Conquer Westeros (RAR).

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Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

So, for this scenario, you will have to plan and conduct the conquest of the world of Game of Thrones (TV version, since I know it better). However, you will get to make a few choices in advance, which will determine the parameters of the scenario.

1. Choose your time period. Their are three options:

a) Ten years before the start of Robert's Rebellion.

b) Robert's Rebellion, one week before the fall of King's Landing.

c) Start of the TV series.

2. Choose your forces. You may select 10,000 troops of your choice, of any type or types, from the real world or a work of fiction, with the following caveats:

a) They must be pre-gunpowder technology.

b) They cannot be more than low-end super human. If, let's say, Batman in peak physical and mental condition couldn't match them, then they don't count. :wink:

Said troops will serve you willingly and loyally, as long as you are not a complete idiot, monster, or lunatic. They will be accompanied by their families, whatever would constitute standard equipment (including horses if applicable), and wagons containing adequate provisions, equipment, and spare weapons and armour for a season of campaigning.

You may also choose ten warships of any pre-gunpowder type.

3. Choose your advisory council. Because most of us are not really skilled generals or politicians. :wink: You may choose any figure from history or fiction (with the same caveats as decision number two) to fill each of the following roles:

a) Military Advisor.

b) Engineering Advisor.

c) Diplomatic Advisor.

4. Choose the starting point of your forces. Anywhere on the planet, with the following caveat: It cannot be inside a major city or fortification.

5. Choose your terms of victory: Will you settle for conquering Westeros, or go for the entire planet?

What do you choose? And then, how will you conduct your campaign?

Edit: The loyalty conditions for troops apply to advisors as well.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Elheru Aran »

You do realize that Europe started having gunpowder as early as the 1200's if not the late 1100's, right?
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Thanas »

Seems pretty obvious that what he means is no cannons, no muskets.

That said, this one is rather easy and there is only one true choice of force composition.

Infantry: Swiss Pikemen in Gevierthaufen, backed up by Aragonese light/missile infantry.
Cavalry: French gendarmes as main strike force, with Spanish light cavalry as backups.

As for the commanders, sadly the great captain is outside this era, but I think La Hire or the Count of Dunois make great replacements.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Is Westeros it's supposed real size, or the much size the author actually treats it as being?
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Vendetta »

Thanas wrote: As for the commanders, sadly the great captain is outside this era, but I think La Hire or the Count of Dunois make great replacements.
How about Federico da Montefeltro? I reckon Westeros could use someone like him.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Elheru Aran wrote:You do realize that Europe started having gunpowder as early as the 1200's if not the late 1100's, right?
I am aware Europe had gunpowder for much of the Middle Ages, yes. But Game of Thrones does not have firearms, and I didn't want to introduce that advantage to the setting.
Thanas wrote:Seems pretty obvious that what he means is no cannons, no muskets.
Let's go with no firearms, yes.

Edit: Regarding Sea Skimmer's size question: remember, TV version, but aside from that, let's go the size its treated as being, since how its depicted as being is what actually matters, not an arbitrary number.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by FaxModem1 »

Could I, for example, have an army of people on the super soldier serum and vita rays treatment from the Captain America films? They would be armed with only medieval weaponry, and have no firearms, and they would still be barely super-human by your ground rules.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

FaxModem1 wrote:Could I, for example, have an army of people on the super soldier serum and vita rays treatment from the Captain America films? They would be armed with only medieval weaponry, and have no firearms, and they would still be barely super-human by your ground rules.
Definitely not my intent, but its a clever loophole exploitation and I don't suppose it would make much difference if you used them or elves (I did allow stuff from pre-gunpowder fictional universes).

That said, Cap. is pretty clearly and definitively superhuman. The "stopping a moving helicopter with his bare hands" thing from Civil War particularly comes to mind. As does surviving frozen for decades, for that matter. The intent was nothing beyond human capabilities (very very tough, well-trained humans, to borderline-unrealistic action movie levels, are permissible). I could have just said "only humans", but I figured someone might want to use something non-human but not super human, like Hobbits or something, and didn't want to preclude such creativity. Apologies if that muddled the issue.

Let's say: No gunpowder armament, and nothing beyond the technological level of, let's say, 1500 Europe, nothing beyond theoretical human capabilities. Does that clarify the issue?
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by FaxModem1 »

For starting location, I choose the Reach. I intend on taking Westeros center of learning, their true economy, and their breadbasket.

