SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Byzantine Empire

Other titles: Imperium Romanum

Imperial Army

The Imperial Army of the Byzantine Empire may be relatively small to its neighbours, but it remains the oldest professional army to exist in the world. The Imperial Guard, which include the Scholae Palatinae elite infantry and Athanatoi elite calvary, and the Naval Comitatenses are among the most well skilled and disciplined troops in the world. The Comitatenses Heavy Infantry make up the bulk of the Infantry forces. Staff colleges in Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Athens, Nikea, Antioch, Damascus, Baghdad and Ancrya, churn out officers and noncommissioned officers to fill the ranks of the army.

The Akritoi border troops consist of draft soldiers who are given the task of watching the borders, while honing their military skills just so that they might serve the Empire with distinction when they are called upon to do their duty for God and Country.

At this stand point in the Empire, there is considerable experimentation with tanks and other forms of heavy armor. In Byzantium, these are referred to Kataphraktoi Heavy Cavalry. Much motorization is slowly being implemented, in line with the desire for high mobility.

The Imperial Army also mans many important fortifications. A string of forts riddle the border with Shepistan, manned by detachments from the various legions stationed there, along with the Akritoi troops.

Major coastal forts are: Dardanelles, Crete, Hormuz, Carthage, Sardinia. Typical fort arrangement includes:

Land forts in Persia at Bandar-e-Abbas, Sirjan, Kerman, Rafsanjan, Bam, Birjand, Kerman/Mahan, Rafsanjan, Khamir, Nain, Janah and at key cities such as Tehranopolis, Gerash, Yazd, Shahrbabak, Esfahan.


Light tanks: FT-17 variant/Vickers MK II Medium (to be replaced by a T-26/Vickers 6tonne analogue?)

Medium tanks: Char B1

Order of Battle

Population: 85million

Mobilization Pool: 20% X 85 million = 17 million (Ind + Eco = 10 points)
Army Manpower: 30% X 17 million = 5.1 million (Army Focus = 3)
Standing Army: 20% X 5.1 million = 1.02 million (SML = 2)
Reserves: 60% X 5.1 million = 3.06 million (SML = 2)

Total number of Profesional Force brigades = 1.02 / 5000 = 204 brigades
Total number of Akritoi brigades = 3.06 million / 5000 = 612 brigades

Imperial Guard

Total number of Legions: 12.

Total Number of Motorized Brigades: 15

Legio I Konstantinopolis (18 Brigades)
  • 1st Scholae Palatinae "Emperor's Own" Division
    • 1st Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      2nd Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      3rd Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      • Athanatoi Armored Recon Battalion
      1st Kataphraktoi Athanatoi Armored Brigade
      1st Athanatoi Calvary Brigade
      • Flying Artillery Battalion
    2nd Scholae Palatinae "Emperor's Fist" Division
    • 4th Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      5th Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      6th Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      • Athanatoi Armored Recon Battalion
      2nd Kataphraktoi Athanatoi Armored Brigade
      2nd Athanatoi Calvary Brigade
      • Flying Artillery Battalion
    3rd Scholae Palatinae "Emperor's Glory" Division
    • 7th Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      8th Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      9th Scholae Palatinae Motorised Rifle Brigade
      • Athanatoi Armored Recon Battalion
      3rd Kataphraktoi Athanatoi Armored Brigade
      3rd Athanatoi Calvary Brigade
      • Flying Artillery Battalion
    1st Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
    1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
    1st Kombat Engineer Brigade (Motorized)
(All 9.67 Motorized Infantry Brigades used, 9 infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Kombat Engineer)

The above is the standard template for the most elite among Legions. The other Legions that follow this template are:

Legio II Thessaloniki (-1 Armored Brigades, no Motorized Brigades, except 1 Motorized Artillery Brigade, 3 Motorized Infantry Brigades)
Legio III Antioch (-3 Armored Brigades, no Motorized Brigades, except 2 Motorized Infantry Brigades)

(Note: The below mentioned legions have 15 brigades each)
Legio IV Damascus
Legio V Sparta
Legio VI Nikea
Legio VII Athens
Legio VIII Ancrya
Legio IX Yazd
Legio X Cestiphon*
Legio XI Tehranopolis
Legio XII Javanopolis**

*: Trained for Mountain Warfare
**: Trained for Jungle Warfare

However, the following Legions are Comitatenses Legions. Professional troops. They do not have any Armored Brigades. All artillery is horse drawn etc. In general, Combat Engineer brigades are organized into 3 companies each, and 2 companies would accompany each division. All Artillery brigades are at the minimum horse drawn. Note that Legio VIII-XI do not have siege brigades, but rather the brigade is replaced by an infantry brigade dedicated to manning forts. Legio X is trained explicitly for mountain warfare. Legio VI-XI, Legio II are deployed largely in the Persian territories, largely as a vanguard against any Shepistani incursion. Some divisions are based in fortresses and mann them as part of the defenses against possible incursion. Legio XII Javanopolis is stationed in Java, Singapore, Riau, and is trained in jungle warfare.

Special Forces

Varangian Guard: 2 Divisions
Marine Comitatenses: Legio XIII Crete (3 Infantry brigades + 1 Combat Engineer brigade)
Coastal Artillery: 9 brigades (Dardanelles(2 brigades), Carthage, Crete, Taranto, Hormuz (2 brigades), Riau, Singapore)


The Akritoi form an important component in the Empire's defence. There are some 30 Akritoi Legions following a similar organisation to active legions. There are plans to raise Akritoi legions to full active status, but none are detailed yet. The remaining brigades are largely designated to man various fortifications and coastal artillery. There are only 6 Akritoi Siege artillery brigades. The rest of them legions have these substituted for infantry brigades which are designated for various functions, such as manning forts, or mountain/jungle warfare.

Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy is the dominant force in the Eastern and Central Mediterranean. While not as large as the German Imperial Navy, it remains a technical proficient force capable of standing its ground when it comes to it. The latest class, the Justinian-class is a new design that seeks to ensure parity between the Empire and its contemporaries. General Byzantine naval doctrine calls for long range artillery duels, with cruisers and destroyers forming screening positions. Battleships are thus well armed and armored, while eschewing speed. Cruisers generally perform three roles: Convoy escort, convoy hunting, and battleship screening.

Total Standard Displacement: 1,200,000 tonnes

Total Shipyard Capacity (under 25,000T): 80,000T + 100,000T (5+5 for E and IND)

Total Number of Large Slips: 6 slipways for ships 25-40,000T Standard, 4 slipways for ships 40-55,000T Standard


Hadrian class (South Carolina class) x 2 (Hadrian, Antoninus Pius) (16,000 tonnes standard)
Trajan class (Florida class) x 2 (Trajan, Vespasian) (21,825 tonnes standard)
Domitian class (Wyoming class) x 2 (Domitian, Titus) (27,243 tonnes standard)
Tiberius class (Nevada class) x 2 (Tiberius, Nero) (27,500 tonnes standard)
Diocletian class (Pennsylvania class) x 2 (Diocletian, Valentinian) (31,400 tonnes standard)
Aurelian class (New Mexico class) x 2 (Aurelian, Tacitus) (32,000 tonnes standard)
Valens class (Tennessee class) x 2 (Valens, Constantius) (33,190 tonnes standard)
Constantine class (Colorado class) x 2 (Constantine I the Great, Augustus) (32,600 tonnes standard)
Basil II class (S. Dakota) x4 (Basil II the Bulgar Slayer, Maurice, Belisarius, Alexander) (43,000 tonnes standard)
Justinian class (laid down in 1923, will be detailed later) x 4 (Justinian I, Theodosius I the Great, Alexios I Komnenos, Manuel I Komnenos) (50,095 tonnes standard)

Goliath class (Lexington CV) (36000 tonnes) x 1

Total (Excluding Justinian Class): 588716 tonnes


Sparta class (laid down in 1923, 16,858tonnes) x 8 (additional 8 laid in 1924, to be commissioned Jan 1926)
Omaha class (7050 tonnes) x 16
Emerald class (7580 tonnes) x 12

Total (Excluding newly laid ships): 338624 tonnes


Gladius I class (Sampson class) (1111 tonnes) x 6
Gladius II class (Caldwell class) (1020 tonnes) x 24
Gladius III (Wickes class) (1154 tonnes) x 32
Gladius IV (Clemson class) (1215 tonnes) x 48

Total: 126394 tonnes


R class (420 tonnes) x 48
AA-1 class (1107 tonnes) x 18
U-139 class (1930 tonnes) x 18
X1 class (modified) (2780 tonnes x 18
V3 class (2119 tonnes) x 12

Total: 145254 tonnes

Grand Total: 1,198,988 tonnes (approximate, but under 1,200,000 tonnes)


Hormuz Battlegroup

Destroyer Squadrons
6 Gladius I (Sampson class) Destroyers
6 Gladius II (Caldwell class) Destroyers
8 Gladius III (Wickes class) Destroyers
8 Gladius IV (Clemson class) Destroyers

Submarine Squadrons
16 R class
4 AA-1 class
4 U-139 class
3 X-1 class

Cruiser Squadrons
4 Omaha class
4 Emerald class
2 Sparta class

Battleship Squadrons
2 Constantine class (Colorado class)
2 Aurelian class (New Mexico class)

Imperial Air Force

2 B-class Coastal reconnassiance zeppelins (Under Navy control)

40 BF-3 biplane fighters
20 BF-2 biplane fighters
20 BF-1 Sea Dart naval aircraft (under Navy control, used for carrier operations)
6 BT-1 transport aircraft
14 BFB-2 biplane bomber
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-12-28 09:03am, edited 49 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by DarthShady »

The Balkan Confederacy
(Balkanska Konfederacija)

Points Distribution:

Population: 3 (The Confederacy has 75M people.)
Home Territory: 2 (National Land Area of approximatly 500,000 sq. Kms)
Colonial Territory: 1 (Colonial Land Area of <200,000 sq. kms – African Colony: : Tangyanika)
Industry: 4 (The Confederacy has a massive industrial base)
Economy: 4 ( Due to the ever expanding trade with neighbours and a powerful industrial base, the Confederacy's Economy is quite robust and stable.)
Infrastructure: 4 (Railways and roads connect parts of the homeland with each other. Development and construction is an ongoing process in the colonies.)
Standing Military Limit: 3 ( The Balkan Confederacy maintains an well supplied active army to protect itself from external threats.)
Naval Focus: 2 ( The Navy has a lot of work to do, in order to catch up with other naval powers, but for now it is efficiently preforming it's duties – in protecting the mainland and securing trade routes with the colonies.)
Army Focus: 5 ( The confederacy has a massive modern army to protect it's borders.)
-[Army Tech Level: 4]
Air Focus: 4(2 + 2 Focus) – ( The Confederacy maintains a respectable air force with around 480 aircraft of various types.)
-[Air Force Tech Level: 4]

Armed Forces of the Confederacy(Oruzane Snage Konfederacije)

Confederate Land Forces(army) – Konfederacijska Kopnena Vojska

[Army Tech Level - 4.]
(Interbellum period weapons, organization, and training. Tankettes, armored cars, and newer medium tanks available, modern artillery, air-cooled machine guns (M2 Browning). Combined Army-Ind-Econ score of 12, all scores must be at least 3.)

Economy and Infrastructure = 8 points, 16% of population.
Mobilization pool: 12 Million people.
(Army Focus - 5: Your Army's manpower is 50% of your mobilization pool.)
Army Manpower: 6 Million

Standing Military Limit: 3 ( 20% Standing Army, 80% Reserve)

Standing Army:1200000

Standing Army
240 brigades x 5000 troops
(- 4 Armored Brigades)
(-10 Motorized Infantry Brigades)
(- 6 Motorized Artillery Brigades)

1st Army Corps(22 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Motorized Infantry Brigade
--2nd Motorized Infantry Brigade
--3rd Motorized Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Armored Brigade
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)

--2nd Division
-4th Motorized Infantry Brigade
-5th Motorized Infantry Brigade
-6th Motorized Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Armored Brigade
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)

--3rd Division
-7th Motorized Infantry Brigade
-8th Motorized Infantry Brigade
-9th Motorized Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Armored Brigade
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-2nd Army Corps(20 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade(Motorized)
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Armored Brigade
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade (Motorized)

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-3rd Army Corps( 19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-4th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-5th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-6th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-7th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-8th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-9th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

-10th Army Corps(19 Brigades)

-1st Division
--1st Infantry Brigade
--2nd Infantry Brigade
--3rd Infantry Brigade
--1st Armored Recon Battallion
--1st Cavalry Brigade
--1st Field Artillery Brigade

--2nd Division
-4th Infantry Brigade
-5th Infantry Brigade
-6th Infantry Brigade
-2nd Armored Recon Battallion
-2nd Cavalry Brigade
-2nd Field Artillery Brigade

--3rd Division
-7th Infantry Brigade
-8th Infantry Brigade
-9th Infantry Brigade
-3rd Armored Recon Battallion
-3rd Cavalry Brigade
-3rd Field Artillery Brigade

1st Siege Artillery Brigade (Motorized)
1st Combat Engineer Brigade
2nd Combat Engineer Brigade

Total: 194 Brigades Organized in 10 Army Corps

Special Forces:
--The Imperial Guard: 3 Brigades
--Marines: 3 Brigades


(960 brigades x 5000 troops)
-50 Army Corps(19 Brigades each)
-10 Brigades(extra) Special Purposes

Confderate Air Force(Vazdzhoplovstvo Konfederacije)

[Air Force Tech Level: 4]
(Interbellum period aircraft, 1922-1925. Later fighters and bombers. Potential for development of transport aircraft.)
-480 aircraft of various types


100 Gloster Grebe
100 Fokker D.XIV


60 DH.9J (day bomber)
40 Handley Page V/1500 (heavy bomber)
60 Vickers Virginia (heavy bomber)
40 Breguet 19 (light bomber/reconnaissance)


8 Airship Carriers (+ 4 Gloster Grebe per airship

Confederate Navy(Mornarica Konfederacije)

Focus 2: Total combat fleet tonnage of 300,000 Standard Displacement. Adds 40,000T shipyard capacity. Combined Industry/Economy level of 4.

10 x Heavy Cruisers - Pensacola class cruiser("Junak" class cruiser) - (9100 tons) - Total: 91000 tons
8 x Light Cruisers - Emerald class - "Zmija" class (7580 tonnes) - Total: 60640 tons

6 x Monitors - Erebus class monitor -"Tragac" class( 8,000 tons) - Total: 48000 tons

Destroyer leaders
12 x destroyer leaders - Thornycroft type leader - ( 1,480 tons) - Total: 17760 tons

30 x destroyers - Gladius II class (Caldwell class) (1,020 tons) - Total: 30600 tons

14 x submarines - German Type U 139 submarine (1,930 tons) - Total: 27020 tons
10 x AA-1 class submarine(1,107 tons) - Total: 11070 tons

19 x minesweepers - Hunt class minesweeper (721 tons) - Total: 13699 tons

Grand Total: 299789 tons
Last edited by DarthShady on 2010-06-16 12:54pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Southeast Asian Union



Mobilization pool: Economy + infrastructure = 8 points = 16% of total population (12 million people)
Manpower: Army focus 3 = 30% of mobilization pool (3.6 million people = 720 brigades)
Standing army and reserve proportions: Standing military limit 3 = 20% standing army, 80% reserves (144 active brigades, 576 reserve brigades)
Army tech: Army focus + industry + economy = 3 + 4 + 4 = 11 = tech level 3 (WWI level weapons, organization, and training; earliest tanks, gas weapon and defense capability)
Division limits: Army tech 3 = 1 armored brigade + 1 motorized brigade / 2 industry points, industry 4 = 2 armored brigades and 2 motorized brigades allowed


Small Arms

Pistols: Colt M1911, Mauser C96 (standard C96, M712 Schnellfeuer, Shansi Type 17), Webley Mark VI, Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver
Submachine guns: Thompson submachine gun (Thompson Model of 1921)
Shotguns: Winchester Model 1897, Winchester Model 1912
Rifles: M1903 Springfield, M1917 Enfield
Automatic rifles: M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, Mondragón rifle (rechambered for .30-06 Springfield)
Machine guns: Hotchkiss M1909 Benet-Mercie, Hotchkiss M1914 (rechambered for .30-06 Springfield), Lewis Gun, M1917 Browning
Grenades: French F1 grenade, Mills bomb, Mk 2 grenade


Mortars: Stokes Mortar, Newton 6 inch Mortar
Mountain guns: 75 mm Schneider-Danglis 06/09, QF 2.95 inch Mountain Gun
Field guns and howitzers: Canon de 75 modèle 1897, 10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09, 10.5 cm leFH 16, Canon de 155 C modèle 1915 St. Chamond, Canon de 155 C modèle 1917 Schneider, Canon de 155mm GPF


Armored cars: Austin Armoured Car (2nd series, 3rd series), Rolls-Royce Armoured Car (1920 Pattern Mk IA)
Tanks: Renault FT-17


Active Duty
Philippine Home Army [Administrative HQ: Taguig City]
  • 1st Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    2nd Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    1st Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    2nd Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    3rd Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    4th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    1st Jungle Division [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    1st Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Guangxi Guards Army [Administrative HQ: Nanning]
  • 1st Armored Cavalry Regiment [2 cavalry brigades, 1 armored brigade, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    1st Motorized Cavalry (Experimental) Regiment [2 cavalry brigades, 1 motorized infantry brigade, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    3rd Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    5th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    6th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    7th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    8th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    9th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 siege artillery brigade]
    2nd Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
    3rd Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Guangdong Guards Army [Administrative HQ: Guangzhou]
  • 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment [2 cavalry brigades, 1 armored brigade, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    2nd Motorized Cavalry (Experimental) Regiment [2 cavalry brigades, 1 motorized infantry brigade, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    4th Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    10th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    11th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    12th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    13th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    14th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 siege artillery brigade]
    4th Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
    5th Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Indochina Home Army [Administrative HQ: Hue]
  • 5th Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    6th Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    15th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    16th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    17th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    18th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    2nd Jungle Division [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    6th Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Malaya Home Army [Administrative HQ: Kuala Lumpur]
  • 7th Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    19th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    20th Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    21st Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    3rd Jungle Division [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    7th Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Borneo Home Army [Administrative HQ: Bandar Seri Begawan]
  • 8th Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    22nd Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    23rd Infantry Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    24th Infantry Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    4th Jungle Division [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    8th Mountain Division [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Reserve Armies

All named Reserve Armies consist of two cavalry regiments, four infantry divisions (two with artillery, two without), and two special infantry divisions (any combination of jungle and/or mountain divisions) each.

Philippine Home Reserve Armies (x 3) [Administrative HQs: Angeles City (Luzon Home Reserve Army), Cebu City (Visaya Home Reserve Army), Cagayan de Oro City (Mindanao Home Reserve Army)]
  • 6 cavalry regiments [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    6 infantry divisions with artillery [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    6 infantry divisions [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    3 jungle divisions [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    3 mountain divisions [3 mountain infantry brigades]
China Guards Reserve Armies (x 8) [Administrative HQs: Nanning (1st-4th Guangxi Guards Reserve Armies), Guangzhou (1st-4th Guangdong Guards Reserve Armies]
  • 16 cavalry regiments [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    16 infantry divisions with artillery [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    16 regular infantry divisions [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    16 mountain divisions [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Indochina Home Reserve Armies (x 4) [Administrative HQs: Hanoi (1st and 2nd Indochina Reserve Armies), Saigon (3rd and 4th Indochina Reserve Armies)]
  • 8 cavalry regiments [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    8 infantry divisions with artillery [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    8 regular infantry divisions [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    4 jungle divisions [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    4 mountain divisions [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Malaya Home Reserve Armies (x 2) [Administrative HQs: Penang (North Malaya Home Reserve Army), Malacca (South Malaya Home Reserve Army)]
  • 4 cavalry regiments [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    4 infantry divisions with artillery [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    4 regular infantry divisions [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    2 jungle divisions [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    2 mountain divisions [3 mountain infantry brigades]
Borneo Home Reserve Armies (x 3) [Administrative HQs: Kota Kinabalu (Sabah Home Reserve Army), Kuching (Sarawak Home Reserve Army), Balikpapan (Kalimantan Home Reserve Army)]
  • 6 cavalry regiments [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    6 infantry divisions with artillery [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    6 infantry divisions [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
    3 jungle divisions [3 jungle infantry brigades]
    3 mountain divisions [3 mountain infantry brigades]

China Guards Auxiliary Forces

Hong Kong Garrision [Administrative HQ: Hong Kong]
  • Hong Kong Guards Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    1st Hong Kong Guards Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    2nd Hong Kong Guards Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport]
Macau Garrision [Administrative HQ: Macau]
  • Macau Guards Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades, 1 "flying artillery" battalion]
    1st Macau Guards Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    2nd Macau Guards Division [3 infantry brigades (horse transport)]
1st China Guards Border Patrol Unit [Administrative HQ: Nanning]
  • 1st Border Patrol Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades]
    1st Border Patrol Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    2nd Border Patrol Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
2nd China Guards Border Patrol Unit [Administrative HQ: Guangzhou]
  • 2nd Border Patrol Cavalry Regiment [3 cavalry brigades]
    3rd Border Patrol Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]
    4th Border Patrol Division [2 infantry brigades (horse transport), 1 artillery brigade (horse transport)]

Union Marine Corps

The Union Marine Corps, much like its counterparts in Cascadia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, began as a ship-borne infantry force primarily used to repel boarding actions and conduct small-scale foreign expeditions. Now, they field a considerable number of brigade- and division-level land-based forces. While primarily intended for the defense of the Philippines, Malaya, Borneo, the Caroline Islands, and the SAU's Chinese holdings, the Marines are more than capable of sustained offensive operations, as demonstrated by the conquest of southern China in 1915; a Marine unit is also tasked with providing security for the President and Vice President of the Southeast Asian Union and their immediate families. The supreme headquarters of the Marine Corps is located in Metro Manila, as are the supreme headquarters of the other branches of the SAU armed forces.

I Marine Expeditionary Force [Administrative HQ: Makati]
  • 1st Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    2nd Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    3rd Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
II Marine Expeditionary Force [Administrative HQ: Hong Kong]
  • 4th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    5th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    6th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
III Marine Expeditionary Force [Administrative HQ: Saigon]
  • 7th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    8th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    9th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
[IV Marine Expeditionary Force [Administrative HQ: Kuala Lumpur]
  • 10th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    11th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    12th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
[V Marine Expeditionary Force [Administrative HQ: Bandar Seri Begawan]
  • 13th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    14th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
    15th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
Caroline Islands Garrison [Administrative HQ: Koror]
  • 16th Marine Division [3 marine brigades]
Marine Corps Special Operations Command [Administrative HQ: Makati]
  • Marine Force Reconaissance [1 marine special forces brigade]
    Marine Raiders [1 marine special forces brigade]
    Presidential Security Group [1 marine special forces brigade]

Union Gendarmerie

A part of the Union Army, the Union Gendarmerie is primarily tasked with civilian law enforcement, though its members can be mobilized to act as emergency defense forces if the need arises.

Philippine Constabulary [Administrative HQ: Taguig City]
  • 1st Military Police Division [3 infantry divisions (horse transport)]
China Constabulary [Administrative HQ: Hong Kong]
  • 2nd Military Police Division [3 infantry divisions (horse transport)]
    3rd Military Police Division [3 infantry divisions (horse transport)]
Indochina Constabulary [Administrative HQ: Hue]
  • 4th Military Police Division [3 infantry divisions (horse transport)]
Malaya Constabulary [Administrative HQ: Kuala Lumpur]
  • 5th Military Police Division [3 infantry divisions (horse transport)]
Borneo Constabulary [Administrative HQ: Bandar Seri Begawan]
  • 6th Military Police Division [3 infantry divisions (horse transport)]
Land Fortifications
Coastal Fortifications
Locations of coastal forts are listed by state/province/special administrative zone.



