Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

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Contact: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

The Revival of the SD.Net vs The LOTR reminded me of an ancient RAR zor did along similar lines via Earth 1350. The following is a Revival of That RAR with several modifications and updates.

Today, Q comes in and gives the chance for every Non Banned Board member with more than 50 posts and says that he is going to send us back in time to the year 1350. This will become a separate and wholly new Earth, leaving "Earth Prime" unaltered by anything we may do.
Also for purposes of the RAR, while everyone is invited, only members who post and layout plans and ideas will arrive. Also he is going to make it more interesting than "a few poor modern humans get sent back in time to an age of Savagery and within a year are at best reduced to serfs" or "The united Empire takes over the world and ushers in an age of enlightenment" Here, things are a bit more individualistic.

First of all, each of us is allowed to bring back a cubic meter of stuff and twenty four hours to fill it up with stuff. Second is given a dose of nanites that make us impervious to disease unless we have massive gaping wounds in our stomach and such, makes us somewhat more durable (In that we can survive wounds that would generally be fatal, regenerate eyes and hands, but are not invincible, get decapitated, loose enough blood or get blown to smithereens and you stay dead) and extends our lifespan to 500 years. Third, we get our self repairing nanite filled solar powered top of the line Laptops ( you may choose Mac or PC) with a wireless internet connection with an forum for communication over long distances as well as Science fiction.
Additional: You will get a nanite growth chamber that produces once every ten years enough nanites for an injection to give a preferred human concubine or whatever your increased lifespan.

Second of all, Q gives us each a force of creatures to call our own based off fantasy forces. Along with a small manor and fortress based on the size of your force. These are customizable with each force being able to consist of a variety of creatures with pros and cons based on points. For those that wish to pick 'premade' fortresses, you can choose a prexisting castle or fortress as long as it conforms to the size you are alloted.
ALL fortresses will contains a Forge, Armory, Barracks, Grainy, hospital and your manor (which you can base off any Eurasian Noble's manor) All of these will grow in proportion to your posting and fortress size (at the time or RAR initiation)

The Poster Ranking goes as such:

50-1000 regular posters and or people with a VI or other such negative custom title
7,500 Army Points
A small fortress with 4 meter tall Wood and rammed earth Walls that are a meter thick, pointy stick stockades, barbed wire and watchtowers for archers with your manor inside. Inside is a Forge, Armory, Barracks, Grainy, hospital and your manor (which you can base off any Eurasian Noble's manor) that is no more than 30 meters by 30 meters).
1500 Cattle

1,001-3,500 Regular Posters
25,000 Army Points
A fortress diameter with five meter tall and two meters thick made of rammed earth and fire hardened brick, barbed wire and various support structures listed above on a larger scale and additional buildings surrounding it.
3,500 Cattle

50,000 Army Points
A Fortress with 8 meter tall 3 meter thick brick walls with buildings surrounding it.
10,000 Cattle

7,501-12,500 Regular Poster, Senators and Moderators Minimum
100,000 Army Points
A fortress with 10 meter tall three meter thick rebar reinforced concrete walls with the manor and central command facilities and a city outside full of your creatures. Has Plumbing (flush toilets and such).
25,000 Cattle

12,501-15,501+, Supermods and administrators
250,000 Army Points
A fortress with 12 meter tall four meter thick rebar reinforced concrete walls with the manor and central command facilities and a city outside full of your creatures. Has Plumbing (flush Toilets).
45,000 cattle

You can deposit these Fortresses anywhere on earth that is not a body of water and not a city, natives will be given an image of several bizarre metal devices descending from the skies and assembling these fortresses. You also get a small fishing village/port if you set up shop near the ocean and a few five meter long fishing boats free of charge. Some level of adjustments can be made. In case you chose a cold area, your forces are equipped with jackets and such.

You have enough food to last your army two years as of the start, as well as seed stock to start up farming.
Additional, You can switch cattle out for Pigs, Chickens or Goats, on a 1 to 2 ratio.
GOLD: For purposes of financing and paying peasants and others, you will get gold, 5 grams for each army point (with no effect on your army choices) in nice 1 kilogram cubes

Additional additional, Q has gifted you the ability to Speak, understand and write in any language you choose ala an Internal Babblefish. Further you can 'gift' all of your minions to speak two languages, presumably your primary tongue and one other. IN time your troops can learn other languages as well, but you will have to find proper teachers to teach them

And now for the creatures that will make up your army. All of your soldiers are loyal to you and worship you as a god, as they do the other members, but to your monsters, you come first and they come second. If you die, it is quite likely that they would join with another member's army. You get both sexes for replacements and all your forces are trained adults to start.

