SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

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SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Mr Bean »

We now return you to reality, all ready in progress.
Have at it

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Post by RogueIce »

The Midgar Times

The war is over - now what?
Sidney Harold, Times correspondent

The relatively brief but no less intense war between Shepistan and the Old Dominion is now over. The war, which saw the first major combined action by the MESS since the second world war, ended in an armistace signed by the Shepistani and Old Dominion governments.

Many question what was gained by this war, especially in light of how much was lost. The major change, it seems, is that Shepistan must now limit its military in proportion to the Old Dominion, but no one is really sure how this "80% percent" will be measured. While observers from the IRT and MESS will 'enforce' this clause, most analysts believe that the ambiguities of the agreement will be a source of much consternation. One can only hope that there exists a seperate document, perhaps not released to the public, that could resolve these possible issues.

Why did the Republic wait?
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Post by TimothyC »

President Cizadlo was tired.

It had been a long day of meetings ranging from his daily security briefing, to a meeting with the leaders of the Alaskan Indigenous Party*, he was ready for sleep, until he noticed the document sitting on his "Work Desk" in the small apartment he kept in Fairbanks. As he looked at the document he began to read the summary:

Alaskan Armed Forces Joint Command
Operational Force Realignment
2010 - 2020

1. Army:
A. Conversion of 1 (one) Motorized Infantry Brigade (Reserve) to 1 (one) Air Defense Brigade (Reserve)
B. Conversion of 1 (one) Motorized Infantry Brigade (Reserve) to 1 (one) Coastal Artillery Brigade (Reserve)

2. Navy:
A. Continue Procurement of F-100 Class Frigate, Evaluate expanding procurement to 12-15 units
B. Convert OHP Class to VLS, and reequip with ESSM, VLH, and VLA
C. Convert Cosette Class to VLS, and reequip with ESSM, VLH, and VLA
D. Evaluate, and decide upon Cosette Class Replacement
E. Upgrades to Alaskan Civil Transport Department, SeaRAM and Helicopter support is vital
F. AOE/AOK procurement of roughly 3-5 units

3. Air Forces (including Naval Aviation, and Army Aviation):
A. Procure Turbo-Marlin Replacement immediately
B. Procure Turbo-Catalina Replacement (2020+)
C. Reduce V-142 procurement to 44 CV units, and 35 SV
D. Procure S-70 Replacement (2015+)
E. Procure H-53 Replacement (2015+)
F. Increase KC-77C Fleet to 32 Units to Replace KC-10B
G. Increase C-77A Fleet to 36 Units to Replace C-141D
H. Sell or Scrap KC-10B to reduce total diversity of units
I. Reduce C-141D Fleet to 16 Active Duty and 8 Reserve
J. PB-58J to be converted to CB/VB/KB-58J
K. Oldest B-58J to be converted to EB/FB-58J
L. B-58L to replace B-58J in Strike Role
M. IJ-75 to Replace F-101G in Active Duty
N. F-101G to Replace F-86Z in Reserve Duty
O. Sell ~90 F-86Z and one Production Line to undetermined Bidder
P. Retask remaining ~30 F-86Z for special missions
Q. Increase F-106H/J Fleet to 64-72 units

As he closed the report, Timothy thought it over, and came to the conclusion that he would have to contact the IRT about a new line of flying boats. Or the CSR - Their A-40 looked like it had potential.

*The AIP is one of 5 main political parties in Alaska - The others (from a Right to Left order) are Conservative (35%), Labor (20%), Liberal (25%), and Green (5%). The AIP represents less than 5% of the vote, but it's concentration on the less populous areas allows it to punch above it's weight.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Byzantine Port of Constantinople

The trio of Visby class corvettes outfitted for ASW, together with a small fleet tender and a frigate IBNS Corona and 2 salvage vessels headed out. The salvage vessels were themselves equipped with active sonar meant to map out the seabed. They headed out for Shroomania to rendezvous with their counterparts.

Silently trailing them was the IBNS Courageous, a Mediterranean (Seawolf) class submarine, would silently trail the motley collection of ships. Its sonar operators alert for any sounds.


In President Hank's room

Decius drank his wine and smiled, "I think we have come to a certain measure of each other, Mr President. Perhaps a visit by the Emperor would indeed be fruitful.

While we have our.. disagreements, I do concur that my CSR colleagues might have been.. a tad too heavy handed. Though at the least, you don't have another failed state to add to the long list.

I am also inclined to put forward a proposal, perhaps the SNC and FTO can come to an agreement, in which both sides would collaborate in various bilateral projects, and that there would be a tacit agreement to not interfere with policies on either continent.

As for PRSF, I'm not sure what I can do to dissuade my colleagues from overdoing themselves. I am tempted to add a clause whereby both sides would not deploy strategic weapons on PRSF soil, but that hinges on a separate agreement between you, the FTO and CSR.

Byzantium would certainly never deploy strategic weapons on Frequesue soil, and you have my word on that.

What say you?"
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Post by Coiler »

"So this is your favorite naval battle, a place called-Jutland, in 1916?"

"Yes, Willi. It's funny how it compares with Cape Heral, how one was so indecisive and the other so decisive. And the commanders-if von Schrom had been in Jellicoe's place, there wouldn't be a High Seas Fleet left after that battle."

The exiled president was speaking to General Helmut more than one would expect, and for one specific reason-he had come from another world, and could inform them about that world's history.

It was very fascinating, and of course no word of it could be breathed of it to others....

(OOC: Cape Heral is the battle of July 16, 1908 that resulted in the decisive destruction of the Shadow and Khitan fleets)
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Evening News, Blue Sun Television (BSTV)

"Good evening, this is Melissa Belle. Welcome back to Evening News

"His Majesty King Yenchin attended the last day of the Spring Session in the Legislative Hall. Before the King's closing comments, a moment of silence was dedicated to commemorate the Fallen Ones during the MESS/Shep War, which ended earlier this week.

"In the comments, the King stated that he had no intention to resign the Kingdom from the MESS, and in the future when duty calls, troops will still be sent. This caused a small fuss within the Legislatives and various Pan-Pacifica supporters immediately left the Hall.

