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Post by Rogue 9 »

"Another one, sir. This one further out."

Vanada swore under his breath. "How long until we're out of the current interdiction fields?"

"Another hour at least, sir."

"Very well. We wait." He had made up his mind. He would send a message to the fleet, but only after his ship was clear to jump if things went sour.
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Post by Tanasinn »

New Khan System, Humanist Union
HNS Cameron Wallace
Second Planet, Fullson Fuel Yard

Despite the inclusion of a fifth 150-class to those ships trying to track down the source of the sensor ghosts, no new developments seemed to be occuring in tracking down the presumed interloper in the New Khan system. Indeed, Lenaard strongly suspected that, despite the meticulous (if somewhat irritated) searching of the Planetary Defense corvettes, they would not get a solid glimpse of their prey until it had escaped the interdiction fields and moved to warp out.

Admiral Lenaard found this disappointing, but not really surprising. It was times like these he wished the Kingfisher, with its ECM gear, had never replaced the Union's older Planetary Defense corvettes, whose sensors had been considerably better for tracking down skulking ships. Annoyance or not, he would have to make do with what he had while he could.

Indeed, that's what he and his subordinates did.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

An hour and a half had passed.

"Sir, we're well clear of the interdiction field. If they try to nail us now, we can jump before they get here to pin us down."

"Helm, Conn, aye. Sensors, launch the probe. Comms, prepare the laser communicator; we're going to use the probe as a relay."

"Aye, Captain."

The probe in question was a simple sensor package and comms relay for reporting findings, covered in a sensor-absorbing hull much like that of the Wraith herself. The ship continued drifting as the probe floated away. Vanada waited for a few minutes so that the probe's position would be different enough from his ship's for it to matter.


Approximately twenty minutes later.

"Comms, Conn. Fire up the laser communicator, audio only. Relay through the probe."

"Conn, Comms, aye. You're ready to go, Captain."

"Aye." He activated his headset and chose his words carefully. "Hailing unidentified fleet, this is the NRS Wraith. We are on a mission of exploration and discovery, searching for surviving Terran systems. We have no wish to initiate hostilities. Please respond."

He gave a sharp glance to the helm. The pilot nodded and placed a hand on the hyperdrive levers, ready to jump out if the response consisted of missiles or jumping interdictors.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on 2008-04-03 05:02pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tanasinn »

New Khan System, Humanist Union
HNS Cameron Wallace
Second Planet, Fullson Fuel Yard

"Sir," the Wallace's comms officer sounded excited, "The presumed vessel has made contact. Patching the message through now."

"Hailing unidentified fleet, this is the NRS Wraith. We are on a mission of exploration and discovery, searching for surviving Terran systems. We have no wish to initiate hostilities. Please respond."
Admiral Lenaard smiled slightly in spite of himself. His instincts had not betrayed him. Briefly straightening his uniform, he nodded to the comms officer,

"Begin broadcast on my mark. Audio and video. Mark," the slim Admiral paused, his narrow frame unconciously stiffening, "NRS Wraith, this is Humanist Union battleship HNS Cameron Wallace. Your non-hostile nature is acknowledged. I daresay you've found a few survivors, Wraith, you are currently within the sovereign space of the Humanist Union."
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Post by Darkevilme »

The frigate Huntsong
Reinforced incursion fleet
Godwin's hope
four hours later

"Incoming signal from battlemistress, we're to break off pursuit and return to primary planet orbit shipmistress"

"Why? we can destroy these cattle as they flee surely."

"They've detected a category 12 U-space signature approaching at 5 over 3 speed."

A category 12 energy signature, that's bigger than even a destroyer...

"We obey, break off pursuit and set course for primary orbit."

And with that the pursuit mounted by the Chamaran's finally abates, leaving their wake littered with dead and dying ships from the wounded Betac taskforce they pivot round and start decelerating for their flight towards Godwin's hope, to present a united front in preparation for the arrival of the massive newcomer vessel approaching the starsystem.
STGOD SDNW4 player. Chamarran Hierarchy Catgirls in space!
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Vanada smiled. "Acknowledged, Cameron Wallace. We apologize for the intrusion; we have little idea of what's been going on out here since the collapse of the Empire. If you wish us to leave, we will do so without delay."
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

((OOC I have been waiting to do this the whole game, and now, hope to do it with some style))

Surviving Kushawni Forces
Makay Primary System

Buster Machines #12 and #17 had now been on solid burn for almost twice the maximum saftly perimeters their systems dictated… Flecks of molten metal sparkled from their thrusters as overheated systems defied all logic by continuing to function. All in the blind hope of eluding there pursues long enough to be rescued.