Point Cost-1 Each
Goblins are small creatures, they stand 1 meter tall, weigh between 10-20 kilograms, have dull brown or green skin, long ears and noses and hand like feet. They are about half as strong as an average human overall and are naturally sneaky, suffer from kleptomania, prefer ambush tactics and none too bright (average IQ of 80), but can be useful for simple tasks under observation. Goblins breed fast (a female goblin gives birth to a litter of three goblins each year, which reach maturity at 5 years), but only live fifteen years at most.
Each Goblin you get comes with circular Plywood shield 50cm in diameter, pair of pants, pair of shoes, shirt, jacket in cold climates, a 15 cm steel dagger and 1.25 meter long basic spear (Shaft of wood with a ten centimeter iron spike on one end), and act as skirmishers and raiders.
Goblins on the battlefield are organized into groups Mobs of 500 individuals.

Point Cost-2 Each
Basically think the Uruk Hai from the Two Towers movie with smoother green skin and dental work. Orcs are basically like humans, but a bit more durable and stronger on average with denser bones and such. Orcs are just as smart as humans and reproduce the same, having 9 month pregnancies and reaching sexual maturity at age 12 but only lives to be at most fifty. Your standard Orc is (along with two sets of clothing, including trousers, a shirt, a belt, boots and a greatcoat) in a shirt of chain mail, a steel helmet like those used in the English Civil War, a breastplate with your personal logo painted on the torso and a groin guard, a 15cm Dagger and one of three sets of weapons...
Unlike the movie Uruk-Hai, These Orcs believe in and Practice regular Hygiene and cleanliness.
-A rectangular steel reinforced Shield 50cm across and 125 centimeters tall with your logo emblazoned on it, two javelins and a meter long Steel Sword
-Said Shield and a 4 meter long Pike
-A Arbalest Crossbow
And appropriate training to go with it.
One in every fifty Orcs is a capable blacksmith, with other trades being in there as well, including siege engineers and farmers.
Orcs are trained to fight in Centuries (100 Individuals), Cohorts (500 Individuals), Maniples (1,500 Individuals) and Legions (6,000 individuals).

Point Cost-3 Each
Naga are the marines, they have a humanlike upper body with four arms, but a 7 meter long tail in place of legs. Naga are naturally very good swimmers and can hold there breath for up to twenty minutes; they can handle quiet waters that are not arctic for some time. Naga breed at the same rate of Humans and have the same lifespan. While they are at home in water, their tough scales let them move over land just as easily as a human may walk.
Naga come armed with composite bows, 75cm chrome alloy cutlasses and 1.5 meter long Naginata. Organized into Forces of 30, 150 and 300.

Point Cost-20 Each
Minotaurs stand 3 meters tall, weigh 200 kilograms on average and look much like Narnian Minotaurs. They are about five times as strong as a human and can run at up to 40km/h. Minotaurs are relatively smart and more or less comparable to the average human. Female Minotaurs are deeply nurturing and motherly but male Minotaurs are normally quite aggressive and touchy, despite there loyalty. Minotaurs breed at the same rate humans do, but require twice as much food as a human, they prefer grains, but can process meat for high caloric fuel. Minotaurs can swim but hate water. Minotaurs come along with their garments with a helmet, breastplate, grieves and chain-mail shirt with an Orc Shield and a 3 meter long Halberd, as well as there natural horns. Minotaurs are organized into Horns (50 Individuals), Herds (350 Individuals) and Stampedes (1050 Individuals).

Point Cost-20 Each
Centaurs are just that, Centaurs. Centaurs can keep pace with the average horse and weigh as much. Centaurs prefer grains, but can process meat for high caloric fuel, they are as intelligent as humans and reproduce at the same rate as humans do, but have no more strength than a conventional human in its human section. Centaurs live as long as humans do. The Standard Centaur is a breastplate and chain mail for its human section, Helmet, a sachel for carrying stuff and is armed with a 3 meter lance and a composite bow. Centaurs are organized in Cadres (50 Individuals), Lances (250 Individuals) and Hordes (1,000 individuals).

Point Cost-30 Each
Envision a 500 kilogram humanoid grizzly bear with opposable thumbs able to run at thirty kilometers per hour on all fours. Ursiods are as intelligent as humans and breed at the same rate, but have ten times the strength, as well as claws and jaws. Ursiods are omnivorous, can swim better than a human if unarmored and have a damn good sense of smell, as well as an unbearlike, but useful sense of sight comparable to that of a human. Ursiods live longer then humans, about 100years baring sickness or wounds. Ursiods are armed with two meter long great swords and are clad in full plate armor. Ursiods come in Packs (50 Individuals) and Brotherhoods (500 Individuals)

Point Cost-250 Each

Ogres are large hairless mammalian humanoids 5 meters tall, broadly built and massing in at three tonnes. They are also dumb as hell, having an average IQ of 65 and are only capable of very basic tasks under supervision. Ogres require a lot of food and care to work properly, a staff of about fifteen Orcs per each. Ogres are omnivorous and need lots of food and have twenty month pregnancies, take twenty years to mature, but live to over a century. Ogres are instinctively afraid of fire. Ogres come with boots, pants, a breastplate and are armed with heavy 3 meter long spiked clubs for general smashing. Ogres do not have any organizational units.

