Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

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Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by tremors »

Hey this is darthy. I am actually that same Marsh8472 user that was here last year, just as EnterpriseSovereign suspected. I became quite infamous around here for the agressive arguing and even gotten some dialogue from Darth Wong and that Ghost Rider felllow.


I just wanted to get a few things off my chest quick. Besides being Marsh8472 and darthy, I also had the username darth_benson which was an account I used to agree with my points posted as Marsh8472.

Supposedly I was banned the first time because of this:
Also, your vid has been reported to photobucket for containing copyrighted material owned by paramount in violation of their Terms of Service.
That's okay, I reported all your pictures at for random reasons and your myspace crankygeologist account for pedophilia too. Maybe you'll learn something about being a reporting little bitch when the staff on those sites are done with you. Damn you're fat on top of dumb. Although I doubt it would be safe for you to be on top of anything.

User CaptainChewbacca became frustrated with me and basically tried to get my youtube and photobucket account suspended because of it. I knew where his myspace and photobucket were but I was not able to think of anything good to report him for. I then told the board that I reported his stuff for pedophilia and other random reasons. But this was not actually true. I knew that if I had done this for real that nothing would have been done to his accounts anyway. So I figured if I just said that I did it then it would have the same psychological effect as actually doing it.

Back in the "Fully Built Borg Assimilated Death Star II vs Star Wars" thread, Darth Tedious made this post to me:
The Starfleet Technical manual refers to the effects of phasers on high settings as 'disintegration', and the TNG Technical Manual describes it as 'disruption'.
i replied with this post
The Technical manual isn't a valid resource anymore than you would consider the star trek encyclopedia valid which does say they vaporize.
then he said
Technical Manuals. Two sources say it doesn't vapourise. One says it does.

The truth is that I don't have access to the Star Trek Encyclopedia. I was bluffing with that statement. Although I'm sure it does say phasers vaporize (as it did in tech manuals when I checked). Fortunately he didn't bother to look and just took my word for it. :) However, I did order the 3rd edition of the star trek encyclopedia a few days ago.

It looks like I was banned this time for "trolling and idiocy". I looked over your rules and am pretty sure I did not violate them besides lying, ban evasion and all that other crap you didn't know about from my Marsh8472 account.

I think new users should be made aware of the unwritten rules around here if you don't want to be banned:

1) If you're in favor of star trek over star wars, don't argue aggressively to no end and don't argue against every single point. You'll either come across as knowing too much or smug.

2) If you're in favor of star trek over star wars, pretend to be dumb here and there by making points that you know are wrong and easy to debunk. The idea is that hopefully the other side will point the mistakes out to you then make sure to concede quickly to those points so they feel good about themselves. Example: say something like Intrepid class starships are a lot bigger than Galaxy class starships. Hopefully they see you're wrong and prove it to you. It's important to concede SOMETHING for their sake.

3) If you're in favor of star trek over star wars and you see people dogpiling you, don't expect a mod to come to your rescue since odds are they'll probably join in on the dogpiling before long. Instead either stop talking or concede whatever it is they're expecting you to concede then move onto something else.

4) If people become very frustrated with you to the point where you're about to be banned, start making digs against star trek to make them feel better. Example: "star trek phasers suck! They wouldn't even scratch the paint off of a star destroyer even if its shields were down!"

5) This forum likes the harmony of thinking that star wars is better than star trek. It's okay to create a few ripples to disrupt that harmony but not tsunamis. Argue against them with caution if you don't want to be banned.

Overall, I'm happy with how things turned out my second time here. I knew they'd find a reason to ban me again. It lasted longer than I thought though. My first time here I only managed around 150 posts before being banned and this time I broke that record and got up to 185 posts. I also broke my old record of longest thread before being locked of 10 pages. This time around, I got a thread to at least 15 pages and it hasn't been locked yet.

When I come back next time I'll try to follow your written and unwritten rules more and make sure to hide my identity again.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Ok one, you won't be banned for your views, your are going to banned for having a sock puppet... Which is most deeply not an "un-written rule"

Second off, this isn't a Star Wars circle jerk. We have many true Trek fans here, shot I'm a trek fan. it is simply most of know our own limitations. You go out of your way to argue for something which for years has basically been proven false, IE that Wars and Trek are on equal footing. They arn't, end of discussion. It may not be the answere you want, but it is the case.

