SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Helgan Defense makes it's responce to foreign competetors


Helgan Defense displays it's compact resperator

Helgan Defense INC headquarters, Arisaka Province-In responce to criticisms by the world's military community as well as the Royal Zorian Army in regards to the frontal bulk of the NBC system, Helgan Industries has unveiled a new compact version, which still possessed the full sensor package, water dispeser and internal radio, and is compatable with the Helgan Defense Kit as well as a variety of defense systems. In responce to international criticisms, President S. Visari has decried the Cheseapeake Arms kit as being "Primitive and archaic" and the Seberu LCASkit to be "Light and flexible, yet hoplessly flimsey". Test versions of the helmet have responded well in damage tests as well as simulated and volunteer tests of it's preformance while versions have been distributed to various CATO military orginizations for trials.
Last edited by Zor on 2009-04-30 02:12am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Top Secret Magazine

Hi-Tec Armour
A derivative of the same armour suit worn by the Supreme Leader's own personal body guards may find its way into regular use amongst the military.
A Guardian Suit, worn here by a Master Sergeant. The militarized suit will be entirely sealed and carry its own air supply as well as a sophisticated filtration system. 360-degree visuals from tiny cameras mounted around the helmet will render the soldier of the future nearly impossible to surprise.


The militarized version is expected to be powered by electric motors that respond to the user's muscle-movements and augment his speed and strength. This will allow Miratian soldiers to carry far heavier loads and control much heavier weaponry than is currently possible.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by K. A. Pital »

Meanwhile, in Stasograd

- I'm happy to see you again, comrade, - Stanislav looked around the banquet hall, noting quite a few familiar faces from the Supreme Soviet, his usual trusted aides were there, but many faces were new. Well, that's quite understandable, new leaders bring their own teams to work with them; after all, political experience is also tied to having a good team. - The more things change, the more they stay the same, isn't it?

- Indeed.

- I'm fond of my voyage not becoming a huge ceremonial mess, thanks for keeping it quiet, - the former Crimson leader said. - Congrats on the police operation in the former Borders. Couldn't have done it better.

- Yeah, that operation was long overdue. And hey, you called me recently, asking to set aside some funds for this year. Quite a lot actually. The reason? - asked Shady.

- Well, I used to look through some old files not long ago.

- What of them?

- Straight after the World War, a proposal to unite the continent with a gigantic two-track train carriage that would operate a nuclear locomotive, was drafted up by our engineers. However, the political debacles in the Old Continent, including the issue of undefeated Japanistan, the rapid leave of war-ravaged nations before we could... akhem, solidify friendly governments at their helm... and so on, and so forth - have left this idea dead for years. However, with the recent advances in nuclear power, including our mobile nuclear plants which we use for the military, we are coming closer to this project becoming real -and political unification of the Continent is also making it more feasible. The intensity of train traffic allows for a passage of one such locomotive during the week, I would believe. It's passenger capacity would well off-set the necessity to occupy both track lines.

- You came to talk about a nuclear trans-continental train? - the President asked and smiled.

- Bear with me. It's not the train par se that matters. It's the symbolism. Like an iron chain, this two-track, gigantic train would bind the capitals of the Old Continent - ignoring our Japanistani neighbours for a while, of course! - and operate for years without replacement. It may be even a single locomotive, a single-issue creation - but it's impact would be enormous. This train will be an awesome sight to behold, and a Trans-Continental magistral would signify the unity of the Continent to all the world. Kinda like the Trans-Siberian is the arteria of the Union, and the "Crimson Arrow" is a symbolic train which is instantly recognized in any city along the route. The important part is not doing it alone, but also involving Shroomania, Pezookia and other nations in the CATO. This project would be the pride of the Continent; it's quite certain that similar undertakings won't exist for quite a while, and it will go down in history as one of the technical wonders of the world. Unmatched in size, power and luxury, this train would symbolize the might of the Combined Treaty, it's unity - and all that in a rather non-threatening way. The old project was solid enough, but I asked the KB of Heavy Machinery if they did some further studies, and there's a 1990s project. Take a look when you have free time.

- Anything else?

- There is a shortage of agricultural produce hitting Japanistan right now, or so the rumors say. It's pretty clear to all that modern agriculture is the cornerstone of an industrial civilization; but the recent events, I mean biowar, hit agricultural trade real good. Even we faced these effects, despite the strategy of self-sufficiency in main foods being fulfilled in the 90s, which effectively ended the food import vacchanalia.

- The short-term deflation of prices and the long-term hidden inflation after the export market dried up really messed things up, - Shady agreed.

- Any crisis is a motive for change. The modern agricultural market is a place which favours the strong, and those willing to invest a lot in their agriculture. More than that, we are moving into the modern age here as well. Those Zorian PUMA robots we installed in thousands in the 1980s are sure cool, but I think we should pay even more attention to Zoria as it's now tying it's fate with CATO. The Zorians have an interesting agricultural robotics projects, the Valtra Robotic Tractor.

- And?

- We should be polite to the Zorians, but explain that we need some of their technologies and would love to have them at a discount. Basically we need a license for that robot and start massively introducing it on our own fields. The size and distances of our lands makes humans toiling on them exhausted, the climate is harsh. Robots are more suitable for some Siberian lands than men are. Keeping these fields productive will be a task of the machines. And as a current tactic, we should be offering the current excess crops to Japanistan at discount prices. It would be seen as a friendly gesture, it would help our agricultural market to weather the bad times without a production decline, and finally, it would help us solidify our hold over the agricultural policies of the Old Continent - the Tonkins are making inroads here, and I'm not liking it. The Tonkins' greatest treasure is debt. They create debt, and debtors - it's their profession. Debt is a lever of control and manipupation. And I don't want any Tonkinese manipulation here, especially if it's jeopardizing the security of the Old Continent, our industries and our political peace. This has a lot to do with Japanistan and the recent diplomatic ouvertures between the two nations - we don't hear much, but it's still enough.

- Heh. That's a lot of thoughts, - Shady smiled.

- Just been payin' attention to what goes on in the world. I have TV there in Shelter Zero, so it's not like I'm totally lost.

- What of your further travels?

