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by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-06 08:34pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Filibuster Reform Proposal released.
Replies: 13
Views: 1750

Re: Filibuster Reform Proposal released.

Since even very conservative Democrats have come out in favor of doing rules reform (even without Republican support if necessary), it is a foregone conclusion that some form of it will be passed. At this point the question is just exactly what will be changed. Exactly, I don't see why even conserv...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-06 08:20pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Is anywhere implied that the time before was any time soon. I mean, once again might mean that it happened centuries ago. And here on earth we have people who idolize dictators like Hitler and Stalin even before the corpses were cold (to give you an impression of how fast memory fades). We clearly ...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-06 07:38pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

or what ships belong to which side (despite there clearly being Trade Federation ships) I only got that the star destroyer looking ships ships were good and the previously-seen doughnuts were bad. I didn't know that the smaller ships were all Separatists until I was told about it online. That was p...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-06 04:45pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Star Wars Blu-ray Coming Fall 2011
Replies: 50
Views: 8399

Re: Star Wars Blu-ray Coming Fall 2011

Anyone notice how in the trailer when Luke says "I'm a Jedi like my father before me." they cut to Anakin in Attack of the Clones as he's about to slaughter the Tusken Raiders? :lol: I'd be nice if they finally fix the lightsaber colors in A New Hope and the crappy Special Edi...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-06 03:23pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Something I've actually wondered about is why Watto apparently made no attempts to confirm ownership (or even existence) of the ship and pod Qui Gonn used to enter the race and as collateral. And you'd think the Jedi would have rules against gambling with other people's property in the first place....
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-05 10:23pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Maybe, but it's all speculation, right? But it is not unreasonable speculation. I mean, looking at it his ascend to the position of Emperor was more like that of Augustus proclaiming him self Dictator for life while keeping the Republic than an actual take over. He even kept the senate for quite a ...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-05 04:30pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Maybe he promised them something better? Like say that he would use his power to make them/their system wealthy? Or maybe the population was tired of war and they saw a way of ending it and bringing peace as a way of keeping their terms next time around. They may have even been honest people that w...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-05 04:15pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

I guess our governments are different than. Where I live the senators/council members/MP (or how ever it translates) only care about the interests of their own personal wealth, their own town/region and their own party in that order with the well of the whole being a distant fourth. And quite a lot...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-05 03:56pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

You mean the scene where Palpatine goes to the Senate and claims that the Jedi tried to take over so he had them all murdered (children, included) and then offers no evidence? After he spent the last decade or so gathering power to himself. And then the majority of the Senate votes for him to be Em...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-05 03:49pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Boner new House speaker, co-opts Obama's talking points
Replies: 1
Views: 644

Re: Boner new House speaker, co-opts Obama's talking points

I don't yet see how Weeping Boehner can possibly please his big business benefactors and the tea party caucus and set up any of the awful Republican nominee contenders to gain the White House. Link to a 538 blog post about how many GOP seats were won by Obama in 08. The Republicans won 55 seats that...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-05 02:55pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

I missed this: The whole thing is an obvious hatchet job meant to make "baw baw George Lucas ruined my life" nerds feel good about themselves since neither the critics nor box office really backed them up. The whole bit about how Palpatine's rise to power fooled everyone, even Padme, is al...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-04 11:55pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Hare: I didn't think it was my thing. I shot an episode for George's series, which I really did because I knew I could get some fantastic actors and thought it would be fun. I enjoyed working with him, and he asked me to work more seriously with him. But that is so not what I do. It was a lovely id...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-04 10:53pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Hare: I didn't think it was my thing. I shot an episode for George's series, which I really did because I knew I could get some fantastic actors and thought it would be fun. I enjoyed working with him, and he asked me to work more seriously with him. But that is so not what I do. It was a lovely id...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-04 10:36am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

I'd be entertained if someone then churned out a 140+ page counter-refutation. Entertained as all hell. But I wouldn't read it, just like I'm not going to waste time watching RLM's goddamn review of RotS. It'd be more entertaining and productive to invite some friends over to watch RotS with me, ge...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-02 08:26pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

