Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

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Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Highlord Laan »

But here in the US, sports and celeb news is apparently more important.

Why the hell isn't this all over the news yet?
(NaturalNews) There are some big moves taking place on the global stage that you need to know about, as this could all lead to World War III.

Yesterday Russia cut off its natural gas supply to Europe, "plunging the continent into an energy crisis 'within hours' as a dispute with Ukraine escalated," reports the Daily Mail. [1]

"This morning, gas companies in Ukraine said that Russia had completely cut off their supply. Six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas shipped via Ukraine today, in a sharp escalation of a struggle over energy that threatens Europe as winter sets in."

Alternative media warned about this weeks ago

This was all predicted in advance as a move toward World War III. The website All News Pipeline summarizes the predictions which were widely printed across the alternative media weeks ago.

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts had also warned in advance of a "Black Swan Event" such as Russia cutting off energy supplies to European nations as a prelude to war.

Europe depends heavily on natural gas supplies from Russia which are piped into the region via Ukraine. This is especially true in the winter when gas is needed for heat.

Russia pulls out of the petrodollar

In addition to cutting off natural gas supplies to Europe, Russia has also "just pulled itself out of the petrodollar," reports Zero Hedge. [2]

The story quotes stating that Russia "may unseal its $88 billion Reserve Fund and convert some of its foreign-currency holdings into ruble."

This is further explained by Mac Slavo at who explains, "What we are seeing are the strategic moves that will eventually catalyze the next great war. And make no mistake, this is exactly what's in store for the world should these escalations continue."

An escalation into war?

What's happening here is a radical escalation of the global currency war in which Russia and China are attempting to route the U.S. dollar and ultimately destroy the U.S. empire.

Part of this strategy involves dumping the petrodollar as a global reserve currency and reverting to alternative currencies backed by something more than just hot air. Further evidence of this strategy is found in the explanations on King World News which states that China is moving to back its Yuan currency with gold!

This explains why China has been buying up the world's physical gold supplies. The U.S., meanwhile, has empty gold vaults and a fiat paper currency backed by nothing but hot air, empty promises and endless debt. The whole world knows this, and nations like Russia are positioning themselves to take advantage of the massive currency collapse that's eventually coming to the dollar.

Just yesterday, the Swiss franc skyrocketed 30% in mere minutes as the central banks controlling the Euro neared announcing their own massive money printing scheme that would flood the global markets with Euros. As Associated Press wrote, "Bowing to the inevitable, Switzerland has ditched an increasingly expensive policy to limit the export-sapping rise of the Swiss franc -- a decision that propelled the currency a whopping 30 percent higher against the euro within minutes." [3]

Oil prices manipulated as an act of economic warfare

As part of the U.S. effort to wage war on Russia, oil prices have been artificially lowered with the help of the Saudis (who have strong ties to the Bush family and whose royalty was magically evacuated out of the U.S. on private jets during the 9/11 terror attacks) working in conjunction with U.S. forces. The aim is to devastate the Russian economy, harm the Russian currency and even cause damage to Venezuela where food supplies are now wiped out and grocery stores are being guarded by armed government military personnel.

Of course, you won't hear a word of this from the hypnotic, droning mainstream media which tells you everything is just fine. It isn't. Massive geopolitical strategies and schemes are being unleashed right now, behind the scenes, and a currency war is under way at the highest levels.

The days are numbered for the dollar as the world's reserve currency

The world, it seems, is fed up with the U.S. abusing its reserve currency status by pumping up the money supply with billions of dollar a month in new fiat money. (Courtesy of the Federal Reserve and its bankster bailouts.) The world is also fed up with the U.S. meddling in international affairs in Ukraine, the Middle East and hundreds of individual nations where the U.S. empire maintains a military occupation of one kind or another.

Right now the Russians are targeting NATO countries with the energy cut-offs, sending a message that any nation which allows its soil to be used by western forces to host missile systems will find its economy crushed by a lack of available energy.