Air force tech: Air focus + industry + economy = 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 = tech level 3 (1918-1922, immediate post-war aircraft)
Air force starting size: Air focus 2 = 240 aircraft


96 x Fokker D.VII [1918 fighter]
48 x Gloster Sparrowhawk [1921 fighter]
24 x Blackburn Dart [1921 torpedo bomber]
48 x Airco DH.9A [1918 light bomber]
24 x Vickers Vimy [1917 heavy bomber]

1st Composite Wing [Home base: Angeles City]
  • 1st Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    2nd Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    1st Light Bomber Squadron [12 x Airco DH.9A]
2nd Composite Wing [Home base: Da Nang]
  • 3rd Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    4th Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    2nd Light Bomber Squadron [12 x Airco DH.9A]
3rd Composite Wing [Home base: Guangzhou]
  • 5th Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    6th Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    3rd Light Bomber Squadron [12 x Airco DH.9A]
4th Composite Wing [Home base: Kuala Lumpur]
  • 7th Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    8th Fighter Squadron [12 x Fokker D.VII]
    4th Light Bomber Squadron [12 x Airco DH.9A]
1st Bomber Wing [Home base: Guangzhou]
  • 1st Heavy Bomber Squadron [12 x Vickers Vimy]
2nd Bomber Wing [Home base: Kuala Lumpur]
  • 2nd Heavy Bomber Squadron [12 x Vickers Vimy]
UNS Independencia Air Wing [Home base: UNS Independencia (Zhanjiang)]
  • VA-1 [12 x Blackburn Dart]
    VF-1 [12 x Gloster Sparrowhawk]
    VF-2 [12 x Gloster Sparrowhawk]
UNS Catorce de Junio Air Wing [Home base: UNS Catorce de Junio (Lumut)]
  • VA-2 [12 x Blackburn Dart]
    VF-3 [12 x Gloster Sparrowhawk]
    VF-4 [12 x Gloster Sparrowhawk]


Navy focus 4 = Total combat fleet tonnage of 1.2 million tons standard displacement; 80,000 tons shipyard capacity; 6 slipways for ships 25-40,000 tons standard, 4 slipways for ships 40-55,000 tons standard


72 x Fukuyama class destroyer (Wickes class destroyer analogue) (1,154 tons standard)
72 x Bosch class destroyer (Clemson class destroyer analogue) (1,215 tons standard)
36 x Remora class submarine (United States R class submarine analogue) (569 tons standard)
36 x Swordfish class submarine (United States S class submarine analogue) (906 tons standard)
24 x Comorant class minesweeper (Hunt class minesweeper analogue) (710 tons standard)
12 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser (Kuma class light cruiser analogue) (5,500 tons standard)
12 x Saigon class light cruiser (Sendai class light cruiser analogue) (5,195 tons standard)
8 x Manila class heavy cruiser (Furutaka class heavy cruiser analogue) (7,100 tons standard)
4 x Libertad class battlecruiser (Kongo class battlecruiser analogue) (27,500 tons standard)
2 x Ilocos Norte class battleship (Nevada class battleship analogue) (27,500 tons standard)
2 x Cagayan class battleship (Pennsylvania class battleship analogue) (31,400 tons standard)
2 x La Union class battleship (New Mexico class battleship analogue) (32,000 tons standard)
2 x Zambales class battleship (Tennessee class battleship analogue) (33,190 tons standard)
4 x Nueva Ecija class battleship (Colorado class battleship analogue) (32,600 tons standard)
2 x Independencia class aircraft carrier (Lexington class aircraft carrier analogue) (38,746 tons standard)
(208,080 tons left over for auxiliaries)

Philippine Home Fleet [Home port: Subic Bay]
  • 2 x Zambales class battleship
    2 x Nueva Ecija class battleship
    2 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser
    2 x Saigon class light cruiser
    12 x Fukuyama class destroyer
    12 x Bosch class destroyer
    6 x Remora class submarine
    6 x Swordfish class submarine
    4 x Cormorant class minesweeper
China Home Fleet [Home port: Zhanjiang]
  • 1 x Independencia class aircraft carrier
    2 x Libertad class battlecruiser
    4 x Manila class heavy cruiser
    2 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser
    2 x Saigon class light cruiser
    12 x Fukuyama class destroyer
    12 x Bosch class destroyer
    6 x Remora class submarine
    6 x Swordfish class submarine
    4 x Cormorant class minesweeper
North Indochina Home Fleet [Home port: Haiphong]
  • 1 x Ilocos Norte class battleship
    1 x Cagayan class battleship
    2 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser
    2 x Saigon class light cruiser
    12 x Fukuyama class destroyer
    12 x Bosch class destroyer
    6 x Remora class submarine
    6 x Swordfish class submarine
    4 x Cormorant class minesweeper
South Indochina Home Fleet [Home port: Cam Ranh]
  • 1 x Ilocos Norte class battleship
    1 x Cagayan class battleship
    2 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser
    2 x Saigon class light cruiser
    12 x Fukuyama class destroyer
    12 x Bosch class destroyer
    6 x Remora class submarine
    6 x Swordfish class submarine
    4 x Cormorant class minesweeper
Malaya Home Fleet [Home port: Lumut]
  • 1 x Independencia class aircraft carrier
    2 x Libertad class battlecruiser
    4 x Manila class heavy cruiser
    2 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser
    2 x Saigon class light cruiser
    12 x Fukuyama class destroyer
    12 x Bosch class destroyer
    6 x Remora class submarine
    6 x Swordfish class submarine
    4 x Cormorant class minesweeper
Borneo Home Fleet [Home port: Sandakan]
  • 2 x La Union class battleship
    2 x Nueva Ecija class battleship
    2 x Kuala Lumpur class light cruiser
    2 x Saigon class light cruiser
    12 x Fukuyama class destroyer
    12 x Bosch class destroyer
    6 x Remora class submarine
    6 x Swordfish class submarine
    4 x Cormorant class minesweeper
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2010-01-07 07:38pm, edited 9 times in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Beowulf »

The Kingdom of Manchuria

Pop: 75 million
Mob Pool: Eco 4, Inf 5 = 18% = 13.5 million
AF: 3 = 30% = 4.05 million
SML: 2 = 20% = 810,000 men active, 2.43 million reserve
Tech 4

405mm Coastal Artillery - A naval gun derivative, it is only found as part of a coastal fort establishment

240mm Gun Howitzer - towed artillery piece. Can often be found in semi-fixed mountings, especially in the northern forts. Also found as coastal artillery, defending major ports. Additionally, can be found as a railway gun.

150mm Gun Howitzer

105mm Field Gun

75mm Field Gun

48mm AT gun - short barreled tank gun found on the Type 3 Medium tank

37mm AT gun - short barreled (L40) cannon, also found on the Type 2

Type 3 Medium tank - Vickers Medium Mark II* model.

Type 2 Light Tank - FT-17 variant. 37mm cannon or 15mm HMG (approximately half of each). Tank has been lengthened, with bulkhead separating engine from crew, and 80hp engine installed. Electric self-starter installed. 2 man crew. All steel wheels. Cast turret. ~9mph

40mm Anti-tank rocket - developed from the Munroe effect and lightweight rockets. Warhead is only 2lbs in weight, and utilizes a lead liner. Firing tube consists of Kraft paper wound around a mandrel and glued. Tube is disposable, and is usually charred on the inside after firing. Rocket is electrically fired. The weapon is notable for it's relatively short range.

15mm HMG - Firing the massive 15x114mm round, it is one of the largest heavy machine guns in the world. Gas operated. The cartridge was originally designed for use in an anti-tank rifle. Muzzle velocity was 1100 m/s, resulting in a muzzle energy of 46 kJ.

8mm (.26t) MMG: Variant of the Hotchkiss M1914, chambered in 7.92 Mauser. Used on vehicles and fortifications. Made in Mongolia, with license for production in Manchuria

6.9mm LMG: Fires the same 6.9x52mm cartridge as the standard infantry rifle.

6.9mm Rifle: Fires the 6.9x52mm rifle cartridge. Short recoil operated semi-automatic rifle.

11.5mm Pistol: M1911A1

11.5mm SMG: Thompson SMG

Unit composition:
Infantry Corps:
3 Infantry Division 14828 ea ~= 15000
3 infantry regiments 3041 ea
3 infantry battalions
3 rifle company
1 weapons company
1 special troops battalion
1 supply co
1 howitzer btry - 105mm
1 medical co
1 field artillery regiment 2332 ea
3 artillery battalions (1 150, 2 105mm)
1 special troops battalion
1 Service BTRY
1 Med CO
Ammo Train
1 HQ & Support regt 3373 ea
1 engr BN
1 med BN
1 special troops BN
1 Armor CO - 14 tanks - 8 light, 6 medium
1 Corps Artillery Brigade - 150mm
2 FA regt

Secondary Reserve Corps:
3 Infantry Division 14758 ea ~= 15000
3 infantry regiments 3041 ea
3 infantry battalions
3 rifle company
1 weapons company
1 special troops battalion
1 supply co
1 howitzer btry - 105mm
1 medical co
1 field artillery regiment 2332 ea
3 artillery battalions (1 150, 2 105mm)
1 special troops battalion
1 Service BTRY
1 Med CO
Ammo Train
1 HQ & Support regt 3303 ea
1 engr BN
1 med BN
1 special troops BN
1 Corps Artillery Brigade - 150mm
2 FA regt

Fortress Division ~= 15000 men
2 "artillery" brigades
2 "artillery" regiment
3 battalion
3 fortress company
heavy fortification
3 light fortification
1 PLT mobile reserve
1 supply company
1 Siege artillery brigade
2 Siege artillery regiment
2 battalion
3 batteries
1 240mm rail mobile gun
1 HQ & Support regt

Motorized infantry division ~= 15000 men
3 infantry regiments 3041 ea
3 infantry battalions
3 rifle company
1 weapons company
1 special troops battalion
1 supply co
1 armored car co
1 medical co
1 field artillery regiment 2332 ea
3 artillery battalions (1 150, 2 105mm)
1 special troops battalion
1 Service BTRY
1 Med CO
Ammo Train
1 HQ & Support regt 3303 ea
1 engr BN
1 med BN
1 special troops BN
All troops have motor transport

Cavalry Division - 6498 men
3 cavalry Regt - 1547 men
2 Cav Sqdn
1 MG Sqdn
1 support Sqdn
1 FA BN - 790 men
1 Special troops Sqdn -1067

Armor Regiment - 953 men - 1925 organization
1 Light squadron - 178 men
4 Light troops - 42 men
3 platoons - 12 men
2 squads - 6 men
2 Type 2 light tanks - 2 men
1 command squad
2 Medium squadron - 182 men
3 Medium troops - 56 men
3 platoons - 16 men
2 squads - 8 men
2 Type 3 medium tanks - 4 men
1 command squad
1 Support Squadron - 411 men
7 medium tanks - reserve
Total: 56 light tanks, 84 medium tanks, 147 tanks total.

Army of Heilongjiang
4 armored Regiment
4 motorized infantry division
8 fortress (artillery) division
3 mountain infantry division - similar to infantry, but with special training and lighter weapons
8 infantry division
5 artillery brigade - Corps
4 Corps are modified with 1 armored regiment, 2 Inf Div, 1 Motor Inf Div, and 1 Arty Regt. 5th Corps is mountain infantry.

Army of Jilin
3 infantry division
1 artillery brigade - Corps
1 artillery brigade - coastal artillery

Army of Fengtian
1 fortress infantry division
3 infantry division
1 artillery brigade - Corps
1 Siege artillery brigade - coastal artillery
2 artillery brigade - coastal artillery

Army of Korea
1 armored Regiment
1 motorized infantry division
9 infantry division
3 artillery brigade - corps
1 Siege Artillery brigade - Coastal Artillery
4 artillery brigade - coastal artillery

Army of the South -stationed in the various colonial territories. Largest concentration in Celebes
6 infantry division
1 artillery brigade
1 coastal artillery Regt

11 infantry corps
1 mountain corps
9 "artillery" divisions
4 armored Regiments
9 artillery brigade

Army of Heilongjiang
7 fortress division - 15k men - 5 activated
13 infantry corps - 50,000 men ea - 9 activated
4 secondary reserve corps - 50k men ea
3 cavalry division - 15k men eqv ea

Army of Fengtian
1 fortress division
4 infantry Corps
2 secondary reserve corps
1 cavalry division

Army of Jilin
4 infantry Corps
2 secondary reserve corps
1 Cav Div

Army of Korea
7 infantry Corps
5 secondary reserve corps

Army of the South
2 infantry Corps
2 secondary reserve corps

7 "artillery" division
135 Infantry division
45 Artillery brigade
5 cavalry division

Defense Line Yat:
System of a total of 2277 fortifications. Sections are owned by divisions. Each division has 4 regiments manning the line, with a total of 253 fortifications. The line largely consists of light pillboxes holding a squad of 16 men, interspersed with 1 in 7 of heavy fortifications. Each light pillbox has 2 37mm cannon, along with 3 HMG, with a cannon and HMG facing to left and right, and a single HMG in a coupla on top. An additionally, each has a single 81mm mortar. Near each is a watch tower of some sort. Frequently they are innocuous looking, such as a house. The front face is armored in concrete, faced with rock spoils and dirt.

Heavy fortifications hold a platoon of soldiers, and are more heavily armed, with 105mm field guns and 120mm mortars. This is in addition to the 37mm anti-tank guns, and HMGs. Between, and ahead of the fortifications are barbed wire, tank traps, and similar cheap defensive works.

Three divisions stretch along the western border, actually into Fengtian Province, against Mongolia. 1st Division is in Fengtian Province, inward from the Chinese border, protecting a roughly 100 mile front. 2nd and 3rd Divisions are well inward of the border with Mongolia, with the same frontage each, ending at the Hailar He.

Along the Hailar He are 4 additional divisions, protecting another 450 miles of the right bank of the Hailar He and Heilongjiang. Going north from the Heilongjiang to the Waihsinganling is another division, stretching up the 50 miles to the Waihsinganling mountains. This division fronts along a small river, making assaulting it very difficult. From there, another fortress division guards passes, backed up by an additional 3 divisions of mountain infantry.

In total, 9 fortress divisions are the first line of defense. In total, 2277 fortifications line the North and West borders as part of this line.

Defense Line Yi:
Manned by reservists, this line generally parallels Defense Line Yat, but 50 miles to the rear. It is manned by 8 divisions of reservists. The Waihsinganling section is not doubled, because that section itself has defense in depth. A total of 2024 fortifications make up this line.

90 J-2 fighter
90 Q-2 light bomber
16 Y-2 transport
184 aircraft

NF: 4 = 1200 kton

Note: Due to translation issues, German and Russian intelligence have underestimated the tonnage, and therefore the protection of all CA and BB type vessels.
CA1909: 4
9x 300mm
CA1913: 4
8x 360mm
CA1917: 4
12x 360mm
CAB1921: 6
9x 405mm
BB1909: 2
8x 360mm
BB1913: 2
12x 360mm
BB1917: 2
8x 405mm
CS1911: 6
8x 150mm
6x TT
CS1915: 6
12x 105mm
8x TT
CS1919: 6
18x 105mm
12x TT
CS1923: 6
18x 120mm
16x TT
CSV1923: 2
8x 120mm
21 aircraft max
CV1923: 2
4x 120mm
42 aircraft max
DD1911: 12
4x 105mm
6x TT
DD1915: 12
4x 120mm
8x TT
DD1919: 12
6x 120mm
10x TT
DD1923: 12
6x 120mm
10x TT
SS1913: 20
SS1917: 20
SS1921: 20
PR1917: 4
8x 120mm

4 Rigid Airship Scout - carry 4 modified J-2
112 J-2 - 60 carrier, 48 floatplane, 4 spare trapeze
60 Q-2
212 aircraft equivalent

Air Force: See Army and Navy. Level 4. The King has rammed the usage of identical type aircraft down the service's throats.
Last edited by Beowulf on 2009-11-26 12:45am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Gran Colombia

Grand Army of Colombia
See: here

Mobilization pool: 20 million
Total manpower: 6 million (400 divisions)
Standing army: 1.2 million
Army Tech Level: 4

More details are being added and some may be subject to change. My army is fucking huge; so please, cut me some slack.

Colombian Navy
See: here

Total fleet tonnage: 621 277 / 900 000
Fleet personnel: 40 089
Last edited by Ryan Thunder on 2009-11-28 09:00pm, edited 4 times in total.
SDN Worlds 5: Sanctum
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Mr Bean »

Mr Bean wrote:The United Kingdom

Population: 3 (75 million, Britain and Ireland = 45, + the rest in remaining colonies or in Britain due to high exodus from former colonies)

Home Territory: 2
2: National Land Area of >200,000 sq. kms
Colonial Territory: 2(1)
2: Colonial Land Area of >200,000 sq. kms
Territories claimed-New Zealand, Newfoundland, Ghana, Gambia, Saint Helena, Diego Garcia, Aruba, Fiji, Howland Island, Christmas_Island
Hong Kong Style Cities controlled by Britain
Shenzhen Sub-Provence (China), Pondicherry (India), Sydney (Australia), Gibraltar (City and Fort), Bahrain (Middle East)

Naval Bases on Foreign Soil
CapeTown (Naval Base)

Economy: 5
5: 5 years of mobilization, +10% PT, + 125% points WT. You need at least a 3 in population and a 1 in colonial possessions for this.

Infrastructure: 5
5: -50% Mobilization and Deployment Time. You need 4 Economy and 4 in Industry.

Industry: 5
5: 500pts/quarter, ship size limit 50kt+. You need at least a total of 15 in the above-described fields with at least a 3 in population, a 3 in Economy, and a 4 in infrastructure, + 3 to a focus of your choice
Naval Focus: 2 (+3 Bonus due to industry) = 5
5: Total combat fleet tonnage of 1,500,000 Standard Displacement. Adds 100,000T shipyard capacity. 9 slipways for ships 25-40,000T Standard, 6 slipways for ships 40-55,000T Standard. Combined Industry/Economy Level of 9.

Standing military: 3
3: 20% Standing Army, 80% Reserve

Army Focus: 1(1)
1: Your Army's manpower is 10% of your mobilization pool.

Air Focus: 2
2: You have 240 aircraft

The British Army has been neglected for years with less than 300,000 active duty personnel in 16 divisions. Starved of resources & funding for years the British Army has struggled for years to rebuild it's forces after the defeats of the 1820's, 1840's and 1860's. At long last it has struggle back to a semblance of quality. The British army standard weapon is the SMLE, a single shot five round rifle. The standard sidearm the Webley MK IV Revolver is it's standard sidearm. The Model 5 Mills bomb is the standard hand-grenade, however the Army Field Office found that most division had only one week's standard combat ammo of these on hand. The Lewis gun is the standard infantry machine gun. However it is noted that only two divisions have their full allotment of machine guns due constant Army budget issues. Also used is the Vickers heavy machine gun but only seven divisions have them at all. Most divisions having only half as many as called for or those they do have were purchased a decade ago. Due to chronic budget shortages few of the British Divisions have the required horse or mule transport for their 18-pounder field artillery pieces or 4.5 inch Howizters. The last study by the Army Field office estimated that over 1/3 of all British artillery guns must be replaced due to wear but no extra funding has been allocated to this at this time.

In total only three of Britain's Field Divisions are considered combat ready. Six additional divisions are considered qualified for Garrison or static defense duty. The remaining eight divisions are considered unsatisfactory due to lack of troop motivation, Terrible showing at group maneuvers or out and out incompetence including when the 8th Infantry division fired live rounds instead of dummy rounds during the national day of Morning after the last King passed on October 10th 1918. This and several other high profile incidents have been most divisions a bad name in the press. Only the 3rd Infantry Division "Old Ironsides" has escaped media scorn and as a consequence it is the most battle-ready of any British division and the best equipped.

The Royal Airforce is an outgrowth of Navy's need to find enemy ships and engage them. The British air force is by no means a homogeneous force. While the Air force numbers in at 237 aircraft there is no one model that has more than four squadrons worth of aircraft. The HMS Furious for example carries a half squadron of Fairey III Seaplanes and the New Zeland Royal AF maintains two additional aircraft. The most numerous aircraft is the Sopwith Pup but there exists only a single training squadron the other two squadrons are aboard the HMS Argus and the HMS Hermes. Due to lack of spares they regularly fly at half strength. Other examples of oddball aircraft are two Vickers Vimy's attached to the General Staff in London or a single Fairy Fox attached to the Chinese airforce. Other major aircraft are the Naval version of the Sopwith Strutter, the Felixstowe F.3 Flying boat, the AD Flying Boat, the Curtiss Model R and the Sopwith Tabloid.

1,500,000 Standard Tonnage +300,000 British Focus(Cruiser or lower only)
16,888,00 spent... 100,000 left. I'll assume I got some numbers wrong and round up from there.

Aircraft Carriers (70,000)
1917 HMS Furious (22,000) 30 Aircraft
1918 HMS Argus (14,450) 18 Aircraft
1919 HMS Hermes (10,850) 20 Aircraft
1924 HMS Courageous (22,500) 48 Aircraft

Battleships (510,000) (18 ships)
1907 HMS Bellerophon (18,800)
1907 HMS Superb (18,800)
1911 HMS King George V (23,400)
1911 HMS Thunderer (22,200)
1911 HMS Monarch (22,000)
1912 HMS Marlborough (25,000)
1912 HMS Ajax (23,400)
1913 HMS Benbow (25,000)
1914 HMS Queen Elizabeth (28,000)
1914 HMS Valiant (28,000)
1915 HMS Warspite (28,800)
1915 HMS HMS Barham (29,150)
1916 HMS Royal Oak (29,150)
1917 HMS Revenge (29,150)
1917 HMS Ramillies (29,150)
1918 HMS Resolution (29,150)
1924 HMS Hercules (48,000) (Hercules class)
1925 HMS Odysseus (48,000)

Battlecruiser (380,000) (12 ships)
1907 HMS Inflexible (20,700)
1907 HMS Indomitable (20,722)
1909 HMS Indefatigable (18,470)
1910 HMS Lion (26,250)
1913 HMS Tiger (28,500)
1916 HMS Repulse (26,500)
1916 HMS Renown (26,500)
1916 HMS Resistance (26,500)
1918 HMS Hood (45,200)
1919 HMS Anson (45,200)
1924 HMS Panther(46,200)
1925 HMS Lynx (46,200)

Heavy Cruiser 153,800 (15 ships)
1905 HMS Warrior (13,550)
1905 HMS Achilles (13,550)
1908 HMS Shannon (14,600)
1908 HMS Minotaur (14,600)
1909 HMS Defence (14,600)
1918 HMS Hawkins (9,750)
1918 HMS Raleigh (9,750)
1918 HMS Durham (9,750)
1919 HMS Chapel (9,750)
1920 HMS Youngstown (9,750)
1920 HMS Barrow (9,750)
1921 HMS York (9,750)
1921 HMS Parson (9,750)
1921 HMS Parkes (9,750)
1922 HMS Stewart (9,750)

Light Cruiser (260,000) (50 ships)
1908-1915 21 Town class cruisers (4,800) 100,800
1913-1916 28 C class cruisers (3,750) 105,000
1918-1922 11 Danae class cruisers (4,850) 53,350

Destroyers (152,000) 158 total ships
1903-1906 15 River class destroyers (545 Tons) 8175
1908-1912 19 Beagle Class Destroyers (940 Tons) 17,860
1909-1910 18 Acorn class destroyer (780 Tons) 14,040
1911-1914 31 Acasta class destroyer (984 Tons) 30,504
1915-1917 30 Admiralty M class destroyer (1,010Tons) 30,300
1917-1922 44 Admiralty W class Destroyer (1,120 Tons) 49,280
1924 1 HMS Amazon (1,350) 1,350

Minesweepers & Support Craft
120,000 worth

Submarines (43,000) (65 Submarines)
H-Class 37 Boats (363 Tons) 13,431
J-Class 21 Boats (1,210 Tons) 25,410
R-Class 5 Boats (420 Tons) 2100
O-Class 2 Boats(The Odin & Oxly first of the O class are currently undergoing evaluation and testing at 1,420 tons)
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2009-11-16 12:35pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by RogueIce »

United States of America (as of October 1925)
Department of the Navy
United States Navy
Langley CV - 1
  • Airgroup: 50 Vought VE-7
South Dakota BB - 5
Colorado BB - 4
Tennessee BB - 2
New Mexico BB - 3
Pennsylvania BB - 2
Ontario BB* - 2
New York BB - 2
Wyoming BB - 2
Florida BB - 2

Memphis CA** - 4
Pittsburgh CA*** - 6
USS Rochester (CA-2) - 1
Omaha CL - 10
Chester CL - 3
Denver CL - 3

Clemson DD - 48
Wickes DD - 42
Caldwell DD - 6
Sampson DD - 6
Aylwin DD - 4
Cassin DD - 4

S-class SS (Group IV) - 4
S-class SS (Group III) - 5
S-class SS (Group II) - 15
S-class SS (Group I) - 25
R-class SS - 27
O-class SS - 10
N-class SS (1) - 3
N-class SS (2) - 4

Naval Aviation
10 Vought VE-7
4 Boeing Model 15 (prototype testing)

*OTL Nevada-class battleship
**Former Tennesse-class cruiser
***Former Pennslyvania-class cruiser

United States Marine Corps
1st Marine Division
Department of War
United States Army
1st Division

2nd Division

3rd Division

4th Division

5th Division

6th Division

7th Division

8th Division

9th Division (Test)
  • Motorized Infantry Brigade
  • Motorized Infantry Brigade
  • Siege Artillery Brigade
Cuban Division

1st Cavalry Division

2nd Cavalry Division

1st Armor Brigade (Test)

Army Tech: 3

United States Army Air Service
Airco DH.4 - 60

Martin NBS-1 - 20

Thomas-Morse MB-3 - 90
Orenco D - 20

Boeing Model 15 - 4

Air Tech: 3
National Guard and State Militias
2.2 million (possible) Reserves
Last edited by RogueIce on 2009-12-30 06:09pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by loomer »

The People's Republic of Afghanistan

Pop: 2
HT: 3
Ind: 2
Eco: 3
Inf: 3
SMT: 2
AmF: 2
AF: 1
AT: 2
AFT: 2

Mob Pool: 12% = 6million
Army manpower: 1.2 million (plus regional militias, I assume, in keeping with the general feel of 'every man has a rifle', so total forces for a major defensive war might be... Two million total?)
Standing Military: 240,000 men.
Reserves: 1 million men.

