The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) last chapter up

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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Crayz9000 »

Well, that could be true; except that we never saw how far the Executor actually went into the DS2 before it went kablooie. At some point the shields would have failed from the continuous abuse, we just don't know when that would have been. Mind you, the DS2 is mostly open space once you get past the outer armor belts (which we saw Executor punching through).

At any rate, we've sort of hijacked the topic. When's the next installment coming out, or have we put the author into a catatonic state with the shield projector discussions yet?
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Sorry this took so long to get back to. Hopefully next chapter will be quicker.

Chapter 4: The First Day

Coruscant, Galactic Republic

No one on Coruscant had ever heard the expression, running like chickens with their heads cut off. If they had though, they would have thought it was an apt description of the state of the planet. The Senate had not yet reconvened, but Senators were constantly on the holonet and in face to face meetings in their secure locations trying to figure out what was going on, what to do, and, of course, grandstanding. The media, for its part, was reporting wild rumor after wild rumor even after Palpatine asked them to stop. Ships from both galaxies were flowing into the system, trying to make contact with this galactic center. In the case of Republic ships, this was still against government orders, but no one could really stop them.

Only Chancellor Palpatine, the Jedi, and military command seemed to be remaining fairly calm. Palpatine was meeting with Jedi and military leaders to discuss security at the moment.

“Chancellor,” said Admiral Greece, “If we ignore distress calls in this time of need from members worlds, we are risking the very foundation of the Republic.”

General Yow, the head of security in the Coruscant area interrupted. “The Corta have a military base with more than 1,000 ships less than 2 lightyears away. There appears to be dozens of other species with their own fleets spread throughout the center of the galaxy. I cannot guarantee the protection of Coruscant, let alone the rest of the core if you are throwing ships around the galaxy. I not sure I can even guarantee it if you don't.”

Admiral Greece spoke again, “The shields will protect Coruscant if need be and we can send back the fleet, but these planets are in desperate need now!”

“The shields were never meant to be anything but a final defense,” said Yow. “Further we don't understand the technology of these species. They may well have a way around the shields that we don't know about.”

Chancellor Palpatine put up his hand. “It is clear that there are quite valid concerns with positioning the fleet in the core versus the mid-regions. I do agree with General Yow that we have to strengthen our position in the core before we can afford to send out large number of ships outside the region.”

“But Chancellor...” stared Greece.

“But,” said Palpatine, “we cannot ignore the distress calls either. Master Windu what do you think of the idea of setting up temporary defensive alliances with the Corta and a few other select species whose space coincides with vital worlds?”

The Jedi had been silent for most of the conversation, believing it best to let the general and admiral get their frustrations out of the way, but now spoke up. “It does have the advantage of turning a potential threat into an ally. We would need to make sure it was purely defensive. I suggest letting the Jedi do the negotiations.”

“Agreed,” said Palpatine. “Master Windu, timing is of the essence. As soon as we are done here General Yow will transmit the coordinates, please hurry.”

Windu nodded. “Is hyperspace safe?”

“We are updating the core region to computers now. You should be fine.” Palpatine turned back to the military leaders. “After we have secured alliances where are the areas most in need of reinforcements?”

Greece brought up a galactic map. “We are still trying to fill in many parts of the galaxy.”

Palpatine nodded, “Contact the homeworlds of all Senate representatives and put them in charge of mapping their regions, both astronomical and political, and report back.”

“Yes sir,” said Greece. He highlighted a specific region of the galaxy about midway out. “This is the area of most concern. We've had hundreds of ships attacked here and the attacks haven't stopped. Additionally, we've received distress calls from 8 planets saying they are being invaded. We've completely lost contact with all of them.”

“Are they being attacked by the same government?” asked Windu.

“Yes,” said Yen. “The species calls itself the Borg. I've tasked a few ships in the region to get more information from other locals, but I don't yet even know where their space begins and ends.”

Palpatine nodded. “Master Windu, we will try for diplomatic solution to these many concerns, but I'm afraid the military is going to be needed many places. Can I count on the Jedi to lead our forces?”

“Of course Chancellor.”


The space between stars is vast and empty. Given stars relative size, few other things in the universe can compare to the distance between them. In the vast space between several stars, the starship Hazardous Relief sat. It was a large cargo ship, carrying some of the most advanced medical equipment in the galaxy. That equipment should have already been delivered. Due to the effects of the Merging though, the ship sat in the dead of space with its captain unwilling to reactivate the hyperdrive.

“Captain, a ship is coming towards us fast. It's using one of those weird faster than light drives.”

The captain gulped. He wasn't a diplomat and not a fighter either. “Don't raise shields yet. I don't want a fight if I can help it, not with no way to get out.”

“The ship has slowed to sub-light speed and appears to be attempting to communicate.”

The captain, extremely nervous and showing it, nodded. “Put them through.”

A type of alien the captain had never seen before appeared. The alien spoke, “This is Daimon Letek representing the Ferengi Alliance. With whom am I speaking with?”

“I am Captain Roberts. I've never heard of the Ferengi Alliance before.”

The Ferengi nodded. “Understandable given the shape of the galaxy.”

“I suppose so,” said Roberts.

“Captain,” said Letek, “We couldn't help but notice you appear to be stuck out here. The Ferengi Alliance has been working since this event took place to get accurate star charts, at least for this region, and we would like to offer them to you.”

Roberts let go of the breath he had been holding. If he could get to any Republic planet, he'd feel a lot safer. “That would be most kind of you.”

“You'll find the Ferengi are a most kind race. Why don't we beam over with our information?”


“Transporters Captain. We send our representative directly to your ship without a shuttle.”

“I see,” said Roberts, not fully understanding.

“Actually,” said Letek, “a cargo vessel such as your own would likely gain a lot from transporters. We have a working portal transporter we'll bring over. We couldn't part with such an advanced device easily, but perhaps we could trade it for something.”

Roberts nodded. As two Ferengi appeared on his ship a minute later, greed finally replaced fear as his dominant emotion.


Across the galaxy, many people were frightened, upset, or angry with the new realities. Many others were excited for the possibilities. Few however had as much to gain as the crew of the USS Voyager. Voyager had been stuck in the Delta Quadrant, clear across the galaxy from their home, with no quick way to return. While the presence of a “galactic republic” was in some ways frightening, it was an encouraging sign for their personal fortunes.

Voyager itself was a wreck. The ship had been traveling at warp when the event had occurred. Unfortunately, they passed very near a star which had not appeared on their charts and the ship was lucky to survive in one piece. The odds of such an event occurring where extremely small, but Voyager seemed to have a knack for getting in trouble.

Janeway sat down in her chair in her ready room and rubbed her head. She was out of coffee and the replicators still weren't back online. She picked up a pad to look over the latest report when her door chimed.


Seven of Nine entered the room.

January motioned to the chair. “Hello Seven. Come and sit down.”

“I am comfortable standing.”

Janeway nodded. Seven had only been with the crew briefly and Janeway hoped she'd stay around for a bit when they made it back to the Federation. Helping Seven reconnect with her humanity wasn't going to be an easy task and continuity would help a lot. “What can I help you with?”

“I have the latest report from science on travel through the new galaxy and Commander Torres wanted me to report that warp will be back online within 2 hours.”

Janeway nodded. “Anything else?”

Seven gulped. “When we return to Starfleet, I have an assessment on the Borg which might prove important.”

“The Borg?” said Janeway confused.

“Yes Captain,” Seven continued, “I believe this event may cause them to recalculate primary protocols which could result in an increased rate of expansion.”

“Were the Borg not expanding at their maximum ability?” asked Janeway shocked.

“No captain. The collective felt that it was a waste of resources to send ships throughout the galaxy. It was assumed that the galaxy would eventually be completely assimilated, but in the meantime, it made little sense to waste ships and resources on over expansion. The Collective would only attack neighboring planets and then strike with overwhelming force. The fleet would remain at the planet until it was fully integrated into the collective. Only then would they move on.”

Janeway shook her head. “That doesn't make sense. They attacked Earth. They assimilated you even before that.”

“A small handful of cubes have been sent out primarily to scout the galaxy. It is necessary for them to take some planets' resources to maintain the cubes. Assimilation of ships and individuals is required as part of the mission. As for the collective's interest in Earth, that's a separate issue.”

“How so?”

“When the collective first encountered the Enterprise, they witnessed a ship appearing and disappearing in a previously unheard of manner. This technology was deemed vital to the collective. Since they found nothing in the Enterprise's computers about it, they went looking for the ship's captain.”

Janeway said, “Picard.”

“Yes,” said Seven. “When they assimilated Picard they learned that it was the Q that were so interested in humanity. This increased Earth on their priority list to the point it was justifiable to send another cube.”

“Another?” asked Janeway worried.

“It failed. No further cubes were planned to my knowledge after that.”

“Why do you feel the Borg will change their...'protocols'?” said Janeway.

“I can only speculate,” said Seven.

“Then speculate,” said Janeway.

“Several things will have changed the Borg's calculations. For one, there is now a galactic power which could potentially be a threat. For another, hyperdrive makes it possible for attacks within their space. Finally, there are thousands of worlds within their space that are not assimilated. My expectation would be that the collective will only marginally change their protocols and will begin attacking planets within current Borg space at a more rapid rate, but a number of different outcomes are possible.”


Deep Space 9, Bajoran Space

“To the Emissary!” shouted a Bajoran in Quarks as Sisko walked by. “For ending the war!”

The cheers inside the bar were overwhelming. News had just spread that the war was over, at least temporarily. The Dominion had signed a cease-fire with both the Federation and Klingons. While it wasn't a permanent end to the war, rumors were spreading fast that the Founders were withdrawing to the Gamma Quadrant because of recent events. Sisko doubted the Dominion would go that far, but he didn't see the war resuming anytime soon either.

