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Anyone Interested?

Posted: 2002-08-01 11:30pm
by Jack Lain
Is anyone interested in writing a board story?
What I mean, is each one of us write a chapter and lets create a story (web space allowing) from all of us. -Ok with you Mods and MW?

It does not have to be a ST vs. SW story. Lets just all write a Sci Fi story together. Though we can all contribute to a ST vs. SW story if eveyone would rather.
A lot of the ppl here have a lot of talent. Science, math, writing skills, logic, etc... We could all write a pretty good Sci Fi story or Fan Fic if you rather. I think this would be pretty cool. Its like a debate as new writers throw new ideas into the pot, but they are either negated by the next poster or used. Could make a nice piece of fiction.

What do you guys/gals think?
Lets start off with eight characters, don't have to be on the same team, and develop the story from that. Someone else suggest character number one, I'll pipe back in at four or so if anyone is up to it. This thing would write itself as we all contribute. Should be a good story and a fun time.

-Jack "questioner" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-02 12:34am
by Darik Sdair
Sounds intriguing...

Posted: 2002-08-02 12:55am
by MagicHateBall
I'm in. I'm only a fair writer, but I'll do my best.

Posted: 2002-08-02 01:00am
by MagicHateBall
Something I just thought of: there should be a way to reserve the next piece. If we have just everybody posting willy-nilly in response, mass confusion would result.
Perhaps there should be a day's wait after a post, when the next writer is decided, or a schedule of writers.
Oh, and is this going to be pure silliness, a serious story, or something in between?

Posted: 2002-08-02 01:10am
by Jack Lain
Do you have a character?

Let us use your name.

Admiral Sdair stood on the command bridge and looked out at the star field. He was not in the best of moods. In fact he was angry.
He strode down the command deck and turned to the Captain.
"Why did you not order the immediate destruction of the colony?" he asked. His face was white with anger.
The Captain paled but could not answer.
The fact that this was a training situation did not concern Sdair.
He continued, "You will fire upon that colony Captain! Why did you cease-fire? Why did you stop? Do you want us to lose?"

Create a character; we now have one of eight. Seven remaining.

Admiral Sdair is an Imperial Admiral who is a perfectionist. A man who will not allow excuses and wants a true answer. He demands and expects that his ship be run efficiently and correctly.
Admiral Sdair. An unforgiving Empire Admiral who demands the best and will not take anything less as an answer. He is the model Imperial Admiral. Uniform straight, hair tight, anger held in check. This man will destroy planets and all life on them with a word from his Emperor.


Posted: 2002-08-02 01:12am
by Jack Lain
We will let the mods decide that. If they read a section that is just "silly" they will fix it. As writers, lets just write.

We are counting on the Mods and MW's approval to even do this. If they say no, then the whole thing is just another idea.


Posted: 2002-08-02 01:14am
by Jack Lain
I want to add. The mods and admin are our continuity monitors. They can contribute of course, but they are the only ones who can delete or modify posts.

7 characters left. Give us one bro.

-Jack "poop" Lain

Posted: 2002-08-02 02:34am
by MagicHateBall
Certainly. :D

Captain Anarik:
Young commander of the ISD Colossus, he is regarded as one of the finest battle tacticians in the Imperial fleet; however, he has had very little actual command experience. He has only recently taken command of the Colossus, and is still adjusting to his new responsiblities.
While not a strict disiplinarian, he expects nothing but the finest from his crew, and is still adjusting to the hardline attitude of Admiral Sdair, the commander of the fleet he's assigned to. Anarik keeps his dislike of the Admiral firmly in check, though, and never lets it show, around Sdair or his own subordinates. His two greatest flaws are cautiousness -- he tries to avoid putting his ship at risk -- and an unwillingness to kill when it is unecessary. Even though the latter could be misinterpreted as disloyalty, he firmly believes that Palpatine's Empire is the only way to enforce law and order in the galaxy.

Posted: 2002-08-02 02:51am
by Alyrium Denryle
I can(at least in my own mind) write very discriptive battle scenes.