Current Force elements:
Active Forces: (15,000 to a division, as standard, with 2,000 attached support personnel)

8 Cavalry divisions, armed with Mosin Dragoon rifles, Nagant revolvers, and sabres. The Helmand divisions are Camel mounted but the rest use horses.
-2 based out of Helmand province
-2 based out of Kabul
-1 based out of Ghurian
-1 based out of Obe
-2 based out of Khost

4 horse mounted infantry divisions, armed with 1910 model Mosins and miscellaneous equipment (light mortars, an as-yet undetermined machine gun, and so forth. I'll detail this later.)
-1 based out of Obe
-1 based out of Fort Akmar (currently building it in conjunction with civilian engineers and labourers)
-1 based out of the Fort at Sursurang
-1 based out of Kabul

3 divisions of horse drawn artillery
-1 based out of Obe
-1 based out of Fort Akmar
-1 based out of Ghurian
1 division of siege artillery
-1 based out of Kabul

Reserve Forces: 67 divisions
30 divisions of horse drawn infantry
-8 based out of Kandahar
-8 based out of Kabul
-1 based out of Zaranj
-1 based out of Spin Boldak
-2 based out of Lashkar Gah
-6 based out of Herat
-4 based out of Chitral
16 divisions of horse drawn artillery
-4 based out of Kandahar
-4 based out of Kabul
-4 based out of Herat
-2 based out of Lashkar Gah
-2 based out of Chitral
16 divisions of cavalrymen
-8 based out of Kandahar
-4 based out of Kabul
-4 based out of Herat
5 divisions of Siege Artillery
-2 based out of Kandahar
-1 based out of Kabul
-1 based out of Herat
-1 based out of Gardez

Civilian Elements to be Drawn On in Total War:
~5 brigades of police officers:
-1 based in Kabul
-1 based out of Kandahar
-1 based out of Chitral (with additional donkeys for mountaineering duties)
-2 dispersed around country
-Mobilization Plan: Integration into extant combat units and equipping with similar firearms where available, or civilian hunting rifles
1 division Afghan Border Police:
-Spread across nation
-Mobilization Plan: As above
Regional fire-fighting departments:
-Rough total 1 division spread across nation
-Mobilization Plan: Integration into Volunteer Units, equipping with surplus Mosin-Nagants.
Boy Scouts:
-1 brigade in Kabul
-1 brigade in Kandahar
-Approx 2 brigades over rest of nation
-Mobilization Plan: Boy Scout Volunteer Division, equipping with whatever available, mobilize last.

Air Force elements:
-2 1915 Zeppelins, based out of Kabul
-6 1912 bombers, based out of Kandahar
-6 1912 bombers, based out of Kabul
-8 1916 bombers, based out of Obe
-20 1916 fighters, based out of Kabul
-20 1916 fighters, based out of Kandahar
-20 1916 fighters, based out of Obe
-16 1917 fighters, based out of Kandhar
-2 recce planes attached to Fort Akmar
-2 recce planes attached to Obe
Last edited by loomer on 2009-12-09 07:38pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Ma Deuce »

note: this is a WIP placeholder which I will add more detail to later
Kingdom of Madagascar

National Attributes

Population: 1 The population of Madagascar is a bit more than 25 million, the majority of which are descendants of African mainlanders who immigrated to the island as manual laborers in the 19th century. Despite social reform many remain poor, and the native Malagasy (though now a minority) continue to hold most of the important positions in government and business, despite the advent of free and fair elections.

Home Territory: 2 (581,540 km²). Home territory consists of the entire island of Madagascar.

Colonial Territory: 1 (~7,650 km²). Most of the islands and archipelagos surrounding Madagascar, including the Seychelles & Mauritius archipelago territories, Rodrigues Island, Reunion Island, the Comoros, and the Mozambique Channel islands. In addition to a small population, these islands host numerous military outposts including airstrips and naval anchorages, which serve to enforce sovereignty over Madagascar's fishing grounds and maritime resources, and to provide early waring to the approach of enemy fleets.

Industry: 3 Madagascar industrialized over the course of the 19th century, fueled by the wealth of it's mineral resources and cheap labour from the African mainland. Today it sports a relatively small but advanced industrial base, including steel mills and shipyards.

Economy: 3 Madagascar now sports a robust and diverse economy whose development was was funded by the mineral exports that still make a significant portion of the country's GDP. Economic development has also seen the emergence of not only manufacturing, but service industries such as banking.

Infrastructure: 4 Concurrent with the island nation's industrialization was the development of modern infrastructure. Madagascar today has a modern system of railways, paved roads, and electrical grids.

Standing Military Limit: 3 Madagascar has been a highly militarized nation since the war with France, and maintains a relatively large standing army for a nation of it's population, though much smaller than in the past, before the rise of the Navy. 80% of the army's manpower are reservists. (Mobilization pool = 14% of population or 3.5 million)

Naval Focus: 3 (+1) Madagascar possesses a large and modern navy for a nation it's size and relative youth, including several dreadnoughts. This navy was the fruit of a massive buildup program that followed the French invasion of 1894, whose expenditures resulted in an attempted Communist revolution in 1918. Although its first warships were built abroad, Madagascar now has the ability to design and construct it's own. As an island country, the Navy is the Madagascar's senior service, though it remains untested in battle.

Army Focus: 5 (Tech Level = 3) While the standing army is relatively small at 350,000 men, some 1.4 million trained reservists can be mobilized upon the outbreak of war (standing army = 20% of mob. pool). The standing army is primarily defensive in nature, manning the numerous fortifications and coastal defense batteries on Madagascar's shores and outlying islands, with the reservists coming into play in case an enemy was successful in landing troops on the island. Since funding priority has shifted to the Navy, the army has had to make do with older model equipment and weaponry.

Air Focus: 5 (Tech Level = 3): After the combat debut of the airplane, the military recognized it's value for scouting and support of armies and fleets, and so bought many from around the world to serve in the Army Air Corps. The Navy also operates scout and spotting aircraft, including off the deck of the Mangoky, once Madagascar's only armored cruiser, since experimentally converted with a full-length flight deck. Still, the aeronautical engineering expertise of Madagascar is lacking, and combined with the Navy's funding priority forces the Air Corps to rely on older aircraft or imported foreign designs

Military Order of Battle

Royal Merina Navy

The Navy is the senior service and now absorbs the lions share of military spending, despite it's relative youth and total lack of combat experience. Development much of the Navy's fighting power is concentrated into two main forces: the Battle Fleet, which includes all the Navy's battleships and their attendant escorts, and the Mobile Fleet, which is built around the battlecruiser squadron. Together, they form the Combined Fleet. Development of the navy was inspired by the writings of the American naval officer and geopolitical theorist A.T. Mahan, and it's organization and training are based on the British Royal Navy. It's warship design philosophies originate in Britain as well (which should come as no surprise since it's earliest warships were built there) but have diverged on a somewhat different path.

Main base is located at Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) on the northern tip of the island, which can host the entire fleet. The entrance to the anchorage is heavily defended by coastal batteries and anti-submarine screens. Other major bases include Maroantsetra on Antongil Bay, Port Louis and Port Victoria in Mauritius and the Seychelles island chains, respectively. The former of these island bases is capable of hosting and maintaining the entire Mobile Fleet for extended periods, while the latter can only provide anchorage for same for limited periods, but can permanently base smaller formations such as cruiser/destroyer patrol groups and submarine flotillas. ... 6bGc&hl=en
Note: almost completely done: Capital ships and cruisers now final, though smaller ships may be still be adjusted slightly.

Royal Merina Army

Standing, 350,000 men, 1.4 million reservists. Composition TBD, but standing forces will composed primarily of fortress divisions manning the complex defensive line of bunkers covering all suitable landing sites on the Island, combined with coastal defense batteries. Small number of forts and coastal defences also deployed to outlying island holdings, with the strongest concentrations in Port Victoria in the Seychelles and Port Louis in Mauritus. Standing forces will also include a small number of motorized divisions supported by light tank brigades, intended to act as mobile support to the fortifications, counterattacking and containing successful landings that breach the coastal fortress lines, and serve as the core of the activated reserves. Reserves almost entirely foot infantry.

Royal Merina Air Corps

The junior service: Technically responsible for all combat aircraft operations, but has very limited authority over it's own turf compared to the other services, and must consult with them for development and procurement. Divided among Army Air Corps (AAC) and Navy Air corps (NAC), with individual units under respective operational control of the army or navy. Nonetheless, it is quite large with 600 active aircraft, though mostly of older types. Army Air Corps units are largely geared to providing scouting and close air support to the army and are mainly concentrated on Madagascar itself, while the land-based navy units are much more numerous and tasked with maritime patrol, scouting, and security and include several airships for this role. Many of the outlying islands have airstrips to support this mission, with the ones near larger settlements incorporating airship hangars. Naturally, the NAC units also include the aircraft on Madagascar's sole carrier, as well as it's seaplane tenders.

Current roster of combat aircraft includes:

240 fighters (Martinsyde Buzzard, Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin III)
48 CAS Fighter (Sopwith Salamander)
24 reconnaissance/light bomber/general purpose (Fairey III; land version)
18 heavy bombers (Vickers Vimy and Handley Page v/1500 types)

18 carrier fighters (Gloster Nightjar)
48 reconnaissance/light bomber/general purpose (Fairey III; seaplane version)
9 large flying boats (Curtis NC)
15 flying boats (Felixstowe F.5)
120 torpedo bombers (Blackburn Dart)
6 Maritime patrol/reconnaissance zeppelins
Last edited by Ma Deuce on 2010-01-02 03:15pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Steve »

OrBat as of 1 June 1925

Cascadian Army

Active Forces: 94 Brigades, 470,000 men

Cascadian Guards Corps

The elite of the elite. Only the most committed and most skilled volunteers and officers are desired for these postings.

The Guards Corps now makes up over half of the standing army at current due to the reduction of yearly draft rolls by the Halling Administration and its effect on the rest of the Army. While the Guards have retained their honed edge, they are being stretched thinner with the need for the posting of two continental divisions overseas to make up for the reduction in Army regulars.

I Guards Corps (10 brigades)

1st Guards (Motorized) Division "The Tricolor Guard"
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
Based in Seattle, Olympia

2nd Guards (Motorized) Division "The Evergreen"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Oakland, California

3rd Guards (Motorized) Division "Pride of the North"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Regina, Saskatchewan

1st Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

II Guards Corps (10 brigades)

6th Guards Division "Spirit Walkers"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Bingham Canyon, Utah

8th Guards Division (undergoing activation training)
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Yakima, Olympia

1st Mounted Rifles Guards Division "Desert Riders"
3 Cavalry Brigades
1 Battalion of Flying Artillery
Based in Eureka, Nevada

2nd Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

III Guards Corps (10 brigades)

4th Guards Division "Mountain Ghosts"
3 (Mountain) Infantry Brigades
Based in Madang, New Guinea Territory

5th Guards Division "Jungle Rats"
3 (Jungle) Infantry Brigades
Based in Medan, Sumatra Territory

7th Guards Division "The Stalwarts"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Tanjungkarang, Sumatra Territory

3rd Guards Artillery Brigade

(IV) Australian Guards Corps (10 brigades)

1st Australian Guards (Motorized) Division "The Iron Wall"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Iron City, Cooksland (modern Mt. Isa, Queensland), forward positioned in Pine Creek, North Australian Territory

2nd Australian Guards (Motorized) Division "Outback Bandits"
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
Based in Katherine, North Australian Territory

3rd Australian Guards Division "Australia's Own"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Perth, Western Australia
Note: Being Upgraded to Motorized status, reduced effectiveness until November 1925

4th Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport), assigned to Corps HQ in Katherine, North Australian Territory

Cascadian Regular Forces

The Regulars consist primarily of the yearly draft callups and younger, less-experienced officers. They are trained to full standard for regular forces but are not considered to be as effective as the Guard Corps. Normally consisting of two-thirds or more of the standing army, cuts in the prior 8 years of Tory rule have resulted in the Regulars being a minority of Army forces, though the New Defense Plan may improve this. Numerous border forts in California and Nevada were shut down under Tory rule, with only the Ft. Jordan fortress across the Jordan River from Mormon-owned Salt Lake City kept active.

Additionally the Regular Army contains the Armored Testing Brigade, a formation intended for the testing of both tank doctrine and new models of tanks as the technology is refined year-by-year.

I Corps (10 brigades)

6th Infantry (Assault) Division
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Carson City, Nevada

1st Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Stockton, California

2nd Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Kanab, Utah

8th Artillery Brigade

II Corps (10 brigades)

Note: All units of the II Corps have been raised as a result of the New Defense Plan. They are in various levels of training until February 1926; full effectiveness as units will be achieved in February 1927.

3rd Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Edmonton, Alberta

4th Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

5th Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Vermilion, Alberta

2nd Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

III Corps (12 brigades)

Note: All units of the III Corps have been raised as a result of the New Defense Plan. They are activated reservist formations undergoing activation training; full effectiveness attained in August 1925.

7th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Elko, Nevada

8th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Tooele, Utah

9th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Pocatello, Idaho

12th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Provo, Utah

IV Corps (12 brigades)

Note: All units of the IV Corps have been raised as a result of the New Defense Plan. They are activated reservist formations undergoing activation training; full effectiveness attained in August 1925.

10th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
- includes 4th New Olympia Regiment
Based in Newcastle, New Olympia

11th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Port Augusta, New Columbia

13th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Townsville, Cooksland

14th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Brisbane, Cooksland

Independent Divisions (6 brigades)

19th Infantry Division (3 brigades)
2 Infantry Brigades
1 Garrison Brigade
Based in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii
Garrison Brigade mans Forts Hawkins and Kamehameha on Oahu. Unit in activation training, will complete in August 1925

Utah Garrison Division (2 brigades)
1 Garrison Infantry Brigade
1 Artillery Brigade
Based in Ft. Jordan, Utah

Armored Testing Brigade (1 brigade)
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Yakima, Olympia

Cascadian Marine Corps

The Cascadian Marine Corps, like their British and American counterparts, began as a force of ship-board infantry for fighting boarding actions and small expeditionary engagements. They have since begun to field land-based forces, primarily for the protection of Cascadia's smallest outposts in the Pacific. In recent years the Corps, due to its shift to Pacific operations, has shifted its HQ to the semi-autonomous Kingdom of Hawaii.

The 1st Marine Brigade is also the Royal Hawaiian Marine Brigade by charter of the Hawaiian monarchy, in recognition for the Brigade's heroism in preventing the overthrow of the monarchy by American and European plantation owners in the 1890s. This title is only used in ceremonial events of the Kingdom of Hawaii and is not an official unit designation on the CMC unit roll.

1st (Royal) Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Pearl Harbor, Kingdom of Hawaii

2nd Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Tidore, Protectorate of the North Moluccas

3rd Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Bengkulu, Sumatra Territory

Pacific Garrisons Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
HQ Based in Koror, Palau Islands Territory
Unit is divided up in individual companies and battalions and assigned to various Pacific island holdings as garrisons.


Due to the wide expanse of Cascadian continental territory and budget cuts to the land forces by Conservative governments since 1913, dedicated fortifications are primarily coastal and meant to help repulse attacking fleets. Of those border forts that were built only Fort Jordan, along the west bank of Utah's Jordan River, remains as a major fortification of concrete with heavy guns, and it is primarily intended to deal with the threat of Deseretan revanchism with its battery of 8" guns pre-dialed to direct bombardments into Salt Lake City while pillboxes and casemates provide protection from Deseret infantry.

Forts Canby and MacLaughlin dominate the entrance to Puget Sound with 10" and 12" naval guns; MacLaughlin has two 14" guns as primary armament. Forts Barry, Baker, Miley, and Scott command the entrance to San Francisco Bay with a battery of new 16" guns, 8 in all, with 12 14" guns and 8 12" guns also spread amongst them along with 155mm and 8" artillery. Naval Fort Perth is a special fortification that has existed in some form or another since the 1870s and which is in reserve today with only 10" and 12" armament, including an open-to-civilians museum area that contains the 12"/25 19th century guns that repulsed the Manchurian attack on Perth after the defeat of the West Australian Squadron in 1889. Today Fort Dampier is the primary defensive installation, on Garden Island, possessing 4 14"/45 guns and three surplus 16"/45 guns from the cancelled third Magnificent-class ship as its main armament. Adelaide and Melbourne possess light coastal forts at their harbor openings that contain 6"-10" armament. By the terms of the Australia Treaty Cascadia does not maintain coastal defenses in the coastline near British Sydney. Fortifications at Brisbane and Townsville possess 4 14"/52 Albemarle-Obukhov guns apiece with 6"-8" secondary armament. Sumatra has fortifications at Palembang, Bengkulu, and Pangkal Pinang. The former has 6 and 8" guns for attacking both land and riverine targets; the latter two also possess 8 14" guns courtesy of buildup in the 1910s. The above forts all include pillbox and gunhouse structures to deal with infantry attacks; .50 Browning Heavy Machine Guns are the favored armament.

Pearl Harbor enjoys the distinction of the most heavily-defended fortifications in Cascadia: Forts Hawkins and Kamehameha are on the west and east side of the entrance respectively: the 1920 Naval Defense Act have turned them into the most powerful defensive fortifications in the Pacific, each with 8 16"/50 guns as primary anti-ship armament to replace the 8 12"/52 Albemarle-Obukhovs the forts used to command, all in armored turrets connected to central fort magazines by electric conveyer belts and walkways in fortified underground tunnels. In the gaps between the turrets casemates for 6" quick-fire guns and specialized 8"/55 coastal artillery guns add closer-range armament with heavy steel and concrete defenses alongside, topped with gunhouses for .50 caliber heavy machine gun emplacements and further pillboxes closer to the coast. Internally batteries of 3" and 40mm anti-aircraft artillery were the first such defenses added to a Cascadian defensive fortification. The forts are manned day to day at this time by the 1st Marine Brigade and draftees from the Hawaiian islands, rotating in and out during retention training. In August the 3rd and 8th Hawaiian Regiments, 19th Division, will take over responsibility for the fortifications. Currently a proposal to install Albemarle's newly-testing 18"/50 guns is being considered, but none will likely be ordered unless the Navy places an order for them to be installed in new battleships.

Additionally, other forts are being planned on Oahu, Maui, and Hawai'i, though none will equal the combat power of the Pearl Harbor defenses.

Army Reserve

The Army reserve consists of both volunteers and draftees. Draftees in the Reserves are primarily those who complete Universal Military Training and are either not selected for active service or are exempted from it for various reasons as well as those who complete their service in the regular army and are retained in the reserve, usually for 4-8 years. Since 1916 the Reserve has been steadily reduced by the Conservative Party, seeking to save funds from the national budget to keep taxes low and fulfill social service initiatives. As a result, it is about a third lower than it should be.

Reservists generally train one to two months out of the year, meeting at least every weekend a month for rifle training with month-long retention training held once a year, rotating by reservist formation in a region.

Most of the Reserve comes from the mainland of North America, primarily in the full states while the Territories have Territorial Militia units that are usually no larger than a regiment or two due to the lower population - mobilization of territorial militia generally only happens when said territories are directly threatened, as mobilization in these territories can cause severe economic depression.

Note that roughly every seven Reserve Divisions have a Reserve Artillery Brigade attached.

Reserve Forces: 579 brigades (552 Infantry 27 Artillery), 2,895,000 men, organized into 184 divisions

Breakdown of Reserve Divisions per Region:

38 Divisions
5 Artillery Brigades
Victoria - 10 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
New Columbia - 9 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
New Olympia - 9 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Western Australia - 4 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Cooksland - 6 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade

1 Division
1 Artilery Brigade
Oahu - 1 Division, 1 Artillery Brigade

North America:
145 Divisions
21 Artillery Brigades
Olympia - 30 Divisions, 5 Artillery Brigades
Oregon - 28 Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
California - 25 Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
Columbia - 23 Divisions, 3 Artillery Brigades
Idaho - 11 Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
South Alberta - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Saskatchewan - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Nevada - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Utah - 2 Divisions
North Alberta - 2 Divisions

Cascadian Navy

Combat Fleet

40 Old Destroyers (up to 1914)
20 Combs-class (Cassin) destroyers
10 O'Brien-class (O'Brien) destroyers
10 Royas-class (Tucker) destroyers

70 New Destroyers (post-1914)
20 Kentworth-class (Caldwell-like) destroyers
30 Rodgers-class (Clemson-like) destroyers
20 Hencken-class (Modified Clemson-like) destroyers building 1923-1925. 14 completed, six fitting out.

38 Light/Scout Cruisers
12 Carnarvon-class (Arethusa-like) light cruisers
6 Kelowna-class (Caroline-like) light cruisers
10 Boise-class (Danae-like) light cruisers
10 Tacoma-class light cruisers

10 Heavy Cruisers
10 Nez Perce-class cruisers building 1924-1925

80 Submarines 54,500
20 D-class (N-class-like) Coastal Submarines
20 G-class (R-class-like) Submarines
40 K-class (S-class-like) Submarines
3 L-class Fleet Submarines building 1924-1925. 3 boats under construction; though considered L-class in all cases, each is being built to a different design to test various proposals for submarine design; common denominator is the need for at least 6,000nm range with no less than 11 knots cruise speed)

1 Yakama-class (Hermes-like) aircraft carrier: 8,407T.
Air Wing:
20 x NF-1 Sea Sparrow

43 (31 active, 6 building, 6 planned) Capital Warships

2 Cascadia-class dreadnoughts (post-1916-1919 refit)
CRS Cascadia
CRS Pacifica

1 Alberta-class battlecruiser
CRS Alberta Note: relegated as Academy training ship/gunnery training.

4 Constitution-class dreadnoughts
CRS Constitution
CRS Republic
CRS Liberty
CRS Constellation

4 Colossus-class dreadnoughts
CRS Colossus
CRS Goliath
CRS Titan
CRS Sentinel

2 Australia-class dreadnoughts. Update to Cascadia-class, initially Royal Egyptian Navy Fakhr-ad-Din Yussuf-class, order canceled by Egypt and unfinished ships re-laid and built by Cascadian Navy design.
CRS Australia (ex-REN Fakhr-ad-Din Yussuf)
CRS Alaska (ex-REN Faris ad-Din Aktai)

2 Vanguard-class dreadnoughts
CRS Vanguard
CRS Formidable

2 Magnificent-class dreadnoughts
CRS Magnificent
CRS Chief Joseph

4 California-class battlecruisers
CRS California
CRS Utah
CRS Sumatra
CRS Hawaii

6 Dauntless-class dreadnoughts
CRS Dauntless
CRS Relentless
CRS Fearless
CRS Superb
CRS Challenger
CRS Thunderer

4 Lightning-class large cruisers
CRS Lightning
CRS Whirlwind
CRS Tornado
CRS Tempest

6 Sovereign-class dreadnoughts, building 1923-1926 - 50,428T
CRS Sovereign (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1 1926)
CRS Senator (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1 1926)
CRS Centurion (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q2 1926)
CRS Consul (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q2 1926)
CRS Magistrate (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q3 1926)
CRS Praetor (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q3 1926)

4 Defiant-class fast battleships, to be built 1925-1928 - 55,000T
CRS Defiant (laid Q1 1925, commissioned Q1-Q2 1928)
CRS Reliant (laid Q1 1925, commissioned Q1-Q2 1928)
CRS Reprisal (laid Q2 1925, commissioned Q1-Q2 1928)
CRS Warrior (to be laid Q3 1925, commissioned Q1-Q2 1928)

Auxiliary Fleet

8 Abernathy-class Fleet Oilers - 144,400T displacement
10 Bremer-class Oilers - 100,000T displacement
10 Clydesdale-class Fleet Ammunition Suppliers - 60,000T displacement
10 Alesano-class Supply Vessels - 100,000T displacement
25 Minesweepers of assorted class - 16,000T displacement
8 Converted Liners for troop transport of assorted class - 79,600T displacement

Total Auxiliary Tonnage: 500,000 tons

Cascadian Air Force

Main Air Strips: (Not all in constant use)
Tooele, Utah
Regina, Saskatchewan
Calgary, Alberta
Boise, Idaho
Helena, Idaho
Seattle, Olympia
Oakland, California
Honolulu, Hawaii
Madang, New Guinea
Tindore, North Moluccas
Palembang, Sumatra
Medan, Sumatra
Perth, Western Australia
Katherine, North Australia
Townsville, Cooksland
Brisbane, Cooksland
Melbourne, Victoria
Adelaide, New Columbia

2 B-class Coastal reconnassiance zeppelins (Under Navy control)

80 PF-3 biplane fighters (40 in training)
20 PF-2 biplane fighters
20 NF-1 Sea Sparrow naval aircraft (under Navy control, used for carrier operations)
18 T-1 transport aircraft (12 in training)
14 BF-2 biplane bomber
20 RC-2 coastal patrol flying boats (all in training)

1st Pursuit Group
HQ: Katherine, North Australia

5th Fighter Squadron "Australian Aces"
20 x PF-3s

6th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

2nd Pursuit Group
HQ: Tooele, Utah

2nd Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

4th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

1st Composite Group
Medan, Sumatra

1st Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-2s

1st Attack Squadron
14 x BF-2s

1st Support Group
HQ: Katherine, North Australia

1st Transport Squadron
8 x T-1s

2nd Support Group
HQ: Madang, New Guinea

2nd Transport Squadron
8 x T-1s

Coastal Patrol Squadrons

1st Patrol Squadron
10 x RC-2s

2nd Patrol Squadron
10 x RC-2s
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by MKSheppard »

Shepistani Federation Naval Order of Battle

Note Names to be determined.

1 x 15,000 ton CV (Converted; USS Langley Analogue, roughly)
1 x 45,000 ton CV (BUILDING; Lexington CV Analogue, roughly -- is under construction so does not count on tonnage).