Third, your list of "un-wirtten rules" shows just how little you understand this bored. This place is not about opinions, it is about facts. Now matter how unpopular your view is, if you can logically prove it, it will be accepted. You can be angery, rude, crude, yell, and everything else. but if you can factually support your arguments, then you are a welcome member.

Again that you believe there is this hidden conspiracy of "Don't make waves aginst Star Wars!" shows you have never grasped this notion. If you want to be a valued member, debate us one something else. Poltics, Religion, science... But Trek vs Wars? its old, dead, leave it in the past and move on.

thank you.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

Relevant sections in bold, from Imperial Wiki:
Believed to be the fusion of the words 'Trekkie' and 'Retard', the word 'Trektard' has in the versus community become synonymous with any Star Trek fan that enters the vs debate on the side of Star Trek and believes that the Federation could defeat the Empire in any conflict.

Such individuals usually come out with arguments long-refuted, including but not limited to:

"lasers cannot penetrate the navigational deflector of a Federation Starship"
"point five past lightspeed = 1.5c"
"wide beam phasers can take out dozens of Jedi/Stormtroopers"
"the EU is not canon"

They also demonstrate a complete lack of debating skills; their arguments are crushed by seasoned debaters with relative ease. Many are relatively new to the vs debate and are unfamiliar with analyses of visual footage demonstrating SW superiority. They can also be informally regarded as "chew toys", their arguments treated as "cannon fodder" by more experienced debaters.

Such individuals may genuinely be unintelligent or simply misguided, and they may not survive their first forays into the debate, depending where they started out. If they are the latter then they may re-evaluate their position based on the available evidence and conclude that the Federation has no hope against the Empire. If they are the former then they tend to continue to insist the Federation can win and continually ignore the evidence repeatedly presented to them and are inevitably laughed at by the rest of the vs community.

The origins of the word are unknown, but the earliest known instance is Mar 5 2001, from Rob Dalton:

"And it seems to me that you're hooked on this whole "evil warsie conspiracy" disease that's rampant among you and your trektard friends."
I suppose you'll pop up again same time next year? :lol:
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Dalton »

Boo hoo hoo.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Darth Tedious »

Marsh8472/darthy/darth_benson/tremors wrote: :cry: :cry: :cry: WAAH-WAAH-fucking-WAAH! It's all a big Warsie conspiracy! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Wrong, buddy. Remember Defending the Federation? Everyone had agreed that the Federation could win against the Empire in that situation. But you were too busy wanking on completely unrealistic and downright idiotic ideas to consider the obvious.

You have repeatedly proven yourself to be a fuckwit of the highest order, from complete ignorance of logistics, to quoting pages upon pages of dialogue that has nothing to do with your supposed 'point', to asserting that the laws of physics might change in your favour, and even admitting that you had plagarised one of your arguments.

The fact that you take pride in your post count and how long your threads are left unlocked indeed confirms that you are engaging in little more than an exercise in trolling.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Dalton »

PS: Banned
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

What I want to know is what did he EXPECT was going to happen?

He has admitted that has been to this bored several times over the past few years, each time he engaged the bored in rather mindless Trek vs Wars debates.
his "confession" is rather baffling to me as I am sure he KNEW he would be banned the moment he admitted he was yet another sock puppet. Yet he came forward, no one found him out, he wasn't on the way to being banned, he had made a lot of folks upset, but he was NOT on his way to being banned. So what happened here?

Did he just "get bored" ? I mean is that what happens with this guy? He crows about "lasting longer then last time" but lasting longer how? Did his attention span shift and he just deiced "well, thats enough this time, i'm bored" and post his confession? AND if that was the case WHY go out like this? He could simply stop posting and maybe come back in another year?

Of course in writing this I answer my own questions. People like him are most assuredly in the same mind as other similar groups...
The Rampant Fundi, the conspiracy nut, the right wing wacko...

All of these groups have from time to time come to SD.Net as if wishing to prove themselves by some trial by fire. In the back of their minds they KNOW they will not change minds, they KNOW they can not seriously debate here, they KNOW that, by their own behavior they will either be ignored or Banned in the end. It is as if it is some sort of badge of honor:

"I went to the infamous SD.Net, stood toe to toe against the (godless atheists, raving Liberals, mindless Warsies, fill in the blank) battled them on their own ground and proved how terrible they were by being cast out and banned!!!"

Which is the final sad aspect of this... Darth/Marshi/whatever... He wasn't banned... In his final gesture, he yet again proved his own argument false.. All of his bitching, all of his bad arguments, all of his rampant trek masturbating, and it DOEN"T get you banned.