Sisko, for his part, was lost in thought as he walked around the Promenade. As he walked, Bajorans, humans, Ferengi, Klingons, and others kept coming up to him and congratulating him. Sisko was honored and he shared in their joy. The enormity of what had happened weighed heavily on him as well though. The Prophets had completely altered two galaxies after talking to him. He wouldn't take back what he had said to them; it had saved the Federation and for that, he would risk whatever came next, but that didn't mean he didn't feel a burden because of what had happened.

Sisko walked into the temple, not even realizing he was doing it until he was there.

“Emissary,” said the Bajoran at the door. “Have you come to give thanks to the Prophets for delivering us from the Dominion?”

Sisko nodded slowly. He gazed at the orb in the room, one of the nine the Prophets had sent to the Bajorans over the centuries. He knelt beside it. He left his plain of existence again. He was in Ops.

Odo: Is the Sisko ready?

Kira: He is not.

“Ready for what?”

Dax: To accept his role as the Emissary.

Martok: To bring the balance which is lacking.

Nog: To fulfill his destiny.


Kira: You must fully become the Emissary.

Dax: Not a Starfleet captain.

Jake: Not a farther.

Martok: You must agree to join us.

“You are asking me to give up everything and I don’t even understand what for.”

Odo: For your universe.

Sisko shook his head. He had no idea what he was really being asked and he wasn’t going to be saying yes without some knowledge. “No. If you want…”

Ben felt himself returning to his world. He looked around. What had the Prophets gotten him into?


Geonosis, Confederacy of Independents States (disputed claim)

Padme looked to Anakin. “What do you think is going on?”

Anakin shook his head. “They’re nervous. Everyone’s nervous.”

“Is the Republic coming?”

“I don’t know. They’re really confused.”

“So am I?” said Padme. She yawned. She’d been up for too long. Now that death was being pushed back at least a little, she was going to have to sleep. She laid her head down against Anakin. That felt so good, so natural.

Anakin looked at her and made solemn pledge that no matter what was happening, he’d find a way to protect her.


Not far from Anakin and Padme, the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent State were having a meeting.

“That’s 4 worlds we’ve seen attacked by those ‘Borg’,” said the leader of the Commerce Guild.

“But they are Republic worlds,” said Viceroy Gunray. “They aren’t attacking us.”

Another Separatist spoke up. “They know nothing of the Republic. That hasn’t stopped them from attacking it. We have to assume their intentions are hostile. Count Dooku, what do you sense?”

“If they come here, they will be quite hostile. I suggest we both have our ships ready to fight and ready for evacuations. Most of our starships are too far away to count on if they come with overwhelming force.”

The Geonosis representative was outraged. “You can’t abandon us.”

“If we are attacked we will hold the world if we can. If we can’t though, it’s better for us to evacuate and be in a better position to retake it later.”
Last edited by Star Empire on 2012-01-29 12:58pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by knightowl »

Why do i see Mister Garek a simple Tailor showing up at Coruscant?
And Palpatine having a heart attack soon after?
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Deep Space 9 characters have admittedly had quite a bit of the spot light so far. This is partly because of how I choose to combine the galaxies (can't leave the Prophets at that) and partly because episode I is largely Sisko's story. The spotlight will be moving around more as the story progresses though.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by DKeith2011 »

WOOT!! Good to see this story going again.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by FaxModem1 »

I feel rather sorry for all those SW worlds that have now found themselves in Borg space.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Themightytom »

FaxModem1 wrote:I feel rather sorry for all those SW worlds that have now found themselves in Borg space.
I feel rather sorry for all those SW worlds that have now found themselves in Janeway's space. :lol:

"but captain when we landed the ship so you could have Ensign Kim collect those native coffee beans, we knocked over all the trees that supported these creature's village, the planet's much larger predators are trolling through the survivor's like a buffet!"

"best not to interfere with the natural order of things here mr. Chakotay, besides, I never liked teddy bears. Mr. Paris resume our course... for home."

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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Iroscato »

A fantastically fresh and original approach.
Much more imaginative than the usual `Star Trek/Star Wars ship/fleet finds itself in the wrong galaxy` chestnut. I look forward to reading more...
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Chapter 5: Bat out of Hell

New Padawan learner Jason Moore rushed through the hallways of Jedi Temple. Technically he was already late, but it wasn’t like it had been physically possible to make it to the education wing in the time he was given. As he reached the doors, he paused just a minute to catch his breath before walking inside.

“I see you are finally here Padawan Moore. Good. Padawan Scott Moore is already here.”

Surprised Jason said, “I’m working with Scott, I mean Padawan Scott Moore?”

The older Jedi, a member of the Jedi Service Corps nodded, seemingly not entirely agreeing with arrangement. “The droids will help you. Call for assistance only if you absolutely need it.”

The Jedi left and Jason looked around the room. There had to be around forty 4-year-old younglings. This wasn’t exactly what he had been picturing as his first assignment once he became a Padawan.

Across the room, Scott saw him and started to walk over, but was slowed down when one child stopped him. Scott, as was clearly obvious to anyone who saw the two, was Jason’s twin brother. Technically, Jason was never supposed to know that, but given they were the same age, looked the same, had the same last name, and both lived in the Jedi Temple, the secret was bound to only remain a secret for so long. While living with different clans, they had seen enough of each other often enough to figure everything out by the time they were 6.

The boys’ mentors had explained the dangers of attachment to Jedi and that they should regard each other no differently than anyone else. They had tried, but they thought so much alike that it had been difficult. Their mentors, for their part, usually helped out by not having the two at the same place at the same time. In the rush after the event though, duties had been quickly rearranged and somehow they had both been taken from their masters and reassigned here together.

Scott finally made his way up to Jason. “I’m giving them some free time while we figure out what we do next.”

Jason saw a youngling climbing on something he was pretty sure they weren’t supposed to climb on. He saw another child, a girl, sitting on a chair seemingly close to tears. He laughed. “Yeah, you’re in control here alright.”

Scott gave his brother a look. “They must really need Jedi bad if they are leaving us here with this many younglings.”

“We can handle it,” said Jason defensively.

“I know,” said Scott, with a bit of nervousness. “I just wonder how this is all going to turn out.”

“Focus on the here and now,” said Jason as he walked over to the crying girl. He ducked down to her level. “Hey what’s your name?”

She sobbed as she looked up. “Alexis. Alexis Moore.”

The twins gave each other a glance and decided they might want to look up this girl’s file.


“You called me, Major,” said Sisko as he walked off the Turbolift into Ops.

“Yes Captain,” said Kira. “We’re detecting some unusual power readings from the wormhole.”

“What kind of power readings?”

Dax injected. “Nothing that looks too significant, but we’ve never seen these types of fluctuations from it before.”

Sisko went to the console.

Kira spoke up again, “Admiral Paris is on the line for you as well.”

Sisko nodded as he turned away from the readings. “Keep me updated on the wormhole. I’ll take the Admiral’s message in my office.”

Sisko walked into his office and activated the screen. “Hello Admiral.”

“Hello Ben.”

“Do you want to hear my report again?” said Sisko trying to keep irritation out of his voice.

“I think we’ve heard it enough.”

“That’s good. Then what can I do for you?”

“We’ve contacted this “galactic republic” and told them your story. It’s not the first story they’ve heard, but they want you to head to their capital.”

“Isn’t that in the center of the galaxy?”

“Yes. We told them that two ships from their galaxy were docked at your station, and they said they’d contact the merchant ship, the… Evening Twilight. They’ll take you to Coruscant.”

“Is it safe?” asked Sisko. “I thought their drives weren’t safe given the condition of the galaxy.”

“We’ve traded our star carts for hyperdrive. I suspect others are doing the same. They won’t give the ship the go ahead until the routes are mapped out right.”

“The Federation is getting their hyperdrive?” said Sisko amazed at the speed of that development.

“Yes. The Enterprise has been recalled from Romulan space and will be the first to get it installed. A full diplomatic corp will be following you within a few days if we can get this off without a hitch. You’re first though Captain. Make sure you leave a good impression.”

“Understood sir.”

“Captain, one more thing. If they don’t believe you, don’t push the issue. Starfleet is very worried that someone is going to blame us for all this. The less word spreads the better.”

“I understand sir, but everyone on Bajor knows what happened.”

Paris nodded. “Just don’t push it any more than you have to.”


On board the Enterprise, Picard had just heard the news that his ship would be heading to this galactic capital. As weird as things had been for the last day, things were surprisingly so much better. The immediate danger to the Federation had passed. The war with the Dominion was over and now there were so many new possibilities for exploration and discovery.

“Set a course for Starbase 834 maximum warp.”

Data turned to him. “Captain there is a Romulan shuttle approaching. It has opened hailing frequencies.”

“On screen.”

Onboard the shuttle was a man Picard had not expected to see. It wasn’t a Romulan, it was a Vulcan. “Ambassador Spock. What brings you here?”

“Greetings captain. I learned that the Enterprise is preparing to head to Coruscant and request permission to accompany you.”

“I can’t think of anyone better suited to represent the Federation.”

“It is not the Federation that I wish to represent.”

“Ambassador?” said Picard confused.

“The Romulans have reason to believe that the Federation will be given, shall we say, extra attention by the Republic. The Praetor has asked me to represent the Star Empire as a sign of good faith to the people from Vulcan. I am of the opinion, that this could be a positive move to the reunification between our peoples.”

Picard didn’t like the answer. He didn’t understand Spock’s push towards reunification at all. All the same, it was a chance to make a positive impression with the Romulans and an opportunity which shouldn’t be missed.

