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FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-18 11:32pm
by Darth Fanboy
This is some up front hardcore food porn, specifically for those with a bacon fetish. If you want to jump in and talk baout how you quit eating meat and you get a raging hard on from eating sprouts and tofu whatever, do what you want, you have been advised and are a douche from this point forward.



Bacon shaped into a tortilla, mashed potatoes in the middle.


Fried grilled cheese stuffed with bacon and pulled pork


Bacon wrapped churros!


Fried Mac N Cheese wrapped in Bacon and Fried PBJ wrapped in Bacon.


Mac and Cheese with bacon over fries with Chipotle (left), cheddar fried to a crisp with bacon and sour cream dip (right)


Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 01:34am
by Alyrium Denryle
good god man, I can feel your arteries clogging.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 10:12am
by Alkaloid
Um, yeah. If you've eaten even one of those things I suggest you see a heart surgeon. If you've eaten all of them I suggest you see a mortician.

On that note, are bacon wrapped churros nice? I love a good churro, and am intrigued.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 10:48am
by Darth Fanboy
They were great. Get them fresh as possible. The contrast between Bacon's saltiness and dessert food sweetness makes for a great flavor.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 03:12pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Good lord man how are you still standing? Or are you one of thoese fat bastards on a mobility scooter?

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 03:42pm
by Thanas
Holy crap man.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 05:06pm
by Havok
I love you man.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-26 06:42pm
by muse
So it's not bacon, but it fits in with the theme of unhealthy fried foods

Alaskan black cod with black bean sauce

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 07:13am
by wautd
muse wrote: Alaskan black cod with black bean sauce
That at least looks edible. The stuff in the OP may taste nice, but they look shit and vomit (no offence). As someone who eats with his eye, I think I'll pass on those.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 07:31am
by Thanas
Good thing you did not buy Atlantic cod, Muse.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 07:51am
by Alyrium Denryle
Thanas wrote:Good thing you did not buy Atlantic cod, Muse.
What atlantic cod?

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 09:09am
by Thanas
The one that is one the red list? I thought the whole fishery was overfished on both sides of the atlantic.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 01:00pm
by muse
Thanas wrote:Good thing you did not buy Atlantic cod, Muse.
FYI, Alaskan Black Cod isn't a Cod, it's another name for Sablefish. Totally different fish.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 01:03pm
by Thanas
The more you know. :D

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 01:16pm
by muse
It's a very delicious fish, you should try it sometime!
I prefer simpler recipes where you can enjoy the flavour of the fish instead of having it drowned by strong sauces.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 01:20pm
by Thanas
How is the taste?

And what is the fishery status? I try only to eat fish where I know it is not going to impact the environment negatively.

As for recipes, I agree. I tend to focus on the fish taste usually as well. Where did you get the recipe from?

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 01:47pm
by muse
It's on the David Suzuki sustainable food list so as far as I can tell it's ok. The taste is kinda hard to describe, it's a bit sweet with a rich I guess buttery flavour.

The recipe. I copied it from a Chinese restaurant near my workplace. The fish is fried with a light coating of batter or you can simply coat it with flour & bread crumbs then pan fry or bake it, but deep frying it tastes better, I won't lie.

The sauce is made from soy sauce, chopped fermented black beans, cooking wine, finely chopped ginger, and some brown sugar & balsamic vinegar. Mix it in a saucepan starting with the fermented black beans & ginger then add in the rest of the stuff until it tastes good, thicken it up then pour it over the fish. I can't really tell you how much of each thing to use since the ingredients vary so much from place to place, but the goal is to end up with a sauce that's not too salty with a bit of ginger & sweetness to it that's balanced out by the balsamic vinegar.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 01:55pm
by Thanas
Hmmm. So it tastes a bit like halibut then?

But I will try it as soon as I have completed moving.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 02:37pm
by muse
A little bit, sort of, but I think it's much better. I can't think of anything else with a similar taste, there's a bit of similarity with halibut or swordfish with the sweetness but the rest of the flavours & textures are quite different.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 03:07pm
by Magister Militum
While the idea of bacon wrapped mashed potatoes and churros intrigues me and sounds pretty awesome, I"ll pass on the objection that I would rather like to, well, live. That, and the fact that a few of them look like they came out of Satan's asshole.

Now, that Alaskan black cod with black bean sauce looks and sounds delicious. I must try it at some point.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-27 04:08pm
by aerius
Getting back on topic, I maintain that this is a complete and wholesome meal since all 4 food groups are represented.
My wife doesn't agree with me for some reason.


Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-28 01:09pm
by Scottish Ninja
Good thing that saturated fat doesn't cause heart disease or weight gain.

There's five parts, definitely worth watching all of them.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-29 05:00am
by Darth Fanboy
Fuckin love me some bacon. I do actually eat well for my self from time to time and my job has me up and about quite a bit but my senses of taste and smell demand constant attention. This was a rare indulgence to try so much good stuff at once. I can't put it away like I used to but that's because I get ulcers from an unrelated issue and the ol' gut can't work as hard despite my weighing less than I did ten years ago.

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-01-29 05:06am
by Darth Fanboy
Oh man I am also reminded to tell you all that BACON FRIED RICE is the way to do it when you eat at teppan restaurants. The place I go will even prepare your beef rare if you ask (so many places don't it is a shame)!

Re: FOOD PORN (56k and Vegans go 'way)

Posted: 2012-02-02 04:48am
by Questor
About the only time I get a "traditional" breakfast is when I travel and stay in a hotel. I'm usually the guy with the single pack of cereal, but this thread (Muse and Fanboy's posts) has been a feast for the eyes!