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Post by Striderteen »

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Post by Master of Ossus »

Here's more good stuff from SB.com:

http://kier.3dfrontier.com/forums/showt ... ge=3&pp=25

Post #59
Stewart wrote:But he [DarkStar] has much better evidence on his site and it is very fair! That is something that Wong is not. After all he banned me because he did not understand my ideas and calcs.
Stewart, in post #74 wrote:I am not a hypocrit! Wong banned me because he could not argue against my ideas, nothing more. I did furnish the calcs. He just kept on asking for irrealivant info and used it as an excuse to rid himself of a more knowledgable opponent!

The fact that there are other sites that have a fairer disposition does not change the facts. ST technology is supirior to SW technology and ST ships are faster than SW ships!
Stewart, in post #124 wrote:When I cite DarkStar's site, it is because he has the data in a easy to use form and it is also very complete. You are mis-representing my possition. I have never complained about anyone useing any other site to support thier possitions. I do argue for myself, but use the data on that site to support my possition because it is much better than on Wong's site!
1. Not true at all. [Explaining why it would have hurt him to answer Mike Wong's demand for calculations] I would have to do much research and waste a lot of time. I have a life and none of the data that Mr. Wong demanded was reallivant to the argument.
2. I did furnish ALL of the data that would show that my theory is not only possable but much more likely than the DET model that Wong favores. I also gave refferances and cited several books that if anyone of the opposition had read would have proven that my theory is possable.

When Wong dissmisses my argument out of hand without giving any proof or resource that would dispute my theory, but then makes demands that I furnish the calculations of nuclear reactions to "PROVE" mine, when any of the books that I cited would do that job! That is hypocracy. (Demanding that I furnish calculations and outside refferances, when he would furnish niether!)
^This is my personal favorite Stewie post.^

It is so stupid, and so utterly irrational. It also proves he doesn't have any idea what the concept of a debate is, in which you are required to present proof rather than vague citations of Popular Science Magazine.
Stewart, in post #134 wrote:[Explaining why VOY was so much slower than his estimates for warp travel in ST] You tell me! I think it was because doing that would have spoiled the serries future revinues!
Stewart, in post #144 wrote:Arliegh Burke is an AA ship with secondary potential against both surface and sub-surface units. Just because it is called a "Destroyer" does not mean that it does not do the job of a heavy cruiser or battle ship. The other ship was origionaly called a torpedo boat destroyer and as such that was it's only valid type of target. A modern PHM could do that and other tasks at 50-80 tons. 50/420=<12% That the PHM can engage air and surface targets that the first DD can not is proof that as tech gets better units get smaller. I can cite other examples if you want. That a Combantti III has more effective firepower than any WW-II Battle ship while displacing only 240 tons or just over half the first DD and can engage air and submarine targets too. You do not even want to talk aircraft here! That they are not even close to equal in the order of battle is beyond dispute, dispite the fact that they both have the same title.

In Star Trek there are also ~600 hours of TV serrials and two books. As per The creator, Gene Rodenberry.

The "name the sources" argument is not valid. It is your claim and you must "name the sources" for your argument to have any substance. I do not know the exact pages or even which books they are in. All I can say is that there are litteraly hundreds of books and magasine articles out there and I do not remember a single one that cites dust!

You made the claim now it is your turn to cite the sources.

The scenes start with every single combat in the first series of TV shows. I recomend the "Arena"! Episode #19. In every single example the ship and the phaser fire is at FTL speed! Some targets are at FTL speeds and some are at SL Speed.

I recomend going to the ST-v-SW.net web site to get a comprehencive list of examples from the later series, ST the Next Generation, DS-9 and Voyager. One of my favorites is the first part of the first STNG show, were the Enterprise D has a FTL-v-FTL battle over millions of kilometers range with weapons in the several hundreds/thousands of megatons yeald ranges. In that battle sequence, the ship also makes a warp speed "U" turn that shows off it's maneuvering very nicely.

I know that no one else makes the claim for weapons that large, but the size of the fireballs at that visual range makes lower yealds impossable! After all the size of the weapon case makes containment of a ton of anti mater possable along with several tons of conventional matter.( 340L volume @ 20Kg/L = ~6,800Kg.

The scenes that contradict the fantastic speeds cited in books for SW ships are disputed by two scenes that I am familliar with.

1. Senator Amidalla and Anikan Skywalker race "LESS THAN A PARSEC" to rescue Obi Wan in ~15 HOURS. A speed in a official government ship that any logical argument would make one of the fastest possable, of between .2 and .33 LY/hour depending on how far a parsec is in SW space.( Useing published data!)

2. The map scene were Obi-Wan points to the location of Kamino <2/3s the distance from the center to geometric rim of the Galaxy. Other maps in books and other EU sources show that Corissant is some distance from the geometric "center" of the galaxy tword Kamino. As there is some dought about the exact time taken to traverse this distance because of cut away scenes in between leaving and arriving, there is some dispute as to how fast it makes the ship.