The U.S., meanwhile, has dangerously backed Putin into a corner from which we can only expect an aggressive backlash engineered to protect the national interests of Russia itself.

Remember how the U.S. was drawn into World War II?

You may or may not recall that it was a U.S.-led energy blockage against Japan in the 1940's that ultimate forced Japan to launch its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. In a similar pattern, the U.S. and NATO nations are currently forcing devastating economic sanctions onto Russia, driving the nation into a rapidly-dwindling set of defensive options, one of which includes the deployment of nuclear weaponry.

This situation is beyond "serious." It is at red alert levels, and you need to be monitoring websites like to catch the headlines you won't find in the mainstream media.

Steve Quayle has consistently been decades ahead of everyone else with his predictions on biological weaponry, currency wars and much more. His foresight is so far-reaching, in fact, that it's almost a curse because a society blinded by the distractions of current affairs will never value the accurate warnings of a man who sees a decade or more into the future. Western culture is far too short-sighted and self-possessed to take seriously the words of a man who warns that the good times buoyed by debt and delusion won't last forever.

In a world of deceit, all truth-tellers are condemned

Even now, we are living in a time when all truth-tellers are condemned as heretics. Any person quoting accurate economic statistics, for example, is called a "doom and gloomer." Anyone questioning the sanity of a government that's $18 trillion in debt and spending wildly on ballooning entitlement programs is labeled "anti-government." We are living in a time that's so bizarre, almost everything the average American believes to be true is factually false. The mainstream news is the wool that's pulled over their eyes to blind them from the truth, to paraphrase The Matrix.

The real truth is that our world is headed straight into unprecedented crisis and conflict. When you wake up tomorrow, realize you are living in the run-up to a collapsed economy that exists in a world where the most powerful nations on the planet have already declared a covert war on the U.S. empire (and can't wait to bring it down).

The artificially-inflated luxury lifestyle currently experienced by the U.S. population -- complete with welfare state entitlement programs -- will come to an end for the simple reason that it's all funded by artificial money creation. That artificial money creation, in turn, is only possible because the dollar is currently the world's reserve currency, providing a very large money supply base ("buffer") that insulates America from the more immediate effects of fiat currency creation. But as the world abandons the petrodollar, the ability of the U.S. to print its way to bigger government, bigger entitlements and bigger debt will utterly collapse.

Something big is "fast approaching" - Ron Paul

It is not a coincidence that bankers keep showing up "suicided" (i.e. killed off) lately. It is also not a coincidence that the U.S. domestic police forces have been arming up with military weapons from the front lines of all-out war in the Middle East. Law enforcement is arming up for something big. Really big.

As Ron Paul recently wrote in a widely-cited column, "A major geopolitical or economic event, greater than the crisis of 2008, is fast approaching. The precipitating event will be a surprise to the majority of politicians and economists. There are many "next shoe to drop" possibilities, and one could happen any time or any place."

Ron Paul goes on to explain:

Sanity will not return to US leaders until our financial system collapse -- an event for which they are feverishly working... Debt in all categories will continue to increase at unsustainable rates...

The riots to come

Everyone at the highest levels of the U.S. government knows that the current entitlement state debt system is wildly unsustainable. They also know that the day after the EBT cards (food stamps) stop working, every U.S. city will collapse into under chaos and mass rioting.

Although this event could still be years away, its arrival is inevitable. And when it does happen, it will happen suddenly, without warning. That means most people will be completely caught off guard. And when they are caught off guard, they will panic.

I pity the people who do not realize what's happening on the global stage. All those people obsessed with Hollywood movies, celebrities, fashion and television will be completely taken by surprise when the currency war escalates. They have no idea how close they are to helplessness, hunger and desperation. They have no awareness of reality, no real-world skills and no ability to take care of themselves.

That's why I recently declared 2015 to be the Year of Self-Reliance. This is the year when it's becoming increasingly urgent to learn and practice skills for living away from the systems that are subject to failure. This is a time to learn how to augment your current lifestyle with some home food production, water collection and storage, off-grid energy sources, home-based medicine production and more.

