STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

At the bridge of the CUS "Prosperity"

"Well, i have to admit, that was faster than i expected".

Admiral Amyria watched the simulated breakdown of colony one.
It had been a necessary sacrifice - and that debris would still be usefull.

"Admiral Amyria to all ships: Engage the Empires right flank.

Capital ships: Straight ahead. Intercept any fire from the main group!
Everyone else: Fall out to the left and engage the enemy at full speed!"

The instant the orders had been given, the formerly solid formation broke apart.
While the destroyers remained in place the large number of frigates and cruisers, corvettes and fighters made a turn to the left, leaving the formation.

"Hail Colony two. I want every Imperial ship or fighter that engages us destroyed.
Concentrate fire on the small targets"

At Colony two, the droids manning the simulated guns received their orders.
Even if the destruction of Colony one had been real, they would know no shock, and obey their orders.
But their human supervisors knew that, should this fight ever occur in reality, all of them had been doomed by the orders they had just been given. And more than one of them questioned if he could obey them just as easily as they did not if the stakes were real.

"Admiral, the escort group is about to enage the enemy flank. Force composition:
One ISD II, four Carrack cruisers, one Inderdictor-class cruiser.
We are engaging them with 15 Munificent frigates, 4 LACs, 48 Marauder and 20 Hardcell Corvettes and 898 starfighters.
Capital group will be in firing range in 45 seconds."

The simulation continues.
Obviously, Admiral Amyria has never encountered the Thrawns pincer.

I guess Thanas will kick my butt :)
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Fleet exercise simulation
Cultural union

Captain Hunt noticed the quick movement of the enemy ships. Now it came down to quick reaction time. "HK 3,4 and reserve - execute Thrawn pincer, variation beta-2."

It all happened in a matter of seconds. Though the debris field prevented the main battleline from engaging its hyperdrive, this did not limit the movements of the hunter-killers stationed well above and below the debris (OOC: Note that earlier I told them to keep their distance).

The interdictor cruiser accompanying HK-2 disabled its gravity generator for a second, then switched it immediately back on as the HKs engaged their hyperdrives and dropped out of hyperspace closely to HK-2. This precise maneuver needed exact timing, special drill and expert ship handling. Thankfully, the Remnant navy, steeled by years of warfare, the devestating battle of Coruscant and the relentless drills of Lord Praji, had all of these.

However, there was always human error, especially with such a dangerous maneuver. And the simulation accounted for it by having two carrack cruisers collide with each other. Heavily damaged, each ships drifted in space, defence-and useless. Still, this maneuver meant that instead of facing one HK, the Union navy was now opposed by three ISD-IIs, 10 Carrack cruisers and three Interdictors. A total of 256 fighters was launched and ready to offer battle, flying in close escort.

This meant that the attacking fleet, which had a total of heavy firepower at this range compared to 1.5 ISD, were faced with about twice that amount of heavy fire in return. The Imperials unleashed a flurry of 192 40-teraton HTL bolts per second. (OOC: Each ISD II carries 8 octuple-barreled HTL main guns, each 40 teraton. I shot/s/barrel).

Meanwhile, the Carracks laid down a series of counterfire bursts from their combined total of 100 small HTL turret barrels, while their combined total of 200 laser cannon batteries provided a strong anti-starfighter flak screen.

But matters were to be even worse for the Union fleet. For in their flank, the Imperial reserve appeared - two ISDIIs and eight assasin class corvettes. True to Thrawn pincer fashion, they did not slow down, but used their monumentum to charge into the enemy flank. As the Cultural union had not spent any ships as flank screens, the Imperial turbolaser fire tore into the nearly unprotected flanks of the main group.

Which meant that the Union group was not only met with superior firepower from the front, but also had to face the firepower of 128 50 teraton bolts/s/barrel and the combined attack of another 144 fighters and eight corvettes. Within the timeframe of less than nine seconds, the Cultural Union charging group had been cornered.

Hunt meanwhile ordered his fleet to swing around the debris field to reinforce the HK battleline. He smiled as he reviewed the situation. Already the turbolaser fire was having its effect on the charging group. They have four options. Option 1 - run the gauntlet. Obvious suicide, they cannot stand the firepower massed against them. Option 2 - turn and run. Which would result in them loosing the greater part of their ships. Option 3 - turn and run while sacrificing the fighters in an attempt to buy enough time to gain a speed advantage. Option 4: - committ their heavy units. I would do the later - it at least forces us to committ our main battleline and will cost us more losses.

- And the value of a good, disciplined Navy is revealed.
Last edited by Thanas on 2009-09-11 09:21am, edited 1 time in total.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(ooc: and on with the main storyline)

Ord Cantrell
Office of Mirith Sinn
Four days later

Not even the good news from the Republic of Nysacia had managed to brighten Mirith Sinn's mood. For it had been another four days and not a single lead had proven to be a breakthrough. All they had managed to do was to foil an assassination attempt on a governor of a non-aligned world, but that hardly mattered in the grand scheme of things.

The signal at her door sounded, notifying her that someone wanted to speak with her. Without moving from her desk, she pressed a hidden key opening the door. Outside the door stood one Lieutenant Ganner. Despite his age, he was one of the best analysts the Imperial fleet had produced.

(Lieutenant Ganner, analyst.)

"Commander." "Lieutenant." He entered the door and came to attention in front of her, holding a datapad. "I am proud to report that I have found the person you are looking for."

Mirith struggled not to rise up and snatch the datapad right out of his hand. "Show me." "Yes, Commander." Ganner walked over to the holoprojector and entered the datapad. The Projector lit up, showing a snapshot of an old human bartering at a local market, somewhere in the outer rim. The man looked to be about 70-80 years old. "So let me get this right, Lieutenant. You think this man not only cracked Imperial security, he also overpowered the Lady D'Asta and smuggled her out of the palace?" Her voice became sharp as durasteel. "Are you trying to play me for a fool?"

Ganner shook his head. "No, Sir. My apologies. This is the person Moff Saenger was looking for."

Feena visibly deflated. "Oh. Alright then, Lieutenant. Good work, I'll issue a commendation for you." Ganner saluted and turned to leave. "Leave the data here, I'll take it to the Moff myself."

Disappointed, she gathered the data card and made her way to the Baron's suite, where Saenger was mostly spending his time these days. It looked as if conducting the business of the empire was the only thing holding the Baron together these days and Saenger had been "appointed" by her to make sure this was the case.

Entering the suite, she noticed that the two of them were currently going over the architectural proposals for the reconstruction of Coruscant. Noticing her entrance, the Baron nodded and said with a composed voice. "Commander. Come in. Do you have any news?" Feena nodded. "Yes, Sir. But those news are for Moff Saenger. It seems that after three years of searching, Intelligence has managed to locate the person he was looking for." She turned the datapad over to the moff, who studied it. "Oh yes. It is him. But I can't do anything about it right now," he said after glancing at the Baron.

"Why? Because you are afraid I might collapse?" Whatever else the Baron was, he was apparently still quite perceptive. "Feena is strong. They will not break her that easily. And if they hurt her, I will personally make sure every single one of them pays the ultimate price. If you have somewhere to be, go do it."

"Baron, I -" D'Asta cut him off, placing a hand on the Moffs shoulder and squeezing it gently. "One of the very first things I tought you was that duty comes first. You are a Moff of the Imperial Remnant, act like it."
Properly chastised, the Moff nodded. "Yes, Sir." He saluted, turned and left the room.

Mirith Sinn felt compelled to remark: "That was quite harsh, Sir." D'Asta nodded. "Yes. Yes it was. But the Remnant cannot stop just because I cannot handle myself. I am a Baron of the Empire, heir to one of the oldest houses in existence and I will not let anyone else suffer for my grief."

He turned away. "Report to me as soon as anything comes up. Dismissed."

As she walked away, an old saying about five stages of grief came to Mirith Sinn's mind. And it seemed as if the Baron had reached the anger stage.

Ord Cantrell

Half an hour later, one of the New VT-49 Decimator-class assault ships lifted off Ord Cantrell and entered hyperspace after clearing the atmosphere. Besides the crew, the ship carried five passengers - Moff Saenger and four members of the Red Guard in civilian clothes. Although this was a secret mission, Commader Sinn had insisted that he take at least those guards with him.

Ord Cantrell
Suite of Mahd Windcaller

"Your proposal is quite interesting, Baroness." Marshal Praji asserted this opinion while looking through his glass of expensive Bakuran brandy. "So in case the Lady D'Asta is not found, you would essentially offer me the throne?" Mahd Windcaller nodded."Yes. You would of course need a good propaganda advisor to help you through the transition period."

Praji smiled. "Off course. Now, how do you think this should come to pass?" Mahd Windcaller folded her hands. "In case the Lady is not found or something....happened to her, the Baron would be without an heir. If he cannot be persuaded to nominate you as his successor, we would use the Red Guard to do it for us. At the same time, we use it to dispose of Sinn, Saenger and that Republic rabble."

Mahd Windcaller paused. "Of course, steps would have to be taken to be sure of the Bakuran and Nez Peron...loyalty. This is where your army comes in, Marshal Jir."

Jir nodded, though he was not saying anything. He had not said anything since the meeting had started. We would use your army units to sieze both Bakura and Nez Peron. If they refuse, the Imperial Navy will be used to bring them to heel.”

Lord Praji was not convinced. "How can you be assured of the Loyalty of the Red Guard?" "We would use holoimaging to show Sinn conspiring with Captison and the Sullustans. And of course, their commanding general's life was recently spared thanks to a report of Marshal Jir. He owes us."

Praji nodded and swallowed the rest of his brandy. "There is just one tiny problem with that, Baroness. You see, I swore an oath on my honour that I would be a loyal subject to the Baron. I cannot lead a coup against him." He stood up and was about to turn when the Baroness' voice caught up with him. "And what would happen to that oath if the House D'Asta would be no more?"

Praji stopped for a second, then said. "Then the oath would have no longer any force. Good day, Baroness."

The two Marshals left and parted ways outside the suite. Jir then met up with the Jensaarai delegate, who had patiently waited for his return. His face was a mask of stone.


Grappa the Hutt's palace


The pirate corvette had stopped to pick up their Lord and Master. From Genon, it was only a short hyperspace jump to Smarck, the outpost of Black sun vigo Macus Kayniph.


- Sinn is still getting nowhere
- Saenger is looking for someone special
- Windcaller and Praji are scheming
- The pirates are nearing their destination
Last edited by Thanas on 2009-09-08 10:59am, edited 1 time in total.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Co-written with Thanas

Fortuna Clan Enclave
Ryloth, Imperial Remnant Space

Werfort'una, head of the influential Fortuna clan, initialed the datafile and put the datapad away. Enough paperwork, he thought, pushing aside the notion that he'd just signed away the lives of a dozen Twi'lek to death or slavery. He leaned forward and hit the intercom switch.

"Show him in please" he said. The door opened. His visitor entered. Werfort'una studied him while he poured himself a glass of Bakuran wine. The human was unassuming and of average height; slightly wiry and with thin hair, he appeared ordinary in every way.

That was, until you took a closer look. Werfort'una noticed the man's easy, slow-seeming movements. In his youth, before his wound, the Twi'lek clan leader had fought against the mercenaries employed by rival clans as well as Imperial troops. His trained eye understood how quickly that seeming nonchalance could explode into violence. Undoubtedly this 'Iliyan Atchee' - there was no question that was not his real name - was a very dangerous man indeed.

Without being asked Iliyan Atchee slumped into the padded armchair in front of the desk. "Please, take a seat" the clan leader said. Atchee smiled. It was a warm and pleasant smile, the smile of somebody you could trust. The smile contrasted vividly with the man's calculating demeanor in a way that would have disconcerted lesser beings. Werfort'una was suddenly glad for the bodyguards standing behind the human.

"Well clan leader" the man spoke without introducing himself. "It certainly looks like your operation has seen better days."

Werfort'una controlled the flinch. He wasn't used to being spoken to so disrespectfully by subordinates. He forced a smile onto his face. It would never do let an insubordinate dog like this man get to him. "Yes, times have been hard. The only good thing to come out of this blasted Imperial rule is this Bakuran wine. Do you want some? It is quite good, unlike the rest of them."

Atchee pursed his lips, then nodded. "Sure. I might as well, if we're going to do business."

The clan leader looked at him and narrowed his eyes. "And what business do you think that would be?"

The insufferable man smiled again. "What business would you like it to be?"

"Don't play games with me human" the clan leader warned. "I could have you gruesomely killed and no-one would ever know what happened to you."

Atchee snorted, a far cry from the reaction Werfort'una had expected. "I rather doubt that. And I've been threatened worse for it to work particularly well." He did however sit up, boring his eyes into those of the Twi'lek. "I hear you have a problem moving live contraband. Me and my associates could help you with that."