"The King explained that with various achievements in humanity, the world was becoming a smaller place. The fact that MESS members were all over the globe strengthened this idea. And numerous benefits have fruited from the alliance. He also addressed the Pan-Pacifica idea of allying with Alaska, Cascadia, and Zoria mentioning that while they were not MESS members, the King himself and the Kingdom's MESSamerican Bill had already treated them as close brothers as well. So currently there was no point to form an alliance.

"The King finally thanked the Executives and Legs for fleshing out details of various policies, and provided time for questions from the Legs.

"Legislative Keiji Mutoh asked the King to comment on his behavior during the past two years, mentioning a 'radical difference'. The King replied that the world had changed radically as well during the last two years. He was adapting to it for the benefits of the Kingdom.

"Legislative Sarah Reese asked the King that with most of the MESS Special budget transferred to the Immediate Relief and Recovery Fund, how would the Kingdom handle important MESS issues for the rest of the year. The King said that the Secondary Special Budget would be the legal and reasonable choice. Ms. Reese then asked that whether the MESS Special would be reduced next year, the King replied that he had no intent to do so.

"A few more questions were asked and replied, and the session ended at six o'clock in the evening. For further information and a full transcript of the Session, please visit our website at NovaTerran Web dot BSTV dot co."

"Business news, the Blue Sun Corporation has.........."
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Post by Siege »

At the Frequesuan Neutrality Conference
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Decius drank his wine and smiled, "I think we have come to a certain measure of each other, Mr President. Perhaps a visit by the Emperor would indeed be fruitful.

While we have our.. disagreements, I do concur that my CSR colleagues might have been.. a tad too heavy handed. Though at the least, you don't have another failed state to add to the long list.

I am also inclined to put forward a proposal, perhaps the SNC and FTO can come to an agreement, in which both sides would collaborate in various bilateral projects, and that there would be a tacit agreement to not interfere with policies on either continent.

As for PRSF, I'm not sure what I can do to dissuade my colleagues from overdoing themselves. I am tempted to add a clause whereby both sides would not deploy strategic weapons on PRSF soil, but that hinges on a separate agreement between you, the FTO and CSR.

Byzantium would certainly never deploy strategic weapons on Frequesue soil, and you have my word on that.

What say you?"
The President beamed, and raised his own glass of wine in a toast. “Mr. Exarch, that’s the best thing I’ve heard on this conference thus far. No-one is served by more conflict on our continent -- or the proliferation of strategic weapons, for that matter -- so I think I can safely speak for our strategic partners when I say that if we could come to some sort of accord with the CSR, that would be ideal for all parties involved.

In the past, motives were misinterpreted, and mistakes were made, which lead to mutual distrust. If the FTO and CSR could come together on a few key points, we can use that to build an understanding and renew our trust in each other.”

Then his smile widened into a knowing smirk. “Finally, in return, I can promise you faithfully that we will never deploy strategic weapons on the Old Continent. It might not be much, but there you have it. Cheers, Mr. Exarch. To a long and fruitful association, for the both of us and all others!”
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Post by Zor »

Union Press

Royal Visit to Serenity Announced

Atlantica Palace, Port Victory-Today, his majesty the King has announced plans to visit the Kingdom of Serenity for nogotiations over a possible "Pax Pacifica" pact that has been proposed. "We are not signing any deals yet" His majesty told the press "But the idea looks promising so far."

Nygaardsvold Delivers it's first Timber Shipment

Nygaardsvold Island, Dragonsnake River Delta, Velaria-Today was a well celebrated day at Nygaardsvold Island as the first Shipment of nearly 10,000 tonnes of Lumber was loaded onto the Frieghter Skipray to be shipped back to the Homeland. Even though their copacities are at this point rather limmited and as of yet can only provide debarked logs and the facillity's docks are incomplete forcing the lumber to be loaded onto the craft using barges, the value of the tropical hardwoods is considerable and this first shipment is well ahead of shedual. It is expected that the facillity will at this point be able to deliver a coprable load of timber once a month at present copacity and twice a month in a years time.
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Post by Karmic Knight »

Portrait of A Monarch
by: Jason Arthur

King Brandon, during the December 2007, Republican Revolution, in the Republican National Congressional Hall, Azzan

His Majesty, Brandon Michael, King of Vineyards, the leader of the Vinish People, is not well known amongst the people of Mining Country. We only know our Monarch in terms of Vinish T-80 tanks storming through the mountains. I am here to tell you that King Brandon is just what we need for freedom and liberty. He may have supported the Federated Republican plan for destroying the massively militaristic Victory Front.

His Majesty has even begun to show support of the Independence Movement, proposing the Articles of Union that would give us, the people of the Mining Country, an independent government. While it is not what groups like the INDEPENDENCE CORPS, the Victory Front, and Killswitch, would want, it is the providing us with a chance at self rule. No longer shall we have the evils of the Federated Governor, Silvio Markus, or Gizmonic Mining’s Leader Joel Hodgeson VI, whom are willing to gas their people under the guise of ‘pest control.’

King Brandon has been a staunch supporter of the Articles, since even before he was made King of Vineyards in December of 2007. During his Republican Revolution, he had worked with groups like the Society for a Peaceful independence, this group went so far as to adopt their party name, Republican, into their organization’s title, to provide a distraction for his major coup of the authoritarian King Jeffery. During this period, King Brandon pledged to provide the Mining Country with their own, unified government, and the Articles are it.

Join the people in supporting the Articles of Union, and their ratification date, which you can find from your local government.

Jason Arthur is a leader in the Republican Movement for Democratic Change in the Mining Country
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

New Destroyer Program delayed

The Destroyer Program has been delayed, pending design changes to accommodate new technology from the MESS New Horizon Program. The new destroyers are expected to be easily reconfigured to accept the new technology. "The keel hasn't been laid, since we are still reconfiguring the machinery to produce the new destroyers, but we should be able to lay them by midyear," said a Constantinople Shipyard spokesman. The new destroyers are expected to receive the newer VLS system, along with the newer SPY-3 radar that would radically boost the effectiveness of the destroyers. Rumours are abound that Byzantium has also invested in the OTH radar systems from Wilkonia as well.

More missile production licenses to be acquired from Tian Xia

Missile production licenses for missiles such as TACMS-P and JASSM-ER, will be acquired from Tian Xia in an undisclosed deal. The Ministry of Defence has also sent note that it would like its F-14E order to be upgraded to F-14F.

