You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Vaporous »

Right, but once you go down that road you run into madness. The thing about prophesy and destiny is that things have to work out in a particular way. So you'd be afraid to change almost anything on the off chance is interferes with Jon going to the wall or Dany hatching her dragons.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Chirios »

^Not really. Just don't kill them. Jon needs to live, Dany needs to live. We know that Dany isn't heading West any time soon, so what she does doesn't really matter. At the bare minimum we'll need her dragons to kill the Zombie Ice Demons, so she needs to live long enough for them to hatch.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by KrauserKrauser »

So, I’m Robert circa Jon Aryn’s death? Well, I would first have to identify where all of the other players are at the same time.

The Starks

After Aryn’s death, the Stark mess was started because the king went to Winterfell and a bunch of stuff snowballed after that. My first decision would be to avoid that mess and just stay home. No crippled Bran. No Sansa / Joffrey marriage. No Arya = faceless one.

Who knows if the Starks will still get their wolves. Since I am not coming that Dire Wolf might not be killed by the Stag to foreshadow Joffrey killing Eddard. The Old Gods are tricksy, so who knows.

Leaving the Starks in Winterfell keeps the Iron Islanders at bay. No banners called to fight the Lannisters and Theon still under captivity will leave the Starks more than enough resources to contain the Iron Islanders.

Jon Snow still needs to be sent to The Wall though how I would go about convincing Eddard to send his bastard son to exile, I am not certain.

Other than getting Jon to the Wall, I would leave the Starks right where they are.

The Iron Islands

I hate this house, their approach to the Kingdom is completely at odds to a workable society. They are leeches, parasites and should be isolated as much as possible. I would require tribute of men and ships being sent to the Wall and actively treat them as poorly as possible. They expect and deserve nothing else.

I would inform Eddard of their intentions and advise extreme prejudice in dealings with them.

The Wall / Knight’s Watch

The main effort would be a two pronged approach for manning the wall and providing intel to Mormont to avoid some of the nastiness that is on the way.

First prong would be a propaganda campaign to encourage noble born bastards and third+ sons to volunteer for the Knight’s Watch. Commissioning singers and other such to attempt to drum up support would be a small expense to hopefully get some more men, hopefully including Jon Snow, to be sent to The Wall. Providing grants or other such to the Lords would be an additional incentive that will hopefully increase the quantity and quality of the bodies we are sending.

Cleaning out the prisons for some additional bodies would be started immediately to begin the reinforcement of the Wall. Clearing out the stores of dragonglass to the Wall for armaments would be sent out with this initial shipment of bodies.

Second prong would be a message for Mormont with the knowledge I have of the situation at the Wall. Mance Rayder is gathering forces to attack the Wall. Giants, wargs, etc. are all real and coming in strength. White Walkers are now active and anyone that dies beyond the wall will reanimate as a zombie. Informing him that all bodies must be burned and advising against sending anything more than scouting parties beyond the wall will allow him to conserve the forces that were lost on the failed expedition. Informing him that dragonglass and valayrian steel can kill White Walkers will help if they run into them.

I would try to indicate that I am interested in restarting the King’s Gift as a haven for the Wildlings but that will cause a lot of waves. Luckily I believe Mormont would be able to sell it to the Watch much easier than Jon did. I would likely have to discuss it with The Starks as well. They will all be resistant but it may just need to be done regardless. Agreeing with them that Winter is Coming might carry some weight in coming to an agreement

Janos Slynt could be granted a keep and title within the Gift to remove him from King’s Landing. While he may not like it, informing him that the decision is this or The Wall, I think he would be willing to go. While he is a lying traitor, I would rather the Starks have to deal with him than have him still in command in King’s Landing. Talking ahead of time with his second in command that replaced him in the books would get him on my side and the Watch out of the Lannister’s pocket.

The Wall is a longer term problem that can be dealt with after the immediate threats to my safety are dealt with.


Daenerys’ brother is going to get on Drogo’s bad side eventually and I could easily see him getting his crown of gold regardless of what I do. I am not worried about him in the slightest.

First thing, I would not send the assassin to kill Daenerys according to The Spider’s advice. Even if her son will truly mount there world, that is 18+ years from now and any mounting will first happen on another continent. Don’t send the assassin and Drogo continues treating her cries of “I’m the Queen of Westeros” with condescension and disbelief. After her brother eventually meets his death due to his arrogance and stupidity, attempt to send peace envoys if possible. Sure they’ll all likely get killed but anything to de-escalate the situation is a worthwhile venture.