“Very well Mr. Spock. Just make sure the Praetor knows this is a positive gesture from the Federation. You may dock with the Enterprise.”


The guard shoved Padme forward. If Anakin had not been extremely secured, that guard would have paid a lot for that shove. As it stood, all Anakin could do was protest the rough treatment.

“Where are we heading?” asked Padme.

“Count Dooku has order you forward.”

Anakin looked around. There seemed to be a major rush going on. Equipment was being packed up and people were heading away quickly. It was an evacuation he realized. The Separatists were leaving Geonosis. The first thought that came to his mind was that the Jedi were here, but Anakin knew that wasn’t right. The Republic was not the one causing this evacuation.

“Why are you leaving the planet?” said Padme to one of the guards. She had clearly caught the same signs Anakin had. With some hope in her voice, she said, “Has the Republic sent a force in?”

The guard ignored any more questions and pushed the couple apart from each other. They got on separate speeders and rushed out of the main compound. After a few minutes, Anakin could clearly see a ship being prepped for lift off and the two prisoners speeders stopped. Then he saw someone else.


His master turned and looked at the two with disbelief. “What are you two doing here? You’re supposed to be on Naboo.”

“Long story,” said Anakin.

“Do either of you have a clue what is going on here?” said Obi-Wan.

“Not a bit,” said Padme.

“I can fill you in a little,” said a man coming out of the ship. It was Dooku.

Anakin glared at the man. “What’s going Dooku?”

“This world is about to be under attack by an alien force of some kind. Given the size of the fleet, we felt it prudent to leave before they get here.”

“Where are we going?” said Obi-Wan.

“You?” said Dooku. He laughed. “You are going nowhere. I think these new invaders might like getting to know you.”

“What?!” said a voice just beside Dooku. Anakin saw it was Nute Gunray. “You can’t leave them here. They are too dangerous.”

“They won’t get away,” said Dooku. Dooku motioned and the trio’s guards fled onto the ship. Dooku then threw something by Obi-Wan. It was his lightsaber. “You might need that.”

Dooku hit a button and the hatch door shut. Two seconds later, the ship was off.

Obi-Wan fought through his restraints, trying to activate his lightsaber.

Padme looked up and said, “You might want to hurry.”

Anakin followed her gaze and saw cubical vessels overhead, attacking some of the last Separatists ships trying to flee.

Obi-Wan got his lightsaber activated and cut himself free. Then he helped Anakin and Padme before glancing up himself. “We have to hurry. We’ll take the speeders back, find a ship in the compound, and hope we can navigate around those things.”

“Look,” said Anakin. A shuttle, a Naboo shuttle, was flying through the air. The trio watched as it landed right next to them.

“This is the shuttle we came in,” said Padme.

The hatch opened and Anakin saw two droids. R2-D2 was attached to some of the controls, having flown the ship himself. C3PO was holding on to the side for dear life. "R2 that is the last time I fly with you. This craft was made for humans to fly, not droids." R2 beeped. Anakin smiled.

“I’m sorry Master Anakin,” said C3PO. “R2 insisted that there was no time to wait for you and used the shuttle himself. I think he may have scratched it up while lifting off.”

“That’s the least of our concerns now,” said Obi-Wan rushing in. He took a side seat. “You better pilot,” he said to Anakin.

Anakin rushed in and smiled just a bit. “That’s right. You don’t like flying.” He sat down and checked the controls. There had been some damage to the ship since he’d left. He wasn’t sure if it was from R2’s rocky liftoff or the Separatists, but it didn’t really matter. Hyperdrive was fine, but the shield generator was fried. “Perfect.”

A booming sound drew all their attention away. They covered their ears as a whole piece of earth beside them was being pulled up. Anakin looked and saw some green beams taking up the main compound and adjacent city. Anakin didn’t waste any more time. He activated the flight system and got the shuttle off the ground.

"I'm detecting over a hundred ships,” said Obi-wan. “Each one of them is cube-shaped, about 3 kilometers long. They have surrounded the planet.”

As the shuttle went up, Anakin could feel those on board the cubes with the Force. There was something terribly wrong with whatever was over there. Who was on those ships? It felt like thousands of individuals, but it also felt like only one being.

The Naboo ship quickly reached the upper atmosphere and the Borg tried to lock on to them. Anakin felt this and had to turn the ship into a tight turn to avoid the beam. A few seconds later, another cube tried the same thing. A little more out of the atmosphere made dodging a little easier this time.

Closer, Anakin could feel what was on those ships even better now. There were thousands of individuals, but none of them had free will. Something had taken it from all of them. The thought made Anakin sick. Another cube reached for the shuttle and it took an extremely tight turn to avoid it.

“Don’t focus on what’s inside the cubes,” said Obi-Wan.

Anakin agreed with the advice and kept his attention on the escape route.

Two cubes simultaneously tried to grab them next. The area Anakin could maneuver to and avoid both tractor beams was very narrow. He jerked the ship into that location as quickly as he could, and everyone was knocked to the floor as he did the move. Anakin steadied himself with the Force and activated a micro jump.

As the exited hyperspace, Obi-Wan signed. "Oh, I really hate flying."
Last edited by Star Empire on 2012-01-31 08:48pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Is there any particular Jedi someone wants to see have a role in Episode 1? I don't really know the expanded universe very well, but will look up characters. I really need a Jedi who is either very strong in the Force or with a lightsaber for a part. I'm thinking of using Mace Windu, but am a little hesitant on that.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by FaxModem1 »

I always liked Jocasta Nu.

Good chapter. That was nice of Dooku to give Obi Wan back his lightsaber.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Night_stalker »

If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Nu's a very interesting character. I plan on doing some things in the Jedi Temple and might use her. She won't work for the role I'm thinking though (won't happen on Coruscant).

Olee might fit in to. I'm going to try to get both of these in.

For this one particular part. I need a sitting Jedi rather than a padawan.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Night_stalker »

I would have to then recommend Iri Camas.
If Dr. Gatling was a nerd, then his most famous invention is the fucking Revenge of the Nerd, writ large...

"Lawful stupid is the paladin that charges into hell because he knows there's evil there."

"Although you may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, the Empire will always strike back."
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by knightowl »

I would recommend Nejaa Halcyon.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Note: This chapter does end with a part I previously had at the beginning of chapter 4 (slightly modified). I realized I was putting it too soon so moved it here. That part (on the history of the wormhole) is something you can actually skip going forward if you don't find it interesting. I really wanted a back story with it, but it's not necessary to know for this larger story.

Chapter 6: The Biggest City

“This whole area is beginning to make the rim feel like the heart of civilization,” said Padawan Nori to her master, Jedi Knight Vance.

Vance ignored the comment. They sliced through the wall and jumped into the bridge. A dozen Vidiians phasers were quickly targeted at them, but the Jedi had no problem deflecting the blasts back at the bridge personal. Finally Vance put his lightsaber against the head of the captain.

“What do you want?” said the captain, showing little fear.

“We want you to leave the Republic alone. You are not to attack any Republic ships. You are not to take any more organs. All of the organs you have already taken will be returned.”

“I have only control over my own ship. I cannot speak for anyone else.”

The Jedi sighed. “If your vessel attacks even one more Republic ship, it will be listed as a terrorist ship and you as its leader. As soon as a Republic fleet can be organized for this sector your ship will be destroyed and you tried in a Republic court.”

“Very well. I will instruct my crew to avoid any further attacks on Republic vessels.”

Nori spoke up now. “Send a message to your counterparts that the same warning applies to them. The Republic does not tolerate piracy, especially not when the targets are actual living being.”

Within an hour, the two Jedi were back on a ship. They had been in this part of the galaxy when the event had happened which left them with a lot to deal with now. “Do you think that will do anything to stop the rest of the Viideans?” asked Nori.

“If we can get some of the star systems to organize fleets to make good on our threat then yes. Until then, I suspect they’ll keep attacking the underpowered ships. Make a note in the log and send it to the Senator and the Council. Also recommend that we research a cure to their disease when things settle down a little. It will make life in these parts simpler.”


The biggest man-made achievements are inherently small when compared to the vastness of nature. The largest ships in the galaxy appeared colossal when most looked at them, but even the largest aren't as big as the biggest asteroids. Even the most developed planets still had more nature in them than man. If you got beyond the surface and underground facilities, what you had left was a vast interior that looked like the interior of any other similarly classed planet. Believing that the planet below him could have more in common with nature than man though was something Sisko had a hard time believing.

“That’s Coruscant?” said Dax.

“Mighty big world,” said the ship’s captain. “Can’t say I’ve actually ever been on it. Seems a bit crowded for my tastes.”

Sisko nodded. The trip to Coruscant had seemed remarkably quick. The crew had continually apologized for delays due to incomplete star charts though suggesting they were still going slow by hyperspace standards. Dax, O’Brien, Jake, Bashir, and Jake had accompanied him and they had passed their time as guests trying to learn about the different species of this crew. Dax had spent hours trying to get the universal translator to understand Wookie. Sisko had learned a new sport from one of the members of the crew and in turn had taught him a little about baseball. Thoughts of the trip, the Prophets, the Dominion, and his reason for being here all disappeared as Sisko stared at the planet though. He had never imagined a planet could be that crowded.


The Evening Twilight sent Sisko, Dax, O’Brien, Jake, and Bashir down in a shuttle. As they passed through the city, Sisko was enamored in the view. It was story after story of buildings. He would have assumed it couldn’t have covered the whole planet, but his view from space suggested otherwise. He did some quick math in his head and suspected this world’s population surpassed the entire Federation’s.

As the shuttle landed, 10 guards approached the trio. “Benjamin Sisko?”

“I’m Captain Sisko.”