Not following the rules does.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:But Trek vs Wars? its old, dead, leave it in the past and move on.
The Star Trek vs. Star Wars forum has been very active recently.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Stofsk »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Which is the final sad aspect of this... Darth/Marshi/whatever... He wasn't banned... In his final gesture, he yet again proved his own argument false.. All of his bitching, all of his bad arguments, all of his rampant trek masturbating, and it DOEN"T get you banned.

Not following the rules does.
What the fuck are you talking about? Being pro-trek won't get you banned, being a dishonest fuckwit will. What's the problem?

The only thing 'sad' about this is successful troll is successful, especially considering how big a dogpile all his threads were. I would also suggest that obvious troll was obvious, too. I knew he was full of shit the second he said Data had been assimilated by the borg in 'Descent'.

Having said that, those threads at least generated some interesting discussion.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

What the fuck are you talking about? Being pro-trek won't get you banned, being a dishonest fuckwit will. What's the problem?
Exactly my point Stofsk. His final act made it seem as if he was "going" to be banned because of his views... lots of "don't rock the boat" and "This forum likes the harmony of thinking that star wars is better than star trek.
My point was he made it seem as if he WANTED to be banned for his views, which of course he wasn't. He was banned for being a dishonest fuckwit.
love the term by the way :)
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Azron_Stoma »

Stofsk wrote:Having said that, those threads at least generated some interesting discussion.
Which was the main reason I debated with him, to see exactly what zany scheme he would come up with next and how likely it was to not only NOT work, but actually make things worse for trek.

He didn't disapoint :lol:
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

Funny thing was, when I voiced my suspicions on being the same guy, this is what he said:
darthy wrote:
EnterpriseSovereign wrote:It wouldn't surprise me at all if Darthy was Marsh8472 under a new name, his referencing that so-called debunking makes me wonder :)
never heard of him.
He didn't stop to consider that by linking to an article that cannot be found on search engines, he might give the game away as to how he was able to find it :lol:
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Azron_Stoma »

I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt at first, even though I knew his "tactics" well before he joined this board, It's not too surprising that Marsh would have linked to it on other forums that he would troll and someone else would buy into it. Especially if they are willing to so much as even Humour Picard's site.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Vympel »

Just a formality, obviously darthy's tempban has been made permanent.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Darth Tedious »

I'm surprised this hasn't found it's way to Parting Shots yet.

There were other clues that darthy was Marsh8472. The most apparent of which was their common failure to capitalise the first word of every paragraph. There was another hint here, when the subject of logistics came up:
darthy wrote:
Actually it's a word that's been around for a long time, because unlike you, people around here actually know what it means.
oh course they do, but the newb's have been throwing it around in the threads a lot lately though.
Giving an indication that he was most certainly not new here (though this could have been misinterpreted as merely being pretentious).

For the most part, he seemed to actually believe the crap he was spouting, or was at least putting on a decent show of pretending that he did.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Formless »

As long as we're playing the "here's why I'm not surprised by this revelation" game, marshy pulled the exact same "you're to stupid to be worth responding to [because I say so]" crap with me last time and in a technobabble-of-the-week thread no less. Not that it matters; he's gone all the same, and I'm sure next time he tries sockpuppetry (assuming his IP hasn't been blocked) I'm sure someone will spot his telltale quirks all over again.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Azron_Stoma »

Formless wrote:As long as we're playing the "here's why I'm not surprised by this revelation" game, marshy pulled the exact same "you're to stupid to be worth responding to [because I say so]" crap with me last time and in a technobabble-of-the-week thread no less. Not that it matters; he's gone all the same, and I'm sure next time he tries sockpuppetry (assuming his IP hasn't been blocked) I'm sure someone will spot his telltale quirks all over again.
problem is the circular logic, pretentious "I'm-smarter-than-you-because-I-think-Trek-would-win" quirk isn't exactly unique to marsh/darthy
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Darth Tedious »