6 x 45,000 ton CC (Lexington CC Analogues, roughly)
2 x 35,000 ton CC
2 x 21,500 ton CC

6 x 43,000 ton BB (South Dakota Analogues, roughly)
8 x 32,000 ton BB
2 x 26,500 ton BB
2 x 20,500 ton BB
2 x 16,000 ton BB

6 x 12,000 ton CA
6 x 9,000 ton CA
12 x 5,000 ton CA

30 x 400 ton DD (1900 USN DD Analogue)
35 x 700 ton DD (1909 USN DD Analogue)
65 x 1,000 ton DD (1913 WWI Analogue)
75 x 1,200 ton DD (1919 Four Stacker Analogue)
20 x 1,800 Ton DD

15 x 395 ton SS (K Class Analogue)
30 x 570 ton SS (R Class Analogue)
15 x 850 ton SS (S-42 Analogue)
12 x 1,000 ton SS (S-48 Analogue)
2 x 2,700 ton SS Cruiser (Argonaut/Narwhal Analogue)

PT Boats
100 x 15 ton PT
150 x 30 ton PT

Total Tonnage: 1,504,000

Note Per The Shepistani Naval Authorization Act of 1887, amended by the Acts of 1890, 1903, and 1914, all merchantmen above 8,000 tons displacement must have strengthened deck mount points on the bow and stern along with some disposition for ammunition hoists from convertible magazine spaces.

All merchantmen above 14,000 tons displacement must have strengthened deck mount points on the bow, stern, and midships along port and starboard, plus hoist dispositions. In addition, some provision must be made for torpedo launchers.

In both cases, in order to receive the subsidy from the Shepistani Navy Department, the Merchantman's crew must perform a function check of the watertight doors and other safety features every six months, and replace nonfunctional or damaged parts.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Thanas »

Order of Battle for the German Empire, October 1925.

Link to German railroad system (from 1910, but not a lot would have changed in the meantime, so I consider it to be the final version)

Army OOB, October 1925

Tech level: 4.

Standing army

2,59 million men, 518 brigades (117 not to max. effectiveness)

10 Armored brigades (5 not to max. effectiveness)
27 motorized infantry brigades (12 not to max. effectiveness)
52 cavalry brigades (3 not to max effectiveness)
52 artillery brigades (10 not to max effectiveness)
18 heavy artillery brigades
62 Pioneer brigades (6 of them Railway pioneers, specialists in railway building/destruction) (20 not to max effectiveness)
42 Sturmtruppen brigades (specialized assault infantry)
3 Jungle brigades (specialized infantry) (3 not to max effectiveness)
6 Forest brigades (specialized infantry) (6 not to max effectiveness)
24 brigades of marines (infantry specialized for amphib assault) (18 not to max. effectiveness)
46 fortress brigades (specialized for coastal guns/fortress weaponry, dispersed throughout the territories)
12 brigades of Colonial troops (German troops specialized for colonial conditions)
164 general infantry brigades (40 not to max effectiveness)

Army disposition, October 1925:

Italian Border:
100.000 men (all to max effectiveness)

Balkan Border:
500.000 Men (all to max effectiveness)

Polish Border
225.000 Men (all to max effectiveness)

French Border (total)
400.000 Men (all to max effectiveness)

Nordic Empire Border
175000 Men (all to max effectiveness)

Strategic reserve:
1,19 million men (585.000 not to max. effectiveness, deployed to Northern Germany/Netherlands for training)

Remaining reserve:
7,455,000 men = 1491 brigades
221 artillery brigades
11 siege artillery brigades
250 cavalry brigades
1009 infantry brigades (323 specialized for pioneer or Sturmtruppen, 40 for colonial infantry)

Unmobilized people:
~3 million.

Standing army and activated reserve allocation:
Note: Estimates. If asked for, I can present a more detailled overview of the troop types stationed everywhere.

Eastern Germany (border with Poland):
The eastern border with Poland is well fortified with several state-of-the-art forts. As the polish side is completely demobilized to the point of it being impossible to stage an attack from there, the total of standing forces allocated to this area remains low. Of special note is the fortress city of Przemyśl, which is the third largest fortress in Europe and houses a total of 85000 soldiers (75000 reservists, standard garrison 10000 men) and 956 cannons of all sorts. In the event of a Polish attack on Germany, this fortress would have to be taken first to secure the polish left flank, with a siege being made even harder due to the newly constructed railroads reaching Hungary through the Carpathian mountains.

Hungary and Austria (border with the Balkan Confederacy):
The defence of the Hungarian and Austrian territories is made easy due to Transsylvania being surrouded by mountains with the accesses protected by several strong forts. Austria Proper is a more pressing concern as many fortresses there were destroyed or rendered inoperable during the recent war. The entire army of Hungary (which remains a seperate command) is therefore tasked with the defence of Austria and Hungary, bolstered by German forces.

All in all, this border is guarded by about 500.000 men.

Italy (border with France and with the Tuscan kingdom):
Italy is regarded as a delaying battlefield. The rugged terrain and the numerous mountains make any attack very difficult. In italy, several lines of fortresses do exist (note: not static lines, more like several fortified cities in proximity to each other, each line gives a general geographical overview):

100.000 men guard this border. As each line will hold off an advance for several weeks and months, it is estimated that 100.000 men are enough to save time for reserve mobilization. As Germany has a defensive alliance with the Kingdom of Tuscany, it does not worry too much about it.

Border with Tuscany (red denotes border, yellow lines of defence):

General italian lines of defence

Note: not static lines of defence. Generally one should assume the towns listed on the map are fortified (for example Ravenna, Mantua etc), but Germany did not build any sort of Maginot line. The lines drawn represent the area which german defensive troops will be maintaining. Some of them are rather old (like the Quadrilatero), others are more modern (for example the area around La Spezia). Fortified are also Bologna, Modena, Parma and Brescia, but they are not a general area of defence, meaning the troops assigned there are only enough to hold the cities, not to stage counterattacks.

There are no special distinctions added to the fortified town, none of them have anything like railway guns or so. Rather, throughout Italy, normal artillery is by far the prevailing type.

Northern Germany (border with the Nordic Empire):
Picture shows:
red: Railroads, roads, submarine cables plus the actual border
yellow - lines of defence
blue - fortresses
light green - coastal defences
green - Kaiser Wilhelm Kanal (Kiel Kanal). In the event of a complete and utter destruction of the other fortresses and the unlikely event that no defence can be mounted, the bridges over it will simply be blown to slow an advance and the final line of defence will reconsolidate on the other side/hamburg.

After the war of 1864, the then Kingdom of Prussia fortified the newly gained territories. Since then, the forts have not been modernized and while still considered large, are outdated. A total of 20000 men guard this border. Due to the recent mobilization of Scandinavia, this has been enlarged to 175000 men, who are presently mostly at work repairing and upgrading the fortifications.

Border with France
France had been the traditional enemy of Germany until Dupont's and sänger's rapproachment policy. As a consequence, units have been withdrawn from that border, but the impressive fortresses of Strassbourg et al. remain armed. Due to the recent succesful war against the Dutch, the German-french border is not the largest border with any nation, necessitating the deployment of a total of 500.000 men. However, these troops are not preparing for any offensive action and the total number assigned to the border is aedequate for defending it, but not for preparing any kind of offensive actions.

Remaining forces:

A total of 1,19 million men (585.000 not to max. effectiveness, deployed to Northern Germany/Netherlands for training) are available for rapid redeployment and are not stationed near the border nor assigned to any regional army group. These include, but are not limited to:
Note: all other Divisions are triangulated unless specified in this part of the thread.
The elite of the elite.
Commanded by: Oskar von Hutier
Note: All formations listed under the Gardekorps are motorized (except for cavalry, obviously). Infantry brigades of the Gardekorps are usually composed of one third infantry, one third sturmtruppen and one third pioneer units.

1st Battalion, 1st Guard Foot Artillery Regiment (I./1. Garde-Fußartillerie-Regiment, mot) (Commander: Georg Bruchmüller)
No. 1 Aerial Reconnaissance Section (Flieger-Abteilung 1)
Guard Corps Engineers (Garde-Korps-Brücken-Train)
Guard Corps Communications Section (Garde-Fernsprech-Abteilung)
1st Machine Gun Company (1. Maschinengewehr Kompagnie)

1st Garde-Infanterie-Division
1st Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
2nd Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
1st Guard Cavalry Brigade (armored brigade)
Guard Hussar Regiment (armored recon regiment)
2nd Guard Cavalry brigade (cavalry brigade)
1st Guard Field Artillery Brigade (artillery brigade, mot)
1st Company, Guard Pioneer Battalion
1st and 3rd Section, Guard Field Ambulance Company
1st Guard Division Engineer Bataillion

2nd Garde-Infanterie-Division
3rd Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
4th Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
1st Guard Light Cavalry Regiment
2nd Guard Field Artillery Brigade (mot. artillery brigade)
2nd and 3rd Company, Guard Pioneer Battalion
2nd Section, Guard Field Ambulance Company
2nd Guard Division Engineer Bataillion

1st Garde-Kavallerie Brigade+flying artillery bataillon
2nd Garde-Kavallerie Brigade+flying artillery bataillon
3rd Garde-Kavallerie Brigade+flying artillery bataillon
4th Garde-Kavallerie Brigade+flying artillery bataillon

1st Garde Armored Brigade
2nd Garde Armored Brigade
5th Garde Infanterie-Brigade (mot)
1st Garde-Sturmtruppen Regiment (mot)

3rd Garde-Infanterie Division
5th Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
6th Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
Garde-Reserven Ulanen Regiment 1 (cavalry)
1st Company 2. Brandenburgisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 28
3. Garde Artillery Brigade (mot)

4th Garde-Infanterie Division
7th Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
2nd Garde-Reserven Ulanen Regiment 2(cavalry)
2nd Garde Artillery Regiment (mot)

5th Garde-Infanterie Division
8th Guard Infantry Brigade (mot)
Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr.4 (mot)
Garde-Ulanen-Regiment Nr.3
Pionier-Bataillon Nr.100
Garde-Fernsprech-Abteilung Nr.5

1st Guard Reserve division
1.Garde-Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade (mot)
15.Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade (mot)
Garde-Reserve-Feldartillerie-Brigade (mot)
2./2. Brandenburgisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 28
3./2. Brandenburgisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 28
Note: Despite called a Reserve-Division, this only means that they are usually held in reserve, not composed of reservists. The latter type would be the Garde-Ersatz Division.

2nd Guard Reserve division
26. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade (mot)
38. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade (mot)
Reserve-Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 2
Reserve-Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 20
4./Hannoversches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 10
Note: Despite called a Reserve-Division, this only means that they are usually held in reserve, not composed of reservists. The latter type would be the Garde-Ersatz Division.

Garde-Ersatz Division
Note: The Garde-Ersatz Division is a replacement formation that is used to train replacements for fallen Gardesoldaten. It is not supposed to enter combat as it is a paper division unless total mobilization is called for, in which cases its ranks will rapidly be filled by the best reservists available.

1. gemischte Garde-Ersatz-Brigade:
Garde-Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 1
Garde-Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 2
Garde-Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 3
Garde-Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 4
Garde-Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 5
Garde-Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 6
Garde-Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Berlin (later Garde-Kavallerie-Eskadron Nr. 1)

5. gemischte Garde-Ersatz-Brigade:
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 5
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 6
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 7
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 8
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Pasewalk (II. Armeekorps)
Vorpommersches Feldartillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Nr. 38
Hinterpommersches Feldartillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Nr. Nr. 53
1.Ersatz-Kompanie/Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 2

17. gemischte Garde-Ersatz-Brigade:
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 17
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 18
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 19
Brigade-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 20
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Posen
Posensches Feldartillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Nr. 20
Niederschlesisches Feldartillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Nr. 41

18. Garde-Ersatz. Panzer Brigade (armored)
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Schlesien
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Niedersachsen
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Bayern
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Baden
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Rheinland
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Österreich
Kavallerie-Ersatz-Abteilung Ungarn
Note: From here on in I'll not list special support units etc. Simply assume they exist. Also, from now on, no units are motorized unless specified thusly.
I. Korps
Commander: Hermann von François
3rd armored brigade
1st heavy artillery brigade
4th Railway Pioneer Brigade

1st Division
1st Infantry Brigade
1st artillery Brigade
1st Pioneer Brigade
1st Cavalry Brigade

2nd Division
3rd infantry brigade
2nd Artillery Brigade
1st Sturmtruppen Brigade
2nd Cavalry Brigade
II. Korps
Commander: Fritz von Lossberg
Life Guard Brigade of Saxony (mot)
Life Guard Cavalry Brigade of Saxony
4th armored brigade
2nd Heavy Artillery Brigade
1st Railway Brigade (Railway Pioneer)

3rd Division
5th Infantry Brigade
6th Infantry Brigade (sturmtruppen)
3rd Cavalry Brigade
3rd Artillery Brigade

4th Division
7th Infantry Brigade (sturmtruppen)
8th Infantry Brigade (Pioneer)
4th Artillery Brigade
III. Korps
Commander: Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein
3rd Heavy Artillery Brigade
2nd Railways Brigade (Railway Pioneer)

5th Division
9th Infantry Brigade
10th Infantry Brigade (sturmtruppen)
4th Cavalry Brigade
5th Artillery Brigade

6th Division
11th Infantry Brigade (sturmtruppen)
12th Infantry Brigade (Pioneer)
5th Cavalry Brigade
6th Artillery Brigade
IV. Korps
Commander: Otto Liman von Sanders
4th Heavy Artillery Brigade
3rd Railway Brigade (Railway Pioneer)

7th Division
13th Infantry Brigade (Pioneer)
14th Infantry Brigade (sturmtruppen)
7th Cavalry Brigade
7th Artillery Brigade

8th Division
15th Infantry Brigade (sturmtruppen)
16th Infantry Brigade (Pioneer)
8th Cavalry Brigade
8th Artillery Brigade

9th Division
5th Heavy Artillery Brigade
19th Infantry Brigade (Sturmtruppen)
20th Infantry Brigade (Sturmtruppen)
V. Korps
Commander: Max Hoffmann

1st Garde Division (Belgium and the Netherlands)
1st. Guard Infantry Brigade (Netherlands)
1st Guard Infantry Brigade (Belgium)
Life Guard Cavalry brigade (Netherlands)
Life Guard Cavalry brigade (Belgium)
Guard Artillery Regiment (Netherlands)
Guard Artillery Regiment (Belgium)

1st Panzer Division
1st armored brigade
2nd armored brigade
21st infantry brigade (mot)
9th artillery brigade (mot)

1st. Infantry Division (Dutch)
1st armored brigade (Dutch)
1st infantry brigade (Dutch), mot
2nd infantry brigade (Dutch), mot
1st artillery brigade (Dutch), mot

1st. Infantry Division (Belgium)
1st armored brigade (Belgium)
1st infantry brigade (Belgium), mot
2nd infantry brigade (Belgium), mot
1st artillery brigade (Belgium), mot

Special units:
Brandenburger Special Operations Regiment (mot)
125th Pionier Regiment (mot)

German Naval Staff college:
A collection of the finest officers thinking about new strategies, among them Colonels Max Bauer, Bussche, Hermann Geyer, Harbon, Guderian
Overseas deployments

- 6 colonial brigades, 6 reservist colonial brigades

Commander: Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
- 1 colonial brigade, 2 reservist colonial brigades (increased with troops in Q1 1925 due to Indian Ocean crisis)

- 2 colonial brigades, 4 reservist colonial brigades

Commander and Commander of all German Forces Far East: Alexander von Falkenhausen
- 2 Fortress brigades
- 3 reserve artillery brigades
- 20 reserve infantry brigades

Troops detached to training of Chinese army and training of chinese immigrants as reservists, stationed near Tsingtao:
- 1 mixed brigade (1 cavalry bataillon, 1 pioneer bataillon, 1 sturmtruppen bataillon, 1 artillery bataillon)

- 2 colonial reservist brigade

- 2 colonial reservist brigade

- 2 colonial reservist brigade

German Timor
- 4 Colonial reservist brigades

German Borneo
- 2 colonial reservist brigade

- 2 colonial brigades, 4 colonial reserve brigades

- 1 colonial brigade, 8 colonial reserve brigades
Navy OOB, October 1925


Continental Europe
The main northern bases of the HSF are: Kiel, Wilhelmshaven, Stettin, Danzig, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Hamburg, Königsberg. All are well protected by minefields as well as coastal guns.

The main mediterranean bases are: Pola, Trieste, Venice, Genua, La Spezia. Of those, Trieste, Genua, Pola and La Spezia are fortified, Venice is not. Fortifications are generally of a lower grade than those at Wilhelmshaven.

Naval Fortresses
(major naval bases or fortified islands outside of mainland Germany, all artillery taken from decommissioned warships)

- 4 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 4 406mm/50 cal
- 30 305mm/50 cal
- 4 305mm/45 cal
- 3 240mm/40 cal
- 4 210mm/45 cal
- 28 170mm/45 cal
- 22 150mm/50 cal
- 48 88mm/45 cal
- 6 70mm/18 cal
- 46 37mm/45 cal

- 4 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 2 405mm/50 cal
- 6 305mm/45 cal
- 8 240mm/40 cal
- 20 150mm/45 cal
- 24 88mm/45 cal
- 18 47mm/44 cal

Ostfriesische Inseln
- 32 240mm/40 cal
- 40 150mm/45 cal
- 16 88mm/45 cal

- 4 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 2 405mm/50 cal
- 4 305mm/50 cal
- 4 250mm/40 cal
- 22 150mm/45 cal
- 20 88mm/45 cal
- 5 70mm/45 cal

- 2 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 4 305mm/50 cal
- 4 210mm/45 cal
- 20 150mm/45 cal
- 34 88mm/45 cal
- 5 70mm/45 cal

- 6 240mm/45 cal
- 4 210mm/45 cal
- 30 150mm/45 cal
- 32 88mm/45 cal
- 5 70mm/45 cal

- 2 305mm/45 cal
- 4 280mm/40 cal
- 4 210mm/45 cal
- 14 150mm/45 cal
- 18 88mm/45 cal
- 12 70mm/50 cal
- 5 70mm/45 cal

- 2 305mm/50 cal
- 2 305mm/45 cal
- 14 150mm/45 cal
- 20 100mm/50 cal
- 10 70mm/45 cal

- 2 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 2 305mm/45 cal
- 4 240mm/45 cal
- 29 150mm/45 cal

Berbera (building, ready Q4 1926)
- 4 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 4 11"/45 cal
- 30 150mm guns
- 40 75mm
- 5 75mm mortars
- 30 3 pdr QF

Denpasar (building, ready Q4 1926)
- 2 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 2 11"/45 cal
- 30 150mm guns
- 40 75mm

Kenyan base (building)
- 2 18"/45 cal - building, ready Q2 1926
- 2 11"/45 cal
- 30 150mm guns
- 40 75mm

Timor base (building, ready Q4 1926)
- 2 11"/45 cal
- 30 150mm guns
- 40 75mm

Proposed German Base in Tel Aviv
(using armament from scrapped/converted SMS Blücher (1908))
- 12 210mm/45 cal
- 8 150nm/45 cal
- 16 88nm/45 cal

The German Navy
(note: only finished ships are counted)


4 Einheit class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Einheit
Builder: Naval Shipyard, Bremerhaven
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

2. SMS Freundschaft (christened by Mrs. Jennifer Faulkner-Haley, wife of His Excellency Ambassador David Faulkner, Cascadian Ambassador to Germany)
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned December 1923

3. SMS Eintracht
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Wilhelmshaven
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned December 1923

4. SMS Einigkeit
Builder: Naval Shipyard, Bremerhaven
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned December 1923

4 L20alpha class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Prinz Heinrich
Builder: Naval Shipyard, Bremerhaven
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

2. SMS Radetzky
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

3. SMS Daun
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

4. SMS Laudon
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Wilhelmshaven
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

2 Österreich Klasse (design to be posted) - built to celebrate the inclusion of Österreich and Hungary into the Reich
1. SMS Österreich
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned January 1923

2. SMS Ungarn
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned January 1923

5 Bayern class BB (design to be posted)
1. SMS Bayern
Builder: Howaldtswerke, Kiel
Construction started September 1913,
launched February 1915
commissioned March 1916

2. SMS Baden
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started September 1913,
launched Oktober 1915
commissioned Oktober 1916

3. SMS Sachsen
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started January 1914,
launched November 1916
commissioned July 1917

4. SMS Württemberg
Builder: Vulcan Hamburg
Construction started January 1915,
launched June 1917
commissioned March 1918

5. SMS Braunschweig
Builder: AG Weser
Construction started January 1915,
launched December 1916
commissioned January 1917
struck Italian minefield during the war,
deemed beyond repair and stricken from the Navy List
scrapped, artillery used for fortifications

5. SMS Braunschweig
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started January 1917,
launched December 1918
commissioned January 1919

4 König class (design to be posted)
1. SMS König
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Wilhelmshaven
Construction started Oktober 1911,
launched March 1913
commissioned August 1914

2. SMS Großer Kurfürst
Builder: Vulcan Hamburg
Construction started Oktober 1911,
launched May 1913
commissioned July 1914

3. SMS Markgraf
Builder: AG Weser, Bremen
Construction started November 1911,
launched June 1913
commissioned Oktober 1914

4. SMS kronprinz
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started February 1912,
launched February 1914,
commissioned November 1914

5 Kaiser class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Kaiser
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Kiel
Construction started Oktober 1910,
launched March 1911
commissioned August 1912

2. SMS Friedrich der Große
Builder: AG Vulcan, Hamburg
Construction started January 1910,
launched July 1911
commissioned Oktober 1912

3. SMS Kaiserin
Builder: Howaldtswerke, Kiel
Construction started July 1910,
launched November 1911
commissioned May 1913

4. SMS Prinzregent Liutpold
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started Oktober 1910,
launched March 1911
commissioned August 1912

5. SMS König Albert
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started January 1917,
launched April 1912
commissioned July 1913

4 Helgoland Class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Helgoland
Builder: Howaldtswerke, Kiel
Construction started November 1908,
launched September 1909
commissioned August 1911

2. SMS Ostfriesland
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven
Construction started Oktober 1908,
launched September 1909
commissioned August 1911

3. SMS Thüringen
Builder: AG Weser, Bremen
Construction started Oktober 1908,
launched Oktober 1909
commissioned July 1911

4. SMS Oldenburg
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started Oktober 1910,
launched March 1911
commissioned August 1912

4 (1 semi-active) Nassau Class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Nassau
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Wilhelmshaven
Construction started July 1907,
launched March 1908
commissioned Oktober 1909

decommissioned and placed into Reserve June 1925

2. SMS Westfalen
Builder: AG Weser, Bremen
Construction started August 1907,
launched July 1908
commissioned November 1909

decommissioned and placed into Reserve June 1925

3. SMS Rheinland
Builder: vulcan Stettin
Construction started June 1907,
launched July 1908
commissioned April 1910
stricken from the active BB list June 1925
Currently: Training ship for long range cruises

4. SMS Posen
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started June 1907,
launched December 1908
commissioned May 1910

decommissioned and placed into Reserve June 1925

5 Delaware class battleships
former Dutch ships, all decommissioned and placed into Reserve upon Dutch capitulation, reactivated October 1925 to deal with sale of cruisers to Chiletina
- SMS Cornelis Tromp
- SMS Cornelis Evertsen
- SMS Marteen Tromp
- SMS Peter Stuyvesant
- SMS Philips van Almonde


3 Ziethen class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Ziethen
Builder: Naval Shipyard, Bremerhaven
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned January 1924

2. SMS Roon
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned January 1924

3. SMS Schlieffen
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started January 1921,
launched December 1922
commissioned January 1924

2 Ersatz Yorck (design to be posted)
1. SMS Yorck
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

2. SMS Mackensen
Builder: Germaniawerft, Kiel
Construction started January 1919,
launched December 1920
commissioned January 1921

3 Derfflinger class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Derfflinger
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started March 1912,
launched July 1913
commissioned September 1914

2. SMS Lützow
Builder: Schichau, Danzig
Construction started May 1912,
launched November 1913
commissioned August 1915

3. SMS Hindenburg
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Wilhelmshaven
Construction started October 1913,
launched August 1915
commissioned May 1917

SMS Seydlitz (design to be posted)
1. SMS Seydlitz
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started February 1910,
launched December March 1912
commissioned May 1913

2 Moltke class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Moltke
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started December 1908,
launched December April 1910
commissioned September 1911

2. SMS Goeben
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started August 1909,
launched March 1911
commissioned July 1912

SMS von der Tann (design to be posted)
1. SMS von der Tann
Builder: Blohm&Voss, Hamburg
Construction started March 1908,
launched March 1909
commissioned September 1910

Aircraft Carriers
SMS Graf Zeppelin (ex-converted AC Blücher), 12000 tons, 24 aircraft
1. SMS Graf Zeppelin
Builder: Kaiserliche Werft, Kiel
Construction started February 1907,
launched April 1908
commissioned October 1909
converted to Carrier July 1917
renamed and recommissioned October 1918

handed over to the French October 1925, crew transferred to former Dutch CVs

SMS Restauration (ex Dutch Comrade Hammer), 10800 tons, 20 aircraft
renamed and recommissioned October 1925
transferred to HSF October 1925, proclaimed fully active

SMS De Ruyter (ex Dutch Courageous-class analogue CV), 22500 tons, 48 aircraft
renamed and recommissioned October 1925
currently in training, ready Q2 1926

SMS De Zeven Provincien (ex Dutch Courageous-class analogue CV), 22500 tons, 48 aircraft
renamed and recommissioned October 1925
currently in training, ready Q2 1926

Heavy cruisers
6 Blücher Class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Blücher
2. SMS Dohna
3. SMS Kanitz (comm. February 1925) - sold October 1925
4. SMS Manteuffel (comm. February 1925) - sold October 1925
5. SMS Lacy (comm. April 1925) - sold October 1925
6. SMS Pappenheim (comm. April 1925) - sold October 1925

Light cruisers
12 Hamburg class (design to be posted)
1. SMS Hamburg
2. SMS Bremen
3. SMS Stettin
4. SMS Wilhelmshaven
5. SMS Venedig
6. SMS Genua
7. SMS Pisa
8. SMS Trieste
9. SMS Tsingtao
10. SMS Florenz
11. SMS Mailand
12. SMS Budapest

7 Köln class cruiser
note: renamed after sale of older ships to Spain
1. SMS Köln
2. SMS Dresden
3. SMS Königsberg
4. SMS Karlsruhe
5. SMS Nürnberg
6. SMS Emden
7. SMS Wiesbaden ran aground July 1920 in Indonesia and scrapped
8. SMS Frankfurt

2 Novara class (ex Austrian ships)
1. SMS Saida - lost in the war
2. SMS Helgoland Pola (renamend after the war to avoid confusion with existing BB)
3. SMS Novara

40 Z24 destroyers (1.5kt destroyer, design to be posted)
12 Z22 destroyers (1.5kt destroyer, design to be posted)
69 V+W class destroyers - in training, to be fully ready in Q2 1926
12 V116 destroyers
2 Tatra class destroyers (ex Austrian ships)

30 H-class submarines (max speed 14.5 knots, submerged speed 10,5 knots, 390 tons) - in training, to be fully ready in Q2 1926
36 UB-III updated (range: 8500, max speed 14knots, submerged speed 8 knots, 525tons)
12 Mittel-UII boats updated (range: 12000, max speed 18, submerged speed 10 knots, 850 tons)
6 Projekt 48 long range boats (range: 13.000, max speed 21 knots, submerged speed 12 knots)

Note: all Z22, Z24 and V+W destroyers also function as minelayers if configured that way, configuration can be changed at any Naval base
- 10 Douwe Aukes class minelayers (retraining, ready Q2 1926), stationed at Kiel

- 20 Minesweepers (500kt each)
- 25 Minesweepers, Arabis sloop class (4 stationed at Berbera), retraining, ready Q2 1926

The German fleets
(d = currently on deployment)

- SMS Maarten Tromp (Delaware class BB)
- SMS Peter Stuyvesant (Delaware class BB)
- 6 Z 24 destroyers

German East Africa Fleet
- SMS Blücher (heavy cruiser, Blücher class)
- SMS Dohna (heavy cruiser, Blücher class)
- 2 Projekt 48 long-range submarines
Both permanently deployed to Dar-es-Salaam since the Indian Ocean crisis. They previously formed the German East Asia squadron at Tsingtao.