- I'll travel with Vassily, and visit some places more or less without fanfare. Or so I hope. I've planned a visit to Tonkin, and Pezookia, Byzantium and Canissia are definetely on my list, as is Zoria and Langley, and possibly Baerne. Depends. I'll talk to people there. Well, you know, the people - former heads of state do have some ties in just about every world nation - and maybe help them realize the new reality they are facing. Far too long have some of them not been paying any attention to the Old Continent, which was fractured, ridden by decade-long conflicts and such. Remember, the peace and security we forged here is fragile, and can implode any time so violently, like that Humpty Dumpty character. And there won't be a way back.

- You sure you don't want to return... in some fashion? Take some official post?

- Thanks for the kind offer, - Stanislav smiled. - But I am an old man, and official duties burden me. I like the way I am now, and the shadows I'm staying in are comfortable.

- Shadows?

- Yup, Crimson Shadows, - the former leader laughed. - No, seriously, the names we conjured were awesome. I never thought that "Till shines the light of Crimson Star" would be the military funeral hymn here, though.

- When will you return from the Tonkin trip?

- Soon. I'll be back in Severomorsk in a few months to see the comission ceremony of our second "Comrade Stanislav" class supercarrier, that's for sure - can't miss the christening of a ship which class is named in my honour. I am also of the opinion that we should call this carrier "Comrade Korabelnikov". Valery was the GRU chief during the war in the South Frequesque and did a lot for the re-establishment of our military and political presence there. It was the first step, which later has shown to be correct, as we now have four allies in Frequesque. He's now retiring, would be a good present.

- And then?

- I'll leave again for some other nation, but I'll return till October 2017, of course. Remember, it would be the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Can't miss the celebrations either. Hope we'll both be there and offer good news to our people on TV and on the Crimson Square. Oh, and it would be completely awesome if we could unveil that Transcontinenal Nuclear Locomotive during the celebrations. It's a once-in-a-century event.

- Good luck, then, - Shady said.

- I'll need it. Oh, and could you pass me that wine - talking so much got me a sore throat. Hah. Happens, though - Shelter Zero's sort of remote, not many folks to talk to.

- Sure, - Shady was kind. The glass of red wine from the famed Massandra vineyards travelled right to Stanislav's mouth. - A game of chess afterwards?

- I'm not sure I'm in the condition. Chess are for the sober... I'll prefer cards this time. Tonkin Hold'Em.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Darth Coyotus »


"The reports were correct," Colonel Hidoshi said, putting the folders out for everyone to see. The members of the military junta, the Sunshine Council, opened their individual folders to see what the Army Intelliegence branch had dug up of interest.

"With the help of our comrades in the Air Force," the Colonel said with a nod to Air-Marshal Junishiro, "--we have managed to capture these photos from long range cameras while flying routine cargo missions in Veleria."

"What are we looking at, here?" General Hikumi asked. "Those are... they appear to be MiG-29s. CATO aircraft."
"Yes, General," Hidoshi confirmed, "But what is important is not so much what they are, as where they are. These photos were taken in Katangwaland."

"Surely you did not fly over Katangwaland itself?" Admiral Fuchida asked.
"Of course not," Air-Marshal Junishiro said, "Our cargo planes in that region are all equipped with extereme long-range cameras. When we fly from north to south, towards our Caravo allies, we make it a point to always take pictures. They are, unfortunately, grainy at this distance, but the profiles of the MiG-29 series are unmistakeable."

General Hikumi --the senior officer and Chairman-- nodded his head at the image. "As we have suspected," he said, "All this MESS-CATO conflict is posturing. Stagecraft. While they put on a Kabuki Theatre of strife and conflict, and direct the word's media towards their 'peace summit' in Cascadia, they quietly shift huge air reserves to threaten our Velerian holdings."

"This comes close on the heels of both MESS and CATO nations each announcing their own 'foreign legions', as well," Colonel Hidoshi reminded them. "A clever but unsubtle way of spreading their influences and recruiting foreign troops into their respective causes. Their game to isolate us and erode us continues."

General Hikumi leaned forward. "We will increase our own efforts to bring more resolve to our own plans," he said. "The Tonkinites have presented us with an offer to resume our old trade ties. I have consulted the tenno and he agrees. It is also the opinion of the Chrysanthemum Throne that we take advantage of the erosion of neutrality in Frequesque to enhance our own standing there."

"The Klavostan situation has resolved itself, or at least, reached a stabilization period," Colonel Hidoshi said. "But the nation of Indhopal has responded favorably to our overtures for trade."
"We are taking them up on their trade offer, too," General Hikumi said. "The tenno is of the opinion that we can work with Tonkin to influence Indhopal. Currently, Indhopal is seeing Frequesque divided among MESS and CATO so that the continent's resources and manpower can be exploited against us. It will be increasingly difficult for them to maintain neutrality. But if we can talk with Tonkin and work together..." he waved his hand to indicate that all sorts of possibilities might be open...


His Majesty the Emperor views with great favor the desire of the glorious Tonkin Empire to resume trade and cooperation as before. It should be known that the people of Imperial Japanistan seek to build upon the foundations of trade to create stronger bonds between our two great nations.

The alarming situation in Frequesque also provides an excellent opportunity for us to begin working together. It is the opinion of Japanistan that the Imperialist-Colonialist Regimes of CATO and MESS both are attempting to use their propaganda arms to stage a political conflict between themselves, as an excuse to militarize further and sieze control of territory in Frequesque and Veleria.

In Frequesque at least we see opportunity to slow this creeping imperialist doctrine. The Tonkinese peoples are invited to discuss plans with Japanistan over this issue at your convenience.

Office of the Foreign Services Directorate
Imperial Japanistan

[OOC: Generic signature because I have not fleshe dout all the characters I'll need for the government posts.]


"Looks like we lost them," Lukin Grey said, his binoculars still pressed to his face. "They're doing a grid search pattern. Professional and careful, but slow. They're trying to re-acquire us."
"Good," Jackson Blackpelt said. "Let's put some distance between us and them and see what's next on our list."

The small band of terrorists moved throught the jungle and into a small lowlands where they could bring out their map and look at the situation. The small village of Los Tigres was the only real part of the mission that had enjoyed some modicum of planning. Technically, it was a target of opportunity but it had been noted beforehand and checked as a good possibility that had panned out for them. But now they were free to choose as they wanted.

"Our Japanistani masters have given us a great deal of leeway and, dare I say, trust," Blackpelt said. "They didn't want an obvious trail of planned attacks in case we were captured--"
"In case we squealed," Kelah grumbled.
"--and the plans were discovered," Blackpelt continued, ignoring the woman's comment. He pointed to a dirt road nearby.

