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Re: Logan

Post by Formless »

Tribble wrote:IMO it is more likely that the Canadian government would want to see the mutant kids captured /eliminated than suddenly granting them asylum, particularly given Canada's history with mutants (note that despite the events DoFP they still went ahead with the Weapon X program, as seen in X-Men Apocalypse). Canada's generally never been nice to mutants unless they were in publically known teams like Alpha Flight.
First, continuity doesn't matter, remember? The film doesn't fit into the timeline, and doesn't appear to want to either. Second, you can't call something "likely" when we didn't see it happen that way. That's not how probability works.
Or perhaps to be more specific, public violence may not have been considered politically acceptable. Killing them off covertly was clearly fine given their plan to commit genocide via GMO crops, I wouldn't be surprised if some mutants who weren't known to the public were discreetly killed off over time.
The crops just suppress the X-gene, it isn't comparable to violence in the slightest. Its ethically dubious, certainly, but not the same.
Well that cheque is pretty damn big given that their plan was to commit worldwide mutant genocide, and it was apparently successful. I highly doubt that this was done without widespread government knowledge and approval - that project would have been too big to have gone unnoticed.
Except all it required was for the crops to be economically successful, to the point that high-fructose corn syrup made by Transgen or GMO corn seed sold by Transgen were ubiquitous in the US and the First world. This isn't complicated; while the idea is is not flawless on logical grounds I think the clear intent by the filmmakers was that this is a plausible way for Mutants to have been eliminated (not killed, notice) without anyone figuring out that it was a deliberate conspiracy against mutants. There is no need within the film to suppose that Transgen has any kind of international sway, because that does not fit their MO nor the tone of the film.
Again, not likely given their overall history with mutants. If there was some kind of faction of the Canadian government involved (we don't actually know who the kids were talking to and they could be anyone) it's more likely that the faction was not operating with government approval.

Remember its kids speculating that they will be safe and granted asylum once they cross the border, nothing more.
And my speculation is supported by onscreen evidence. Your speculation violates parsimony, in no small part because it relies on evidence from other films when this film refuses to clarify its temporal and causal relationship to those films.
What part of "I really liked the film" do you have problems understanding? I'm just pointing out that it's more likely that the kids would eventually get recaptured / killed than successfully living happily ever after. And that based on what we know (including other films) it would likely be in Canada's own best interest to take them out before they became public knowledge, particularly if Canada was complicit in the mutant genocide and/or had some level of knowledge as to what Transgein was up to.
I don't mean that you dislike the film, I mean that you seem dead set on making the ending out to be less hopeful than it was intended, ignoring Xavier's dialogue that establishes the theme of hope within its context, and that you are doing so by appealing to things not shown or told to us in the story. Clearly we both watched the film, but I don't care what happened in the other X-Men movies. They are not this film, and even if they are somehow connected (and good luck sorting out that mess) I still think you are overly focused on how the Canadian government was portrayed in movies that take place decades before this one without considering the fact that things change. I mean, come on, people escaping to Canada seeking safe haven is such an obvious metaphor for the Underground Railroad its amazing how little the film calls attention to it.
Hell, even if Canada had absolutely nothing to do with the genocide or Trangien it'd still likely be in their best interests to capture / kill off the mutants than give them asylum and let them go their own merry way. If word ever got out that even with the apparent disappearance of mutants it was still technically possible to create one and weaponise him/her... that would be bad. Someone else would be bound to try (if there aren't multiple groups doing it already, Transgien may have just been the first one to screw things up and get caught).
Yeah, but its not as if supersoldiers are such a strange idea that no one else could come up with it on their own. The fact that no one else tried suggests that there are good reasons not to attempt it besides ethical ones. Like, say, the fact that you spinning a roulett wheel over what powers the mutant will recieve even if you are working from the genetic code of someone whose mutation is well known. Or the fact that the clones are either children with no desire to be soldiers, or true science fiction vat grown clones that are wild and unpredictable, as demonstrated in the movie via X-24. Seriously, the villain of the film is supposed to be as crazy as he is smart, literally believing that he can do a better job at controlling mutation than mother nature. I'm pretty sure that no matter how unethical the government is, they aren't that kind of stupid.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tribble »