When asked why the military was operating a combination of MESS and CSR weapons, the military promptly replied that the local military industry takes pride in the fact that they have worked on integrating weapons from both sides for decades. TU-160BMs can be reconfigured to fire MESS weapons if required, for example.
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Post by PeZook »


Internal Report: PeZookia's Civil Defence System

Prepared by the Interior Ministry on request of the Royal Office

Section A: Introduction

PeZookia's civil defence system is composed of the following elements: maintenance of a widescale ready reserve force, emergency warning system, general education, shelter system and emergency services.

The system's principal roles include protection from natural disasters, terrorist attacks, industrial accidents, common accidents and foreign occupation. The main goal in all these cases except defence from occupation is physical protection of the PeZookian people. In the last case, the main coal is preservation of the national identity and culture, as well as eventual regaining of national independence.

Section B: Elements of the system

I. Maintenance of a widescale ready reserve

All PeZookian men and 20% of the women (percentage is currently on the rise) below the age of 65 are considered parts of the ready reserve, unless they are afflicted by a disease which makes it impossible for them to serve in the military.

Reservists are categorized thusly:

A category reservists are age 20-40 (total number: 6 423 200 reservists), healthy, young and with expectance of having received their training relatively recently.

B category reservists are age 40-59 healthy (total number: 5 063 234 reservists) or age 20-40 with minor health problems. They are classed as a lower category, since their training has been issued much earlier, and they are not expected to actively participate in outdoor shooting clubs.

C category reservists are only seen as fit for support duty. All citizens between the ages of 59-65 are considered C class reservists, as well as citizens from age 20 to 59 with significant, but not crippling health problems.

Reserves are created and maintained from a very young age. First, the government maintains swimming pools in all town above 5000 population, and a football field in every gmina (the smallest administrative unit: there are over 2400 public footbal fields in PeZookia). All schoolchildren aged 10 and above are actively encouraged to participate in sports, and PE classes are designed first around familiarizing the children with games and their rules, and later - upon ensuring the children can maintain fitness on their own.

Members of national football or swimmer clubs receive many benefits from the state, from discounts on public transit, through free cinema tickets to tax breaks.

From the age of 14 and above (the high school age), children are required to pass civil defence classes as part of the curriculum. These classes include familiarization with shooting a sporting rifle. High school students are also encouraged to join paintball and airsoft clubs: national leagues exist in PeZookia for both these sports, and government-sponsored high school teams learn actual military tactics during their operation.

The matura exam (high school finals) include civil defence as a mandatory subject.

Upon reaching 18 years of age, all PeZookians are inducted into the military. They spend their last summer break (two months) on basic training. When they qualify, they are released from the military, and required to periodically requalify with an assault rifle at the nearest military range or shooting club.

University students have to pass a stringent exam at a specially designed, advanced course in civil defence, which includes elements of crisis management, logistics and military science.

In practice, the nominal size of the ready reserve is about 5% smaller, due to various medical exceptions, dropouts from the program, or psychiatric evaluations deeming the child too unstable to be given a weapon.

II.Emergency warning system

The PeZookian EWS uses all media in the country. Every electronic device sold after 1990 is required by law to include an "activation chip", which activates a TV or radio set upon detection of the National Emergency Signal. The cell phone system also has in-built capability for sending an emergency SMS message to all cellurar phones registered in the country, which also delivers information on adress of the nearest shelter.

This allows even citizens who are not, at the time, using their TV or radio sets, to receive an emergency message immediately.

Civil Defence Warnings are also broadcast using siren systems and, if necessary, mobile PA units equipped with loudspeakers, maintained in most large cities. During excercises, however, the self-activating TVs, radios and cell phone SMS messages proved to be the most effective means of warning the populace of attacks.

All PeZookians had to pass civil defence classes (in case of university graduates - twice), thus are well-acquianted with the system, and yearly drills are designed to refresh the public's knowledge of the general workings of the civil defence system.

III.General Education

As mentioned in sub-section I, all high school and university graduates had to pass mandatory civil defence classes, ending with final exams. These classes teach first aid, national emergency warning signals, locations of nearby bomb shelters, techniques for securing dwellings against chemical or biological attack, proper behavior during a crisis and other matters related to national and civil defence.

University-level courses prepare students to take a leadership role during a crisis: they learn crisis management, logistics, elements of military science, relief techniques, etc.

The general education system is also charged with maintenance of high physical standards for all PeZookians: it is aided by heavy tax on "junk foods". Home economics and PE classes also teach how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. High school and university students are also highly encouraged to join sports teams, with football fields and swimming pools available to the public for only a small fee, waived for the lowest-income families.

IV: Shelter system

Bomb shelters are prevalent in PeZookian cities, with more than 45 thousand such structures of varying capacity and toughness present everywhere. All schools and government buildings are required to have one, and private citizens receive tax breaks for reinforcing parts of their household to bomb shelter standards.

Not many of those, however, are rated against chemical and biological weapons. Despite ongoing investment, only 5% of the entire shelter network can be expected to protect its inhabitants from such attacks.

Maintenance of the shelters is split between the general government, local government and private organizations. Strict standards are maintained on all such construction, and heavy fines threaten anyone who uses the shelter under their management improperly.

V: Emergency services

PeZookia maintains well-equipped emergency services, performing yearly civil defence drills. In accordnance with expected threats, all services are geared towards fighting natural disasters and chemical attack first and foremost.

Reservists can be called up at any time to help handle natural disasters ; Yearly drills often incorporate a certain number of reservists as a matter of course, helping maintain a well-prepared populace, with portions of the overall reservist corps posessing up-to-date training at all times.

Section C: Military preparadness

While the PeZookian Armed Forces are expected to defend the nation's borders, the government is fully prepared for an eventuality when the country is overrun and under occupation.

The civil defence system is in such cases tasked with preparing and supporting a guerilla campaign against the occupier, in co-ordination with our allies. Stocks of weapons and ammunition are scattered throughout the country, with specially designated military officers knowing their locations.

