SNES Classic Edition Thread (No 56K)

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Re: SNES Classic Edition Thread (No 56K)

Post by TheFeniX »

Darth Lucifer wrote: 2017-12-29 11:05pm This is a great product for average people or young kids who don't know about Emulators and such. They have a SEGA one also, it's like 40-50 dollars. Really cool if you like Sonic and the SEGA library of games.
I've been rocking emulation, I guess as legally as possible across multiple platforms, for MORE than a few years. And as limited as the selection is on the SNES Classic, I have to say there's more than enough value even for someone like me. I plug in my console, I get a menu and I'm into the action at near original SNES speeds on my HD TV. Now, I have I streaming box I could run emulators on, and I may do so, but man there is just something to be said about Plug and Play.

You know, unlike current consoles. Where you buy a disk, then install 30GBs onto your console. THEN download a 20GB update. Because somewhere along the line, consoles got fucking moronic and had to copy all the shitty parts of Steam and leave any advantages on the cutting room floor.

Sidenote, I got a laugh out of a Best Buy salesman today while buying a TV and he was trying to get me to buy anything and everything 4K as well. Some Xbone X with a 1 TB HDD was $500. And all I could say was "Holy shit, that's ON SALE? Is the cost normally that they come to your house and kick you in the testicles?"

Go figure they were sold out of Switches and had shittons of Xbones and PSWhatevers.

EDIT : on the install and download bullshit, I am NOT being coy here. My parents bought a XBone for my nephew because they watch him after school . Motherfucking LEGO GTA (whatever the Hell it's called. It's literally G-rated LEGO GTA) was a 15GB install which was AWFUL on a HDD. An then a 15-20GB update. Shit is dumb.
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Re: SNES Classic Edition Thread (No 56K)

Post by wautd »

I've been sitting on the fence for ages (what with already having a retroPi and modded PSP somewhere but my girlfriend gave me one as a gift :luv:
A pity there are so few games installed (incidentally, the game library differs slightly depending on the region) but the mercifully the top 3 I wanted (Super Maria World, Zelda and Street Fighter II) are on it. And it appears easy to hack so no biggy
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Re: SNES Classic Edition Thread (No 56K)

Post by TheFeniX »

I've been powering it off my PC USB port for ease of use (one less wire to run to my UPS). Windows picks the device up, but there's no driver. A quick google search just into the driver brings up some easy to use (from reading) tools to dump the ROM and reupload your own version. It's not something I'm particularly interested in right now, or possibly ever, since even with the small library, there's more than enough gold in there to keep me busy. Probably helps I was able to find Fusion and Zero Mission GBA carts for $35 shipped. Legit ones at that.

My classic gaming should be covered for quite a while.

Still can't get over how difficult these games are compared to what I've been playing. I mean, I died to the first mini-boss in LttP. The morning star flinging guy right before you rescue Zelda (the first time). I died to that guy. I have beaten that game... who knows how many times. At least 5. Never died to him. He never even made me miss a step. But he took me out this time. And I wasn't Yoloing that shit either, I was timing my attacks and stuns with the boomerang. He's just got some stun dimishing returns I don't recall him having.

Moldorm might end my run before it starts.
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Re: SNES Classic Edition Thread (No 56K)

Post by wautd »

TheFeniX wrote: 2018-01-12 05:19pm

Still can't get over how difficult these games are compared to what I've been playing.
I think old games simply used to be more difficult? I never had a SNES but I know pretty sure that some NES games I finished when I was a kid would be impossible if I try them today.

Luckely the SNES mini has a playback function (but unfortunately there is no reset function so I have to get out of my couch every time :P )
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Re: SNES Classic Edition Thread (No 56K)

Post by TheFeniX »

wautd wrote: 2018-01-13 03:50amI think old games simply used to be more difficult? I never had a SNES but I know pretty sure that some NES games I finished when I was a kid would be impossible if I try them today.
By far, due to a combination of things. Just general "you have to work for those end credits" design philosophies, developers who were more competent at video games in general (so, the game would look easier to them), poor QA testing leading to difficulty spikes and bugs.

EDIT: Also since "coin-op" and arcade game design philosophies sort of took over for a while after the crash. As fair as many of them were, they were still designed to bleed quarters out of you. So they had to be difficult enough to bleed said quarters without also being frustrating enough to just make you walk away./edit

Another conspiracy theory is that games were designed to be harder so you couldn't beat them in one rental. Disney games were by far some of the worst examples here. No one believes me when I say I beat Lion King on SEGA Genesis, can't say I blame them. That game was disgustingly hard with a lot of bullshit cheap moments.

Now it's near to be expected that a game is beatable by pretty much anyone. I'm not saying it's not a good design philosophy, but there's something to be said about a game being challenging as a matter of course. And at higher difficulties, the games aren't really that much harder, they just turn most enemies into bullet sponges and/or rely on cheap mechanics.

Unlike say... Halo, where Legendary difficult not only made the enemies tougher, but also drastically improved their AI and response times. It lead to an complete change in the way the game was played, in just one example, the Covenant Pistol goes from being garbage to almost a prerequisite to take down Elite shields so you can then switch to a few bursts from another gun, and then (hopefully) finish them off with a melee.
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