“You are to accompany us to see Chancellor Palpatine.” That was a surprise to Sisko. He had expected to meet with some lower ranking officials first. He’d assumed he’d only see the chancellor himself if something came of the initial interview. “The rest of you are to follow Levent and meet with some of the other Milky Way species who have arrived here.”

Sisko followed the men. He went on an elevator that seemed to go up forever before finally getting off and going through a series of halls. At last the guards stood to the side and Sisko entered some long doors.

Chancellor Palpatine turned in his chair. He set down some kind of data sheet and walked to Sisko. “Good. Captain, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

“The honor is all mine,” said Sisko shaking his hand. “I must say I’m surprised I was taken straight here.”

“I understand Captain,” said Palpatine has he led Sisko towards his desk, “but we are desperate to understand what has happened. The Jedi felt your story was the most credible of the ones we have received.”

“The Jedi?”

“You’ll meet them later. Nevermind them for now though. Please, have a seat.”

Sisko sat. “What do you want to know?”

“Let’s start with what exactly happened.”

Sisko told Palpatine everything he knew about the Prophets and then went into the Dominion War and his conversation with the Prophets.

“It seems,” said Palpatine, “that these Prophets have decided you play some key role. I don’t know what is to come, but I hope the Republic can stay on friendly terms with your Federation.”

“The feeling in mutual. Is there anything we can provide you with?”

“Probably not much more than you already have. You aren’t by chance familiar with the Borg?”

Sisko let go of a breath as he thought of Jennifer. “Yes. They’ve from the Delta Quadrant and have invaded the Federation twice. We’ve been extremely lucky to survive. When the Enterprise arrives, I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to share any information you request. Captain Picard was assimilated himself for a time. How bad have the attacks been?”

“They’ve attacked more than 3 dozen systems and the regions defenses have so far been inadequate. We are preparing a fleet as we speak, but there are so many problems across the galaxy that adequately dealing with them is likely going to leave holes in a number of other places.”

Sisko cringed a little thinking about Republic technology in the hands of the Borg. “Based on my experience, I suggest you consider the Borg your number one threat. They can’t be reasoned with, their resources are vast, and they will only continue to get stronger.”

Palpatine gave a nod that said yes, I agree completely. A piece of Sisko felt that it might be just a politician’s nod.

Palpatine stood, suggesting the meeting was coming to an end. “Thank you Captain. Your answers have been a great service to the Republic. My aides will escort you to the Jedi Temple.”


“So let me get this straight,” said Padme. “A new galaxy somehow popped itself right on top of ours. The species living in it are supposed to be more primitive than us though?”

“Those Borg didn’t seem very primitive,” said Anakin.

Padme nodded. “I agree. Are they sure this is not an attack?”

Obi-Wan said, “Most of the species haven’t attacked a ship. The Jedi have confirmed reports of at least 2,000 different governments and that’s likely only a fraction of the total. It’s doubtful that any species which didn’t control their own galaxy would have either the means or the will to merge with another one.”

Padme tried to think it through and finally said, “You’re probably right.” She sighed before glancing at the controls. “Now we have to figure out what’s going on and our next step.”

Anakin knew that voice. She had already made a decision and there was going to be no talking her out of it. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’m saying it’s time to head back to Coruscant,” said Padme.

“You’re not safe there,” said Anakin.

“I agree,” said Obi-Wan. “Our job is to protect you and the bounty hunter is still on the loose. The safest place for you is back on Naboo.”

“The Separatists have bigger issues now,” said Padme. “I’m not waiting here. I was elected to represent the people in the Senate and they need me there now more than ever. The Jedi are also going to need both of you for more than protection duty.”

She angled her way past both Jedi and started entering the information to head back to Coruscant.


As Sisko entered the room, he realized he was at the top of one of the taller buildings. This was clearly some important meeting room. In a circle sat many different people from a variety of species. With one exception, a little green man, none of them were actually physically here though. Sisko walked to center conscious of all the eyes on him.

“Welcome Captain Sisko,” said a hologram. “I am Jedi Master Mace Windu.”

“A pleasure…Mr. Windu.”

“Ours, the pleasure is,” said Yoda.

“We’ve read your reports.” said Windu. “We need to know exactly what the Prophets said to you.”

Sisko went through his story again, but the Jedi seemed interested in different parts than Starfleet had been or even than Palpatine had been interested in. The why almost seemed less important to them than the nature of the Prophets.

Yoda spoke, "To these Prophets, different the Force is. Wonder do I if two different versions together can survive.”

"What do you mean?" said Sisko.

"Certain, I am not, but changed the Force is. Merging they spoke of, interesting it is."

Sisko had the feeling Yoda saw more here than he did. "Do you think it refers to more than the uniting of our two galaxies?"

Yoda paused. The rest of the council was looking at him with as much interest as Sisko was. "More, there likely is.”


"Let me get this straight. You let a bug live inside of you?"

The alien looked at Dax in total disgust, and Dax was getting a little angry. "It's not a bug. When one agrees to become a host, they agree to a union of their person with the symbiont. We are part of each other."

The alien, about half of Jadzia's height, looked as if she had never even heard of a punishment as horrible as what Dax had willingly agreed to. "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Our government spent half of its budget a couple of decades ago to get rid of anything on our home planet that would ever attempt to survive or feast upon our bodies. When we settle a new planet, eliminating any similarly threatening species is given higher priority than housing. You let that thing survive inside you!"

"You spent half your budget on eliminating mosquitoes!"

Julian Bashir walked up and said, "If you'd like I could give you the full details on the medical procedure of putting the symbiont in?" The alien looked like she was about to throw up and dashed away.

Jadzia smiled, "Thanks."

"No problem. I just left a woman who is trying to get her homeworld to abolish all technology."

Jadzia laughed. "I suppose she walked here."

"It sounded like she represents a very minor political party. The other members of her group said she fainted when she saw the planet." Bashir glanced back over at her. "Look, they are introducing her to an android."


The Jedi High Council had continued its meeting for some time after Sisko had left. “I think we should direct more of our forces toward the other trouble spots,” said Kit Fisto. “I know the Borg are the bigger threat, but there’s not a whole lot individual Jedi are going to be able to do until the fleet is fully mobilized.”

Windu spoke up. “I have set-up defensive alliances with the Corta and three other minor core civilizations. I believe the Core is now safe enough to direct more Republic ships against the Borg. Chancellor Palpatine is preparing to send a large part of the Core fleet to the Delta Quadrant as we speak.”

“Will it be enough?” asked Master Tiin. “The reports so far suggest a pretty vast Borg presence.”

“It’s unlikely to be all that is needed,” said Windu. “It will take a full galactic mobilization to properly deal with them, but it should at least slow them down until we can organize better.”

“Prophets, we must also learn more about,” said Yoda.

“I agree,” said Fisto. “We should send a Jedi to Bajor to investigate.”

“Master Halcyon is already in the region,” said Master Kolar.

“The skill of a researcher we need,” said Yoda.
“Did you have someone in mind,” asked Windu.

“Master Nu, excellent for mission would she be.”

“I agree,” said Windu. “I think we should go ahead and send Master Halcyon in first though.”



“My Lord,” said Count Dooku kneeling before the hologram of Sidious.

“Rise.” After Dooku was up, Palpatine continued, “We will have to move slower, but our opportunity for power is far greater than ever.”

“Yes my lord. What should I tell the council?”

“Tell them to hold the fleet together and stay low. Now is not their time. It will not be long though.”

“Have you discovered the cause of this event?”

“Yes,” said Palpatine with a smile. “A set of being from outside the Force. Their connection to this universe is already fading. You are to go to Bajor, learn about them, and then destroy what is left of their connection.”

“Yes my lord.”


Bajoran System, Unclaimed Space 13,456 BC

“We will be in visual range in 2 minutes Admiral.”

Admiral Rachelas, smiled. “Put me on speaker to the whole ship.”

“Yes sir.”

“This is Admiral Rachelas, ladies and gentlemen, 60 years ago this ship left on a journey. This trip was the most expensive in Constanian history and there was a lot of debate about whether we could make this journey in one piece. Now we stand almost there. In 2 minutes, we will be in visual range of the exact location to set-up Device B.”

He let those words sink in for a minute. “It is still going to take some time to make all the preparations. We will need to find other species to trade some parts with. We need to delicately put together parts that have been in storage for 60 years. Right now though, I want all of you to forget all of that.”

The sensors officer made a gesture.

The admiral nodded and a picture appeared on the viewscreen. “Right now, on every screen on this ship, you can see a location in space. This is where we will set-up Device B. This is where, if we are successful and they are willing, we will make contacts with the gods.”
Last edited by Star Empire on 2012-01-31 09:40pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

I liked both Nu and Starstone, but was originally thinking neither would work as they were unlikely to leave Coruscant. As I was writing the scene though I realized sending one would actually make a lot sense given the nature of the assignment. Sorry I didn't end up with either of yours in Nightstalker, but I'll see what I can do later.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover)

Post by Star Empire »

I made one small edit to the last chapter. Jake Sisko is on Coruscant with the others. I meant to put him there before, not sure how I wrote it without him.

Chapter 7: Premonitions

“A great many misunderstandings have occurred over the past couple of days. The Republic is committed to promoting peace in the galaxy and we are now preparing to send representatives to every Milky Way government to clear up any misunderstandings. While our diplomatic corps will be strained for a time, it is our goal to have a representative with every government within the next 10 days. It is not necessary for every Milky Way worlds to send a representative to Coruscant. If you wish to send a representative anyway, we will not stop you, but please be aware that you may be required to remain outside the system for several days.”