An entire reinforced brigade of light infantry is constantly preparing to organize and lead an insurgency, developing tactics and effective combat techniques for such an environment. If a real possibility exists of a total defeat of the regular armed forces, this brigade will be disbanded, its soldiers given false identities (made easier by the planned introduction of an electronic ID) and expected to organize a guerilla network. Thus, any occupier will have to face a disciplined, well-organized and led insurgency group, benefitting from years of preparation, with pre-positioned stocks of weapons, ammunition, explosives and even body armor, night vision and hi-tech communications gear.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

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Post by Siege »

Hazardous Materials

La Palma Petrochemical Harbor

SS Dog of Two Head

The Canissian chemical tanker SS Dog of Two Head had lumbered into port the previous day, and had been meticulously tied up at one of the more remote piers. Harbor guards had taken up position during the night, and at the break of dawn the following day, a special chemical train arrived. Men and women in protective suits began quickly loading the cargo off the ship and onto the train.

The Dog of Two Head carried waste, chemical waste to be precise, fluoride and other effluent from the Canissian chemical laser program. It had come all the way from the Old Continent to be disposed here, in San Dorado. That was one of the key elements of the agreement between the two nations: San Dorado was allowed to buy itself into the THEL program, and in return it disposed of the waste products.

Getting the train to the disposal site was not as easy as it seemed. Considering the hazardous cargo the Board would not allow it to pass through densely populated areas -- the mere thought of a train full of fluoride stranding downtown San Dorado City in the middle of a riot was enough to give more responsible Board members seizures. So Universal Rail drew up a meandering route that took the train from the harbor through the Sprawl and finally to the disposal site – at the Power Tower.

Geothermal Plants at Site 35, somewhere on the Power Tower

The Power Tower was one of San Dorado’s 10 spectacle sights of the city, a huge controlled volcano on the outskirts of the Kirkwood Mountains. It was by far the largest geothermal energy plant in the world, single-handedly responsible for sating the city-state’s enormous lust for power. Pumping stations routed millions of liters of water from the Dodson River up to the concrete-covered mountain, where hundreds of largely automated geothermal energy stations turned that water into steam, which in turn drove the turbines that produced the copious amounts of energy San Dorado needed.

The train came to a halt in a cavernous bay somewhere halfway up the mountain. Site 59 was situated at one of the volcano’s three parasitic cones. The crew evacuated the train, huge blast doors slid open and exposed the room to the full heat of the bubbling orange-hot magma below. Remote-operated hydraulics came alive, valves slid open, and the tank cars began to unceremoniously dump their hazardous cargo down the vent, into the magma waiting below. The bay was fully sealed: all the air would be rerouted through a series of secondary and tertiary incinerators to ensure no traces of dangerous chemicals would remain in the air. Soon, the blast doors would shut, hazmat crews would clean out the last traces from the wagons, and the Tower would take care of the rest.

Until the next shipment, San Dorado had done its part, again, for a tidy profit.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Post by Siege »

Advertisement placed in law enforcement magazines worldwide

The ElectroFist™: Another quality product from Ralson Concerns Ltd. LAW-line!


For more than 50 years Ralson Concerns Ltd. has provided small arms systems that have met the strict demands of security, police, special and military forces worldwide.

In its ten years of service, the Ralson LEB(E)2A3 Nightstick™ electrified baton has seen service in police and paramilitary forces the world over. It was designed to deliver with surgical accuracy a carefully tailored electric shock in order to incapacitate evil-doers and rabble-rousers. This highly successful product has been the flagship of the LAW-line of law enforcement products for many a year.

But now, Ralson Concerns is proud to introduce the successor to the ever-popular Nightstick: the LEG(E)1A1 ElectroFist™. Built into these gauntlets are a high-density light-weight battery system and insulated wiring that enable the surging of electricity to a number of conductive contact points on the Fist. Thus, police officers are able to deliver electrical shocks to wayward citizens with a mere touch of their gauntleted fingers!

The ElectroFist is the first product to be outfitted with Ralson Concerns’ patented dial-a-charge feature, offering the law enforcement professional the choice to administer anything from a low-voltage jolt that will encourage the obnoxious citizen to ‘move along, nothing to see here’, to a permanently-incapacitating high-voltage, high-amperage shock.

The LEG(E)1A1 is manufactured out of high-quality Kevlar and is internally cushioned against heavy blows. Insulation shields the officer from heat, cold and electricity. The ElectroFist has a crisp plastic charge dial including safety switch, and besides a selection of different sizes and colors, the user can also choose from a wide range of specialist accessories.

The ElectroFist™ 1A2

In developing the LEG(E)1A2 ElectroFist™, Ralson Concerns pursued a single goal: To start off where the 1A1 ElectroFist had already reached its limits. The result: Improved combat efficiency “Made in San Dorado”.

The ElectroFist 1A2 was developed at the request of the Armed Interdiction Police (AIP) Silver TAC units, but is now available for export world-wide. As a highly specialized infiltration tool, the contact points in the Fist have been tripled in number. And apart from all the functionality of the 1A1, the contact points of the 1A2 double as powerful electromagnets, enabling the wearer to scale metallic surfaces, deflect metallic objects, and potentially affect the course of bullets.

In all of the durability and extreme conditions tests it has undergone, the ElectroFist 1A2 has demonstrated that the systems impeccable combat efficiency is an all round success.

With the ElectroFist™ series, Ralson Concerns Ltd. starts off looking for solutions where others have long since given up!

The ElectroFist™ is available for worldwide export. Ask your precinct for availability today, or contact Ralson Concerns!
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »



In the spring of 2009, the ports of Shroomania were opened, and thousands of Shadows set sail for the Sovereignty. They came in search of the Shroomanian Dream.

One of them found it on the sun-washed avenues of Farbanti... wealth, power and passion beyond his wildest dreams.

He was Shady Montana. The world will remember him by another name...

He loved the Shroomanian Dream.

With a vengeance.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by RogueIce »

Shinra Broadcasting Corporation - Breaking News Alert

Word has been released from the President's office that President Rufus Shinra will have a televised interview with William Johnson of SBC News. Details are currently being worked out between SBC News and the presidential staff. Stay tuned for more...
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

New Neo Yokohama News Report
Japanistan Emperor to pledge 200,000 volunteers to rebuild Shepistan!

