FrigidMagi doesn't post on here anymore, but he does have a website where he reviews Books and TV Shows.
He finally got around to seeing F&WS eps 1-3. He's former US Marine, and his take on John Walker is the best I've seen so far. Bolding is mine, because Frigid has yet to see the full show, but he's hit the nail on the head.
John Walker is the government-mandated Captain America 2.0: Blonde, blue-eyed, physically and mentally in the top 10 to 5% of humanity. A decorated soldier, a good friend, and a loyal husband... And walking proof that a government committee has no business picking Captain America. I had a friend tell me that John Walker is total butts and frankly he does seem widely hated as a character. Strangely, I don't hate John Walker, which is weird because I completely loathe the comic version. Instead, I take one look at John Walker and go 'oh no buddy you should not be in the field at all.' John Walker wants to do a good job, all his life all he's wanted was to do a good job and he's suffering for that. He's not emotionally stable nor is he mentally all there. In some ways, he almost seems to be tweaking as if the government doped him up with something before handing him the shield. Worse, he only seems to have two supports in his friend Lemar Hoskins, Battlestar, a fellow veteran who is tapped to be Cap 2.0's partner, and his wife, who he honestly doesn't seem to completely confide in. This is realistic - When you're a vet telling the person you love everything that happened on the battlefield is a hard ask. There are things you simply do not want them to know. You don't want them to know about the smell or the sounds or the aftermath. You don't want to risk that they'll look at you with that same flicker of doubt you see in the mirror sometimes. Lamar, having been part of his unit, was there and now provides extra support but you can't just have one pillar of support. What if it cracks? Or isn't there one day? I look at Walker and I see a guy who wants to be good but his whole idea of good is externally enforced and he's only now coming to grips with that. On top of that, he hasn't had a chance to come to grips with what he's already suffered or done. Whoever put John Walker in that damn suit did him no favor and may have set a perfectly decent man on the road to destruction. One thing though that Bucky and Sam can come together over is that Walker isn't fit to carry the shield and they want nothing to do with him. I can't blame them as Walker seems to breeze in and expect everyone to treat him as if Steve has returned from the dead and frankly when you're talking to veterans of a war against a Mad God? That ain't happening.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet