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Post by Coiler »

In Navalopolis, the scene was one of frenzied preparations. Ships recalled from their search for PAF-GENITAL boats were busy being refueled. Soldiers, vehicles, and supplies were being hastily loaded onto a small group of impressed cargo ships from Coilerburg's merchant marine.

PFL Iler himself had given the order to land thousands of men on Zablania as soon as he heard of the reports from the Hunter's landing party. In one of his many televised speeches, he declared "It is obvious that fanatics have taken advantage of the wasteland of Zablania to further their campaign against world peace. That will not be the case after this operation is launched! They shall have nowhere to hide!"
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Post by MKSheppard »

MESS Radar Tracking Outpost, on the edge of the Inner Neverhoodian Boarder

The radar site had been built at considerable expense, and came with it's own battalion of MESS troops to protect the radar, which itself was constructed on one of the highest mountain peaks in the Neverhoodian mountain chain.

It's purpose: to reach deep into East Neverhood -- specifically, to spy on the Neverhoodian Testing Range.


"Sir, I am picking up a very fast, very high contact from the NTR. Flight profile does not conform to any known Shepnukistani aircraft."

"What do we got here, airman?"

"Sir, very tentative skin paints on an unknown aircraft; preliminary estimates are it is doing 2,000 miles per hour at 95,000 feet. No wait...100,000 feet and climbing. 110,000 feet....sir, it appears to have levelled off at 126,000 feet with a slight drop in speed to 1,850 miles per hour."

"Damn. Get me on the horn with the MESS council. They'll want to know about this."

126,000 feet over East Neverhood

Major Rudy Sloman watched as the engine data played across his MFDs. The X-54 couldn't sustain this speed or altitude for that long, before dropping back down to 1,800 MPH at 75,000 feet; there just wasn't enough thrust available from it's single YJ-100 turbojet; the X-55 with two YJ-100s, which would come on line in a few months would be able to sustain the altitudes and speeds he'd reached in this zoom climb...
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by MKSheppard »

RB-72 Unveiled at Shepnukistani Strategic Air Command Museum!

The RB-72, which was the result of a joint UKB, Nukistani and Red Technocracy secret program, today was unveiled at several locations amongst Shepnukistan, but the limelight was on RB-72 #0001, which was donated to the Strategic Air Command Museum in Omaha.

Reportedly, the RB-72 has been replaced with more advanced craft; but this is all conjecture. In other news, $1 billion in contracts were let for the construction of several dozen missile silos in various locations across Shepnukistan...
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Zor »


Titan Prototype completed, Orbital Flight soon to follow

Riass Space Center, Comona Island: Today, the Final Stages of Re-assembly had been completed on the TITAN Launch Vehicle. The Delta-V Launch Craft is currently undergoing final regement of tests, including a runway landing before it's maiden Low Orbit spaceflight next month. The Test Pilot, Tessa Wei has reported that she looks forward to the trip. His Majesty has personnally stated to observe the Launch at Riass when it happens.

New Animated Series hit from Animation Nation: Beta Century

Today, to the approval of Critics across the FUN have gotten a good suprise from Zoria's premier Shroomsat channal Animation Nation in Beta Century. Written by former RZMC Centurion David Bronzesmith and animated in a way generally like, the Show Centers on the inner workings and day to day life of an Infantry Century in the Royal Zorian Army, on the Rivalry between the Marines and the Army with the odd splash of political commentary thrown in against the backdrop of fighting a covert war against Serpent. With likable charecters, top notch writing and a humorous insight on Global Politics, the show has garnered the attention of over ten million veiwers last night and the praise of various critics. It is very much expected that the show will be banned in Saddamistan, but Mr Bronzesmith said to press "I don't care, Targeting that audiance is not worth it. If it does not flatter the Glory of Arab Socialism or Saddam the Great, then by Odin it is heresy against our nation!"

(OOC: BTW there are a fair deal of Neo Norse people in the SKZ)
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

The Byzantine An-225 landed on the runway and taxied towards the Pezookian airport. The pilots and crew were alert for any signs of mischief and the Varangian Guards on board were tense and alert. When the Emperor disembarked, the Varangian Guards carried their kevlar/composite scutum and rifles and surrounded the Emperor in tight formation as they walked towards the PeZookian delegation that came to meet the Emperor and his entourage.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-06-23 02:54am, edited 1 time in total.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by PeZook »

(OOC: There is no airfield in Amelia (where our only naval base is). We are a second-world country, after all :D So arrival would probably happen either in Astoria International or Paradiso Island Airbase)


The airfield was pretty crowded, with at least a thousand people wanting to see the Emperor. Orthodox believers, Greek immigrants and just plain spectators. The day was gorgeous, in startk contrast to overwhelming security at the airport. PeZookian security forces would have no more surprises. In fact, two illegal pistolets were confiscated today, and their owners were now attempting to explain why, exactly, were they trying to smuggle weapons to a welcoming ceremony of the Byzantine Emperor.