You do not have any siege weapons, but you do have blueprints for the siege weapons available at the time and Orcs can build them. The same goes for ships.
Your average Orc, Centaur, Minotaur and Ursiod is a capable farmer or herdsmen with one out of ten being a capable tradesbeings and one out of Five Trades beings being a decent blacksmith. Orcs are simply the most cost effective point wise for trades beings. Nagas are capable fishermen as well as the Trades. Goblins represent unskilled labor and Ogres are just plane stupid.

The Way Out Clause
For those that don't think they can cut it...
In the deepest darkest most hidden part of your fortress, in a secret Chambers only you will know about, will be a Stone door. In exactly one years time from the start of RAR, this door will open a gateway back to 'Earth Proper' It will remain open for a period of 24hours before once more closing. For those that deiced to return, you will be able to then choose the date and time that it next opens, After that, it shall always open once a year to allow you to return to Earth Proper. You may gather resources, collect additional supplies, anything you can carry back in a window of 24hours, before the door closes for another year. (The door in question will plop you in the closet of your house or apartment, for those that may ask.)
One more thing, just to prevent you bringing back supper diseases from "the future" the door wil have a bio filter that will screen out any virus or bacteria you might have picked up from Earth Proper.

Additional Final: Depending on how favorable this Classic Revival is, I leave it open to being turned into an STGOD if enough so wish it.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Just because I forgot to add it after the edit function expired... You also have acces to:
Point Cost-5 Each
As large as an average Human and just as strong, Satyrs posses no military advantages aside from being able to run 1.5 times as fast as an average Human. However they are often as smart or smarter then a Human and are more likely to pick up reading, writing and other studies of logic and philosophy as well as being inherently musical. Satyrs also emit a very mild Psychic field that tends to calm anyone around them and make them feel relaxed, and easily entertained. Satyrs breed at the same rate as Humans and can live to be 70 baring diseases and wounds. The Standard Satyr wares leather armor and wields a simple short sword along with carrying a bag and a bow.
Satyrs are organized in Hoofs (50 Individuals), Pads (250 Individuals) and Forrests (750 individuals).
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Havok »

Well, first I find Thanas and find out what the hell was going on in 1350. :lol:

I know that the North American continent is only occupied by the natives and that they are somewhat nomadic. I would set up shop with The Wench right where we actually are right now. A little island in California, that at the time was attached to what is today Oakland, called Alameda. At this time period, it would maybe be occupied by the Ohlone Indians, who were a peaceful non warring people.

Between us we get...
50,000 Army Points
A Fortress with 8 meter tall 3 meter thick brick walls with buildings surrounding it.
10,000 Cattle
50-1000 regular posters and or people with a VI or other such negative custom title
7,500 Army Points
A small fortress with 4 meter tall Wood and rammed earth Walls that are a meter thick, pointy stick stockades, barbed wire and watchtowers for archers with your manor inside. Inside is a Forge, Armory, Barracks, Grainy, hospital and your manor (which you can base off any Eurasian Noble's manor) that is no more than 30 meters by 30 meters).
1500 Cattle
Let's see in 1350, my little island would have looked somewhat like...
There was probably more marsh land though.
I would set up a border that spans the land from the San Francisco bay where Oakland bows in the furthest, straight to the left tip of Lake Merrit, across to the right tip down south east to the center of the 'R' in Brooklyn (Now Oakland), then down and around the 'A' in Rancho, then back south westward around the San Leandro Bay and across the narrowest part of what the map lists as Bay Island where it connects to San Leandro. Basically increasing by 1 1/2, the borders that Alameda has now.

Off to the west across the bay is, of course, San Francisco.

As for point spending...
Our combined points stand at 57,500.
1000- Two Mobs of Goblins for Force support of all other forces and for general border patrols. One Mob active and one in reserves to tend to family, agriculture and development. They rotate every 6 months.(1000, 500/500)

1,800- Two Forces of 300 Naga to patrol and guard around the water, bay and marshes. One active and one in reserve that tends to family, agriculture and development. They rotate every six months. (600, 300/300)

900- Two Forces of 150 Naga to conduct long distance coastal/river recon. (The Recon Naga Forces work in conjunction with the Centaur Recon Cadres.) One active and one in reserves that tends to family, agriculture and development. (300, 150/150)

24,000- Two full legions of Orcs for defense. One remains on active duty, while the other tends to family, agriculture and development and acts as a reserve. They rotate every 6 months. (Half of the reserves will work in the Corp of Engineers) (12,000, 6,000/6,000)