"This road is the only semi-improved east-west artery in the area," he said, "Every other road is supposedly donkey trails that get washed out each monsoon season and have to be rebuilt. Probably no good for moving Baernish lorries. So this road is probably the closest thing the Baernish have to an MSR in the region."

"So," Lukin said, "What, whack a Baernish convoy?" he asked.
"You got it," Blackpelt said. "Let's try to hit a fueler and see if we can get some of this jungle lit up," he said. "We'll also have the opportunity to ditch some of our demo, move a little faster, eh?" he said with a chuckle. Riggo nodded his head in grim agreement; he carried a lot of C4 and Semtex in his pack.

"We'll break out the Canissian camouflage ponchos as well," Blackpelt said, "If anyone sees us, or of we have to cap anyone, I want them to see that. Let's get going. No time for lunch. If you have to shit, shit during water crossings and keep moving. This whole godforsaken country is our toilet and bidet, so let's treat it with the respect it deserves."

Kelah grinned as she reshouldered her pack.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Darth Coyotus »


"In regards to the agricultural trades, we agree wholeheartedly," Ambassador Hokuzai said. "In fact, we would consider a great deal of trade arrangements worth discussion. Our government is very open to seeing increased trade with a free and independent Frequesquean nation."

"Well, that's excellent," the President said. "I can have my foreign office draw up the necessary paperwork."

"Perhaps in the future we can be open to increased agricultural exchanges," the Japanistani Ambassador said. "Our homeland has concentrated on rice farming, maize, rubber, sugarcane, tobacco... we have not developed as much of our potential farmland as we should have, and we saw the folly of this after the Imperialist-Colonialist Axis removed Shepistan... as, apparantly, they now seek to divide up as much of Frequesque between them as possible. Unfortunate, that an era of neutrality has come to such an undignified end..."

The President said nothing, his face neutral but obviously listening to the Ambassador's words. How he felt about those words was indecipherable, but for now it was only important that he know how Japanistan felt about the sudden expansion of MESS and CATO on the continent.

"Well, anyhow, I thank you for your time," Hokuzai said, "I hope to return to establish a more steady diplomatic prescence --we must discuss the opening of embassies and possible exchange programs, yes?-- but for now I have to attend a meeting. Apparantly, some alarming increase in MESS and CATO militarization of once-peaceful Katangwaland. They sure have their fingers in many pies, don't they?"

"I look forward to hearing from you again soon, Mister Ambassador..."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Official Communique to Imperial Japanistan

To the Chrysanthemum Throne,

Greetings from Byzantium. Your Highness, we would like to renew the relationship between Byzantium and Imperial Japanistan and hope to build a stronger relationship than before. We would like as first steps to restore trust to this relationship, to have military leaders on both sides exchange visits on a regular basis. We would also like to start up a student exchange program to allow students in both countries come and experience each others' cultures. If you are agreeable to this arrangement, your Highness, I would have the Education Ministry and the Defence Ministry make the necessary arrangements. Thank you

Emperor Heraclius IV
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by PeZook »

Orena, Royal Palace

The infrared photographs were displayed on Paul's computer, showing a crowded port somewhere in Emmeria. Shot at an oblique angle, they didn't exactly give the clearest picture of the entire situation - but analysts have already interpreted them.

"You can see here and here, that the 'Ostchester' is under steam, and so is this helicopter carrier, we think it's the 'Port Heinlein'. We also have sparse reports from sources on the ground that several amphibious assault ships are loading troops.", Radosław Sikorski said, pointing to relevant portions of the picture, "Overall, it's a pretty significant fleet deployment we have here."

"Hmm...well, it seems to be an excercise."

"We think so too, sire, but this is the first large deployment in many years. It may be useful to have a look, get an idea of their capabilities."

"Obviously.", Paul thought for a few moments, "Draft up a plan to observe the deployment...and Karol, why don't you call up the Emmerian consul and ask him about this? We may need to warn some of our shipping to avoid the excercise area. Did you pass these photos to CATO joint command?", the King asked his defence minister again.

"Not yet, sire."

"Do so now."

"Yes, sire"

Result: PeZookia shall observe the Emmerian excercise with great interest.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

The Costas

Phillip Cortez hated the roads in the Costas. They were practically as bad as the roads in the CFR this time of year. All the military traffic didn't help either. His land rover had nearly gone into a fifty foot ravine earlier today when a Bearnish supply truck had been bareling down the damn center of the highway.

Cortez was in the ISIA. Most of their operations in country were being run out of the embassy where all the SIGINT folks were having a field day. It wasn't often that you got to analyze CATO and MESS sources at the same time. Cortez was one a the few who actually got out the office a lot. He was a Costa's specialist, having been here for six years after being in the deep dark heart of the CFR for five. He really wasn't a policy wonk or political animal. Those sorts ended up in headquarters or got promoted out of the shit assignments.

Cortez was a true field operative; he actually being on the tip of the spear in places like the Costas. You could get away with lot more here than in places like the Old Continent. Human intelligence was his specialty and he had a talent for navigating the treacherous local politics that often typified Frequesue.

In fact he was going out to meet with one of his best agents now, a local fixer known as Blackjack. Supposedly he had a lead on who was shooting up and blowing up both MES and CATO assets in a very professional manner.

The way in which the attacks had been done virtually ruled out any local faction. The local clowns would have bragged about it had they been responsible and they certainly would have taken a good number of casualties. The popular theory was that it was MESS and CATO Special Forces going after one another. That was what headquarters was thinking at the moment.

Cortez had his doubts. First off his best assets like Blackjack said they had spies from both MESS and CATO asking them about who was pulling off the attacks. Plus the attacks didn't really make any damn sense. The MESS and CATO were all trying to make believe like they loved each other right now so raids that were aimed only at killing people instead of getting tech or the like were simply counterproductive. Plus no helicopters and no air support were involved in these raids. For Cannasians or the Shrooms that was a real seat of the pants way to roll around the country; ambushing a high tech force without a quick evac wasn't exactly according to their SOP's.

Cortez had managed to convince his boss it worth the time to get to the bottom of these raids instead of trying to blackmail MESS officers with the standard sleaze jobs. The fact that both the MESS and CATO seemed so interested probably perked up her curiosity. So that was why Cortez was now dodging supply trucks on his way to the tiny crossroads town of Los Tigres. Cortez was hopeful. Blackjack knew he wouldn't get paid unless he actually had something decent to offer.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by PeZook »

RogueIce wrote: Day One - CATO-MESS Summit, Republic of Cascadia
King Paul's Suite

"You know, before all of this, I never thought I'd live in such luxury. Now, it's become the norm." With a silent laugh, Rufus turned his attention back to business.