The PeZookian delegation approached the Byzantines, with the King himself - still wearing fresh stitches on his forehead, which were unfortunately quite noticeable - shaking hands with Emperor Heraclius.

"On behalf of the country of PeZookia, we would like to bid our most heartfelt welcome to you and your entourage. We hope this visit will serve to further bolster relations between our two nations.", the King spoke, officially. Less ofcially, he added:

"And please excuse the security setup. I hope you understand why we're nervous."


Astoria, near Zabianka Precinct, the preceding evening

"I want transport and free passage out of the country!", the man screamed from inside the hotel room. The swatties have already peeked inside with a prehensile camera - thank God for the massive equipment purchase this year - and saw the situation. The perp was standing and holding a gun to a young woman's head. He was bleeding pretty bad from a deep wound in his leg, and a man he shot was lying on the floor - still alive, by the look of it.

"Listen, you need a about we get you one, and in exchange you let us take that guy, ok? The medic will be unarmed!", sergeant Olszewski only had little training in the art of negotiation, but he was smart enough to know he should remove as many people from the floor as possible. His men have already started a covert evacuation of the entire floor.

"All right...uh...", the perp was obviously in pain, and was struggling to maintain composure, "Uh, yeah, you can take him. But I need a medic first! I mean, get me a medic, then you can take the bastard!"

Olszewski rolled his eyes and turned to one of his men - officer Kowalski had paramedic training, and a medkit.

"Can you handle it? He'll bleed to death unless we help him, and we need him alive."

Kowalki nodded. He removed his pistol holster and handed his SMG to one of his buddies.

"One of my men will come over to help you! He'll be unarmed!", Olszewski shouted back at the perp

Officer Kowalski moved inside the room, slowly and with his hands raised high. He held a field medkit in them.

The moment he walked inside the room, he could see the perp wouldn't be able to hold on for long. An impressive-looking pool of blood was already on and in the carpet, and the guy was pale as hell.

"I'm a paramedic. I'm here to help. Come on, sit down. I won't hurt you, I'm unarmed."

The perp sat down on the bed, heavily. The female hostage wanted to make a break for it, but Kowalski pointed at her, urging her to stay.

He cut open the perp's trousers and felt the wound. It was deep, made with a broad butter knife. He pulled out gauze and a nasty-looking needle.

"What...what the fuck is this?!", the perp screamed and pointed his gun at the paramedic. Kowalki managed to remain calm, however.

"Stitches. You will bleed to death unless I stitch this wound together."


"Come on. Point the gun away."

The perp did, and ground his teeth, as he watched the paramedic prepare a surgical thread. With trembling hands, he put the gun away, afraid he might accidentally discharge it.

"Do you want an anesthetic?", Kowalski asked, matter of factly. The needle looked positively nasty in his hand.

Thule was scared, and the blood loss made him dizzy, and his mind clouded. The only thing he could see was the huge, nasty needle...and he was always scared of needles.

"Y...yeah...something for the pain..."

Kowalki nodded and prepared a small syringe.

"Just morphine. It will be fine."

A panicked thought surfaced in Thule's mind as the medic injected him with the morphine: What if it makes me fall asleep? They could...

He drifted off, feeling all warm and fuzzy. The SWAT team rushed into the room, grabbed both hostages and moved them to safety, while Kowalski calmly worked on the perp's leg. Just to be safe, however, he field-stripped the pistol, and put a pillow under the guy's head before he started.

"There, there, big guy. It's al fine now."

Kowalki smiled nastily. Enjoy a little comfort while you still can, you fucking bastard, he thought and got to work.
Last edited by PeZook on 2008-06-23 06:40am, edited 1 time in total.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"Don't worry. As you can see, these gentlemen are pretty twitchy themselves," gesturing to the Varangian Guards that surrounded him and his entourage. "That An-225 may not look it, but it's pretty extensively modified. I would say she can dish out as much punishment as some of our own container freighters, if you get my meaning."

