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by brianeyci
2008-04-08 11:34pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Bush retroactively pardoning himself
Replies: 5
Views: 1293

Bush doesn't have to be tried by some World Court for war crimes. The thing about the United States is it takes its own treaty obligations very seriously, at least it used to. When a friendly administration comes in, a prosecutor like Patrick Fitzgerald might make a case against them. It would proba...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 11:15pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Historians agree: Worst President Ever
Replies: 29
Views: 3216

managed to put the most powerful military in the world to shame by failing to meet the 'Two fronts' standard of the Pentagon, Can you elaborate on this "two fronts" standard? Is there an actual long standing foreign policy about not opening a war on two fronts, or is it a lot more subtle ...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 08:42pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

I'm sure I will be punished for giving you the benefit of the doubt in subsequent posts. Yeah right: I particularly like how you extended an olive branch with "are we going to have another long unpleasant discussion where we call each other names" or along those lines, then in the very sa...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 06:50pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

You pulled the "did you really think I meant" bullshit on me, and you were the one who said this ? Of course a teenager can dress however he wants, within the limits of the law and what his parents allow, on his own time. How about I invoke DR6 on you asshole, and ask you to show where I s...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 05:23pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

Qualifications my ass . If you are looking for a legalistic discussion about whether teenagers can wear what they want, then there is nothing to talk about RI. As usual you go on your moral crusade to defend the dumb, and I usually agree with you, starting with the kids who stared at the sun until t...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 03:00pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

Anyway, let's get to the heart of the matter: what does it mean "you can wear what you want?" Mike seems to think that means, you can wear whatever you want without consequences. Same as me. RI and Zac seem to want to divorce the consequences of clothing with the choice. Under a microscope...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 02:18pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

Have you ever actually worked with teenagers? Almost all of them are perfectly capable of grapsing the "nuance" of "You can wear what you want sometimes, but not others". When a kid dresses inapproppriately for a job interview, almost always one of these: 1. He was never taught ...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 01:00pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Gen. Odom on Iraq.
Replies: 8
Views: 1430

Wow well, that utterly destroys every conservotard fantasy. Let us count the ways. "The surge worked." We are witnessing is more accurately described as the road to the Balkanization of Iraq, that is, political fragmentation. "We fight the terrorists there so we don't have to fight th...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 10:43am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Historians agree: Worst President Ever
Replies: 29
Views: 3216

It was a lot more retarded than that Shroom Man. It was something along the lines of "the deaths will be a footnote" or "fine print in history" or something... classic Bush. I can't remember who in his administration said it, or when. The bad thing is, future generations will not...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 03:20am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Financial advice
Replies: 37
Views: 2596

I don't see how you're paying so goddamn little for your student loans. Either you signed in on a fixed interest up the ass, or your loan is incredibly small compared to some others. A lot of people's minimums are 500 bucks, which is shocking. But thing is up here, the loans were taken away from the...
by brianeyci
2008-04-08 03:04am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

Here's the problem Zac. They can't dress how they want. Teenagers don't like being lied to, and if they find out you've been sugar coating or see white lies there's hell to pay. Better to tell them, no they can't dress how they want, not if they want a career and a future. If they whine, bring up sp...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 10:54pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What is Fox News and why do people hate it?
Replies: 28
Views: 2990

If FauxNews had any integrity they would've got rid of Bill a long time ago. But they're fucking sellout ratings shitholes. Tucker was pulled off the air after Jon Stewart destroyed him, but Bill keeps too tight a leash for anything to ever happen, including "live to tape," cutting guests ...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 01:10pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What is Fox News and why do people hate it?
Replies: 28
Views: 2990

Re: What is Fox News and why do people hate it?

I kid you not; although it may seem strange to an American, as a European I have absolutely no idea, and searching does not seem to turn up anything useful. (Admittedly, I am not very good at it.) In any case, would anyone care to enlighten me? A lot of it can be nailed down to specific personaliti...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 12:43pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Anti-Emo Pogroms in Mexico
Replies: 92
Views: 13672

Sorry Zac, you said that it was no more bullshit than any other fashion trend. That means you think that all fashion trends are just as valid, or in other words just clothing choices. That is kind of bullshit... high maintainence gucci girl is certainly far more a pain in the ass than nerd with pock...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 08:05am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Fed To Auction Another $100bn To Banks
Replies: 112
Views: 12904

*Snip*[/i[ My parents are not making as much money as they used to, but then again they're both mid to late fifty somethings and not far off from retirement, yet in my age group being reliably employed is not guaranteed if companies are cutting many things to the bone to be set up overseas and are ...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 02:15am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Obama went bowling! Disaster!!!
Replies: 21
Views: 2731

I don't know why you're so confident. I have no faith whatsoever in the American voting populace to exhibit any more collective intelligence than the average lab rat. There may be intelligent individuals in that mass of gut reactions, superstitions, and fear-driven spasms, but as a collective group...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 02:06am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Obama went bowling! Disaster!!!
Replies: 21
Views: 2731

I can imagine the attack ads now. But Republicans will. Last week, over drinks, one Republican strategist not affiliated with the McCain campaign mused about how an independent advertising effort against Obama might work. “Barack Obama: He’s not who you think he is” would be the theme. The supportin...
by brianeyci
2008-04-07 12:22am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Mutant stem rust may cause a wheat supply crisis
Replies: 58
Views: 5261

Well, OK, is that because of problems with the rice crop, or because with the corn/wheat shortage folks are buying more rice? Or something else? "Shortage" in the form of world rice production not keeping up with population growth. As far as I know, not problems with the rice crop, but ju...
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 11:51pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Mutant stem rust may cause a wheat supply crisis
Replies: 58
Views: 5261


Rice has gone up 60% in the past month. There was fearmongering about a rice shortage in Thailand for a few days due to the price surge.
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 10:47pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1301401

Dude, he only has second-hand knowledge of everything. He only knows what happened to Abigor because of the information he got from the royal court. Don't overestimate his intelligence network; I have no doubt that he's working from second and third-hand information here, heavily filtered and missi...
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 10:44pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1301401

I dont think he is that smart to actually know what to hit. This has been addressed before. All the demons are actually smart, but some are stuck with preconceived notions. The fact that Belial knows the scope of human civilization and the rest of the demons do not is easily explained -- he simply ...
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 10:20pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1301401

I'm thinking he might just look for underground fortresses, since that's what Tartarus is. Like Cheyenne Mountain, or the Russian counterpart. Maybe even burn the entire Strategic Petroleum Reserve... that should not be too hard to discover. Military bases should also be easy to indentify all over t...
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 08:52pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: OVEG: Tuvix
Replies: 176
Views: 20950

Fuck you, cock weasel. I'm not wasting any more of my time with you. You know, holier than thou won't get you anywhere. You're a dumb cocksucker who likes treating symptoms and never the cause. If you show your face in this thread again you'd better be prepared to prove your claim that Kirk regular...
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 01:48pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: OVEG: Tuvix
Replies: 176
Views: 20950

Except to the thinking, MACOs added nothing at all. Redshirt and goldshirt jokes didn't happen because of lack of well-equipped and well-trained soldiers. It's because they're the only ones who died, because alien beings always chose the least important man to kill first. Meanwhile, B&B gave int...
by brianeyci
2008-04-06 01:32am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: OVEG: Tuvix
Replies: 176
Views: 20950

You're a real big dumb shit Swindler. You don't even understand logic you moron. You're so fucking dumb that you say "they're not locking the doors now!" as proof that they can't lock the doors or can't make child secure locks. Then you bring up cultural crap. Utter, fanatical straw graspi...