"So I was thinking, about the ISCA. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if we came out of this with a real, solid, joint proposal. With all respect to Coyote and his 'UN', most of the leaders know what a joke the Earth UN was, and really I'm not sure how it'll be much more than a glorified talk club here, either. But the ISCA, on the other hand..."

"Would that really work here?" asked Paul. "This world is a bit different from the last, you know."

"I know, and we could probably make some progress on the ship building. There are a number of developing nations now that might be attracted by relatively cheap ships, partially subsidized by foreign money. And we could make the focus on relatively fast to build ships, if not quite as capable as the largest cargo ships out there. And of course the investment in developing infrastructure, again helped out with foreign monies, would be attractive for some countries, as otherwise they'd have to foot the entire bill.

"We could also try to make it into a sort of mediator to resolve trade disputes as well, maybe to set up standards and the like for merchant traffic? There are many details to be worked out, of course. But I think with some effort we could come up with a decent proposal, one that can show some tangible results to the world. Coming from both the MESS and CATO.

"What do you think?"
Paul scratched his chin, a tic he was beginning to hate: forty years of political experience didn't make it go away, and may have even made it worse.

" would be a sort of trade consortium slash charity? I was actually thinking that, this time around, the ISCA could be built primarily as a means to help developing countries. We certainly need some sort of international sea commerce chamber to solve disputes and set safety standard and the like. Yeah...I can support this idea. Having a good set of international standards and terms of sea commerce would help trade all around."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by RogueIce »

PeZook wrote:Paul scratched his chin, a tic he was beginning to hate: forty years of political experience didn't make it go away, and may have even made it worse.

" would be a sort of trade consortium slash charity? I was actually thinking that, this time around, the ISCA could be built primarily as a means to help developing countries. We certainly need some sort of international sea commerce chamber to solve disputes and set safety standard and the like. Yeah...I can support this idea. Having a good set of international standards and terms of sea commerce would help trade all around."
"Excellent. We can leave the paper pushers to write up formal documents, but I think it would be workable to make the general proposal tomorrow. 'The Shinra Republic, with the support of the Constitutional Republic of PeZookia, jointly proposes the creation of an International Sea Commerce Agency, with the stated goals of...' type of thing. Enough to get the ball rolling while the paperwork gets hammered out."
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by PeZook »


Cascadian World Summit

Paul commented on Arik's speech almost immediately, after merely a brief consultation with his aides, "We would like to request clarification on the matter of 'freezing all foreign involvement in Frequesque', especially in light of Tian Xia's stated policy claiming the Empire is part of Frequesque. It is the opinion of CATO leadership that any treaty or agreement on Frequesque should involve the clarification of Tian Xia's status and future involvement on the continent."

(sorry for the delay, Coyote)

Selene 5 makes a safe landing in Anatolia

The crew of Selene 5 have returned to Earth after nine days in space, one of which were spent orbiting Selene, our largest natural satellite. The crew was unharmed, and all spacecraft systems performed according to specifications: including the extended Selene Service Module, housing life support and fuel supplies necessary for the long voyage.

Selene 5's crew made detailed photographs of the three possible future landing sites and collected a wealth of important data relating to human habitation beyond Earth's radiation belts.

Selene 6, a follow-up mission is ready for launch, but will not leave Earth orbit. Instead, the mission will concern itself with testing the newly constructed prototyped of the Lunar Excursion Module, or LEM, also known as the LK lander.

Ana Midzic dead?

Leaked NOD reports indicate that Ana Midzic, the world's most wanted woman, responsible for an assassination attempt against King Paul I and Premier Shady, may have been killed during a dockside warehouse raid. No body has been recovered, however the reports cite witness statements confirming Ms. Midzic was on the site of the raid, and several NOD troopers claim they saw her run into an explosive booby trap.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Outside Nexus City

Colonel John Przewalski of the Pezookian Army baked under the equatorial heat. Sirnoth sat pretty much right on the equator, just a little to the South of Shepland, and to his immense irritation the Dominionite unit he was embedded with didn't seem to mind the climate. Of course, part of that was probably because of the lighter kit the Dominonite soldiers used, while he had to use his PeZookian NBC suit, a knock-off of a CSR design dating from the '80s. No micro-climate conditioning system for him!

He had been sent as part of the Pezookian military mission observe the conduct of the war, and he had been forced to admit that Coalition forces were keeping it reasonably clean. General Dagobert Murray, the Coalition Commander, had standing orders to "Hang any man who molests a member of the population." He'd seen a few hangings of Dominionite war criminals, which had surprised him. What kind of people would use gas and nukes but execute rapists and murderers en masse? He shook his head.

The Dominionite II Corps had stopped in the vast, dry plains outside of Nexus City. When one added up the Augustine II Guards Division, the Shinra X Corps, and the newly arrived Dominion VII Corps you reached almost half a million men. It seemed as if no one was in a hurry to attack the sprawling city of millions, Coalition ground reconnaissance had already encountered another sign of the madness of the Cortes regime: Child Soldiers. Przewalski shook his head again, thinking of the 14 year old Sirnothi People's Assault Force soldiers. A 21st Century Stasograd indeed....


Ah, Major Dennett, the Dominionite officer who was assigned to follow him.

"Major." Came Przewalski's muffled response.

"Colonel! You ready for the serenade?"


Dennett's eyes remained confused for a moment, then he said "Oh, that's right, you weren't an observer during the One Week War, were you? A serenade is 60+ guns firing on a position, T.O.T."

Przewalski frowned. Mass artillery fire was uncommon in this day in age, what with accuracy...unless..."The advance is to begin soon?"

"I knew you could figure it out Colonel." Dennett said drily. Przewalski tried not to get angry. Pezookia had not fought a real war since the 2nd World War, and he had had to endure a rather large amount of ribbing for being from a 'army of softies' from the Dominionite troops. As he opened his mouth to respond, the guns boomed.