7,000- One Herd of Minotaurs for actual border/gate/guard duty, split between the two entry ways onto my Island. 1/3 at the southern narrow gap and 1/3 at the main northern gap/entrance where Brooklyn and Alameda connect and 1/3 in reserves with the reserve unit rotating in every 6 months. The reserves tend to family, agriculture and development. (350, 434/116)

3,000- Three Cadres of Centaurs for outer border/land patrols. Two remain on active duty, while one stays in reserves tending to family, agriculture and development. The reserves rotate in every 6 months. (150, 100/50)

2000- Two Cadres of Centaurs for long range land reconnaissance. (The Recon Cadres work in conjunction with the Naga Recon Forces.) One one active and one in reserves. The reserve Cadre tends to family, agriculture and development. (100, 50/50)

15,000- One Brotherhood of Ursiod for personal body guards and Fortress guards. They are always on duty and live at the keeps.(500)

Of course non of these are set in stone and aside from the Brotherhood, all forces will work in cooperation with others as needed to defend and protect out society.

250- One Hoof of Satyrs for Education (50)

250- One Hoof of Satyrs for the Diplomatic Corp (50)

1250- One Pad of Satyrs for the Corp of Engineers (250)

1000- Four Ogres for the Construction Corp (i.e. heavy lifting and dredging) (4)

50- Fifty Goblins for the Construction Corp Auxiliary (i.e. tending to the ogres) (50)

So as it stands with all points spent, I have a total population of 15,404 citizens on an island that was probably 8 square miles in 1350, which now and 10+ square miles, currently holds 72,000+ and has room still for expansion. Plus the expanded territory from Oakland and Brooklyn I 'annexed'.

7420 citizens at any given time farming and tending to family and development of our society.
8034 citizens at any given time in some sort of active military/defensive roll.

The main fortress will be placed about a mile in from the main entrance to the peninsula, with the smaller fortress being placed about a half mile in from the narrow entrance to the south.

I have no desire for conquest and only wish to expand as needed to serve my citizens needs. My military is for defense only, and will not strike out unless provoked. I am open to trade and alliances. I am going to set up as a monarchy with a council of advisers that represent the different races and different professions. I am going to create a science based society devoid of religion and 'gods' or 'god' but will stress tollerance of any beliefs that surface, as long as they don't threaten the harmony of our society and of course, my rule.
I am also open to change and would be willing to relocate, before setting up shop, with the right group of people.

As for my cubic meter of 'stuff'...
I bring back blankets, pillows, rugged clothes(boots, BDUs, my leather), as many Ka-Bars as possible. As many reference books put onto media cards as possible that Jenn and I can do in 24 hours (Anything that has to do with farming, irrigation, metallurgy, chemistry, fishing, blacksmithing, woodcutting, building, masonry etc. as well as complete dictionaries in every language and full encyclopedias. And as many text books as possible covering elementary all the way through doctorate education. Also military texts on strategy, tactics, map making and reading, survival skills training, special ops, intelligence and counter intelligence. And as many medical journals, texts, papers on as much as we can cover as we can possibly have.) As many portable DVD/CD-ROM players as possible with as many blank discs as possible. As many rechargeable batteries for the DVD players as needed for a year with recharging. Some sort of solar power source to use to charge the batteries with. A gas powered generator with as much fuel as possible. Mr. J. As much paper as I will need to last a year along with mechanical pencils and lead.

That should all fit in a cubic meter as most of it is on little SDcards.

As for the Way Back Door, Jenn and I will set it so that our doors open at six month intervals.

P.S. I need to smooth out some of the rotations as I don't think they will all work correctly the way I have it set up now.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Aaron »

Does history progress more or less as normal? For example are the Europeans going to show up in North America and fuck up the place?
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Cpl Kendall wrote:Does history progress more or less as normal? For example are the Europeans going to show up in North America and fuck up the place?
While this is a wholly different world separate from our own, Consider it a copy. Naturally once we arrive and begin mucking with things it becomes rather difficult to determine what may happen.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Solauren »

Is Q willing to give us some historical 'real estate agent' help for selecting our starting location?

i.e answer questions about an area that might take to long to research up ourselves, or the answers might not be avialable?

i.e Earthquake / Natural Disaster frequency in the area
Winter conditions
Local wildlife
Local plantlife
Frequency and Severity of draughts
Suitability of local soil/climate for agriculture?
Avilability of natural resources
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Solauren wrote:Is Q willing to give us some historical 'real estate agent' help for selecting our starting location?

i.e answer questions about an area that might take to long to research up ourselves, or the answers might not be avialable?

i.e Earthquake / Natural Disaster frequency in the area
Winter conditions
Local wildlife
Local plantlife
Frequency and Severity of draughts
Suitability of local soil/climate for agriculture?
Avilability of natural resources
Do some homework... Not everything is going to be handed to you on a silver platter... Even as far back as 1350 there are plenty of records to look up, and somethings never change, mineral deposits that are discovered in modern times are going to be in the same place 700 years ago.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Solauren »

Here is what I have so far. Please, poke holes in it....