Posted: 2002-08-02 03:07am
by Alyrium Denryle
Though I am reasonably good at writing fantasy if anyone likes that stuff.

Posted: 2002-08-02 04:14am
by Gil Hamilton
I was actually writing a StarWars fan-fiction, but I only really planned out a synapsis. The story was set during the early days of the Empire, when it was completing the transistion from Republic to Empire. The story was about the mercenaries who were in the service of the "Republic" that were being hired to fill in the Navy's ranks because of terrible loses amongst "Republic" ships due to the civil war; sort of a citizens corp, if you will. The "Republic" has almost won domination over the Galaxy, but more and more of the mercenaries are defecting due to the large increase of really unpleasant things to completely innocent parties by the "Republic" forces. Thus, the order is given to round up and arrest the crews of ships suspected of being "unloyal to the democratic state of the Rupublic". The story is about a ship the Lucky Five, which is given the order to mass at a planet for a major offensive against the Insurrectionists. The commander of the Lucky Five notices that no Republic ships are present and when the Republic navy shows up with their guns trained on their ship and demand they drop their shields and prepare to be arrested, he orders the Lucky Five to run. Most of the mercanary fleet runs and Republic destroys most of them, but the Lucky Five escapes. The story is about the ship escaping to the Outer Rim to hide, and survive the "Republic" attack ship that's tailing it to make sure it doesn't escape with footage of Imperial ships butchering the mercenaries.

Don't flame me too hard

Posted: 2002-08-02 04:28am
Until I clear this with Mike, nobody is running any SDs.

They tend to be rather too bandwidth heavy.

Posted: 2002-08-02 06:19am
by Cpt_Frank
Is the StarCraft universe allowed as a part of this story?

Posted: 2002-08-04 01:10am
Thread moved.

I might join sometime in late August.

Posted: 2002-08-04 01:35am
by Jack Lain
Thanks much IDMR!!!

Ok, so far we have the characters:

Admiral Sdair is an Imperial Admiral who is a perfectionist. A man who will not allow excuses and wants a true answer. He demands and expects that his ship be run efficiently and correctly.
Admiral Sdair. An unforgiving Empire Admiral who demands the best and will not take anything less as an answer. He is the model Imperial Admiral. Uniform straight, hair tight, anger held in check. This man will destroy planets and all life on them with a word from his Emperor.

Captain Anarik:
Young commander of the ISD Colossus , he is regarded as one of the finest battle tacticians in the Imperial fleet; however, he has had very little actual command experience. He has only recently taken command of the Colossus , and is still adjusting to his new responsiblities.
While not a strict disiplinarian, he expects nothing but the finest from his crew, and is still adjusting to the hardline attitude of Admiral Sdair, the commander of the fleet he's assigned to. Anarik keeps his dislike of the Admiral firmly in check, though, and never lets it show, around Sdair or his own subordinates. His two greatest flaws are cautiousness -- he tries to avoid putting his ship at risk -- and an unwillingness to kill when it is unecessary. Even though the latter could be misinterpreted as disloyalty, he firmly believes that Palpatine's Empire is the only way to enforce law and order in the galaxy.

Gil that is a great idea as I understand it. You're talking about a story that takes place between ep III and ep IV. Not a bad time period. We have to be careful as we cannot interrupt the next 3 movies, but its a good idea.

Alyrium Denryle - I'd love to leave a scene in space for you to complete. That would fucking rock to put the lead characters in a situation, in space or on earth and you write out the battle scene. Take our characters and present them with shit we never thoughts of, that is cool. That is what I like about colaboraive fiction. Is the action and reaction stuff.

Cpt_Frank - We can easily incorporate ideas from the SC universe into the story. What did you have in mind? Your question has me thinking, but without fleshing out the idea, I'm afraid I don't really understand.
Ok folks. We have some good writers here, some great ideas and we have 2 of eight characters. An admiral and a captain. We need 6 more.
All bets are off and there are no wilds. Personally I would love that someone create a gangster element, but I already created a character so I won't add that. Oh, we do need some "good" guys also!! hehehe.