The Twi'lek narrowed his eyes. "You walk into my palace, you know far more than is healthy... Why would I trust you? How do I know you're not an Imperial spy?"

I'm an Imperial spy all right Atchee thought privately. But not of the Empire you think. Once the man who now called himself Iliyan Atchee would have detested working with slavers. But that was a long time ago. Fifteen years working for COMPNOR, first for the Imperial Security Bureau and then for CompForce, had given him a conscience of ice. Guilt just slid right off it. And two years as one of the Shadow Emperor's Black Hands had taught him not to question orders. It was why he still lived whilst so many of his peers had met unfortunate ends.

Atchee responded to the Twi'lek's inquiry with a barely noticable shrug. "If you don't trust me, then don't. Let's see if you can find someone else to move your wares for you."

The clan leader peered intently at the human for several seconds. Then he sighed and pointed at the window. Through the glass, a group of about 20 young female Twi'Leks were being trained in the art of the dance. "Look at them. In the old days, they would have been worth a fortune on the market. Now, they will probably waste away their lives as houseservants instead of entertaining the masses."

He watched as a particularly striking rutian female twirled gracefully. "Those dammed Imperials were supposed to stop slavers taking them for free, not stopping slavery altogether. It is a noble tradition of my clan, a tradition that has served us well for several hundred years."

The Twi'Lek clan leader turned back to his guest. "Thankfully, your unknown masters are more cultivated people. Who are they and what support can you give me?"

The Black Hand infiltrator briefly considered his response. "I represent a syndiate from the Core" he finally answered. Let him think we're Black Sun he thought. What he'd said wasn't even technically a lie - and if the Twi'lek interpreted his words wrongly, well that couldn't be helped, could it? "We can help you move your cargo. We can help you evade security. And we can help you get rid of some of that annoying Imperial oversight. For a price, of course."

"'Get rid?'" Werfort'una's eyes widened slightly, the only sign of his surprise. "You mean assassinations? Of Remnant personnel?"

Atchee once more produced that infuriatingly pleasant smile of his. "Call it what you like. Are we in business or not?"

Werfort'una offered a predatory smile that highlighted his sharpened teeth. "I never say no to a profitable opportunity."
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Chambers of the Eclipse Tribunal
Korriban, Sith Empire


The holographic image hung in the midst of the tribunal chambers, occasionally going fuzzy due to interference and bad weather. The Sith Assassin it showed was standing in front of an Infiltrator spaceship that had landed in what appeared to be the midst of an icy wasteland. “We have successfully bypassed planetary security and have landed on Telos' southern pole.” Jared Veicht's hologram reported.

“You are sure no-one has seen you come?” The voice of Mari Indigo, acting Lady of Korriban, was concerned. The Dark Jedi didn't much like the presence of Sith troops on foreign worlds, there was too much chance of discovery, especially considering the whole affair struck her as a wild Bantha chase with only a minimal chance of success.

Veicht however nodded cockily. “Quite sure. Planetary defences are pathetic. The Ithorians wouldn't know an orbital scanner if it bit them in their backsides. No-one saw us. We're all alone down here.”

“Excellent!” Lyran Hex, the Lord of Ziost, sounded excited. “The Dark Lord will be pleased.”

“We shouldn't get carried away” injected the Lord of Thule, Torkun Brito. The white-haired Echani looked sour as always. “We still have to find what we're looking for.”

“We're working on that, Lord” the hologram said. Even though the interference it was clear that despite his armour the unfamiliar cold was unpleasant to the Assassin. “We think-” There was a disturbance off-camera and the Assassin briefly looked away. When he turned back to the camera he was clearly excited. “Lords, it looks like one of our speederbike scouts has found it. If you'll excuse me – my next report will be in twenty-four hours.”


SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

"Admiral, the enemies interdictor fields are dropping, but we can not detect any movement of the enemies fleet at this time".

"Keep an open channel to the fleet, and calculate an optimum retreat trajectory to the perimeter"

"Roger, Admiral"

*Mere seconds later, an alarm began to shriek*

"Admiral, the enemies battle line is moving."

"Any movement of their flanking groups?"


"If he is not engaging with his flanks, there should be ample time for our plan....but if he knows what we are planning...
Be ready to recall the strike group any moment now"

*Suddenly, two of the fleet symbols vanished from the screen, only to reappear nearly on top of the strike group. For now, their guns were silent - they could not predict their locations precise enough to have targets immedeatly - but it was only a matter of seconds until the strike group was doomed. Once they were engaged, it would be nearly impossible to break off.
And the enemies battleline was moving in at top speed.*

*On board the Prosperity, Admiral Amyria had jumped from her seat, shouting orders without even catching her breath*

"Strike group: Return immedeatly! All fighters: Engage the enemies fleet."

"Roger, Admiral. Executing!", PN-CO-1 announced in a perfectly modest voice.

*Once the orders were relayed, the Strike Group immedeatly began a course change.
Due to their small size, most of the ships were able to turn around nearly immedeatly, but the larger frigates began to lag behind.*

"Status report?"

"We are facing three ISD-IIs, eight Assasin and four Carrack-class Corvettes and one Interdictor Cruiser. They are launching fighters at high rates, but we do not have a conclusive estaminate yet." PN-CO-1 announced, still callous.

"Strike Group, retreat to orbital position Seven. OOC: On the far site of the station, but still with LOS to the Empires fleet. Regroup with the main fleet and form into Spherical Formation Four, repeat, Sigma Papa Foxtrott 4!
Command the Victory cruisers to fire a missile barrage once the strike group is clear, and
delay fire until two thirds of our fighters are destroyed.
Relay the following target priorites to the starfighters: Interdictor Grade One, Carrack Grade two, ISD Grade three. Maintain grade zero for fighter/fighter engagements.
And calculate all turbolasers for counterbatteryfire to cover the retreat."

Conclusion: The next move of the fleet exercise. Thanas nearly got me here - let's see what kind of damage he inflicts.

OOC-Note: Spherical formation 4 is a rough sphere, with one half of the sphere taken by capships, the other one by lights, where the heavies normally face the enemy. SphF 1 employs and equal arrangement, SphF 2 places the lighter units on the outside, SphF 3 on the inside

OOC-Note: My priority scale works backwards: The smaller the number, the higher the priority. Actually, it's just "fulfill task with priority one first, then with second priority" and so on.
Grade Zero is hard-wired behaviour that needs to be overwritten specifically. Which is not done here, hence the phrase "maintain grade zero".

Edit: I had a small error in there, which is now corrected.
Last edited by Serafina on 2009-09-09 06:41am, edited 3 times in total.
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by RogueIce »

Unreal Time
Thanas wrote:Speech by Prime Minister Gaeriel Captison-Thanas, Head of the Bakuran Republic

*after the speech*
"Prime Minister," Aeron Bell bowed. For this speech, he had not been in uniform, but instead simple civilian attire. "That was a most engaging speech. I applaud you."

Thanas wrote:Speech by his Excellency, Lord Nahdonnis Praji, Head of House Praji, Governor-General of Kaikielius, Foerost and Ruan, Marshal of the Galactic Empire

*after the speech*
"Marshal Praji, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Admiral Teren Rogriss of the Corellian Navy. Let me say that we found your designs to be most interesting, especially the Imperial Star Destroyer Mark III. I feel you will definately have some takers for that design, as well as your others." Rogriss smiled and extended his arm in the direction of one of the lounges. "And if you have a moment, Marshal, I would respectfully request some time to talk with you, as one military professional to another."
Later, during the time between the medal ceremony and departure...

Aeron Bell had once again donned his Supreme Commander's uniform for the medal ceremony, and now he along with Admiral Rogriss were seeking out Admiral Rowan to have a chat, between three old Imperial Admirals.

Later, Emperor Bell would seek out His Majesty James Manticore I, to have a private discussion with him.

The Corellians like the IR's ship designs. And they also start networking with the various movers and shakers of the other members of the CORE Alliance. The latter can happen off camera, unless Thanas, Baerne or Bean have something specific they feel like discussing with my characters.
"How can I wait unknowing?
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We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Cultural Union
Fleet exercise

Hunt was almost cursing at the screen. Why the computer had decided that Imperial ships were not smart enough to immediately engage but had to pick their positions when they had a clear sensor feed was a serious mistake on the computer's flaw, which caused him to reconsider his previous high opinion of the simulation. No Remnant computer would have assumed this and he would have to have a few words with the opposing Admiral later not to ever assume this in a real battle.

Now the advantage employed by the Thrawn Pincer had been used by computer decision and the enemy fleet was breaking off its approach as the Turbolaser fire from the reserve units started to impact on their flank. But what were those extra symbols heading for his HK line? Kriff

„HK line. Flakbursts. NOW. Fighters released to intercept. Prevent any torpedo bomber attacks.“

Instead of breaking off, the Cultural Union fighters had launched a full scale attack on the Imperial fleet, taking full advantage of the fact that the two Star Destroyers who had executed part One of the Pincer had just started launching their fighters, which would have left the fighter complement of the single Star Destroyer which had been already there and the 40 recon TIEs of the fleet to face them first.

Three seconds after the order by Captain Hunt, the first flakbursts impacted in the fighter formation, using the initial telemetry supplied by the recon TIEs. During the five seconds it took the Union fighter to cross the line after which the Imps could not use their flakburst without destroying their own fighters, the Unionists lost a third of their forces.

The recon ties formed the picket line and attacked first. The enemy sent fighters after them. Not being configured to be in dogfights, they turned, broke off their attack and run towards the safety of the reserve, with about six squadrons of droid fighters pursuing them.

Hunt could only shake his head. Looks like the old CIS head-on-droid swarm is still in use.

The first ISD complement had been sent to delay the incoming fighters. Outnumberd 6 to one, they were quickly brushed aside, but this had served as a valuable distraction for the 2 other wings to form up and attack the enemy fighters while they were still busy. The CIS had the advantage of fighters, but as in the clone wars, the Imperials had the advantage of quality and better pilots. The situation quickly degenerated into a free for all furball.

Something Hunt did not like one bit. “Carracks to engage. Provide cover for our fighter forces. Sent our TIEs ahead, reserve TIEs to engage.”

The enemy fighters continued their assault. However, the force composition of the enemy force was not to its advantage. Imperial doctrine demanded a 4:1:1 fighter/interceptor/bomber ratio. The Union doctrine had a 50/50 split between fighters and bombers. Which meant that the surviving 370 CIS fighters had a total of about 220 surviving fighters to encage the surviving 130 TIE fighters. This ratio became worse when the Carrack line surged forward and added its firepower, concentrating on the bomber squadrons.

In the end, the Carracks proved to be decisive. Bristling with 20 laser cannons/light ion cannons, they more than doubled the firepower of the Imperial fighters. Adding to the Union misery were TIE Bomber squadrons (3 in total) staying outside the fray, but firing as many light concussion missiles at enemy fighters and Bombers they could. In the end, the Union fighter force was doomed to its fighter/bomber ratio.

This did not mean they did not do any damage, though. Especially the fighter force of the first ISD complement suffered heavily, with about 92% of effectives destroyed. All in all, the Union destroyed 178 fighters of all classes, while suffering the nearly complete annihilation of their fighter force. In a final act of defiance, three squadrons of Bombers made a suicide run on a Carrack Cruiser, destroying its bridge and rendering it hors de combat. The 72 fighters they had sent after the recon TIEs broke off their pursuit and rejoined their main fleet. The Droid fighters who tried to do the same were hunted down and destroyed by the faster TIE Interceptors.

The missile strike fired by the VSDs was less successful – there was a reason why Imperial doctrine only called for capital missile strikes at close range or against planetary targets. Those missiles the flakbursts, Ecm and the fighters did not get, were easily evaded at that range or impacted harmlessly against the shields. Except for the damaged carrack cruiser, which was struck with several missiles and broke apart. Another missile impaced in the heart of a TIE Bomber formation, destroying another 21 bombers.

The whole time, the Imperial Reserve had been firing at the enemy fleet. But the formation the Union had decided on, was, while not being the best available, still enough to cover most of their fleet and the Imperial fire only claimed two Munificent star frigates and one Hardcell corvette until the Union fleet had entered the relative safety of the Colony's firing range.

Something Captain Hunt did not like at all. The Cultural union had lost their entire fighter force, but the targets of the Thrawn Pincer had escaped. It was also highly unlikely that they would fall for the same trick twice. Still, his main battle line had cleared the debris field.

What was still puzzling was the fact that the enemy formation – even as they were rejoined by their heavy units – still kept all light units with its heavy ones. Very well. Maybe it is time to show them the consequences of not keeping a skirmish line.