King Paul arched his eyebrows, but the Emperor waved his hand. "Don't worry, I'm just a very security conscious person. However, I wish the threat environment was sometimes a little more sane as I spend tens of billions a year on the military and security apparatus. Let's get the show on shall we? Let me introduce you the Emperess Lycra, and my chief adviser, the invaluable Calisto."
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by PeZook »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote: Let's get the show on shall we? Let me introduce you the Emperess Lycra, and my chief adviser, the invaluable Calisto."
"It is a great honor to finally meet the esteemed Empress", Paul said, bowing and kissing her hand in an old-fashioned way, and then shook hands with the Emperor's chief advisor, "Mr. Calisto."

"The motorcade is waiting. I am sorry we do not have everything prepared as well as I would like, but my head of protocol was wounded during the attack. Nevertheless, we'll visit the Bassilica of St. George in the city center, after which the Astoria University has arranged a lecture and the debate you asked for. At the end of the day, I'd love to invite you for dinner with me, my wife and Prime Minister Shroom at the royal palace."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia

"Zablania?" Arik asked, "Are you sure?" Chief Tigh confirmed what he knew, and that Coilerburg forces were getting ready to storm the place, and that there was at least one commando in the area already. Arik got up and reached for his closet.

"I just want Swanson myself. Ready a team."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Post by PeZook »


FASTA bulletin

Selene 1A-bis finishing assembly

With repairs of Korolev Spaceport's R-7 launch pad continuing on schedule, the assembly of the Selene 1A-bis spacecraft has resumed in earnest.

Repair work on the launch pad has been delayed by security upgrades deemed necessary in light of a wave of terror attacks by various ideological groups, ranging from criminal cartels to animal-rights activists - an especially pronounced danger in light of the recent Sarin gas threat in Mangka.

Selene-1A bis spacecraft during assembly

The mission - a repeat of the failed Selene 1A launch - has been bumped up two weeks, from December 1 to November 12. Weather forecasts seem favorable, and safety tests of the rebuilt R-7 launch tower should be complete by then.

Construction proceeding well on Comona Island

The concrete bases of the two Vulkan launch pads on Comona Island have been finished. The concrete will not "rest" for three months, and further construction works will resume with huge launch towers, water pumps, fuelling equipment and other various technical installations necessary to support the gigantic rocket.

The Vertical Assembly Building (VAB) is about 30% complete, with most of the physical structure ready. Finishing work will conduct through most of FY2012, after which it will be capable of vertically assembling the gigantic Vulkan boosters.

"With two additional launch pads capable of launch the Vulkan, the FASTA will gain the capability to support a permanent Selene outpost with regular supply flight", said Dr. Zviezda, chief of the Selene program

The Comona Island Spaceport Construction Project also involves tracking centers, an upgraded Mission Control building, a gigantic training/housing complex for astronauts and technicians, an extra runway for the base's landing field, capable of handling An-225 transports, dock yards and a massive nework of railway lines.

Crawler Transporter System vehicles ordered

Byzantine heavy industry has a new challenge to overcome, with the granting of a FASTA contract for the production of an unusual piece of equipment: the Crawler Transporter System. The massive vehicles will be used at the Comona Island spaceport to transport Vulkan and Proton boosters from the VAB to their respective launch pads.

CG rendering of a crawler transporter

The crawlers will be constructed in parts, and then shipped to Comona Island by two cargo ships.

Canissian probes

The manufacture of two Canissian lunar probes, a Lunar Reconeissance Orbiter - Selene (LRO-S) and a Lunar Reconeissance Lander - Selene (LRL-S) is proceeding according to schedule. The probes, containing a large array of sophisticated sensor equipment, will be used for mapping of potential landing sites on Selene. The LRO-S is scheduled to launch from Comona in February 2012, while the LRL-S has an unspecified launch date, depending on data returned from the orbiter. A second orbiter may be launched under FASTA's orbital reconeissance program.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coiler »

Finally, preparations for the landing force were complete, and the fleet set off from Navalopolis to loud cheers. As the fleet began to travel to Zablania, one of the vessels dropped out of formation and sped up as fast as it could go.

That was the corvette Predator, and it was stuffed full of marines, both on and below its decks. During the hasty planning phase of the operation, PFL Iler had constantly emphasized speed of landing over all else. Having the Predator zoom ahead of the main fleet would allow it to put boots on the ground much sooner, so that was the order given to its captain.
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Post by PeZook »

Astoria, Kosciuszko Avenue, RIS building

"They sortied pretty much anything they could get ready, fast. We estimate an entire division of light infantry, possibly more.", the officer finished his briefing for the Defence Minister.