- SMS Philips van Almonde (Delaware class BB)
- 4 Z 24 destroyers

German Far East Squadron
- SMS Cornelis Evertsen (Delaware class BB)
- SMS Cornelis Tromp (Delaware class BB)
- SMS Tsingtao
- SMS Mailand
- 4 Z-24 Destroyers

Mediterranean Fleet
Based at Pola

SMS Baden (flag) - d
SMS Markgraf - d
SMS Kaiserin
SMS Helgoland - d
SMS Ostfriesland - d
SMS Thüringen - d

SMS Moltke - d
SMS Goeben - d

Light cruisers:
SMS Venedig - d
SMS Genua - d
SMS Karlsruhe - d
SMS Emden - d
SMS Pola - d
SMS Novara - d

8 Z22 - d
8 V-112 - d
2 Tatra - d

Based at Kiel and Wilhelmshaven

SMS Einheit
SMS Freundschaft
SMS Eintracht
SMS Einigkeit
SMS Prinz Heinrich
SMS Radetzky
SMS Daun
SMS Laudon
SMS Österreich
SMS Ungarn
SMS Bayern
SMS Sachsen
SMS Württemberg
SMS Braunschweig
SMS König
SMS Großer Kurfürst
SMS Kronprinz
SMS Kaiser
SMS Friedrich der Große
SMS Prinzregent Liutpold
SMS König Albert
SMS Oldenburg

SMS Ziethen
SMS Roon
SMS Schlieffen
SMS Yorck
SMS Mackensen
SMS Derfflinger
SMS Lützow
SMS Hindenburg
SMS Seydlitz
SMS von der Tann - d

Aircraft Carriers
SMS Restauration

SMS Hamburg
SMS Bremen
SMS Stettin
SMS Wilhelmshaven
SMS Pisa
SMS Wien
SMS Florenz
SMS Budapest

SMS Köln
SMS Dresden
SMS Königsberg
SMS Nürnberg
SMS Frankfurt

26 Z24 destroyers
4 Z22 destroyers
4 V116 destroyers

Submarines are spread around all over the world in order to maximize convoy raiding, with the exception of the 30 H-class submarines, which are stationed at Kiel (24) and at Rotterdam (6). Minelayers and Minesweepers are split between the bases at Wilhelmshaven, Antwerp and Pola.

Naval auxillary ships

Training ships:
SMS Tegetthoff (12x12 inch, 20.000 tons) = gunnery training ship, range limited to 2500nm to reflect change from combat ship to training ship.
2 Scharnhorst class 2x 8.2 inch, 2x14089 tons = 28178, 2 outdated Heavy Cruisers, training ships for long range cruises Sold to the Yishuw Q2 1925
SMS Rheinland (Nassau class battleship)= training ship for long range cruises

Total training ships: 48178. 20000t
(note: Rheinland falls still under tonnage of combatants as she was not decommissioned at start of the game)

Troop transports/hospital ships:
Ten Barbarossa class ocean liners, 120kt
taken over from scrapyard and engine upgraded in 1917
6 large Oilers (90kt)
8 small oilers (80kt)
10 supply ships (100kt)
10 ammunition ships (50kt)

Total auxillary: 488178 tons.

In addition, Germany can also draw upon her many Ocean liners in the time of war, these include but are not limited to:

SS Imperator, SS Leviathan, SS Bismarck, 2 SS Columbus class, engine upgraded to 22 knots

SS Kronprinz Wilhem (15kt), SS Kaiser Wilhelm II (25kt), SS Hansa (16kt), SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie (20kt)
4 SS Deutschland class (4x20kt).
Luftwaffe OOB

The Luftwaffe has airfields in all major German cities and in all colonial bases save those where size does not permit it (e.g. Helgoland).

Overall inventory:

- 72 Fokker DXi
- 216 Fokker DXIII (24 in training)
- 216 Fokker DXIV (24 in training)


- 36 Gotha G IV
- 216 Gotha GXI (24 in training)

Long range transports:

13 (4 for VIP transport and assigned to the Chancellery), 2 for being used for postal service to the Yishuw, rest for other duties


Note: a tenth of the fighter force also doubles as reconnaissance aircraft
- 6 recon Zeppelins

Naval aircraft:
- 72 Dornier Do-H
- 72 torpedo bombers

Current deployments:
all stationed within continental Germany except for:
1 Recon Zeppelin (Ghana)
1 Recon Zeppelin (Tsingtao/Saipan) - employed in pacific ocean reconnaissance
1 Recon Zeppelin (Berbera/Dar-es-Salaam)
18 Gotha G-IV (Tsingtao)
36 Fokker DXi (Tsingtao)
18 Gotha G-IV (Berbera)
36 Fokker DXi (Berbera)
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Slacker »

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Pop: 3
Home Territory: 2
Colonial Territory 0
Industry: 4
Economy: 4
Infrastructure: 4
SML: 3
Naval Focus: 2
Army Focus: 5
Air Focus: 3 (+2 free) 5
Mobilization: 12% of Population
Manpower is 50% of Mobilization Pool

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Army

Mobilization Pool is 12 million
Manpower is 6 million
Active Duty: ~1.1 million men
Reserves: 4.9 million men

The Commonwealth Army practices conscription for private soldiers and low ranked NCOs, but the core of the regular army and the cadre for expansion in the event of war is voluntary and professional. Qualified or highly skilled conscripts are often encouraged to sign for longer terms of service, while regular reservists generally spend one weekend every few months refreshing their skills with drill. Often, platoons or companies are drawn from the same village or city street, and the men generally train together under the watchful eye of a reservist officer. This helps ensure that the men, in the event of conflict, are at least somewhat familiar with the men they will fight alongside and the officer that will likely command them.

Her army is largely defensive in nature, combining strong fortifications along the country's eastern frontier with a mobile component drawing on the traditions of the husaria. In the event of a war, the fortifications are designed to withstand assault and seige by a Communist army that largely travels and fights on foot, long enough for rapidly moving reinforcements to arrive and break the siege. The Commonwealth has helped pioneer the use of motorized infantry forces, finding them a complement to her remaining cavalry divisions and flying artillery battalions. Tanks have begun to find purchase in the army after the Soviet war, their ability to break Soviet trench lines and destroy fortified barriers earning them a place alongside the husaria.


Husaria Divisions (~502,000 men)
These are considered the mobile, elite army formations in the Commonwealth. Well equipped and mobile, they are designed to deploy rapidly around the country as needed to counter threats, and in the unlikely event of offensive action they would likely be the forces tasked with the job.

4xMechanized Infantry Divisions (15,000 men each, 60,000 men total)

8xCavalry Divisions (15,000 men each, 120,000 men total)
The cav divisions are not the husaria of old, where lance point and iron discipline could carry a man through the fires of war. The modern Polish cavalry soldier carries a repeating rifle and is expected to deploy as a dragoon, riding on horseback for tactical or strategic redeployment and fighting on foot. While it is certainly possible that cavalry charges could still happen, experience in the Soviet war demonstrated that machine guns are murderous for unprotected horses and their riders.

4xArmored Brigades (10,000 men, 40xMedium Tank, 20xHeavy Tank each) (40,000 men total)

12xArmored Recon Battalions (1,000 men, 20xLight Tanks, 40xArmored Cars) (12,000 men total)

6xHorse Artillery Divisions (15,000 men, ~75 guns of mixed sizes, mostly light and mobile) (90,000 men total)

12xAssault Infantry Divisions (15,000 men, equipped to move with light machine guns, mortar, and other heavy weaponry; generally with assault engineer support (IE, flamethrowers and high explosives) (180,000 men)

Fortress Command Divisions (~600,000 men)
These divisions are generally organized for static warfare, with significant heavy infantry, engineer, and artillery support. The training requirements for these divisions are usually not as strenuous as for the husaria divisions, and a subtle distinction has gradually arisen between the two sorts of units. Noticing the potential for problem, the General Staff has begun working on rotating infantry units between the two functions to encourage cross-training and flexibility.

10xHeavy Artillery Divisions (15,000 men, ~75 heavy guns of various sizes) (150,000 men total)

10xCavalry Brigades (5,000 men each) (50,000 men total)
Deployed in strategic positions to harass and scout in the event of an invasion.

25xInfantry Divisions (15,000 men each) (375,000 men total)
Static units, generally not as well trained as assault infantry; equipped to fight trench warfare or on the defensive. Generally well equipped with machine guns.

5xEngineer Brigades (5,000 men each) (25,000 men total)
Deployed as builders of fortifications and field obstacles, generally lacking in assault equipment such as demolition charges or flamethrowers.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Air Force
The Commonwealth made an early investment in air power in light of their experiences during the Soviet War. It is viewed by many in the Defense Ministry as a way to compete with the superior numbers they face in the Soviet Union. The Air Force has been established as a completely independent branch of the Armed Forces, although both the Navy and Army retain the use of some spotting planes. The Air Force seriously outmatches its Communist rival, and operates cutting edge aircraft for front line work and has the luxury of using older designs primarily for training.

Organizational Information:
6 aircraft in a squadron
18 aircraft in a wing
72 aircraft in a regiment

3 zeppelins in a squadron
9 zeppelins in a wing

Table of Organization and Equipment:
Zepplin Corps:
The Commonwealth operates two classes of zeppelins, the nimble Eagle class, used primarily for artillery spotting and battlefield support, dropping bombs and the like, and the experimental Tiger class, which operates four air-launched fighters and was envisioned as fufilling an air superiority role. Given they have never seen combat, they remain very much an experimental design.
1st Zeppelin Squadron (3xEagle class)
2nd Zeppelin Squadron (3xEagle class)
3rd Zeppelin Squadron (3xTiger class)

Air Corps:
The Air Corps operates several types of aircraft, including three types of fighter aircraft, an experimental ground attack design, two bombers, and a generic training aircraft that could be adpated as a spotter or light fighter in an emergency.
Design Designations
F-2 (1918-era fighter design)
F-3 (1922-era fighter design)
F-4 (1924/25-era fighter design)
A-1 (1923 ground attack design)
B-2 (1922 era light bomber design)
B-3 (1924 medium/heavy bomber design)
T-1 (1919 trainer design)

1st Air Regiment:
1st Fighter Wing (18xF-4)
2nd Fighter Wing (18xF-4)
3rd Fighter Wing (18xF-4)

2nd Air Regiment:
1st Bomber Wing (18xB-3)
2nd Bomber Wing (18xB-3)
3rd Bomber Wing (18xB-3)

3rd Air Regiment:
4th Fighter Wing (18xF-4)
5th Fighter Wing (18xF-4)
6th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)

4th Air Regiment:
4th Bomber Wing (18xB-3)
5th Bomber Wing (18xB-3)
6th Bomber Wing (18xB-2)

5th Air Regiment:
7th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)
8th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)
9th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)

6th Air Regiment:
10th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)
11th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)
12th Fighter Wing (18xF-3)

7th Air Regiment:
7th Bomber Wing (18xB-2)
8th Bomber Wing (18xB-2)
9th Bomber Wing (18xB-2)

8th Air Regiment:
10th Bomber Wing (18xB-2)
13th Fighter Wing (18xF-2)
14th Fighter Wing (18xF-2)

9th Air Regiment:
1st Attack Wing (18xA-1)
2nd Attack Wing (18xA-1)
3rd Attack Wing (18xA-1)

10th Air Regiment:
1st Training Wing (18xF-2)
2nd Training Wing (18xT-1)

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Navy:
As of 1 Jan 1925

Tajfun class Battlecruiser (30K tons) 120
(Purchased German Export class of Battlecruiser)
PLCN Tajfun
PLCN Orkanowy
PLCN Burza
PLCN Blyskawica

Modern, powerful units, the Tajfun class was designed specifically for the Polish navy by German naval architets to serve in the specific conditions the Commonwealth finds itself in. Designed to move quickly to attack and destroy ships which slip through minefields


Warsaw class Light Cruiser (8 in service) (9.4K tons each) 75200
PLCN Warsaw (1920)
PLCN Vilnius (1921)
PLCN Krakow (1921)
PLCN Ponzan (1922)
PLCN Riga (1922)
PLCN Lwow (1923)
PLCN Bialystok (1923)
PLCN Grodno (1924)

Poland's first home-designed warship over three thousand tons of displacement, the Warsaw class light cruiser is designed as a fast destroyer hunter and raider for Baltic waters. Short legged, these ships are designed to provide support for torpedo boats and destroyers in an attack against Soviet naval assets, using their powerful batteries of 6" guns to suppress enemy fire, and engage and destroy enemy destroyers and pickets attempting to intercpet the navy's faster, more fragile combatants. It is not optimized to engage enemy cruisers, although its high speed and torpedo capability allow for rapid attack and disengagement.

For Poland's first home grown design, the ship fufills its intended role well, however, Polish inexperience with building larger surface warships was not entirely mitigated with German help. At high speed in rough seas, the ships are generally unstable, leaving the ship low in the water and prone to flooding. So long as the ship is kept below 29 knots, this problem is not encountered, and Polish naval engineers are attempting to design a refit that will rectify the problem while allowing the ship to retain its speed.


Battleaxe class Destroyer (24 in service) (The British W/V class Destroyer) (Names in English for the ease of the reader) (1.3K tons each) 31200
(Specifically designed as those Admiralty V classes that could quickly convert to a minelaying role and back to that of a normal torpedo-armed destroyer)
PLCN Battleaxe (1915)
PLCN Polearm (1915)
PLCN Lance (1916)
PLCN Broadsword (1916)
PLCN Targe (1916)
PLCN Halberd (1916)
PLCN Spear (1916)
PLCN Longbow (1916)
PLCN Flail (1917)
PLCN Cudgel (1917)
PLCN Crossbow (1917)
PLCN Mace (1917)
PLCN Poleaxe (1917)
PLCN Shield (1918)
PLCN Arbalest (1918)
PLCN Pike (1918)
PLCN Warhammer (1918)
PLCN Longsword (1918)
PLCN Rapier (1918)
PLCN Dagger (1919)
PLCN Musket (1919)
PLCN Sling (1919)
PLCN Greatsword (1919)
PLCN Trident (1919)

One of the mainstays of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Navy, the Battlaxe class destroyer fufills many roles in the surface navy. In its normal configuration, the ship is capable of engaging and winning against any similar mass surface combatant, hunt for submarines, or in conjunction with sister ships and other elements of the Polish navy, engage and destroy enemy capital ships with quick torpedo attacks. The exemplar of the asymmetrical doctrine of the Navy, it was several Battleaxe class destroyers that engaged and destroyed several Soviet ships during the siege of Riga during the Polish-Soviet War. While the older Polish battleships, produced by Germany, engaged and distracted the enemy warships, rapid reaction forces built around Broadsword, Mace, Cudgel, and Warhammer were instrumental in sinking two Soviet dreadnoughts. While of an older type, the disparity in tonnage lost during the battle was a stunning victory for the Polish navy in the court of world opinion and vindicated Polish naval commanders who saw Warsaw's investment in light, fast warships as a realistic way for Poland to compete with the much larger Russian/Soviet navy in the Baltic. These ships see periodic upgrades and modifications, and may differ slightly from each other in terms of anti-air gun placement, torpedo loadout, and machine spaces.


Vistula class Torpedo Destroyer (6 in service) (German Grossetorpedoboot 1918 design) (1.5k tons each) 9000

PLCN Vistula (1918)
PLCN Dunajec (1918)
PLCN Bug (1918)
PLCN Narew (1919)
PLCN Prosna (1919)
PLCN Nida (1919)

Designed by German naval engineers and built in both German and Polish naval yards, the Vistula class saw heavy, protracted combat during the Polish--Soviet war and consequently heavy casualties. Five more of this design were built, only to be lost in combat or scrapped due to heavy damage. These ships are really properly classed as heavy torpedo boats, with high speed and the ability to deliver torpedos on target the only real considerations. While succesful in their role, the Admiralty feels that their large design-the ships fully loaded actually mass more than a Battleaxe class destroyer makes them a more attractive target compared to smaller, lighter torpedo boat designs such as those described below.


Orzel class Fast Torpedo Boat (50 in service) (German torpedoboot 1916 design) (400 tons each) 20000
Light and fast, Orzel class boats are designed to kill enemy warships. Their large torpedo tube enables them to kill enemy warships while their pair lightweight heavy machine guns enables them to engage enemy aircraft or other torpedo boats.

Osa class Light Torpedo Boat (300 in service) (Largely the Italian MAS boat design) (30 tons each, on average) 9000
Extremely fast, these ships have trouble in heavy seas or winter storms, but in protected harbors or fair weather they can be absolutely lethal to enemy warships in large numbers. In peacetime, they are also used for harbor patrol and customs duties, generally with the torpedo pulled from the deck and replaced with rescue equipment. These boats are mass produced and available for export, the only product the Polish shipbuilding industry can really offer in terms of combat-capable ships.

(144K tons so far)


Rekin class submarine (25 in service) (German Mittle U type submarine (1000 tons each)

S class submarine (15 in service) (German Type U66 submarine) (700 tons each)
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Raesene »

OoB Tuscan Kingdom - REVISED

Population: 1 + 2 for colonies (about 25 million + 50 million in the colonies)

Home Territory: 2 (estimated 100 000 – 150 000 km²)

Colonial territory: 4 (total 1.6-1.7 million km²) –
Solomons (28896 km²), New Guinea (786000 km²), New Caledonia (18575 km²), Tasmania (90758 km²), Tanzania (claim reduced to 750000 km² )
Tasmania was colonised extensively and is comparable to a small European nation, population about three million.

Industry: 4 - well developed European Nation

Economy: 4 - well developed European Nation

Infrastructure: 4 - well developed European Nation

Standing Military: 3 - average sized military 75 Million Inhabitants 1.2 Million Mob. Pool.,
Economy + Infrastructure: 4+4 =8,
Mobilisation pool of 16% of total population
75 Million, Mob pool (16%) => 12 Million

Army Focus 3: 30% of Mob Pool => Armed Forces up to 3.6 million Men
I will use max. 2 Million as I don’t expect the native Papuans or Tanzanians to serve as conscripts in the Army – but I will have Ascari-like troops when necessary

Tech Level 3 (WWI-level)
Standing Forces:

36 Infantry divisions incl. artillery brigades; horses for mobility
4 Colonial Infantry divisions; native Infantry and European/Tasmanian Officers (better Police forces)
10 Cavalry Divisions
4 Motorized Infantry divisions
6 Marine Divisions (two in Italy, one in Tanzania, the Solomons, New Guinea and Tasmania each. small Detachments onboard important vessels for security purposes.)
= 900 000 men

10 Coastal Artillery and Siege Brigades
3 Armoured Brigades
= 65000 men

The Northern border to Germany is unfortified as it was an inter-Italian border before the war and the construction of border fortresses is forbidden under the Peace treaty.
Fortresses exist at Livorno (4x2 38 cm gun turrets from cancelled Caracciolo-class and 6 smaller 12’’ from scrapped old battleships. 14 10-19 cm breech loader and quickfiring guns and AA-artillery.
The fortress guarding Hobarto has the same main armament, Ancona is defended by 6 30,5cm guns and 15 guns between 10 and 19 cm as well as AA-guns.
Guns are placed for overlapping fields of fire, with the ability to cover each other (i.e. on both sides of the harbour inlet, by firing over the other battery if possible.
Most heavy artillery is fixed as harbour defenses, the Siege artillery brigades have 24 cm railway guns,
38 cm howitzers

42 cm howitzers as bunker busters.

30 Infantry divisions incl. artillery brigades; horses for mobility
20 Cavalry Divisions
0 Motorized Infantry divisions
2 Marine Divisions (one in Italy, the other in Tasmania)
= 780 000 men

10 Coastal Artillery and Siege Brigades
0 Armoured Brigades
=50 000 men

Total active and reserves:
=1 795 000 men

Navy: remove 500 000 men (that should be sufficient)

Naval Focus: 5 (3 + 2 industry)
The Navy is still undergoing reconstruction after severe losses in fleet battles against Austria-Hungary and Germany.
Major Shipyards are at
Livorno (3x 40 - 55k ts; 4x 25 - 40 k ts – two 25 - 40kt to be expanded to 55 – 70kt),
Hobarto (1x 40 - 55 k ts; 2 x 25 - 40k ts – one 25 - 40kt to be expanded to 55 – 70kt),
Ancona (2x 40 - 55k ts, 3x 25 - 40k ts).

Livorno is the navy's main base, Hobarto as the Southern Ocean Squadron's base. Smaller naval bases are established at Kilwa Masoko (Tanzania), Jaypura (New Guinea) and Tulagi (Florida Islands/Solomons).

Air Focus: 2, Tech Level 3 (post-WWI)
Total of 240 aircraft at gamestart
Airships have been relegated to long range civilian air travel, especially in New Guinea and the Solomons and are not part of the military.

Aircraft (renamed, of course ;-)):

Blackburn Dart torpedo bomber; 80 aircraft at the start, Q1 +30, Q2 +30 aircraft 140 planes in Q3

Fairey Flycatcher fighter; 140 aircraft, Q1 +60, Q2 +60 aircraft 260 planes in Q3
Fairey III recon; wheeled on carriers, as floatplane on cruisers/battleships; 20 aircraft in addition to the uncounted seaplanes onboard cruisers and capital ships.

Joining in Q3:
The first Hawker Horsley medium bomber squadrons (torpedo- and level bomb capable). First one End of August, three more at the end of September.

Under development (Q3 1925):
Long-range plane prototype 1 pt Farreacher
Protoype medium bomber 2 points Sidestrand
3 protoype fighters Hawker Nimrod

Fleet List Tuscan Kingdom

Fleet List Tuscan Kingdom (Locations valid July/August 1925)


Patria 50000 ts under construction in Livorno
Africa 50000 ts under construction in Livorno
Tasmania 50000 ts under construction in Hobarto

Il Principe-class
Il Principe 48000 ts in service, Mediterranean
Nettuno 48000 ts in service, Mediterranean
Oceano 48000 ts fitting out in Hobarto

Lorenzo de Medici-class
Lorenzo de Medici 33700 ts in service, Indian Ocean
Leopoldo de Medici 33700 ts in service, Mediterranean
Lepanto 33700 ts in service, Atlantic

Old Dreadnoughts

Andrea Doria 23000 ts in service, Mediterranean
Giulio Cesare 23000 ts in service, Mediterranean


Reina Elena-class

Roma 13000 ts in service, New Guinea
Firenze 13000 ts in service (OTL Napoli), Nre Guinea

all older ships sunk or scrapped; guns of scrapped ships used for coastal fortifications

Armoured / Heavy Cruisers

San Marco-class
San Giorgio 10000 ts in service, Solomons


Arno 12000 ts in service
Pescara 12000 ts in service
Rufiji 12000 ts in service
Arturo 12000 ts in service



Tevere 17000 ts in service
Styx 17000 ts in service
Volturno 17000 ts in service
Sangro 17000 ts in service
Mamberamo 17000 ts under construction, Ancona
Mosca 17000 ts under construction, Livorno

Light cruisers

Oro 6300 ts in service
Argento 6300 ts in service
Rame 6300 ts in service
Ferro 6300 ts in service
Cromo 6300 ts in service
Osmio 6300 ts in service
Platino 6300 ts in service
Mercurio 6300 ts in service
Piombo 6300 ts in service
Allumoni 6300 ts in service

Fluoro 6500 ts in service
Cloro 6500 ts in service
Bromo 6500 ts in service
Iodo 6500 ts in service
Astato 6500 ts in service


ex-Morosini Aquila 30000 ts in service 60 aircraft; Atlantic

Flycatcher over Sparviero (HMS Eagle graciously stands in for my carrier)

based on Arno-Hull Sparviero 12000 ts in service 20 aircraft; Indian Ocean
based on Arno-Hull Falco 12000 ts in service 20 aircraft; Med.