Formless wrote:First, continuity doesn't matter, remember? The film doesn't fit into the timeline, and doesn't appear to want to either.
Actually, the Director explicitly stated that the movie takes place in the DoFP timeline. You can pretend in your head canon that the previous films do not apply, but in-canon they do.
Formless wrote:Second, you can't call something "likely" when we didn't see it happen that way. That's not how probability works.
We didn't see anything past the point where they continue the trek towards the border. We have no idea if they were successful or not (barring a sequel), my speculation is that they likely didn't given all the other history in the franchise. Or if they did, it wasn't via official government support. Maybe there was some kind of "PETA" like group that smuggled them into the country or something.
Formless wrote:The crops just suppress the X-gene, it isn't comparable to violence in the slightest. Its ethically dubious, certainly, but not the same.
So if someone came up with the supress (insert minority here) gene, you wouldn't consider that anything more than "ethically dubious" if they decided to quietly disperse it throughout the food chain? Ya great, they're not flat out killing you. They're just discreetly sterilising you in such a way that you are either infertile or at the very least are unable to have children like you. So much better. It's genocide as far as I am concerned.
Except all it required was for the crops to be economically successful, to the point that high-fructose corn syrup made by Transgen or GMO corn seed sold by Transgen were ubiquitous in the US and the First world. This isn't complicated; while the idea is is not flawless on logical grounds I think the clear intent by the filmmakers was that this is a plausible way for Mutants to have been eliminated (not killed, notice) without anyone figuring out that it was a deliberate conspiracy against mutants. There is no need within the film to suppose that Transgen has any kind of international sway, because that does not fit their MO nor the tone of the film.
And no government at any point since Transgien started developing and shipping said crops ever made any sort of serious study of their products and never made any sort of connection that the mutant birthrate started dropping off drastically as that product became widely distributed. Anywhere in the world, since apparently there hasn't been a mutant born anywhere in over 25 years. The same governments which in every other film in the franchise had zero problems going after mutants whenever it served their interests, and would frequently lie about their intentions. Right.
And my speculation is supported by onscreen evidence. Your speculation violates parsimony, in no small part because it relies on evidence from other films when this film refuses to clarify its temporal and causal relationship to those films.
Even excluding Word of God we know that events from the DoFP timeline still takes place (like the obvious one that Wolverine is part of the Weapon X project and bonded with Adamantium). And apart from a bunch of kids thinking that they'll be safe and the mercenaries apparently being reluctant to cross the border (which could mean a number of things, such as them having to admit failure for instance) there is nothing to suggest that they would actually be safe. Given that apparently they wouldn't be safe in the US, why would Canada be any better?

I don't mean that you dislike the film, I mean that you seem dead set on making the ending out to be less hopeful than it was intended, ignoring Xavier's dialogue that establishes the theme of hope within its context, and that you are doing so by appealing to things not shown or told to us in the story.
Actually, Xavier's dialog works just as well the other way, such as the "But its real to her" comment. She thinks she's going to be rescued, but there's no actual evidence to suggest that she will be... and even if we were generous and assumed that the Canadian government's initial intentions were to offer them safety, there would be an incredible amount of pressure to at the very least keep them contained. And out of public sight. They cannot risk someone else trying to capture them for their own use.
Formless wrote:Clearly we both watched the film, but I don't care what happened in the other X-Men movies. They are not this film, and even if they are somehow connected (and good luck sorting out that mess) I still think you are overly focused on how the Canadian government was portrayed in movies that take place decades before this one without considering the fact that things change.
Actually the connection is clear - it's the DoFP timeline, set five years later. Logan was explicitly stated not to remember events between his falling unconscious after being thrown in the water by Magneto,and waking up at the end of DoFP, which explains why he still references things in the old timeline.

And really, whether or not the Canadian government was involved in the genocide or what Transgien was up to is irrelevant (see below). It's what they do once they release what was going on that matters.
Formless wrote:I mean, come on, people escaping to Canada seeking safe haven is such an obvious metaphor for the Underground Railroad its amazing how little the film calls attention to it.
Which raises a good question: why weren't they safe in the US? If the US was not involved in some way then they shouldn't have had any trouble once they crossed the border from Mexico into the USA, one would think?