Simply by not sending the assassin, you may be able to prevent Drogo getting sick and dying and thereby keep the Dragons in their eggs. I don’t know how feasible this is since Drogo was attacking the Lamb Men to get money to hire ships for the invasion. Take away his motivation for immediate moves against Westeros and we may be able to delay the dragons hatching for quite some time.

Dorne + Renly

The Mountain needs to die. Sending him as an escort for my younger brother Renly would be interesting. Sending him and the Knight of flowers on a desert vacation to get them out of my hair for months with the Mountain along for “protection” would two birds with one stone. Renly wouldn’t want to do it but too bad, he’s a prissy useless character that would enjoy the time with his beau.

Justification for the trip would be something simple like trying to get their agreement to commit forces to The Wall. The distance and questionable loyalty requires Renly’s attention.
Getting a message to the Prince of Dorne informing him of the Mountain’s imminent arrival and giving clearance for his death would help ease tensions there. Dorne will never really be friendly but this should appease them to a fair degree. Entrusting Renly with the message would be one method of avoiding the Lannisters finding out about the plot to rid them of the Mountain. Sending a Raven through Pycelle would not be acceptable as Tywin would eventually find out.


Littlefinger doesn’t have to die, but he would be my front runner for it. He would stay Master of Coin, but arranging for his marriage to Lady Aryn would be my choice of action for him instead of death. It advances his plans but since the world is filled with conniving deceitful people, I would rather have them on my side, working for my interests. The Vale under Lady Aryn is useless. She is a terrible leader and will turtle up. At least with Littlefinger in charge there is a chance I would be able to get some use out of the Land. As part of the bargain he would of course send whatever lords or squires that opposed the move to the Wall to further bolster the forces. Again, friends close, enemies closer.

Even if he somehow arranges for her death and her useless son, I know that it was going to happen anyway and would simply clear him for another marriage and bless whomever he chooses.

I know his true ambitions lie on the Throne but this should tide him over for a few years at least.

The Spider

Many are saying to kill Littlefinger and Vaerys right off the bat. Since Vaerys and Littlefinger are my largest threats, I would rather gamble on turning them to my cause. Vaerys presents an interesting quandary of how to accomplish this. While Littlefinger can be bought off or delayed with titles and land to stroke his ego, Vaerys’ ambition lies with the preservation of the realm.

Currently he believes the realm can only be preserved with Daenerys on the throne. My choice would be to have a frank one on one discussion with Vaerys and lay my cards on the table. Of all of the members of the Small Council he is likely most open to this approach as his (stated) motives are noble though his methods much less so.

Explaining to him the upcoming invasion by White Walkers, the coming of magic if Dragons are hatched and where he lies in all this might be able to get him on board. He could just as easily arrange my death, but I have some faith in his honor and his commitment to the realm, though many do not.
Having Vaerys as an ally should be possible. The main problem lies in convincing him that I am what is best for the realm and sowing chaos as he is prone to do will not be helpful in the end.


Stannis gets Storm’s End as soon as Renly is on his way to Dorne. Renly can cry about it and get comforted by the Knight of Flowers. Stannis actually earned it, Renly is useless. Eventually I would try and head to Stannis and have a heart to block of granite conversation and let him know how much I appreciate him and see if there is anything else that could help show my appreciation.

Stannis will always be Stannis but hopefully this will preempt any shadow death babies coming my way once the Red Pirestess arrives on the scene.

Killing the Red Priestess is going to backfire so she lives, but she is definitely someone I will have to keep an eye on. If she starts speaking about how Stannis is the rightful King, she dies and Stannis will agree with the decision.

House Lannister

This is a big mess to deal with but my approach would start with Tywin. Instead of heading to Winterfell to ask Eddard to be my hand, I would call on Tywin to come to King’s Landing. He, and many others, would assume that I am going to make him Hand. He would even likely start out by saying he doesn’t want to be Hand. I don’t want him as my Hand either.

Tywin is a frank man and would appreciate frank discussion. I would start with my evidence of the incest between Jaime and Cersi. The lineage information combined with whatever I can get from a now cooperative Vaerys may provide me with enough proof to support whatever action I took. Instead of threatening him or his family (threats never work) I would instead offer him a bargain.

