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Pony image dump thread (NO 56k, PIC HEAVY)

Posted: 2011-11-12 07:10pm
by Zixinus


No Nazi ponies, no pornographic content of any kind (even light), no gore, no nightmare-fuel material, etc. If a moderator can reinforce me on this, I am sure that the forum's brony community would be grateful!

Funny, cute, beautiful, interesting content is welcome.

I'd say that crossever-esque stuff, like WH40k images are OK too, as long as we don't see anything we wouldn't see on WH40k.

Make this thread SAFE FOR WORK!

Don't just put in images, videos and music are cool too! Also, please try to use thumbnails if the images are large.

I'll start with some of my favourites. Thumbnails for better browsing.















EDIT: changed thread name for clarity.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-12 10:08pm
by Dominus Atheos
The infamous:

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-12 10:36pm
by Crossroads Inc. ... parade.jpg

OK this is an AWESOME Picture... and yet also very very sad if you think about it.
Celestia is immortal, and everyone else is not. How sad is it to see her giving a final parade to Twilight after a long long life.
What is more sad is seeing a cloth with Rarity's cutie mark on it, perhaps already passed on?

Makes you wonder how many other 'star pupils' Celestia has raised, taught, and had to watch pass away.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 01:07am
by Eulogy
Is this about ponies living in dumps, or ponies taking a dump?

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 04:39am
by Zixinus
It's about dumping all ponie-related images here rather than in the discussion thread.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 04:42am
by Crazedwraith
What is more sad is seeing a cloth with Rarity's cutie mark on it, perhaps already passed on?
Looks like they've all passed on. Twilight's surrounded by representations of all the mane six; a cloth for rarity, a butterfly for fluttershy, an apple for applejack, one of rainbow dash's blue wing feathers and ballons and streamers from Pinkie Pie.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:42am
by Ritterin Sophia

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:50am
by Oscar Wilde

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 06:10am
by evilsoup
Crossroads Inc. wrote: ... parade.jpg

OK this is an AWESOME Picture... and yet also very very sad if you think about it.
Celestia is immortal, and everyone else is not. How sad is it to see her giving a final parade to Twilight after a long long life.
What is more sad is seeing a cloth with Rarity's cutie mark on it, perhaps already passed on?

Makes you wonder how many other 'star pupils' Celestia has raised, taught, and had to watch pass away.
The effect is kind of ruined for me by Pinkie Pie in the background. With regards to Celestia's immortality..

'Dying Sun'
the person who commissioned this wrote:Celestia and Philomena sitting together on some sea-cliff, looking far away, up into to the horizon, where small and gloom red sun slowly hiding after (sunset). The firebird is partially dead, almost the whole of her body covered/turned in cooled down/hardened plasma (the material that resembles rock/stone), and only a few spots are still slowly glowing with life: her eyes and some feathers on the wings and tail. Celestia sits near to her, her wigs lifelessly open, mane and tail lies on the ground and stood still as well. Her eyes and mind is empty, she blindly looks at the dying sun (if you could draw some red lights that reflects in her eyes - it will add some eerie feeling to the scene), like not believing yet, not understanding what’s happening, like she is not here at the moment. Did she noticed that Philomena passed away? Who knows, it is not something that bothers her at this moment. Her mind is empty and – at the same time -- full of random, scattered thoughts, which is like a pale ghosts slowly disappearing away behind the edges of Oblivion. All the things around is not of her concern anymore, she is somewhere deep inside her soul, slowly accepting the fate. Just like everything else in dying world – she will be next as well. And her soul dies along with Equestria because she is the Equestria itself, the heart of this world, the essence of its life. May be she will not die now, may be not tomorrow, but eventually she will pass away. Until that – this wasteland now is the prison of her loneliness.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 06:22am
by Crazedwraith
well that's not at all disheartening :(

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 07:11am
by evilsoup
How about this: Celestia knows that this will be her ultimate fate, but nevertheless chooses to make friends with mortal ponies - in spite of the fact that they will inevitably die, and that it will hurt. When she reaches this stage of her life, the last thing that her time-ground mind will remember - over and over, in an endless loop - will be the feelings of love and friendship from a hundred thousand generations of ponies. The knowledge of those friendships, and the knowledge off the good she has done throughout her life, will keep her warm even as the sun burns to ashes; and then to nothing at all.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 07:56am
by Oscar Wilde

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 12:25pm
by Skgoa




Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 01:09pm
by Bakustra


Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 02:44pm
by Purple
evilsoup wrote:The effect is kind of ruined for me by Pinkie Pie in the background. With regards to Celestia's immortality..
Can't be Pinkie . The pony in question is way too young. More likely it is Pinkie Junior of some sort.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 03:12pm
by Civil War Man
Purple wrote:
evilsoup wrote:The effect is kind of ruined for me by Pinkie Pie in the background. With regards to Celestia's immortality..
Can't be Pinkie . The pony in question is way too young. More likely it is Pinkie Junior of some sort.
Unless Pinkie Pie also happens to be immortal.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 03:55pm
by LadyTevar
With Pinkie pie, you never know

But what's up with Dr. Whooves and Derpy? Why the shipping?

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 04:23pm
by evilsoup
Pinkie Pie's known for breaking the forth wall, especially in fanon (on ponibooru, search for panel_play), and given that she's looking right at the 'audience' in that picture ... I'm guessing she just thought it was a fun idea to hop, a-skip and a-jump a little while into the future.

Derpy is semi-regularly depicted as Doctor Whooves' companion, it's not a shipping thing as far as I know.


Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:05pm
by Vendetta
LadyTevar wrote: But what's up with Dr. Whooves and Derpy? Why the shipping?
Current Doctor Who writers can't approach companions any other way...


Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:23pm
by Skgoa
There isn't that much Whooves/Derpy shipping going on that I am aware of. At least the "official" fannon interpretation is that of a platonic Doctor/companion relationship. But since they have started being depicted together regularly, people have also started making the connection to Dinky. Basicly, it's an in-joke on an in-joke... and the fandom as a whole just went "ok, that sounds interesting, lets go with that."

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:27pm
by evilsoup
Dinky=River Song.
This needs to happen.

You don't fuck with Twilight.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:58pm
by Zixinus
I am amused by the fact that Pinky doesn't seem to mind.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 05:59pm
by The Yosemite Bear
on the original post why no 11? come on the spinal tap guy just died luna shoulda cranked that sucker up to 11.

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 06:10pm
by RogueIce
evilsoup wrote:With regards to Celestia's immortality..

'Dying Sun'
You know, if you take it a certain way, that makes it even worse for Luna.

If you go with "the sun will one day die and with it, Celestia" it could imply that Luna will, essentially, live forever. Because the moon won't burn out the way Equestria's sun will, so unless it's on some kind of orbit that will eventually leave, the moon will continue to be there forever. Making Luna the true immortal pony, and not only watching all other ponies die but to indeed be forever trapped on a dead, cold world; even after her own sister has passed away.

And just because it's so awesome, I'm bringing this over from the main mane discussion thread because I can:

Re: Pony dump thread

Posted: 2011-11-13 06:15pm
by Crazedwraith
If you go with "the sun will one day die and with it, Celestia"
If you want to take the Celestia = Sun metaphor so literally aren't you going to end up with 'one day Celestia will get really hungry and eat everypony and all of equestria and become big and fat and red'?