3. In the novelisation of the third movie there is the Rebble Fleet's jump to Endor. Rationalisation of that trip also yealds speeds much lower than most Wars fans like. See ST-v-SW.net for a complete anallysis of this trip.
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Post by Striderteen »

Master of Ossus wrote:It also proves he doesn't have any idea what the concept of a debate is, in which you are required to present proof rather than vague citations of Popular Science Magazine.
It isn't even from Popular Science; it's from Discover Magazine. He couldn't remember his own citation in the first place, saying it was an obscure article he read in a scientific journal once; he wouldn't even 'fess up after I tracked down the actual article.

The theory in question is that the Earth's core might be a natural reactor like the one at Oklo. Unfortunately:

1. The theory isn't much more than unfounded speculation; the so-called evidence for it is purely coincidental. That's why it was published in a general interest science magazine rather than a real scientific journal.

2. Even if the theory's correct, Stewart is *STILL* wrong; natural uranium can't detonate as a fission device, and even if it did the yield is insufficient to destroy the planet.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

IS he seriously arguing NOW that only 1% of the planet's mass was "blasted" away, and that the other 99% of the planet remained relatively intact??? Does this idiot not realize that Han flat out states that "there is no alderaan"?? (to say nothing of what the novelization says - about supposedly coming out 1 planetary diameter from the planet and seeing it in front of them, etc..)

How the hell can something be "gone" or "blown away" if you fail to eliminate 99% of its mass???

What next exactly, Alderaan is 99% hollow and an artificial planetoid? :lol:
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Post by Meest »

Why the hell does he use exclamation marks to mark his points, comes across like some bargain store commercial.

/cue SDI commercial

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Post by Atlan »

Connor MacLeod wrote:IS he seriously arguing NOW that only 1% of the planet's mass was "blasted" away, and that the other 99% of the planet remained relatively intact??? Does this idiot not realize that Han flat out states that "there is no alderaan"?? (to say nothing of what the novelization says - about supposedly coming out 1 planetary diameter from the planet and seeing it in front of them, etc..)

How the hell can something be "gone" or "blown away" if you fail to eliminate 99% of its mass???

What next exactly, Alderaan is 99% hollow and an artificial planetoid? :lol:
I'm in a few of those threads and YES, he IS seriously arguing that only 1% of Alderaan got blasted away, and that the rest of the planet was still there, more or less intact.
Suffice to say that there is pretty much no one left who takes him seriously.
The funny thing is, this guy used to post on the Warships1.com boards too, some six months to a year ago. These are serious naval boards, and from what I recall he got discredited there too...
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Post by Mange »

Well, it sure looks as if Stewart Little... I meant Davies, is getting his a** kicked in every forum he turns to in desperation.
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Post by Atlan »

Of all the Stewart quotes so far, this one is the best (emphasis mine):
Stewart wrote:I take the barbs as they are thrown.

That all of these "Crushing Refutations" are all based on the same defective deductions and failures to read all of my possits is beyond my abillity to debate.

So far, no one has counted the fragments or computed thier speed on this site. Untill that happens, none of you can percieve my brilliance. You will all just go on in ignorance as before, beliving the mistakes of others.
The great thing is that HE is the one making all the claims regarding the Alderaan fragments and their repective velocities (and claiming "brilliance" for it) but others will have to do the work of counting them and their speed!
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Post by Tribun »

After reading all his stuff from Spacebattles.com, I had the urge to go to the next toilet, and retch into it. This is a even lower niveau than he had shown here!
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Post by XaLEv »

Does Stewie remind anyone else of the Time Cube guy?
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Post by General Zod »

Meest wrote:Why the hell does he use exclamation marks to mark his points, comes across like some bargain store commercial.

/cue SDI commercial

"Know won can beet hour pryces, I garerontee it!"
he actually reminds me of this writer that did a series called necroscope. he'd use exclamation points every other sentence to convey the fact that something was exciting or dramatic, incredibly redundantly. as though it somehow made something more exciting or interesting than it really was. kind of sad really. . . .
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Post by phongn »

Stewie has a new avatar on SB :D
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Post by Crown »

phongn wrote:Stewie has a new avatar on SB :D
Did he pick that for himself?
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Post by XaLEv »

No, Cool Guy did it. He also gave him a signature:


The posts of this individual contain dangerously stupid material. Known side-effects of reading these posts include:

1) Increase in laughter
2) Severe increase in Frustration

These posts may also cause an unhealthy increase in stupidity and potentially harmful head-banging against the wall, if reading dosage is not moderated. Space Battles is not responsible for the detrimental effects that these posts may cause to one's intellect and/or health.

For further information, please visit:

http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Hat ... index.html

- Cool Guy
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Post by Darth Wong »

Just for fun, I added this to the page, near the end:


Yes, that's the picture he sent Phil Skayhan.
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Post by Joe Momma »

Stewart, in post #124 wrote:1. Not true at all. [Explaining why it would have hurt him to answer Mike Wong's demand for calculations] I would have to do much research and waste a lot of time. I have a life and none of the data that Mr. Wong demanded was reallivant to the argument.
But he had time to go on a ten day trip and interview 8 Ph.D.s about this?! WTF?!!