“In this time of confusion, I want to thank most in both galaxies for showing respect and for helping one another. The Republic will lead the effort to restore order to our new galaxy, but,” Palpatine sighed from behind his desk, “I need to send a stern warning. There are areas where piracy has been rampant, where Republic ships have been attacked. This will not be tolerated. Any ship or any government found to be guilty of these acts will be subject to severe Republic reprisals. Once again, thank you everyone for your patience during these difficult times.”

A couple of days had passed since the Event and a little bit of order was finally returning. While the remaining challenges were many and large, at least they were starting to become clear. The Senate had reconvened, the Jedi had been sent for diplomatic and relief efforts all around the galaxy, the initial galactic star charts were 85% complete, and fleets had been authorized to be formed around the galaxy to deal with threats. The most pressing danger remained though.

“Are we ready for the second transmission?” asked Palpatine.

“Yes,” said the technician. “This message will be sent only to the part of the Delta Quadrant we have confirmed as occupied by the Borg.”

“Proceed then.”

The technician hit a button and made a gesture.

Palpatine stood for this message, a sign of strength. “This message is directed to the Borg Collective. Over the past several days, your ships have attacked a large number of Republic worlds and ships. This must end immediately. We have sent ships to stop your fleets from continuing their assaults.”

Paplatine’s tone softened a little. “While we are furious over your attacks in the Delta Quadrant, we would still like to make a special request to help end this war. We invite you to send representatives to Coruscant. Should your ships arrive here, even if hostilities continue elsewhere, you will be welcomed with open arms. Combining resources, we can bring perfection to the galaxy and the bloodshed can end. Please send representative ships to Coruscant immediately.”


Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon strolled through the Promenade admiring the Cardassian architecture. Aspects of the station reminded him of the rim as it felt almost like a far flung outpost. The activity here suggested that wasn’t the case though, too many travellers passing through in every which direction, also, too many officers. He saw a bar and decided it might be enlightening to head in.

Halcyon was a Corellian Jedi, in many ways a breed of their own, not following all the traditional Jedi rules and customs. He had a wife and a young child. He had been out on a relatively minor diplomatic mission (talking to leaders of a world sympathetic to the Separatists) when the Event, or the Merging as the locals were calling it, happened.

The bar was full and the population was pretty diverse. Most of occupants were Milky Way species, Bajorans, Milky Way humans, and others he hadn’t seen before, but he could spot several species from his own galaxy as well. In particular he noted a Wookie heading up to a table.

“Hey!” said the barkeep running toward the Wookie. “I said no more dabo! If you want to spend your credits I can get you time in a holosuite.”

The Wookie pushed the little man out of the way and put his credits on the table just before a Bajoran started the wheel. Halcyon took a few steps closer.

The wheel slowed and finally stopped. The Wookie, clearly not a good sport, gave out a loud cry as he realized he lost.

“Now listen,” said the barkeep. “Any damage you cause this time you are paying for.”

The Wookie knocked over the table and girl behind jumped out of the way.

Halcyon walked next to the Wookie and touched his arm, a brave feat. “You are done here,” said Halcyon firmly. “You don’t want to cause any more damage.”

The Wookie looked at him, gave a confused grunt, and headed toward the door. The barkeep looked at Halcyon with a stunned expression. “It’s that easy?”

Halcyon laughed. “I wouldn’t recommend trying it. I’ve never actually seen one do it, but Wookies have a reputation for pulling off arms after a loss.”

“Yea,” said the barkeep. He shook his head and looked at Halcyon. “I’m Quark. This is my bar. Let me offer you a drink and you can tell me about why the Republic sent you here.”

“How did you know…”

“Rule of Acquisition number 194: It’s good to know your customers before they walk in your door.”


Anakin and Obi-Wan stood before a hologram of Master Windu. “Excellent work escaping. The bounty hunter is still on the loose?”

“I’m afraid so,” said Obi-Wan, wishing he had succeeded in taking care of the man back on Kamino. “He was on Geonosis before the Separatists fled.”

“Then there is probably no immediate danger to Senator Amidala,” said Windu.

“All the same,” said Anakin, “Once he finds out she’s still alive, he’s going to come back.”

“Maybe,” said Windu. “For now, take her back to Naboo and arrange security. We can’t spare both of you, but…”

Padme pushed her way between the two Jedi and interrupted. “We are almost back to Coruscant. I am not leaving again. The Separatists might not even be willing to pay given their recent losses and the change in the galaxy. I’m needed here and I’m not going to waste months hiding from an attack that may never come.”

Master Windu looked at the two Jedi and at the Senator and realized there was no point debating this. “Very well. Obi-Wan as soon as you land, report to the Jedi Temple. We’re going to have you meet some of the Milky Way representatives who have just arrived. Anakin, you are to arrange security for Senator Amidala and then report back to the Jedi Temple for further instructions.”

“But Master Windu, will that be enough if the bounty hunter comes back? If he was good enough to get away from Obi-Wan then more protection than local security is called for.”

“Make sure it’s enough.”

“Understood,” said Anakin reluctantly.

Windu disappeared and Padme put her arm on his shoulder. “I’ll be OK.”

Anakin nodded. “I’ll make sure of that.”

Obi-Wan kept his thoughts to himself, but thought it might be a good thing that the two were being separated. Anakin’s feelings were just too strong here. “We’re exiting hyperspace in 3 seconds.”

The hyperspace lines disappeared and all three of them were amazed at the sight before them. Thousands of ships were stationed just outside the system. Scanning through them, Anakin could see hundreds of damaged Republic ships, likely having fled here from elsewhere in the galaxy. There were plenty of commercial ships jumping back and forth between ships, and there were a lot of ships he didn’t recognize.

“How many ships are there in the system?” asked Padme.

Anakin reached for the controls and did a quick scan. “More than 50,000.”


The 3rd fleet was a combination of Core ships which recently had arrived in the Delta Quadrant and local ships which had been quickly organized. The fleet, more than 400 capital ships strong approached a world that had issued a distress call 4 days ago.

The commanding general asked, “How many ships in the system?”

“10, all cubes.”

Jedi Master Tiin asked, “What of the planet?”

The sensor officer shook his head. “About 1 billion people on the planet, sir. They are showing up as all Borg. If there are any who have avoided assimilation, they are also avoiding sensor detection.”

The admiral shook his head. How could anyone do this? “Destroy the ships. We’ll worry about what to do with the planet later.”

“Incoming transmission.”

“We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your vessels. Your biological and cultural distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”

Master Tiin standing beside the admiral, shook his head. “Admiral, I don’t think they are going to listen to any reason.”

The admiral nodded. “Alright. Let’s take them out.”

The battle was an easy Republic victory. While the cubes were strong, they were just too outgunned against so many Republic capital ships. Afterward, as the crew glanced down at the planet, a planet with inhabitants now working on planetary defense systems, an important question greeted everyone. What were they supposed to do now?


From The Emergence of a New Galaxy: A Brief History of the Milky Bi-Galaxy Following the Merging
By Nerns Lance
Copyright: Kendra Province, Bajoran Provisional Government. 2394 AD.
Translated into English 2422 AD. Used with Permission.

Chapter 3: A Lasting Impression

The events in the first several days after the Merging would leave marks that would last until the present day. While it bears repeating that in the vast majority of cases Republic and Milky Way worlds got along all right initially, many negative interactions would not quickly be forgotten by either side.

Many Republic worlds (and non-Republic worlds from their galaxy for that matter) found themselves intertwined in local Milky Way politics. The rumors of the Borg spread quickly and brought tremendous fear. Besides them though, pirates were now active in areas previously secure and new governments were making demands, particularly related to travel, that Republic worlds found ridiculous. Meanwhile, merchants from both sides took advantage of others’ lack of knowledge about resources/technology to make extremely one-sided deals. The term Milky-Wayer developed in these early days. While rarely used by the government in any way other than to suggest someone was from the Milky Way, it quickly developed a negative connotation across many worlds and was used to describe someone who was thought backwards, uncivilized, or overly aggressive.

For the Milky Way worlds, the existence of the Galactic Republic combined with the introduction of hyperspace had thrown off the often delicate balance of power in almost the entire galaxy. Some worlds, particularly weak or threatened ones, saw the Republic as a godsend. The Gorth, a Beta Quadrant species on the verge of being completely conquered prior to the Merging, were the first Milky Way species to apply for membership to the Republic less than 3 days after the Merging occurred. Many others quickly decided to push for alliances, trade pacts, etc.

For others, the Republic was an entity that was in no way welcomed. Many of the galaxies most powerful empires had pushed for clear borders and were used to strict control of the travel through their space. Free Republic travel through their space was in many cases extremely uncomfortable and in cases like the Poliks (an empire which was on the border between the Gamma and Delta Quadrants) enough of a distraction for terrorist to sneak onto vital worlds.


“It was quite an experience,” said Halcyon. “The wormhole felt both to be a place key to the Force and absent from it all together. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

“Anything else?” asked Master Yoda.

Halcyon paused trying to find the right words. “I felt conflict in it, like it’s being altered by something, perhaps the Force itself.”

Yoda nodded, but said nothing.

“Do you understand what’s going on?” asked Halcyon.

“Understand I do not. Though, different the Force appears to have acted in the Milky Way.”

Halcyon tried, without a lot of success, to grasp what Yoda was saying. “So the Merging has made it so that the Prophets can’t exist in the same way anymore?”

Yoda shook his head, “Know, I do not.” Yoda changed the subject before Halcyon could comment further. “Talked to Kai Wynn yet have you?”

“Not yet. Major Kira has arranged for me a meeting and I’ll depart for the planet as soon as we are done here.”

“Good. Master Nu should there be shortly.”

“Thank you Master Yoda.”