Interestingly, many Russians already have these skills, so if economic devastation strikes both the USA and Russia, there's no question that the Russian citizens will do far better in terms of survival and self-reliance. Russia, even with all its own problems, at least does not criminalize home gardening, fresh cow's milk and home-produced herbal remedies.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Terralthra »

Try and find a link that's a little theory laden?
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

Are you fucking crazy, Laan? Russia did not shut down its gas supply to Europe. If they would, their economy would tank even hard than it is already. 15% inflation is a projection for Russia next year, you really think they are going to sacrifice a steady source of income during those times?

And the reliance of Europe on Russian gas has never been this low, ten percent less import than last year. And only 33% of European gas is from Russia right now.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Darth Holbytlan »

I've had some nutty NaturalNews posts shared into my Facebook feed lately, but this one...
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Dominus Atheos »

I think the OP may be referring to this? Bloomberg:
Russia to Shift Ukraine Gas Transit to Turkey as EU Cries Foul

Russia plans to shift all its natural gas flows crossing Ukraine to a route via Turkey, a surprise move that the European Union’s energy chief said would hurt its reputation as a supplier. ... -foul.html
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by K. A. Pital »

Thanas wrote:Are you fucking crazy, Laan? Russia did not shut down its gas supply to Europe. If they would, their economy would tank even hard than it is already. 15% inflation is a projection for Russia next year, you really think they are going to sacrifice a steady source of income during those times?
The projection is, IIRC, 17%. But really, it doesn't matter as inflation is a consequence of Russia's import dependence and the utterly neocolonial nature of it's single-good 'economy' - if it gets more or less hard currency isn't super-important here (Russia's hard currency holdings are pretty big as it is). On the other hand, domestic production could enjoy a revival if the perverse economic ties between Russia and Europe collapse.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

Dominus Atheos wrote:I think the OP may be referring to this? Bloomberg:
Russia to Shift Ukraine Gas Transit to Turkey as EU Cries Foul

Russia plans to shift all its natural gas flows crossing Ukraine to a route via Turkey, a surprise move that the European Union’s energy chief said would hurt its reputation as a supplier. ... -foul.html
Yeah, most likely. But that is a sharp cry from "ZOMG THEY STOPPED SENDING ANYTHING".
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Irbis »

I count no less than 11 separate conspiracy theories and brain bugs in that piece. The only thing that is missing is urgent call to BUY GOLD AND GUNS at the end, the rest is perfect, not even satirist trying to write a parody would do better.

I love the claim China will soon back Yuan with gold, unlike gold buggers, they're not insane and in fact their currency is even more fiat and under control of government than others, but how would ignorant US truther know that? :lol:
Thanas wrote:And the reliance of Europe on Russian gas has never been this low, ten percent less import than last year. And only 33% of European gas is from Russia right now.
Again with that? It's 33% only if you count south EU with African gad and Western EU with its North Sea deposits. If you look at East EU, the situation is rather less rosy, and will in fact only worsen since certain country plans to replace NPPs with Russian coal and gas. Or is Merkel ready yet to flip flop on the issue once more to for once target Russian oligarchs, not middle class, with sanctions?
Dominus Atheos wrote:I think the OP may be referring to this?
Yeah, except Turkey route doesn't even exist yet, so it's a moot point for the better part of the next decade. And frankly, it's in the cards only because EU tried to play too tough with Russia over South Stream, leaving its Balkan members high and dry. Funny how the same objections with North Stream were instantly killed by its receiving country :roll:
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Kane Starkiller »

Highlord Laan wrote:Why the hell isn't this all over the news yet?
It was. Six years ago. The Daily Mail article they use as a source is from 2009 when there was pricing issue with Ukraine.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Iroscato »

Thanks for the early-morning heart attack. Please check your fucking sources next time :finger:
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Grumman »

