General Forum Information: this forum is for testing board features or posting methods. It is also commonly used for things like birthday announcements, socializing, and silly or facetious activities which are intended to be temporary. As such, threads which are inactive for more than a day are automatically pruned.
For new users
- If you have not received your activation E-mail and you provided a valid E-mail address when registering, it is most likely that it was stopped by a spam filter or unreliable mail server on your end.
- If you wish to post a "Hello" thread to introduce yourself, please post it in the New Member Introductions thread in the "Off Topic" forum. Introduction threads posted in the Testing forum may be automatically pruned too quickly.
- If you can't log in, try deleting your cookies in your web browser. After deleting your cookies, you need to completely close and restart your browser (including all open browser windows, not just the one you were using to login here).
- If that doesn't solve your problem, send an E-mail to registrations (at) stardestroyer (dot) net to ask for help.
Nuking: The Testing forum is considered a place for "disposable" threads, so the Moderators may delete threads from the Testing forum as they see fit. Threads may also be moved into the main forums.