NFL 2016

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NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

I've been watching the NFL religiously since 1978. Almost 40 years. Nothing I've seen in any movie has caused me the elation of the Epic In Miami, or the extra hard figurative kick in the balls I got while watching the 1980 AFC Championship where my idol dropped five passes -three in the end zone.

As a kid, I remembered my mom's birthday because it's three days after Charlie Joiner's birthday. Friends, lovers and relatives know better than to try to converse with me when the game is on. Yes, I'm that much of a football fanwhore.

But the last few years have tried my patience, and not just because my favorite team blows. I was more enthusiastic about the team and the game when they went 1-15. It just appears that bit by bit, Roger Goodell is killing the goose that has laid so many golden eggs. They've basically banned defense to the point where a 4000 yard passing season is nothing special (if the Broncos and Panthers pick up where they left off last year, there will be a rash of new rules). Blocking and tackling are lost arts, and the referees keep getting worse at their jobs -and that's just counting their blunders. For the last few seasons there are at least four or five games where the officiating is so bad and so one-sided that the league might as well change its name to NFLE.

Quite frankly, the Deadspin "Why Your Team Sucks" columns at the beginning of the season and the speculation on which coaches/GM will end up on Tower Hill come Black Monday have been more interesting to me than the game itself. It takes a series of colossal fuck-ups to dampen my interest in the NFL but sure enough Goodell and Co. have done it.

But that's not what has killed my interest in football. The latest stadium extortion scams by the Chargers, Raiders, Falcons and Redskins have finally broken the camel's back as far as I'm concerned. These welfare billionaires want the taxpayers to buy them stadiums that the team will, at best use TEN times a year. FUCK THAT! I'd like to see Congress and state legislatures would outlaw the use of taxpayers' money for these money pits.

So I'm sour on the game, told DirecTV I don't want Sunday Ticket (after 20 straight seasons) and was looking forward to finding new hobbies for my Sunday afternoons...

But then a bunch of homegrown fascist fuckwads got their dander up because a black man, disgusted with the way some police use the dark-skinned folk for target practice and walk free, refused to stand at attention for the shittiest national anthem written by a slave owner who took perverse pleasure in longing for the deaths of free black people*, robbed them (threatening to sell them as slaves if they complained) and used government power to harry abolitionists. So now I'm a Colin Kaepernick fan. Just when I thought I was free of the NFL, they draw me back in!

* From the third verse:
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Honestly, I don't see how anyone would be enthusiastic about any part of this godawful song after reading the whole thing. So fuck the Freikorps-types who have attacked Kaepernick (the latest smear is that he just converted to be a Mooslum on the orders of his communist girlfriend).

Oh, and the Panthers should kick the bitter dogshit out of the Donkeys.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Gandalf »

I used to mostly tune in for the Superbowl. Now fantasy football has me fucking hooked.

All glory onto Kaepernick!
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That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

Roger Goodell is rather unequivocally the worst commissioner in the history of professional sports, and pretty high on the ranking of incompetent morons of the world in general. Though, I guess there was a slick madness to the way he manufactured the Deflategate scandal out of thin air (nyuk nyuk) in order to distract everyone from the league's hideous history of ignoring domestic abuse, concussions, and other far more serious and important things. But, yes, the only reason the owners haven't shown him the door is that football is still a money-printing machine that, for six months of the year, owns a day of the week.

It's hard for me to complain too much since I still watch football. But my enthusiasm for it is dwindling, and it is hard to remain comfortable being a football fan knowing how horrible the NFL as a league really is and what you are supporting by watching those games.

That said, it's rather a shame that the 49ers are going to be so utterly terrible this year (I have them and the Browns racing for the top draft pick), because that will cause people to ignore Kaepernick.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by houser2112 »

The reason Goodell hasn't been shown the door is that he's doing exactly what they want him to do. The commissioner is nothing more than a highly paid mouthpiece for the owners.

I love the NFL despite all of its faults, as well. I wish it would actually distance itself from the moralizing it has been doing of late. I've been a fan and watched the games for 35+ years because of the product it puts on the field, not because the athletes are nice guys. I never understood the tendency people have to idolize them and then be crushed when they turn out to be rather shitty off the field.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Thanas »

goddamn the broncos played that game dirty. Fully exploiting the fact that the refs/league won't dare to throw the SB champs out of their own stadium. I saw at least two helmet hits that were clearly targeting newton's head.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Flagg »

I didn't watch. My teeth are falling out due to calcium deficiency and my year old broken hand, so I'm just going to watch the games that I can enjoy without Bane showing up during kickoff. :lol:
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

Thanas wrote:goddamn the broncos played that game dirty. Fully exploiting the fact that the refs/league won't dare to throw the SB champs out of their own stadium. I saw at least two helmet hits that were clearly targeting newton's head.
I counted FOUR helmet-to-helmet shots on Newton -right in front of the referee and the fucking umpire. NFLE strikes again.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Alferd Packer »

I think we'll look back in 25 years and say 201X was the when the NFL entered its decline, much like how the 1994 strike soured Americans to baseball for a generation. From incompetent management, to price gouging, to the growing body of medical evidence that subconcussive hits cause brain damage, I just don't think it's possible for football to survive as it's currently played and and, accordingly, the NFL to survive as currently marketed.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Tsyroc »

I sort of still like college football even though, expansion, the BCS and it's less shitty follow on has sort of started ruining it.