While ships of supplies and material are already enroute, sources have revealed to New Neo Yokohama News that the Emperor is imminently planning to call for 200,000 workers to travel to Shepistan for 3-6 month stints of rebuilding. Reportedly the labor will be recruited from the Youth Corps, the Criminal Punishment System and reserve and militia units of the glorious armed forces. Camps are already being prepared for their arrival.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by Beowulf »

Development site B
Desert Mountains of SW Shinra

The test shot was ready. This was the last test before the full up tests of the Reaction Weapon. After a short countdown, the words "Fire in the hole" could be heard. A set of contacts were touched, resulting in a coil of wire getting energized, followed by an explosive charge sequentially compressing the coil. This caused a rapid spike in the current and voltage inside the coil, converting the chemical energy of the explosive into electrical energy. This energy was all to be used for a single purpose: the precise detonation of the next stage.

Electricity from the generator sped down a set of precisely cut wires, until it reached a thin foil membrane, instantly vaporizing it. That vaporized foil accelerated another piece of foil to a small piece of explosive. That then detonated, causing the precisely cast piece of explosive it was inserted into to explode. That explosive had been designed to effectively invert the spherically expanding detonation to a spherically imploding detonation. This detonation accelerated a hollow shell of rhenium-tungsten alloy and beryllium to very high velocities. This shell smashed into another spherical shell of depleted uranium, which imploded as well, compressing the entire assembly to twice it's normal density, before destroying itself from uneveness in the shockwaves.

After it was done, the technicians from the Tian Xia Special Weapons Corps dug through the wreckage to confirm that the experiment had worked properly. Altogether, the experiment would have resulted in only the smallest of blips on the closest seismographs. The entire assembly had weighed only 500 lbs before the test.

Tomorrow's test would take place in a shaft that had been drilled into the mountain.


Ares Blog

In a surprising move, additional F-15s have been ordered by the TXAF. It's possible that with closure of the OD bases as a result of the Shepistan-OD peace treaty, that the F-21 will be retired, and the wings converted to F-15s.

It is known that several new bases are being constructed in Tian Xia. They are apparently being designed for self sufficiency, with the construction of nuclear reactors being sighted. This is a somewhat surprising move, given the recent increases in the cost of nuclear fuel.

The first YF-14F test article flew earlier this week. It surprised observers with it's nearly completely redesigned fuselage, which makes the FAST packs earlier bought for the F-14Es completely unusable. The primary reason for this is the fact that it now has a internal weapons bay situated where the tunnel was formerly located. This weapons bay is claimed to be large enough to carry a pair of 5000 lb bombs, or 4 2000 lb bombs. The plane appears to not be constructed out of aluminum, indicating that it's designed for much higher top speeds. Subtler changes in the design can also be noted. The engine nacelles are more slab sided at the tail, and they feature a bit of a angle from vertical. The wing appears to be thicker, possibly to provide more fuel capacity. The vertical tails also are canted from vertical, possibly for signature reduction. What is known is that it will be powered using the same F120 engines that power the B-1C and the F-22.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

The Ashford Times

Shepistan to be offered aircraft, surface ships, surplus tanks; Old Dominion to be offered anti-aircraft guns and more aircraft and tanks

ASHFORD CITY - In the aftermath of the Shepistan-Old Dominion war, the Duchy of Langley has stepped into the fray to help resupply the militaries of both nations, which were drained significantly despite the brief duration of the conflict.

The Shepistani Air Force's front-line units largely operate a mixed bag of older yet still highly-capable designs, most notably the B-56 Stratojet bomber and F-106H Delta Dart interceptor. However, the Air Force Reserves are stuck with operating F-84 Thunderjets, many of which date all the way back to the 1960s; large numbers of airframes are stricken from service each year due to fatigue limits, and equally large numbers were lost to the Old Dominion and its MESS allies. Likewise, the Shepistani Civilian Air Patrol flies refurbished MiG-15s and MiG-17s, which did not acquit themselves well against MESS forces when pressed into battle. The Old Dominion, on the other hand, operates a highly sophisticated air force with the latest in military aircraft, namely the JAS 39 Gripen (designated F-39 Griffin); however, its flight training service seems to be somewhat understrength, with only small numbers of Super Tucano and Hawk trainers.

The backbone of Shepistan's armored corps is a mix of older designs that have been heavily modernized, ranging from 1950s-vintage T-55s and M48s to somewhat more recent designs such as the M60 and T-72. The Old Dominion largely uses the Leopard 2A6, with small numbers of the Chieftain MBT still remaining in service and due to be replaced.

The pride of the Shepistani navy has always been its submarines, with an ever-growing number of nuclear subs being added to the fleet as the years go by; only the best and brightest of officers and sailors have the honor of serving on Shepistani subs. By contrast, the Shepistani surface fleet is utterly neglected, with only two barely-functioning destroyers and a handful of smaller combat craft, all crewed by rejects from the sub navy; one destroyer exploded in port and was lost, while another is currently a dead hulk due to engineering problems. The Old Dominion, on the other, keeps a well-balanced and well-maintained navy with a variety of submarines and surface craft, including a pair of nuclear aircraft carriers; one of these, the Lord Fairfax, sustained heavy damage during the war.

The Duchy of Langley is prepared to offer a truly comprehensive arms package to Shepistan. Foremost is a proposal for Kyoto Aviation's T-50 Golden Eagle trainer/light attacker to replace the Shepistani Air Force Reserves' F-84s; Super Tucanos are also being offered to supplant the SCAP's MiGs. As the M60s currently serving with the Langley Army and Marine Corps are due to be replaced with the K2 Black Panther, the Langley Department of Defense has offered to give the M60s to the Shepistani Army to replace losses sustained in battle as soon as they become available. The Super Dvora Mark III class patrol boat, Sa'ar 4.5 class missile boat, and Sa'ar 5 class corvette are all being offered to replace the entirety of Shepistan's dimunitive surface navy. Of course, final approval of this offer is up to the Shepistani government, and the offer may be modified to better satisfy MESS auditors, who have been tasked with overlooking the size and budget of Shepistan's military as part of the terms of the armistice between it and the Old Dominion.