“17, do you feel it?”
“Yes 12, we’ve made it, He has come”

Cue Intro Music...

Though the great ship was not known till it was virtually atop its arrival point, it made its presence known with a Shockwave that rippled through every ship in the planetary system. Even inside the ships, crew could ‘hear’ the sound of Hyperspace shattering as the great Bentusilon emerged.
At over 5000meteres it dwarfed it’s Battleship escorts as immense arcs of energy formed around the tear in hyperspace.

On bored, the CityMind awoke. Dormant to conserve energy and fuel, the massive supercomputers that rang the length of much of the ship flared to full power. At that moment the crew on the bridge pulled back, Richard watched from his seat as lights flickered around the bridge. In another moment the ship and the CityMind were one, the Avatar was awake.

In a fraction of time the great AI took in its surroundings, he linked with the fleeing BusterMachines, downloaded their files, new in a moment what he was dealing with, what had happened to Makay, and how advanced his opponent was. It scanned the Xeno forces in front of him, relayed information the ExelionBattleships flaking him and prepared firing solutions on the most threatening targets. Seven seconds from when he had emerged, the CityMind prepared to “speak” with the Xeno forces.

The mighty AI Was built to be emotionless, indeed it was a cold and calculation machine, yet it had over time developed a burning, almost fanatical sense to preserve the Human race. The information of the forced Enslavement of the Makay people ‘angered’ him for perhaps the first time in his existence. ‘words’ would not be enough to speak his mind, other methods would be used he deemed.

The Great Cannon of the ship seethed with energy and crackled. The weapon system that had been the primary reason for more than 5 years of Drydock and upgrades was now at last unleashed upon the largest of the Chamaran ships.

At the same moment, cargo doors along its surface opened and out swarmed the heart of the BusterCorps. Six production BusterMachines led by the legendary #8 powered up and tore toward the alien forces.

We are the Buster Corps! We fight with the greatness and strength of the Kushawni! We fight with the purity of heart of all Kushawni on our side! Together we shall let no force of darkness come to harm our people! The Kushawni people!

BusterMachines! It’s SHOWTIME!

((OOC Forces now in Play))

Code: Select all

2xExelion Class Battleships - 38 +5O +2D = 45
1xBentuselion - 40 +10D +5H +5S = 60
6xProductionLineBusters - 06 +1O +1D +1H +1S= 10
1xBusterMachine#8 - 10 +2O +3D +1H +1S = 17
227 points total.
162 base points
+18 Offense
+23 Deffense 

Misc: In play but exhasted:
1xProductionLineBuster - 06 +1O +1D +1H +1S= 10
1xBusterMachine#12 - 09 +1O +2D +2H +2S = 16
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Post by Darkevilme »

Round 1
First conquest fleet
Makay starsystem

The first volley struck swiftly before the Chamaran fleet finished bringing their defensive systems to bear. The immense fury of the Citymind avatar striking the armoured bulk of a monitor, thick plating vaporizing under those beams. Great gouts of liquid metal spewing from the wounds as the ship lists before correcting its course before along with every other ship in the Massive chamaran fleet its missile ports open to launch the flurry of their response. Thousands of missiles leaving their tubes and hurling themselves towards the Kushwani fleet.

The Claw Eternal

Melusine lets not a worry show as the vessel rocks with the impact of human weaponry.

“Battlemistress, the two midsized warships are focusing their attention on us and our sistership.”

“Ignore them”


“Ignore them, send the same orders to Remembrance and focus all our attention on that overblown barge.” she says, pointing meaningfully at the Bentusilon's marker on the map above.

Melusine settles back to silently observing the bridge as a thrumming humm starts to permeate the vessel.

As the support cruisers behind the Chamaran fleet bend spacetime and the electronic warfare situation to their liking the two destroyers surge forwards to respond to the staggeringly large tradeship's attack. Their engines slowly dimming and shutting down as they align themselves, energy building up, the plasma inferno of their suncores straining and swelling within before being unleashed. Plasma streaming forwards and lashing out, six fusion beams reaching out to caress the Bentusilon with the touch of a star.