I generally watch pro football a fair amount nearly the first half of the season, and that's only if I am off Sunday morning and want something on broadcast TV to watch. It's been tough being a Cardinals "fan". If anything, they've proven Elfdart's point. After Kurt Warner retired they had a couple of years of an outstanding defense but the shittiest QB/offense possible. Sometimes it has been due to injuries, but not always. Maybe if they Cards had a strong running game they might have done okay with a 3rd string QB and a good defense but it is almost like the power run team went away with Marty Schottenheimer. Can you only imagine the sort of damage a team with someone like Christian Okoye could do now? Defenses are not designed to stop that sort of rush now.

Still hoping that the Cards pull a Super Bowl win out of their ass but in all likelihood Carson Palmer will either be injured sometime before the "big game" or will choose that time to completely shit the bed. I'm a bit hopeful because of the coach, and because it has been nice that Bill Bidwell hasn't been in charge of the Cardinals for a while (his son hasn't been totally screwing the pooch running things. Of course, what does that mean. The Bengals manage to make a run at the playoffs or Super Bowl often enough to keep fans interested even though their owner sucks ass and has sucked ass for a long time.) My luck is that Carson Palmer will stay healthy, play great throughout the playoffs/Super Bowl and the team will still lose to some hot up and comer dynasty to be. Missed that window.

I'm not invested either way. A Card's Super Bowl win would be nice, especially against some of the douchier teams, but it's not likely that I'll be watching the Super Bowl anyway. I work nights. In the past if I was lucky I woke up in time to see the very last play or the trophy award ceremony. :D
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

I currently have the Cards as my Super Bowl favorites, though I imagine this may change as the season goes on. The only real structural weaknesses on their roster are at tackle and cornerback.

My projected top 8 for this season:
1) Arizona
2) Pittsburgh (if they stay healthy, their offense is going to be breathtaking)
3) New England (whatever you think of NE, and I know some people here hate their guts, they really have earned the benefit of the doubt in that you pretty much have to assume 10+ wins until they prove they can't do it year-after-year. And I think from top to bottom their roster is better than it has been in recent years, though their OL is, as always, a big ?)
4) Seattle (I've always found them to be a bit overrated, but, well, the results speak for themselves. As with NE, the big ? for them is the OL.)
5) Green Bay (I mean ... best quarterback in the league, with a revitalized defense? If everything clicks for their new guys, they could be scary)
6) Carolina (expect regression from last year, of course, but their defense is well constructed, so they will still be a tough out for any team)
7) Cincinnati (there is nothing they do exceptionally well, but the flipside of that is there is nothing they are exceptionally bad at either)
8) Kansas City (their offense looked great last year without Charles, and now they are throwing him back in the mix, so I expect similarly impressive results. Their pass-rush will struggle, though.)
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Jub »

I wasn't able to watch the game, and the score was worryingly close, but the Seahawks get the win in their season opener.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by houser2112 »

Ziggy Stardust wrote:3) New England (whatever you think of NE, and I know some people here hate their guts, they really have earned the benefit of the doubt in that you pretty much have to assume 10+ wins until they prove they can't do it year-after-year. And I think from top to bottom their roster is better than it has been in recent years, though their OL is, as always, a big ?)
You can assume that because they play in the cupcake AFC East. Put the Pats in any other division, and they don't do so well.

I'm glad the Giants finally got their heads out of their asses and won an opener for the first time in ages. That it was against Dallas is icing on the cake. I'm worried that they couldn't seem to get any pass rush with their front 4, though.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

Fuck you Mike McCoy. Just fuck you.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Flagg »

houser2112 wrote:
Ziggy Stardust wrote:3) New England (whatever you think of NE, and I know some people here hate their guts, they really have earned the benefit of the doubt in that you pretty much have to assume 10+ wins until they prove they can't do it year-after-year. And I think from top to bottom their roster is better than it has been in recent years, though their OL is, as always, a big ?)
You can assume that because they play in the cupcake AFC East. Put the Pats in any other division, and they don't do so well.

I'm glad the Giants finally got their heads out of their asses and won an opener for the first time in ages. That it was against Dallas is icing on the cake. I'm worried that they couldn't seem to get any pass rush with their front 4, though.
They cheat, too.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

houser2112 wrote:
Ziggy Stardust wrote:3) New England (whatever you think of NE, and I know some people here hate their guts, they really have earned the benefit of the doubt in that you pretty much have to assume 10+ wins until they prove they can't do it year-after-year. And I think from top to bottom their roster is better than it has been in recent years, though their OL is, as always, a big ?)
You can assume that because they play in the cupcake AFC East. Put the Pats in any other division, and they don't do so well.