While Langley may not have much to offer to the Old Dominion by comparison, it is still capable of giving a fair amount to its much larger contemporary on the world stage. Most significantly, Morgenroete Incorporated is prepared to sell the Skyshield anti-aircraft gun system to the Old Dominion military to fulfill its requirement for a land-based point defense system. T-50 Golden Eagles and Super Tucanos are also on the table to supplant the Old Dominion Air Force's training corps. While the Old Dominion Army is seemingly intent on replacing its Chieftains with more Leopard 2A6s, Morgenroete is also prepared to sell the K2 Black Panther as an alternative replacement and as a supplement to the Old Dominion's existing Leopard 2A6s; however, final approval for such a proposal may need to be sought from the government of Byzantium, which sold the license to produce K2s to the Langley government last year.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Post by PeZook »

Montalba, Astaria - Hillside District

Maciek was a mathematics student, one of the young people kidnapped nearly six months ago from PeZookia and shipped across the ocean towards their new life. Now he was a household slave, purchased by a middle-class family too poor to afford a legal slave, but too proud to let their neighbors have one while they did not.

They didn't ask many questions when they made the purchase - a particularly good deal, the salesman said, a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. Maciek turned out to be very cheap for an educated slave, and the Millers wanted one real bad.

He had to remind himself that he lucked out, really. He expected to end up in some horrible sweatshop somewhere, locked up throughout the days and constantly abused. The girls would have it even worse, naturally - even if they ended up in Astarian households, they would have to deal with sexual abuse in addition to the usual humilitation. Compared to that, having to put up with constant racial slurs and the occasional beating was nothing, really.

Especially since Maciek quickly began to figure out his new masters. They were arrogant, first of all. There was little love in this household, and his masters got into fights constantly, and spent most of their time locked in a race for prestige with their neighbors.

They had children, second of all, and tutoring them was one of Maciek's major roles in this household. He made sure the kids liked him, and did a good job teaching them maths and physics - and their parents were satisfied they didn't have to bother. He also worked the parents: he played submissive and obedient, sometimes complimenting the wife, other times making sure the husband had anything he needed when he came back from work. Day by day, the abuse lessened, and Maciek found himself in charge of more and more common household duties.

He was a smart man, and despite the...rather thorough "breaking in" process he received back in Sjenska, spending a month in relative safety was slowly chipping away at his conditioning. He managed to acquire a few books on Astaria, and read them all, and he quickly figured out how slavery actually worked here. As time passed, his masters became lax in their supervision, and the children treated him like his friend, not a subordinate.

After two months of captivity, his plan was almost ready.

Bleak Castle

"We've identified the creosote - it's a special brand, used in harbors to protect wood from saltwater.", inspector Gralewski announced at the morning briefing.

"Are you certain?", came the obvious question

"Definitely. I have submitted a report to the BOSS investigation team. The box was also contaminated with some common pollutants, as you are aware. While the cigars were purchased in Montalba, it was obvious they spent some time at a rather dirty harbor. Captain Whitcomb has pin-pointed Sweethaven as a possible location."

"It certainly fits the profile", Whitcomb interjected, "Polluted and corrupt. It's a good place to smuggle a bunch of slaves into Astaria, if you know what you're doing."

The Astarians took notes and nodded to themselves. It was soon agreed that the National Police would be brought in on the investigation, and sniff around in Sweethaven. This was their most promising lead in this case so far - the tobacconist did not remember who bought the cigars, and he kept no detailed records of his transactions. While BOSS was checking out most repeat customers, this would take time and had no guarantees of finding any suspects.

"There is another matter I'd like to discuss today", said comissar Watroba when discussion on Sweethaven died down,"I'd like to suggest we issue photographs of all the victims to the National Police."

"I think we have agreed this would needlessly endanger the victims.", one of the Astarian investigators replied

"Yes, but with the amount of time that has passed since the kidnapping, it is probable most of the students were sold off to end customers already. Unless we post their pictures everywhere, nobody will know the police are searching for them, and the end customers are far less likely to murder them once they think they might be caught."

"You are aware, comissar, that police officers have friends and families, right? The information will leak out."

"Of course. But you do have a computerized database of wanted suspects, right? And if slaves go outside, their handlers or supervisors have to carry their papers?"

"This is correct. I see what you mean, comissar. We'll enter the photographs into the database, and no patrol officer will have to see the photos..."

"...but if any check a slave's papers, the database will tell him to detain him. Yes, this should work.", Whitcomb agreed with his colleague. The meeting was adjourned shortly afterwards.

"Good job, Damian", Sebastian said to his colleague as everybody was getting up to leave

Sweethaven, Astaria

It was a really bad day for Thomas Guyile, chief customs inspector in Sweethaven. First he had to deal with a very irate Shepistani freighter captain, and now two police detectives paid him a visit. He wondered if he offended some higher up lately.

The worst thing, though, was how goddamned persistent those two jokers were. He was already developing a headache.

"I'm sure you keep some records on hand, inspector.", it was the taller cop who said that, while his friend kept looking around the inspector's officer.

"Of course not! I can't have such important papers just laying around!"

"Truly? Nothing? There are no easily accessible data we could check?", the cop was smiling nicely, but it was obvious he was looking for just one single slip-up.

"No. I will retrieve the information from our archives, but it will take a couple of days. Perhaps you did not understand me the last time I said that?"

"Yes, yes...I did, naturally...", the tall cop continued. His friend started flipping through a random book he pulled off the inspector's shelf.

"Hey! Tell your friend to leave that be!"

"Sorry", the shorter cop said and put the book back

"Now, gentlemen, I think you've taken enough of my time. The door's right over there."

Both cops left after that, thankfully. The inspector cringed and swallowed a painkiller pill.

Now how the hell do I alter the records so that they don't find anything?, he thought to himself. He was paid very well to conceal the illegal slave shipments and was good at it - but something worried him about these cops. They were awfully...persistent. Not like the usual inspections.

Either way, he'd have to let certain people know about it.

Sweethaven Harbor, a few days later

The cops were questioning a lot of people at the dockyards, one by one. They asked seemingly incredulous questions: do you get a lot of traffic? Oh, I see. Any suspicious people moving about? Have you seen any strange foreigners? When was that wooden pier painted last time?

Their investigation through high echelons of the port authority has yielded nothing - all records seemed to be clean. So the National Police decided to canvas the port itself - walking around and asking questions was bound to get attention, but then again - it seemed like the National Police was running a large-scale operation in Sweethaven every couple of months.

It was mostly futile, though. The dockworkers were unwilling to co-operate or just plain didn't remember anything. The cops kept at it, though: it was their job. And besides, they were taught patience with those things.