Starting point; Detroit/Windsor

My Cubic Meter of stuff....
What kind of books can I check out from the library?
One on pre-columbian native american culture (from about 1000 AD onward) would be incredibly useful
See if I can swipe some encylopedia DVDs and the like. Or buy them (if I can find any)

50,000 Army Points
A Fortress with 8 meter tall 3 meter thick brick walls with buildings surrounding it.
10,000 Cattle

Convert Cattle to:
5,000 Cattle
5,000 Chickens
2,500 Pigs
2,500 Goats

Starting Forces
Goblins: 2100
Orcs: 8400
Naga: 1200
Centaur: 400
Ursioid: 650
They will each speak English, and even distrubtation of the local tribal langauges. (Plains, American North-West). English will be the common language.

My plan -
Order everyone to start breeding. Females can work until they are 85% of the way to giving birth (if they can't work that long, obviously don't make them), and then sit out until a few months after the offspring are weined.

Using the Goblins for mining and clearing land.

We need Bows and Crossbows, as well as Arrows/Bolts for them. Have the Orcs get to work.

The Naga are to take control of the Great Lakes and Saint Lawerence Seaway (now called the Solaris Seaway). They are to contact the natives along them and try to bring them into my fold.

Use the Ursioids as ambassadors to contact the natives. Native Americans generally held the bear in high estiem, and this should be useful in bringing them into my fold without violence. Lack of violence will increase my forces without decreasnig them.

Centaurs will be used to bring herd animals (like Bison) in for breeding/food supply.

Interaction with the natives;
If required (I think it depended on the tribesm and sometimes by settlement), introduce the 'challenge by champion' concept to them. Their champion vs my champion. My champion wins, the tribe/settlement joins my nation.

I'm going to wait about 10 years (giving the Goblins lots of time to breed) before starting my offensive operations.

Offensive Plan;
Offer given to settlements that are not co-operative (the Ursioids doing wow them into joining up and listening);

Join me or face my armies.
If they face my armies, all males over a certain height/age (say 10 years old/bigger then a goblin) will be killed, and all others enslaved.
Join me, no one gets hurt, and we'll make your settlement so much better.

Win-Win scenario from my perspective.

If I'm at war with a Nation: My forces will use hit and run and raiding tactics.
Example: Naga will grab people, bring them into the water, and either kill them, or bring them back to a settlement to be used as slaves or breeding stock.
War Method:
Goblins. Lots of Goblins. Think Goblin spam, Backed up be Orc + Centaur Archers.
They'd be ordered: No killing women, or anyone smaller then you. In fact, try to knock everyone out. We can kill the males later.

Hopefully, I can provoke enemies into attacking, leaving villages open to just be swept up.

I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that, however.

Assuming I can get most of North America under my control by 1492 (feasible), when Christopher Columbus arrives, my forces will be ordered to capture them (The Naga should be able to handle this). So would any subsequent naval arrivals from either continent.

Does anyone wish to join up with me to bring about the North American Fantasy Empire? Provided there is no infighting, after we've got all the native's under control for a hundred years, we should be able to invade Europre and Africa without a problem.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Just asd a heads up, While I am still working out the exact details of what IM going to do, I would like to reserve as my spot, the peninsula just north of Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay area, and plan on having my Fortress on the tip with towns and farms spreading North from there.. THIS Location
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Solauren »

Havok and Crossroads, I'd like to purpose we form the 'North American Union', and co-ordinate ourselves accordingly.

We can decide final territorial assets based on who else joins our alliance.

I think someone in the Florida region, as well as someone in the Maritime region with a similiar or superior post count would grant us effective control of North America

Someone in Northen Mexico/Texas would also be useful to help us bring Central America to heel.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Havok »

If a North American Union is to be conceived, I propose that, first we get more members that want to establish themselves in North America, then we need to form a military alliance.
After that is done, we need to send diplomats down into Mexico to make treaties with the Aztecs and Myans. If treaties will not suffice then we may need to subjugate them. The Europeans will be arriving in 150 years and we need to be prepared for them, especially if other members establish themselves across the pond, as they will have a decided technological advantage in place already and may push the Europeans to strike out westward ahead of schedule.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Samuel »

Havok wrote:If a North American Union is to be conceived, I propose that, first we get more members that want to establish themselves in North America, then we need to form a military alliance.
After that is done, we need to send diplomats down into Mexico to make treaties with the Aztecs and Myans. If treaties will not suffice then we may need to subjugate them. The Europeans will be arriving in 150 years and we need to be prepared for them, especially if other members establish themselves across the pond, as they will have a decided technological advantage in place already and may push the Europeans to strike out westward ahead of schedule.
I join up with the NAU. Note that the Triple Alliance doesn't form until 1427 so we don't have to worry about the Aztecs, the Mayans are still independent city states- I'd concentrate more on the Mississippi river valley civilization as well as the desert.

