Shooting at YouTube HQ

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Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Wild Zontargs »

YouTube shooting: Aggrieved content creator behind attack at YouTube's San Bruno HQ
YouTube shooting: Aggrieved content creator behind attack at YouTube's San Bruno HQ
Trans woman Nasim Aghdam whose YouTube channel was 'demonetised' behind shooting

Authorities in the US have confirmed that the suspect behind the shooting at the YouTube HQ was a 39-year-old trans woman from San Diego, California "angry" with the organisation after it was de-monetised and removed from the video-sharing website.

Nasim Aghdam, who described herself on her website as a Persian animal rights activist and vegan athlete, opened fire with a handgun at YouTube HQ on Tuesday just before 1pm, Pacific Time.

She had been reported missing by her family earlier that day.

Following the shooting, a 36-year-old man was reported as in critical condition, while a 32-year-old woman was in serious condition and a 27-year-old woman was in fair condition. The three victims are still hospitalised, while a fourth victim was also taken to the hospital with injuries.

Aghdam was found dead by police inside the building as the result of self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Law enforcement officials in California later confirmed her identity.

According to Aghdam's family, she was "angry" that YouTube had stopped paying her for online videos and had taken down her material.

On her website, Aghdam wrote: "Videos of targeted users are filtered and merely relegated, so that people can hardly see their videos."

"There is no equal growth opportunity on YouTube or any other video-sharing site. Your channel will grow if they want [it] to!"

Aghdam's family had reported her missing after she disappeared from southern California, and she was found sleeping the night before the attack in her car in Mountain View, near the YouTube offices.

Her channel, Nasime Wonder1, which has now been deleted, had about 5,000 subscribers.

At the time of the shooting on Tuesday, San Bruno Police warned people on Twitter to "please stay away from Cherry Ave & Bay Hill Drive" as they are responding to an "active shooter".

A YouTube product manager who goes by the name of Vadim Lavrusik took to Twitter to communicate that he and his co-workers were barricaded inside a room at 901 Cherry Avenue headquarters, before later tweeting: "Safe. Got evacuated. Outside now."

"Active shooter at YouTube HQ. Heard shots and saw people running while at my desk. Now barricaded inside a room with coworkers."

A Google employee at a nearby complex said several police sirens were heard around the office and that colleagues inside the building are texting them updates. Videos and photos posted to Snapchat show police officers running into the YouTube offices.

People were also seen evacuating the offices in a line with their hands up in the air. Television reports also showed police officers patting down people who had left the building to check for weapons.

In a statement, Google said it is "coordinating with authorities" and will provide official information here from Google and YouTube as it becomes available.
Archive of the shooter's website, faster archive of just the front page
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Soontir C'boath »

The question on my mind is why were her videos removed and demonetized. For the most part, it happens to people who post about politics where corporate media has been put to the fore while independent journalists and commentators (both left and right ring) have been pushed to the back with their subscribers not getting notifications anymore or actually getting unsubscribed from the channel.

In the end, YT has become stingy when it comes to doling out money in general and has resulted in many content creators to resort to Patreon to cover their income.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Wild Zontargs »

YouTube, Facebook, etc have all closed her accounts, but this Twitter thread has clips of a bunch of her videos. No idea how representative those are, if they've been selectively clipped, etc. It's weird stuff from what's shown.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Aether »

Soontir C'boath wrote: 2018-04-04 10:41am The question on my mind is why were her videos removed and demonetized. For the most part, it happens to people who post about politics where corporate media has been put to the fore while independent journalists and commentators (both left and right ring) have been pushed to the back with their subscribers not getting notifications anymore or actually getting unsubscribed from the channel.
Not saying that you are wrong, but I would love to see well documented evidence that YouTube now pushes corporate news. I think a lot of people, including myself, feel that this is true, but it would be great to see research back up our suspicions.