Azron_Stoma wrote:
Formless wrote:As long as we're playing the "here's why I'm not surprised by this revelation" game, marshy pulled the exact same "you're to stupid to be worth responding to [because I say so]" crap with me last time and in a technobabble-of-the-week thread no less. Not that it matters; he's gone all the same, and I'm sure next time he tries sockpuppetry (assuming his IP hasn't been blocked) I'm sure someone will spot his telltale quirks all over again.
problem is the circular logic, pretentious "I'm-smarter-than-you-because-I-think-Trek-would-win" quirk isn't exactly unique to marsh/darthy
True, but there are distinguishing features. If you compare Marsh8472/darthy's writing style to picard's, you can spot the differences, even though their style of arguing is almost identical. They both have a complete disregard for canon, cherry-picking what they like and ignoring what they don't, and they both invent details as needed. They both share the same smug arrogance. They also both love they "phase-cloak = instawin!!1!!11" idea. The bad capitalisation on Marsh/darthy's part is the main giveaway there.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I remember him (heck, I'm made famous in a screenshot). I reported him not because I was frustrated (I wasn't debating him) but because he was a dick with copyrighted DS9 footage on his photobucket. I don't know what 'psychological effect' he was going for by reporting me, because my main reaction was "How have I received no warning after he claimed to give me 60 pedophilia warnings?" At any rate, I closed my myspace account in December and I can't remember the last time I put something on photobucket.

So... Mission UnAccomplished.


I looked over your rules and am pretty sure I did not violate them besides lying, ban evasion and all that other crap you didn't know about from my Marsh8472 account.
So aside from lying, being evasive, and miscellaneous crap he didn't break any rules. I wonder why we didn't keep this paragon of virtue around.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Metahive »

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say to find out that darthy/marshtomp/swampertremors was a troll. His upright and impeccably honest conduct for sure fooled me :lol: .
darthy/marsh8472/tremors wrote:When I come back next time I'll try to follow your written and unwritten rules more and make sure to hide my identity again.
O no, someone's threatening to hide his identy on the web, watchugonnado! Watchugonnado when da sock puppitz come for you!
User CaptainChewbacca became frustrated with me and basically tried to get my youtube and photobucket account suspended because of it. I knew where his myspace and photobucket were but I was not able to think of anything good to report him for. I then told the board that I reported his stuff for pedophilia and other random reasons. But this was not actually true. I knew that if I had done this for real that nothing would have been done to his accounts anyway. So I figured if I just said that I did it then it would have the same psychological effect as actually doing it.
The psychological effect of making everyone think of you as a major jackass? Hey, but nice to know that you think that trumped up charges of pedophilia are an appropriate way to retaliate against people reporting you for wrongdoing you actually comitted.

Are you sure your RL name isn't Christian Weston Chandler?
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Sela »

I'm not gonna lie, this thread was actually quite an entertaining read. I'm sort of disappointed in the SDN community response, though.

I say it was entertaining, because I enjoy this sort of humor I guess. There's something funny about seeing someone who's worldview is so radically different than yours proudly proclaiming it. Like a serial killer bragging about how many people he's killed. Or a girl who feels the need to tell you just how much she bleeds during her period as though it were a real achievment.
I mean, how many people can you honestly say really get off on pretending to be three people, trying to troll a board, evading a ban, and consider lying, being dishonest, and falsely-reporting pedophilia to be moral? How many people truly think of having a multi-page thread or a high post-count as some sort of bizzare achivement? Especially when you consider how little anybody here actually cares about an evasive chicken-shit trying to sneak back in the door.

My disappointment, then, is that there's 19 replies. Also all of this, "I knew it was him all along" grandstanding or - "he's *sooo* obvious" BS. Yes he's a moron, yes he's an evasive chicken-shit and a troll. But with the exception of that single quote where the connection was pointed out before - the SDN community *isn't* a sockpuppet-hunting community. It's not the goal or purpose; nor is it something that we should, quite frankly, be all that upset about having been unusuccessful at. I kinda-sorta wish the reaction had been a collective "so what" instead. . . disappointing to see such a defensive reaction.

And that's my 2cents.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Formless »

All I said was that I wasn't surprised, not that I knew it all along. That's hardly grandstanding-- in fact, when I first saw this thread all I did was click "report post". The troll was gone by the third post in the thread, the rest is Parting Shots. Ignoring trolls is not nearly as effective as making an example out of them. If there is anything to be disappointed about its that a ban thread for an entirely different poster has come and gone due to the punishment being rescinded by the staff while this one has sat here for ~ a week without being moved somewhere more fitting.
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Formless »

Ghetto edit: erk, should have checked Parting Shots before posting. :banghead:
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Re: Confessions from darthy/Marsh8472

Post by Lagmonster »

The problem has been dealt with. It's sad that people are so obsessed with going places that they aren't welcome. It'd be like if you were a house guest, and the owner told you to leave, but you kept sneaking in through the basement windows wearing a false mustache. The disguise only works if nobody's looking, and the whole thing is pathetic, creepy, and rather needy.
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