Kane Starkiller wrote:
Highlord Laan wrote:Why the hell isn't this all over the news yet?
It was. Six years ago. The Daily Mail article they use as a source is from 2009 when there was pricing issue with Ukraine.
Alternative media warned about this weeks ago
Maybe I should get into alternative media. I've got a reliable source that told me terrorists are planning to use airliners to attack the World Trade Center.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Irbis »

And you know what is most ironic of all when concerning Russian gas? About 15-20 years ago, Russia offered Poland to build two major north pipelines next to existing one. Sadly, imbecile russophobes who ruled then said no to all the transit money and jobs just because of rabid campaign of pro-Ukrainian lobby (which didn't even made sense as Ukraine was then ruled by pro-Russian Kuchma and was really just stealing Russian gas).

Thanks to failure of that deal, Russians invested into North and South Streams instead. If we agreed, Poland would now control 80% of Russian gas pipelines and would be able to sanction Russia on its own. Yeah, being all tough and sanction-y worked out great in the end :lol:
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by mr friendly guy »

Natural news is a bullshit conspiracy theory, pseudoscience, antivaxxer, anti GMO, pro alternative bullshit medicine site. I first had the misfortune of coming across their brand of bullshit when people on another message board seemed to like it and linked articles to it. I am starting to wonder whether some of the anti GMO bullshit propaganda that I hear from relatives and acquaintances from the Chinese speaking world come from this site (since they have articles in numerous other languages including traditional and simplified chinese on their website).

Just take a look at this gem from the same author as the OP defending homeopathy. If you ever need a good laugh I suggest reading it.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Welf »

Irbis wrote:I count no less than 11 separate conspiracy theories and brain bugs in that piece. The only thing that is missing is urgent call to BUY GOLD AND GUNS at the end, the rest is perfect, not even satirist trying to write a parody would do better.
I guess for that they have the ads on the side. I liked the ones for butt hurt and constipation. They seem made for their target audience.

As a tip: every article that quotes ZeroHedge or mentions how Fiat money will go down and the smart people will return to gold is not worth reading. It's a pretty good warning sign. For those who read past "World War 3!!!" scaremongering.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Broomstick »

Highlord Laan wrote:Why the hell isn't this all over the news yet?
Because for the most part it's whack.

I grew listening to the propaganda about how WWIII was imminent, we were all doomed, there would be rioting in the street, Americans are hopelessly soft and the Soviets are strong survivors that would eat us alive. No thanks.

Sure, there are serious problems in the world, but this is a collection of conspiracy theory.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

Irbis wrote:Again with that? It's 33% only if you count south EU with African gad and Western EU with its North Sea deposits.
I hear those are still parts of the EU and thus count as parts of the EU.
Funny how the same objections with North Stream were instantly killed by its receiving country :roll:
Yeah, you just gotta love the way Germany plays along with Russia to pressure the smaller EU states. Certainly the next Ribbentropp-Molotov in the making. :roll:
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Steve »

Thanas wrote: Yeah, you just gotta love the way Germany plays along with Russia to pressure the smaller EU states. Certainly the next Ribbentropp-Molotov in the making. :roll:
Watch out Thanas, they're on to you. :twisted:
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Irbis »

Thanas wrote:I hear those are still parts of the EU and thus count as parts of the EU.
By that standard, grandma and her cat pet both have on average three legs. I guess it's no problem if these pesky Balkan Slavs freeze, west EU will dedicate single evening editorial to their plight in solidarity? :roll:
Yeah, you just gotta love the way Germany plays along with Russia to pressure the smaller EU states. Certainly the next Ribbentropp-Molotov in the making. :roll:
So, care to explain why Germany protested South Stream but the same arrangement with North Stream was rammed through with all opposition from Poland and Baltics silenced by German politicians? :roll:

For context, Sikorski (who was Tusk right hand man, and together with Tusk probably closest Polish politician in views to Merkel) even said it was new Ribbentropp-Molotov pact. Gee, when two most friendly to Germany Polish ministers say that I guess they just gossip without reason? :lol:

There was also the fact Germans agreed to Russian proposition of the North Stream pipeline location that both blocked Polish-Norwegian gas pipe to Szczecin and made Szczecin approach too shallow for gas tankers for planned sea gas terminal, propagandised by Polish press as national energy sovereignty requirement, necessitating moving of the terminal elsewhere and delaying it. Putin couldn't have dreamt with better results then.