Code: Select all

Damage suffered:
Monitor 'Ashes' suffered 15 damage
Destroyer rememberance suffered 4 damage
destroyer Claw eternal suffered 4 damage
Damage inflicted:
50 base to be split in whatever manner
4 active offence directed at Bentusilon (Though that's just what i by the book can apply, Ic'ly well)
STGOD SDNW4 player. Chamarran Hierarchy Catgirls in space!
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Round 1
Kushawni Forces
Makay starsystem

The entry of the great ship had come, it had fired its Cannon, it had hit into the heart of the Xeno forces and struck a mighty first blow. Of course, a battle only ever has ‘one’ first strike.

The entire screen of the Kushawni ships lit up with the return fire from the Chamarans. The hail of missile fire was thick enough that even the Buster Machines had trouble evading them. On bored the Bentusilon, the crew members could only watch in mute horror as for the first time the CityMind new pain.

The front of the ship erupted in white hot plasma fire as it’s armoured plating melted against the furious Chamaran assault.

On bored the closer of the twin Exelions, Captain Pelanos watched as the Bentusilon was lit up.

“Sir! Telemetry has just reported back, we are being virtually ignored by the Xeno forces, the Bentusilon has been hit by over half of all return fire! We have to do something.” Pelanos turned toward the shipman, a cold stern look on his face,

“The Bentusilon, is doing exactly what it was designed for, to soak up fire. Now then, patch me into the Lovanth and bring up the readings of Hyperspace disturbances around their ships.”

The bridge let up with scanners as, amidst the chaos of the fire around them, three distinct signatures where picked up.

“We’ve got them sir! Weapons solutions are plotted”
“Excellent, Attention all hands! Prepare to link weapons fire on my mark, we’re going to be pulling a “Zimm” on these jamming ships!” He bellowed as the two large Battleships began to turn, moving almost perfectly in tandem they aimed theslves at the first Support crusier and oppend fire with full barrels. Before their sensors had even registered the hits, the began turning on the second…

On bored the Bentusilon, things were far less organized. With the ships fully in the grip of the CityMind, every last human and transhuman crew member had only one function, damage control. Across the immense bulk thousands of members worked replacing components as fast as they were burning out. On the ships bow, pools of molten metal bubbled away into space.

Deep inside, the CityMind simply continued it’s assault. It knew the purpose of this ship, the five years in drydock had renewed it for this one purpose. It was a symbol, it was meant to play the part of the flagship, of the beacon, of the Target…

It had no illusions about winning this encounter, nor even dealing a blow to the entranched Xeno forces, it knew from the start its purpose was simply to extract their forces already here, and, confirm the information it had received. Information that even now, was completely reshaping the great AI’s view of the survival of Human kind.

At the same time, deep in the thick of the Chamaran forces, the half dozen Buster machines weaved quickly amid ships they were never designed to face. Taking thehe occasional potshot with their weapon systems, they knew the could only harass the immense ships that drifted by, buying time as #8 sped to meet up with their abandoned forcers.

Code: Select all

Damage from First conquest fleet in process of calculating
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
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Post by Darkevilme »

Round 2
First conquest fleet
Makay starsystem

'This is the Elder scourge, systems fried, suffered heavy damage, jammers offline, we're playing dead and hoping they forget about us”

Melusine hmmms “Send an acknowledgement, she has my permission to proceed. What is the status of the enemy barge?” she turns her attention to the main view above her, darting trajectories showing the myriad humanoid fighting machines that are proving so damnably hard to hit.

“Enemy vessel has suffered significant damage to the bow quadrant battlemistress, it's not as tough as its size indicated.”

Melusine ponders, the enemy are clearly outmatched and victory is assured though, that barge is near a third of a Exodus ship in length if significantly less in volume. She brings up the exterior view of the Bentusilon....could prove useful.

“Disable it, cripple the powersystems, strike here and order Remembrance to strike here.”

“As you command battlemistress”

Behind the chamaran fleet the crippled support cruiser Elder scourge powers down to emergency life support, reactor quenched and the ship drifting as it plays dead after the beating it suffered at the hands of focused Kushwani firepower. The remaining cruisers narrowing the bands of interference to focus on those two Kushwani battleships. As the two destroyers drive forwards, trajectories carrying them over the top of the Bentusilon.