If the US was involved in some fashion and demanded that Canada hand them over, do you think the Canadian government would say no? Unless the US suffered an even massive decline than it looks like it might be about to undergo, I doubt it. Would Canada turn this into an international dispute, if necessary? Remember, these kids aren't your regular refugees, they are beings with superpowers that were deliberately bred for no other purpose than combat. A group of people who everybody apparently thought could no longer be born/made.
Formless wrote:Yeah, but its not as if supersoldiers are such a strange idea that no one else could come up with it on their own. The fact that no one else tried suggests that there are good reasons not to attempt it besides ethical ones. Like, say, the fact that you spinning a roulett wheel over what powers the mutant will receive even if you are working from the genetic code of someone whose mutation is well known. Or the fact that the clones are either children with no desire to be soldiers, or true science fiction vat grown clones that are wild and unpredictable, as demonstrated in the movie via X-24. Seriously, the villain of the film is supposed to be as crazy as he is smart, literally believing that he can do a better job at controlling mutation than mother nature. I'm pretty sure that no matter how unethical the government is, they aren't that kind of stupid.
Which doesn't refute my point - Canada cannot allow (nor any government for that matter) for the word to get out that it's still possible to create mutants as weapons. Even if no government tried (and I strongly doubt that) there would inevitably be someone that would, if they haven't started already. Canada (nor nay government in the same situation) would not risk having those kids in the public for an instant, no matter how much they are told to keep things quiet and not use their powers. They will either be quietly killed or isolated, take your pick.
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Re: Logan

Post by General Zod »

The problem with Marvel continuity is there's just as many variations where the mutant race is successful and enjoys prosperity on the planet.
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Re: Logan

Post by Broomstick »

Tribble wrote:Even excluding Word of God we know that events from the DoFP timeline still takes place (like the obvious one that Wolverine is part of the Weapon X project and bonded with Adamantium). And apart from a bunch of kids thinking that they'll be safe and the mercenaries apparently being reluctant to cross the border (which could mean a number of things, such as them having to admit failure for instance) there is nothing to suggest that they would actually be safe. Given that apparently they wouldn't be safe in the US, why would Canada be any better?
Because Canada isn't the US?

In the 19th Century why did black people who weren't safe in the US, at times pursued by bounty hunters, go to Canada?

We don't know how sentiments in Canada went in the years between DoFP and Logan. Canada may not love mutants, but perhaps they are more tolerant than the US. Perhaps there are more surviving mutants in Canada and they gained a sympathetic ear. Maybe they kids are running towards Alpha Flight. Maybe Canada hates them and will turn them into sausage and sell them at Tim Horton's. We just don't know. What is clear is that otherwise these kids have no hope, and it's the running towards hope that is the point here.
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Re: Logan

Post by LadyTevar »

One thing we do know -- someone in Canada/Eden was on the radio with the kids. Someone told them when the satellite coverage would be gone, so they could cross safely. Someone was helping them, and since none of the nurses were with the kids, it can be suggested this was whomever told the nurses where Eden was.

We know the coordinates were printed in a comic, but we don't know how old that comic was. Whomever was helping the kids either put the coordinates into the comic in the first place, or pinpointed the coords and deliberately built a sanctuary there.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tribble »

Boomstick wrote:Because Canada isn't the US?

In the 19th Century why did black people who weren't safe in the US, at times pursued by bounty hunters, go to Canada?

We don't know how sentiments in Canada went in the years between DoFP and Logan. Canada may not love mutants, but perhaps they are more tolerant than the US. Perhaps there are more surviving mutants in Canada and they gained a sympathetic ear. Maybe they kids are running towards Alpha Flight. Maybe Canada hates them and will turn them into sausage and sell them at Tim Horton's. We just don't know. What is clear is that otherwise these kids have no hope, and it's the running towards hope that is the point here.
I have no doubt that there are some in Canada that are trying to help, as clearly the kids had some. My point is that its probably not the Canadian government which has every reason to want to either keep them isolated from the public or eliminate them outright. As I said in the previous posts, these aren't just mere refugees, they are super powered individuals who were deliberately created for the sole purpose of combat and conditioned as such. And living proof that it's still possible to do stuff like that. Even assuming the government was sympathetic it's likely that children's happiness < national (potentially worldwide) security in their book. No sane government would risk having these kids live out "normal" lives, at the very least they would be secluded from the general public to minimise the odds of word getting out about their existence.
LadyTevar wrote:One thing we do know -- someone in Canada/Eden was on the radio with the kids. Someone told them when the satellite coverage would be gone, so they could cross safely. Someone was helping them, and since none of the nurses were with the kids, it can be suggested this was whomever told the nurses where Eden was.