Results:Coalition begins attack on Nexus City.
Last edited by Lonestar on 2009-05-05 08:06am, edited 1 time in total.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

Los Tigres. The Costas

On his way into town Cortez couldn't help but notice that the Bearnish troops in the area were on high state of alert, even a bit jumpy. They had wanted to search his land rover and Cortez had been forced to show his diplomatic paperwork so they didn't go through all his bags. Today it claimed he was a diplomatic courier.

That had piqued his interest. Perhaps there had been an attack in the area? Cortez was supposed to meet Blackjack in what passed for a watering hole in Los Tigres. The spy backed his Land Rover in at the rear entrance after checking out the town pretty thoroughly noting checkpoints, a water tower where he was pretty certain an OP was set up and he also planned a few different ways he could get out of town in his vehicle or on foot. All that was really second nature to Cortez. If you didn't pick up such careful habits you tended to die in places like this.

Before going inside Cortez double checked the MP-7 he was carrying in his diplomatic bag. He had a few grenades and a good deal of ammo in it as well. While Cortez certainly believed in avoiding a fight in the first place, in Frequesue it definitely paid to carry as much firepower as possible.

The place was basically an old colonial house converted into a tap room. Besides a couple of local farmers it was pretty empty. Blackjack was sitting at the bar. He was small man who and always seemed to have sunglasses over his eyes and a cigarette in his mouth. He noticed Cortez immediately, but really didn't acknowledge his presence in any way.

Cortez ambled over, placed his bag on the bar and said,
"You're hardly your verbose self today."

"The locals are jumpy. There was attack recently. You must have seen how they were on your way in. They got men combing the jungle for kilometers around. Another two companies are on the way."

"They did seem a bit pissed off. Any idea on their losses?"

"They've been keeping that to themselves, though I do know they've taken some KIA. These guys have really pissed everyone off the MESS, CATO, everyone's ready to blow someone's head off. My sources also they our mystery guests are cocky, leaving noisemakers when they could have used claymores. Now that's style. Also definitely not local. The rebel troops around here don't leave their camp much since the cease fire. I got a man who can confirm that."

Cortez was now very interested indeed. He had a feeling Blackjack would have something good for him this time around. Keeping his expression neutral Cortez lit a cigarette and said,
"Now you wouldn't just give me that all for free unless you had something better. What do you really got for me?"

Blackjack grinned like a predator and said,
"Well I just might know where they're heading. Local hunters, friends of mine of course, got wind of new trail with MESS pattern boot prints. Now wouldn't you like to know where that was?"

Frankly that meant jack shit. Anyone could get a hold of Cannasian footwear. Plus there was only one damn thing of importance in this area and that was the road Cortez had come in on. What was important was that Blackjack had confirmed, mostly through his info on the Bearnish ops in the area, that whoever these mysterious assholes were, they were close.

"Let me guess; they were heading towards The Bearnish MSR?"

"You always were a smart one."

"You've done good work Blackjack. You'll get your standard fee wired to your account."

Blackjack grinned again.
"Well what do we do now?"

"We leave town in 15 minutes to go look for the mystery guests."

"I thought you might say that. Just like old times."

"Except we won't be by ourselves this time."

Cortez and Blackjack left town their destination being a small airfield about an hour down the road. Waiting for them there was a eight man team seconded from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRG) who were pretending to be a diplomatic security detail. The plan was to try and and out think the mystery guests and be in the same neighborhood when they struck. Then they'd be able to move in and get a first hand look at their handiwork and hopefully be able to ID them. Blackjack's local connections and SIGINT support from the embassy made the operation possible. The SRG operators experience in this sort of thing, not to mention their firepower, certainly didn't hurt either.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Mushroom Military Messenger

BAM has announced a stealthy version of the F-15 ACTIVE currently being phased out by the Shroomanian Air Force with the production of more CF-01 Cormorant air superiority fighters. As the SAF hands over its F-15 ACTIVEs to the Shroomdeswehr (the Sovereign Army), many of the planes may not see use in the Army and may instead be offered for sale to Shroomanian allies in and out of CATO. Should spare F-15 ACTIVEs be available for sale, MacMillan has prepared an upgrade program to 'stealthify' the ACTIVE.

The upgrade will include wing and fuselage design alterations to reduce radar cross section, stealthy coatings and treatments, modified air intakes and modified modular conformal fuel tanks that can be replaced with internal weapons carriages. When the ACTIVE-S is using its conformal fuel tanks for optimum fuel capacity, optional wing-mounted stealth weapons pods may be used as well.

The F-15 ACTIVE-S will be able to internally carry air-to-air missiles such as the AIM-9 and AIM-120 and air-to-ground weapons such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), along with standardized CATO munitions. The standard weapons load used on current versions of the F-15 is available with the traditional CFTs installed.

The ACTIVE-S will have a clear glass canopy and will still use thrust vectoring and canards, with an improved Digital Flight Control System, which improves the aircraft's reliability and reduces airframe weight. New electronic warfare systems, infrared search and track (IRST) and Advanced Electronic Scanning Array (AESA) radar will also be included in the upgrade pack.

The F-15 ACTIVE-S will be marketed to Shroomanian allies in and out of CATO, such as the Duchy of Langley and Zoria. However, as Byzantine Air MacMillan is a joint Shroomanian-Byzantine venture and part of CATO's Combined Corporate Consortium Partnership, sales will have to be approved by multinational shareholders.

The F-15 ACTIVE-S featured in a Langley military magazine.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by K. A. Pital »

IRT, Saigon, deep night

- Isn't it a wonderful sight, Vasya... - Stanislav sighed. - The leisures of people who pay their money so that IRT bosses can bask in wealth. Oh wait, that was your line, Mr. Blackest Sarcasm, sorry I stole it.

- Flying a simple charter from Stasograd to the IRT isn't really a good way to travel, comrade, - Vasya snapped back, despite clearly being unhappy about the President's multitude of IRT jokes. - We're either here for serious business, or people won't take us seriously.

- I know, - Stanislav shrugged. - But using personal planes is unacceptable for me, neither for any other person who is coming out of the UCSR in a non-official fashion. That would look like... corruption, you know. And the Tonkins, while loving corruption inside their less fortunate lackeys and neo-colonies, would absolutely loathe to see it in any normal leader. Or former leader. Like me.

- Any plans for the next day?

- Who knows. I came in without any official notes, but I do want to make a few calls. Maybe they'll get me a red carpet somewhere. Other than that, mojito. Oh, and is that true that this city has huge acres of slums stretching behind it? Sure doesn't look like it.