Cigno 22000 ts under construction, Livorno (using a big slip)
Albatro 22000 ts under construction, Ancona (using a big slip)


Animale-class; one half escorts merchant shipping convoys through the Suez channel, the other is escorting the Indian Ocean squadron

Leone 2200 ts in service
Pantera 2200 ts in service
Tigre 2200 ts in service
Lince 2200 ts in service
Leopardo 2200 ts in service
Felino 2000 ts in service

Lupo 2200 ts in service
Iena 2200 ts in service
Orso 2200 ts in service
Falco 2200 ts in service
Schiacallo 2200 ts in service
Procione 2200 ts in service

Marasti-class (based on a design for Romania taken over by Italy and construction continued)
20 ships 1400 ts in service

Alcalini e Alcalini Terrosi; all available October 1925
Litio 2950 ts fitting out
Sodo 2950 ts fitting out
Potassio 2950 ts fitting out
Rubidio 2950 ts fitting out
Cesio 2950 ts fitting out
Francio 2950 ts fitting out

Berllio 2950 ts fitting out
Magnesio 2950 ts fitting out
Calcio 2950 ts fitting out
Stronzio 2950 ts fitting out
Bario 2950 ts fitting out
Radio 2950 ts fitting out

14 destroyers, same design as Alcalini e Alcalini Terrosi
named after the 14 Lanthanide elements
14x 2950 ts std; all laid down in Q3/1925, available April 1926

T1-100 750 ts 100 in service, 30 in the Med, 30 in Tasmania, 10 in Tanzania, 30 in the Solomons

MAS 1-50 150 each ts
50 in service; 20 in the Med, 20 in Tasmania, 10 in Tanzania

30 coastal submarines 500 ts in service
30 larger models suitable for oceanic operations 1000 ts in service
14x 1000ts subs fitting out (available in October 1925)
7 long range subs (Surcouf-type) under construction (2/3 complete, available Jan 1926)

I'll assume 400 000 ts civilian liners, freighters and fleet auxiliaries (tenders, repair ships, tankers, colliers, hospital ships, transports,...)

Sail Training Vessels:

Cristoforo Colombo in service, currently touring the Mediteranean
Amerigo Vespucci fitting out

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

"We need to make gay people live in fear again! What ever happened to the traditional family values of persecution and lies?" - Darth Wong
"The closet got full and some homosexuals may have escaped onto the internet?"- Stormbringer

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Coyote »

I thought I had this posted already!

The Yishuv: Jewish/Arab Palestine

In 1895, Theodore Herzl made his call for Jews to return to their homeland. Motivated by a uptick in anti-Semitism following the Dreyfus Affair, the call to 'aliyah' struck a chord with many Jews in Europe. While many of the European governments were friendly towards their Jewish communities, with policies ranging from 'merely tolerant' to 'encouraging' or even fully integrated, there were still, at times, anti-Semitic movements among groups of citizens.

Many Jews left to avoid increasing tensions, with the fears of a Russo-German war narrowly averted the most recent. Some wanted to relocate to a region that had seen few wars in recent times; however, many others (especially from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union) wanted to relocate under the banner of socialist pioneers to create a people's haven in the new-formed Kibbutz (collective farm) movement.

In the third Zionist Congress, the Congress was granted authority to oversee an autonomous region in the area of Palestine where Jews throughout the ages had traditionally maintained a presence. The authorization came from a comment made by the Byzantine Emperor while at a conference in Cairo, discussing the status of Jerusalem. The "Cairo Declaration", as it came to be called, stated that the rulers of the Egyptian Sultanate and the Byzantine Empire "view[ed] with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".

Jerusalem became a shared city among Byzantine Christians, Egyptian Muslims, and the local Jews of the Yishuv. The Yishuv handles the administrative rulership and common civic needs, including police and defense with Arab Legion volunteers. Religious freedom and access to holy sites are guaranteed by the Mulsim waqf land-holding agreement, and access to the railway in the form of the Hedjaz Railroad is under Byzantine control. The Islamic waqf provides funding for the Arab Legion, which guards the holy sites in Jerusalem. They are well-equipped and professional, the officers and NCOs attending the academies in Byzantium. They never deploy outside a 20-mile radius of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, the Holy City, is part of the Caliphate, and flies the Egyptian flag. The Jews of the Yishuv are merely the civic administrators, providing protection with the Arab Legion, and much of the funding for the Administration provided by the waqf trust funds. Money for the waqf also comes from the al-Azhar University in Cairo. It is a matter of great pride for the Caliphate to control the city of Jerusalem, which they call al-Quds, and keep it open and safe for visitors and pilgrims of all faiths.


Starting points: 30
Used: 11.5
Lost: 18.5

Yearly Stipend: 200 IBPs (Industry of 2) + 30 (Econ of 3) = 230 IBPs per year.
Military cost per year: 86 IBPs.
Remaining IBPs for year: 144
IBPs divided into quarterly allocations: 36 per quarter

Current Projects:
Coastal Railroad, 20 IBPs for 2Q 1925 (8 quarters projected)
Factory Upgrades, 10 IBPs for 2Q 1925 (1-time cost)
Remaining: 6 IBPs being used for ongoing maintenance to barely-adequate electric & plumbing grid, roadways, streetscars, etc.

Population: 0 About 400,000 people live in the region of the Yishuv, about 50% Palestinian, 50% Jews.

Land Area: 2 About 280,000 sq. kms make up the area of the Yishuv.

Colonial Territory: 0 The Yishuv is a sort of autonomous 'colonial territory'.

Industry: 2 The Yishuv is full of hard-working people and highly-educated immigrants, but it is just too small for much heavy industry. With a Land Area of 2, an Econ of 3, and a 1 in Infrastructure, the Yishuv comes to a 2 IND.

Economy: 3 The economy of the Yishuv is stable and strong (for its size).

Infrastructure: 1 The cities along the coast are modern for the time period, and there are railroads, but outside the cities it is still hard living.

Standing Military Limit: 3 All able-bodied citizens are conscripted at age of majority for a minimum of 3 years' service (2 for females). Also, kibbutz farm collectives are essentially self-sustaining militia hardpoints throughout the land.

Naval Focus: 1 The Yishuv has only 4 actual military grade ships, but they're good ones. Coastal patrol is done by armed trawlers when their crews are on reserve call-up duty, 1 weekend a month.

Army Focus: 1 The Army's mobilization pool is 4 points, making it 8% of the available population.

Air Focus: 1 The Yishuv maintains an Air Force of 120 aircraft total; 60 Fokker E.IIIs and 60 Bristol Type 14 E.2B MkII. This is a powerful air force for such a small nation, but it was deemed necessary to help the Egyptian Sultanate patrol the vast desert wastes.

Army Tech: 3 (Yishuv is operating at a defecit of -3 to quarterly IBPs to sustain army tech level)
Air Force Tech: 2 (Yishuv meets the requirements to sustain it's air force)

Note about Military Technology levels: Relatively modern weapons were available for purchase through Byzantine and Caliphate connections. Jewish communities worldwide were hit with pleas for donations. The equipment is now purchased, but the high-tech bonanza is unsustainable: lost equipment cannot be purchased with the Yishuv's own economy. Every tank, plane, and ship is invaluable and irreplaceable, at least for the foreseeable future. The Yishuv will have to find a way to make it all stretch as long as possible.



Leadership: Prime Minister Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 35
Defense Minister: David Ben-Gurion, 33

Yishuv Council:
Representatives from the following cities & interests:
Tel Aviv
Jaffa (Arab city)
Kibbutz Labor Movement representative
Grand Mufti's representative
Waqf Representative
Bedouin Representative
Druse Representative


Military Forces:
Army: Joint Forces Headquarters at "ha'Kirya" GHQ, Tel Aviv. Total Admin troops: 400
Army points cost per year: 43 points

Garrisons and their Commanders:
Jerusalem..............Colonel Yifal Silbermann, German, semi-religious
Haifa..................Colonel Raphael Montefiore, Italian, semi-religious
Tel Aviv...............Colonel Ariel "Arik" Shaham, Polish-American, semi-religious
Tzfat/Tiveria..........Colonel Yosef Gernstein, American, religious

Infantry is mostly equipped with the Gewehr-88.
Some early models had flaws due to rushed ammunition production; anti-Semitic factions within the German press exploited the flaws citing a conspiracy between the rifle’s manufacturer, the Ludwig Loewe Company, and other Jewish owned manufactures, including the firm manufacturing the smokeless powder. Thus the rifle became known derisively as the Judenflinte ("Jews' Musket"). While this yellow journalist hate speech was investigated and quashed by the German government, some in the Army were all too eager to get rid of the Loewe Co. G-88s.

The Army also has a number of American 1903 Springfields and some British Enfields, but the G88 is the common service rifle.
British Webley revolver and German C96 Mauser are about evenly divided among troops. Some 'elite' Haganah troops like the Maschinenpistolen MP-18s, and the C96 Schnellfeuer.

8 Infantry Brigades: approx. 28,000 troops total. (Not including Kibbutz Militia, which does not deploy outside kibbutzim)
Cost per year: 16 points.
Jerusalem..............4,000 troops; G88/C96. Light Inf. 1/2 are RESERVES
Haifa..................4,000 troops; G88/C96. Light Inf. 1/2 are RESERVES
Tel Aviv...............4,000 troops; G88/C96. Light Inf. 1/2 are RESERVES
Tzfat/Tiveria..........4,000 troops; M1903/C96. Light Inf. 1/2 are RESERVES
Ashkelon...............3,000 troops; Enfield/Webley Revolvers. Light Inf. 1/2 are RESERVES
Beer-Sheva.............3,000 troops; G88/Webley Revolvers. Light Inf + 1 company w/Horse Trans. 1/2 are RESERVES
Eilat..................2,000 troops; G88/Webley Revolvers. Light Inf. 1/2 are RESERVES
Arab Legion (al-Quds)..4,000 troops; G98/Webley Revolvers. Light Inf. An all-Arab force dedicated to protecting holy sites.

Special: RESERVES/ 1,400 troops
Cost: 6 points
Jerusalem: 1 Pioneer "Brigade": 1,000 troops. C96s, C96 Schnellfeuers w/buttstocks, grenades, flamethrowers, mines, etc.
Jerusalem: 1 Ha'gana Special "Storm Company" of 200 troops with Maschinenpistolen MP-18s, C96 Schnellfeuer w/buttstocks.
Tel Aviv: 1 Ha'gana Special "Storm Company" of 200 troops with Maschinenpistolen MP-18s, C96 Schnellfeuer w/buttstocks.

Armored Car Forces: 1 "Brigade" of approx. 237 troops
Cost per year: 2 points
Jerusalem.............10 Rolls-Royce P-1920, 30 men + 15 mechanics
Haifa..................5 Rolls-Royce P-1920 + 7 Rolls-Royce P-1924 (Boys AT rifle/Lewis MG), 36 men + 25 mechanics
Tel Aviv...............5 Rolls-Royce P-1920, 15 men + 8 mechanics
Tzfat/Tiveria..........5 Rolls-Royce P-1920, 15 men + 8 mechanics
Ashkelon...............5 Rolls-Royce P-1920, 15 men + 8 mechanics
Beer-Sheva.............7 Rolls-Royce P-1924 (Boys AT rifle/Lewis gun), 21 men + 10 mechanics
Eilat..................7 Rolls-Royce P-1924 (Boys AT rifle/Lewis gun), 21 men + 10 mechanics

Armored Tank Forces: RESERVES/ 314 troops
Cost per year: 10 points
Jerusalem.............14 FT-17s (28 crew + 28 mechanics= 56 troops)
Haifa..................7 LK-II (21 crew + 21 mechanics= 42 troops)
Tel Aviv...............8 St. Chamond (64 crew + 64 mechs= 126 troops); 14 FT-17s (28 crew + 28 mechs= 56 troops)(184 total)
Tzfat/Tiveria..........8 Fiat 3000s (16 crew + 16 mechs= 32 troops)
Ashkelon...............7 LK-II (21 crew + 21 mechs= 42 troops)

Horse Cavalry Forces: RESERVES/ 640 troops
Cost per year: 6 points
Jerusalem..............2 companies (160 men)
Tel Aviv...............(none)
Ashkelon...............2 companies (160 men)
Beer-Sheva.............2 companies (160 men)
Eilat..................2 companies (160 men)

Artillery (Horse drawn) Forces: RESERVES/ 166 troops
Cost per year: 3 points
Jerusalem..............1 4-gun battery; French 75mm. (24 men)
Haifa..................1 4-gun battery; French 75mm. (24 men)
Tel Aviv...............2 4-gun batteries; French 75mm. (48 men)
Ashkelon...............1 4-gun battery; French 75mm. (24 men)
Beer-Sheva.............1 4-gun battery; French 75mm. (24 men)
Eilat..................1 4-gun battery; French 75mm. (24 men)

Air Force: 700 air force personnel total
Air Force points cost per year: 15 points per year

5 sq. of Bristol Type 14 F.2B Mk II. (Interior) Squadron: 12 aircraft; crew: 2; ground crew: 4 = 72 aircrew per squadron. +10 Admins per sqdn. TOTAL: 410
5 Sq. of Fokker E.III (Coastal) Squadron: 12 aircraft; crew: 1; ground crew: 3 = 46 aircrew per squadron. +10 Admins per sqdn. TOTAL: 290

Navy: 1,614 fighting crew; 3,226 support & admin. 4,852 total
Navy points cost per year: 28 points

German-built Moltke-class Battlecruiser INS Mount Megiddo (22,979 tons; 1,053 crew)
German-built Dresden-class Lt. Cruiser INS Herzl (3,364 tons; 361 crew)
German-built "Nusret"-class torpedo boat INS Salah al-Din (360 tons; 100 crew)
German-built "Nusret"-class torpedo boat INS Shimshon (360 tons; 100 crew)

27,063 tons used of up to 150,000 allowed.

Total military upkeep costs: 86 points per year.


Passenger Air Service: civil aircraft for mail & passengers to Europe, N Africa and near east.
6 Vickers Vimy run by "Air Palestine"
8 Handley-Page type-O bombers, converted to civil aircraft, run by "Israir"

Passenger ships dock at Haifa, which is a collier station run primarily for general Med merchants.
Ships for religious pilgrims and cargo dock at Tel Aviv/Yafo, or at Eilat. Both are also collier stations for merchants.

Tourism makes up a lot of the economy. There are some raw materiels and mining, but not much. Orchards grow for the Sultanate as well as the Yishuv; and the Sultanate is investing heavily in industry at Ashekelon.


The Yishuv will be a tale of many different cultures in one living space. On the coastline, you have affluent, cosmopolitan cities full of wealthier, Westernized, educated immigrants. German, French, Italian and American Jews live there or have summer homes there, enjoying the beaches. The destination port for these vacationers is frequently Haifa. The cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa in particular are very modern, with streetcars and electricity, even airports and talk of building a Zeppelin tower. Arts, and some say, decadence, thrive here. From Lebanon to Tel Aviv, it is the Paris of the East.

Inside the land, away from the coast, life drops off and becomes hardscrabble very quickly. The exceptions are Jerusalem and Tzfat/Tiveria. These cities are modernized, but austere. The people that choose to live here are frequently the devoutly religious, and those that delve into Kabbala (mostly in Tzfat). They practice strict adherence to Shabbat and are frequently engaged in Torah scholarship.

Away from the cities is the vast stretch of what some call "the real Israel". Orchards in the north, herdsmen in the center, or people trying to make the desert bloom in the unforgiving Negev desert, the men and women who live off the land are a hardy sort that look with disdain on their lazy (some say arrogant and overfed) cousins in the cities. Many of these people are Kibbutzniks, and motivated by Communist or Socialist zeal from Russia & Eastern Europe to come build a new land based on the collectivist dreams of the great visionary, Vladimir Lenin.

Among them all are the Arabs: Palestinians or Bedouin, or even the mysterious, reclusive Druse, all trying to make their lives under the Byzantine rulers in far-off Constantinople.

All these groups must get along and stay afloat in turbulent seas of politics and a society in change. Will far-off powers make them all choose sides? Or will they all band together for some future independence? Or will they all just be ground underfoot in some great war to come, tossed between major powers that don't even notice their tiny enclave?
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Lascaris »

Order of battle as of October 1st, 1925

Edited to cover sales to Gran Colombia


Active: 820,000, 164 brigades
Mobilized: 4,240,000, 848 brigades

Wartime organization

19 Armies (4 Corps, 1 cavalry div, 1 heavy artillery bde, 1 artillery bde)
76 Corps (3 divisions, 1 artillery brigade)

5 Light mechanized divisions (1 tank, 2 motorized bde)
1 Light Mech Division, forming (complete January 1926)
3 Motorized Infantry divisions (3 motorized bde)
9 Marine divisions (3 infantry bde)
18 Mountain divisions (3 infantry bde)
195 Infantry divisions (3 infantry bde)
18 cavalry divisions (3 Cav bde)
18 Hvy Artillery bde
90 Artillery bde

Active army: 820,000

5 Light mechanized divisions (1 tank, 2 motorized bde)
1 Light Mech Division, forming (complete January 1926)
1 Motorized Infantry divisions (3 motorized bde)
6 Marine divisions (3 infantry bde)
6 Mountain divisions (3 infantry bde)
18 Infantry divisions (3 infantry bde)
4 cavalry divisions (3 Cav bde)
12 Hvy Artillery bde
30 Artillery bde

Air force: 1000
60 Breguet XIX C2/CN2
160 Valk IA (Bernard 12)
400 NiD 42
380 Breguet XIX B2

Naval Air Service: 120

72 Boeing FB5
48 Blackburn Velos/Dart


2 Daedalo class (18000t, 60 aircraft)

2 Plan 1923 BB (48700t 9x450mm 28kts)
4 Plan 1921 BB, (39700t 12x16in 26kts)
4 Plan 1917 BB, (39500t 12x16in 26kts)
4 Plan 1913 BC, (29200t 12x14in 26kts)
2 Plan 1910 BC, (27000t 12x14in 25kts)

4 AC1922 AC (18,000t 8x12in 32kts)
4 AC1918 AC (11,241t 8x9.2in 30kts)
4 AC1914 AC (10,197t 8x9.2in 28,5kts)

2 Chikuma class CL (3414t)
2 LC1914 CL (5500t, 8x6in, 30kts)
4 LC1917 CL (5278t, 8x6in, 30kts)
4 LC1919 CL (5191t, 8x6in, 35kts)
4 LC1921 CL (5132t, 8x6in, 35kts)
4 LC1923 CL (9535t, 12x6in, 33kts)

16 Fubuki class DD (16 under trials)
32 Burrasque class DD
16 Scott class DD
36 Novik class DD (1326t)
32 Novik class DD (1260t)

8 Type A (J1 class) SS (8 under trials)
28 U142 class SS
16 Type B (Redoutable class) SS (8 under trials)
32 Type C (evolved U115) SS (32 under trials
24 U81 class SS

Fortification system

Artigas line: Covering the border with Brazil. Fortification level varying with terrain and proximity to Brazilian industrial centers. Similar in composition to the French border fortified zone as built between 1872-1914 in the more densely fortified areas with a number of more modern forts built or modernized in the 1914-1924 period to bring the line to a rough equivelant of the Greek Metaxas line.

Coastal forts

Sao Gonzalo Channel: Major emplacements including 12,14 and 16in guns covering both Rio Grande and Pelotas and interlocking their fire over the channel.

Porto Alegre: Smaller forts with 12 and a few 14in guns protecting the harbor of the city.

Itajai and Florianopolis. Both covered by coastal forts with emplaced 14 and 16in guns.


Artigas line style forts at the points were Rio Parana, Rio Paraguay and Rio Uruguay cut across into the Brazilian, Chilitine and Uruguay borders. The forts on the Brazilian side are part of the Artigas line.
Last edited by Lascaris on 2010-01-10 08:09pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Steve »

On Bluewolf's behalf:
Chinese Army:

2 Million Active

400 Brigades -
4 Armored Brigades
12 Motorized Brigades in 4 Motorized Divisions (including the Armored Brigades)
54 Artillery Brigades divided amongst Corps
32 Cavalry Brigades in 8 Divisions
18 Heavy Artillery Brigades
40 Engineer Brigades divided between regional commands
12 Fortress Brigades
12 Garrison Brigades in 3 divisions (primarily assigned to Tibet)
8 Jungle Brigades in 2 Divisions, assigned to Burma border
208 Infantry Brigades organized into 52 Divisions

Expeditionary Force to Manchuria:
18 Divisions Committed as of July 1925, 3 Cavalry 15 Infantry/Motorized

Sinkiang: 6 Divisions, 2 Infantry 3 Cavalry 1 Garrison
Tibet: 5 Divisions, 1 Infantry 2 Cavalry 2 Garrison
Kunming (Grand Dominion-Burma Border): 5 Divisions, 3 Infantry 2 Jungle
Shaoguan (SAU border): 16 Divisions, 15 Infantry 1 Fortress
Fuzhou-Shanghai: 10 Divisions
Inner Mongolia: 15 Divisions
Xi'an-Chungking: 5 Divisions
Taiwan: 2 Fortress Divisions

6 Million Reserves, 2 Million "second tier" and 4 million "third tier"

2nd Tier:
400 Brigades
40 Artillery Brigades
8 Heavy Artillery Brigades
352 Infantry Brigades organized into 88 Divisions

Partially Activated to provide forces in Peking and further reinforcement to Manchuria if needed. 2 Divisions sent to shore up defenses on Taiwan.

3rd Tier:
800 Brigades
40 Artillery Brigades (primarily old guns)
80 Garrison Brigades organized into 20 Divisions (Class "C" equivalent reservist formations fit only for garrison duties)
680 Infantry Brigades organized into 170 Divisions
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by MKSheppard »

Shepistani Army OBAT: (Tentative)

Mobilization pool=20 million

Active Army: 2mil
Class "A" Reservists: 1.5mil
Class "B" Reservists: 2mil
Class "C" Reservists:1.5mil

(Note:Only active army and Class A Reservists have modern combat equipment, e.g. tanks, motorized units, mechanized arty, modern AAA. B and C are largely leg infantry, older arty, and supply units)

Disposition of forces
Oman: Active: 175,000, Reserve units:75,000; of which 15,000 are "A")
Mainland Sheppostan: Everyone else

Uniforms: German Style WWIish

Infantry Weapons: Pretty much Bolt Action Rifles, with some autoloading rifles entering limited service; and SMG spam is starting to show up. Mortars, Machineguns, Grenades, flamethrowers, etc abound.

Tanks: Mostly Renault FT-17 style spam, with a few Char B1s floating around.

Aeroplanes How the fuck should I know? I'll just steal whatever Lonestar is using and paint Sheppo roundels on them; and call them something else.

Artillery: Sheppo Artillery's mainstay piece is primarily 100mm; though there are a few older 70mm pieces lying around from the 1913~ era.

Specialized Artillery: Sheppo Superheavy Artillery has the whole range of supporting stuff from corps level guns to superheavy siege howitzers.

Artillery Specialization: Sheppo Artilleryists are known for their massive crushing gas attacks which can blanket an entire battlefield in vile chemical agents in such large quantities that personal protective gear can be overwhelmed.

Fortresses: Sheppo fortresses are primarily concentrated along the border with the Goddamns and major harbors.

Other border regions, such as that in Afghanistan, have not recieved that level of intense fortification, due to the terrain itself significantly hampering any enemy advance, hence fortifications in those regions tend to be limited to especially crucial key terrain points.

The Straits of Hormuz is a medium-light fortress; installed there to ensure that Sheppo troops can use the straits to resupply their colony with troops and supplies etc unhampered by any external enemies.

In Oman, there are several light fortresses scattered throughout the area; mainly to provide protection for the settlers from possible native uprisings. All of them are designed from the start with chemical warfare in mind to allow the use of gas warfare against native attacks safely.

Army Organization: The Sheppo Army is big, numbering in the millions, with millions more in the ready reserve, inactive reserve, and retired reserve; and their divisions are 15,000 man sized, organized along triangular lines; anything other than that is vague and will be detailed as required.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Evincer »

The Bolivarian Union naval OOB had been posted earlier, in the Ship Design thread, but here it is again, with a slight update to reflect the delivery of two Coastal Defense Ships from Germany.

Peru-Bolivia has a naval focus of 2. As described earlier, the Bolivarian Union has continued a tradition of modern submarine construction, preferring it to large capital ship construction. In fact, it lacks the capability to produce anything greater than about 20,000 tons at this time, despite and industrial capacity allowing for greater designs. The emphasis has gone to submarines.

In addition, the navy maintains a strong coastal defense orientation. It lacks doctrines of surface raiding, possibly of commerce raiding generally. It lacks expertise in deploying abroad. All training focuses on protection of the coastline, and the ships are incapable of deploying far beyond the Bolivarian Union.