“Fleet. Form up. One massive ISD line, fighters, close escort. Interdictors, keep projecting so that they cannot microjump anywhere near us. Screening units, form up with us. Lancers, corvettes, form up behind main line, ready for flanking maneuvers. Broadsides, Venators, Doomgivers. Hang back. Bombers and missile craft to reload, launch as soon as done. Assassin class corvettes, form skirmish line on the flanks. Broadsides to stand by.”

Let us see if they are suicidal enough to try a second attack.

- simulated Imperial losses: 199 fighters, one Carrack cruiser
- simulated Unionist losses: Two Munificent star frigates, one Hardcell corvette, 818 of 890 fighters
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Cultural Union, Fleet Exercise

On the bridge of CUS Prosperity

"Status report, number one?"

"The fighters are gone. We have no accurate report of their losses, but we have taken out at least one of their ships. We lost two Munficent frigates and one Hardcell corvette. If you allow the comment, the shielding on these Munificents is just too weal for their size." PN-CO-1 announced.

"Comment noted. Looks like the diversion worked, we got out more of our ships than i expected".

"Orders, Admiral?"

"Lets see - we still have 19 Hardcells active - thats about a quarter million tons of storage..."

"235600, Admiral"

"Yes,, we have 13 Munificents - thats another half million - three quarters of a million in total..."

"sevenhundredfiftyfivethousandsixhundred tons, Madam"

"Thank you, Number one. Now, lets put that cargo space to good use. Move all Hardcells and Munificents to the Colony. We begin the evacuation immedeately.
If we assume that we have space suits for half the inhabitants...can we transport enough of them to a habitat?"

"The propability of survival are in excess of 99.48 percent, assuming an average rate of old, sick and otherwise weakened individuals. But i have to note that any damage on the ships will kill all un-suited individuals immedeatly."

"We have to take that risk, it's better than nothing. Pressurize the cargo bays with air from the colony, if necessary."

"Moving all Hardcells and Munficents into the stations deflector shield. Providing cover and counterbattery fire with the captial ships. Shall we keep the escorts ready for interception and screening, Admiral?"

"Make it so, Number One."

The Cultures fleet moved closer to the Colony. Nearly a third of the ships slipped inside its shield, simulating an evacuation. The remaining ships formed a thight screen, ready to intercept all enemy movement and fire Luckily, the enemies main fleet had no line of sight to the evacuation ships.

"Once the evac is finished, we will hyper to Habitat B. Once we are away, the colonies defenses will stay on automatic, but set a self-destruct comamnd once the shield is breached or any intruders are deteced.
Calculate all possible interecption routes. If the enemies interdictors split up, we will drop the colonies shield and hyper out immedeately.
Let's hope he does not engage us."

Conclusion: I try to evacuate the colony, let's see if Thanas let's me do it without interruption.
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Cultural Union
Simulated fleet exercise

Captain Hunt noticed that the Cultural Union had learned from their earlier mistakes. The Marauder corvettes were now arranged in a skirmish line, ready to prevent flanking attacks. The heavier units hung back, with the Colony's heavy guns ready to cover them. Finally, a formation that might do them some good.

Not that the enemy fleet would have had much chance aginst his units. With the five ISDs joining the battleline, he could call upon heavier firepower than their entire battleline – but a close-range slugging match would seriously compromise his abilities to capture any of the Cultural Union worlds, as it was more than questionable if he had enough firepower left to breach the shields.

What was more, the constant stress of combat would soon take its toll on his men. The battle had to end, and it had to end fast. He himself was already feeling the effects of coming down from an adrenaline rush.

“Fighter list.”

The information display changed and showed him his fighter squadrons. Not bad. 231 Bombers, 24 Assault Gunboats, 216 Interceptors, about 800 TIE fighters, 40 Recon TIEs. Yes, I can work with that.

“Ready fleet for following maneuver. Assassin class corvettes, TIE Fighters, Bombers and Interceptors, engage enemy skirmish line. Strafing attacks, high speed. One pass, then make your escape. Bombers and Interceptors to split in single flights, bombers to perform torpedo attacks on enemy skirmish lines.”

“ISD-1 -3, carracks, one high speed attack at the enemy center. Overlapping shields, batteries to full counterfire, get close in. All other forces stand by.”

This will require exact timing.


The Imperial fighters and Assassin class corvettes moved to engage the skirmish line. Battle here was first joined. On paper, the Marauder class corvettes and the Assassin class were near matches. Of course, the fact that 48 Marauder Marauder corvettes were up against 24 Assasin class corvettes pitted the match heavily in the Unionists favor. But the fighter advantage of the Imperial forces nullified this as the two forces danced around each other in astonishing displays of speed and maneuvers. Over time, the fact that the Marauder Corvettes could destroy a TIE fighter with a single hit would gradually leave the Imperial force more and more depleted until the Unions would have won that battle, but for the next minutes, the enemy skirmish line would be too busy to defend itself to interfere in the main fight.

The three ISDs attacked in wedge formation at High speed, the Carracks siuated around them. The overlapping shields amplified their shield power. This did not change the fact that they were outmatched in firepower the closer they got to the enemy line. In short, they were playing right into the hands of the cultural union – charging head on into their formation. Of course, the fact that the Munificent frigates were busy with the evacuation helped the Imperials somewhat as the enemy heavies had to devote more attention to counterbattery fire themselves, but this still did not change the fact that the closer the Imperial force got, the more the Union fire was going to have an effect. Not that it didn't already as Imperial forces had to shift more power from their rear shields to the front.

What was more the problem was that the Imperial fleet was now well within the gravity well of the station, preventing a retreat without turning – thereby exposing their rear to the Union fleet. And considering that they had already shifted that power to the front, this was the same as annihilation.

The main Imperial battleline meanwhile remained unmoving, unable to offer quick assistance to them. Even if Hunt wanted to committ his main battleline, it would not be able to arrive in time. The battle would apparently degenerate into a close range slugging match between two unequal forces.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(OOC: When I mean 2 days later, I mean time progressed since the abduction of Feena D'Asta.
This takes place in abduction T +10 )

2 days later

(Macus Kayniph, vigo of the Black sun)

Macus Kayniph watched as his doctors as they strapped an unconscious Feena D'Asta into a chair. The councilmember had been heavily sedated – again - and was now having numerous scanners attached to her head. “Are you sure this will work.?” Grappa the Hutt asked, for the hundreth time. Macus Kayniph nodded. “Yes, Grappa.” “I am only asking because this will fry her brain if it does not. And we cannot do that yet.”

Kayniph sighed. For a crimelord and despot, Grappa was surprisingly squemish when he was under stress. However, without his partner he would not have been able to do this operation – for it was Grappa that had provided the logistics and a great deal of the funds used in this endeavour. “Yes, Grappa. Doctor, will you please describe the process used?”

The lead doctor nodded. “Of course, Vigo. As you all know, we need to get information out of her fast and transfer it to the intended target. This is nothing more than variation of the standard memory imprint. We will scan her brain and then transfer the information. We estimate that this will take several days, after which you can take the Lady back to your palace.”

Grappa still seemed fidgety, but Kayniph assured him more. “Relax, Grappa. All Black Sun sources indicate the Remnant is chasing after dead ends. There is no way they can find out that it was us – they would have to be psychic.”

Ord Cantrell

Communique sent to all embassies (and to the Sith empire via long-range communications, as they do not have an embassy on Ord Cantrell):
The Imperial Remnant would like to assure its neighbours that our alert status is merely a nationwide exercise to prepare ourselves should the worst-case scenario arrive. No nation should be concerned about this.

Thranos IV
Main market

Thranos IV was a minor colony that had a total population of about one million citizens. Most of those were working on small farms, living of the meagre crops they gathered and sold in the market. It was surprisingly close to a major traderoute, though – just one day travel and one could reach most of the core within days. Or at least that is what the pilot of the Decimator had said. Saenger of course had no knowledge of hyperspace navigation, so he tended to take the pilot's word for it when the pilot – a junior lieutenant freshly promoted from his post signal ensign of the ISD Majestic – had said that it was the perfect place for someone who wanted to hide but also be on his way quickly in case things got bad.

Something Saenger was very much inclined to believe when he walked through the mud of the unpaved streets of the main city after having ridden on speederbikes from their hidden ship to the city. If city could be the right term for it – dump was more likely, as it “housed” only 25.000 inhabitants in a comfort that reminded him more of Coruscant refuge centers instead of anything approaching normal conditions. The local cantina was his target, which was also likely the main source of planetary income by the looks of the passing smugglers.

The abundance of thugs both explained why Imperial Intelligence had decided to take an interest in the place and prevented him from being too much of an oddity. Or at least he thought so.

His thoughts were proven wrong when a man dressed in local clothing and smoking a pipe casually remarked: “The weather is lovely on Harbsen, isn't it?” The first phrase of the codeword took Saenger by surprise. Thankfully, his bodyguard replied “I prefer the one on Anaxes.” So much for secrecy.

A quarter-hour later, Saenger was listening as the agent told his tale after having led them to the hut he owned. Imperial communications equipment was hidden in one corner of the room. “You see, I only saw the old geezer once when he went to pick up groceries and some parts from the market. It really was a stroke of luck, you see, because usually she appears in his place.” “She?”

The agent took a drag of his pipe and exhaled grey smoke. “She. A looker, definitely. She does the main shopping – she appears and disappears irregularly, no pattern to her movement. I was only able to trace him when he once did the shopping – that's how I know of him.”

“The datapad only mentioned the older man”, Saenger accused. The agent appeared unfazed. “Because the priority search list only mentioned him. She probably is not important – a hired gun, nothing more.” Saenger grew irritated. “Oh, lovely.” Even I know that any complication is not unimportant.

The agent stopped smoking. “Don't get cute with me, Imp. Holos cost money and you guys do not pay that much in expenses.” Saenger was about to ask him from what intelligence academy he had graduated from, when he stopped himself. The answer probably was none, as the man was most likely a local hired in some great recruiting drive. Due to financial constraints, Imperial intelligence had been forced to rely more and more on untrained men, and this was most likely one of them. Most likely? No, I am certain he is.

“Alright. My apologies. When will she most likely return?” “I do not know. It should be any day can monitor the market from here. I've got two extra pair of binoculars – one for you and one for your guards.” The Agent rose and put on his coat. “And where will you be?” “At the cantina. Just keep looking, Imperial, you cannot miss her.” One final drag of his pipe and he was gone, leaving the stench of smoke in his wake. Lovely.

Four hours later

It was past midday when one of his guards tapped him on the shoulder, waking the Moff from a drowsy slumber. “Sir, I think we got her.” Saenger took a second to adjust to the conditions of the hut and then looked through the electric binocular. And indeed, there she was – and judging by the outline of her figure under her cape, she was indeed a looker. As she turned at a local produce stand, Saenger got a look of her black hair, but as it was long and flowing, it was still obscuring her face, as if by design. “Does anybody have a better look of her?” “No, sir. She avoids almost all windows and other areas from where one can take aim. Definitely a professional.” Then the unknown women turned and walked back a different route, this time allowing him to see part of her profile.

Suddenly, Saenger was wide awake. It can't be....or can it? Her hair.... He took another look to verify. She must have changed it. He dropped the binoculars and bolted out of the door, running after the woman.

His bodyguards were momentarily stunned but trained soldiers they were, they easily caught up with the moff. Realising they were in better form than he was, Saenger gestured at them to charge after the woman. “After her. I need to talk with her.” He gasped for breath. “The future of the Empire depends on it.”

His bodyguards did not even stop to nod, instead muscling their way through the crowd. Faster than Saenger, they disappeared after the woman into an alley.

The Moff himself took some time to enter the alley himself, as he neither possessed the training nor the endurance of the guard members. When he finally rounded the corner after a few minutes, the alley was empty. Then a blue blur appeared at the outer side of his vision – impacting on his table and knocking him unconscious.

The women they had been tracking lowered her fist and picked the moff up, disappearing into an entrance.

One hour later
When Moff Saenger came to, he opened his eyes and immediately shut them due to the light amplifying the massive headache he had. A small moan escaped his lips. “I think he is awake.” The voice was precise, definitely female and quite pleasing to his ear. That is, she would be if listening to anyone would not immediately cause the Moff's headache to amplify. “Here, Moff, this will help you.” An injector was put against his skin and moments later, the painkillers began to take effect and he could take stock of his surroundings. It was another hut, but this one was filled to the top with computer equipment and weaponry. He himself was lying on a kind of lab table in the middle of it all. In front of him was sitting the elderly person who had been his target. The female was nowhere to be seen, which meant she was behind him.

Saenger swung his legs over the table and glanced over his shoulder. Yes, there she was, leaning against what appeared to be a kitchen niche. Definitely her, Saenger thought, but he turned to address the man who was busy cleaning a datapad. “So you know who I am?” “Yes”, the elderly man replied, “we know who you are.”