A lot of smaller content creators feel they are getting the shaft all the while YouTube's Hero Extraordinaire, Logan Paul, makes money hand over fist for his blatant stupidity.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

I'm certain of one thing.The right and the Nazi Rifleman's Association will have a field day with her being trans.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by aerius »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote: 2018-04-04 11:40am I'm certain of one thing.The right and the Nazi Rifleman's Association will have a field day with her being trans.
It gets better. The person was also a outspoken vegan and of middle-eastern origin.
Field day doesn't even describe what's going on right now.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Elheru Aran »

Aether wrote: 2018-04-04 11:35am A lot of smaller content creators feel they are getting the shaft all the while YouTube's Hero Extraordinaire, Logan Paul, makes money hand over fist for his blatant stupidity.
Not saying you're wrong, but the thing about Youtube is that ultimately it's not about the users. It's about making a profit for itself. Logan Paul may be making buckets of money... but for every click on his videos, YT gets a cut.

Smaller users who may not get anywhere near a fraction of as many views on the other hand... YT doesn't have much to lose by dropping them, particularly if they're controversial enough to spur complaints. I can certainly see how a trans user might get frequently reported by trolls, and YT not bothering to take the time to verify false reports.

I'm a bit surprised to see a (presumably) liberal-ish person take this tack to solving her problems, though...

(edit: spelling)
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Eulogy »

Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-04-04 12:54pmI'm a bit surprised to see a (presumably) liberal-ish person take this tack to solving her problems, though...
I'm not. When you keep on pissing off person after person with your greedy short-sighted bullshit, something like this is bound to happen.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by U.P. Cinnabar »

Except the narrative will blame the liberalism, and not YT.

Still another way the right and their NRA are going to make book on this.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Formless »

The scary thing is, nothing she wrote is entirely wrong. About a month ago literally all small youtubers under a certain number of subscribers and a certain threshold for watch hours got completely demonetized for no other reason than they individually weren't generating enough views. And given the state of the technology, it is completely irresponsible of Youtube to rely on artificial intelligence to decide what is and isn't "advertiser friendly" as many of the Youtubers I watch report that more than half of all videos of theirs that get flagged are later determined by a human being at Youtube to be just fine. In other words, the bots have an error rate of more than 50%, creating more work and not less... but only if the youtuber is determined to fight the bots. Which I suspect many small youtubers give up on because they get vastly more money from Patreon anyway. And yes, people have also noted many ways the algorithm for getting onto the front page creates inequality between big youtubers and small youtubers, including those youtube channels that exist for big traditional corporations and channels essentially sponsored by youtube through its partner system and Youtube Red, not to mention the recurring trainwreck that is the Paul brothers' channels. Oh, and there are the new rules they are putting in place for gun related channels that are predictably more about making those youtubers feel unwelcome than doing anything actually helpful (eg. there will be a new rule saying not to put up information on how to handload, even though everyone considers it a hobby and considers it completely unrelated to crime).

No, its pretty obvious that Youtube cares far more about the money and its internal corporate politics these days than about the community; for fucks sake, last year they were forced to apologize for marking all content regarding LGBTQ issues as restricted because it was "controversial"! They didn't care until the community pointed out that it was blatantly homophobic. And even now, I think LGBTQ content still gets demonetized because the advertising industry is, in fact, run by homophobic shitstains. Given all this, its not surprising to me at all that someone would eventually snap and commit some retaliatory crime against Youtube or Google. Its tragic, but inevitable given their corporate arrogance. Frankly, I would have hoped that the law would have stepped in by now and simply gone after them for antitrust reasons, but then I remember that there is no way that is going to happen in this country, and that the law has yet to catch up with the internet as well.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Dragon Angel »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote: 2018-04-04 11:40amI'm certain of one thing.The right and the Nazi Rifleman's Association will have a field day with her being trans.
Is there ... actually evidence for this? Because searching through her very badly made even by 90's standards website doesn't even bring that up.

Admittedly, I may have missed something because pretty much everything she has has been taken down now and her website is an eyesore, but I've been seeing people also say there is absolutely no base to that claim.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by MKSheppard »

aerius wrote: 2018-04-04 12:15pmIt gets better. The person was also a outspoken vegan and of middle-eastern origin.