Fleet listing

Special Coastal Defense Ships

2 30,000-ton Simon Bolivar-class Coastal Defense Ships (built in Germany) = 60,000 tons

Cruiser Analogues

8 Seigfried-class-analogue Coastal Defense Ships (rebuilt) at 4,250 tons each = 34,000 tons
(laid down approx. 1902-1912, Commissioned well before 1915)

8 Sverige-class-analogue Coastal Defense Ships at 7125 tons each = 57,000 tons
Laid down 1915-1923

16 Total Cruiser-analogues = 91,000 tons


4 Birkenhead-class Cruisers at 5,440 tons each = 21,600 tons
Commissioned 1915


20 Almirante Lynch-class destroyers (1911-1915) at 1,430 tons each
=28,600 tons

18 2,000 ton heavy destroyers = 36,000 tons
laid down 1920-1924

38 destroyers = 64,600 tons


16 H-class light submarines at 400 tons each = 6,400 tons (reserve)
Laid down 1911-1914

8 Type U31 submarines at approx 900 tons each = 7,200 tons (reserve)
Laid down 1912-1914

16 Type U51/57/63 submarines at approx 1000 tons each = 16,000 tons
Laid down 1915-1916

2 Type U139 submarines at approximately 2000 tons each = 4,000 tons
Laid down beginning 1916

4 Type U46(a) submarines at approximately 2000 tons each = 8,000 tons
Laid down beginning 1918

8 L-class submarines at 890 tons each = 7,120 tons
Laid down 1916 [all of which are minelayers)

4 R-class hunter-killer submarines at 420 tons each = 1,680 tons

2 experimental submarines at 2,820 tons each = 5,640 tons
Laid-down 1921, Commissioned 1925

10 Type UBII coastal submarines = 2,400 tons

10 Type UBIII coastal submarines = 5,600 tons

10 Type Mittel U submarines = 8,600 tons

10 H21-class improved Holland-class submarines = 4,230

Torpedo Boats

20 765-ton torpedo boats commissioned 1910-1914 = 15,300 tons

Motor Torpedo Boats

40 MAS Boats 1915-1918 = 22,500 tons (or about 900 55-foot Coastal Motor Boats)

River Gunboats

10 1412-ton river gunboats commissioned 1900-1902 = 14,120 tons (Mainly stationed in the Upper Paraguay River)

12 560-ton modern river gunboats = 6720 tons

12 400-ton modern river gunboats = 4,800 tons



10 300-ton minelayers commissioned before 1915 = 3,000 tons

6 2,500 ton minelayers laid down 1911 = 15,000 tons

6 modern minelayers 2,600 tons each = 15,500 tons

Other Auxilliary Vessels

2 Hospital ships

Oilers and coalers


2 Submarine tenders

A few minesweepers
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Steve »

OrBat as of 1 September 1925

Cascadian Army

Active Forces: 94 Brigades, 470,000 men

Cascadian Guards Corps

The elite of the elite. Only the most committed and most skilled volunteers and officers are desired for these postings.

The Guards Corps now makes up over half of the standing army at current due to the reduction of yearly draft rolls by the Halling Administration and its effect on the rest of the Army. While the Guards have retained their honed edge, they are being stretched thinner with the need for the posting of two continental divisions overseas to make up for the reduction in Army regulars.

I Guards Corps (10 brigades)

1st Guards (Motorized) Division "The Tricolor Guard"
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
Based in Seattle, Olympia

2nd Guards (Motorized) Division "The Evergreen"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Oakland, California

3rd Guards (Motorized) Division "Pride of the North"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Regina, Saskatchewan

1st Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

II Guards Corps (10 brigades)

6th Guards Division "Spirit Walkers"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Bingham Canyon, Utah

8th Guards Division (undergoing activation training)
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Yakima, Olympia

1st Mounted Rifles Guards Division "Desert Riders"
3 Cavalry Brigades
1 Battalion of Flying Artillery
Based in Eureka, Nevada

2nd Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

III Guards Corps (10 brigades)

4th Guards Division "Mountain Ghosts"
3 (Mountain) Infantry Brigades
Based in Madang, New Guinea Territory

5th Guards Division "Jungle Rats"
3 (Jungle) Infantry Brigades
Based in Medan, Sumatra Territory

7th Guards Division "The Stalwarts"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Tanjungkarang, Sumatra Territory

3rd Guards Artillery Brigade

(IV) Australian Guards Corps (10 brigades)

1st Australian Guards (Motorized) Division "The Iron Wall"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Iron City, Cooksland (modern Mt. Isa, Queensland), forward positioned in Pine Creek, North Australian Territory

2nd Australian Guards (Motorized) Division "Outback Bandits"
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
Based in Katherine, North Australian Territory, forward positioned in Pine creek, North Australia Territory

3rd Australian Guards Division "Australia's Own"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Perth, Western Australia
Note: Being Upgraded to Motorized status, reduced effectiveness until November 1925, Upgrade Complete in February 1926

4th Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport), assigned to Corps HQ in Katherine, North Australian Territory

Cascadian Regular Forces

The Regulars consist primarily of the yearly draft callups and younger, less-experienced officers. They are trained to full standard for regular forces but are not considered to be as effective as the Guard Corps. Normally consisting of two-thirds or more of the standing army, cuts in the prior 8 years of Tory rule have resulted in the Regulars being a minority of Army forces, though the New Defense Plan may improve this. Numerous border forts in California and Nevada were shut down under Tory rule, with only the Ft. Jordan fortress across the Jordan River from Mormon-owned Salt Lake City kept active.

Additionally the Regular Army contains the Armored Testing Brigade, a formation intended for the testing of both tank doctrine and new models of tanks as the technology is refined year-by-year.

I Corps (10 brigades)

6th Infantry (Assault) Division
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Carson City, Nevada

1st Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Stockton, California

2nd Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Kanab, Utah

8th Artillery Brigade

II Corps (10 brigades)

Note: All units of the II Corps have been raised as a result of the New Defense Plan. They are in various levels of training until February 1926; full effectiveness as units will be achieved in February 1927.

3rd Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Edmonton, Alberta

4th Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

5th Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Vermilion, Alberta

2nd Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

III Corps (12 brigades)

7th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Elko, Nevada

8th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Tooele, Utah

9th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Pocatello, Idaho

12th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Provo, Utah

IV Corps (12 brigades)

10th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
- includes 4th New Olympia Regiment
Based in Newcastle, New Olympia

11th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Port Augusta, New Columbia

13th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Townsville, Cooksland (reployed to Pine Creek, North Australia Territory)

14th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Brisbane, Cooksland (reployed to Katherine, North Australia Territory, individual units positioned in Bush outposts facing Dutch zone)

Independent Divisions (6 brigades)

19th Infantry Division (3 brigades)
2 Infantry Brigades
1 Garrison Brigade
Based in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii
Garrison Brigade mans Forts Hawkins and Kamehameha on Oahu. Unit in activation training, will complete in August 1925

Utah Garrison Division (2 brigades)
1 Garrison Infantry Brigade
1 Artillery Brigade
Based in Ft. Jordan, Utah

Armored Testing Brigade (1 brigade)
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Yakima, Olympia

Cascadian Marine Corps

The Cascadian Marine Corps, like their British and American counterparts, began as a force of ship-board infantry for fighting boarding actions and small expeditionary engagements. They have since begun to field land-based forces, primarily for the protection of Cascadia's smallest outposts in the Pacific. In recent years the Corps, due to its shift to Pacific operations, has shifted its HQ to the semi-autonomous Kingdom of Hawaii.

The 1st Marine Brigade is also the Royal Hawaiian Marine Brigade by charter of the Hawaiian monarchy, in recognition for the Brigade's heroism in preventing the overthrow of the monarchy by American and European plantation owners in the 1890s. This title is only used in ceremonial events of the Kingdom of Hawaii and is not an official unit designation on the CMC unit roll.

1st (Royal) Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Pearl Harbor, Kingdom of Hawaii

2nd Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Tidore, Protectorate of the North Moluccas

3rd Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Bengkulu, Sumatra Territory

Pacific Garrisons Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
HQ Based in Koror, Palau Islands Territory
Unit is divided up in individual companies and battalions and assigned to various Pacific island holdings as garrisons.


Due to the wide expanse of Cascadian continental territory and budget cuts to the land forces by Conservative governments since 1913, dedicated fortifications are primarily coastal and meant to help repulse attacking fleets. Of those border forts that were built only Fort Jordan, along the west bank of Utah's Jordan River, remains as a major fortification of concrete with heavy guns, and it is primarily intended to deal with the threat of Deseretan revanchism with its battery of 8" guns pre-dialed to direct bombardments into Salt Lake City while pillboxes and casemates provide protection from Deseret infantry.

Forts Canby and MacLaughlin dominate the entrance to Puget Sound with 10" and 12" naval guns; MacLaughlin has two 14" guns as primary armament. Forts Barry, Baker, Miley, and Scott command the entrance to San Francisco Bay with a battery of new 16" guns, 8 in all, with 12 14" guns and 8 12" guns also spread amongst them along with 155mm and 8" artillery. Naval Fort Perth is a special fortification that has existed in some form or another since the 1870s and which is in reserve today with only 10" and 12" armament, including an open-to-civilians museum area that contains the 12"/25 19th century guns that repulsed the Manchurian attack on Perth after the defeat of the West Australian Squadron in 1889. Today Fort Dampier is the primary defensive installation, on Garden Island, possessing 4 14"/45 guns and three surplus 16"/45 guns from the cancelled third Magnificent-class ship as its main armament. Adelaide and Melbourne possess light coastal forts at their harbor openings that contain 6"-10" armament. By the terms of the Australia Treaty Cascadia does not maintain coastal defenses in the coastline near British Sydney. Fortifications at Brisbane and Townsville possess 4 14"/52 Albemarle-Obukhov guns apiece with 6"-8" secondary armament. Sumatra has fortifications at Palembang, Bengkulu, and Pangkal Pinang. The former has 6" and 8" guns for attacking both land and riverine targets; the latter two also possess 8 14" guns courtesy of buildup in the 1910s. The above forts all include pillbox and gunhouse structures to deal with infantry attacks; .50 Browning Heavy Machine Guns are the favored armament.

Pearl Harbor enjoys the distinction of the most heavily-defended fortifications in Cascadia: Forts Hawkins and Kamehameha are on the west and east side of the entrance respectively: the 1920 Naval Defense Act have turned them into the most powerful defensive fortifications in the Pacific, each with 8 16"/50 guns as primary anti-ship armament to replace the 8 12"/52 Albemarle-Obukhovs the forts used to command, all in armored turrets connected to central fort magazines by electric conveyer belts and walkways in fortified underground tunnels. In the gaps between the turrets casemates for 6" quick-fire guns and specialized 8"/55 coastal artillery guns add closer-range armament with heavy steel and concrete defenses alongside, topped with gunhouses for .50 caliber heavy machine gun emplacements and further pillboxes closer to the coast. Internally batteries of 3" and 40mm anti-aircraft artillery were the first such defenses added to a Cascadian defensive fortification. The forts are manned day to day at this time by the 1st Marine Brigade and draftees from the Hawaiian islands, rotating in and out during retention training. In August the 3rd and 8th Hawaiian Regiments, 19th Division, will take over responsibility for the fortifications. Currently a proposal to install Albemarle's newly-testing 18"/50 guns is being considered, but none will likely be ordered unless the Navy places an order for them to be installed in new battleships.

Additionally, other forts are being planned on Oahu, Maui, and Hawai'i, though none will equal the combat power of the Pearl Harbor defenses.

Army Reserve

The Army reserve consists of both volunteers and draftees. Draftees in the Reserves are primarily those who complete Universal Military Training and are either not selected for active service or are exempted from it for various reasons as well as those who complete their service in the regular army and are retained in the reserve, usually for 4-8 years. Since 1916 the Reserve has been steadily reduced by the Conservative Party, seeking to save funds from the national budget to keep taxes low and fulfill social service initiatives. As a result, it is about a third lower than it should be.

Reservists generally train one to two months out of the year, meeting at least every weekend a month for rifle training with month-long retention training held once a year, rotating by reservist formation in a region.

Most of the Reserve comes from the mainland of North America, primarily in the full states while the Territories have Territorial Militia units that are usually no larger than a regiment or two due to the lower population - mobilization of territorial militia generally only happens when said territories are directly threatened, as mobilization in these territories can cause severe economic depression.

Note that roughly every seven Reserve Divisions have a Reserve Artillery Brigade attached.

Reserve Forces: 579 brigades (552 Infantry 27 Artillery), 2,895,000 men, organized into 184 divisions

Breakdown of Reserve Divisions per Region:

38 Divisions
5 Artillery Brigades
Victoria - 10 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
New Columbia - 9 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
New Olympia - 9 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Western Australia - 4 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Cooksland - 6 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade

1 Division
1 Artilery Brigade
Oahu - 1 Division, 1 Artillery Brigade

North America:
145 Divisions
21 Artillery Brigades
Olympia - 30 Divisions, 5 Artillery Brigades
Oregon - 28 Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
California - 25 Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
Columbia - 23 Divisions, 3 Artillery Brigades
Idaho - 11 Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
South Alberta - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Saskatchewan - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Nevada - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Utah - 2 Divisions
North Alberta - 2 Divisions

Cascadian Navy

Combat Fleet

40 Old Destroyers (up to 1914)
20 Combs-class (Cassin) destroyers
10 O'Brien-class (O'Brien) destroyers
10 Royas-class (Tucker) destroyers

70 New Destroyers (post-1914)
20 Kentworth-class (Caldwell-like) destroyers
30 Rodgers-class (Clemson-like) destroyers
20 Hencken-class (Modified Clemson-like) destroyers

38 Light/Scout Cruisers
12 Carnarvon-class (Arethusa-like) light cruisers
6 Kelowna-class (Caroline-like) light cruisers
10 Boise-class (Danae-like) light cruisers
10 Tacoma-class light cruisers

10 Heavy Cruisers
10 Nez Perce-class cruisers building 1924-1925

80 Submarines 54,500
20 D-class (N-class-like) Coastal Submarines
20 G-class (R-class-like) Submarines
40 K-class (S-class-like) Submarines
3 L-class Fleet Submarines building 1924-1925.

1 Yakama-class (Hermes-like) aircraft carrier: 8,407T.
Air Wing:
20 x NF-1 Sea Sparrow

41 (31 active, 6 building, 4 planned) Capital Warships

2 Cascadia-class dreadnoughts (post-1916-1919 refit)
CRS Cascadia
CRS Pacifica

1 Alberta-class battlecruiser
CRS Alberta Note: relegated as Academy training ship/gunnery training.

4 Constitution-class dreadnoughts
CRS Constitution
CRS Republic
CRS Liberty
CRS Constellation

4 Colossus-class dreadnoughts
CRS Colossus
CRS Goliath
CRS Titan
CRS Sentinel

2 Australia-class dreadnoughts. Update to Cascadia-class, initially Royal Egyptian Navy Fakhr-ad-Din Yussuf-class, order canceled by Egypt and unfinished ships re-laid and built by Cascadian Navy design.
CRS Australia (ex-REN Fakhr-ad-Din Yussuf)
CRS Alaska (ex-REN Faris ad-Din Aktai)

2 Vanguard-class dreadnoughts
CRS Vanguard
CRS Formidable

2 Magnificent-class dreadnoughts
CRS Magnificent
CRS Chief Joseph

4 California-class battlecruisers
CRS California
CRS Utah
CRS Sumatra
CRS Hawaii

6 Dauntless-class dreadnoughts
CRS Dauntless
CRS Relentless
CRS Fearless
CRS Superb
CRS Challenger
CRS Thunderer

4 Lightning-class large cruisers
CRS Lightning
CRS Whirlwind
CRS Tornado
CRS Tempest

6 Sovereign-class dreadnoughts, building 1923-1926 - 50,428T
CRS Sovereign (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1 1926)
CRS Senator (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1 1926)
CRS Centurion (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q2 1926)
CRS Consul (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q2 1926)
CRS Magistrate (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q3 1926)
CRS Praetor (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1-Q3 1926)

4 Defiant-class fast battleships, to be built 1925-1928 - 55,000T
CRS Defiant (laid Q1 1925, commissioned Q1 1928)
CRS Reliant (laid Q1 1925, commissioned Q1-Q2 1928)
CRS Reprisal (laid Q2 1925, commissioned Q2 1928)
CRS Warrior (laid Q3 1925, commissioned Q3 1928)

Auxiliary Fleet

8 Abernathy-class Fleet Oilers - 144,400T displacement
10 Bremer-class Oilers - 100,000T displacement
10 Clydesdale-class Fleet Ammunition Suppliers - 60,000T displacement
10 Alesano-class Supply Vessels - 100,000T displacement
25 Minesweepers of assorted class - 16,000T displacement
8 Converted Liners for troop transport of assorted class - 79,600T displacement

Total Auxiliary Tonnage: 500,000 tons

Cascadian Air Force

Main Air Strips: (Not all in constant use)
Tooele, Utah
Regina, Saskatchewan
Calgary, Alberta
Boise, Idaho
Helena, Idaho
Seattle, Olympia
Oakland, California
Honolulu, Hawaii
Madang, New Guinea
Tindore, North Moluccas
Palembang, Sumatra
Medan, Sumatra
Perth, Western Australia
Katherine, North Australia
Townsville, Cooksland
Brisbane, Cooksland
Melbourne, Victoria
Adelaide, New Columbia

2 B-class Coastal reconnassiance zeppelins (Under Navy control)

4 prototype PF-4 biplane fighters
4 prototype BF-3 biplane bombers
120 PF-3 biplane fighters (40 in training)
20 PF-2 biplane fighters
20 NF-1 Sea Sparrow naval aircraft (under Navy control, used for carrier operations)
24 T-1 transport aircraft (12 in training)
14 BF-2 biplane bomber
30 RC-2 coastal patrol flying boats (all in training)

1st Pursuit Group
HQ: Katherine, North Australia

5th Fighter Squadron "Australian Aces"
20 x PF-3s

6th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

8th Fighter Squadron (training)
20 x PF-3s

2nd Pursuit Group
HQ: Tooele, Utah

2nd Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

4th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

11th Fighter Squadron "Snake Eyes" (training)
20 x PF-3s

1st Composite Group
Medan, Sumatra

1st Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-2s

1st Attack Squadron
14 x BF-2s

1st Support Group
HQ: Katherine, North Australia

1st Transport Squadron
8 x T-1s

2nd Support Group
HQ: Madang, New Guinea

2nd Transport Squadron
8 x T-1s

3rd Transport Group (training)
HQ: Anchorage, Alaska

3rd Transport Squadron

Coastal Patrol Squadrons

1st Patrol Squadron
Based at Laffler Field, Hawaii
10 x RC-2s

2nd Patrol Squadron
Based at Kenner Field, Sumatra Territory
10 x RC-2s

3rd Patrol Squadron (training)
Based at Dampier Field, Perth
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Doomriser »

I've received some information about the Bolivarian Union border defenses, so here it is:

Southern Fortification Information

5 Southern Fortresses (Bolivia)

There are only two main infrastructural routes in South Bolivia, namely railway routes 1 and 9 (analogous to its modern highway routes.)

The Bolivarian railway gauge is the same as Gran Colombia's (same contractors, possibly)

Each of the following towns is fortified, with a complement of one fortress brigade each


-Home of 1 of the 3 border connections between Bolivaria and Chiletina
-the first 60 km of rail north from Villazon is mined with demolition charges every 5 km,
with intermittent charges every 10 km above that point until Tupiza and Iscayachi, and every 50 km until Potosi

-There is an airbase approximately 45-60 km north of Villazon


-Home of an airbase
-The residents of this city are more patriotic than usual
-Home to several reserve units in addition to the standing military forces


-Home of the 2nd of 3 border connections between Bolivaria and Chiletina
-Home of an airbase

-Another fortified city

Southwest Frontier

-railway interchange
-the only southwestern rail linkage to Chiletina (3rd of 3 border connections)
-one of Bolivaria's most patriotic cities
-home of an airbase
-home of several mountain units
-the fifth and final southern fortified town

-The Peru-Bolivia-Chile border is primarily where the mountain divisions are assigned
-There are demolition teams assigned to destroy the railway interchanges in Uyuni, Oruro, Potosi, and La Paz the event of possible capture

Some information about standard infantry weapons

Machine Guns

Standard Machinegun - Vickers gun in 7.62X54 R
(reserves often equipped with Model 1910 Maxim)

Standard Light Machinegun - Lewis gun in 7.62X54 R

Small Arms

Standard Infantry Rifle - M17 (Similar to Finnish M28-30) in 7.62X54R
(Reserves are often equipped with the M10, similar to the Finnish M28 Civil Guard)

Standard Submachinegun - Model-1919 (MP-18) in 9X23mm

Service Pistol - Model 1910 in 9X23mm (supplemented by S&W Model 10 Revolver)


50mm mortar

Anti-tank rifle

Equivalent of the Mauser 1918 TuF Gewehr but in a Mosin-Nagant derivative
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Doomriser »

Bolivarian Navy Bases

Naval Bases

Paita (Northwestern Coast)

9 H21-class submarines (1926 build)
1 Evolved Mittel-U submarine
10 Type Mittel-U submarines
2 Sverige-class Coastal Defense Ships
4 2,850-ton submarines (improved)
6 Almirante Lynch-class Destroyers
4 300-ton minelayers

Chimbote (Central)

8 H-class submarines
8 Type U51/57/63 submarines
2 Sverige-class Coastal Defense Ships
4 Almirante Lynch-class destroyers

(Administrative facility)

Callao (Lima)

Surface Fleet

2 Simon Bolivar-class Coastal Defense Ships
4 Birkenhead-class Cruisers
1 Cervera-class Light Cruiser
23 Type-1920 Destroyers
7 Fubuki-class Destroyers
20 Rupicola-class torpedo boats

Major Sub Pen
10 Type UB III coastal submarines
10 H21-class improved Holland-class submarines
2 Type U139 submarines
2 Type 1 submarine cruisers
4 R-class Hunter-Killer submarines

Support Ships
2 Hospital ships
Oilers and coalers
A few Minesweepers
6 2,600-ton minelayers


2 Sverige-class coastal defense ships (assigned to patrol Chincha Islands)
4 Type U46a submarines
6 Almirante Lynch-class Destoyers
6 2,500 ton minelayers

Matarani (Arequipa Region)

10 UB-II coastal submarines
4 R-class Hunter-Killer submarines
8 H-class submarines
8 Type U-51/57/63 submarines
8 L-class submarine minelayers
4 Sverige-class Coastal Defense Ships
10 Almirante Lynch-class Destroyers
20 Rupicola-class Torpedo Boats
6 300-ton minelayers

Other bases:
Puno (Lake Titicaca)
Iquitos (Amazon river)

(Bolivian and Ecuadorean-region bases, including riverboats and MAS boats, defined later)
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by JCady »

Royal Siamese Army: As of 1925, the RSA has an active duty strength of 1.5 million troops organized into one hundred brigades, of which 10 brigades are the Royal Siamese National Police (three divisions of three brigades each, plus a dedicated brigade for the capital), 30 brigades are the elite Royal Siamese Lancer Corps (ten divisions of three brigades each) and the remaining 60 are regular Army (twenty divisions of three brigades each, grouped into four regional commands).

Royal Siamese National Police: The RSNP is a national gendarmerie with dual training as law enforcement and mounted light infantry. It is charged with primary responsibility for maintaining the security of Siam against domestic threats, and maintains a network of platoon to company sized detachments throughout the nation.

Royal Siamese Lancer Corps: Historically an elite unit answering directly to the Crown, the Royal Lancers were later reorganized as a special unit within the force structure of the Royal Siamese Army. In their modern form, the Lancers comprise the entire mechanized strength of the RSA: ten dragoon brigades, five tank brigades, and fifteen flying artillery brigades, notionally organized into five cavalry divisions (each two dragoon brigades and one tank brigade) and five artillery divisions (three flying artillery brigades).

Royal Siamese Air Corps: As of 1925, the Royal Siamese Air Corps has an operational strength of four hundred fixed-wing aircraft (two hundred fifty single-engine pursuit machines, one hundred twin-engine attack machines, and fifty twin-engine transports) and eight lighter-than-air military drigibles.

Royal Siamese Navy: Although it makes no pretense at being a major naval power, Siam maintains a modest navy suitable for enforcing its territorial claims in the Gulf of Siam. The pride and joy of the RSN is its capital ship force of four Olympia class dreadnought battleships (22,159 tonnes each) purchased from Cascadia in 1920. These four heavy vessels are supported by nearly three dozen very modern destroyers -- thirty 1500-tonne Pla Shado class and four 2500-tonne Pla Caho class -- and a dozen 500-tonne Trey Krem class motor torpedo gunboats.

More details forthcoming.
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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Steve »

OrBat as of 1 September 1925

Cascadian Army

Active Forces: 97 Brigades, 485,000 men

Cascadian Guards Corps

The elite of the elite. Only the most committed and most skilled volunteers and officers are desired for these postings.

The Guards Corps now makes up over half of the standing army at current due to the reduction of yearly draft rolls by the Halling Administration and its effect on the rest of the Army. While the Guards have retained their honed edge, they are being stretched thinner with the need for the posting of two continental divisions overseas to make up for the reduction in Army regulars.