Turret battery four
Monitor Ashes

“Why havent we killed one yet?” even here Chel has to raise her voice over the crackle and rattle of the rapidfire cannons above the control chamber.
“They're just too fast gunnery mistress, have you seen how these things move?”
“I'm aware, coordinate with Huntsong to try and snag a straggler.”
Chel turns to watch the targeting display, the buster machines nearly all through the chamaran formation now.

A volley of atomics from the frigate and monitor unleashed towards one of the slower bustermachines, their turrets opening up and tracking their unleashed storm of bullets towards the spot the bustermachine should be hemmed into, getting closer and closer and then..

“I did not just see that.” Chel blinks and hits the replay button.

Meanwhile as more missiles rain down on the battered Kushwani force and the weaker fusion beams of frigates and monitors lash out to rake the battleships the Destroyers have glided into position over the Bentusilon like a pair of deadly angels.


Six blindingly bright beams of energy strike down onto the rear booms of the Bentusilon, then drag forwards to focus on the armour plating protecting the core systems as the beams surge in strength and splendor.

Code: Select all

Damage suffered:
Elder scourge support cruiser: 7.55
18 damage to various frigates
Damage inflicted: 57.8
active offence damage to Bentusilon(shooting to distable what's left of it): 4
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Post by A-Wing_Slash »

Grand Ducal Palace
Grand Duchy of Malacaster

“Please do come in, Sir Karl. We have much do discuss.”

Sir Karl Decker walked slowly into the open chamber. In front of him stood Lady Kristen Zollverein, standing by a window. Despite her obvious youth and slender build, the Lady exuded a presence far more befitting of her position as Heir to the Ducal Throne. Sir Karl had been Lady Zollverein’s early childhood tutor, and even as she had moved on into higher learning the two had maintained somewhat of a friendship. Not an equal relationship, to be sure, as Lady Zollverein was clearly his superior, but a friendship nonetheless. On occasion Sir Karl had acted as an informal advisor, and as he approached her he wondered what he would be asked.

“My Lady, it is an honor. Of what service can I be?”

“Karl, how much do you know of the workings of my father’s government?”

“Little more than I read in the faxes, Milady, though I have some knowledge of the disagreements you have had with him.”

“Ever since the fall of the old Empire, we have been on our own. Our trade and diplomacy were practically eliminated by the Fall, and they have yet to grow back. Throughout this isolation, however, my father has staunchly refused to reach out to what vestiges of Imperial civilization remain. While this was tolerable in previous years, with the recent increase in Republican terrorist activity we can no longer afford to remain in seclusion. I have recently been presented with an opportunity to earn an opening for ourselves in the wider galaxy, and I need your capable head to help it come to fruition. I need you to act as the Grand Duchy’s ambassador abroad. Here are your instructions. I have already instructed your servants to pack your things. Your ship must leave within the hour.”

Decker skimmed the cover of the data pad she had handed him.

“Milady, I cannot believe that your father would ever approve of sending an ambassador so far, much less give him the authority to also engage such disreputable…”

“My father grows old, Karl. Let it be sufficient for you that I approve of this mission. Now go! Your ship awaits.”

“I will do me best to serve you, Milady. If you’ll excuse me, it seems I have a ship to catch.”

Half an hour later a sleek diplomatic courier launched from one of the multitude of orbital docks over Malacaster and powered into the blackness of space.
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Post by Tanasinn »

New Khan System, Humanist Union
HNS Cameron Wallace
Second Planet, Fullson Fuel Yard

Lenaard gazed impassively into the video feed, his thoughts inscrutiable. After a brief moment, he spoke, "Your presence in Union space will be tolerated under the condition that you deactivate your cloaking fields and broadcast your presence, at which time you will be tagged as a nonhostile political entity and be allowed to move as you will, within reason. If you choose to remain cloaked, however, I will have to ask you to depart. Operation of stealth equipment is illegal without governmental approval," he allowed himself the thin smile of a compulsively worrying man, "We can hardly fault you for entering unknown space with caution."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"Acknowledged, Wallace. We will deactivate our stealth equipment momentarily." Vanada cut the audio feed as he turned to Lieutenant Kronlogar. "Deactivate the stealth fields. Helm, stay alert; they might plan to jump us once they fix our position. Comms, begin transmitting normally, still audio only." He reactivated his voice pickup as the active parts of the stealth system went offline. "That's the best we can do, Wallace. Much of our stealth system is in passive sensor-absorbent materials, but I daresay with all the sensor suites you've got in system, it should be good enough."

