SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

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SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Post by Zaia »

And, continuing where we left off, CONGRATS, PICK! :D
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Lets see, lost 0.6 kg over the past week for a net total over the past month:
Start: 79.5 kg, 28.1 fat percentage.
Now: 77.7 kg, 26 fat percentage of totla body weight.
Not too shabby :D
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Post by The Spartan »

On track with my diet. Lifted weights and did 30min of cardio tonight.
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Post by KrauserKrauser »

Down to 266 as per today's weigh in.

Trying out running on the track in lieu of machines. 1 mile first time, 1 mile again the next and today 2 miles with a break in between. Sweet Jesus on a cracker I am tired.

What's funny is that according to the BMI index thingy, my non-obese weight is 164. Now that is hilarious. My last recorded % body fat was 26% which gives me up about 198 pounds of lean mass, wonder how I am supposed to get down to 164.

Not too worried. Christmas will be fun, hopefully I won't do too much damage.
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Post by The Spartan »

KrauserKrauser wrote:What's funny is that according to the BMI index thingy, my non-obese weight is 164. Now that is hilarious. My last recorded % body fat was 26% which gives me up about 198 pounds of lean mass, wonder how I am supposed to get down to 164.
You're not. That scale is total bullshit. According to it I'd have to trim every ounce of fat from my body to be within my "ideal range." It goes without saying that that's not going to happen.
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Post by The Spartan »

Weights(Pushing muscles) and cardio(35 minutes) tonight.
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

Well I fell off, a while ago :oops: I am ashamed of it but I am picking myself up and starting again!! This time, I managed to get my mom to agree to join Weight Watchers with me and we are going to start after all this holiday season crapola is done with, since she baked a bunch of her christmas baking ;) :lol: Hey, we've gotta eat it ;) Nobody else will :mad: This is how we got to be large in the first place, why does x-mas have to be so centered around desserts in my family? :mad: grrr....

Anyway, wish me luck :)

Oh and I will add that Cpl Kendall has managed to stay on track and has lost over 15 pounds so far. A big part of it is he stopped drinking beer and pop.

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Post by KrauserKrauser »

Good luck with the new effort Mrs. Kendall.

I know it took a ton of false starts and new approaches until I reached where I am now in how I approach where I want my weight to be.

From all Crispix diets and killing myself at the gym, I learned something each time and eventually it helped build the knowledge base and determination to stick to what I am doing now.

A few things that have worked for me that weren't that hard to adjust to:

No fast food, ever, never ever, not even once when you only have time for it, yep not even then.
No full calorie soda, drastically reduce the intake of beer/alcoholic beverages
Don't buy the bad foods in the supermarket, so you don't have to be tempted by them at home

That last one is the one that has really helped me out. I find it alot easier to simply NOT BUY IT. I mean, if it's not in the house, I can't eat it. ABy moving the decision making process on what I am going to eat outside of my living space I find it a ton easier to make healthier decisions in what I eat. I simply don't buy Ice Cream, Chocolate, Donuts, Chips, Fried Stuff, etc. I used to reason with myself, saying "I'll buy this now, but control myself when i get home." That so never worked, I always gave in. Then, I just admitted to myself that I have poor control over myself when it comes to food already in the house. Now I say, "If I buy this, I'll eat it in a day, that is bad, I don't want to do that, so I simply won't buy it." It's an interesting change, one of those silly lifestyle changes, I know, but it really does work. That is the one, not that hard to implement change, that I suggest.

Also, I totally pigged out on Christmas + Christmas Eve. Brownies, cookies, Jello Salad, more Brownies, even more Cookies, then some more cookies, and finally more Cookies. Oh, it was good. New weight 267, a gain that I can easily live with.
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

Thanks Man, that is good advice that I have heard before and have tried I just have to be more strict with myself, I find that I do fine when I'm shopping if I'm not hungry and if I don't see any sales on jumk food, if I see those sales I think ahh this one time wont hurt and it's such a good deal, how can I just walk by? I'm just going to have to stop doing that. I don't have a problem with pop or alcohol, I hate alcohol and what it does to people and I find that after I drink pop my mouth feels all yucky and I get major heartburn so I've stopped drinking that. Thanks for that advice though, it reminded me of all the things I am doing that I shouldn't be.
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Post by Medic »

I've not a link right now quick googling confirms what I learned in Enrivonmental Science's health lessons that the closer you eat your last meal to bedtime, the more of it you'll "hang on to." In other words, eat dinner earlier so your waking-hours metabolism has as much time to burn it off as possible. To make it even better (it occurs to me that the English language needs a word the complete opposite of exacerbate, is there one?) do your work outs after your last meal as well.