- Believe me, it does, - Vasya retorted. - A good friend of mine grew up in a similar place. Glittering skyline, but ugly slums behind.

Result: Stanislav arrives in the IRT without notice or forewarning, makes a few calls.. ;)
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by phongn »


Not long after Stanislav's call, people scrambled to move, and a rather irate President and CEO of the Republic demanded why this had slipped past him. "Stanislav" was in the IRT, and as former head of state he deserved every courtesy afforded, even if he was from a country many observers considered ideological enemies. And so - calls returned, requesting if any assistance might be required, and if he would care to dine with the President.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

CATO-MESS World Summit
Adams Capital District, Cascadia


Though Lelouch and his companions had already been in Cascadia for several days before the conference started, they had decided to keep a very low profile upon their arrival. When the conference finally came around, they kept their low profile, not really interacting much with the other dignitaries asides from awarding President Garrett the Order of the Crimson Lotus in a private ceremony during the two days of meetings leading up to the first general assembly. At the general assembly proper, Lelouch simply kept silent as Paul and Arik said their respective pieces and made no effort to approach the other representatives once the opening remarks were finished.

"What can I say that hasn't been said? What can I do that hasn't been done?" Lelouch said to himself as he, his consorts, and their Royal Guard escorts sat in the booth that they had been assigned to. "Why do I even bother?"
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by DarthShady »

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd, UCSR
"Has the Nuclear trans-continental train proposal been sent to our allies?", President Shady asked.

"Yes, Comrade President.", one of his assistants said, "The Proposal has been sent to Byzantium, PeZookia and Shroomania. The only thing left to do is talk with the Cannissians."

"Well then, make the call.", Shady said, "I will talk with King Arik personally."

A few moments later King Arik of Canissia answered his phone.

"Arik, dearest of all my friends...", President Shady greeted the King, "I have an offer for you, one that will perhaps help smooth the relationship between our two great nations and perhaps even ease some of the CATO-MESS tensions. My people have sent over a proposal for a Nuclear trans-continental train that would unite the Old Continent and it will go down in history as one of the technical wonders of the world. Our Idea was that the train would go from Byzantium to the UCSR to PeZookia and then into Canissia, from where it would continue into Shroomania. It is quite an awesome project and I want you and your country to be a part of it. So tell me, what do you think?"

Result: President Shady calls King Arik to make him an offer.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Coyote »

[since the MESS-CATO conference is in goddamn unreal time]

"Telephone, dear," Katerin said, handing him the scramble-frequency cell phone designated for USCR use. As it was, Arik was enjoying some down time with his kids, in particular Tristan, who was playing with his model railroad when Shady called.
"Arik, dearest of all my friends...", President Shady greeted the King, "I have an offer for you, one that will perhaps help smooth the relationship between our two great nations and perhaps even ease some of the CATO-MESS tensions. My people have sent over a proposal for a Nuclear trans-continental train that would unite the Old Continent and it will go down in history as one of the technical wonders of the world. Our Idea was that the train would go from Byzantium to the UCSR to PeZookia and then into Canissia, from where it would continue into Shroomania. It is quite an awesome project and I want you and your country to be a part of it. So tell me, what do you think?"
"A nuclear trans-continent train?" he said, surprised, his mind suddenly reeling at possibilities unrealized mere moments ago. He watched as Tristan's tiny replication of the 'Scorpian Coast Night Express' wound its way through papier-mache representation of the Tauron Mountains, something that would never have happened in real life.

"By the gods, I love that idea. You know, Shroom and I have been considering building a massive bridge between Canissia and Shroomania-- my Parliament gave the go-ahead but except for some survey work, not much has happened... maybe we can include this in the planning..." King Arik was no engineer; he knew that this would require some thought. He just felt that now, of all times, was the time to be seen building bridges.

"Count me on board, pun intended. When it's done, we should take a unity tour on the train and visit each country. Our security staffs will have fits, but that's half the fun. Yeah! I'm in!"
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by DarthShady »

Coyote wrote: "A nuclear trans-continent train?" he said, surprised, his mind suddenly reeling at possibilities unrealized mere moments ago. He watched as Tristan's tiny replication of the 'Scorpian Coast Night Express' wound its way through papier-mache representation of the Tauron Mountains, something that would never have happened in real life.

"By the gods, I love that idea. You know, Shroom and I have been considering building a massive bridge between Canissia and Shroomania-- my Parliament gave the go-ahead but except for some survey work, not much has happened... maybe we can include this in the planning..." King Arik was no engineer; he knew that this would require some thought. He just felt that now, of all times, was the time to be seen building bridges.

"Count me on board, pun intended. When it's done, we should take a unity tour on the train and visit each country. Our security staffs will have fits, but that's half the fun. Yeah! I'm in!"
"Good.", President Shady said with a smile, "We can let the experts work out the details of the arrangement and I'm sure Shroom will love the idea. I believe work should begin as soon as possible. This will be a glorious collaboration between Old Continent nations, one that will show our people that we want only peace and prosperity. And I like this Unity Tour idea, we can begin in Shroomania and work our way to Byzantium, it should be fun."

Shady paused for a moment, thinking he heard children in the background.

"Now, if there is nothing more, I leave you to play with your children.", he laughed, "They're not too much trouble I hope."

Results: Now that Coyote is on board, work on the nuclear trans-continental train can begin. :)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Lonestar »

Internal War Ministry Memo

Preliminary recommendations for postwar Sirnoth


The conflict in Sirnoth is fast approaching a conclusion, with the war proceeding much quicker than initial estimates. As a result not every aspect of post-war planning will be completed before the fall of the Cortes Regime. However, the Provisional Coalition Authority has already taken the following steps:

(1)Establishment of a 9-man committee to oversee the conduct of the occupation. The Committee will consist of 3 members from the OD, 1 member from the Principate of Augustine, 1 appointed from OICAS, One from the Shinra Republic, one from Tian Xia, and one from the Sirnothi Army of Liberation.

(2)The PCA has already brought into the country nearly 5,000 Gendarmes to aid in re-establishing civil order. Most of the Gendarmes are from OICAS member states other than the OD.

(3)The PCA has tentatively drawn up acquisition plans for a new Sirnothi Navy. The new Sirnothi Navy will be focused on maritime security rather than power projection, using frigates gifted by the Shinra Republic and Tian Xia. Similarily, the core of the new Sirnothi air force will be 26 F-39s gifted by the Old Dominion.