I'm glad the Giants finally got their heads out of their asses and won an opener for the first time in ages. That it was against Dallas is icing on the cake. I'm worried that they couldn't seem to get any pass rush with their front 4, though.
How often can the Giants count on dumbfucks not running out of bounds twice per game? That game looked like the Giants were doing their manly best to give it away and they almost succeeded.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Flagg »

Elfdart wrote:
houser2112 wrote:
Ziggy Stardust wrote:3) New England (whatever you think of NE, and I know some people here hate their guts, they really have earned the benefit of the doubt in that you pretty much have to assume 10+ wins until they prove they can't do it year-after-year. And I think from top to bottom their roster is better than it has been in recent years, though their OL is, as always, a big ?)
You can assume that because they play in the cupcake AFC East. Put the Pats in any other division, and they don't do so well.

I'm glad the Giants finally got their heads out of their asses and won an opener for the first time in ages. That it was against Dallas is icing on the cake. I'm worried that they couldn't seem to get any pass rush with their front 4, though.
How often can the Giants count on dumbfucks not running out of bounds twice per game? That game looked like the Giants were doing their manly best to give it away and they almost succeeded.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

houser2112 wrote: You can assume that because they play in the cupcake AFC East. Put the Pats in any other division, and they don't do so well.
So? I was making a prediction about how many games the team will win in the real world. In the real world they play in the AFC East. So if I want to guess how many games they will win, it is probably a good idea for me to take into account the division they play in. You know, the way we do with every other team in the NFL, for as long as the current divisions system has existed? Or if you were making a bet on the Pats in Vegas would you take the under on 9.5 wins based on the logic that if the Patriots magically played NFC South teams instead of AFC East teams they would have a worse schedule?

Do you also want me to also predict that Barack Obama will win the 2016 election, because I can imagine another world where there is a three-term limit instead of a two-term limit?

(Also, let's continue to pretend they didn't just beat an NFC West team despite this)
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by houser2112 »

Ziggy Stardust wrote:So? I was making a prediction about how many games the team will win in the real world. In the real world they play in the AFC East. So if I want to guess how many games they will win, it is probably a good idea for me to take into account the division they play in.
You're right, I'm just frustrated with how they're practically guaranteed a playoff spot because their schedule is so light.
Elfdart wrote:How often can the Giants count on dumbfucks not running out of bounds twice per game?
From what I remember (on the final play, at least), DRC was guarding the sideline and had position on the receiver. Once he caught the ball, there was no way he was getting out of bounds. Now, maybe you could say he ran a bad route because he should have known he'd need to get out of bounds. I may be misremembering, because the wife was pushing me out the door to run to the store.
That game looked like the Giants were doing their manly best to give it away and they almost succeeded.
It looked that way to me too. The Giants always have a hard time with their division opponents, whether that difficulty is justified or not.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

Dear NFL, these "color rush" alternate uniforms are seven kinds of dogshit.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Col. Crackpot »

You know, after these past few weeks, I have to say that i'm grateful for the deflate gate suspension. Thanks to Herr Goddell, we now know that there is real value in Garrappolo and Brissette and the team will be able to parley that into far more than the two lost draft picks. We would have never known the value of the 2nd and 3rd best QB's in the AFC East if not for Tommy boy getting suspended for maybe being aware of an equipment violation. Pats fans can be as insufferable as ever. Thanks Roger!

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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

Two of the NFL Bumfight games (Dolphins-Browns. Giants-Redskins) were pretty fun. Most of the other games were drubbings.

HAHA! Fuck you, Rapistberger!
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by houser2112 »

Ugh, the Giants disgusted me in that game. Too many stupid penalties and turnovers.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Col. Crackpot »

Elfdart wrote:Two of the NFL Bumfight games (Dolphins-Browns. Giants-Redskins) were pretty fun. Most of the other games were drubbings.

HAHA! Fuck you, Rapistberger!
How about the fucking trainwreck otherwise known as Ryan Fitzpatrick? Worst QB performance by a New York Jet since Mark "Dirty" Sanchez tried to shove his own head up his lineman's ass.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Elfdart »

Col. Crackpot wrote:How about the fucking trainwreck otherwise known as Ryan Fitzpatrick? Worst QB performance by a New York Jet since Mark "Dirty" Sanchez tried to shove his own head up his lineman's ass.
I always thought he got a unfair rap for that. The lineman was pushed back into him. Anyway, Fitzpatrick has always been a jobber. Not that it really matters since the way the Jets go through coaches, no QB will ever accomplish much there.
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Re: NFL 2016

Post by Thanas »

Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
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