As for being prepared for the Europeans, I recommend developing vaccines for the populance or going over first and backing the Muslims in Spain.

Also, is there anyway to improve the lifespan of our minions? It would be bad to create them just to make them die so much younger than they have to.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Firstly, I have JUST remembered, for those of us wishing to settle in the Bay Area, we should remember it IS on a major fault line. Earthquakes ARE inevitable and will have to be dealt with. I recommend studying up on Earthquake resistant constructions and architecture.

That said, as stated earlier I am settling in the Bay area on the peninsula just north of Angel Island. My fortress will go there on the highest part and be modeled after Stirling Castle, which I intend to reinforce as much as possible to make Earthquake resistant. From what I've read up on the area much of the surrounding area is indeed marshes. My first act will be building a good solid road to the more soil rich areas, clear the forests back enough for proper farming and start building a secondary town for food production.

I will also send envoys to Havok with the intent on working together to build a joint organization. I have no interest for direct conquest or war, but am interested solely in jump starting a science based logic minded civilization. Further more I hope to work with the surrounding natives as much as possible to foster their survival in the long term as well as foster peaceful coexistence with as many of the tribes as possible.
To this end I will try and keep an eye on Solauren who seems to have expansionist aggressive tendencies.
Interaction with the natives;
If required (I think it depended on the tribesm and sometimes by settlement), introduce the 'challenge by champion' concept to them. Their champion vs my champion. My champion wins, the tribe/settlement joins my nation.
I mean really, does that even exist outside of Hollywood movies?

As for my Forces Proper.

2,000pts for-Satyrs x 400
*200 of these shall be split into my primary Educational staff. I will have them reading every book and bit of information I bring back with me. Depending on what they best pickup on, I shall assign them to different areas of Education. This force shall in time form the backbone of a new University to which all minions creatures and Natives may come to gain an education.
*100 of these will specifically be trained in Civil Engineering and construction to oversee the largely untrained manual labor that will eventually be put to use building roads and new facilities.
*80 of these will specifically be trained in the laws and costumes of the Natives of the bay area around the time. These will be my emissaries and will travel (with a light escort) to outlying tribes simply to open trade at first and over time open a long term discourse.
*20, the final 20 will be held at the Fortress as entertainers advisers and for personal escorts.

900 pts for-Nagas x 300
Living on the bay there will be a wealth of sea life to harvest for food. While my Nagas primary purpose will be surveillance and information gathering along they coast, I will also train them in fishing and harvesting sea lions and other marine animals. (the fat alone will be invulnerable for lamp oil, soap, candles, etc)
*250 will be trained for coastal patrol and fishing.
*40, Initially I will hold tryouts in swimming races, the 50 fastest swimmers I will pick as a simple courier system across the bay to communicate with Havok, at least until bridges are built.
*10, the last 10 I wish to train as personal guards with the palace, Im not sure why but I've always wanted Snake people as personal guards, and having four arms just makes them that much more nifty.

6,000 pts for-Minotaurs x 300
6,000 pts for -Centaurs x 300
9,000 pts for -Ursids x 300

While less then 1000 forces, the above will form the core of my eventual military Brass. I intend to train these forces together, to work together cooperate together and relay on one another. One Minotaur, One Centaur and On Ursid, working in groups of Three to oversee my growing empire.
Eventually I plant to have 200 of each group over see military matters as well as form a primitive civil service.
The remaining 100 shall be trained on more specific matters as they may arise.

26,000 pts for -Orcs x 13,000
These will be the backbone of my labor force. I will start off by saying I will go out of my way to treat them superbly and fairly, All these creatures may be frantically loyal to us NOW, but we want to keep them nice, happy and content for the next 500 years...
*5,000 I plan to have as a Standing army with ongoing military training, patrols and exercises.
*8,000 Will be trained over time as workers and labors, hopefully increasing their skills and expertise in construction, farming, food production, etc. Also once a month for three days (not all at once mind you) they will report back for military training, just to keep them on their toes.

Thus begins the outline for the Incorporated Nation of Crossroadia A nation I hope will begin a long and peaceful reign in the California area working to ensure a more science based, logical and reasoned world.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Samuel »

No one else wants the great plains?
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I'm not at home right now so I don't have time to do things up fancy-like, but my 12,556 posts means I'm going to be plopping my forces down not in the Bay Area, but on some high ground west of the Sacramento Delta. My forces will be mostly orcs, and with my knowledge of agriculture, mining, and hydrologic engineering, we're going to start levying early and mine plenty of gold. Farming, too.