"Well, from the looks of it, they want to nab the glory, and the esteemed President is itching to use his new toys.", another RIS officer interjected ironically.

"There's another thing - a single small ship, one of their new corvettes by the look of it, is speeding ahead of the convoy at flank speed. It will probably land an advanced party, maybe a commando team. We're not sure about their mission, but we can assume they will try to find miss Jia."

"One thing worries me...can they land that kind of force? The convoy is using comandeered merchant ships, right?", the Minister was going over his notes, and thinking just why Coilerburg was so eager to invade that podunk little rock.

"Yeah. Coilerburg was trying to assemble a Marine force, but they have little equipment. They will probably try to ferry their troops to shore on small launches, or maybe beach a ship and have them climb down rope ladders. Anyway, it's not like it going to be a contested landing..."

"It will be a horrible mess anyway.", an Army general interjected

"Yes.", the briefing officer replied, and nobody in the room disagreed
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coyote »

Near Zablania

King Arik Coyotus-I had never been a paratrooper. He'd always served with mechanized forces in the US Army, and so the concept of jumping out of a "perfectly good airplane" (which Paratroopers described as "a collection of parts flying in formation, all made by the lowest bidder") was alien to him.

And yet, here he was.

He was not going in the initial jump-- the actual dedicated, trained Army paratroopers were doing that. He had been given hasty training and treated like a civilian on a sport parachute foray, which was more in line with his skill level. He had with him minimal essentials-- particularly his personally owned M-16 and Glock 9mm pistol.

The formation of C-130's had raced towards Zablania, helped along by the Royal Air Force aerial tankers. The King was in the second serial, and would be landing in a secured LZ. Nearby, Chief Tigh and a handful of para-qualified SPS men waited the signal, as did a highly-trained, para-qualified medic. Isabelle and Katerin were in the plane, but they weren't jumping.

"You seriously do not need to do this, Excellency," Tigh said over the rush of wind from th eopen back ramp.
"Actually, yeah, I do," Arik replied, and watched as the light turned green, and he launched himself out into the open air.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by PeZook »

Paradiso Island Airbase, PeZookia

The call came an hour ago ; And it was quite cryptic.

"1st Tactical Fighter Squadron will prepare for immediate sortie ; Aircraft are to be loaded for ground attack operations. All leaves are revoked, pilots are to remain on standby."

It was a strange order, but the ground crews of the 1st didn't question them. All airplanes were checked out and fueled ; They would wait with their canopies open, in case the scramble orders came.

Elsewhere in the airbase, ground crews were preparing the helicopters of the 1st Independent Airmobile Batallion. Apparently, the higher-ups in PeZookian command were worried - worried that fragmented, uncoordinated operations undertaken against Eden could misfire horribly.

So the PeZookian force projection assets were prepared, and they would wait for the call, in case anything went wrong on Eden.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coiler »

PAF-GENITAL watchpost, Zablania

The crude watchtower was manned by four sentries-if they could be called that. Two were busy playing a card game, one was lying in a drug-induced stupor, and the fourth was only halfheartedly watching the seas.

"It looks like a boat."


That was the last thing that anyone in the watchtower said, as the Predator blew it and its occupants apart with a burst from its 57 mm gun.

It then proceeded to land its marine "passengers". This was surprisingly smooth, with no real delays. Over a hundred Coilerburg marines were now on Zablania, and they began their march towards the village where Miss Jia was being held.

The Predator also detected a group of Canissian C-130s dropping paratroopers towards another location on the island. That was a sight that brought a smile to the faces of the crew-now the eco-nuts truly had nowhere to run, with the toughest Coilerburg marines on one side of their village, and Canissian paratroopers on the other.
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Post by Coyote »



God, what a rush.

The King of Canissia dangled from the risers like meat on a string, an unpoetic if somewhat realistic way of looking at it. For a brief moment he recalled thoughts of the movie series Band of Brothers and felt a fleeting kinship, even if tenuous at best. Dinosaurs didn't have triple-at, but... shit, they're dinosaurs fer chrissake!