Joffrey must take the Black and go to the Wall. No consequences for Cersi, Jamie, the rest of the kids, nothing. Joffrey must take the Black as a recruiting effort for The Watch. In addition, Tyrion will be named Hand of the King and Jamie would be named lord protector of the queen and would have chambers adjacent to hers “for her protection”.

Would Tywin take the bargain? I think he might. He has to know that Joffrey is a monster and even though Cersi will of course go bananas because of it, his heirs are still front of the line of succession. Sure Tommen is still a product of incest but he is at least reasonable and may in fact turn out ok.

This is a huge gamble, I know, but Tywin would be furious enough at being placed in this position by his progeny that he may agree to it. That gets Tywin out of your hair, Cersi pissed, Jamie neutral and Tyrion extremely grateful.

Tommen could then be married off to a Tyrell to secure their loyalty.

If everything went according to how I envision it, I would have:

Dorne placated with the Mountain’s death
Stannis placated with Storm’s End
Renly out of the picture for a long time
Starks in Winterfell where they belong
Iron Islands punished for being pricks
Daenerys running around another continent with Drogo dragging his feet forever
Littlefinger working for you
Vaerys working for you
Mormont and the watch reinforced and well informed
Lannisters mixed and hopefully less likely to kill you
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Ralin »

Question: Are we favoring the book or the TV series? Just for reference.
KrauserKrauser wrote:Jon Snow still needs to be sent to The Wall though how I would go about convincing Eddard to send his bastard son to exile, I am not certain.
It shouldn't be that hard. Jon already wanted to go to the Wall.

Maybe a hint to Ned that you know what's up with Jon's parentage, but that you've calmed down over the past decade and a half and won't do anything to him so long as he's allowed to take the black?
Would Tywin take the bargain? I think he might. He has to know that Joffrey is a monster and even though Cersi will of course go bananas because of it, his heirs are still front of the line of succession. Sure Tommen is still a product of incest but he is at least reasonable and may in fact turn out ok.
I don't think he does. He called it madness when Joffery had Ned Stark executed, Spoiler
and when they do meet in Storm of Swords his reaction after Joffery opens his mouth is to look at Cersei with an expression that says "Da FUCK?"
I do think he'd be open to the offer though. I don't think he could fight the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. Not without one of his own on the throne.
Currently he believes the realm can only be preserved with Daenerys on the throne. My choice would be to have a frank one on one discussion with Vaerys and lay my cards on the table. Of all of the members of the Small Council he is likely most open to this approach as his (stated) motives are noble though his methods much less so.

Explaining to him the upcoming invasion by White Walkers, the coming of magic if Dragons are hatched and where he lies in all this might be able to get him on board. He could just as easily arrange my death, but I have some faith in his honor and his commitment to the realm, though many do not.
Having Vaerys as an ally should be possible. The main problem lies in convincing him that I am what is best for the realm and sowing chaos as he is prone to do will not be helpful in the end.
I think this is a sound plan, but we don't really know enough about what's really going on in Varys' head to be sure what his real motives are or how likely he is to go along with it. And if he doesn't go along with it he could nod his head, say he agrees and then go on to cause a great deal of trouble.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by madd0ct0r »

Ralin wrote: And if he doesn't go along with it he could nod his head, say he agrees and then go on to cause a great deal of trouble.
Varys could cause trouble anyway. He does seem to be without personal ambition however, unlike the rest of the sorry bunch.

I think Tywin would be satisfied as long as one of his grandkids is on the throne, I don't think he's especially attached to joffers.

Jon Snow was already preparing to go North to follow his beloved uncle, so I think that will happen anyway.
(in a way it's a pity, as he'd be a useful idiot (stark honour and all that) to run the goldcloaks or something similar. Maybe ask Rob to come down to Kings Landing for political training?

Tyrion's brain is too valuable to waste, but I don't know if he'd make a better master of the coin or master of the grain.