(the elderly man)

“And I know who you are, Admiral.” “I suspected as much”, the man replied. Then Saenger remembered. “Where are my men?” The Admiral nodded. “Ah. I am afraid they insisted rather uncourteously that she accompany them.” Saenger shot her a look, but it was the other man who replied: “Relax, Moff. They are fine, they are just tied up in the other room.”

Saenger was relieved. “Admiral, I -” “Please, no need for titles.” the old men smiled. “I was never a good naval officer anyway.” Saenger smiled. “Ma-” “I use the name Ruhin now on this world.”

“Very well.” Saenger was getting irritated, which apparently was all too visible for he thought he heard a slight chuckle behind him. “Ruhin. The Imperial Remnant has need for people of your talents. You would be in charge of your specialty and we have even procured some new technologies to play with.”

Ruhin chuckled as well. “I am retired now, Moff. I have come here to live out the rest of my life in peace, in the company of a dear friend.” Saenger nodded. “We do need you, Admiral. Yes, I know no titles, but the truth is you just do not stop your work. What prevents you from continuing it?”

“My conscience. Over and over again my work has been used for evil. No more.” Saenger nodded. “Ah. I see. Tell me, have you been to Coruscant lately? If not, I have prepared a holo for you.”

Saenger took out a small holodisk and dropped it on the lab table. “All I am asking for is that you help us prevent another Coruscant.”

“We are well aware of what happened to Coruscant.” This time, the women spoke. But Saenger was not to be deterred and dropped another datapad. “Here are intelligence estimates of the Sith empire and our proposals for your work.” When the Admiral did not move to pick them up, Saenger dropped his latest trump card.

“Admiral – I am willing to offer you a complete veto over any usage of your work. Please, will you at least read them?”

Ruhin looked into his eyes and finally, after a period that seemed like eternity to Moff Saenger, he nodded. “I shall take a look at your proposal. Kira will show you to your men – they are in the back. We will give you our decision tomorrow.”

Kira? Saenger looked a bit dumbfounded but concluded he meant the women, which was proven right when she spoke “If you would follow me, Moff?”

Saenger followed her into the next room – the room next to the entry door - where she effortlessly opened the bounds of his men. She then opened the door and motioned for them to leave, standing in the doorway. Saenger, however, had other ideas. “Wait outside, men. I have something to ask of Kira in private.” The men left, not without shooting suspicious glances with not a little trace of venom in them. Kira ignored them, leaned against the doorway and then focused her green eyes on the Moff. “Yes, Moff Saenger?” She changed her eyes as well. “You probably remember Feena D'Asta. She told me you were introduced once at -”

Kira held up a hand to stop him. “I am sorry, Moff, but I don't remember anything from my former life and I do not particularly want to, considering what I have heard about it.” Seeing the Moff's disappointment, she added with a hint of steel in her voice. “And if you thought I would kill someone for you, then you are sorely mistaken. I will never kill except in self-defence again.”

“What? Oh. My apologies.” Saenger stammered. “No, I was hoping you might be able to help me solve an abduction.”

Kira cocked an eyebrow at this. “Tell me more.” And he did. After he finished the tale, she shook her head. “I have to tell you that I have no knowledge of elaborate assassinations anymore. I cannot tell you who did it.” “But how did you manage to overpower my men?” Kira shook her head. “I still know how to fight, but I have no encyclopaedic knowledge of those things anymore. It is quite likely that previously I would have immediately recognized the style, but I cannot help you anymore. I wish I could.”

Saenger was growing more desperate each second. Then a thought him. “Would you at least be willing to come to Ord Cantrell and look at the evidence?”

Kira pondered this for a split second, then shook her head. “My fee is very high and I cannot leave him.” Saenger looked around the hut. “I doubt he can afford you.” Kira smiled. “Ah, but he is family.”

Saenger nodded. “Family is important. Would you be willing to help me if he agrees to work with me? Your fee will be fully paid by the Imperial treasury and I assure you he will be safe at his workstation. If you want to, I can have him watched by an entire guard division 24 hours a day.” Kira pondered this. “I will not commit to anything at the moment.” “Will you at least consider it?”

“I consider every offer.” Kira vacated the doorway, a clear sign that he had overstayed his welcome. Saenger took the hint and walked through the door, then stopped and turned around when he was outside. “Goodbye, Kira. I hope you and Ruhin decide to help us in these dark times.” He stopped and turned around. “I will be willing to pay any price you demand if you can help me find the Lady. Any price.”

Kira did not reply this time, but merely shut the door in his face.

- Feena D'Asta is getting probed
- Saenger “meets” with an unknown man and an unknown woman.
Last edited by Thanas on 2009-09-26 03:10pm, edited 2 times in total.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Simulated Fleet Exercise

"The enemy fleet is approaching. Ready to abort evacuation - shall i give the order, Admiral?"

"Not yet, Number One. What is their force composition?"

"We are detecting three Imperial-II class Star Destroyers, eleven Carrack-class cruisers and three Interdictors. We are detecting fighter launches from their main fleet - no exact numbers yet, but a full commitment seems most propable."

Multiple windows opened on the viewscreen, displaying the enemies forces and their attack vector. Admiral Amyria studied them for a short time before snapping her orders.

"Give me flak fire on those fighters. Maximum burst width, wide spread - they are unshielded, lets get as many of them as possible. Let's give the Colonies Turbolaser on their side something to do.
The turbolaser batteries on our side will fire at the corvettes - i want as many of our corvette screen ready to intercept any fighter that passes through our flak.
Ion cannons: Concentrated fire on the approaching Star Destroyers. Pin them down!
All capital ships: Maximum counterbattery fire. If your shields begin to fail, retreat beneath the stations shields and recharge."

"Acknowledged, Admiral. Any orders for the evacuation fleet?"

"Every ship that has reached it's assigned capacity will wait at the southern edge of the deflector shield - we need more room for our destroyers. Do NOT leave the shield on your own. As soon as everyone is ready, they shall assume Sigma Papa Foxtrott Three and get into hyper ASAP".

"Shall we launch fighters, Madam?"

"Negative - they would get overrun if we launch them too soon. If the fighters reach the Corvettes, they shall retreat behind our capships, so that we can use our other broadside for flak bursts.
Give me fire controll."

"Firecontroll on screen, madam."

"You will concentrate on counterbattery fire until further orders. Launch all avaiable missiles and torpedoes against the enemies corvettes as soon as they are within effective range.
Relay those orders to all capships."


"Let's be about it, people."

I am setting up defensive positions and try to buy some time for my evacuation.
Let's see how the battle will go.
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Written with permission of Fingolfin_Noldor to use his character.

Palace of the Sith Lords
Valley of Golg, Korriban


“Exercises! Pah!“ the voice of Hadrian of Kuat was a snarl. “What do they take us for, idiots?” His hologram hung in the middle of the sanctum, a specter of simmering blue. There were no direct hypercommunications lines between Korriban, Kuat and Koros Major. As such the transmission was boosted by more esoteric means. Hariman Jacht knew that some of his acolytes would spend the rest of the week nursing a harrowing migraine, but he didn't care. Such was the price one paid to learn the power of the Dark Side.

“The Imperials are up to something” Hadrian's brother, the Shadow Emperor, concurred. “Question is, what? Have you been able to divine anything?”

Hariman Jacht shook his head, an annoyed look on his face. “It's the Ysalamiri. There are so many of them it's practically impossible to scry anything on Ord Cantrell.”

“I hate those things” growled Kuat. The force-repelling lizards of Myrkr were in demand galaxy-wide, but the Remnant had perhaps the largest collection of them. Virtually all their key personnel was accompanied by Ysalamiri, making them difficult to attack head on, but also making it hard to read them from a distance. “We ought to do something about those blasted creatures.”

“Perhaps now is the time” the Shadow Emperor offered. “The Remnant is clearly looking the other way. If we pool our resources we could appear over Myrkrk and have the planet done in before the Rim Alliance can react...”

“Hmm” Jacht scratched his chin. “That is an interesting possibility...”

“They might be looking the other way” countered Hadrian of Kuat, “but their fleets are still at high alert. Right now they are more ready to intervene in any attempt at the Ysalamir, rather than less. And let us not forget the Remnant is no longer alone – there is their alliance to consider. No, I would advise caution, my brothers.”

“What of the chance this is some sort of prelude to invasion?” asked Jacht. “They might be readying for an attempt at the Empire.”

“If they do they are in for a surprise” Kuat produced a predatory smile. “They would be facing three fleets, rather than the one they'd expect.”

“That may be the case,” Jacht frowned. “But our element of surprise would be lost, and it would be lost far sooner than we had anticipated.”

“This is not a prelude to attack” Darth Imperius spoke confidently. “If they wanted to engage us they would have done it already. They wouldn't have given us this ample time to prepare. And besides, they have sent us a communique-”

“A communique? That's rich! You trust the Imperials now?” Hadrian of Kuat scoffed at the thought.

“No, no, I see his point” Hariman Jacht sounded thoughtful. “They are loathe to use their military power at this time. The Remnant is militarily strong, but politically weak. They do not have the stomach for a war.”

The Shadow Emperor nodded under his dark hood. “Indeed.”

“Weaklings” the Master of Kuat spat. “So now what?”

“Now we wait” Jacht said. “If they are not after us, they are after something else. They have brought their fleets to high alert because they feel they may need them. When they do, and the fleets leave, we can make our move – against Myrkr, or any other world we wish to strike at.”

Darth Imperius produced a nasty grin. “An excellent plan.” His hologram turned to look at Kuat. “What do you say, brother?”

Hadrian of Kuat frowned as he thought, then nodded. “Very well.”

“So it is agreed then” the Master of Korriban clenched his fist above his heart, then extended his arm horizontally in the traditional greeting of the Sith. “Sith'ari Invictus!”

“Sith'ari Invictus!” the holograms echoed, before winking out of existence. Hariman Jacht stepped off his stony throne and frowned. There was much to think about.

Result: the Sith plan to make use of the fact that the Imperial Remnant seems to be occupied with other matters.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(ooc: abduction T+11)

One day later

Macus Kayniph had received a report by the head doctor assigned to the memory extraction. The project was proceeding as planned and was nearing completion.

Ord Cantrell
Office of Marshal Daine Jir, MO


The new situation with Praji and Windcaller affected him deeply. On the one side he was not comfortable at all with the idea of a coup, on the other side he did not want to desert his closest friend. Praji and he had faced death together on numerous occasions and he was not about to rat him out to the Baron or Sinn yet.

On the other hand, unless the Lady D'Asta was about to be found, things would come to a head quickly. And now with the Moff gone as well, the position of the pragmatists had been weakened even more. Also, the point where they would no longer be able to hide that the Lady was missing was rapidly approaching. Holo messages and cancellations due to scheduling conflicts only got you so far. The truth was, the Lady met with a lot of Ambassadors and eventually, one of them would demand an audience with her.

And if Feena D'Asta was dead – a possibility that looked more and more likely every second – Praji would enact Windcaller's plan. Of this he was dead certain. And it would fall to Jir to ensure that the Bakurans and others would fall into line. Which is why he was currently planning assaults on everyone of these worlds. Something he definitely did not like to do. With a heavy sigh, he pressed a button. “Computer, save and send updated assault plans Tyrant's Fall, Aleph-4 to the fleet.”

“You do not seem to like your current duties,” Aiella remarked. The Jensaarai was still following him around every second, as per the terms of the treaty with her people. Marshal Jir had come to tolerate her presence – it had come to the point where he was expecting her to stand near him. Of course, she had not been allowed to look at his computer screen, which explained why she was sitting in a relaxed state on his office couch.

Jir sighed and joined her, pouring himself a glass of Bakuran liquor. “Sometimes there are very unpleasant things that need to be done.” “Indeed.” The Jensaarai nodded. “The Jensaarai council has decided that your nation is not ready of our support yet.” Jir nodded bitterly. “I had thought that much when you decided not to help us in the search for the Lady D'Asta.”

Remembering that Jedi could “read” a room to see what had happened in it, Jir had asked her to do so. To his surprise she had declined, stating that she was a neutral party to this and would not take any side.

“I am sorry, Marshal, but it has long been the policy of our people-” She stopped when Jir slammed his glass down the table. “You know what, Aiella? I don't give a kriff about your policy. Either help or get out.”

A minute of uncomfortable silence followed. Then Jir shook his head. “My apologies. I have been getting more and more agitated lately.” Aiella nodded and placed one of her hands on his arm. “No apologies necessary, Marshal. Maybe you should get some rest?” Jir nodded. “Maybe I should.” He downed the rest of his glass and then walked through the adjoining door. “Good night, delegate.” “Good night, Marshal.”

As soon as he was gone, Aiella stood and turned to leave. Truth to be told, I am worried, went through her head. Ever since the meeting three days ago, he had been more withdrawn and worried than usual. He also had started drinking through the workday, something she had never seen him do before.