Still, the LZ was already secured and two full platoons of paras and Shinra Republic special ops forces awaited him and helped him with his 'chute. Once on the ground, he knew what to do-- now it's old-school infantry, he thought with a predatory smile. He thought back to hsi first serious infantry cross-country ruck march, as a headstrong young Private at Fort Carson, Colorado, in 1986. The march kicked his ass and taught him a valuable lesson in humility. Now, he knew what it meant, and what to expect.

Well, except for the dinosaurs, anyway. The Paras had already killed a pair of Velociraptors, their bodies still fresh on the edge of the LZ.
"Majesty," a camouflaged officer said to him, "It's this way, sir!"
"Let's go," Arik said. An experienced NCO took point, but in truth the first wave, made up of Shinra Republic commandoes, was already clearing a path.

"Well, Captain, first ever Canissian combat jump, and you're in it. How do you feel?" the King asked of the company commander as they slogged through the thick rainforest on the way towards the target.
"It's all good, sir," the officer replied. The point man stopped, and put his hand up. The column halted, and they all instinctively took a knee, the CO checking tomake sure the King had taken cover.

"Don't forget, Captain, I've done this before," he said with a smile. Ahead, the point man gave the signal for 'officer forward' and the CO moved ahead quickly and stealthily. They conferred in whispers, and the officer returned.

"We're at the forward edge of their likely perimeter, sir," he said, "No real indication they're aware of us yet, although we're certain they saw the aircraft. Chances are they are either dealing with something else, or they're underestimating our movement through the jungle."
"Or they're over-estimating the dinosaurs' ability to run interference for them," Arik said, thinking back to the two dead 'raptors he saw.

"Well, there was a report of a Coilerburg ship on them, too," the CO said, "So they may be focused elsewhere-- and, yeah, they probably think the dinos got us."

"Well, they're the fools," Arik said, "Recon showed all the biggest dinos are more inland. 'Raptors will be the biggest thing we see out here... like any other animal, they want to avoid conflict. Even the meat-eaters want easy chow." They were interrupted by a low crackle of static on the CO's hand-held. He put it to his ear.

"Majesty, my scouts are saying we can move forward."
"Lead the way, Captain," Arik said with a smile.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Coyote »


"Let's go!" the Captain yelled, and the men rushed the PAF-GENITAL village.
"Who's shot was that!?" the King wanted to know. Right behind him, Supervisory Special Agent Thomas Seng of the Shinra Republic's SIS ran alongside, in his own country's jungle-pattern fatigues and a radioman who was patche din to all the general freqs being used.

"Air eyes says that Coilerburg corvette just whacked a guard tower," he informed Arik, "Now all the Granolas are watching the shores."

"Sweet!" Arik said, "Okay, contact the Coilers and give them our running password, and get the info down to the platoons that we've got friendlies coming from the north."
"Yessir!" the Captain of his guard company said.

"There's another assault coming from the side," Chief Tigh said, "Agent Seng, do you have men over there, at the eastern flank?"
"No, no one," Seng confirmed. They were catching sporadic and very undisciplined fire from the village-- mostly .22LR. Arik felt somewhat insulted, but soon a Mini-14 opened up. Slight upgrade, I guess, He cracked off a couple rounds with his M-16 in the direction of the muzzle flash-- his rounds impacted the windowpane and sent wood chips and plaster flying. He was certain he didn't get the guy, but if the PAF-GENITAL were this bad at fighting, he probably scared the fight out of him.


The Paras and SIS guys stormed the first group of building; the Paras taking the row closer to the shore; the SIS taking the inland rows of shops and small bungalow housing. They found prepared positions and barricades, but apparantly abandoned with just a handful of spent casings on the floor, and no attempt to rig traps.

"Amateurs," Tigh said with disgust as the trail party, with the King, came in their wake. "Had they actually stayed and fought, they could have done a lot of damage."

"Bravado only goes so far," Arik said, "Demonstrations and the occassional riot are one thing, this is something entirely different."

Ahead, however, the fighting was intensifying. Several dozen of the most hard-core, devoted follwers of Kert Swanson were holed up in the central part of the small village, the former civic center-turned PAF-GENITAL Headquarters. These were the True Believers, and they were not going to sell their lives cheap...
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by PeZook »

Paradiso Island Airbase, PeZookia

The small airbase has become awfully crowded after the expansion of PeZookian air forces. The 1st Independent Airmobile Batallion (Actually only half a company ; The remainder of the unit was still undergoing training in Shinra) based here, as did both squadron of the Air Force. Something had to be done about the situation: for now, light hangars have been erected to shield the KC-130 tankers from the elements, while additional cover was hastily being constructed for the helicopters. There were rumors of a major expansion program for the airbase, but that would take time.