We know the coordinates were printed in a comic, but we don't know how old that comic was. Whomever was helping the kids either put the coordinates into the comic in the first place, or pinpointed the coords and deliberately built a sanctuary there.
Oh I don't that that, I'm just saying it probably wasn't the Canadian government (or at least a sanctioned operation by the Canadian government), for reasons above.
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Re: Logan

Post by General Zod »

Tribble wrote: I have no doubt that there are some in Canada that are trying to help, as clearly the kids had some. My point is that its probably not the Canadian government which has every reason to want to either keep them isolated from the public or eliminate them outright. As I said in the previous posts, these aren't just mere refugees, they are super powered individuals who were deliberately created for the sole purpose of combat and conditioned as such. And living proof that it's still possible to do stuff like that. Even assuming the government was sympathetic it's likely that children's happiness < national (potentially worldwide) security in their book. No sane government would risk having these kids live out "normal" lives, at the very least they would be secluded from the general public to minimise the odds of word getting out about their existence.
Your point is baseless speculation. The only thing we actually know is that someone in Canada said they were granted asylum.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tribble »

General Zod wrote:Your point is baseless speculation.
Speculation, sure. Baseless? I don't think so. More plausible than "and the altruistic Canadian government picked them up the moment they crossed the border, it was all kisses and hugs and they all lived happily ever after with no potential repercussions whatsoever. The End."
General Zod wrote:The only thing we actually know is that someone in Canada said they were granted asylum.
You're right, the only thing we actually know is that someone in Canada said they were granted asylum. And that they apparently setup the Eden site. No idea who, or what their motivations are, or even if that statement is accurate. Coin toss at them being sincere.
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Re: Logan

Post by General Zod »

Tribble wrote: Speculation, sure. Baseless? I don't think so. More plausible than "and the altruistic Canadian government picked them up the moment they crossed the border, it was all kisses and hugs and they all lived happily ever after with no potential repercussions whatsoever. The End."
I think there's a pretty huge grey area between the two extremes that you're probably overlooking.
You're right, the only thing we actually know is that someone in Canada said they were granted asylum. And that they apparently setup the Eden site. No idea who, or what their motivations are, or even if that statement is accurate. Coin toss at them being sincere.
When your choices are between a death-squad that's ruthlessly hunting you through the US, and a country that's at least promising you some degree of safety, which one is the more appealing option?
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Re: Logan

Post by Tribble »

General Zod wrote:I think there's a pretty huge grey area between the two extremes that you're probably overlooking.
Such as what? If the public / other governments / corporations become aware of them and their origins, you think that wouldn't have an impact on anyone? Why do you think a government would be willing to risk that kind of potential exposure?

Btw to what degree the GMO food crops work? Did they merely prevent mutant births or did they supress the X-Gene in living mutants as well? Could wolverine and Charles' diminished abilities have at least partially stemmed from consuming Transgien products?
General Zod wrote:When your choices are between a death-squad that's ruthlessly hunting you through the US, and a country that's at least promising you some degree of safety, which one is the more appealing option?
To be specific, someone claiming that you will be promised some degree of safety if you join them and that they made efforts to get you there. Better option than literally guaranteed death, but you'd be silly to automatically assume that they are being 100% sincere and/or their statements are accurate.
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Re: Logan

Post by General Zod »

Tribble wrote: Such as what? If the public / other governments / corporations become aware of them and their origins, you think that wouldn't have an impact on anyone? Why do you think a government would be willing to risk that kind of potential exposure?
Political leverage? Recruit them to their own super-soldier programs as willing members?
Btw to what degree the GMO food crops work? Did they merely prevent mutant births or did they supress the X-Gene in living mutants as well? Could wolverine and Charles' diminished abilities have at least partially stemmed from consuming Transgien products?
They don't really specify beyond preventing mutant births. So if you were born a mutant maybe they won't affect you. Then again Wolvie's healing factor was pretty much shot by the end of the movie, and it wasn't doing that well at the start. So maybe it has some effect on existing mutants powers.
To be specific, someone claiming that you will be promised some degree of safety if you join them and that they made efforts to get you there. Better option than literally guaranteed death, but you'd be silly to automatically assume that they are being 100% sincere and/or their statements are accurate.
I don't think anyone's assuming that.
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Re: Logan

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

I just got back from seeing it, it was easily the bloodiest and goriest Marvel I've ever seen and I lost track of the number of times Jackman said "Fuck" :lol: No post credits stinger this time though, the links to the one in Apocalypse (Essex Corp) are clear enough.
Though Mister Sinister does not appear in the film, Kinberg has since confirmed that the post-credits scene from Apocalypse is how Laura Kinney / X-23 was eventually created by Transigen, during the events of Logan. In the same interview he stated that Mister Sinister will appear in future X-Men films.
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Re: Logan