Then a beep from his computer notified her to the fact that he had not locked his workstation. The question now was whether she should break his trust and figure out what was bothering him or to stay out of it.

Marshal Jir's bedroom
From his bedroom Marshal Jir heard the sound of his front office closing as the Jensaarai exited. I hope this works. Pouring himself another glass of liquor, this one from the bottle on his nightstand, he prepared himself for another restless night.

Thranos IV
Imperial VT-49 Decimator DA-06

(A decimator in space)

Their ship had been well hidden. Or so the lieutenant claimed when Moff Saenger asked him later how this could have had happened. This had been the combat alarm which had disturbed the Moff's slumber in the middle of the night. When he had stumbled into the cockpit and had asked what was going on, the ashen-faced Lieutenant had pointed him to the main viewer. Above the jungle hovered a heavily modified ship, twin prow-mounted ion cannons directly pointed at them. Somehow it must have found them and snuck up on them.

To Saenger's relief, the communication console soon beeped and the unmistakable voice of Kira flooded the cabin. “Sleep when you're dead, Moff. I believe Ruhin and I have an appointment with your office.”

“Give me that.” The Moff snatched the headset away from the communications officer. “Yes. Yes, I believe we do. Follow us.”

The Decimator rose from the Jungle and soon, the two ships entered hyperspace in close formation.

Main spaceport

One by one, the Imperial army troopers boarded the shuttles that would ferry them to the Star Destroyers in orbit. The mood was almost enthusiastic among the ranks, but the more experienced officers and non-coms were more worried. They had seen action and knew the dangers it would bring – especially since the fleet was currently preparing every scenario, from a strike on a non-aligned colony to a full-fledged assault on another nation. The most likely scenario discussed upon the officers was that the Sith Empire was finally getting what it rightly deserved.

All in all, in the span of two hours, 6 heavy infantry divisions and 2 heavy divisions had been embarked on the Star Destroyers of the Core Fleet. The officers hated this – without true Assault Carriers, the chances of breaking through planetary shields were nonexistant. Nevertheless, the Imperial Army was ready to strike upon moment's notice.

- The procedure nears completion
- Jir is feeling the pressure
- The Remnant has recruited two new agents - for the time being
- The Imperial Army has been embarked and is ready to strike
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(ooc: still takes place during abduction T+4)

Simulated fleet exercise
Cultural Union

Hunt smiled as the plan came to fruition. Their inexperience of the changes in tactics in the last years really showed. To be fair though, Bel Iblis caught me with it as well. The rebel commander Garm Bel Iblis (deceased) had employed this tactic against his interdictor cruiser to great success, and now he did the same to the Culture fleet. Of course, he did not copy it directly – instead he made a variation of a variation Admiral Pellaeon (deceased) had proposed just before the assault on Coruscant.

The Imperial fighters had been targeted by the turbolaser flakbursts. Although they were flying in dispersed pattern, this had a profound effect on them and many Imperial fighters were incinerated. Still, the corvettes and the fighters reached the enemy screen. Without offering battle, the Marauder corvettes turned and started to flee in the direction of the enemy capital ships. At the same time, the Victory destroyers and the other capital ships opened fire at the corvettes, unleashing a huge stream of missiles.

Mistake, Hunt thought. As the Imperial main assault squadron reached nearly terminal velocity, etching closer and closer while using the overlapping shields for protection, a combined missile strike would have been ideal at that range against their overlapping shields. Overlapping shields had a notorious weakness for missile attacks. But the enemy was not really concentrating on them anyway – most of their turbolaser fire was directed against the corvettes and the fighters, with only the heavy ion cannons really concentrating on the Imperial ships.

Which the aforementioned groups paid dearly for, of course. Of the 24 corvettes and the 1200 fighters that attacked, 9 corvettes and 247 fighters had been destroyed. But the main Imperial assault squadron held together. The closer they came, the less weapons from the colony could fire at them as the angle of fire changed.

And then the time had come. “Execute starscream.”

On command, the main imperial group broke apart. The upper section, consisting of two ISD and 5 Carrack cruisers, charged upwards, while the lower section, consisting of the remaining ISD and 4 carrack cruisers, dipped downwards.

As they did, the enemy capital shields and colony weapons tracked them. The Imperials still used overlapping shields, but their strength was much smaller due to the lesser number of ships per formation. Which resulted in three Carrack cruisers and the second ISD of the upper part to be disabled by ion cannons, and two Carrack Cruisers from the lower section destroyed.

The losses were grim, but they did not matter.

I shall call this the Hunt slash.

For as the Imperial sections broke apart their combined formation, the gunners tracked them. And the 400 capital grade heavy assault concussion missiles which had been fired from the Broadside-class cruisers were free to strike.

The A-wing slash had been a tactic invented by Garm Bel Iblis. It called for a smaller, but deadly group of ships to hide behind the exhaust ports of larger ones. Enemies would not notice the smaller ships approaching as they would be obscured by the larger ships. When the formation would break apart, the gunners would naturally follow their targets for at least one second before noticing that there was a second, previously unknown group following. Which left the second groups a few seconds to exploit the weakness in the enemies defense screen. And in the case of the assault concussion missiles, a few seconds were all they needed to cover such a short distance. The A-wing slash was the reason why Imperial doctrine now dictated that any group making such a maneuver should be immediately be fired upon and the guns not track targets in case they broke up, but the seperatists had no such doctrine.

To their credit, the Culture gunners had an insanely quick reaction time, which Hunt suspected was due to droid automation. But even they needed a second to react to the new enemies. Another second was lost to try to figure out who they were and where they headed, as well as to realign the turrets. They managed to squeeze of one point-defense salvo at the start of the third second, but the fact that their main screening units – the Magnificents – were not there doomed the fleet. The fact that they had not launched any fighters that were capable to fly over the enemy fleet

Of the 400 missiles fired by the Broadside cruisers, about a quarter of the number were destroyed by point defence cannons. Then they impacted.

The Cultural Union heavy force was composed of five Providence -class destroyers, 3 Recusant class destroyers and five Victory class destroyers. The main targets of the missiles were the Providence and Recusant class destroyers. Every one of them was hit by 30 missiles. Of the other 60 missiles, they had been programmed to attack the two closest targets – which resulted in two Victory class destroyers being each targeted by half of the missiles.

The heavy concussion assault missiles had been designed to attack planetary shields and heavy capital ships. 80 of them could destroy the shields of an ISD and leave the ship unable to fight. The impact of even thirty of them on lesser designs was catastrophical.

The Recusants, who had one third the firepower and half the shielding of a VSD were instantly obliterated. The Victories offered more resistance – their shields held for the first twenty missiles. The last ten missiles however proved catastrophic. One VSD spun out of control, its superstructure, bridge and shield generators completely destroyed by the missiles. When the secondary bridge regained control of the ship later, they realized that they had no shields left to speak off. Consequently, they laid in a course to exit the combat zone.

The other VSD was less lucky. The missiles impacted before the superstructure, breaking the back of the ship. Secondary explosions racked through the ship and the once-proud ship broke into six different sections, atmosphere trailing and burning.

Of the Providence class destroyers, it was later concluded that their superior length saved them. If one could speak of them as saved. For the missiles did not destroy them, but still managed to inflict heavy damage to the ships. Three of them, including the flagship, lost all power as reactors had to be shut down in order to prevent explosions from igniting them. The remaining two were harder hit – the missiles destroyed the first thrid of the ships, rendering them into burning hulks.

The Imperial force that had broken apart did not fare so well either. They managed to use their high velocity to overshoot and not collide with the colony, but faced heavy losses. Both remaining ISDs were destroyed, with only 4 carrack cruisers being able to escape the fray as the colony's turbolasers fired at them at close distance. The four remaining carrack cruisers overshot the colony and in a wide arc, well outside the firing range, started to circle back to the main fleet.

Nevertheless, it had been worth it. For the back of the enemy's heavies had been broken, with only three remaining VSDs, their missiles expended, being in any way combat ready.

And on the bridge of the Allegiance-class command ship, Captain Hunt gave the order to advance with the main battleline.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Cultural Union, Simulated Fleet exercise

Admiral Amyria stared at her display. Now THAT was one tactic she had to remember.
She had been quite confident about the fight, given that the enemy had not commited most of his force. It certainly was a good thing that she wanted to retreat anyway. But at least she would have saved a quarter million people and a considerable amount of equippment in a real batte. At least a small victory.

"Order a full retreat. And let's hope they do not bring any interdictors up and running."

Most of the evactuation fleet was already at the edge of the deflector shield. After a few moments, the last Munificent frigatte arrived.
Forming a defensive battlesphere, the fleet accelerated to full speed and escaped into hyper shortly thereafter.
Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet had more trouble. But by interposing the Colonies Deflector Shield, the remaining Victory Star Destroyers managed to avoid most of the enemies fire. They managed to get into hyperspace long before the main battle line arrived.
The Marauder Corvettes were lucky that the Imperial skirmish line had retreated from the incoming missile onslaught. A few stray shots were fired after them, but failed to do any damage.

"Not that this is done, let's get out of here on our one, Number One. At least the Seperatists knew how to protect their leaders".

"Indeed, Madam" PN-CO-1 announced, hastily following Admiral Amyria to her personal Bellbullab-22 which was stored in a special hangar next to the bridge.

*Space Habitat Two, Vulpter system*

*While the remaining fleet was a pittyfull sight, the defenses protecting it and the habitat were heartening. Two major and one medium Orbital Defense stations, more than sixty heavy weapon batteries and an impenetrable shield on the habitat itself were a sight to behold*

"Now, let's put some order into this mess. Send the LACs and VSDs to Vulpter to restock as many of their fighters and missiles as possible - i want them back here once the evacuation is finished. And let's see what we can do to protect or other colonies. PN-CO-1, any suggestions?"

"Indeed, my Admiral. I have communicated with TRILLIAN, and we have drawn up a provioric plan that should work."

"Well, spit it out then - i doubt Captain Hunt will grant us much time."

"Yes, Madam. The basic goal is simple: Prevent Captain Hunt from capturing any Colonies, the easiest goals, ideally without destroying them.
We have found a possibility to severly delay the capture of any colony, but it necessiates the evacuation of all it's inhabitants.
After this is done, we will seal up all doors inside the space stations, filling the corridors between them with either explosive gas, combat units or simple explosives.
We should have enough reactor mass, plasma vents and Tibaana gas on each station to fill every corridor and room with a nasty surprise. Also, we can alter the atmosphere, increasing its oxygen level to 81,46 percent - which will make it highly volatile.
Breaking these doors will be dangerous business."

"Do you have any plans for the evacuation?"

"Yes, TRILLIAN has calculated that we will need two Munificent and four Hardcell-Class vessels for each station, if we employ all civil vessels they have.
We will send out two fleets of four Munificents and eight Hardcells to Colonies 5-8, and another one with four Munificents, four Hardcells and ten Marauders to Colonies three and four.
We will not be able to evacuate any equipment or droids that way, but the inhabitants will be save. Given that only six stations are remaining, we have enough vessels for this operation"

"How much time will it take? I do not want to expose our vessels to Captain Hunt too long."

"If we give the evacuation order immedeately, all the ships have to do is picking up the people.
In a hurry, this could be done in about ten minutes. We will hyper to the colonies, pick up everyone, and hyper out again. The worst possible outcome is that we loose a single partial fleet, since Captain Hunt does not have the necessary firepower to crack the shield if he splits his fleet. And if he chooses to put up a siege, he would give over the initative which he enjoyed so far".

"Excellent, Number One. However, will the simulation be able to handle it properly? I guess there already were some slips with some of Hunts....creative tactics, and i do not want to do that to him again."

"TRILLIAN is currently recalculating the parameters, but that should be done within the next two or three minutes. We estaminate no proplems there. Also, we are already recaltulating the errors that occured so far, they will be fixed along with those changes".

"Good. Let's be about it"

Conclusion: Ouch, THAT hurt. Well, i need to prevent the capture of any of my settlements, and Thanas fleet is not strong enough to crack planetary shields while under fire - or so i hope.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Cultural Union
Fleet exercise

Captain Hunt watched as the escape pods were launched from the enemy crippled ships. If he had been interested in the destruction of the fleet, he would have pressed on. But he wasn't – his objective had been the capture of at least one of the settlements and this he planned to achieve. The destruction of the enemy fleet was merely a bonus. And it wasn't like he could not at any time return and fulfill his duty.

The Skirmish lines and fighters had reached his main formation by now. “All ships, stop.” With the enemy completing the evacuation, taking the outpost was not something that was worth the blood of his troops. But the enemy fleet had been effectively neutralized. Hunt turned to the tactical systems display. Yes, now was the time to act. Time to strike decisively before the enemy had a chance to recover itself.