Their patience was rewarded three days later, when a young slave working on the short piers told them of an important-looking man who was here at the docks about six months ago. He remembered him well - the boy was painting wooden poles at the Fisherman's Pier with creosote, to make sure they didn't rot from the humidity, and he accidentally spilled some from a freshly opened can on the man's suit. His supervisor beat him quite badly after that.

The police officer talking with the boy wrote it all down, asked about a few additional details, and five hours later, BOSS had a description. The case now had its first man "wanted for questioning".
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Steve »

Chester Hotel
Adams Capital District
28 May 2009

For over two months, nearly three now, the Frequesue Neutrality Conference had gone on, the attendees debating the issue of how to maintain the continent's neutrality, particularly when the Crimson Star Republic and Tian Xia held sovereignty, claimed if not accepted, over portions of Frequesue.

During that time President Garrett had, between other affairs of state, presided over about one meeting a week, attempting to gauge the direction and tone of the conference and ensure the CSR walkout didn't destroy the whole thing. Present today, he waited for some of the minor items of business to die down before making a full statement.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I am aware that the intransigence of certain powers, and the demands on the FTO by its mandate, have... complicated these tallks quite a bit." He was, in part, referring to the refusal of some FTO nations to recognize either the CSR annexation of the old PRSF or the Tian Xia reclaimation of Westchester/Tian Jiao. Also to be considered was the early CSR walk-out which might render the entire conference a waste.

"It is important for us to not forget our objective here. It is to insulate Frequesue from the machinations of outside powers as greatly as possible, while providing those powers material guarantees that their existant interests in Frequesue will be respected so that they feel no need to involve themselves in Frequesuan affairs."

"I believe these ends are possible. But they will require sacrifice. As they say, diplomacy is the art of the possible. And currently it is not possible to undo the results of last year's Uranium War between Tian Jiao and the former Republic of South Frequesue. Refusal by the FTO to accept those results gives you nothing, even if you feel it necessary to assauge the fears of your own people as to your willingness to oppose imperialism."

"To oppose imperialism is a great ideal. It is a noble ideal. But it benefits nobody if it is followed with zealotry and intolerance. Intolerant idealism is a great folly that can only hurt the continent of Frequesue and the people that dwell there."

"I would suggest that the Conference, having made progress already on the question of the FTO's place in dealing with outside powers, agree to a statement recognizing the current condition of South Frequesue and Westchester and their political status as parts of the Crimson Star Republic and Tian Xia. I understand that you would be reluctant to such a concession, but refusing to accept the point does far more harm to your credibility diplomatically than accepting it could."

"This done, we would then respectfully request such states assist the FTO in reducing the potential for an escalation in arms and in helping maintain the neutrality and peace of the continent. I harbor no illusions that further prices might not be asked. I do not believe it will be easy. But I believe that no matter what is asked, it will be necessary. Otherwise everything we seek to accomplish here may never come to pass and the people of Frequesue may never know the peace we seek to provide them."

"I now open the floor for questions on this line." With that, the President sat back down, waiting for the first hand, the first voice, to be raised.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by Steve »

Disposition of Cascadian Forces in Veleria:

Currently on Station

Defiant Combined Operations Group

2nd Division "The Stalwarts"
5th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized)
3rd Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Assigned to Van Halstoff)
7th Infantry Brigade (Motorized)
7th Cavalry Brigade
1st Army Aviation Brigade (Attack Chopper) (assigned to Adabani)

1st Tactical Wing (Assigned to Van Halstoff)
2nd Fighter Squadron
ASF-10C Condor x 20
7th Fighter Squadron
ASF-9 Falcon x20

Air Transport Command
T-12B x 10

Naval Adabani Force
CRS Bulldog (Corvette)
CRS Rottweiler (Corvette)
CRS Andros Creek (Mine Warfare Ship)
CRS Cuithepl Creek (Mine Warfare Ship)
CRS Fort Parker (Fleet Oiler)
CRS Victoria Sound (Salvage/Recovery Ship)

En Route
Intrepid Combined Operations Group
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by Lonestar »

Command Bunker under the remains of the Royal Palace

"Rioting continues in most Shepistani major cities, including the ones currently occupied by the Old Dominion. As you know, we won't pull out until an international peacekeeping force arrives, so there has been some concern about rioters attacking our forces in Walidton. Fortunately, the Shepistani Republican Guard has been busting a lot of heads and prevented the rioters from reaching our camps."

The man from BMI clicked to the next slide.

"The Lord Fairfax has only one shaft working, and is inching along at 8kts. The Navy has given up on trying to get fixed wing operations up, and the undamaged aircraft will have to be lifted off via crane when she arrives at Newport News. Several Tian Xia vessels are providing escort."


"Ah, some good news. The MSA launched both the first Lowell GPS orbiter and our first weather satellite last night. So far everything is operating as expected. Next week our first lunar Probe, Prospector 1 launches. Good times will be had by all."


"Finally, Japnistan is shipping 200,000 force laborers to Shepistan. Despite this, we expect recovery in Shepistan to move at a slower pace than it will here in the Old Dominion. Our friends in the MESS are leaving behind engineering experts and the CCC is even now," He paused as the sound of faint construction equipment could be heard, "performing as admirable as they have in every post-war situation since WW2."
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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The Republic of Coilerburg agrees to formally recognize the crimes committed against the nations of Sabika and Omango by the Iler Regime and issue a formal apology. A public ceremony, to be held no later than three months after the signing of this accord, will be performed by the Government of Coilerburg in the presence of emissaries of all neighboring countries in which the crimes of the Republic of Coilerburg committed under the Iler Regime will be listed and apologized for.

The Parties agree that the borders of the belligerents will be returned to antebellum lines with the exception of Saffonburg which the Republic of Coilerburg will recognize as the sovereign territory of Sabika. The Frequesue Treaty Organization will oversee the transfer of authority from Coilerburg to Sabika and monitor the borders of the Parties until such a time as the Parties deem sufficient.

The Parties agree that common reparations claims against each other will be paid to a joint fund overseen by the Frequesue Treaty Organization for the purpose of common reconstruction of the nations of Coilerburg, Sabika, and Omango.

The Republic of Omango and the Republic of Sabika agree to voluntarily restrict the size and capability of their Regular Forces under the following items:

Item 1: The Regular Armies of Sabika and Omango will be no greater than 7,500 combat troops each.

Item 2: The Armed Forces of Sabika and Omango will not field artillery with a range in excess of ten miles.