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

GHETTO EDIT: What wasn't made clear was why Wolverine's healing factor stopped working- was the adamantium in his system the cause or the result of him not healing? As I recall Wolverine himself said it was 'poison'- ironically if they'd had Magneto around he'd have been able to rid him of that pesky metal no problem. :wink:

I couldn't help but think those thugs at the start of the film were unbelievably stupid, continuing to attack him even though it quickly became obvious this was one fight they were never going to win. When one of his claws only extended halfway, I figured he just needed some oil :lol:

I'm a bit surprised that no-one has picked up on the fact that in X-Men Origins, Wolverine was shot in the head twice with adamantium bullets which destroyed his memories but left him more or less intact, yet against his clone one bullet blew his brains out.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tsyroc »

EnterpriseSovereign wrote: I'm a bit surprised that no-one has picked up on the fact that in X-Men Origins, Wolverine was shot in the head twice with adamantium bullets which destroyed his memories but left him more or less intact, yet against his clone one bullet blew his brains out.
Yeah, that was ridiculous. Either one or both. :D

I liked his memory issues being caused by the drowning in the 70s, prior to Weapon X, being a better reason for his early memory issues.

In Origins I didn't like the idea that an adamantium bullet wouldn't penetrate the adamantium on his skull. I know in the comics they like to make it out to be indestructable on a nearly magical level but it is more logical that the bullet would deliver enough force behind a larger piece of adamantium than the super thin layer that would have been covered Wolverine's (or X-24's) skull would have been able to stop. It also fits in with how adamantium wasn't entirely indestructible in The Wolverine. Although, I don't think that movie is still in the timeline either.

Maybe these two examples show how much Origins was erased by DoFP? :D Logan probably still got the bullet from Stryker (or someone associated with Weapon X) but never actually got shot in the head by one.

When the bullet was first shown in the movie I assumed he planned on shooting it into his brain through his nose. Have it ricochet around inside his indestructible skull, with no way for his healing factor to push the bullet out.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tribble »

After re-watching the trailer, I just noticed that some the vehicles being used were marked as police cruisers. Were local law enforcement agencies involved as well, or were the Transgien operatives just faking?
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Re: Logan

Post by Tsyroc »

Tribble wrote:After re-watching the trailer, I just noticed that some the vehicles being used were marked as police cruisers. Were local law enforcement agencies involved as well, or were the Transgien operatives just faking?
I'm pretty sure there was at least a stretch where real law enforcement was involved. Probably after Professor X had a seizure in Las Vegas.

If Pierce was telling the truth the Professor's brain was considered a weapon of mass destruction after "The Westchester Incident". Having him show up in Vegas and cause similar problems would have been a good reason for law enforcement being involved.
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Re: Logan

Post by Broomstick »

EnterpriseSovereign wrote:I'm a bit surprised that no-one has picked up on the fact that in X-Men Origins, Wolverine was shot in the head twice with adamantium bullets which destroyed his memories but left him more or less intact, yet against his clone one bullet blew his brains out.
X-24's healing ability in movie was not as strong as Logan's was originally, it required augmentation by the green-goo as shown after he took a shotgun blast to the head. It might have been that his healing factor couldn't keep up with the destruction of vital brain structures after X-23 shot him.

In contrast, in Origins Logan took a bullet to the frontal lobes - even in non-mutant real-life people that's not always fatal, but it sure can fuck you up.

But that's pretty damn subtle and I don't think the average viewer will get all that.
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Re: Logan

Post by FaxModem1 »

Tsyroc wrote:
Tribble wrote:After re-watching the trailer, I just noticed that some the vehicles being used were marked as police cruisers. Were local law enforcement agencies involved as well, or were the Transgien operatives just faking?
I'm pretty sure there was at least a stretch where real law enforcement was involved. Probably after Professor X had a seizure in Las Vegas.

If Pierce was telling the truth the Professor's brain was considered a weapon of mass destruction after "The Westchester Incident". Having him show up in Vegas and cause similar problems would have been a good reason for law enforcement being involved.
Minor note, but Logan, Professor Xavier, and X-23 were in Oklahoma City when Charles had a seizure. Their journey starts in Mexico, they go through El Paso, Texas, stop in Oklahoma City, OK. That's where the professor has his incident. They move on to the farm(somewhere, it's not really stated where), and Laura drives them the rest of the way to North Dakota while Logan sleeps.
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Re: Logan

Post by Khaat »

Tsyroc wrote:When the bullet was first shown in the movie I assumed he planned on shooting it into his brain through his nose. Have it ricochet around inside his indestructible skull, with no way for his healing factor to push the bullet out.
Sneeze it out? Or cough? I don't remember where (in a movie? maybe anime? anyway), but someone spitting up a bullet after being shot....