“Venator class carriers. Stay behind, recover remaining fighters.” The Venators were strong enough to stand up to the remaining three VSDs, so Hunt was not worried about leaving them behind. “Broadside class cruisers, thank you for your service. Accelerate and jump home.” Their armament expended, the weak-hulled cruisers were nothing more than tempting targets, so the faster they disappeared from the battle, the better.

“Interdictors, shut off gravity well generators. Complete fleet, ready for microjumps.”

Within the time span of one minute, Hunt's fleet acknowledged the orders and without engaging the colony, the Imperial battleline made two microjumps. The first microjump was away from the colony into the middle of the outer boundary of the system. Here the forces split up. The 24 hyperspace-capable Assault Gunboats, armed with heavy rockets, accelerated into hyperspace on a different course of the main fleet.

Half a minute later, they appeared in front of Vulptur's two 1000m orbital shipyards and fired their rocket payload of 192 rockets at the shipyards. These were far smaller than the rockets capital ships carried, but the objective was not destruction of the shipyards. Rather, it was to sow as much panic and confusion everywhere. At the same time, eight Assassin class corvettes made as many microjumps between the habitats as possible, giving off the appearance of a far larger force of raiding corvettes running amok.

And the Imperial main battlefleet, composed of 1 Allegiance class, 2 Tector class destroyers 2 ISDII, four Carrack, 8 Vindicator, 5 Interdictor cruisers, 3 lancer frigates and 6 Assassin class corvettes jumped to the closest group of 2 colonies.

This time, the Imperials did not focus on tactics, but on brute firepower. This time, there was nothing to prevent the Imperials from employing overlapping shields to their full advantage. The multi-pronged attack blew of the shield of the first station. However, this time only MTLs and Ion cannons were allowed to fire at the unshielded targets. Within three seconds, the colony was disabled, huge ion bolts causing electricity to arc all over its hull. The second colony suffered a similar fate. And then the Doomgiver assault carriers rushed forward. Each carried 4 divisions of stormtroopers each. Each of them had been given one colony as target.

The colonies were defended by 1 Division of droid infantry each and the colony was a nightmare to actually take – small rooms, small doorways, a lot of ways to be ambushed. But as the Doomgivers disgorged the multitude of assault drop pods they carried under their wings, the droids were not faced with a normal enemy. They were faced with Imperial stormtroopers, burning through the hull through more than a hundred little breachies and outnumbering them 4:1. A coordinated defence was impossible under these circumstances. Especially considering the limitations of droid infantry in the first place. It was said that an Imperial stormtrooper was worth two battledroids. If one factored that into the equation, the droids were outmatched 8:1. And a lot of them were non-deployable due to the ion cannon strike anyway.

All Captain Hunt had to do now was to keep the enemy away from the colonies. Capture would take at least 20 minutes. To this end, he soon stationed his forces in close distance to the colony, with the corvettes running a screening line. Interdictors made sure the enemy could not microjump close to them. Soon, Hunt's forces were joined by the Vindicator class carriers, who practically spewed the fighters back out that they had taken back onboard.

All in all, Captain Hunt was in a good mood.

15 minutes later, the Cultural Union Admiral terminated the simulation and congratulated Captain Hunt on his victory.
Last edited by Thanas on 2009-09-13 11:43am, edited 1 time in total.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(OOC: abduction T+11)

Ord Cantrell
Suite of Feena D'Asta
One day later

Mirith Sinn had been surprised to say the least when the Jensaarai delegate had walked into her office next morning and announced that she and the rest of the Jensaarai delegation would be willing to do a “reading” of the room to find out who the assassins had been. When questioned, Aiella had refused to give any reason, just stated that it was a personal decision and that she would not appreciate any speculation on the matter. Mirith had looked her in the eyes and then had decided to accept the reason given. After all, her efforts had come up empty and finding Feena was more important than second-guessing a potential ally.

It had taken the better part of the day to remove enough Ysalmiri to allow them access to the force in Feena's suite. And now Feena was waiting as Aiella started her ritual. The rest of the Jensaarai delegation – all clad in their non-standard armour – was sitting on the floor, meditating. Aiella had announced that they would serve as extra conduits to the force, enhancing her power by proxy.

The Jensaarai delegate was now standing in the middle of the room, chanting an odd incarnation in the Sith language. Mirith Sinn expected her eyes to change from blue to yellow, as Sith were wont to do, but they stayed clear of any dark side influence. Instead, as if in trance, she began to wander around the suite, touching the cut wall, reaching out to touch the door switch and finally laying down on the area where forensics had determined Feena had fallen down and laid until she was carried away. All the while, the delegate and her comrades were repeating ancient incantations.

After laying on the floor for over three minutes, Aiella stood and finished chanting. The delegates stopped and stood as well. Mirith Sinn allowed Aiella time to compose herself, which she did. “Commander. We were unable to get a real picture. Two shades, definitely. But all I felt was a deep sense of hunger....and love. Old, too, as old as our teachings, if not older.”

Sinn felt her blood curl. There was only one assassin race that fit that description – and they were the most dangerous of the whole lot. But wait a minute – love? “What do you mean, love?” Aiella nodded. “There was a deep sense of connection and adoration between the two shapes.” The delegate nodded at her delegation, which left the room. She then turned to Sinn. “I hope that this will help you.” “Yes, it does. Thank you very much for your assistance, Aiella.”

With another nod, the Jensaarai departed, leaving Mirith to her thoughts. With a look at the room, Mirith turned and left as well, making her way back to the office. Anzati. This proved to be very problematic. The Anzati did not reveal any information to outsiders and the records of their Assassin guild was not even put in electronic form – if there even were any records at all. Still, she had to try.

And this meant a trip to Anzat.


Ord Cantrell
Baron D'Asta's suite

Baron D'Asta had not felt so good in days when Mirith Sinn gave him the news that they had a lead. He did deflate a bit when Sinn told him that there was a high chance it would lead to nothing, but Sinn noticed that he still looked better than he had ever since the abduction.

“So you will go to Anzat.” “It looks as if I have to, yes.” The Baron nodded. “Very well. You have all forces at your disposal.” “I need an assassin class corvette and some muscle in case things get ugly.” “You will have it. Goodspeed, Commander.” Sinn nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

As she departed, she nearly collided with Gaeriel Captison, who was carrying a large bottle of Namana nectar. “My apologies, commander.” Sinn nodded. “Prime Minister.” She then lowered her voice to a whisper. “What are you doing here?”

“She's most likely come to cheer me up.” The Baron's hearing was acute as ever. “Come in, Prime Minister.” Sinn stepped out, as Gaeriel stepped into the suite. “Regent. You seem to be in good spirits today.” “Yes. The commander has given me some good news at last. But let me help you with that...” D'Asta took the bottle from Gaeriel and put it on the kaff table. He opened it and poured two glasses. “This smells like a great vintage.”

Gaeriel nodded. “It was made the same year Bakura gained its freedom. No other nectar ever tasted that sweet.” The Baron smiled as he handed her her glass. “Freedom from imperial occupation, Prime Minister.” Gaeriel smiled back. “Yes. But you mentioned good news?” “Mirith Sinn has identified the species of the kidnappers and will now try to get more information.” Gaeriel nodded. “That is good news indeed.”

Instead of pointing out that this was still almost nothing to go on – a fact she suspected the baron knew – she changed the subject. “You are probably wondering why I came only now.” The Baron stopped. “I did not expect you to come at all. Why did you come, Prime Minister?” Gaeriel put down her drink and folded her hands. “I wanted to come earlier, but Marshal Praji told me I did not have children.”

Ragez D'Asta smiled for the first time in eleven days. “I hope he did not volunteer to help you with that?” Gaeriel grinned. “I think he has told me to kriff myself over the last few years several times in so many words. I don't think he quite understands the mechanics of that process.” To her surprise, the Baron actually laughed.

After a bit of comfortable silence, he too put down his glass. “Are you planning on having children?” Gaeriel's smile stayed on her face. “Yes.” “Does the admiral know about that?” “Yes. But Pter and I decided to wait until the times were a lot less turbulent.” The Baron shook his head. “Times will always be turbulent.” He gently took her hand and put it around her glass. “Now, drink up and then let me tell you about the times when my Feena was just a baby...”

Ord Cantrell
Marshal Jir's office

The Jensaarai Aiella watched from the Balcony of Jir's office as the Assassin-class corvette carrying Commander Sinn rose from the spaceport attached to De-Purteen. She hoped that her mission would be successful. Turning around, she saw Marshal Jir standing there.

“I just heard that you did read the room. What changed your mind?” Aiella smiled and then lied. “Your words yesterday. I owed you a debt of honour.” Jir smiled, but it was a tight-lipped smile. “And it might also have something to do with the assault plans you read from my computer terminal.” Aiella's head whipped around. “You planned this.”

Jir nodded. “When you have the choice of either betraying your friend or killing fellow citizens and fracture your own state, the best choice to do is neither.” Aiella swallowed. “Some would call this a coward's choice.”

Jir nodded. “Are you considering me a coward?” The Jensaarai shook her head. “No. Not after you were willing to come with me on Susevfi, with no method to defend yourself. No coward would do that.” Jir didn't say anything. “I also found something else in your computer – a file regarding my homeworld. It was password-protected.”

Jir nodded. “Yes.” “What is it?” The marshal deliberated for a while, then answered: “Standing orders to destroy your world should the enemy breach the defence perimeter and an evacuation is not possible.”

Aiella's smile vanished, but she nodded. “The Saarai-Kar suspected something like that already.” Jir turned to face her. “For what its worth, it would have to be done.” Aiella smiled and then quoted him. “I do not deny the charge, but I would not have enjoyed the task.” Jir smiled for a second, then a thought came to him. “If you suspected, you must have made preparations.” Aiella nodded. “Yes. In the case of such a tragedy, I am to take off your head and that of every other Imperial council member.”

Jir nodded, unable to speak. Aiella continued. “I do not deny the charge, but I would not have enjoyed the task.”

The two turned away, looking over the city. After a while, Jir took his comlink and activated it. “Communications. All monitoring of the Jensaarai delegate's communication is to be ceased immediately.” Shutting off his comlink without waiting for a reply, he turned back to her, noticing that she was back to looking at his face. “There. Now you know everything we planned and put in place regarding you. If you want, you can stop watching me every waking hour. I think you know enough now.”

Aiella smiled. “I deny your assumption and I enjoy the task immensely.” Without waiting for a reply of him, she turned back to watching the landscape below the balcony. After a moment of silence, the Marshal followed suit. Aiella smiled. “After all, where else can you get such marvellous housing and food for free?” After a short second, the Marshal laughed.

Outer space
In space, the Assasin class corvette accelerated and jumped into hyperspace.

Ord Cantrell
Suite of Baron D'Asta

“...and then Feena vomited all over the Palpatine roses in our garden on Nez Peron.” The Baron waited for Gaeriel to respond as she had done over the last few hours – with either a chuckle, a question or a laughter. Instead, she was sitting there, looking at the namana nectar bottle, which was missing a good deal of its content. And then her face turned into that of a person who just had an epiphany.

“How come I'm the only one whosch drunk?” Now it was the Baron's turn to smile. “Maybe, Prime Minister, because I made sure you drink a lot so that you will forget most of the stories I told you. Because Feena would probably not appreciate being called rose-puker when there was a heated argument in the council chambers next time.” Gaeriel nodded vehemently, almost spilling her drink. The Baron's smile got wider. “Or it might have something to do with the fact that the drugs I am currently taking are a very potent anti-alcoholic.”

Gaeriel swatted at him. “Schn- Schneakie Imp. Can't trust a ssingle one of you.” She paused, then reconsidered. “Exscheppt Pter.”

Gently, the Baron took her glas. “C'mon, Gaeriel, you had enough.” The Baron raised his voice and called out: “Guards.” The computer monitoring his suite recognized it as a command and the door opened. Shortly later, two Red guards entered the room. “The Prime Minister had a little much to drink. Carry her to her suite, then call a female order to administer an anti-hangover drug. Then have her – not you – get her to bed. And when you carry her, make sure you do so with respect. No word about this to anyone. Or I will have you sold to the Hutts.”

- Clues all around.
- Mirith Sinn travels to Anzat
- Drunk Gaeriel is fun to write
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Kartr_Kana »

Nysac, Federal Republic of Nysacia

Ambassador Krowli stood in front of the holoprojector alcove and fumed silently about the handedness of the military. She hadn't wanted such a heavy escort despite the contempt displayed towards the envoy sent to prepare the way for her. Now she felt like she was pointing a blaster at someone and demanding they listened. Not the best of way's to start off a diplomatic relationship.

The captain stepped out of the alcove and said "I have Sky Marshall Kendra Langard on a secure comm line for you ma'am."