I Guards Corps (10 brigades)

1st Guards (Motorized) Division "The Tricolor Guard"
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
Based in Seattle, Olympia

2nd Guards (Motorized) Division "The Evergreen"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Oakland, California

3rd Guards (Motorized) Division "Pride of the North"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Regina, Saskatchewan

1st Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

II Guards Corps (10 brigades)

6th Guards Division "Spirit Walkers"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Bingham Canyon, Utah

8th Guards Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Yakima, Olympia

1st Mounted Rifles Guards Division "Desert Riders"
3 Cavalry Brigades
1 Battalion of Flying Artillery
Based in Eureka, Nevada

2nd Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

III Guards Corps (10 brigades)

4th Guards Division "Mountain Ghosts"
3 (Mountain) Infantry Brigades
Based in Madang, New Guinea Territory

5th Guards Division "Jungle Rats"
3 (Jungle) Infantry Brigades
Based in Medan, Sumatra Territory

7th Guards Division "The Stalwarts"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Tanjungkarang, Sumatra Territory

3rd Guards Artillery Brigade

(IV) Australian Guards Corps (10 brigades)

1st Australian Guards (Motorized) Division "The Iron Wall"
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Iron City, Cooksland (modern Mt. Isa, Queensland)

2nd Australian Guards (Motorized) Division "Outback Bandits"
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
Based in Darwin, Dutch Australia

3rd Australian Guards Division "Australia's Own"
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Perth, Western Australia
Note: Being Upgraded to Motorized status, reduced effectiveness until November 1925, Upgrade Complete in February 1926

4th Guards Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport), assigned to Corps HQ in Darwin, Dutch Australia

Cascadian Regular Forces

The Regulars consist primarily of the yearly draft callups and younger, less-experienced officers. They are trained to full standard for regular forces but are not considered to be as effective as the Guard Corps. Normally consisting of two-thirds or more of the standing army, cuts in the prior 8 years of Tory rule have resulted in the Regulars being a minority of Army forces, though the New Defense Plan may improve this. Numerous border forts in California and Nevada were shut down under Tory rule, with only the Ft. Jordan fortress across the Jordan River from Mormon-owned Salt Lake City kept active.

Additionally the Regular Army contains the Armored Testing Brigade, a formation intended for the testing of both tank doctrine and new models of tanks as the technology is refined year-by-year.

I Corps (10 brigades)
HQ: Stockton, California

6th Infantry (Assault) Division
2 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Stockton, California

1st Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Stockton, California

2nd Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Oakland, California

8th Artillery Brigade

II Corps (10 brigades)

Note: All units of the II Corps have been raised as a result of the New Defense Plan. They are in various levels of training until February 1926; full effectiveness as units will be achieved in February 1927.

3rd Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Edmonton, Alberta

4th Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

5th Infantry (Assault) Division
3 Motorized Infantry Brigades
1 Armored Recon Battalion
Based in Vermilion, Alberta

2nd Artillery Brigade (Motorized Transport)

III Corps (10 brigades)

7th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Elko, Nevada

8th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Tooele, Utah

9th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Pocatello, Idaho

3rd Artillery Brigade (Horse-Drawn Transport (fully active in January 1927, max effectiveness in January 1928)

V Corps (10 brigades)

12th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in San Andreas, California

15th Infantry Division (undergoing training, will be in service in April 1926, full effectiveness in October 1927)
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Markleville, California

16th Infantry Division (undergoing training, will be in service in July 1926, full effectiveness in January 1928)
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Sacramento, California

4th Artillery Brigade (Horse-Drawn Transport (fully active in January 1927, max effectiveness in January 1928)

IV Corps (10 brigades)

10th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
- includes 4th New Olympia Regiment
Based in Newcastle, New Olympia

11th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Port Augusta, New Columbia

13th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Brisbane, Cooksland

5th Artillery Brigade (Horse-Drawn Transport (fully active in January 1927, max effectiveness in January 1928)

VI Corps (10 brigades)
14th Infantry Division
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Darwin, Dutch Australia (Used for maintaining presence in bush regions of Top End)

17th Infantry Division (undergoing training, will be in service in July 1926, full effectiveness in January 1928)
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Katherine, North Australia Territory

18th Infantry Division (undergoing training, will be in service in July 1926, full effectiveness in January 1928)
3 Infantry Brigades
Based in Perth, Western Australia

6th Artillery Brigade (Horse-Drawn Transport (fully active in January 1927, max effectiveness in January 1928)

Independent Divisions (6 brigades)

19th Infantry Division (3 brigades)
2 Infantry Brigades
1 Garrison Brigade
Based in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii
Garrison Brigade mans Forts Hawkins and Kamehameha on Oahu. Unit in activation training, will complete in August 1925

Utah Garrison Division (2 brigades)
1 Garrison Infantry Brigade
1 Artillery Brigade
Based in Ft. Jordan, Utah

Armored Testing Brigade (1 brigade)
1 Armored Brigade
Based in Yakima, Olympia

Cascadian Marine Corps

The Cascadian Marine Corps, like their British and American counterparts, began as a force of ship-board infantry for fighting boarding actions and small expeditionary engagements. They have since begun to field land-based forces, primarily for the protection of Cascadia's smallest outposts in the Pacific. In recent years the Corps, due to its shift to Pacific operations, has shifted its HQ to the semi-autonomous Kingdom of Hawaii.

The 1st Marine Brigade is also the Royal Hawaiian Marine Brigade by charter of the Hawaiian monarchy, in recognition for the Brigade's heroism in preventing the overthrow of the monarchy by American and European plantation owners in the 1890s. This title is only used in ceremonial events of the Kingdom of Hawaii and is not an official unit designation on the CMC unit roll.

1st (Royal) Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Pearl Harbor, Kingdom of Hawaii

2nd Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Tidore, Protectorate of the North Moluccas

3rd Marine Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
Based in Bengkulu, Sumatra Territory

Pacific Garrisons Brigade
1 Infantry Brigade
HQ Based in Koror, Palau Islands Territory
Unit is divided up in individual companies and battalions and assigned to various Pacific island holdings as garrisons.


Due to the wide expanse of Cascadian continental territory and budget cuts to the land forces by Conservative governments since 1913, dedicated fortifications are primarily coastal and meant to help repulse attacking fleets. Of those border forts that were built only Fort Jordan, along the west bank of Utah's Jordan River, remains as a major fortification of concrete with heavy guns, and it is primarily intended to deal with the threat of Deseretan revanchism with its battery of 8" guns pre-dialed to direct bombardments into Salt Lake City while pillboxes and casemates provide protection from Deseret infantry.

Forts Canby and MacLaughlin dominate the entrance to Puget Sound with 10" and 12" naval guns; MacLaughlin has two 14" guns as primary armament. Forts Barry, Baker, Miley, and Scott command the entrance to San Francisco Bay with a battery of new 16" guns, 8 in all, with 12 14" guns and 8 12" guns also spread amongst them along with 155mm and 8" artillery. Naval Fort Perth is a special fortification that has existed in some form or another since the 1870s and which is in reserve today with only 10" and 12" armament, including an open-to-civilians museum area that contains the 12"/25 19th century guns that repulsed the Manchurian attack on Perth after the defeat of the West Australian Squadron in 1889. Today Fort Dampier is the primary defensive installation, on Garden Island, possessing 4 14"/45 guns and three surplus 16"/45 guns from the cancelled third Magnificent-class ship as its main armament. Adelaide and Melbourne possess light coastal forts at their harbor openings that contain 6"-10" armament. By the terms of the Australia Treaty Cascadia does not maintain coastal defenses in the coastline near British Sydney. Fortifications at Brisbane and Townsville possess 4 14"/52 Albemarle-Obukhov guns apiece with 6"-8" secondary armament. Sumatra has fortifications at Palembang, Bengkulu, and Pangkal Pinang. The former has 6" and 8" guns for attacking both land and riverine targets; the latter two also possess 8 14" guns courtesy of buildup in the 1910s. The above forts all include pillbox and gunhouse structures to deal with infantry attacks; .50 Browning Heavy Machine Guns are the favored armament.

Pearl Harbor enjoys the distinction of the most heavily-defended fortifications in Cascadia: Forts Hawkins and Kamehameha are on the west and east side of the entrance respectively: the 1920 Naval Defense Act have turned them into the most powerful defensive fortifications in the Pacific, each with 8 16"/50 guns as primary anti-ship armament to replace the 8 12"/52 Albemarle-Obukhovs the forts used to command, all in armored turrets connected to central fort magazines by electric conveyer belts and walkways in fortified underground tunnels. In the gaps between the turrets casemates for 6" quick-fire guns and specialized 8"/55 coastal artillery guns add closer-range armament with heavy steel and concrete defenses alongside, topped with gunhouses for .50 caliber heavy machine gun emplacements and further pillboxes closer to the coast. Internally batteries of 3" and 40mm anti-aircraft artillery were the first such defenses added to a Cascadian defensive fortification. The forts are manned day to day at this time by the 1st Marine Brigade and draftees from the Hawaiian islands, rotating in and out during retention training. In August the 3rd and 8th Hawaiian Regiments, 19th Division, will take over responsibility for the fortifications. Currently a proposal to install Albemarle's newly-testing 18"/50 guns is being considered, but none will likely be ordered unless the Navy places an order for them to be installed in new battleships.

Additionally, other forts are being planned on Oahu, Maui, and Hawai'i, though none will equal the combat power of the Pearl Harbor defenses.

Army Reserve

The Army reserve consists of both volunteers and draftees. Draftees in the Reserves are primarily those who complete Universal Military Training and are either not selected for active service or are exempted from it for various reasons as well as those who complete their service in the regular army and are retained in the reserve, usually for 4-8 years. Since 1916 the Reserve has been steadily reduced by the Conservative Party, seeking to save funds from the national budget to keep taxes low and fulfill social service initiatives. As a result, it is about a third lower than it should be.

Reservists generally train one to two months out of the year, meeting at least every weekend a month for rifle training with month-long retention training held once a year, rotating by reservist formation in a region.

Most of the Reserve comes from the mainland of North America, primarily in the full states while the Territories have Territorial Militia units that are usually no larger than a regiment or two due to the lower population - mobilization of territorial militia generally only happens when said territories are directly threatened, as mobilization in these territories can cause severe economic depression.

Note that roughly every seven Reserve Divisions have a Reserve Artillery Brigade attached.

Reserve Forces: 579 brigades (552 Infantry 27 Artillery), 2,895,000 men, organized into 184 divisions

Breakdown of Reserve Divisions per Region:

38 Divisions
5 Artillery Brigades
Victoria - 10 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
New Columbia - 9 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
New Olympia - 9 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Western Australia - 4 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Cooksland - 6 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade

1 Division
1 Artilery Brigade
Oahu - 1 Division, 1 Artillery Brigade

North America:
145 Divisions
21 Artillery Brigades
Olympia - 30 Divisions, 5 Artillery Brigades
Oregon - 28 Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
California - 25 Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
Columbia - 23 Divisions, 3 Artillery Brigades
Idaho - 11 Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
South Alberta - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Saskatchewan - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Nevada - 8 Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Utah - 2 Divisions
North Alberta - 2 Divisions

Cascadian Navy

Combat Fleet

40 Old Destroyers (up to 1914)
20 Combs-class (Cassin) destroyers
10 O'Brien-class (O'Brien) destroyers
10 Royas-class (Tucker) destroyers

70 New Destroyers (post-1914)
20 Kentworth-class (Caldwell-like) destroyers
30 Rodgers-class (Clemson-like) destroyers
20 Hencken-class (Modified Clemson-like) destroyers

38 Light/Scout Cruisers
12 Carnarvon-class (Arethusa-like) light cruisers
6 Kelowna-class (Caroline-like) light cruisers
10 Boise-class (Danae-like) light cruisers
10 Tacoma-class light cruisers

10 Heavy Cruisers
10 Nez Perce-class cruisers building 1924-1925

80 Submarines 54,500
20 D-class (N-class-like) Coastal Submarines
20 G-class (R-class-like) Submarines
40 K-class (S-class-like) Submarines
3 L-class Fleet Submarines building 1924-1925.

1 Yakama-class (Hermes-like) aircraft carrier: 8,407T.
Air Wing:
20 x NF-1 Sea Sparrow

41 (31 active, 6 building, 4 planned) Capital Warships

2 Cascadia-class dreadnoughts (post-1916-1919 refit)
CRS Cascadia
CRS Pacifica

1 Alberta-class battlecruiser
CRS Alberta Note: relegated as Academy training ship/gunnery training.

4 Constitution-class dreadnoughts
CRS Constitution
CRS Republic
CRS Liberty
CRS Constellation

4 Colossus-class dreadnoughts
CRS Colossus
CRS Goliath
CRS Titan
CRS Sentinel

2 Australia-class dreadnoughts. Update to Cascadia-class, initially Royal Egyptian Navy Fakhr-ad-Din Yussuf-class, order canceled by Egypt and unfinished ships re-laid and built by Cascadian Navy design.
CRS Australia (ex-REN Fakhr-ad-Din Yussuf)
CRS Alaska (ex-REN Faris ad-Din Aktai)

2 Vanguard-class dreadnoughts
CRS Vanguard
CRS Formidable

2 Magnificent-class dreadnoughts
CRS Magnificent
CRS Chief Joseph

4 California-class battlecruisers
CRS California
CRS Utah
CRS Sumatra
CRS Hawaii

6 Dauntless-class dreadnoughts
CRS Dauntless
CRS Relentless
CRS Fearless
CRS Superb
CRS Challenger
CRS Thunderer

4 Lightning-class large cruisers
CRS Lightning
CRS Whirlwind
CRS Tornado
CRS Tempest

6 Sovereign-class dreadnoughts, building 1923-1926 - 50,428T
CRS Sovereign (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1 1926)
CRS Senator (fitting out, to be commissioned Q1 1926)
CRS Centurion (fitting out, to be commissioned Q2 1926)
CRS Consul (fitting out, to be commissioned Q2 1926)
CRS Magistrate (fitting out, to be commissioned Q2 1926)
CRS Praetor (fitting out, to be commissioned Q2 1926)

4 Defiant-class fast battleships, to be built 1925-1928 - 55,000T
CRS Defiant (laid Q1 1925, commissioned Q1 1928)
CRS Reliant (laid Q1 1925, commissioned Q1-Q2 1928)
CRS Reprisal (laid Q2 1925, commissioned Q2 1928)
CRS Warrior (laid Q3 1925, commissioned Q3 1928)

Auxiliary Fleet

8 Abernathy-class Fleet Oilers - 144,400T displacement
10 Bremer-class Oilers - 100,000T displacement
10 Clydesdale-class Fleet Ammunition Suppliers - 60,000T displacement
10 Alesano-class Supply Vessels - 100,000T displacement
25 Minesweepers of assorted class - 16,000T displacement
8 Converted Liners for troop transport of assorted class - 79,600T displacement

Total Auxiliary Tonnage: 500,000 tons

Navy Organization

Home Fleet
Areas of Responsibility: North American Waters, command of Alaska Force
Main Bases: San Francisco, Esquimalt, Coos Bay

Battle Fleet
Port: San Francisco, California
Temporary Port: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

1st Battle Group:

1st Battle Squadron
CRS Dauntless
CRS Fearless
CRS Relentless
CRS Superb

2nd Battle Squadron
CRS Challenger
CRS Thunderer
CRS Magnificent
CRS Chief Joseph

3rd Battle Squadron
CRS Vanguard
CRS Formidable
CRS Australia
CRS Alaska

1st Cruiser Squadron
6 [i}Tacoma[/i]-class Light Cruisers

2nd Cruiser Squadron
1 Yakama-class Aircraft Carrier
CRS Yakama
4 Tacoma-class Light Cruisers

1st Destroyer Squadron
1 Boise-class Light Cruisers
7 Hencken-class Destroyers

2nd Destroyer Squadron
8 Hencken-class Destroyers

3rd Destroyer Squadron
5 Hencken-class Destroyers
3 Rodgers-class Destroyers

1st Submarine Squadron
8 K-class Submarines

Auxiliary Force Attachments
3 Abernathy-class Fleet Oilers
3 Bremer-class Oilers
4 Clydesdale-class Fleet Ammunition Ships
4 Alesano-class Supply Ships

Home Fleet Coastal Forces

4th Destroyer Squadron
Port: Coos Bay, Oregon
8 Rodgers-class Destroyers

5th Destroyer Squadron
Port: Bremerton, Olympia
8 Rodgers-class Destroyers

6th Submarine Squadron
Port: Coos Bay, Oregon
8 D-class Submarines

7th Submarine Squadron
Port: San Francisco, California
12 G-class Submarines[/b]

Special Submersible Squadron
Port: Bremerton, Olympia
3 L-class Fleet Submarines

Alaska Force
Areas of Responsibility: Alaskan Waters
Main Bases: Dutch Harbor, Anchorage

8th Destroyer Squadron
1 Boise-class Light Cruiser
3 Royas-class Destroyers
3 O'Brien-class Destroyers

9th Destroyer Squadron
8 Combs-class Destroyers

4th Submarine Squadron
8 G-class Submarines

Pacific Fleet
Areas of Responsibility: Hawaii and Pacific Islands over to North Mollucas - includes New Guinea and Bismarcks
Main Bases: Pearl Harbor, Koror (Palau), Rabaul, Wake (refueling station)

Pacific Battle Squadron
CRS Cascadia
CRS Pacifica

5th Cruiser Squadron
5 Boise-class Light Cruisers

12th Destroyer Squuadron
Port: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
1 Boise-class Light Cruiser
3 Rodgers-class Destroyers
4 Kentworth-class Destroyers

13th Destroyer Squadron
Port: Rabaul, New Britain
8 Kentworth-class Destroyers

15th Destroyer Squadron
Port: Koror, Palau
4 Combs-class Destroyers

3rd Submarine Squadron
Port: Tidore, North Moluccas
8 K-class Submarines

10th Submarine Squadron
Port: Koror, Palau
8 K-class Submarines

12th Submarine Squadron
Port: Rabaul, New Britain
8 K-class Submarines

14th Submarine Squadron
Port: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
8 K-class Submarines

Australia Fleet
Areas of Responsibility: Waters around Australia, command of Sumatra Force
Main Bases: Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Townsville, Pangkal Pinang

2nd Battle Group
Home Port: Darwin, North Australia

4th Battle Squadron
CRS Constitution
CRS Republic
CRS Liberty
CRS Constellation

5th Battle Squadron
CRS Colossus
CRS Goliath
CRS Titan
CRS Sentinel

Fast Battle Squadron
CRS California
CRS Utah
CRS Sumatra
CRS Hawaii

4th Cruiser Squadron
6 Kelowna-class Light Cruisers

9th Destroyer Squadron
8 Kentworth-class Destroyers

11th Destroyer Squadron
1 Carnarvon-class Light Cruiser
CRS Richland
7 Royas-class Destroyers

9th Submarine Squadron
Port: Darwin, Australia
12 K-class Submarines

Australia Fleet Attached Units

Commerce Defense Squadron
Home Port: Adelaide, New Columbia
CRS Lightning
CRS Whirlwind
CRS Tornado
CRS Tempest

3rd Cruiser Squadron
2 Boise-class Light Cruisers
4 Carnarvon-class Light Cruisers

14th Destroyer Squadron
8 Rodgers-class Destroyers

11th Submarine Squadron
Port: Fremantle, Australia
12 G-class Submarines

Sumatra Force

10th Destroyer Squadron
1 Carnarvon-class Light Cruiser
7 O'Brien-class Destroyers

6th Cruiser Squadron
6 Carnarvon-class Light Cruisers

8th Submarine Squadron
1st Flotilla
Port: Bengkulu, Sumatra
6 D-class Submarines

2nd Flotilla:
Port: Pangkal Pinang, Sumatra
6 D-class Submarines

Cascadian Air Force

Main Air Strips: (Not all in constant use)
Tooele, Utah
Regina, Saskatchewan
Calgary, Alberta
Boise, Idaho
Helena, Idaho
Seattle, Olympia
Oakland, California
Honolulu, Hawaii
Madang, New Guinea
Tindore, North Moluccas
Palembang, Sumatra
Medan, Sumatra
Perth, Western Australia
Katherine, North Australia
Townsville, Cooksland
Brisbane, Cooksland
Melbourne, Victoria
Adelaide, New Columbia

2 B-class Coastal reconnassiance zeppelins (Under Navy control)

3 prototype 1924-model T-2 transport aicraft
3 prototype 1924-model B-1 heavy bomber aircraft
4 prototype PF-4 biplane fighters
40 PF-4 biplane fighters
4 prototype BF-3 biplane bombers
60 BF-3 biplane bombers
120 PF-3 biplane fighters
20 PF-2 biplane fighters
20 NF-1 Sea Sparrow naval aircraft (under Navy control, used for carrier operations)
24 T-1 transport aircraft
14 BF-2 biplane bomber
50 RC-2 coastal patrol flying boats (all in training)

1st Pursuit Group
HQ: Katherine, North Australia

5th Fighter Squadron "Australian Aces"
20 x PF-3s

6th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

8th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

2nd Pursuit Group
HQ: Tooele, Utah

2nd Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

4th Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-3s

11th Fighter Squadron "Snake Eyes"
20 x PF-3s

3rd Pursuit Group
HQ: Oakland, California

3rd Fighter Squadron (in training)
20 x PF-4s

7th Figther Squadron "Lucky Seventh" (in training)
20 x PF-4s

1st Attack Group
HQ: Sacramento, California

3rd Attack Squadron (in training)
20 x BF-3s

4th Attack Squadron (in training)
20 x BF-3s

1st Composite Group
Medan, Sumatra

1st Fighter Squadron
20 x PF-2s

1st Attack Squadron
14 x BF-2s

2nd Attack Squadron
20 x BF-3s

1st Support Group
HQ: Katherine, North Australia

1st Transport Squadron
8 x T-1s

2nd Support Group
HQ: Madang, New Guinea

2nd Transport Squadron
8 x T-1s

3rd Transport Group
HQ: Anchorage, Alaska

3rd Transport Squadron

Coastal Patrol Squadrons

1st Patrol Squadron
Based at Laffler Field, Hawaii
10 x RC-2s

2nd Patrol Squadron
Based at Kenner Field, Pangkal Pinang, Sumatra Territory
10 x RC-2s

3rd Patrol Squadron
Based at Dampier Field, Perth
10 x RC-2s

4th Patrol Squadron (in training)
Based at Marin Field, North Bay, California (Modern Marin County)
10 x RC-2s

5th Patrol Squadron (in training)
Based at Tromp Field, Banda Aceh, Sumatra Territory
10 x RC-2s
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDN World 3 OrBat Thread

Post by Lascaris »

Order of battle as of January 1st, 1925


Active: 835,000, 167 brigades
Reserve: 3,650,000, 730 brigades
Mobilized: 4,485,000, 897 brigades

Wartime organization

20 Armies (4 Corps, 1 cavalry div, 1 heavy artillery bde, 1 artillery bde)
80 Corps (3 divisions, 1 artillery brigade)

6 Light mechanized divisions (1 tank, 2 motorized bde, 1 Armor recon btn)
9 Motorized Infantry divisions (3 motorized bde)
9 Marine divisions (3 infantry bde)
18 Mountain divisions (3 infantry bde)
199 Infantry divisions (3 infantry bde)
18 cavalry divisions (3 Cav bde)
20 Hvy Artillery bde
6 Motor Artillery bde
94 Artillery bde

Active army: 835,000

6 Light mechanized divisions (1 tank, 2 motorized bde, 1 Armor recon btn)
9 Motorized Infantry divisions (3 motorized bde)
6 Marine divisions (3 infantry bde)
6 Mountain divisions (3 infantry bde)
10 Infantry divisions (3 infantry bde)
4 cavalry divisions (3 Cav bde)
14 Hvy Artillery bde
6 Motor Artillery bde
24 Artillery bde

Air force: 1100
100 Breguet XIX C2/CN2
40 Valk 1B (Bernard 12 with 480hp engine)
160 Valk IA (Bernard 12)
400 NiD 42
400 Breguet XIX B2

Naval Air Service: 120

72 Boeing FB5
99 Blackburn Velos/Dart


2 Daedalo class (18000t, 60 aircraft)

2 Plan 1923 BB (48700t 9x450mm 28kts)
4 Plan 1921 BB, (39700t 12x16in 26kts)
4 Plan 1917 BB, (39500t 12x16in 26kts)
4 Plan 1913 BC, (29200t 12x14in 26kts)
2 Plan 1910 BC, (27000t 12x14in 25kts)

4 Piet Heyn (18,000t 8x12in 32kts)
4 AC1918 AC (11,241t 8x9.2in 30kts)
4 AC1914 AC (10,197t 8x9.2in 28,5kts)

2 Chikuma class CL (3414t)
2 LC1914 CL (5500t, 8x6in, 30kts)
4 LC1917 CL (5278t, 8x6in, 30kts)
4 LC1919 CL (5191t, 8x6in, 35kts)
4 LC1921 CL (5132t, 8x6in, 35kts)
4 LC1923 CL (9535t, 12x6in, 33kts)

16 Fubuki class DD
32 Burrasque class DD
16 Scott class DD
36 Novik class DD (1326t)
32 Novik class DD (1260t)

8 Type A (J1 class) SS
28 U142 class SS
16 Type B (Redoutable class) SS
32 Type C (evolved U115) SS
24 U81 class SS

Fortification system

Artigas line: Covering the border with Brazil. Fortification level varying with terrain and proximity to Brazilian industrial centers. Similar in composition to the French border fortified zone as built between 1872-1914 in the more densely fortified areas with a number of more modern forts built or modernized in the 1914-1924 period to bring the line to a rough equivelant of the Greek Metaxas line.

Coastal forts

Sao Gonzalo Channel: Major emplacements including 12,14 and 16in guns covering both Rio Grande and Pelotas and interlocking their fire over the channel.

Porto Alegre: Smaller forts with 12 and a few 14in guns protecting the harbor of the city.

Itajai and Florianopolis. Both covered by coastal forts with emplaced 14 and 16in guns.


Artigas line style forts at the points were Rio Parana, Rio Paraguay and Rio Uruguay cut across into the Brazilian, Chilitine and Uruguay borders. The forts on the Brazilian side are part of the Artigas line.[/quote]
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