Or in real life:
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Re: Logan

Post by Lost Soal »

Broomstick wrote:
EnterpriseSovereign wrote:I'm a bit surprised that no-one has picked up on the fact that in X-Men Origins, Wolverine was shot in the head twice with adamantium bullets which destroyed his memories but left him more or less intact, yet against his clone one bullet blew his brains out.
X-24's healing ability in movie was not as strong as Logan's was originally, it required augmentation by the green-goo as shown after he took a shotgun blast to the head. It might have been that his healing factor couldn't keep up with the destruction of vital brain structures after X-23 shot him.

In contrast, in Origins Logan took a bullet to the frontal lobes - even in non-mutant real-life people that's not always fatal, but it sure can fuck you up.

But that's pretty damn subtle and I don't think the average viewer will get all that.
Bullets in Origin were FMJ style, just penetrates straight through while this one was a hollow point which punching through the Adamantium would force it to expand.
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Re: Logan

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Regarding the discussion on the seeming futility of the mutants' struggle, and keeping in mind that I haven't actually seen Logan and cannot comment much on specifics of the plot or themes...

I don't feel that subsequent losses invalidate the X-Mens' previous accomplishments, any more than I agreed with the view that the First Order/Knights of Ren made the heroes' achievements in the original Star Wars trilogy worthless. No victory is permanent. History does not stop. But those victories did buy years of life and happiness for millions (billions, when you consider Magneto's attempted genocide) of people.

I'm reminded of Vision's line from Age of Ultron. What was it... "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts"?

Everyone "loses" in the end, unless you happen to believe in an eternal afterlife. Winning is what you accomplish before you get defeated. And the X-Men accomplished a great deal.
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Re: Logan

Post by Crazedwraith »

The Romulan Republic wrote: I'm reminded of Vision's line from Age of Ultron. What was it... "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts"?
You're unbearably naive. - Ultron

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Everyone "loses" in the end, unless you happen to believe in an eternal afterlife. Winning is what you accomplish before you get defeated. And the X-Men accomplished a great deal.
Everyone "loses" on an individual level. Not everyone's purpose in life is pointless and failed.

When your goal was 'peaceful co-existence between man and mutant" and the end result is 'man medically genocides mutantkind' that's not a win, not even a fleeting one.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tsyroc »

Khaat wrote:
Tsyroc wrote:When the bullet was first shown in the movie I assumed he planned on shooting it into his brain through his nose. Have it ricochet around inside his indestructible skull, with no way for his healing factor to push the bullet out.
Sneeze it out? Or cough? I don't remember where (in a movie? maybe anime? anyway), but someone spitting up a bullet after being shot....

Or in real life:
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.1798896

I was just trying to figure out where is a skull open that a bullet could pass back through. A lot of it depends on just how much of all aspects of his skull are coated with adamantium. Of course I'm overthinking things. I don't think they always take into consideration where he might have indestructible bones in the way until they decide to make it important.
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Re: Logan

Post by Tsyroc »

FaxModem1 wrote: Minor note, but Logan, Professor Xavier, and X-23 were in Oklahoma City when Charles had a seizure. Their journey starts in Mexico, they go through El Paso, Texas, stop in Oklahoma City, OK. That's where the professor has his incident. They move on to the farm(somewhere, it's not really stated where), and Laura drives them the rest of the way to North Dakota while Logan sleeps.
Thanks. Vegas didn't seem right but I was remembering the hotel and I thought slot machines, but those are all over the west these days. I'm sure in an even shitter future they'd be in even more places. :D
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Re: Logan

Post by Tribble »

Crazedwraith wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote: I'm reminded of Vision's line from Age of Ultron. What was it... "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts"?
You're unbearably naive. - Ultron

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Everyone "loses" in the end, unless you happen to believe in an eternal afterlife. Winning is what you accomplish before you get defeated. And the X-Men accomplished a great deal.
Everyone "loses" on an individual level. Not everyone's purpose in life is pointless and failed.

When your goal was 'peaceful co-existence between man and mutant" and the end result is 'man medically genocides mutantkind' that's not a win, not even a fleeting one.
It's kind of sad that Magneto was right all along and one way or another humans will inevitably wipe out all mutants.

I wonder what would happen if Logan had survived, gone back in time again to a point shortly after DoFP, went to Xavier and said "Remember how I told you humans killed off mutants by building Sentinels? Ya, well, now its' via food." :P
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