Field day doesn't even describe what's going on right now.
4chan has adopted her as their waifu, in a ironical shitposting sense of the matter.

Meanwhile, gun forums are highly amused that after all the trouble youtube went to towards demonetizing (months ago) gun videos and after the recent ban on gun related videos (in about 20 days, all gun related videos go bye), a female vegan iranian waifu went off at YT HQ, not a neckbearded tactical timmy.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by MKSheppard »

U.P. Cinnabar wrote: 2018-04-04 01:32pm Except the narrative will blame the liberalism, and not YT.

Still another way the right and their NRA are going to make book on this.
Actually, the gun forums are putting the blame on YT, correctly pointing out that YT was fucking with people's livelihoods and money with their recent demonetisation moves.

EDIT: They're also pointing out this took place in a state where almost every gun law proposed has been implemented; e.g. the gun used was registered to the waifu's name, etc.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

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Update: There is ... a fucking ton of fake information spreading around, as what usually happens after these events. I've been trying to google something and I can only come up with bigoted rumormongering and extremely questionable sources.

Don't believe the bullshit.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Dragon Angel »

I have, uh, a question for you, Zontargs.

Is there a reason you had to post this specific link to the story? As in, a web archival link? Because I tried to go to the original URL located on top of that and the page has been deleted. So, it was probably retracted.

I bring this up because from the surface, that looks incredibly dishonest, especially coming from you. Since it's entirely likely this news outlet (which I haven't heard of but can't find any other information about them) retracted this story. If the original page did not exist, then it would've been easy to find another link from another outlet.

So why this one?
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Titan Uranus »

Dragon Angel wrote: 2018-04-04 10:03pm
I have, uh, a question for you, Zontargs.

Is there a reason you had to post this specific link to the story? As in, a web archival link? Because I tried to go to the original URL located on top of that and the page has been deleted. So, it was probably retracted.

I bring this up because from the surface, that looks incredibly dishonest, especially coming from you. Since it's entirely likely this news outlet (which I haven't heard of but can't find any other information about them) retracted this story. If the original page did not exist, then it would've been easy to find another link from another outlet.

So why this one?
I can't speak for the OP, but as a wise man once said, archive everything. The legacy (and the new, for that matter) media has an adorable habit of retroactively altering stories without any reference to their having done so, or what was changed.
But here is the link to the current story: I can't find any significant difference to the actual content.

Also, I haven't checked the real shit-show websites, but the gun guys are either sympathetic (though still condemnatory) because Youtube destroyed this woman's livelihood, or saying that this is a example of why gun violence is a mental health problem, and not a gun problem.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

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Titan Uranus wrote: 2018-04-04 10:28pmI can't speak for the OP, but as a wise man once said, archive everything. The legacy (and the new, for that matter) media has an adorable habit of retroactively altering stories without any reference to their having done so, or what was changed.
But here is the link to the current story: I can't find any significant difference to the actual content.
Thanks. I did a search and there is no mention of "trans" and the URL is different, so it was definitely retracted/corrected in that case.

If ... suspiciously stealthy, at that.

I guess that archive serves a good enough reminder of how certain outlets run with anything they can find before fact checking...
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Wild Zontargs »

Dragon Angel wrote: 2018-04-04 10:03pmIs there a reason you had to post this specific link to the story? As in, a web archival link?
It was live and current at the time I linked it, but I've frequently had links die on stories where the news agency updates the URL along with the latest updates to the story and screws up with the redirect, so I archive by default.

Current version (archived here) seems to have dropped the claim that she was trans, so that's probably why they memory-holed the old one:
Authorities in the US have confirmed that the suspect behind the shooting at the YouTube HQ was a 39-year-old woman from San Diego, California "angry" with the organisation after it was de-monetised and removed from the video-sharing website.

Nasim Aghdam, who described herself on her website as a Persian animal rights activist and vegan athlete, opened fire with a handgun at YouTube HQ on Tuesday just before 1pm, Pacific Time.
I'm guessing they didn't want to get hit with anything for sharing incorrect information which they claimed was "confirmed by US authorities", so they memory-holed the old version.