For starting time, I choose a decade before Robert's Rebellion. We're going to need time to set up our empire to deal with the White Walkers.
The Romulan Republic wrote:Let's say: No gunpowder armament, and nothing beyond the technological level of, let's say, 1500 Europe,

So much for my idea of an army of Steve Rogers type super soldiers with Batman style utility belts and training ninjaing through Westeros.....
nothing beyond theoretical human capabilities.
Or 10,000 Earthbenders from Avatar: The Last Airbender.......
Does that clarify the issue?
How about 1,000 Gremlins from the movie Gremlins being dropped off in the water of Blackwater Bay and Oldtown in the middle of the night? The Gremlins are non-human, they don't have any guns, or any modern technology, and they wreak havoc on any army or civilization, with their ability for reinforcements just needing to take a dip in a nearby ocean, lake, or simply a pitcher of water. Just have to make sure they stay in-doors during the day. They will make excellent berserkers for any and all engagements, softening up the enemy, and never really having to worry about casualties. Gremlins also don't really seem to care if their own kind are killed, so I won't be viewed as a monster by them for using them in 'human wave' tactics against enemy forces.

With 3,000 Assassins from Assassins Creed games appearing in nearby hay fields of major cities, they can work on taking down the nobility of the corrupt and cruel houses, as well as any political enemies, from the top down.

The remaining 6,000 will be the 'Deathstroke Clan' from Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe's Deathstroke ending. They'll be robbed of any firearms by the scenario, but they will make excellent professional footsoldiers with melee and non-gunpowder ranged weapons. They will be in the Reach with myself and my advisors, securing Oldtown.

As for my advisors:
A. Military Advisor- Thrawn(Legends version). I was going to say Batman, but he is too against killing to be of any use. Thrawn has actually organized factions and knows how to lead a military.
B. Economic Advisor- David Xanatos(from Gargoyles). The man knows how to make a large fortune appear out of a relatively small one, and is brilliant enough to advance science in several ways. Playing accountant might be considered beneath him, but he would enjoy founding an empire.
C. Diplomatic Advisor- Jean Luc Picard(Star Trek The Next Generation). If he gives an impassioned speech, it could sweep whole armies and populaces to our side.

We will have our gremlins sweep through Westeros, causing chaos and messes for everyone else to focus on. Topple the lords with our assassins, have the Deathstroke Clan secure the Reach, making the Targaryen king seem weak and ineffectual, and build an empire from there as we expand through the continent. Once the continent is taken, send Gremlins with obsidian to shank every White Walker they come across north of the Wall.

Then, once Westeros is secure, have Xanatos work on modernizing the nation. I want an Industrial Revolution ASAP, and for us to be ready for any dragon hatching that may occur.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Was I just horribly, horribly unclear in how I worded things? If so, I apologize, but I know I specified in the OP that the same restrictions regarding time period applied to advisors.

I mean, your advisory team is weapons-grade concentrated awesome, so I hate to object to it, but...

As far as I know, the Gremlins are okay, unless they're superhumanly strong or something (I don't really know Gremlins). If they're just fury little murderers, no problem. The others should be permitted under the rules as I stated them as well, as far as I know.

Otherwise, the basic outline of your strategy seems okay to me, or at the very least certain to be highly entertaining.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by FaxModem1 »

The Romulan Republic wrote:Was I just horribly, horribly unclear in how I worded things? If so, I apologize, but I know I specified in the OP that the same restrictions regarding time period applied to advisors.

I mean, your advisory team is weapons-grade concentrated awesome, so I hate to object to it, but...
This is why I picked people with no abilities aside from their smarts or natural skills. They don't have any weapons, tools, powers, or magic that would unfairly affect the game. Thrawn, I felt, was a bit of a stretch due to being an alien, but I wasn't picking powerhouses, but skilled leaders.

But I'll play fair.

Military: Sun Tzu. Might as well go for the real deal.
Economic: Lorenzo De Medici. He died in 1499, barely making the cut-off date.
Diplomatic: Machiavelli. Tecnically, he died in 1527, so he might not count, that's up to you.
As far as I know, the Gremlins are okay, unless they're superhumanly strong or something (I don't really know Gremlins). If they're just fury little murderers, no problem. The others should be permitted under the rules as I stated them as well, as far as I know.

