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Toyetic (but not a toy)

Posted: 2011-10-17 10:38am
by HeadCreeps

So my nephew asked me to draw some toy of Venom riding whatever Marvel decides Venom should ride, even though the character has no need to ride anything (....) for his 5th year birthday present from me since I'm a piece of shit with no money. Whatever, it looked like a killer whale with rockets, so he gets a whale.


Did I get anything obviously wrong, like Liefeldesque, or does it pass the eye test? It's for a single digit aged kid, so nvm the concept.

Edit: oh, right, that was a thumbnail.

Damn, oh well, no responses. Not a very active art community here anyway. Guess I'll let him have the pic as is, then.

Re: Toyetic (but not a toy)

Posted: 2011-10-26 08:40pm
by Purple
I say it's epic. I don't see anything obviously wrong with it. And the whale joyously shouting along the main character as they blast away with their missiles is a nice touch. The whole thing just makes you think: Cute. Here is this guy and his pet having fun blasting stuff. And killing innocent people. Awww.

Re: Toyetic (but not a toy)

Posted: 2011-10-27 12:55pm
by HeadCreeps
Haha, thanks. I'm told my nephew got a kick out of it.