The hologram disappeared and Halcyon walked out onto the Promenade. He could feel a commotion by the Bajoran Temple and looked over to see several Bajorans speaking loudly.

“He has to return.”

“Did the Prophets talk to you when you prayed too?”

“He never should have left.”

Halcyon walked to the crowd trying to figure out what they were talking about. Just as he got there Major Kira came out.

Several Bajorans started throwing questions at her. “Not now!” she shouted. “I will contact the Emissary.”

Kira spotted Halcyon and walked over.

“What is the trouble?” said Halcyon.

“The Prophets are sending messages to anyone who sits by the Orbs. I’ve never heard of anything like it. They want the Emissary to come back.”

“He’s on Coruscant now?”

“Yes,” said Kira quickly. “Master Halcyon, our communication with Coruscant is still very limited. Is it possible that you could get ahold of Captain Sisko?”

“Of course. I’ll arrange transport as well.”


Padme gave a small smile. “Thank you Anakin. I promise I’ll stay safe.”

“You better,” said Anakin. “If you have any problems with any of the security call me immediately.”

“Anakin you worry too much.”

Anakin shook his head and put his arms around Padme. He held her close. “Not too much for you. I could never worry too much for you. If anything happens to you, I don’t know what I’d do.”

Padme smiled and hugged him hard. “You take care of yourself. Where did they say you’re heading?”

“Bajor. It’s a Milky Way world. I’m not even sure where other than somewhere in the midregions.” He paused then added, “It’s not right at all.”

“What isn’t?”

“Here you are with a bounty hunter after you, a bounty hunter good enough to escape from Obi-Warn, and they have me transporting some old man back to a peaceful world in the middle of nowhere.”

“There has to be more to it than that.”

“He’s apparently pretty important, but it doesn’t matter. I should be here with you.”

Padme kissed him and the kiss lasted for longer than she intended. “Do your duty and come back to me.” She added, “I promise I’ll try to stay out of trouble if you will.”

Anakin gave a smirk. “Good luck with that.”

“What are you implying?”

“Nothing my lady. Just that every time we meet you seem to be in some kind of trouble.”

“I could say the same.”

Anakin gave a short pained laugh. “I suppose you could.”

“Go,” she said. “They aren’t going to wait on you forever.”

Anakin nodded and walked to the door. Just before he left, he turned around and saw her looking at him. “Will you marry me?”

Padme paused, looked down and finally sighed. “Yes. When you get back.”

Anakin smiled and walked out. He turned around one last time and saw her with a huge grin her face and for the rest of his life, he always wanted to remember her that way.


“What was that about?” asked Bashir.

“I’m going back to Bajor,” said Sisko.

“What?” said Jake. “Why?”

“Something is going on with the Prophets. Kira says that they are telling everyone who gets within 2 feet of an orb to get me back.”

“How are we going to get back?” asked Dax.

Sisko started loading up his suitcase. “I’m going with a Jedi. There is no reason for the rest of you to come.”

“Like hell,” said O’Brien. “We’re not going to leave you alone.”

“You are the only representatives of Starfleet on the planet,” said Sisko. “Your orders are to stay. Besides,” he added, “I don’t think the Prophets want a crowd. I’ll be fine.”

“I’m going with you,” said Jake.

Sisko turned to his son and the words of the Prophets came back to him, Not a Starfleet Captain, Not a Father. He didn’t know what those words meant and he didn’t think he could accept them. At the same time though, he felt there was danger and that whatever was coming, he had to do alone. It was probably a ridiculous feeling, but he felt it all the same. “No. You came here to report on what’s going on and that hasn’t changed.”

“Dad, if something is going on back home…”

“Listen to me Jake,” said Sisko putting his hand over his son’s shoulder. “You stayed on Deep Space 9 when the Dominion came because it was your job to report the story. This is where the story is now and where your job is. I’m not sure what the Prophets want with me, but I promise that I’ll be OK and come back.”

Jake sighed. “Alright, but you better keep your promise.”

Sisko smiled and hugged him. “I love you son.”

Sisko let go and turned to the others. “Don’t have too much excitement here without me.”


Device B Station, Destiny (Bajor) System, Constanian Space, 13,453 BC

It is strange staring into the abyss of space and thinking that a 60 year journey could soon become a 60 second one. Right in front of him, there might soon be a wormhole which would take him all the way back to his home. Admiral Rachelas was consumed by how odd that was as he stared out the window of the conference room.

The crew of the Salvation had arrived in the system three years ago and life hadn’t been easy. They had established a colony on the planet they called Destiny and had started working on Device B. Their efforts had not gone unnoticed. A primitive, but rather large civilization known as the Malkans had objected to this new colony so close to their space. Rachelas had spoken to their leaders a lot, explained the colony was small, but the system was necessary for their experiments. The leaders of the Malkans hadn’t been sympathetic. Rachelas had delayed them as long as possible, but now he was going to have to offer something more.

The lights flickered twice indicating a visitor. Rachelas called them in.

A younger man, not even alive when the Salvation had begun its journey, walked in. “Captain Strun, reporting as ordered sir. I have the diplomats from the Malkans with me.”

Rachelas nodded. “Bring them in.”

The aliens walked into the room and immediately took seats. Rachelas and Captain Strun sat as well.

One of the aliens began. “Admiral our patience is nearing its end. Remove your colony from Destiny or we will be forced to destroy it. A fleet is, as we speak, being prepared to remove your colony by force.”

Captain Strun, somewhat out of place, spoke up. “We are no threat to you. We colonized one planet you had no claim to and we have made no moves to expand.”

“This space is in the rightful expansion area of the Malkan Alliance. Our leaders can’t give up that claim easily.”

“You can’t…” started Strun, but Rachelas held up a hand. “That’s enough captain.” He looked to the aliens and managed to hold his tongue. “I understand you have territorial ideas that must be considered. This is why I would like to buy the claim to Destiny from your people.”

“You don’t have enough resources to pay for something like that.”

“I’m offering technology. I’ll give you all our advanced engines and shields designs in exchange for the system.”

The diplomats for once finally seemed intrigued. “Perhaps an arrangement could be made. One small colony might not conflict with the Alliance.”

The negotiations continued for three hours and finally Rachelas had thrown in several other advances.

Captain Strung stayed in the room after the negotiations. Rachelas had a lot of respect for the young man. He probably hadn’t been the best choice for any part of a diplomatic mission though as he was very apt to speak his mind. “Did you have something to say Captain?”

“Sir, we just let them bully us into giving them a lot.”

Rachelas nodded and gave a short laugh. “Yes we did. We didn’t have a choice though.”

“Do you think they’ll even keep their word? I think in 5 years they’ll be making more demands.”

Rachelas nodded. He agreed with that insight. “Probably, but if we make contact with Device A, then hopefully that won’t be a problem anymore.”

Strung nodded more enthusiastically. “Before we see the rest of our race, we should see the gods.”

Rachelas made a decision then. “Yes. I hope so. Captain, do you believe this work? Do you think we’ll see the gods?”

“Yes…Well I hope so. The theory is sound.”

“Yes it is, but it’s still only one possible outcome. We get so wrapped up in the possibility here that we forget the gods usually only reveal themselves a piece at a time.”

Strung nodded now. “I suppose you are right.”

“Captain, I want you flying the shuttle into the wormhole to make first contact.”

Strung was speechless.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 7 is up

Post by FaxModem1 »

Oh boy, the Republic is inviting the Borg to Coruscant? I don't see that ending well.

Kamino is spelled with a K. Did Padme use sign language or did you mean she sighed?

Other than that, good work. I'm rather intrigued at how this will go. I would also love to know what Palpatine really thinks of this whole scenario and his plans.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 7 is up

Post by Star Empire »

FaxModem1 wrote: Kamino is spelled with a K. Did Padme use sign language or did you mean she sighed?
Corrected. Thanks.
FaxModem1 wrote: Oh boy, the Republic is inviting the Borg to Coruscant? I don't see that ending well.

Other than that, good work. I'm rather intrigued at how this will go. I would also love to know what Palpatine really thinks of this whole scenario and his plans.
The message was clear to those listening on Coruscant, the Borg should send represenatives, what's to misunderstand about that? :evil:

Palpatine will have at least an expanded conversation with Dooku in the not so distant future. I can't remember if I have it planned for next chapter or chapter 9, but it's coming.

Episode I for the record will probably end at around 12 chapters (possibly 13). It's likely to be the shortest of the 6 stories.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 7 is up

Post by FaxModem1 »

Star Empire wrote:
FaxModem1 wrote:
FaxModem1 wrote: Oh boy, the Republic is inviting the Borg to Coruscant? I don't see that ending well.

Other than that, good work. I'm rather intrigued at how this will go. I would also love to know what Palpatine really thinks of this whole scenario and his plans.
The message was clear to those listening on Coruscant, the Borg should send represenatives, what's to misunderstand about that? :evil:
Just that the Borg aren't to be trusted, and I foresee one drone on Coruscant being a problem with all those people and technology about.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 7 is up

Post by Star Empire »

Fortunately for the Republic, that type of strategy might just be a bit subtle for the Borg.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 7 is up

Post by Star Empire »

Note: The Bajoran backstory gets a little longer this chapter and next. If you don’t find it interesting, you’ll be OK if you skip it. I thought about taking it out, but I like it and it adds a little so I left it.

Chapter 8: Strange New Worlds

Yesterday’s great achievements are tomorrow’s underappreciated devices. When Zefram Cochrane invented warp drive, its speed revolutionized everything for humanity. Just how different life was with it though was something few in the 24th century truly comprehended. Picard reflected on that thought as the lines of hyperspace, so different from the familiar colors of warp, continued on the viewscreen. Where would this device, this hyperdrive, lead them? Would it be as revolutionary as warp? At the very least, the galaxy was going to get a lot smaller.