Item 3: The Regular Armies of Sabika and Omango are restricted to no more than one battalion of battle tanks.

Item 4: The Air Forces of Sabika and Omango are restricted to only fielding aircraft and weapon systems meant for air-to-air combat in defense of national airspace.

Item 5: The Navies of Sabika and Omango will only possess naval vessels of less than 5,000 tonnes displacement.

A joint commission of the Parties and the Frequesue Treaty Organization will oversee the enactment of the arms limitations. At the request of the Parties, the Republic of Cascadia will provide advisors to ensure compliance.

The Frequesue Treaty Organization agrees to formally guarantee the independence and sovereign rights of all the signatory Parties.

The Frequesue Treaty Organization and the Republic of Cascadia agree to establish a committee to oversee and fairly arbitrate any further disputes amongst the signatory Parties. By request of the Parties, the Republic of Cascadia will hold the chair of the Arbitration Committee for the first five years, with further chairpersons to be picked by vote of the Frequesuan Nations on the Committee.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by MKSheppard »

Shepistani Budget Crunch!

All indications from the Shepistani Budget Department show that overall, GDP per capita has shrunk from a pre-war high of $5,000 Shroomanian Dollars to a shade under $4,000 Shroomanian Dollars.
Shep wrote:The Common Currency unit in SDN World v2 is the Shroomanian Dollar (SMD). If anyone disagrees, they can answer to my nerve gas rockets :mrgreen:
In terms more comprehensible to the layman, this means that before the war; teh Shepistani GDP was $850 billion. After the war, it was $680 billion.

Accordingly, to free up funds for reconstruction, the military budget has been cut from it's pre-war high of $85 billion to it's present level of $40 billion.

Ground Forces
Active Army will be reduced to 200,000 men in three Armored divisions and one light infantry division.
Reserve Army will be reduced to 100,000 men in two mechanized divisions.
Special Republican guard will be reduced to 125,000 men in two armored divisions.

Yearly procurement budget will be increased to 14% of total Ground forces budget, for a total of $1.4 billion each year.

Air Forces
During the One-Week War, the Shepistani Air Force suffered the following loss rates:

288 F-105s flew 5,760 combat missions; 200 lost.
432 F-101s flew 8,640 combat missions; 300 lost
504 F-106s flew 10,080 combat missions; 252 lost
288 MiG 15/17s flew 5,760 combat missions, 224 lost
300 F-84Fs flew 6,000 combat missions; 284 lost.
Approximately 400~ bombers/patrol bombers lost

Total Losses: 1,660 combat aircraft

Against this loss rate, they shot down approximately 452 MESS aircraft, with another 350 lost to BOMARC squadrons, and finally 321 were destroyed by deployed Army antiaircraft units. Estimated MESS aircraft losses in the One-Week War were 1,123.

The post-war Shepistani Air Force as it currently stands is:

80 x F-105K Thunderchiefs
45 x A-45 Fire Dragons (Su-17s)
132 x F-101s
252 x F-106s
64 x MiG-15/17s
16 x F-84s
300 x B-56s
125 x DFB-56s
130 x RB-56s
423 x KC-22s
2 x Prototype Interceptors.

For a total of 1,569 aircraft.

Due to the recent cuts due to come as a result of the peace treaty ending the One Week War; the Shepistani Air Force is projected to shrink to 250,000 men operating the following aircraft:

216 x F-106Hs (refitted for strike capabilities)
216 x A-45 Fire Dragons (Su-17M4 FITTER)
72 x Japanistani Mach 3 Interceptors
90 x JB-89 White Chrysanthemums (Tu-22M)
60 x KC-22 Tankers

for a total of 654 combat aircraft total; divided into the following units:

3 x F-106 Interceptor Groups
3 x A-45 Strike Fighter Groups
1 x Japanistani Mach 3 Interceptor Group
2 x JB-89 Bomb Groups
2 x KC-22 Aerial Refuelling Groups

Air Defense Command will be rebuilt to it's prior strength of 2,400 combat missiles. Due to the treaty mandated reductions in aircraft numbers, a significant amount of money is now available in each Fiscal Year for procurement of new equipment, namely some $5.41 billion.

Naval Forces

During the one week war; the Shepistani Navy lost the following craft:

1 x SSAN with all hands
3 x DDGs

and sustained damage to another SSAN to prevent it from operating until expensive repairs are carried out.

In exchange, four MESS CVs and CVNs suffered varying amounts of damage all ranging from "sunk" to "heavy damage"; along with four MESS SSNs sunk. [edit, not too sure on the surface navy casualties the MESS took] 64 merchant ships were sunk by SSANs during the brief commerce war phase of the war.

Due to the disparity in size between the OD Navy and the Shepistani navy, reductions in force will not occur.

The ultimate post war force is expected to consist of

1 x Kidd DDG
3 x Japanistani FFGs (to be acquired to replace wartime losses)
10 x SSANs
90 x JB-89 White Chrysanthemums (Tu-22M) modified for maritime patrol and strike in two groups.

Merchant Marine

The Shepistani Merchant Marine, numbering some 951 ships at the beginning of the One Week War, was reduced to 351 ships by the end of the war. Accordingly a 500 ship construction program aided by Japanistani assistance with half of the ships to be built in Japanistani ports is being finalized.
Last edited by MKSheppard on 2008-09-27 11:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
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Post by MKSheppard »

Somewhere in Shepistan

Nelson Shroomdela, aging statesman of the People's Shroomanian Power (PSP) party, which had agitated for the violent overthrow of General Sheppard's government in the last political crisis that had fallen over Shepistan some thirty years ago stared at the bars on his window, like he had for the last 29 years.

Twenty nine years of not feeling the BLEEDING BREASTS of his WHORES.

Suddenly, the door to the cellblock banged open, and in marched several Shepistani Intelligence Service (SIS) Agents.

"What now?" asked Shroomdela. Perhaps they were back to try to convince him to give up his goal of violently removing General Sheppard from power with whatever means possible?

"Nothing, really." remarked the lead SIS agent as he drew a heavy .50AE pistol from under his coat and shot Shroomdela in the head, splattering the aging activists' brains all over the cell.

"Team one to base, target taken care of."

General Shepistan is taking advantage of all the unrest in Shepistan to purge people who should have been killed long ago. :D
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944