can show to originating from Lucas. For example (I think): Lucas authorized Anakin's death. It means that it is "canon" that he born, lived and died, but not the manner he died, because (to my knowledge) EUists cannot show that Lucas instructed how he should have died.

This is my interpretation of the quotes, so feel free to debate or correct ...

Posted: 2005-01-26 03:26am
by Lord Poe
It couldn't be any clearer. I fail to see why you have to complicate it by running it around an incomprehensible thought process as you've demonstrated above.

Posted: 2005-01-26 06:07am
by vakundok
1. "George follows his own continuity"
2. "More of the EU is based on Lucas's view of the universe outside the films than you are probably aware of."

Possibly I am the only one, but to me the two quotes do not seem to define a clear path ... If this is only my "incomprehensible thought process ", then OK, it is just a personal problem. In this case I would like to see your interpretation, since I am clearly unable to interpret it correctly.

Posted: 2005-01-26 06:34am
by Edi
vakundok wrote:1. "George follows his own continuity"
You don't look too smart taking that bit out of context when the whole is quoted in the post right above yours. GL can change stuff if he feels like it, it's his universe, and he is obviously not going to send every idea of his to the people at Lfilm and so forth so that there every possible tiny wrinkle can be smoothed out before it even appears, but the books still follow film continuity as much as possible in the light of facts.
vakundok wrote:2. "More of the EU is based on Lucas's view of the universe outside the films than you are probably aware of."

Possibly I am the only one, but to me the two quotes do not seem to define a clear path ... If this is only my "incomprehensible thought process ", then OK, it is just a personal problem. In this case I would like to see your interpretation, since I am clearly unable to interpret it correctly.
You're clearly unable to see that there is no contradiction between the two quotes. The second one indicates that GL has had input into how the EU has been shaped, i.e. he has given opinions on how those parts of the universe that we do not see in the films work. There is no conflict with the first quote whatsoever, they actually support each other.

GL has had and will continue to have indirect input into the EU, and he may also change his mind about some things in the films, but the books will make an effort to follow the film canon as it currently exists.

It doesn't get any clearer than that. Or do you need it carved in stone and in triplicate?


Posted: 2005-01-26 08:54am
by vakundok
Edi wrote:
vakundok wrote:1. "George follows his own continuity"
You don't look too smart taking that bit out of context when the whole is quoted in the post right above yours. GL can change stuff if he feels like it, it's his universe, and he is obviously not going to send every idea of his to the people at Lfilm and so forth so that there every possible tiny wrinkle can be smoothed out before it even appears, but the books still follow film continuity as much as possible in the light of facts.
I got that bit out of context because it was enough to show that GL has (or can have) his own continuity. If you want to suggest that that quote as a whole suggests otherwise, please specify.
Edi wrote:
vakundok wrote:Possibly I am the only one, but to me the two quotes do not seem to define a clear path ... If this is only my "incomprehensible thought process ", then OK, it is just a personal problem. In this case I would like to see your interpretation, since I am clearly unable to interpret it correctly.
You're clearly unable to see that there is no contradiction between the two quotes. The second one indicates that GL has had input into how the EU has been shaped, i.e. he has given opinions on how those parts of the universe that we do not see in the films work. There is no conflict with the first quote whatsoever, they actually support each other.

GL has had and will continue to have indirect input into the EU, and he may also change his mind about some things in the films, but the books will make an effort to follow the film canon as it currently exists.

It doesn't get any clearer than that. Or do you need it carved in stone and in triplicate?

It seems that we are talking about different things. I have never said that the quotes were conflicting. I have said that they were unclear. "In what?" you should have asked, but neither Lord Poe, nor you did it. The answer: To define how close exactly the EU is to Lucas' vision. The quotes do not oppose each other but do not give a definite answer either. They gave a lower and an upper limit (more similar than you are probably aware of and not the same).

The conclusion I got was that those quotes were not definite enough to say the "canon purists" were (completely) wrong, since you cannot say that "The EU is GL's vision about the world outside the movies".
Then Lord Poe answered that I overcomplicated and run around it.

Side question: Have you bothered with reading my interpretation (the first part of my post after the one that contains the quotes) and thought about whether it was different from yours at all?

Posted: 2005-01-27 05:11am
by Edi
Yeah, I did read it, but got a different impression the first time around, and I suspect that Poe did as well, which might have caused the conflict.


Posted: 2005-01-27 09:11am
by vakundok
Well, I hope I was finally able to make clear what I was talking about. :)

Posted: 2005-03-03 05:11pm
by Kartr_Kana
Star Wars cannon just got confusing!! Are the new movies which are crazy and do not seem to do much more then pay lip service to star wars, are the more "acurate" then the old movies?

Posted: 2005-03-03 05:13pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Don't just jump into a thread and blabber like an idiot. Try actually reading it.

And what the hell do you mean by "new movies" in your context? The prequels? The Special Editions?

The prequels are the same level canon as the original films, and the most recent versions of the Special Editions of the Original Trilogy override the previous versions.

Posted: 2005-03-03 05:18pm
by Kartr_Kana
I did spanky and all I got for it was a headache! This new cannon thing is not making much sense, like "we choose what is popular" well what is "popular" changes from time to time does the cannon change with it? And why are the clone wars not clone wars like obi wan implied in ANH. Clone Wars means that clones are fighting each other not droids. And if GL really did work with Zahn on the Thrawn Trilogy then why did he change the timing for the clone wars, the clone masters and berserk clones? If GL really did help Zahn with TT could the person said that please show evidence?

Posted: 2005-03-03 05:20pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Um, hello...?

Sorry, I'm too n00b-hostile to deal with this.