It should go without saying this would more than likely be negated by midnight snacks. My lonely ass can't know, but a regimented weight-loss program might be easier with a SO or BF/GF to check you but maybe not if they've the same problems. Then again, perhaps you could use that as a shared, competitive challenge.
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Post by Faram »

I utterly craped my diet and gained a lot of kilos, but I am restarting on Monday.

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Post by Surlethe »

I've gained some weight over holidays, and I want to get in the habit of exercizing before I head off to uni next year, so I think I'll join up here.
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Post by The Spartan »

:oops: Is there anyone (besides Pick, congrats again) who didn't screw up their diet/exercise over the holidays in some way?
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Post by KrauserKrauser »

Ummm, I only gained a pound. Not something I am that worried about. :P
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Post by Coyote »

I got back from Iraq and quickly gained about 12 pounds, and was up to 210. I joined Gold's Gym and signed on with a trainer a couple months ago, that and combined with my own portion control and healthy eating habits, as well as working out I was doing on my own, I got down to 202.

Now, I've lost ground during the holidays, but I kind of expected that, and I'm going to resume maximum effort starting Monday, January 2nd, again. I'm hovering around 205-206 now.

Going for the magic 185 if I can, but 190 will be acceptable.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

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Post by The Spartan »

Walked a mile at my lunch break today and after work did more cardio and lifted weights. In all I did about an hour of cardio today and maybe half an hour of weights: Lat pull, seated row, upright row, military press, front raises, side raises, leg lifts.

Okay, the bad news: I still haven't lost the weight that I put on since moving back to Houston.

The Good News?: I've been lifting weights so I may have put on some muscle while simulateously burning fat. And even if I haven't, now that I have a job and a regular schedule, I can work out and stick with it far more easily. Better still, I've hit my stride, so to speak, in the gym. That is, I can workout harder and longer now than I could when I was totally out of shape. I'm still not in shape but I'm far better off than I was when I started back. Again...
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Post by Surlethe »

I walk at least a mile daily, so that's good. I should start watching my eating habits more. Diet consists of:

Vegetarian dinner

and nothing else.
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Post by The Spartan »

More of the same. Walked a mile at lunch. Did about 35 minutes of cardio in and around my weights. Lifted as well obviously: bench press, dumbell incline press, leg press and calf raises.
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Post by mjn6172 »

All right, it's time for me to get serious about getting in shape again. I want to get down to my old college weight (190 lbs.) My regimen is as follows:

1. Eliminate all snacks between meals. No cookies, crackers, ice-cream, etc. I really need to eliminate soda's too, I usually have a bottle of Coke with lunch. Hmmm, maybe try some of the bottled Iced Teas, at least then I would be getting my caffeine fix.

2. Make sure I'm eating healthy meals. Cut out fast foods, or at the very least cut way back on them.

3. Daily exercise. Right now I'm doing various sets of sit-ups and push-ups when I get home from work in the evenings, and walking 2-3 miles in the evening after supper. I'm looking for a gym too (Anyone know of a good one in the Ocoee/West Orlando area?)

Slow and steady, I can do this.
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Post by Ace Pace »

The most excercise I get is 1:30 hours of real gym during school and walking 2 kilometers a day from school while carrying a heavy bag, I suggest it to all students here to walk home instead of using buses.
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Post by The Spartan »

More exercise today. My usual mile walk at lunch.

I also lifted weights and did a little more than half an hour of cardio.
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

Got back from my second Weight Watchers meeting tonight having not lost one pound :( I think it's because of the fact that I was on my period this past week though because I was doing very well with not eating high calorie foods and counting my points. I think I'll just update every time I got to a meeting, once a week on thursdays ;)

Wish me luck for this week.
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Post by KrauserKrauser »

Good luck.

I recently started out on free weights. Last week I got to workout with my cousin, former starting center for the Naval Academy football team, and got a basic run through of what he does.

Tried it out today with mixed results. Going to read up on it tomorrow during breaks in work, set up some sort of a plan of what exercises I want to do along with alternates if I get bored with a specific exercise and still want to work the same muscle group.

Gone are the days of working on every machine three times a week. off to the greener and less structured ways of free weights.
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Post by Grand Admiral Mango »

Well, i've just weighed myself for the 1st time in almost a month and i've put on almost 6 pounds! :( Oh well, back to the diet. I'm determined to stick to it more than ever now!!!!
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Post by Grand Admiral Mango »

Edit: Not that i ever left the diet - it's justa bit harder over that time of year :wink:
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