Picard stood up from his command chair and walked back to the science station where Mr. Spock sat analyzing something. “Ambassador, I must say it a privilege to see you working at this station on an Enterprise again.”

“Indeed,” said Spock not looking up. He hit a few more buttons then finally turned to Picard. “My apologies, captain. Hyperdrive is a fascinating technology.”

“No apology needed. I’m quite intrigued myself.”

“It is an experience I’ve…” Spock searched for the right words, “missed, being on the Enterprise. Even though this is a different ship, I believe many of the original crew would have found being on its successor comforting.”

Picard tried to imagine the original crew, exploring when so little was known of areas even not all that far from Earth. Times did indeed change quickly.

Data spoke up, “Captain, we will be exiting hyperspace in 10 seconds.”

Picard nodded. “Understood.”

Ambassador Hollis walked up to Picard. He was the official ambassador on behalf of the Federation. He and Spock had hardly said two words to each other the entire trip. “So this it,” said Hollis.

The lines of hyperspace disappeared and Picard stared at the view before him. Thousands, tens of thousands of ships, were all around.

“We are receiving a hail sir,” said Data.

“Put it through.”

“Enterprise. You are to send a shuttle to these coordinates. Diplomats on the planet will receive your ambassador shortly.”

Picard looked to Spock. “We also have a representative on board from a neighboring government.”

There was a sigh on the other end. “Very well. Send them down too.”

Spock turned to Picard. “Thank you captain.”

“Just don’t give the Romulans too big a tactical advantage please.”

“I don’t expect that will be possible. I will also send a report to Starfleet on recommendations for the Federation as well.”

Picard nodded. “Thank you ambassador.”


Jedi Master Jocasta Nu had not left Coruscant in quite some time. She was in charge of the Jedi Archives and with the galaxy mapped out so completely, had felt little need to explore anymore herself.

The Event, the Merging, had thrown everything off though and now she knew the Archives were in need of much updating. With that in mind, she hadn’t been terribly disappointed when the Council had asked her to start exploring.

Nu put down the book she had been studying and picked up another. She naturally didn’t know Bajoran, but on her side was the Force, years of studying, and an automatic translator which had been set-up with the help of Federation computers.

Jedi Master Halcyon walked back into the room, passing three Bajoran security personnel, and went up to Nu. “Didn’t they give you a pad with all of this automatically translated into Basic.”

“Yes,” said Nu without looking up.

“Then why go through these books? Granting access to this library to outsiders has made the kai nervous and there are other parts of the planet we need to investigate. ”

“Because,” said Nu, “Translations even when done properly, and no computer translates properly, miss things. Also there is something to be learned by the handwriting, the way things are written, and the echo those who wrote left on the Force.”

“If you say so.”

Nu shook her head. “You never were the best of students.”

“No, not my strength. I can tell there is a powerful Force connection to this world though.”

Nu nodded. “Did Kai Wynn have anything else to add?”

Halcyon shook his head. “No. She is a politician at least as much as she is a religious leader, maybe even more so.”

“Indeed. That’s not always a bad thing though.” Nu looked up from her book and stared across the room. They had been given free reign of the most important library on Bajor, but there was one book that was off limits. Two Bajorans guarded a single book at the end. “I would very much like to read that one,” said Nu to Halcyon.

Halcyon smiled. “A full room of new books and you want to read the only one that is off limits.”

“They say anyone besides the kai is prevented from reading it. I want to know why.”

She got up and started walking over. Halcyon quickly decided he had better stop this and walked in front of her. “We were sent to learn about the Prophets, not to make enemies with the Bajorans.”

Nu frowned, but sat back down.


“Admiral, Master Tiin, Nebolits reports it’s under attack.”

Jedi Master Tiin looked at the chart. “Sixty-five cubes.” He shook his head. “That’s too big a fleet too far into Borg space.”

“It’s not Borg space, its Republic space,” corrected Admiral Greece.

Tiin said, “Of course admiral, but we’ve lost too many ships already and the bulk of the Borg forces remains in the inner regions. If we send our force in that far we will likely see Borg reinforcements. It is what led to the 5th fleet disaster.”

Greece gave an exasperated sigh. He did not leave Coruscant and come all the way out here to sit back and watch. Greece had never been a passionate man. The Borg had evoked emotions he had never known he could experience though. He hadn’t even heard of the Borg until a week ago, but it had been enough time for him to develop a burning hatred. “The chancellor may have made you Jedi generals, but until told otherwise, I still control this fleet and I will not sit by while 5 billion people are assimilated.”

Tiin didn’t protest, knowing it would do no good.

Greece walked toward the center of the bridge. “Call in the reserves and the 2nd fleet and have them join up with us. That should give us more than enough firepower to handle a fleet that size.”

The main fleet arrived in the system just as the Borg were going into orbit over the planet. As the Republic ships approached, the Borg reversed direction.

“Borg message coming in.”

“Ignore it,” said Greece. “How long until the 2nd fleet arrives?”

“10 minutes.”

The fighters were the first to engage. Thousands of them started hitting cubes with small blasts. While the effects were minimal vs. the cubes on their own, concentrated they caused some damage and they opened the door for a few bombers to make it through and release some stronger weapons.

The capital ships came in next. As planned, the fighters and bombers veered to another vector and the capital ships started unleashing their full loads against the Borg.

Greece smiled as another cube exploded. A few fragments remained and kept firing, but they were quickly dealt with. “Status of the reinforcements?”

“Just entering the system now.”

“And the Borg?” asked Tiin.

“Half a dozen additional cubes have arrived. It looks like ships from all over the sector are making their way here though.”

As the 2nd fleet arrived, the Republic position had a definite advantage and the cubes started to be worn down. Tiin did not have a good feeling though and walked up to a panel to analyze the sensors. After a moment he sighed. “Admiral if I may have a word.”

Greece very reluctantly walked over to the Jedi. “What is it?”

“Admiral, look at these readings. There are Borg ships coming in through hyperdrives in almost every direction. There will be at least an additional 200 Borg ships in this system before the battle is over. I know we are doing well now, but we have few nearby reinforcements left and we are not ready to face that many Borg ships.”

Greece studied the chart. He wanted to tell the Jedi he was wrong, that his fleet was winning. He wasn’t a stupid leader though and for all he wanted to be here, he could tell the likelihood of success was now small.

Greece walked back to the center of the bridge unable to speak. Finally he said, “Bring the fighters and bombers back in. Tell Nebolits to evacuate immediately.”

As the ships waited, trying to get all of the bombers and fighters back on board, additional cubes approached and started pounding the defenders of the Republic. As the combined Republic fleet retreated, it had lost more than a 1/3 of its strength.


Anakin hadn’t spoken a lot on the trip so far. Sisko hadn’t exactly been in a talking mood either. Anakin’s curiosity was starting to get the better of him though. He’d barely gotten any information before leaving Coruscant. “So what exactly does being ‘emissary’ mean?”

Sisko shook his head seeming to clear his mind. “Wish that I knew. I personally wouldn’t have minded getting a list of what’s involved when the title got thrown at me.”

“You didn’t choose it?”

Sisko shook his head. “I discovered a wormhole. That’s all. I wasn’t even alone, but I was the commander and the one the Prophets choose to speak to. Then I was all of a sudden an important figure in the Bajoran religion and now I have to deal with the Prophet’s choices on my life.”

Anakin could hear bitterness in the voice. It wasn’t a rejection of his role, but there was a definite anger from Sisko. That was a feeling Anakin could sympathize with. “The chosen one.”

“What?” asked Sisko, confused.

“That’s what they called me. The one who, according to prophesy, is supposed to bring balance to the Force.”

“How exactly did you get tagged with that?”

“The way I was born.”

“The way you were born?” asked Sisko.

Anakin only nodded.

Reflectively Sisko said, “You’ve had it your whole life then. I suppose that’s worse than getting mid-way through your career.”

“Not quite my whole life,” said Anakin thinking of life on Tatooine. “But most.”

“What does that even mean, bring balance to the Force?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. It helped me become a Jedi even though I was too old and for that I’m grateful, but I haven’t a clue what else I’m supposed to do.”

“How old are you?” asked Sisko.


“About the same age as my son, and you were too old. How long have you been a Jedi?”

“I’ve been training since Qui-Gon found me when I was 9. Usually training starts shortly after birth.”

Sisko didn’t seem to quite approve of the Jedi methods, but he didn’t say anything. After a moment, Anakin said, “If you don’t mind my asking, why I am taking you to Bajor? There are not nearly as many Jedi as the Republic needs right now, but the Council felt this was important enough to send me. Why?”

Sisko sighed. “I wish I could give you better answers than I’ve got.” He laughed. “I wish I had better answers for myself.” Sisko took a moment and gathered his thoughts. “Anakin, I don’t really know. I know the Prophets caused the Merging. I know now they are acting strangely and want me to come back. I don’t know anything else.”

Anakin didn’t say anything. This was definitely an interesting man.

Sisko picked up a pad seeming to read something. He didn’t have it in his hand for 10 seconds though before he threw it across the ship, and it hit a wall hard. “I don’t know if I’m ever going to see my son again.”

Anakin completely turned his chair to face Sisko. “What?”

“They told me,” said Sisko almost shouting. He lowered his voice back to normal. “They told me that I needed to become the Emissary, not a father and not a Starfleet captain. In other words, I have to give up everything.”

Anakin thought of his own frustrations. A Jedi couldn’t love, couldn’t be married, and couldn’t get close to another. “You don’t have to do what they say.”

