Just keep digging that hole even deeper.Spiderman Fanboy wrote:That's just like affarmative action. That's like saying that it's ok for me to insult white people/to use an-anti white slur, because, historically, white people weren't persecuted. So, gay people deserve special treatment because of past atrocities from medieval times? No, they don't. I believe in equality, and that's why I think that the concept of affarmative action, in and of itself, is stupid.
Also, you really are an idiot if you think that persecution of gay people is just something from medieval times and isn't happening right now.
FFS, did you even watch the movies? Remember the part where the last surviving jedi are a small and nearly irrelevant minority of the rebellion? Where the two surviving Republic-era jedi just sit around on middle of nowhere planets and do nothing, while the actual opposition to the Empire comes from non-jedi soldiers/politicians/etc? Where the only actively-fighting jedi is just another fighter pilot who doesn't even participate in the final battle?I thought it was the other way around. Freeing alien slaves and saving planets from the death star and saving innocent people from an evil dictatorship was just a positive side effect of bringing balance to the force, not the other way around!!! But the prophecy was just so vague, who knows what it even means, bro?
But yeah, the rebellion was just a dispute over a minor bit of theology...