As he spoke, the sensor ghosts vanished and the ship appeared on the fleet's scopes. There was still some distortion as the sensors failed to get full returns from the stealth plating, but the ship could be clearly pinpointed and scanned now.
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Post by Tanasinn »

New Khan System, Humanist Union
HNS Cameron Wallace
Second Planet, Fullson Fuel Yard

"We've got the foreign ship on-scope now," the sensors officer commented through computer-speak, "we'll have a rough estimate on it momentarily," there was a pause, then the sensors officer resumed his report, "analyses put the ship in the high destroyer range size-wise. Firepower and defensive estimates indicate that it's got a bit more kick than our 121s or our 150s," with this there was an ever so slight pause, and Lenaard noted it: criticism. A vessel in the high destroyer range could have, left alone, handled a planetary defense corvette or even one of the support cruisers, given time. Of course, neither the corvettes nor the 150s had been left alone; springing to their defense would have been an easy thing. Lenaard knew that his subordinates would realize this and accept it: naval work was never safe, and those held their proverbial cards close stood a better chance of keeping everyone alive.

The pause wasn't all decision-related: stealth ships were still, to a significant degree, scoffed at in the Humanist Union; only recently had a prototype entered service. During the Union's long-ago civil war, each faction had had to maximize defensive and offensive capabilities in their respective fleets, and stealth gear tended to drive costs up dramatically: as a result, most stealth vessels had been, until recently, bare-bones craft designed with just enough gear to slip in, take a peek, and slip out. A vessel capable of outgunning a destroyer and mounting at the same time significant stealth equipment was certainly a departure from the norm of what the Union saw in naval ships.

While these thoughts went through his mind, Lenaard put on a slightly fuller smile, a positive grin by his standards. Marshalling his deployed forces through another channel in computer-speak, he addressed the Waith's bridge crew, "Excellent. You're being assigned a temporary IFF key that will acknowledge you as a diplomatic vessel. You have access to this system until which time you choose to depart. If you wish to move further into the nation, I will assign you an escort. Contact me should you have any further requests," with that, the communications link ended, and the interdictors shut down their fields, short-jumping back into the depths of the system to go back to lurking. For their part, the planetary defense corvettes swung around almost resentfully before short-jumping back onto regular patrol routes.
Last edited by Tanasinn on 2008-04-22 02:56am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

((OOC Whats this? me getting off my Sorry Ass and actually responding? Amazing but true!

Round 2
Kushawni Fleet
Makay starsystem

The Battleship Tuckera rocked suddenly as gravitational forces on it snapped, the engines Jump drives suddenly spinning wildly..

“Captain Pelanos! The Interdiction field holding us in place is dispersing! It looks like it took all three of their jamming ships to hold us in place.. I-I think we’ve got a chance!”

Pelanos turned quickly as he marched across his once pristine bridge; the Twin Battleships have taken far more punishment then they were ever meant for… And that, was only a small amount compared to what the Bentusilon had received.

“But the CityMind then lets get the hell out of here! Single all ships! Busters and the Bentusilon, Spin up drives and jump as soon as possible! I want us out of this ludicrous debacle!” He bellowed as the ship suddenly rocked again, alarm bells blaring.

“Damage report! What was that?”

“Calibrating sir, it looks.. It was a shockwave f-from..” the helmsmen stopped suddenly, his voice quivering…”

“Most of our sensors are blind up here, What got hit?”

“The Bentusilon sir, I-its, dead in the water…”

Rear action behind Conquest fleet,
BusterForce en route to BETAC forces

Screaming out from behind the titanic Conquest fleet, the BusterMachines, mere tiny blips against the vast hulks, raced for their lives to escape the firefight as they were almost in grasp of their target.