Still, they had to be ready. There were men on the ground in Zablania, and they may require medevac or air support on a moment's notice. The helicopters were being readied, and two might KC-130s were spun up and idling, ready to take off at a moment's notice. A little bit behind the tankers stood a neatly arranged line of Mig-29 fighters, with the pilots sitting by their aircraft, in full gear. For now, all they did was make to make use of the morning sun.

Major Brzezinski, batallion CO, was with his men - all two platoons of them - checking out their gear. He didn't exactly enjoy the fact of only having half a company ready to go, but the rest of his experienced men were training up the remainder of the batallion, working with the Shinra. Still, a bunch of enviro-nuts would stand little chance - his mission, if one was called, would be about providing LZ security and medevac.

Suddendly, the KC-130s on the ramp spun up their engines, and ground crews removed their wheelblocks. An officer started running towards the troopers, who immediately sensed what was going on. They quickly assembled their Beryls and started loading up.

"Major Brzezinski, orders from the general staff! The batallion is to take off, proceed to Eden and remain on station to provide support for the Canissian paratroopers storming the GENITAL village."

"Understood. Inform command we're moving out now."

And they did. The KC-130s taxied to the runway and roared off, while helicopter crews ran their checks. Once all his men were ready, they loaded onto the MH-60 birds. Within half an hour, twelve transport helicopters (enough to extract most of the Canissians should the need arise), four KC-130s and six DAP gunships were on their way towards Eden, and Canissian paratroopers were sent word they were coming, in case they were needed.

JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coiler »

The Coilerburg marines joined in the attack on the village, taking care to stick their designated buildings and not wander into the areas designated for the Canissian and Shinra Republic troops. They did not want to fall victim to friendly fire.

Thankfully, they had a fairly easy time of taking the row of dwellings on their portion of the village, although one particular house had a set of unusually stubborn defenders-three marines died in the process of taking it.

The corvettes did not fire into the village for fear of collateral damage. Instead they monitored the shorelines for any other PAF-GENITAL activity.
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Post by Coyote »

Eden: Attack From the East

John Shroombo moved through the jungle like a ghost-- and made a few ghosts of the PAF-GENITAL guards he encountered on the outskirts that were headed to Site B to see why communications had ended.

Shroombo also protected his prisoner, the disillusioned activist that had begged him for help --and protection-- back at the site.
"Get down!" he ordered, having her hide in the mud and muck as they approached the outskirts of the former fishing village.

Overhead, aircraft had roared, and he'd seen parachutes... and ahead, at the shore, he'd heard some heavy weapons fire as well.

Shroombo had, by now, killed six people on the island-- not including the 68 he'd taken out on Canissia. The girl, who called herself Lara, was in a state of shock at the violence.
"I-- I came here to live in peace and harmony..." she said, choking back terrified sobs.
"Yor leader lied to you," Shroombo said gruffly, "Now tell me where he is."
"He'll be holed up in the civic center," Lara said, "He's fortified it with sandbags, thick, heavy wood, stuff like that. He was going to make his stand there."

"What good would that do?" Shroombo wanted to know.
"While he and his loyalists were inside, the dinosaurs would finish off whoever surrounded the building," Lara explained. "He thinks he has, like, some special connection with the dinosaurs. He thiks he can communicate with them."
"And you believed this nut?" Shroombo asked.

"I wanted to believe," she said, "I just wanted to make a good place..."
"Yeah, yeah-- of peace and harmony and Granola," Shroombo said with contempt. "Stay here," he said, and crept up to a guard tower. It was unoccupied-- the PAF-GENITAL activists had abandoned their perfectly good fighting positions to hole up in some reinforced village shack of dubious value because of their madman leader.

Shroombo climbed the tower and took the mounted heavy machinegun that was up there, and lay in a burst towards a pack of Granolas running in fear from an advancing line of Canissian and Shinra Republic commandos.

He was mowing them down like wheat before a scythe when he heard a shriek.

"No! Nooo! Help me!" It was Lara, shrieking as a mysterious figure grabbed her.

"Just let go of her now!" he called out, leveling the weapon at the man.

"Step away from the machinegun or she dies!" the man hollered. It was one of the few dedicated, effective fighters of the PAF-GENITAL, the activist who'd been on Swanson's boat. "Put your hands up!" he ordered.