Beyond the obvious correction-of-bullshit, I'm glad this bit of info wasn't the case, as people can more easily discuss the potential mental health aspect without any "hurr durr because trans" nonsense being injected by bigots.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Dragon Angel »

Wild Zontargs wrote: 2018-04-04 10:37pmI'm guessing they didn't want to get hit with anything for sharing incorrect information which they claimed was "confirmed by US authorities", so they memory-holed the old version.

Beyond the obvious correction-of-bullshit, I'm glad this bit of info wasn't the case, as people can more easily discuss the potential mental health aspect without any "hurr durr because trans" nonsense being injected by bigots.
For what it's worth, it seems we were all fooled by the rumormongering that happens in the first 72 hours of these events. So, mea culpa.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Rogue 9 »

It's true that YouTube did a mass demonetization of all small channels early this year (I was a victim of it myself), but the subscriber lower limit was 1000 subscribers. With 5k subscribers, she was well over that, so something else was going on. Either she wasn't getting the required 4000 hours of annual view time (possible) or she posted things YouTube considered objectionable. Hard to tell now that the channel is deleted.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Wild Zontargs »

Dragon Angel wrote: 2018-04-04 10:54pmFor what it's worth, it seems we were all fooled by the rumormongering that happens in the first 72 hours of these events. So, mea culpa.
S'alright. I know I catch shit for having certain views, but actual bigots can go straight to hell. If they weren't out there spewing bullshit, fewer people would confuse my views with theirs. Their fault, not yours.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Titan Uranus »

Of course the channel has been memory-holed. Unfortunately her low popularity meant that only a handful of her videos have been mirrored.

And while they're ... quite peculiar, I don't see anything that Youtube's puritans or their bots would object to.

All the videos that have been mirrored do appear to be about a minute long, so she might have been under the 4000 hour mark.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Rogue 9 »

It's surprising what the bots will flag, though. As an example, I've gotten copyright flags for original performances of songs well over a hundred years old (well into the public domain) that I've successfully fought. Fortunately, that was before they instituted the rule that they won't review automated flags unless the video gets a thousand views in the span of seven days, which is keeping me from disputing the flagging of videos of a parchment making workshop I filmed as unsuitable for advertisers due to violence (which is a moot point now that my entire channel is demonetized anyway).
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by LaCroix »

And even then, if they review and remonetize, it's not done retroactively, so all the views you got in the first days (usually a big share) are for naught. The bot "problem" is pretty much a way to scam you out of a good chunk of your income.

Pretty much all the channels I watch are relying on patreon for 95% of their funding, these days.
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Re: Shooting at YouTube HQ

Post by Mr Bean »

Rogue 9 wrote: 2018-04-04 11:04pm It's true that YouTube did a mass demonetization of all small channels early this year (I was a victim of it myself), but the subscriber lower limit was 1000 subscribers. With 5k subscribers, she was well over that, so something else was going on. Either she wasn't getting the required 4000 hours of annual view time (possible) or she posted things YouTube considered objectionable. Hard to tell now that the channel is deleted.
Actually she was relatively popular per ChannelMeter

Channel Meter wrote:[Update, 6:24pm ET: Shortly after this article's publication, YouTube analytics firm ChannelMeter reached out to Ars Technica with YouTube viewership data estimates. According to ChannelMeter's unofficial estimates, Aghdam had racked up nearly 9 million video views across three channels since roughly 2013. (ChannelMeter said it was unable to track data on a fourth channel she apparently controlled.) The data calculations included accurate references to Aghdam videos that now only exist via Google cache searches.

The whole story is here but the basics are she did workout videos with odd backgrounds and using Farsi titles and some of the titles included sexy.

Which means the basics of this is...

Lady with mental issues is making some/all of her income via Youtube, after Adpocalypse she keeps getting her video flags, existing mental issues flair up, shoot spree occurs. I don't think anyone will argue this was a valid negotiation tactic with Youtube.

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