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Borg vs. Talosians (Star Trek RAR!)

Posted: 2016-10-14 01:17am
by Darth Lucifer
I'm wondering if the telepathic/illusion ability would be able to overcome the Borg collective hive mind and the Queen. If the Queen was within range of their abilities, would they be able to get in her head and if so into the collective. I don't know numbers and all the specifics of both sides right now, it's been forever since I've thought of one of these versus scenarios.

Then I also wonder what would assimilation of one or more Talosians would do for the Borg. I don't think that their "biological distinctiveness" would make all the Borg into Talosian-powered Borg, that's going into uber-Borg wanking territory. TNG "I, Borg," and "Descent, (parts I and II)" also show limitations on the Borg's link, because Hugh didn't make all the Borg individuals and there's also the fact that post-individuality, the hive mind was cut off and linking was a voluntary act; Lore had to verbally persuade one of the underlings to link with Crosus to keep him under his control.

The Borg still have biological senses and brains, which could be vulnerable to the illusions. Not sure about the drones with optical sensors. And what about Data and Geordi's time bomb, the M.C. Escher virus, the paradox that couldn't exist in real space and time. Picard saw that thing too...(see below)

So many variables to play with. I google-fu'ed this scene as well:
Chrissie's Transcript Site wrote:MAGISTRATE: The vial contains a nourishing protein complex.
PIKE: Is the keeper actually communicating with one of his animals?
MAGISTRATE: If the form and the colour is not appealing, it can appear as any food you wish to visualise.
PIKE: And if I prefer
MAGISTRATE: To starve? You overlook the unpleasant alternative of punishment.
(Pike is surrounded by fire and brimstone, screaming in pain)
MAGISTRATE: From a fable you once heard in childhood. You will now consume the nourishment.
PIKE: Why not just put irresistible hunger in my mind? Because you can't, can you? You do have limitations, don't you?
Anyway, some fun scenarios courtesy of Q being a bored omnipotent dick. He also removes the ability of the Borg to assimilate any other species (no alien help of any sort) and also rules out the use of the Borg using time travel, no escape spheres. We're doing this down and dirty. :P

A)Talosians vs. Borg Collective. One standard Borg cube is in range of Talos IV.

B)Talosians vs. Miss "I am the Borg." The Borg Queen is aboard one standard Borg cube in range of Talos IV.

C)Talosians vs. Locutus. He is aboard one standard Borg cube in range of Talos IV. Do recall that the Borg have assimilated Jean-Luc Picard's Starfleet knowledge, anything he may possibly know about the Talosians the Borg now know too.

I'm fuzzy on A & B and I'm terrified to consider the existence of Hugh and his newly realized Borg shipmates, so with the snap of his fingers Q removes them from all three scenarios.

Moving on to fight C...I'm imagining long range attacks or some kind of orbital bombardment strategy from Locutus if the Borg can't just scoop up the Talosians like the bases/colonies from "The Neutral Zone" and "The Best of Both Worlds (part I)". That's assuming the Borg are able to detect and accurately target the underground complex of the Talosians. Lastly, underneath his Borg persona is Picard's human willpower, I think it would definitely help the Borg a great deal, so I'm going with Locutus on scenario C.

Total galaxywide genocidal annihilation of the opponent is the goal of all three fights. (Shang Tsung voice) "Let Star Trek Kombat begin!!"

Edit: Picard didn't see the paradox geometric shape until Post-Locutus, so Q removes this as well.

Re: Borg vs. Talosians (Star Trek RAR!)

Posted: 2016-10-14 01:37am
by Prometheus Unbound
If it can over-ride computer systems then I'd guess maybe. If not, no. I can't remember specifics from The Cage.

Re: Borg vs. Talosians (Star Trek RAR!)

Posted: 2016-10-14 02:08am
by Simon_Jester
The Talosians tend to override computer systems and sensors by making their living operators hallucinate whatever will make them not use the computers, or shut them down. For example, when Number One brings up giant energy cannons to blast through the door of the Talosians' underground base, the Talosians are able to make her and her crew hallucinate that the door is completely unaffected. But in reality, the energy weapon melted the door and most of the rock around it with massive destructive force...

And yet the crew goes away, disappointed, thinking they didn't even make a dent.

I don't know whether something like that would work on the Borg, because it's unclear how much of their mental processing goes on in telepathically susceptible brains, versus how much goes on in telepathically immune computers.

Re: Borg vs. Talosians (Star Trek RAR!)

Posted: 2016-10-14 08:04pm
by Darth Lucifer
Something I forgot to consider was the fact that Tuvok served as a conduit to Unimatrix Zero by doing a mind meld with Janeway and Seven. This could factor in heavily for the Talosians, though I don't know if there were additional factors in play, I'll have to go back over that part of the episode when I get time.