(4)Dominion Power and Electric has been awarded a no-bid contract to provide temporary electricity in certain areas of Baden, Neunkirchen, Württemberg, Al-Dathesda, and Srirangapattana(for full list of areas, click here). DP&E will use it's ubiquitous "mini-reactors" for providing electricity for important public services and facilities.

(5)Raytheon of Tian Xia has been awarded a contract to provide temporary clean water in certain areas until public water utilities have been restored.

In addition, we recommend the following with regards to the Cortes regime:

(1)The Sirnothi military will remain paid and put to work in the reconstruction effort. During the reconstruction effort the PCA will investigate war crimes and will try and execute the worst offenders.

(2)An immediate audit of all remaining Sirnothi military assets will take place. It is likely that virtually the entirety of the Sirnothi military will have to be re-equipped.

(3)The Cortes Regime has successfully marginalized the Dominionite and Sheppish minorities in Sirnoth. Indeed, many of the Dominionite refugees have expressed a desire to remain in the Old Dominion, as have a inconsequential number of Sheppish people. If these two minorities are to have their trust restored in the Sirnothi central government, than a head of state from one of those minorities will have to be appointed…

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

Indhopal and the NFT – At The Summit

In really unreal time.
Raj Ahten wrote:Christophe smiled slightly and said,
"Come on now. We both know the NFT is more than just a business venture. It is a political and military alliance with extremely close ties to CATO. You can't expect things between us to be as if we were both still in the FTO. Our joint military and business projects have a hell of cost domestically, not to mention internationally, and for them to continue the reactionaries want a buffer zone in case things become , ah, unpleasant. If you want the recent trade agreements and arms deals to actually get through parliament President Raj Ahten needs something really substantial to give them. Putting us in the loop, as you say, wouldn't be good enough. Not now that the FTO is finished.

And frankly I can hardly see how we could give you a better deal as it is. Indhopal has already agreed to continue to supply San Dorado with nuclear weapons despite the fact we are now a neutral nation. That right there could very well give the MESS a reason to attack. We've also just given you the mother of all arms contracts despite the fact that many other nations are quite willing to sell to us. Even Tian Xia was making offers. Then there is the fact that Indhopal agreed to complete economic integration with the NFT. Something like that never even came up when we were together in the FTO. Its another agreement that could very well jeopardize Indhopal's neutrality in the eyes of the more imperialistic MESS members.

Indhopal can do without these agreements if we need to. I'm not going to pretend that it wouldn't be expensive and painful but it could be done. If you say the NFT is all about business than do the numbers. Is the Occidental worth the friendship and treasure of Indhopal to you?"
“Two can play that game, Mr. Christophe.” Duquesne’s smile was gone entirely now, replaced by the perfectly smooth and neutral expression of the highly skilled saleswoman-stateswoman she was. The commissioner had stared down CSR bureaucrats in what had been a de facto miniature cold war. A part of her wondered if this meeting would end up steering continental relations in a similar direction. “These agreements between us go both ways. True, you supply us with our nuclear weapons, something which we greatly appreciate- but we pay you handsomely in return. It could be said that this is the money that allows you to pay for our weapons in the first place. Certainly I know we’re not selling at usual market prices.”

Duquesne leaned forward a bit. “Yes, it’s true that we stand to profit greatly from our agreements, Mr. Secretary, but remember that you stand to profit from it also, and perhaps to an even greater extent. And yet here you are, expecting us to double back from a long-term business plan with eight-digit investments already made, merely because you wish to appease some of your reactionaries. Reactionaries! And at the behest of these people you aggressively seek to infringe upon and limit our economic sphere of interest.

Mr. Christophe, this is insufferable, as I suspect you well realize. And if you truly want to go down this road, then I will remind you that you ought to be asking yourself the same questions you just asked me. Because, can Indhopal afford to lose the friendship of the NFT? Our economy has been positively roaring this last half-decade. The same thing can hardly be said of Indhopal’s. Your nation is freshly emerging from turmoil. We all know how fragile the economies of such states are. I’d hate to see what termination of our mutual ventures, and the flow of NFT cash, would do to the confidence of your consumers.

Make no mistake, we’d loathe to lose you as a customer, all the more since we at least have come to see Indhopal as a trustworthy partner and ally, on a continent where such partners are scarce. But we are not dependent on you, Mr. Christophe. Your business is good, but not so good you get to dictate terms to us. Anything we get from you, we can get from other sources. Including nukes. We’d prefer not to, but you know we could if you forced us to. And then we’d have to conclude—if you so easily placed a price on our nations’ friendship, it can’t have been worth much in the first place.”

Her eyes narrowed. “So, Mr. Christophe, in the interest of the both of us I suggest we forget this little bit of conversation ever happened and go back to looking for a solution to our predicament that will benefit all parties involved. Because I can assure you that should you wish to continue down this hard-talking road, it is likely you’ll be unpleasantly surprised by the results you’ll reap.”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

First Foundation stone in Canopiapolis laid.

The first stone in Canopiapolis has been laid down. The resort city, billed as a city to attract people of all ages to come and enjoy the Arabian beaches and the sea, was authorised for construction last year. After a year over of planning, the first government administration buildings will be constructed, and a high speed rail system will be constructed from Arabiapolis to Canopiapolis. The government indicates that the rail system will eventually connect with Jerusalem. The government indicates that companies from various nations are welcome to set up theme parks in Canopiapolis.

Government to boost education and poverty aid for the Syrian Caliphate.

The Syrian Caliphate, long a Byzantine protectorate, will receive a boost in education aid in the form of more scholarships for able Syrians to attend Byzantine universities, as well as a larger student exchange program. In addition, the Byzantine government will open a research grant program to fund researchers in Syria. The Byzantine government will also expand its poverty aid program to allow more Syrians to attend secular government schools as well.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Raj Ahten »

SiegeTank wrote:Indhopal and the NFT – At The Summit

In really unreal time.
Raj Ahten wrote:Christophe smiled slightly and said,
"Come on now. We both know the NFT is more than just a business venture. It is a political and military alliance with extremely close ties to CATO. You can't expect things between us to be as if we were both still in the FTO. Our joint military and business projects have a hell of cost domestically, not to mention internationally, and for them to continue the reactionaries want a buffer zone in case things become , ah, unpleasant. If you want the recent trade agreements and arms deals to actually get through parliament President Raj Ahten needs something really substantial to give them. Putting us in the loop, as you say, wouldn't be good enough. Not now that the FTO is finished.