“!” #14 watch yourself out there! We are almost through the fire field!
“*” Report from #8! Contact with #12 and #16 established! Forces in condition yellow but stable!
“!” Shielding on all units down to 38 to 30%, Estimates of exposure to enemy forces down to 18%.
“$” Estimates indicate escape from maximum attack range will be exceeding before shields fail; all forces increase speed and adjust for close range fire.
“%” #19 missiles inbound! Radiological Alert! We have multiply nukes!
“*” Missiles inbound! #’s 13, 17, 19 and 18 out of maximum damage range! #14 in critical area!”
“$” #14 pull out! Your estimated speed is too slow!”
“@” 14! Your too close! Pull out of the---“

At the moment of Detonation, the shockwave momentarly blinded comms.. The static hitting the escaping BusterMachines as they could only watch the lone #14 behind them.
In the fractions of second before the detonation, escape was impossible, but, survival, just the chance of it… The BusterMachine saw a blasted chunk of haul plating… The armour layered to withstand shockwaves itself could never conceive of. Moving at a speed that burned several of it’s servos, it positioned itself in front of the hulk of armour. An instant later, the shockwave hit.. The BusterMachine brae itself as on the other side, the armour began to slowly boil away, superheating the layered metal as the hulk was purpled forward… The timing was critical as the shockwave expanded, the plate diminishing rapidly as the Buster readied itself.. Its feet already exceeding maximum temperature as it was thrust to the edge of the shockwave. The instant the boiling breached the plate, the Buster gunned its engines far beyond its safely limits as it escaped beyond the last of the shockwave.

Turret battery four
Monitor Ashes

““I did not just see that.” Chel blinks and hits the replay button.”

Battleship Tuckera

“What, did you just say?”

“The Bentusilon, it’s offline, all energy systems just dropped off by nearly 80%…” Across the bridge there was a hushed silence. Crewmembers looked at each other in stunned disbelief, the sound of the fire fight outside echoing across the already horribly damaged starship…

“If, that is so, then we have no choice. Continue to spin up all jump drives, we leave here before the can re-establish their interdiction field.”

“SIR! W-we can’t leave it! It’s the CityMind itself!” a officer barked as Captain Pelanos turned angrily.

“Then it will be on the head of the CityMind to take the blame for this entire mess! Sent with too few forces, too few ships! All in the belief that the Bentusilon was some great force of nature! It’s dead now! It’s lost! And unless we jump NOW we will be lost too!” he snapped coldly as he turned back to the helmsmen.. The battleships rocking with a volley of missiles as he looked out the window… Ships had already encircled around the massive ship, he could swear crews were already cutting into the haul. He watched, wordlessly for a moment before lifting his head.

“All forces, JUMP

Bentusilon, moments earlier

On bored the massive tradeship, the crew watched wordlessly as a swarm of immense Chamaran ships seemed to snake around them. Moving in for the kill they all knew was coming. Some of them wept in disbelief, wondering how the seemingly invincible ship could have been so damaged. All of them had shared a sense of invulnerability on bored the ship, a view that had been ruthlessly shattered. Indeed, it seemed even the CityMind itself had succumbed to the sense of defeat, the last of its functioning cannons stopping suddenly.

And then it came, the targeted blasts that sliced into the rear of the ship, sundering armour against the ships great Engines. In moments, already weakened, the ship came to a dead halt, drifting lifelessly. As the lights went out, Richard stood from his central chair.

“Attention all hands, our failure today will not be in vain, all crewmembers are ordered to abandon ship. Interdiction field seems to have weakened an, and the escape pods will be able to jump enough to get you clear of the fighting. “ The CyberHuman choked, trying to keep back the tears he felt would come at any moment, even in his Robotic form, the sadness was crushing.

“I, will remain behind, and detonate the ships core. Never, we will let our Avatar slip into Enemy hands… That is all.” Moments later the crew, small as it was, began the evacuation. How many would live, and how many would be picked off by fire was now in the hands of fate as the Immense ship began to list.

As Richard walked slowly to the great Interface to the CityMind, he could already hear forces boarding the ships as the last of the pods fired in escape.

“Everything is prepared great one, are you still in adequate control of the ship?”
From deep inside the seemingly ruined hulk, the great mind stirred.

“Damage to outer haul has exceeded simulations by over 30% but damage to crucial systems as well as security protocols has been kept to under 5% of what simulations indicated. Richard, please welcome our guests…”
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
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Post by Darkevilme »

Triumphant Chamaran first conquest fleet
Makay starsystem

“Proceed with the capture operation, I will be in my quarters, I trust I will not need to be disturbed.”
Melusine leaves the bridge of her flagship, leaving the mopping up in the hands of her subordinates.

