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Been on a MP3 and CD buying spree

Posted: 2012-01-27 09:10pm
by Alyeska
So about a year ago I discovered how easy it was to buy music off Amazon. Started collecting their MP3 albums which sell for dirt cheap. Then not long after that they enable the Cloud Player and digital locker features. Suddenly I get very interested. So I go on a buying spree with MP3s.

Then I hit a wall. There is still a lot of music not on MP3. Lots of the Star Trek soundtracks are only on CD. Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi are both still on CD. The entire nBSG collection. I break down and start purchasing. In the process I learn that a lot of the older CD releases of favorite sound tracks in the 90s are actually mastered off retail vinyl records. My favorite Star Trek 2 CD was mastered that way. So I purchased the expanded CD. My god, the quality of the music. I ripped MP3s straight to 320 kbs. I can hear instruments that I'd never heard before. Detail, its incredible.

I've also learned that some of the CDs have re-played versions of the music. These are not identical to the original release in the movies. Same fundamental song, but the notes are distinctly off on some of these songs. Very prevalent in Battle for Endor III on ROTJ.

Re: Been on a MP3 and CD buying spree

Posted: 2012-01-31 08:36pm
by Jon
Much the same has occurred for me in the last six months as I've looked to expand my collection of classical music especially, whilst there is a tonne available on mp3 online its not always the recording I'm after... have ended up buying about 60 CDs so far and my basket just keeps growing... it's addictive and I especially love amazon marketplace some of the bargains to be had are fantastic. There is still something quite satisfying about owning physical copies too, having all the cases lined up on the shelf and being able to pick out a disc and just play through that... makes a nice change to my old habit of just shuffling through all sorts in iTunes.