"Thank you Captain I'll take it from here." replied Krowli as she stepped past him. "Sky Marshall Langard I am Ambassador Krowli and first I would like to apologize for any inconvieniance my escort may have caused you. I assure I did not want such a martial and aggressive tone to be set. In order to show my scincerity I would like to transfer myself and my aide to your ship for the rest of the voyage in system. As soon as I am aboard my escort will return to their home port."

Senate Chamber, Alsakan

"Members of the senate I come before you to lay out the progress we have made since our last convocation. First we have entered the Core Alliance as full members and as such we have de facto trad agreements with all members thereof. The Core Protectorate, The Second Corellian Empire, The Star Empire of Manticore and of course the Imperial Remnant. The Imperial Remnant was one of the first worlds to reach out to us after we dispatched our envoys. They have proven very helpful and open and despite their Imperial roots they have proven very amenable to republican influences and nations."

The Arkanian Senator interrupted Chancellor Kor at this point. "Still aren't all the members of CORE Imperial factions of one kind or another? Can we really trust Imperials?"

"I believe we can. They all have seen the devastation to ideologies that are diametrically opposed and unwilling to come to a comprimise can bring. None of them wants to repeat that folly or the destruction that it brings. Now while we are technically trading partners with The Core Protectorate, The Second Corellian Empire and The Star Empire of Manticore none of them have responded to our intial envoys so full ambassadors have been sent to each of their governments. They should arrive at any time and we merely wait to hear back from them. We are also waiting to hear back from the Temporary Stellar Authority of Balmorra."

Results:Ambassador sent to Nysacia

Ambassadors sent to CP, Second Corellian Empire and The Star Empire of Manticore.

Also waiting to hear back from the Balmoraans.

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(OOC: abduction T+13)

Ord Cantrell
Gaeriel Captison's suite
One day later

Gaeriel awoke to a recording of the Imperial Orchestra playing one of her favorite pieces. She stretched and started to prepare her day. As she did so, her eye noticed a note in a much distorted handwriting which she nevertheless recognized at her own. On it were scribbled the words “Remember: make babies” and “Rose puker”.

Imperial Ruling Council landing dock

When Saenger and company debarked the Decimator, Baron D'Asta was waiting for him. “Welcome back. Your trip was succesful, I take it?” The Baron nodded at the heavily modified transport settling down behind the Decimator. Saenger took the offered hand. “Indeed, sir, it was. Are there any news...?” “Commander Sinn has identified the kidnappers as Anzati and is now travelling to Anzat to meet with the head of their assassin guild.”

Saenger's eyebrows shot up. “I do hope she does take enough protection with her.” “One Assassin class, with two ISDs from the Ord Cantrell fleet following close behind, but not entering the system. But enough of this, Moff, let us meet our new head of research.”

The two passed the Decimator, followed by their honour guard and met the Ruhin walking down the ramp of the modified transport. “Welcome back, Admiral.” The elderly man shook his head. “I am no admiral anymore. But I accept your welcome.” D'Asta was having none of it. “Per Imperial secret order 542-1798-OC you are hereby reinstated in your previous rank and position. You are also placed in charge of our research facility on Axum.”

The man nodded. “Yes, the moff told me all about it. He also gave me written assurances of veto power and that no harm would come to my...daughter.” D'asta frowned. “Daughter?” “Regent, Moff.” Kira walked down the ramp, still wearing the changed hair and eyes, but there was no mistake for the Baron recognizing her, for he immediately straightened, his face frozen. “You.” Kira looked at him and extended a hand. “I am sorry, have we met?” D'Asta did not take it, instead he crossed his arms in front of his chest.“Yes, we did. What is she doing here?” The last part was offered to Saenger, who winced inwardly at the Baron's tone.

“Sir, she would be of invaluable assistance both with our research project and with Feena's abduction....” The Baron nodded. “Very well. You may go wherever you please, provided the Moff stays with you.” There was more that he wanted to say to Kira's face, but stopped himself. Threatening and berating someone who might bring back his daughter would not be helpful – and especially not when he was quite certain even the six Red Guards surrounding him would not protect him if she decided to kill him.

The Baron walked away, his honour guard following, leaving the Moff and the two newcomers alone. “What did I do to him?” Kira asked the Moff. Saenger winced. He certainly did not want to get into that now. “I'll tell you later. Now, I think we all got somewhere to be.”

Kira nodded and hugged the old man. “Take care.” The old man hugged her back. “You too.” The two smiled at each other, then Ruhin turned away and addressed Saenger. “Moff, I hope you are a man of your word.”

After a few minutes, Imperial personnel came and started unloading Ruhin's cargo from Kira's ship and into a waiting Assassin class corvette. One hour later, Ruhin had boarded the corvette and the ship's repulsors pushed it into the air, before the powerful engines started and the ship climbed into the sky, carrying its valuable cargo at high speed to Axum.

Ord Cantrall
Mirith Sinn's office
five hours later

Saenger had shown Kira the room and then they had gone to Mirith Sinn's office, were a freshly promoted senior lieutenant named Ganner had shown them the evidence Imperial intelligence had gathered and the actions Imperial Intelligence had taken. Kira had not been able to find anything in the room. And for the past four hours, she had been immersed in the datapads, reading each of them and then tossing them aside.

Saenger's optimistic mood had turned more and more into the pessimistic kind when the pile of datapads read and discarded had grown larger and larger while the pile of unread datapads got smaller and smaller. Eventually, Kira tossed the last one aside and stretched. Then she stood up and walked around the room, stopping in front of a map of the galaxy.

Saenger started to say something, but Kira held up a hand, motioning him to stop. Then she addressed Lieutenant Ganner. “Fuel orders.” Ganner nodded. “Yes, we tried that, we didn't find anything.” “Why?” “Well, because we - “

Saenger interrupted. “Excuse me. Would somebody please explain to me what you mean? How are fuel orders going to help us?”

Kira nodded. “Very well.” If she was annoyed, her tone did not show it. “As your intelligence rightfully concluded from the evidence, the assassins used a small craft to get in here. This craft was so small, it would not have fuel for more than a short hyperjump. Now, whoever took her was not one of the other nations – none of them have small, cloaked craft – or that your intelligence knows of. And I also conclude that no other nation would have kidnapped her instead of trying to get to someone more important. This leaves highly rich criminal organizations and pirate gangs.”

Kira indicated the portion of the galaxy surrounding Ord Cantrell. “This region is subject to direct and indirect Remnant rule, with many of the non-aligned worlds strong enough to resist pirates. Large pirates gangs have never directly operated in that region, which is also why I hid next to here. Which meant they came from somewhere else and had to take the long road with many slow, not-usually-travelled hyperlanes to get here, for traffic stations and spy satellites monitored no unknown craft entering this sector. Which meant they would have burned a lot of fuel – much more than usual, which in turn would mean - “ “which would mean that they would have to buy more fuel than usual.” The two finished unisono. Saenger continued. “By checking those who bought fuel or the fuel stations that ordered more than the usual hyperdrive fuel, we would be able to see who used more than his standard allotted hyperdrive fuel.” Saenger grinned. “That is brilliant.”

“So brilliant that it was one of the first things Intelligence checked”, Ganner remarked dryly. “In non-aligned space, more than twelve trillion fuel stations ordered excess fuel. Our slicer teams are checking around the hour, but the sheer number makes the task impossible.”

Kira was not finished, however. “Have you thought about eliminating all those stations under Imperial or other national control?”

Ganner nodded. “We also went with the assumption that the kidnappers would most likely be associated with criminals, so we ruled out all stations and suppliers that keep records. We also advised Imperial agents to check on those who do not keep any. But the fact is, we just do not have access to the biggest supplier of arms and fuels to pirate gangs – the Hutts.”

Kira shook her head. “Why not?” This time Saenger answered. “Because our capabilities have diminished and we have no leverage over them. We can no longer threaten them with annihilation and we do not have the money to bribe more people than they do. Mirith gave a report on that a while ago – our best slicers have been going up against theirs for months, but we have not even penetrated the central records of their clans.” Kira nodded and went back to studying the maps.

Ganner spoke without being asked to while scrolling through some data records on Sinn's workstation. “Actually, the capture of Tavira provided some evidence. The biggest Hutt supplier of fuel is the Besadii kajidic, the largest Hutt clan and led by Durga Besadii Tai. But Imperial Intelligence has no leverage over him nor access to his records either.”

Kira turned around and looked at the two. “It was worth a try. To be honest, Moff, I don't know how to help you with any of this. I am afraid I'll be of no use to you – unless you want me to lead a commando raid on Durga's Palace, but I don't think this will be well received by the Hutt cartels.”

Saenger grimaced. There goes another hope.

“HAH.” This outcry of the normally stoic Senior Lieutenant Ganner surprised both of them. Grinning widely, the lieutenant took a datapad, inserted it into the workstation and then tossed it towards Kira, who picked it up in one fluid motion. “Your Imperial Intelligence file. We may not have leverage over Durga, but you do.”

Kira studied the datapad, then turned it over to Saenger. “I don't remember any of it, but there is enough information here for me to try a bluff that might work. However, I can't get to Nal Hutta.”

Saenger was confused. “Why not?” “Because Durga will not see me. He has ample reason not to. The minute I try to approach Nal Hutta, I'd be shut down. You'd need someone who did business with him or someone he would care to see.”

This time, it was Saenger's turn to smile. “Oh, I think I know someone.”

Ord Cantrell
Four hours later

It had been decided that a VT-49 Decimator was too recognizable to be used, so it had been decided to use Kira's ship – which was at least as fast a ship. After all the relevant information had been placed into the ships database, Saenger boarded it with Kira. He did not really look forward to this trip – the ship had been heavily modified, with the only comfort for passengers being provided by a small refresher unit.

Saenger already hated it. They would have to sleep in the pilot seats and the only food would have been stored emergency rations, a far cry from the comforts of Ord Cantrell. Imperial Intelligence had also come up with a disguise for him – he was now Griff Ronta, freelance trader (read: Pirate). As part of his disguise, he had changed into a well-worn grey jumpsuit. Comfortable and leaving enough room for a heavy blaster, not that he felt comfortable with his shooting abilities either.

And then Imperial Red Guards had arrived and unceremoniously dumped a bundle of clothes on the floor, with two of them half-carrying, half-dragging the third member of the team into the second emergency passengger seat. They saluted Saenger and then departed the ship. Kira piloted the ship and powered up the repulsors. “I suggest you strap in.”

Whatever Leonia Tavira had been about to say was cut short when the main engines ignited and the acceleration pressed all three into their seats.
Within seconds, they had cleared Ord Cantrell airspace and as soon as they were clear of the fleet, Kira engaged the hyperdrive.

- Ruhin on his way to Axum, to take charge of facilities there
- we're off to see a hutt, the wonderful dreadful Durga the Hutt
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

*A small, polished metal orb with carved insignia floated into Captain Hunts Burea. I assumed positon in front of the Empires Ambassador - and a hologram of Lady Serafina Morantor flashed to live.*

Dear Captain Hunt

i wanted to thank you personally for personally cunducting an fleet exercise with our forces.
However, pressing concerns have kept me busy.

I want to formally invite you to our fleets after-action report.
You have my personall reasurance that any commentary of yours will be appreciated.

Now, let me introduce you to a custom of ours:
The droid in front of you is not only a messenger, but also a gift.
They are used for official invitations, but they are also a sign of decoration and honour.
Both apply to this one.
As a more practical concern, it will also lead you to our fleet headquarters and serve you as a passport.

Lady Serafina Morantor

Results: Captain Hunt gets an invitation to the AAR of the fleet simulation.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Approaching Vulpter
Cultural Union space


The Ghtroc Industries class 720 freighter dropped out of hyperspace without much aplomb, lit its sublight thrusters and angled itself for the final approach to the nearest Cultural Union orbital. The ship was hailed almost immediately by local space control, and the co-pilot cheerfully identified it as the Merry Contraband, a freelance freighter under contract with Rulan-Thur Heavy Mining of Ord Radama, delivering 135 metric tons of crystals to the Union as per the trade agreement signed between it and the Gordian Dominion. It then transmitted the appropriate clearance codes and was assigned a place in an orbital dock.

Result: first batch of traded crystals arrives at Vulpter as per our trade agreement.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Darth Raptor »

Docking Bay 1, FNNS Rathian
Nysac System, Federal Republic of Nysacia

Marshall Langard fidgeted unconsciously as the old-fashioned shuttle swept into the hangar and gracefully folded its wings before setting down. She had plenty of diplomatic experience from her days in the NRDF, but had always been protected by a pile of things she couldn't say, promise or do. This was different. The President had invested in her full diplomatic plenipotentiary status, and made it clear that, short of a full scale attack, he was not to be disturbed.