Yes, this thread isn't about TPM review, which is another reason I didn't post my preview list or my total work so far. Which is why I asked for someone to quickly post RLM's points about how the Jedi should have deposed Palpatine in ROTS , something that NO ONE has responded to yet. Because no one...
by StarshipTitanic
2011-01-02 02:30am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up
Replies: 262
Views: 54194

Re: Red Letter Media RotS Review Up

This was a good addition to his other reviews because it got into the more mechanical problems with the films rather than the silly plot and character issues. Seeing all the CGI walk-and-talk scenes compared was particularly enlightening. And worst of all, instead of being told the story of a good m...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-24 04:16pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then
Replies: 125
Views: 9603

Re: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then

Do you own a violin? I mean, if you followed through with your Torquemada impersonation, you'd end up losing a number of seats to the Democrats. So you're saying that you'd rather have a Democratic Congress than compromise an imaginary ideological purity. You're a treat, Shep. Not necessarily, at l...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-24 01:05am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then
Replies: 125
Views: 9603

Re: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then

StarshipTitanic handled the supermajority point well, so fair enough. Most legislation, the health care "reform" bill, for example, passed with a simple majority. I know, I'm shooting a dead horse, but again, HE DIDN'T NEED A SINGLE REPUBLICAN! The fucking health care bill passed IMO beca...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-23 05:37pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then
Replies: 125
Views: 9603

Re: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then

The bill to repeal DADT was filibustered twice, and its pretty obvious the Republicans wanted a bill that was barely passed in the lame duck session to never pass in the first place. Foolish? Eh, whatever. Your reply was foolish because your answer was wrong. The defense authorization and DADT repe...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-23 04:18pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then
Replies: 125
Views: 9603

Re: Your thoughts on Obama - now and then

And he didn't have a supermajority vote in the House, either! Oh wait, he did. Nice use of the word "reliable," why didn't you just come out and say that despite all his political capital he couldn't twist the arms needed in his own fucking party , you moron? It's the Republicans' fault h...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-22 04:58pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: How Would You Reboot Stargate?
Replies: 69
Views: 6578

Re: How Would You Reboot Stargate?

Why reboot at all? Why not just a new series in a similar vein? Stargate was trying for the Indiana Jones vibe, right? Action and adventure with a fun wink, no grimdark. So why not greenlight another series just like that? The worst fallacy of modern scifi is the idea that everything has to be spin...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-20 09:04pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Tron Legacy: OMFG *Spoilers*
Replies: 103
Views: 15803

Re: Tron Legacy: OMFG *Spoilers*

It was okay, but it didn't feel like a true successor to Tron . The visual style was okay, but way, way too human. I was hoping for something jarring, but instead I got suckling pig and old books (Which took me out of the movie a bit. How the hell did that stuff work?). You're complaining about a l...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-20 04:41pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Tron Legacy: OMFG *Spoilers*
Replies: 103
Views: 15803

Re: Tron Legacy: OMFG *Spoilers*

Computer vehicles should not need engines that are similar to outside world jet engines. The Recognizers and the shuttle would just 'go' there. This would be a clue to the carrier later on, which has constructs with actual engines and the audience would wonder why. And computer programs should not ...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-19 07:03pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Tron Legacy: OMFG *Spoilers*
Replies: 103
Views: 15803

Re: Tron Legacy: OMFG *Spoilers*

Personally, I thought that it would have been much better if the objective wasn't to go 'into the real world' as it were through the laser, but 'hack out' into the worlds computer networks. That the portal wasn't just the connection to the laser, but all external devices and network ports on Flynns...
by StarshipTitanic
2010-12-19 06:26pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: How Would You Reboot Stargate?
Replies: 69
Views: 6578

Re: How Would You Reboot Stargate?

Forget finding the Stargate in Egypt - have them find Atlantis sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean or burried under the ice of Antarctica (as they originally intended) and have the new, international SGC run from the Lost City. This gives them a Stargate, DHD and address list right from the ge...