Mind you, I don't care one way or another as the whole North Stream/gas terminal fiasco was the result of imbecile russophobe blocking Russian pipe, but your post comes a bit rich seeing Germany went all 'screw others, we have ours' mode over NS, and additionally increased Central Europe's reliance on Russian energy instead of developing EU's economy and technology. Gazprom/Rosnieft/Rosatom at once still laugh all the way to bank to this day.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

Irbis wrote:
Thanas wrote:I hear those are still parts of the EU and thus count as parts of the EU.
By that standard, grandma and her cat pet both have on average three legs. I guess it's no problem if these pesky Balkan Slavs freeze, west EU will dedicate single evening editorial to their plight in solidarity? :roll:
No, there will be gas sharing instead. The plans are already in place, which you would know if you would care to google it.
So, care to explain why Germany protested South Stream but the same arrangement with North Stream was rammed through with all opposition from Poland and Baltics silenced by German politicians? :roll:
So who from Germany protested South Stream exactly and for what reasons?
And last I checked it were the Bulgarians who pulled the plug.
For context, Sikorski (who was Tusk right hand man, and together with Tusk probably closest Polish politician in views to Merkel) even said it was new Ribbentropp-Molotov pact. Gee, when two most friendly to Germany Polish ministers say that I guess they just gossip without reason? :lol:
It is well known that Polish politicians cannot be taken seriously when it comes to Russia and Germany working together. Comparing it to the Ribbentropp-Molotov pact just proves that. Germany is not going to have her tanks rolling into Poland anytime soon (and how could we when we are currently selling them to the Polish?)
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by K. A. Pital »

Thanas wrote:And last I checked it were the Bulgarians who pulled the plug.
Were made to pull the plug, you wanted to say. Because it is obvious Bulgaria is the greatest suffering recipient due to the recent relations freeze, with zero gains, and they repeatedly tried to ressurect the project but Russia said 'what's done is done'.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by KlavoHunter »

Thanas wrote:Germany is not going to have her tanks rolling into Poland anytime soon (and how could we when we are currently selling them to the Polish?)
What better way to gain the element of surprise? :P
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

Stas Bush wrote:
Thanas wrote:And last I checked it were the Bulgarians who pulled the plug.
Were made to pull the plug, you wanted to say.
No, I didn't. What is the evidence for that?
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

KlavoHunter wrote:
Thanas wrote:Germany is not going to have her tanks rolling into Poland anytime soon (and how could we when we are currently selling them to the Polish?)
What better way to gain the element of surprise? :P
Gottverdammt. Zhey haf found our cunning plan. ABORT. ABORT. ABORT.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by K. A. Pital »

Thanas wrote:No, I didn't. What is the evidence for that?
Haha, nice one! :lol: But seriously, Bulgaria was among the few poor losers of the anti-Russian sanctions (for most Western European nations the trade with Russia is too insignificant to matter). They did want to ressurect the 'South Stream' even though it was clear the thing's going nowhere.
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Re: Russia cuts off petroleum to Europe, drops Petrodollar

Post by Thanas »

Stas Bush wrote:
Thanas wrote:No, I didn't. What is the evidence for that?
Haha, nice one! :lol: But seriously, Bulgaria was among the few poor losers of the anti-Russian sanctions (for most Western European nations the trade with Russia is too insignificant to matter). They did want to ressurect the 'South Stream' even though it was clear the thing's going nowhere.
So again, what is the evidence for it being German pressure and not the rising costs?
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