Littlefinger is the most dangerous I think, as he'd actively want to 'improve' the status quo. Nor can he be easily sidelined - maybe just buy him off with the Vale?
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

A pretty easy way to deal with the incest/Cersei issue is to convene your small council+trusted advisors+brothers+Tywin and inform them that
"Just before his death, John Arrin told me a dreadful and disturbing tale of incest in my wife. He said he had proof beyond the appearance of the children and bastards, the eyewitness testimony of a maid who witnessed my wife fucking her brother! "
That should help keep Cersei from "legitamizing" herself, while not needing to provide too much evidence.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by madd0ct0r »

and shortly after, dead maids turn up in every storage room for the next week.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

madd0ct0r wrote:and shortly after, dead maids turn up in every storage room for the next week.
Even better :D.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Rogue 9 »

Chirios wrote:^Not really. Just don't kill them. Jon needs to live, Dany needs to live. We know that Dany isn't heading West any time soon, so what she does doesn't really matter. At the bare minimum we'll need her dragons to kill the Zombie Ice Demons, so she needs to live long enough for them to hatch.
But Jon doesn't live.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by madd0ct0r »

i really wish i hadn't clicked that spoiler.

I thnk wth the return of the time of magic, the dragons would be born no matter what happens - didn't Daenearys say 'a voice on the wind' told her to put them in the fire? She was experimenting with the brazier long before anything happened to drogo.

so dragons and wizards will be appearing shortly - Actually, new magic users could have huge disruptions to power hierarchies - look at Quarth once the warlocks got their powers back or even Stannis being driven by the red priestess...

If my fat fornicating buttocks survive the first couple of years (which they might, if i'm careful) simply clamping down on upsurpng sorcerers might well keep everyone busy...
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Chirios »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Chirios wrote:^Not really. Just don't kill them. Jon needs to live, Dany needs to live. We know that Dany isn't heading West any time soon, so what she does doesn't really matter. At the bare minimum we'll need her dragons to kill the Zombie Ice Demons, so she needs to live long enough for them to hatch.
But Jon doesn't live.
Blatantly obvious plot twist is blatantly obvious. Either Jon or Dany is Azor Ahai, most likely Jon.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Raw Shark »

Chirios wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Spoiler
But Jon doesn't live.
Blatantly obvious plot twist is blatantly obvious. Either Jon or Dany is Azor Ahai, most likely Jon.
Yeah, the Melisandre POV chapter pretty much just comes right out and says it when she's all, "R'hllor dammit, I keep asking the fire to show me a status report on Azor Ahai, but it just keeps giving me Jon Snow instead of Stannis! WTF!?"

I'm pretty sure we get at least part of the answer regarding what happens to Jon next from Varamyr in the prologue.

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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by D.Turtle »

Take your discussion about what might or might not happen in the books elsewhere.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by madd0ct0r »

i'm considering it a test to build up my will power.

has anyone done an infogrpahic yet showing connections between characters in game of thrones?
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Spoonist »

Sure there are but they are usually from one family perspective at a time. Otherwise it'd be a connection diagram like the internet nodes thingies.

Example -*Don't click if you don't like spoilers: ... amily_Tree
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by madd0ct0r »

what kind of spoilers might happen to me if i click? Stuff that's already come out in the TV series I'm fine with.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

madd0ct0r wrote:what kind of spoilers might happen to me if i click? Stuff that's already come out in the TV series I'm fine with.
Book stuff that won't be on TV for a year or two.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by madd0ct0r »

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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Eleas »

Anyone who thinks to handle Littlefinger is a fool. Comparing him to Vary misses the point of who Littlefinger is. Vary has convictions, but Littlefinger will fuck you over with all the pent-up malice of a bullied schoolchild, and he'll begin setting up for your fall even while you're showering him with gifts.
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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by fgalkin »

Spoonist wrote:@maddoctor
Sure there are but they are usually from one family perspective at a time. Otherwise it'd be a connection diagram like the internet nodes thingies.

Example -*Don't click if you don't like spoilers: ... amily_Tree
Uh, that's just a family tree. From what I understand, maddoctor wants something else entirely?

If it's just a family tree he wants, there's a non-spoilery one from the show wiki:

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Re: You are Robert Baratheon, first of your name

Post by Raw Shark »

madd0ct0r wrote:has anyone done an infogrpahic yet showing connections between characters in game of thrones?
Here's the relationship chart HBO did. No spoilers for after Season 1, as far as I can tell at a glance.

It's accurate as far as the audience currently knows, and also kind of amusing - I especially like the quotes around the star between Loras and Renly, and Tyrion's stool.

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