Shroombo stepped back from the gun and did as he was told.
"No! Shroombo, don't believe him!"
"Shut up, bitch!" the man said, and slapped her. It was all the distraction Shroombo needed. He reached up into a tree and pulled down a huge snake, and threw it right at the man.

It coiled around the activist and began biting him, injecting him with its deadly toxins.
"Whassamatter?" Shroombo asked as the man screamed and fell to the ground, writing in pain as the snake attacked him, locked in its deadly coils. "Don'tcha like animals?"

He helped Lara to her feet.
"Let's go," he said, "Quietly this time."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by PeZook »

Eden, Zablania

"Feet dry, repeat, we're feet dry"

The helicopter's weren't flying low, so the announcement meant little - the island was pretty small, anyway. Everyone on board the choppers could already see the smoke rising up from the GENITAL village, and despite the overwhelming noise of the rotos, sharp noticeable report of M-16 rifles could easily be distinguished.

Major Brzezinski clicked his transmit button. Damn, those Shinra radios are fine, he thought to himself, still enjoying the ergonomics and utility of small digital radios which let him easily talk to anybody in his unit.

"All right, we're here. Everybody, hold your fire - we don't want to hit any friendlies."

His men confirmed the order. He turned to his comms trooper, "Tell the Canissians we're here."


On the ground, PAF-GENITAL village

Canissian paratroopers advanced towards the community center, facing stiff resistance from well-prepared positions. The GENITAL guys had saved the best for last - they had at least two or three SAWs and one HMG in that place, God knows from where.

Suddendly, the firefight was washed out by the powerful roar of helicopter rotors, as eighteen Blackhawks screamed over the village. Both sides momentarily stopped the firefight, looking up.

"Holy shit!", one trooper exclaimed, "Looks like the Lonestarians decided to join the party!" - the symbols painted on the helicopters resembled the Lonestaruan flag on first glance.

"Sir, PeZookian 1st Airmobile says they're here to provide support. They've got gunships with them.", the company commo reported to the Canissian captain.

"Fucking PeZookians? Since when did they have helicopters?", commented the same private who mistook their reinforcement for Lonestarians.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coyote »


"PeZookia has offered assistance, sir," Agent Seng of the SIS said as he put the radio headset down. "They have airmobile medical units ready for us if we need them."
"Good," Arik said, admiring the efficiency of the assault so far. "That'll be much closer than evac'ing back home."

By now it had become clear that the majority of the PAF-GENITAL activists were motivated-- to farm, smoke pot, and grow dreadlocks. Only a handful of them were motivated to fight. Many had surrendered to MESS and Coilerburg forces, some simply enticed to give up with promises of soy milk and Clif bars. Many were visibly shaken; completely uncomprehending of what sort of trouble they'd signed onto by siding with the madman Kert Swanson.

"So, I guess most of them thought they'd just come here and have some sort of peaceful hippie love-fest," Chief Tigh said. He'd been handling initial interrogations.

"Sir, another of the bungalow-bunkers have given up," the Para Captain said. "We've captured a number of smallarms, mostly rifles and pistols, several boxes of Molotov cocktails... and at least twelve lava lamps."

"How come they didn't light the Molotovs?" Arik asked, puzzled.
"It appears they used all their lighter fluid firing up blunts," the Captain said.

Firing had died down, and the victorious forces had linked up-- MESS and Coilerburg, a surprise entry to the international game. Arik wondered what their stake in all this was; perhaps they just wanted to prove themselves on the international scene. He wasn't so concerned about them, though, he had one thought on his mind-- Jia.

"Sir, bad news," Agent Seng reported, "Jia is held in the civic center. Swanson and about twenty of his most dedicated guys are in there. We don't dare use explosives, since chances are it'll kill her."

"Goddamn!" Arik cried out, "When will this madness end!" THe Paratroopers, SPS and SIS agents, and Coilerburg Marines surrounded the fortified building. What they needed now was a crack agent, someone who could get in unsupported, take out a bunch of dudes, and break out with Miss Jia alive...

They need John Shroombo.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by MKSheppard »



"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Coiler »

Now that they knew the location of King Arik's consort, the captains of the Coilerburg corvettes could become more agressive in their actions. Earlier, they were hesitant to fire on PAF-GENITAL outposts farther away from the village because they did not want to risk harming her. But now that they knew for sure that she was in the fortified civic center, they could open fire.