Over a minute three loud ringing thumps reverberate through the Bentusilon's hull as the Chamaran Monitors affix themselves. Flaring circles of fire pressing against the Bentusilon's hull as the Chamaran's cut through it. As the dreadful sleep song of Chamaran mind control sings through the ship, perhaps to no audience as the escape pods do what they do best and jump to hyperspace.
Finally they have a breach, first through the scout pods so as not to risk Chamaran lives. Basketball sized orbs flitting through the interior of the Bentusilon on magnetic fields, spreading out from their entry and scanning for threats. Then the first Chamaran Tigers stepped within the pride of the Kushwani people to claim it for their own.

“Well this should be easy Nyo? They've evacuated the ship” Naya stretches in her armour suit and glances to her packmate, who's warily panning her gaze and weapon about and answers “Could be a ruse, could be automated defences, that's why the drones are going first.” Naya sighs boredly and leans against a wall, glancing between drone camera views in the hopes of seeing something interesting.

The long job of scouring the entire 5 mile ship for threats commencing....
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Humanist Union, New Khan System, NRS Wraith

"Acknowledged, Wallace. We're not carrying diplomatic personnel; our mission is to find surviving systems. If you could transmit to us the standard Imperial coordinates of the other systems in your Union, it would save us time and fuel and you the trouble of escorting us as we move on to other systems on our charts. Diplomatic and trade contacts will follow at the discretion of my superiors."
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Post by Tanasinn »

New Khan System, Humanist Union
HNS Cameron Wallace
Second Planet, Fullson Fuel Yard

Lenaard nodded curtly to his communications officer, requesting an audio transmission in computer tongue. His voice belied his feelings no more than his expression, "That can be done, Wraith. However, as a military vessel of undetermined relations to our nation, an escort will be required so long as you're in sovereign Union space," the admiral paused to let this delicate matter sink in, "we will receive further contact with your nation with interest. We're sending you standard Imperial and standard Union map now."
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A few days later....

“Can she hear me?”
“Her ear membranes have mostly regenerated so yes.”
“Can she speak?”
“Her lungs arent functional and she couldnt use her vocal cords in the tank if she tried, but we've linked her psi amps to a monitor.”
“Okay, Meeru, can you hear me?”
Who? Yes.....
“It's me Nala, you're in a recovery tank.”
My sisters, the others....
“None of the others lived daughter, you're the only one who survived long enough to be pulled from the Night prowler.”
Nala looks at the tank, What's left of Meeru seemed to twitch in sadness at that news, stump of a tail trying to lower.
“But daughter, there's talk of melding some of the technology from the night prowler and its sisters into a battleship, you're one of the few who has experience with the psi wave. When you're healed you'll probably be needed in a position of command aboard it, will you do this for the clan?”
Meeru stares into space for want of a better word, optic nerves connected to still unregenerated eyes as she considers the idea, her own command and a battleship.
“Good my daughter, do us proud, your regeneration will complete in two weeks.”
Meeru contemplates 2 weeks in this sightless senseless void Mother
I'm scared
“I know kitten, i know”
Nala lets her hand trail over the glass of Meeru's tank, seperated from the feline by liquid and its container.


A massive red giant star presiding like a bloody god over its attendant whirl of lifeless rock and gas.
A dozen specks creating a near invisible necklace tight around the stars equator.
A broad fat disc orbiting above the star, a twenty mile across space going city and home to a billion Chamarans. Its engines dormant gaping holes along one quarter of the rim.
In the shadow of this colossus another ship lies, large enough not to be dwarfed into insignificance the five mile hulk is lit by the flare of welding beams and spotlights as drones and workers scurry across its surface. A constant stream of new hull plating and components flowing down from the mothership above.

Godwin's Hope

“What have we to report.”
“Rebel strength has been reduced significantly though we can only estimate how much they used in the original attack. We've seized a large amount of rebel weapon caches.”
“Any news from higher up regarding my request for new hypnosis arrays?”
“Denied, all surplus and pending hypnosis equipment has been requisitioned for special project four.”
Chesska slumps exhaustedly in the command center and closes her eyes to think, without the arrays she cant make a cage and without a cage the damned upstart cattle will always have somewhere to run. She opens an eye and fixes the map on the wall opposite with an accusing glance, but it's not going to stop being a map of a jungle and until it does her problems aren't going to go away.

“No matter we'll make do without.”