And frankly I can hardly see how we could give you a better deal as it is. Indhopal has already agreed to continue to supply San Dorado with nuclear weapons despite the fact we are now a neutral nation. That right there could very well give the MESS a reason to attack. We've also just given you the mother of all arms contracts despite the fact that many other nations are quite willing to sell to us. Even Tian Xia was making offers. Then there is the fact that Indhopal agreed to complete economic integration with the NFT. Something like that never even came up when we were together in the FTO. Its another agreement that could very well jeopardize Indhopal's neutrality in the eyes of the more imperialistic MESS members.

Indhopal can do without these agreements if we need to. I'm not going to pretend that it wouldn't be expensive and painful but it could be done. If you say the NFT is all about business than do the numbers. Is the Occidental worth the friendship and treasure of Indhopal to you?"
“Two can play that game, Mr. Christophe.” Duquesne’s smile was gone entirely now, replaced by the perfectly smooth and neutral expression of the highly skilled saleswoman-stateswoman she was. The commissioner had stared down CSR bureaucrats in what had been a de facto miniature cold war. A part of her wondered if this meeting would end up steering continental relations in a similar direction. “These agreements between us go both ways. True, you supply us with our nuclear weapons, something which we greatly appreciate- but we pay you handsomely in return. It could be said that this is the money that allows you to pay for our weapons in the first place. Certainly I know we’re not selling at usual market prices.”

Duquesne leaned forward a bit. “Yes, it’s true that we stand to profit greatly from our agreements, Mr. Secretary, but remember that you stand to profit from it also, and perhaps to an even greater extent. And yet here you are, expecting us to double back from a long-term business plan with eight-digit investments already made, merely because you wish to appease some of your reactionaries. Reactionaries! And at the behest of these people you aggressively seek to infringe upon and limit our economic sphere of interest.

Mr. Christophe, this is insufferable, as I suspect you well realize. And if you truly want to go down this road, then I will remind you that you ought to be asking yourself the same questions you just asked me. Because, can Indhopal afford to lose the friendship of the NFT? Our economy has been positively roaring this last half-decade. The same thing can hardly be said of Indhopal’s. Your nation is freshly emerging from turmoil. We all know how fragile the economies of such states are. I’d hate to see what termination of our mutual ventures, and the flow of NFT cash, would do to the confidence of your consumers.

Make no mistake, we’d loathe to lose you as a customer, all the more since we at least have come to see Indhopal as a trustworthy partner and ally, on a continent where such partners are scarce. But we are not dependent on you, Mr. Christophe. Your business is good, but not so good you get to dictate terms to us. Anything we get from you, we can get from other sources. Including nukes. We’d prefer not to, but you know we could if you forced us to. And then we’d have to conclude—if you so easily placed a price on our nations’ friendship, it can’t have been worth much in the first place.”

Her eyes narrowed. “So, Mr. Christophe, in the interest of the both of us I suggest we forget this little bit of conversation ever happened and go back to looking for a solution to our predicament that will benefit all parties involved. Because I can assure you that should you wish to continue down this hard-talking road, it is likely you’ll be unpleasantly surprised by the results you’ll reap.”
"Those 'reactionaries,' as you call them, have a lock over a third of the seats in parliament and the old pro FTO bloc is now closely allied with them. They are demanding real concessions from you if they are to agree to the new treaties. That is the political reality in Indhopal. We can decide on anything in this room but if its not palatable to them it won't happen.

There's also no need for vague threats regarding Indhopal's economic and strategic situation. We are quite aware that CATO now controls the entire northeast of Frequesue. Given that many in Indhopal do openly say that San Dorado has 'joined the enemy' it should be considered remarkable that Indhopal is offering to continue our strategic partnerships with you at all. It's only our long friendship that has made any continued relationship possible.

The President still believes that our partnership is in Indhopal's interests otherwise I wouldn't be here. You said earlier we hadn't given you a good enough offer for what Indhopal wants in the Occidental. What would you consider acceptable?"

edit: To rid the post of Chistophe stuttering.
Last edited by Raj Ahten on 2009-05-04 11:40am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sith Marauder
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Fourth

Post by Siege »

Raj Ahten wrote:"Those 'reactionaries,' as you call them, have a lock over a third of the seats in parliament and the old pro FTO bloc is now closely allied with them. They are demanding real concessions from you if they are to agree to the new treaties. That is the political reality in Indhopal. We can decide on anything in this room but if its not palatable to them it won't happen.

There's also no need for vague threats regarding Indhopal's economic and strategic situation. We are quite aware that CATO now controls the entire northeast of Frequesue. Given that many in Indhopal do openly say that San Dorado has 'joined the enemy' it should be considered remarkable that Indhopal is offering to continue our strategic partnerships with you at all. It's only our long friendship that has made any continued relationship possible.

The President still believes that still believes our partnership is in Indhopal's interests otherwise I wouldn' be here. You said earlier we hadn't given you a good enough offer for what Indhopal wants in the Occidental. What would you consider acceptable?
Duquesne struggled to maintain her impassive expression, the faintest trace of irritability seeping into her voice as she replied. "First and foremost, CATO as such controls nothing on our continent. CATO is a multinational alliance with a mutual defense clause, not a monolithic colonial empire. The Indhopali reactionaries - a term which I remind you was used by yourself first - would do well to remember this before they break down in hysterics. Certainly Sabika and the Tanstaafl Raj have welcomed our change of allegiance, and they each have far more cause for concern than Indhopal does.

And on the subject of political realities, I can say to you right now that the Trust will never agree to simply relinquish Eastern Occidental to you. It doesn't matter what people in Indhopal say about San Dorado, or Coilerburg for that matter--one way or another it'll be unpalatable to the Syndicate.

So if it's a deal you want, here it is: Eastern Occidental remains completely autonomous, and is formally recognized as an independent state by Indhopal, San Dorado and Coilerburg. In return for that recognition the local government will ensure completely equal economic opportunities for Indhopali and NFT industries seeking to invest in the region. The region will be incorporated into the FEC, enjoying all the benefits of the free trade agreement. And if the local government asks for military assistance they will do so to a joint NFT-Indhopali body, which will work out the details of the if and how assistance is provided. No foreign troops will be stationed in Eastern Occidental, or cross into it, without unanimous approval from this body."

The commissioner folded her arms. "That's about the best I can do right now."
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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