“But that’s the problem. I might have to. I never dreamed the Prophets could do anything like this, but they did. They have merged two galaxies, maybe two whole universes and it was all to save me!”

Sisko put his head back against his chair. “If I don’t do what they ask, I don’t know what the consequences will be. The only way to keep Jake safe and to preserve the Federation might be to accept what the Prophets want from me.”

They sat for several more minutes in silence. Eventually Sisko sat up. “What about you? Is this prophecy keeping you away from anything?”

Anakin didn’t answer right away. He thought of Padme and the secret they held together. The delay was a mistake.

“I know that pause. Who is she?”

Anakin spoke slowly. “Someone I am forbidden to be with. Not because of prophecy, but because I’m a Jedi.”

Sisko smiled. “Well, that shouldn’t stop you.”

Anakin couldn’t himself and smiled back. “No, it shouldn’t.”


Virtually every Milky Wayer who had seen Coruscant had been enamored by it. They had been amazed at its size and/or by the power of the civilization the world represented. Ambassador Spock was a rare exception who was able to push aside those emotions and look at the situation, at the world, and at the Republic with the detached logic only Vulcans seemed able to maintain.

He’d spent a few hours meeting with low level diplomatic corp representatives. He knew that they had little power to do anything to further Romulan relations with the Republic, but he had been fortunate to even receive the attention he was getting. Most species that were sending representatives directly to Coruscant were still in orbit waiting for their turn and hadn’t been able to bypass to even this level.

The door chimed. “Enter.”

Juidiza Dax came in. “Ambassador, I just wanted to come in and say hi.”

“Have we met before?” asked Spock.

“Briefly,” said Dax. “In past life I suppose you could say. You met Curzan Dax.”

“Ah yes,” said Spock. “That was before Trill entered the Federation if I remember correctly. Rather aggressive man.”

Dax laughed. “That was Curzan.” Changing tones she asked, “How have the negotiations been going?”

“I believe that I have left an impression with the officers I have spoken to and hope that is conveyed in their reports.”

“I don’t doubt it will be,” said Dax. “What do you make of this Republic?”

“It is large and ancient, but it is much more fragile than it appears.”

“How so?” said Dax who hadn’t heard anyone describe the Republic in that way.

“If not for the Jedi, it appears certain the Republic would have crumbled or turned away from democracy long ago. In many ways, it has started a shift in recent years even with the Jedi’s leadership. The Senate changes little even when elections produce very different results. Before the Merging, the Republic was on the verge of civil war. While that may have been prevented, I see a continuing drift as likely. For that reason, I will recommend to the Federation that it stay close, but avoid an outright alliance.”

“You are a quick study,” said Dax. “Will you make the same recommendation to the Romulans?”

“The Romulan values are different than the Federation. They will be hesitant to trust the Republic, but will desire an alliance to maintain security of their borders. Given the effect hyperdrive will have on the galaxy and the presence of so many Republic worlds in Romulan space, I see no other alternative they will consider pursuing.”

Dax nodded. “Be that as it may, I’d be shocked if the Federation was not pursing as close of relationships as they can with the Republic.

“Indeed,” said Spock, “but I must make recommendations based off of my opinion even if it unlikely to be followed.”

Destiny (Bajoran) System, Constanian space, 13,452 BC

In a solo shuttlecraft, Captain Strun breathed heavily as he checked his instruments again. If this worked, he’d be the first through, the one given the honor of contacting the gods. He hadn’t even been born when his people had left their homeworld, but Admiral Rachelas had thought it best to give this job to someone whose body was strong.

Strung looked at Device B. It was a disk station, with nothing in the middle. It sat alone in space. He saw a light blink and turned on his communication system. Admiral Rachelas was addressing everyone now.

“My fellow Constanians, we are ready to activate Device B. If Device A is operating on the other side of the galaxy, we should soon see a wormhole appear. If we have calculated everything correctly, this wormhole will also be connected with the higher realm of the gods themselves. If the gods choose not to reveal themselves, then we must accept their decision. It is their choice and not ours. We pray that they do reveal themselves though. Commanders, you may begin.”

Strung saw several lights flash on Device B and the whole station start to rotate. After a minute, his attention was devoted away from Device B as a brilliant flash of purple appeared in front of the station. The wormhole had been created.

A tear dropped from Strung’s eye. The same was happening to thousands of others watching. It was the culmination in more than a half century journey and difficult 4 years establishing a colony.

Strung hit a few buttons and his shuttle raced forward. The purple got closer and finally surrounded him as the ship was engulfed.

The sight of the wormhole from inside was one of the most amazing sights Strung had ever seen. It was magnificent, like something outside of this universe. He could almost feel life everywhere in it.

“This wasn’t a wise decision.”

Strung turned around. A man stood there. He looked like a Constanian, although there was definitely something different. “Are you from the gods?”

The man shook his head. “I’m afraid you have the wrong realm.”

“I’m sorry,” said Strung. “I guess we will have to adjust.”

The man looked at Strung with annoyance. “I don’t know where your gods reside, but I know you’re lucky your whole universe wasn’t just destroyed.”


“You are trying to make contact with beings that exist in completely different ways than you do. Some would destroy you for sport, others by accident. If you keep trying to contact the higher realms, long before you find your gods, you’ll destroy yourselves and probably a lot more. It’s not a big deal to me, but I suggest you stop now.”

Strung gulped hard. Could the man be lying? After a few moments he decided this wasn’t some trick; there was no reason for a trick. If what he said was true though, they couldn’t risk anymore adjustments. After all of their work, they would never be able to make contact. “I will report this.”

The being nodded. “Good.” He looked around with some disgust. “I don’t like having a connection to this universe. It’s uncomfortable.” He made a sick face. “I’m going to make the wormhole something more neutral. For your own good, don’t change it anymore.”

The man disappeared and as he did, the wormhole changed colors. It went from the brilliant violet to a light grey. It was still magnificent, but something was certainly gone.

The shuttle exited on the other side of the wormhole and Strung looked at the space before him. He saw a station that looked like Device B, but it must be Device A. It was surrounded by thousands of ships. That was certainly a big party. That he was going to have to disappoint them all, as well as everyone back on Destiny, was extremely painful.

His communication monitor blinked, and he activated it. Two men appeared on screen. Strung started the conversation. “I’m Captain Strung from the Salvation and the colony Destiny reporting in from the other side of the galaxy.”

One of the men smiled. “Excellent. I’m President Monroe, the sitting leader of the Constanian government. This is Raje Adams, the head of the church. On behalf of Constanians everywhere, we thank you and the crew of the Salvation. Did you make contact with the gods?”

Strung explained the situation. Monroe said, “Nothing we didn’t expect from this side. The important thing is the wormhole is stable. Go back through and tell Admiral Rachelas that we will be detonating Device A and coming through.”

“Sir?!” said Strung otherwise completely speechless at this order.

“Sorry captain, but a lot has happened since you left. The Constanian Confederation is almost completely gone. We’ve been chased out of virtually our entire space and still we are attacked. Our people, what is left of our people, will be safer on the other side of this wormhole.”


An armada of ships from all over the galaxy approached a Borg fleet. Inside the command ship, a man gave the order, “Engage.”

“The Separatists have broken the cease fire,” said Master Windu. “Several Milky Way governments are already aligning with them.”

“Then more bloodshed is inevitable,” said Palpatine.

“Execute Order 66” said Palpatine.

“The Dominion remains a threat, as well as a violator or rights,” said a women from her position in the Senate. “We must confront them.”

“When the Death Star is completed, we will begin our final conquest.”

“The galaxy is mine,” said Palpatine. “And an even greater reward is before us.”

The Bajoran Wormhole opened and its bright blue brought a feeling of strong discomfort.

Sidious came out of his meditation. In many ways, conquering this new galaxy would be so much easier than taking complete control was before. There was one force he couldn’t completely account for though. They would have to be dealt with quickly.

Sidious activated the transmission.

“My master,” said the hologram of Dooku bowing.

“Rise,” said Palpatine. “What have you discovered?”

“The Prophets are not the only ones whom the wormhole has connected with our universe. There is a second group, the Pah-wraiths. I can sense that they still have a connection on Bajor. We might be able to use them to eliminate these Prophets.”

“Yes,” said Sidious nodding. He had sensed there was something on Bajor which could do exactly that.

“Do what you must to destroy the Prophets connection to our universe. Once that is done, nothing can stop us.”

Dooku smiled. “My lord, what is our plan now? Is civil war still necessary?”

“Yes,” said Sidious, “but for now, the Borg are going to prove quite useful. The fear they will cause will allow for an almost unchecked increase in my power.”

“They are dangerous,” said Dooku. “Impossible to control.”

“That is the beauty in them,” said Sidious. “After that, the powers will fall into lines. The Milky Way alliances are very unstable.”

Dooku nodded. “Yes my lord.”

“Now go. Use the Pah-wraiths and destroy the Prophets connection to our realm.”
Last edited by Star Empire on 2012-02-01 08:38pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 8 is up

Post by FaxModem1 »

I like the Jocasta Nu bit with her tempted to grab the book. It is so what I would do.

Also, Anakin and Sisko sharing their situations, hopefully this will help mellow Anakin out. Then again, maybe not.

The Borg are going to be a big problem. I can understand Palpatine seeing them as a useful tool, but I really worry that's going to bite everyone in the butt. I'm also impressed that Palpatine is able to bounce back from this chaos so quickly with a new plan to conquer the galaxy.

Anyway, good chapter. Keep up the good work.
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Re: The Merging (Star Trek, Star Wars crossover) Ch. 8 is up

Post by DKeith2011 »

I'm surprised the Borg haven't adapted to Republic weapons already. Several major battles should be more than enough data for the Collective.
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