Code: Select all

Hail my my sovereign and sovereign of all Chamaran kind.
I joyfully report that with your sisters aid first conquest and incursion are back up to full strength though no doubt second conquest will be understrength for some time to come will the vessels undergo repairs. However i must also speak ill news of several things.
1.The human race may not be the lowly cattle we immediately took them for, no doubt you have also gotten word of their military strength from the same sources, what we have fought so far is but a fraction of the power of two kingdoms and most human kingdoms have strength comparable to our own and look ill on our conquest. I therefore request the second incursion fleet and more resources to be kept in Makay for the creation of defences to repel our foes when they come in force.
2.I must question the expense involved in the new Dominion class battleship, I feel that it has little to offer except reduced missile armament and untested technologies as the destroyer already performs the same role reliably, I urge you to direct these resources to urgently needed tried and tested designs.
In closing however I accept that your vision reaches farther than mine sovereign and if you wish that i be the one to give these new ships a trial by fire then i am ever loyal to you and your line. 
May all our victories be as sweet as the ones before and let us never taste defeat.
Your loyal subject, Melusine, Battlemistress of first conquest fleet.
Last edited by Darkevilme on 2008-04-21 04:33am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Vanada smiled. "I believe you may have misunderstood my meaning, Wallace. Once we know the location of your systems, we won't have to discover them and can ensure that our next system visited is outside your territory. If you wish to assign us an escort to ensure that we actually leave, I will accept that."
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Post by Tanasinn »

Lenaard's reply came calmly on the heels of Vanada's comment, "Understood, Wraith; those maps should tell you what you need to know. Escort out of Union space will not be necessary. Good flying; Wallace out."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"Very well, Wallace. It's only fair to tell you where we're from, then. The nation we represent is located in former Imperial subsector Delta 23. All recorded Imperial colonies there are still intact. We will take our leave now; dancing with your patrol craft has taken up more time than we anticipated needing," he responded with a chuckle. "Wraith out."

He turned to the helm. "Power up the main drives. Jump when ready."

The starfield blurred a moment later as the stealthship leaped forward and was gone in a flash of radiation.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

A few days after the Makay Incident

Just a few days earlier, the primary Capital of the Kushawni people had been abuzz with excitement and anticipation. It had been revealed that the Great ship Bentusilon and two New Production Battleships had been sent to what was assumed to be a “Small Xeno Incursion”

Every had assumed the pride of th Kushawni fleet would easily overcome any resistance, their faith was absolute.

So it was that when the furthermost outpost of the main Kushawni systems picked up a force of ships, everyone made ready to welcome their new heroes.
The sight that greeted them was less then they expected. The two battleships, ruined, barely surviving hulks, relaying the horrid fate of their Great Avatar. The news crushed the people.

The outcry and turmoil that arouse in next few days swept up the entire populace. The military was furious that their single most expensive ship had been given such a light escort. Inquires where made, hearings where set up. At the great council chambers in Technotron-1 Admirals and politicians alike pounded the podiums demanding answers.

“The loss of the Bentusilon is an outrage of the highest order! The CityMind was foolish to send it out with only a pair of NewProduction Battleships! The Kushawni National Guard has far too long been marginalized in military affairs!”
A General in the Nation Guard shouted from on high

“We’ve already recalled all National Guard ships to our borders! But more must be done, the general populace is terrified that at any moment this Xeno Invasion fleet could appear and take down the rest of our force! Something must be done!” Another political barked slamming his desk.

“And where is the CityMind in all this? The great leader of our people has been almost absent so this whole mess started! It has been unresponsive to several high level inquires and questions! We all owe it our lives, sure, it saved us, without it our whole Province would not exist, but it still answers to the people! And the people are demanding answers!” Another political Barked to the Rablle in the chambers,

“Rabble! Rabble! Rabble! Rabble!!!”
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"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
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Post by Beowulf »

Makay Province
Makay star system

"Let's have at them."

Task Force Victoria dropped out of hyper at the outskirts of the system, and began barreling towards the planet. It would fare better than the ill-prepared fleets of other nations.
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Post by Darkevilme »

Makay starsystem

The system is for the time being strangely devoid of defending fleets, the invaders able to approach unopposed towards Godwin's hope. Meanwhile on the planets surface.

For the first time ever the Citadels were brought to full power, tracking systems lighting up and plotting the human fleet's likely orbital insertion vector, Missile ports opening up on the sides of the towers as slowly the overarching curtain shields spread out from the Citadels, covering each city on the planet.

And from the surface a single text only transmission to the oncoming vessels Human fleet, The Exodus demands to know your intentions.
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