With each corvette covering a different stretch of coastline, the vessels aggressively searched for any remaining resistance. There wasn't much-everyone who had a sense of self preservation had either surrendered or fled deeper into the wilderness. But there were a few crazed fanatics manning some outposts, firing small arms at the ships. Both corvettes answered back with much more powerful weapons.

A few small motorboats attempted to flee the island, but almost all turned back after the corvettes fired warning shots some distance away. One didn't get the hint, turning straight towards the Hunter.

"Captain Clacher, he's trying to ram us."

One burst of shells later, the motorboat exploded in a violent, firey blast. It was the final hostile act against the corvettes during their sweep. The two vessels turned until they could not spot any more PAF-GENITAL structures, then headed back to their station near the village, announcing that the coastline outside the village was swept clean of resistance to the allied commanders.
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Post by Coiler »

A Coilerburg marine eyed the civic center from his position inside a nearby building. Right now, an uneasy lull had occurred in the fighting-the allied troops were afraid of harming Miss Jia, and Swanson's fighters were apparently desiring to save their ammunition.

He hated tense lulls like this, but reassured himself that time was on their side. After all, every minute meant that the main body of Coilerburg infantry was drawing ever closer, and if they could keep him from-

The marine's thought was interrupted by a barely perceptible sound in the distance. It sounded like a-motorcycle? Someone else was pointing at a sight, and the marine gazed over.

It was indeed a motorcycle, and its rider was a muscular man with long black hair. And it was heading right for the civic center. The marine watched as the motorcycle weaved and dodged to avoid machine gun fire from inside the building, and than-it couldn't be-could it? That couldn't be possible, and yet the rider was actually doing it.....

John Shroombo was steering the motorcycle with one hand and firing a belt-fed machine gun towards the civic center windows with another. A burst of fire cut down two PAF-GENITAL fighters who had been shooting at him from the window.


He had to get in. The motorcycle couldn't get in the door, and the window was out of the question, unless....

He saw a bump in the path and gunned the engine. The motorcycle went flying through the air, and so did Shroombo. Aiming for a window, Shroombo hit his mark, smashing through the glass and into a stunned PAF-GENITAL fighter. One machete stab later, and the fighter was more than stunned.


Kert Swanson was both scared and furious. He knew it would be over. It had to be. He shouted a frantic order for the hostage to be executed and for the intruder to be killed. Fortunately for Jia and unfortunately for Swanson, the firing of Shroombo's machine gun drowned out the order, and no one could understand what he was saying. "Screw this, I'll kill her myself" he muttered as he moved towards the closet where she was being held.

Several hallways away, one PAF-GENITAL fighter after another was killed by Shroombo's machine gun as he made his way through the civic center, frantically searching for Miss Jia.


Outside, everyone from King Arik to the lowliest private waited intensely as they heard the sounds of gunfire from inside the building. Several PAF-GENITAL fighters could be seen falling from windows, the cause of exactly what made them fall still a mystery.


Pistol drawn, Swanson opened the closet door. He pointed his pistol at the bound, gagged, and frightened Miss Jia. He smiled an evil-looking smile and was just about to pull the trigger when Shroombo burst into the room and gunned down the remaining fighters with a burst from his machine gun.


Swanson immediately took cover behind the thickest object he could find and fired back at Shroombo. His inexperience with guns led him to score only a single glancing hit before he ran out of ammunition. Shroombo had also used up the last of his ammunition, and the fight was now a melee, with Shroombo drawing his machete and Swanson grabbing an upright lamp and using it as a club.

The radical environmentalist charged Shroombo, swinging his lamp furiously. The commando was forced to back away from the weapon with the greater reach, but he soon found a way of evening the odds, grabbing a rolling office chair and shoving it at Swanson with all his might.

Swanson was diverted by the chair just long enough for Shroombo to charge and knock the lamp away. Swanson desperately struck out at Shroombo, but the commando was just too strong. A lucky hit to the arm knocked his machete away, but Shroombo didn't need it. All he needed was his bare hands.

Grabbing Swanson, he ripped the radical's throat out with his bare hands, then gave the lifeless body a shove. It fell out the window.


He then untied Miss Jia and led her out of the building. She was hurt from the ordeal, but could still walk, if slowly. The two emerged from the building to loud cheers from the soldiers of every country. After leading her back to the Canissian lines, Shroombo began to weaken and sat down, clutching his wound. Even someone as tough as him was not immune to pain and injury. But his mission was a success. Miss Jia was saved.

Visitor of five museum ships.