*wipes off cob-webs*
Guess what game I bought with the Steam winter sale?

Granted, I'm currently playing UA: Age of Sail. Did the British campaign to learn the game and now playing the far harder American one, where reputation costs are more widespread and the missions are in theory more challenging.
While you get to craft some choices for your characterbackground they clearly modeled the UK and US admirals off Horatio Nelson and John Paul Jones, IMHO.
And UG: American Revolution is the same just with Washington and Howe.
But I have been tinkering with UA: D a bit (Tex of the Black Pants Legion just started a Spain playthrough and reminded me I did want to play with it), no abominations yet since I'm just doing the tutorials and getting a feel for things, but we'll see what silliness I do. Maybe a UA:D version of the CRS Warrior from this thread shall be possible...