I daresay we'll be able to send a fair amount of food to the Bay Area kingdoms in short order, in exchange for mutual defense. My fortress will be more modern than a medieval keep, more of the five-pointed Civil War style, because I'm going to put my forges to work casting cannons in short order. From our power base we'll gradually start taming the northern San Joaquin Valley, for more gold, agriculture, and other metals. Should have some good shipyards too before long.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Starglider »

You really should have a flying unit, e.g. a relatively realistic version of harpies. Worth two or three points and good for scouting I imagine. Wyverns would also be great for that 'evil overlord' feel, and rather more practical to implement without magic than dragons.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Almightyboredone »

I'd like to throw in with the North American Union, if they'll take me; I plan on inhabiting what would become Cornwall, PA; it'll place me right on what is to this day the largest deposit of iron ore in the U.S., as well as in reasonably proximity to the coal beds to the north. I will bring with me any books I can find dealing with medieval mining, smelting and industry, so I can contribute something.

My forces will tentativley consist of:

500 Goblins
50 Minotaurs
50 Centaurs
2000 Orcs
200 Satyrs
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:I'm not at home right now so I don't have time to do things up fancy-like, but my 12,556 posts means I'm going to be plopping my forces down not in the Bay Area, but on some high ground west of the Sacramento Delta.
As a Geologist you'll be a welcome asset to the California Combine Chewy, I'll be happy to have you in the area. Of course we will all be starting with a sizable amount of gold, but mining the stuff will be useful to if simply for using in metallurgy down the road.

The real thing we will need is Iron however, and checking the US-Geological maps, it looks like most of the US's Iron mines, as well as Coal, are in the North East, in the Minnesota Wisc area. Of course all this will come in time, We have 500years to build civilization I intend no to rush things.

Also, Nope, sorry, no flying. You want to fly, make a balloon or an airplane.

Additionally, I think people are putting too much into this "North American" thing, the fastest we have to travel is by Centaur. Going from Cali to the other side of the country to visit the rest of you will take weeks. There is simply no way to maintain an organized alliance at this point in time. Those in the California region will be able to stay organized since we are within a days march of each others. Those of you settling on the east coast will have to work on your own for quite some time.

That said, when the time comes we look forward to Caravans from your area full of Iron bars (unless Chewi knows of an Iron mine in the Cali area)
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Almightyboredone »

The obvious solution would be to develop a railway, connecting one side to the other. Even without steam power, use an ogre or two for power.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Starglider »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Also, Nope, sorry, no flying. You want to fly, make a balloon or an airplane.
If I can't indulge my fantasies of leading an army of mutated bird-creatures against the puny land-bound walkers, then you'll have to count me out. ;)
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Starglider wrote:
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Also, Nope, sorry, no flying. You want to fly, make a balloon or an airplane.
If I can't indulge my fantasies of leading an army of mutated bird-creatures against the puny land-bound walkers, then you'll have to count me out. ;)
Oh come on, introducing Flying creatures would make things all topsy turvy, plus... have you ever done the MATH for a 'real' flying creature? That picture you linked of a 'realistic' harpy, that winged surface area would barely glide, let alone fly. Sure Satyrs minotaurs and the like are fantasy based creatures, but there is nothing Physic bending about them... You know maybe you could have harpies like your picture, but they wouldn't fly much.... I'll have to get back to you. Maybe Dragons or something, but that would still have to be pretty limited.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Starglider »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Oh come on, introducing Flying creatures would make things all topsy turvy, plus... have you ever done the MATH for a 'real' flying creature?
Actually, yes, I have. They're easier than people seem to think, as long as you're not trying to glue wings onto a normal human. Simply using existing bird biology roughly halves the weight, for given structural strength and metabolic power output (though of course there are corresponding disadvantages, e.g. fragility). 'Fantasy flying creatures are impossible' seems to be a brainbug generated by a) ridiculously implausible creatures such as dragons with tank-armor, b) artists who insist on making the wings of everything far too small and c) smug semi-educated critics who can divide weight by wing area and think this makes them an expert.
That picture you linked of a 'realistic' harpy, that winged surface area would barely glide, let alone fly.
Wrong, the wing loading on a creature like that is comparable to a swan, which gives a stall speed low enough to actually take off from a light run, given enough muscle power. Of course that isn't terribly useful if the power density of the muscles is the same as for a human and there's no keel structure to make attachment straightforward; such a creature would in practice be limited to launching from cliffs and climbing in only the strongest of updrafts. A realistic human-sized flying creature capable of manipulating tools and flying long distances, while being limited to existing earth biology would actually look like this, but with wings about twice as big (although let's face it, the first concept was cuter). Note that lift is roughly the product of wing area and speed, so increasing wing loading is not in itself a problem as long as you increase cruise speed (and of course larger bodies experience proportionally less drag for their mass). Fantasy harpies that look more humanlike need a bit of bioengineering beyond the limits of what already exists on earth, but nothing too radical compared to the tech you've invoked. It's only if you want flying creatures that look like classical angels (e.g. no aerodynamic or structural alterations other than the glued-on bird wings) that you really have to cheat and brute force it with nanotech and cybernetic implants.
Maybe Dragons or something, but that would still have to be pretty limited.
Dragons are quite plausible if they don't fly. Armor-plated dinosaur like creatures fitted with biological flamethrowers (using hypergolic fuels) are perfectly possible using bioengineering. They'd eat a lot. Wyverns are also quite plausible as long as they have a takeoff run (and mass) comparable to a Cessna (or more practically, jump off cliffs). They'd have a bit more wing span and range and a bit less cruise speed and payload, and you'd probably have to bioengineer bone structures that incorporate carbon fibre to keep the structural weight down. It is not possible to have a creature that is simultaneously flying, armoured and fire-breathing without again cheating and using advanced cybernetics.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Havok »