When Ambassador Krowli disembarked the shuttle and approached, Langard bowed respectfully. "Welcome to Nysacia, Ambassador. It is I who should apologize for the behavior of a certain curmudgeonly old Imperial." She offered the ambassador a wan smile. "You don't know how often I've wanted to drop a couple of Star Destroyers on top of him, so I sympathize with your leaders completely. I regret to inform you that His Excellency the President is otherwise engaged, but I feel he has made his position clear to me and has empowered me with the full authority to negotiate on his behalf. This way, please, and how can I be of service?"
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

OOC: From now on, all posts by Serafina and me are going to take part in the usual timeline of the STGOD as the exercise is over.

Cultural Union
Imperial Embassy

Serafina wrote:*A small, polished metal orb with carved insignia floated into Captain Hunts Burea. It assumed positon in front of the Empires Ambassador - and a hologram of Lady Serafina Morantor flashed to live.*

Dear Captain Hunt

i wanted to thank you personally for personally cunducting an fleet exercise with our forces.
However, pressing concerns have kept me busy.

I want to formally invite you to our fleets after-action report.
You have my personall reasurance that any commentary of yours will be appreciated.

Now, let me introduce you to a custom of ours:
The droid in front of you is not only a messenger, but also a gift.
They are used for official invitations, but they are also a sign of decoration and honour.
Both apply to this one.
As a more practical concern, it will also lead you to our fleet headquarters and serve you as a passport.

Lady Serafina Morantor

Captain Hunt had expected such a thing and had already asked for and received permission from Lord Praji to present his analysis to the Cultural Union in advance. Now there was only one thing left to do. There was no chance he would leave such a gift around his office, not when classified information was to be read. So he arranged with his orderly to have the droid stationed in a seperate office when he was not away on official business with the Union. The orderly would keep watch on the droid and tell him if anything happened.

But as he was visiting the Cultural Union flagship, he might as well take it with him. “You...whatever your designation is. Follow me.”

The ride to the Cultural Union flagship Prosperity was smooth and without complications. After being transported from the Hangar Bay to the briefing room, Captain Hunt entered just as Admiral Amyria was about to begin, wearing a silver uniform. Also attending were Tey Haako, the Neimoidian Chief Administrator of the Outer Colonies, PN-CO-1, the droid adjutant of the Admiral and the commanding officers of the fleet's ships. He was impressed about the small size of the group – whereas in the Remnant, a similar briefing would have consisted of at least 800 men and women, the Union made do with a small percentage of this.

Hunt was offered a seat next to the main holoprojector and sat down, waiting for the Admiral to start. This she did, her long, bushy tail swinging around. After a lengthy retelling of the battle, she asked for his opinion. The Captain rose, straightening his uniform.

“Well, Admiral, I'll be blunt. This battle was over before it ever started, due to the following factors:
First, you had no interdictors, thereby allowing me freedom of movement and to dominate the battlefield with unlimited tactical mobility. Second, you were desperately outgunned and outnumbered right from the start. Third, the placement of your colonies is more than unfortunate and allowed me to chose assault vectors that gave me maximum firepower and you only half of yours.

Finally, your doctrine seems to be a bit outdated. Missile strikes at long range? And you seemed almost reluctant to part with your ships. There were several times when pressing the attack would have given you at least better results than you did – for example, pulling back the skirmish line although it could have held its own and maybe even have prevailed against my skirmish line was what cost you your ships when the A-wing slash variation came to fruition. It seemed you were almost too eager to believe that your opponent made a mistake instead of him trying a risky, but ultimately successful tactic. My fellow officers and I were also wondering why you chose to immediately engage us instead of waiting while we were bogged down and preoccupied with taking a colony. That way, I would not have had that much room to maneuver. You also were unable to protect your most important shipyards due to this deployment – had I exploited it and destroyed your supply base, I could simply have retreated and waited until your fleet had starved. So in the opinion of me and the opinion of the Imperial Navy general staff, you lost because your fleet was outmatched and there were several tactical problems and mistakes.”

Hunt paused a moment, waiting for the effect his words had on the assembled officers. Some were clearly dismayed and angry, but the Admiral stayed composed and was apparently willing to listen, the hallmark of a good officer.

“The Imperial Navy general staff (IGNS) has decided to give some...recommendations on how to help you with your defence. As you so generally decided to sign the treaty of mutual benefit with us, we decided we would repay the favor. These are the recommendations of the general staff:

1. We would recommend stronger shields on your colonies in order to prevent a simple fleet from breaching them.
2. We would also recommend that the colonies be moved and reconfigured. The IGNS believes a group of six colonies arraigned in the following manner would be most effectve.”

Hunt entered datapad in the holoprojector's slot and soon, a configuration was shown. It showed six colonies arrayed in a formation, with four colonies arrayed in a cross formation. Above and below were two other colonies.

“We believe that with this setup, you will be able to focus the weapons of at least three colonies into any given direction. With this setup, all weapon emplacements should be moved to the sides facing outwards, thereby increasing the firepower. We do however not know if such a move would be possible as we had no data on the technical layout of your colonies.

Another issue is that of the armed forces. We recommend that you increase the size of your army to make it harder for enemies to conquer your worlds.”

Hunt then closed down the projector and brought up another one display. “However, the real detriment to your forces was in my opinion the lack of heavy firepower. Your fleet of small craft is quite impressive and in fact larger than the one the Remnant fields. However, you severely lack in heavy units.”

He paused for a second before continuing. “Due to your location, you might not be able to build a large number of ISD capable yards. However, the IGNS has decided that it is well within your industrial budget to construct a large number of 1200m yards. We believe it should be possible for you to construct 10 1200m yards at least in any given year. Now, as for what to do with them. There are a couple of 1200m designs that are capable of standing up to ISDs.

First, we have the VSDII star destroyer. Your engineers can already built them without any trouble. It is a tested design, sturdy and very well made. The Bakuran Navy has extensive experience with this craft. And you can even built it in a 1000m shipyard. Plus, your Navy already makes ample use of the VSD-I, so conversion should be easy.

Then, there is the Republic class Destroyer, but nobody really thinks it is a good design as it suffers from poor power generation. Plus, you would have to buy it from a former Republic faction.

Then, there we have the Nebula class Star Destroyer currently in use by various former Republic factions. It is a powerful ship and has forced an entire strategy redesign by the Remnant.

Finally, we have the Remnant's newest design, planned to counter the Nebula class. The Procursator-class Star Destroyer. It has faster acceleration than an ISD, has strong shields and carries about 75% of the armament of it. I personally believe this design to be the best of the whole lot and would suggest you invest in it. The Imperial Remnant would be willing to station engineers here to help you built it in your own yards. We estimate the design will be ready in two years.

We think that a fleet of about 60 of those ships should be strong enough to deter any attack. We estimate it will take you a total of four to five years to produce them.

Alternatively, the Imperial Remnant is willing to lease you ships until you get your own designs up and running. We would be willing to lease you two Tector class Destroyers starting next year, for the same terms as the Relentless lease. If you require more, we will try and fulfill your needs.”

Hunt stopped for a moment and drank a bit of water to refresh himself. “But ships are only as strong as the men who crew them. Therefore, the Imperial Naval Academy on Anaxes has decided to extend an offer for 36 of your officers to be trained in command and tactic courses. Likewise, we will be able to train up to 3200 crewmen. I think that with your high degree of automation, this will be enough to bring your fleet up to speed in two to three years.”

Hunt stopped. “These are the recommendations of the Imperial Naval General Staff. I have one more to add to this. Do not be disheartened by the results of the exercise. It was the predictable result of combat between one Navy which has not had a day's peace since Yavin and a Navy that knows nothing but peace. I personally think you will get up to speed very soon.”

He then looked around. “Admiral, I thank you for your invitation. I will now take questions, should you have any.”


Golden Republic
Presidential Palace

Lorth Trun had just received the communique from Ord Cantrell that he had been waiting for. The nations of the Core Alliance had decided to accept the Golden Republic's offer. Which is why he was now waiting to be received so that he could deliver the good news.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Third moon of Vassek, Outer Rim

Aboard the CUS Prosperity

-Proceed final approach and prepare the landing barks.

-Roger, Doctor Ross.

-I will lead the search team myself. Send down two squads of OOMs and one squads of BX-droids.

-Acknowledged, Madam.

The landing crafts touched down just outside the castle. The landing party emerged and spread out, covering Doctor Ross


"Let's go on in. And mind your step once we are inside - we do not know what might be hidden in there.
The OOMs will search for traps and go first. I will stay with the main squad and examine any finds."
Twentyfour droids and one human approached the massive walls of Grievous Hideout.
"Looks like there is no dicernable entrance - just as expected."
Kimiko switched trough the visual modes of her optical implants. Within a minute of search, she picked up the hidden mechanisms inside the wall. She touched an unremarkable graving on the left side of the dozen meters wide wall, and a small entrance opened.
The OOM-battledroids hurried inside, searching for any unusual features that might indicate any traps or interesting machinery.

After just a few minutes of search, four battledroids were destroyed. One BX had been destroyed by an automatic blaser and two OOMs had fallen into a hidden trap, destroyed by the fall. Another OOM had simply disappeared.
"Watch out - perhaps we will encounter more than just traps. Report any unusal sights, especially movements" Dr Roos ordered.

Two minutes later, a group of four battledroids searching an corridor were ambushed by an pair of MagnaGuard droids.
The ordinary battledroids were destroyed within secons, but the single BX-series managed to draw its Vibrosword and block the unrushing Electrostaff. This bought him a few seconds, and it transmitted his optical data to Doctor Ross.

"Looks like those MagnaGuards are still active - i guess no one cared about this hideout after Grievous was killed.
All OOMs will retreat to the ships. Commandos, form on me. I want these droids disabled - but do NOT destroy them unless you have to."

The small group of six Commando-battledroids and Doctor Ross continued the search. They managed to find some parts of droids and a few droid limbs of General Grievous, but they did not encounter the remaining MagnaGuards.
"This is taking too long - lets hope that we encounter them soon, at least it will safe some time".
Kimiko was becoming nervous. She had studied the MagnaGuards of General Grievous intensely.
They were the most excellent battledroids ever made, at least in her oppinion. It was a shame that the Confederacy had not built them in greater numbers.
And that was why she did not demand reinforcements - she wanted these droids as intact as possible. And if she brought in more troops of her own, the chances would grow that they were destroyed beyond use.

Just a split-second later, the motion sensors at the back of her head sprang to live. She turned around, but nothing was in sight.
"Damn. It is possible that it was an false alarm, but i think they might..."
Just as suddenly, two battledroids behind here were hit by blasterbolts. One fell apart, but the other managed to recover - only to had his head crushed by an armored fist.
Another Battledroid had been hit in the chest by the MagnaGuards Electrostaff, his systems burned out.

"Watch out!", she shouted, which saved the next droid from distraction. It dodged the backhand swing of the electrostaff and drew its Vibroblade, blocking the other end of the pole.
The two other Commandos cloned this action. Together, the three BX-Droids were a match for the stronger, faster and more capable Magnaguard.
But Kimiko knew that it only seemed like a stalemate - a single hit from an electrostaff would destroy an BX, but it would take dozens of hits from a vibroblade to dismantle an MagnaGuard.


This analysis gave her the necessary idea.
She jumped forward and grabbed an stun baton from one of the destroyed BX-droids.
If she was able to hit the Magnaguard in the right place, it might just disable it.
But unfortunately, there was no way she could land an hit - the combat was just too intense.

Precious seconds were wasted - she was not able to find a gap. If only there was more room...
Another droid was hit by a blow of the electrostaff and reduced to a pile of useless parts.

Another inspiration hit her.
She activated her integral repulsorlift untit and jumped. She spinned around and hit the ceiling with her legs, pushing herself away. Her angle of attack allowed her to hit the droid right into the head.

It took her a few second to recover from the crash.
As she recovered her senses, she spotted the remaining battledroid in combat with the last two Commandos.
One had already been disarmed, and it took only a few seconds until both were destroyed.
The MagnaGuard rushed towards her.

She took aim with her implanted MK-15 plasma thrower.
A single hit melted one of the droids legs. Three more hits took care of the remaining limbs.

"In total, the mission surpassed our exception, Lady Serafina. We managed to reach our main objective and retrieved EV-A4-D.
We also found two functioning MagnaGuards - we managed to take one in nearly perfect condition and recovered the processors of the other one. We also found a lot of cybernetic parts in good condition."

"Excellent. Return to Vulpter immedeately, we received the first package a few days ago and want to continue our work immedeately. For that, we need both your expertise and the materials you retrieved."
Dr. Kimiko Ross:


Conclusion: Introduction of Doctor Kimiko Ross. I retrieved EV-A4-D and two working MagnaGuards from Grievous Castle.
This will allow me to build MagnaGuard droids on my own and to continue with a special project of mine (it will be revealed later, dont worry).

"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick

Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy (Worm/Exalted)
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