Otherwise, the basic outline of your strategy seems okay to me, or at the very least certain to be highly entertaining.
Gremlins are in no way fuzzy. Mogwai are the caterpillar to the Gremlin Butterfly, the transformation of which is caused by feeding them after midnight. Getting a Mogwai or a Gremlin wet causes new ones to pop off. I'm talking splashing Gizmo with a water fountain causes six of them to pop out, and Spike falling into a swimming pool created an army of hundreds. They can easily be killed via sharp objects, microwaves, blenders, gunshots, etc., as this scene from Gremlins demonstrates:

They also have a major weakness, sunlight burns them, so much so that they will melt to death. Admittedly, this will limit my logistics, due to only being able to have them attack at night. But I figured their reproductive capability more than makes up for it. Their only other weakness is that they are enraptured by Disney films and occasionally prone to doing a musical number.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Hulk Hogan ruined the shit out of Gremlins.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Simon_Jester »

TRR, to be clear, we can pick fictional advisors, we just can't pick advisors from a post-1500 time period, or from a fictional setting that is post-Renaissance in terms of technology?

So I could pick (for example) King Arthur or Robin Hood or Odysseus, fictional people who supposedly existed in our world?

And I could pick (for example) Aragorn or Conan the Barbarian, or Prince Kheldar from David Eddings?

That last guy would make a good financial advisor, I think. He seems to have a knack for building up huge mercantile empires.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Thanas »

Vendetta wrote:
Thanas wrote: As for the commanders, sadly the great captain is outside this era, but I think La Hire or the Count of Dunois make great replacements.
How about Federico da Montefeltro? I reckon Westeros could use someone like him.
Oh definitely.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Solauren »

Real World: Julius Caesar, his command staff, and 10,000 of his best soldiers, fully equipped.

Assumption: my forces now speak and read Westerosi as well as they did their native language on Earth. (Caesars soldiers are not all Roman, after all)

They arrive in Westeros 1 week before the Fall of King's Landing.
Ideally, i can have a small force near Casterly Rock, and the majority near King's Landing.
I use the small force to capture Tywin's family to hold as hostages.

I send a small force in to King's Landing (preferably disguised as Targaryeon-loyalist soldiers) with orders to, if they city is attacked, eliminate the Mad King and his guards.

Once the fighting is heavy in the city, sweep in from behind and sack the city.

Hopefully, the effects would be:
Jamie doesn't get a chance to kill the Mad King before he orders the city destroyed. Hopefully, the Wyldfire plot will take out King's Landing, the Lannister Forces, and a good chunk of Roberts Rebels.
Going by the timeline of events, seeing how Ned Stark made it to the Red Keep fairly quickly after Jamie killed the Mad King, Robert's rebells can't be that far behind the Lannister forces.

That takes a huge portion of the forces fighting in Westros out of the picture. if I recall correctly, that takes out a good chunk of the forces from the North, the Vale, the Reach, High Garden, and the West. That pretty much leaves the Iron Islands and Dorne as the only places with fighting forces left.

If this doesn't work, I have Tywins family hostage.
I contact him, tell him to turn on Robert and back me instead, or his family dies. I then let Caesar handle taking out the Rebels.

Then, I contact the exiled Targeron Queen, and offer a alliance via marriage. I have the prince eliminated as quickly as possible, so it's just the Queen and Daenerys I end up with.

I'm sure we can spin the situation as the Mad King took out everyone, so sorry about your loses, but at least the crown is now in good hands.
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Simon_Jester wrote:TRR, to be clear, we can pick fictional advisors, we just can't pick advisors from a post-1500 time period, or from a fictional setting that is post-Renaissance in terms of technology?

So I could pick (for example) King Arthur or Robin Hood or Odysseus, fictional people who supposedly existed in our world?

And I could pick (for example) Aragorn or Conan the Barbarian, or Prince Kheldar from David Eddings?

That last guy would make a good financial advisor, I think. He seems to have a knack for building up huge mercantile empires.
That is correct, yes.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Simon_Jester »

Solauren wrote:Then, I contact the exiled Targeron Queen, and offer a alliance via marriage. I have the prince eliminated as quickly as possible, so it's just the Queen and Daenerys I end up with.
You know, Viserys might have turned out fine if he'd been competently parented. Maybe not, but we'll never really know, will we?
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Re: Conquer Westeros (RAR).

Post by Solauren »

Simon_Jester wrote:
Solauren wrote:Then, I contact the exiled Targeron Queen, and offer a alliance via marriage. I have the prince eliminated as quickly as possible, so it's just the Queen and Daenerys I end up with.
You know, Viserys might have turned out fine if he'd been competently parented. Maybe not, but we'll never really know, will we?
Give his family history, and foreknowledge, I'd rather eliminate him as soon as possible.
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