How about a compromise. Starglider's flying creatures, but each at the cost of an Ogre?
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Havok wrote:How about a compromise. Starglider's flying creatures, but each at the cost of an Ogre?
Pehraps, after reading Stargliders post im far less skeptical to them and warming somewhat. Such things would be useful for flying and scouting only. Not sure what point value to assign to them, they would be extremely valuable, but not strong as any sort of warriors... Maybe something similar to an Ogre point was, with a slow breeding rate but laying multiply offspring.

Also I might make two types, A fantasy Harpy that could only glide, but would be more pleasing ot the eye, and then a 'true'-harpy that could fly proper on its own accord.

I think i'll confer more with Starglider on exactly what form he wishes to think, Im leaning toward the almost purely Avian one at this point.
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Re: Lords of Darkness (RAR!) Mk-II

Post by Starglider »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Pehraps, after reading Stargliders post im far less skeptical to them and warming somewhat. Such things would be useful for flying and scouting only. Not sure what point value to assign to them, they would be extremely valuable, but not strong as any sort of warriors.
Man-sized flying creatures in a medieval environment are basically (Mongol-style) horse archers, but even moreso. They are obviously excellent scouts, and they're very good at raiding supply lines and hit-and-run attacks on isolated units. However they are of relatively limited value against armoured or massed troops; massed arrow-fire will prevent them getting close enough to drop rocks, javelins or burning pitch (to destroy siege engines) with decent accuracy, and shield walls or plate armor will probably negate their attacks. Since they can't carry much, once ranged weapons are dropped they're going to be out of the fight for ten plus minutes while they fly away and get more; swooping down for melee attacks would be suicidal against opponents armed with pikes or spears. Flyers would absolutely suck at taking or holding fortifications; aside from fragility they're neither physically nor psychologically suited to fighting in confined areas or dense packs. Finally they eat a lot for their mass; on campaign, a 50kg harpy would probably eat as much as a 150kg orc.

Large flyers have two major roles; the obvious one fast transport of small loads (a wyvern with the mass of a light aircraft or shire horse would be able to carry perhaps two orcs or three humans), which is ideal for ferrying command staff around and inserting and extracting special forces (maybe medevac if you can actually develop worthwhile hospitals). The second one is air strikes, either taking out giant creatures (ogres, to a lesser extent ursoids) with air-dropped lances, or dropping rocks or burning oil in quantities sufficient to destroy massed units and field fortifications (though not real fortifications, e.g. castles). In theory they'd also be good for taking out enemy light flyers, in that you can mount an archer or two on one and try to pick off enemy harpies, though shooting down a highly evasive aerial target with a crossbow, while its friends try to mob you, is going to be tough even with the large flyer speed advantage.
Also I might make two types, A fantasy Harpy that could only glide, but would be more pleasing ot the eye, and then a 'true'-harpy that could fly proper on its own accord.
The former isn't going to be tactically useful except in mountainous areas with lots of updrafts, and even then only for scouting, since it would be folly to make an attack run on an enemy unit without being able to climb away again. Really, flyers are only unbalancing if you make them a) just as good as ground units, but with the ability to fly added and b) effectively impossible for ground units to retaliate against. Many fantasy games do this and it never fails to annoy me. In practice flying is expensive ability that forces major compromises in other abilities, and payload and accuracy limits prevent aerial attacks from being decisive. Even with gunpowder, flyers in this scenario will still be about as effective than WWI biplanes, which is to say useful but essentially irrelevant in major ground battles.

Finally, might I humbly request that you allow the ability to take off and land on lakes (via webbed feet) for an additional 10% points? Because I've always wanted to shout 'DIVE, MY DUCKMEN, DIVE!' in my best Brian Blessed voice. :)
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