BTW, about the "stars going by" bit he's harping on right now, don't some of those stars go between the ship and the camera in some shots? If so, Stewie 0wnz your asses because he's got pruf that Feddie ships can grow to the siez of solar sistems. :roll:

Personally, I'd vote that you make this Hate Mail page as long as you can. This craziness is horribly fascinating. Either Stewie's teh gratest loony EVAR or he's a frighteningly dedicated troll. I could read reams of pages using him as a punching bag. Come to think of it, between here and Spacebattles, I already have.

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Post by Mange »

XaLEv wrote:No, Cool Guy did it. He also gave him a signature:


The posts of this individual contain dangerously stupid material. Known side-effects of reading these posts include:

1) Increase in laughter
2) Severe increase in Frustration

These posts may also cause an unhealthy increase in stupidity and potentially harmful head-banging against the wall, if reading dosage is not moderated. Space Battles is not responsible for the detrimental effects that these posts may cause to one's intellect and/or health.

For further information, please visit:

http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Hat ... index.html

- Cool Guy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, man. I haven't had such a good time in weeks. I can't stop laughing. And Stewart Little thought that people made fun of him here.
BTW, is it true that Little Stewie and his Stratigic Defense Instatute has been banned from this board? His posts are funny, and I mean FUNNY!
Take a look at these (not exact, but in those effects) quotes:
"Voyager is an extremely slow ship." Duh, Voyager is said to be a very fast ship. In the very first episode of Voyager, maximum cruise velocity is said to be Warp 9.9975 (6666,7c).
"Look at how quickly those stars passes by thus indicating quadrillions of c."
It has been established for a long time that it is particles interacting with the warp field stupid.
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Post by Sarevok »

Stewart seems even more stupid on spacebattles.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by nightmare »

Stewart at Spacebattles wrote:That is obviously true! That the speeds in every single episode and movie of the ST universe shows speeds in the hundreds of millions of "C"! It is all cannon. None of the "taking decades to cross the galaxy" is in cannon data! It comes from books that are specificly excluded from from cannon status by Rodenberry and the Paramount organisation
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Post by Tribun »

I wonder, when he will get banned there.
Shouldn't be too long before it happens...... :twisted:
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Post by Darth Wong »

Mange the Swede wrote:BTW, is it true that Little Stewie and his Stratigic Defense Instatute has been banned from this board? His posts are funny, and I mean FUNNY!
True, but he started ignoring my posts. It's pretty hard to have fun when somebody decides to simply pretend that you don't exist and refuses to answer any of your posts, so I gave him an ultimatum, which he also ignored. Ultimatums carry no weight if you are not prepared to carry through with them.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

evilcat4000 wrote:Stewart seems even more stupid on spacebattles.
He is more stupid on Spacebattles. After all, it's got it's very own group of DarkStar supporters and people who are willing to defend him. Morons are like a gas, their stupidity takes up as much room as allowed to it and I'm afraid that Spacebattles is a very large container indeed.

I mean, check out this quote by Denix Linelli while agruing on the same side as Stewie:
You do know that the size of something doesn't have anything to do with tech level? Bigger is not always better. And the size of the Empire's territory also has nothing to do with their tech level.

The Empire does have less advanced technology in general than the UFP...they just make up for it with brute force. Power source technology is probably the only really superior tech they have (that hypermatter stuff).
This is what we are dealing with here.

Plus, it's not uncommon for Trekkies to claim that photon torpedoes have a standard yield of about 500 megatons there.
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Post by Crown »

Darth Wong wrote:Just for fun, I added this to the page, near the end:


Yes, that's the picture he sent Phil Skayhan.
for some reason, I feel sorry for him now.
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Post by Mange »

Darth Wong wrote:
Mange the Swede wrote:BTW, is it true that Little Stewie and his Stratigic Defense Instatute has been banned from this board? His posts are funny, and I mean FUNNY!
True, but he started ignoring my posts. It's pretty hard to have fun when somebody decides to simply pretend that you don't exist and refuses to answer any of your posts, so I gave him an ultimatum, which he also ignored. Ultimatums carry no weight if you are not prepared to carry through with them.
No, I agree on that.
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Post by Mange »

Sorry, I hit the submit button to quickly. No, I don't see any reason to have a debate without a person validating his claims. I've tried to challenge DarkStar to a debate. While I'm a social scientist and not a natural, the logical flaws on his site are too many to count. The debate tactics that Stewart Little has been using is worse than DarkStar. Little Stewie makes things up on a whim(the example of Voyager being an extremely slow ship) and by using DarkStar's claims without even look at them from a critical POV and making up his own mind about things. He then throws in things that are totally unrelated and irrelevant and which do not have a bearing on the subject at hand. I don't see any reason to have a serious debate with such a person. But, on the other hand, why not having an other form of debate :twisted: .......
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