-Jack "add a piece of the puzzle" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-04 03:13am
by StarshipTitanic
Can I try? Let's add a little B5 into the mix:

"Navigation, what was that?"

"I'm not entirely sure, Captian. Sensors show a massive surge of acceleration, but you can barely feel it in this gravitic mess. Also, we're getting a problem-oh no..."

"Lieutenant, answer!"

"S-sir, we're completely out of the beacon network range. I'm getting...I'm getting no responce whatsoever."

"Exit hyperspace, NOW!" barked Captian Constantine Leonov.


"Admiral Sdair, sensors are picking up an energy surge...just to port! It looks like a wormhole or something..."

"Get an image on a monitor. Quickly!"


Sdair pulled the small, holomonitor emitter out of his chair arm and punched the power button. Almost instantly, the ubiqutious Imperial cheveron was replaced with the sensor feeds. A large, orange-colored portal seemed to form, no, rip open space itself just forward and above the bow of his flagship (ooc: we need a name, guys). A single, nearly two thousand meter ship sprang out of the very center of the vortex, shooting up and over the bow of the mighty Imperial Star Destroyer. The ship spiraled slightly, as if it wasn't quite prepared for the wild ride it had just undergone. Then, with the grace an A-Wing, it twisted around and faced the three ion engine cones. A flowery apparatus at the front of the giant folded carefully into a small box.

The EAS Mars had arrived.


"Communications, hail that ship!" Admiral Sdair and Captian Leonov said in unison.

Posted: 2002-08-04 04:12am
by Cpt_Frank
Now here's my character proposal:

Acting Admiral Travis W. Ryan, member of the UED military

UED fleet on retreat to the UED home sector
They vanished as fast as they came.
They popped up from nowhere, attacked, and where gone the next moment.
The Zerg did not dare to directly attack a fleet that large, for they feared the losses, but they tried to wear off the fleet with constant ambushes, small numbers of terrors and mutalisks attacking them, forcing them to drop out of warp, cripling a battlecruiser or two, and then disappearing again, knowing that in the end, they would be victorious.
Ryan watched from the windows of the observation deck as the terrors slammed into the hull of the DSS Columbus.
The Mutalisks were skimming the surface of the giant warship, spitting acid spores which ate their way through the ship's armored skin. Moments later all terrors were destroyed, all Mutalisks gone, and the Columbus was drifting through space, gaping holes in the hull, the starboard nacelles completely obliterated, the starboard side of the 'head' completely consumed by raging fires.
"Captain, bridge here. The sensors are picking up several hundred mutalisks and devourers approacing our positinon."
"Time left until they arrive?" Ryan asked.
"Less than 30 minutes." The response came from the speaker.
"Is the time sufficient to rescue the crew of the Columbus?"
Ryan already knew the answer.
"Hardly Sir. It would take at least 5 minutes to make a shuttle ready, and the docking ports have been destroyed, so the rescue team would have to cut their way through the hull. That'll take another 15 minutes at the least.
And the artificial gravity on the Columbus has failed, that will cause further difficulties-"
"Understood." Ryan interrupted. He looked over at the ship. The crew numbered in the thousands. It wasn't the first time he had to make such a decision. The fleet would be able to defeat the Zerg attackers, but it would be a costly victory, he would lose many ships. The loss of the Columbus, on the other hand, was only a small price.
He knew a good soldier would never hesitate to make such a decision.
Admiral du Galle would never have hesitated.
He himself had made such exchanges many times.
The logic of war was mercyless.
"The fleet shall engage the warp drives. We will soon follow."
There was a last thing he could do for his men out there on the crippled ship.
"Tactical. Charge Yamato cannon, target the Columbus. Fire."
A huge crimson beam of death lanced out from the Aleksander's main weapons phalanx and obliterated the Columbus in a bright explosion.
"Follow the fleet. Engage warp dirve, set course for Earth." Ryan whispered.
Even after the ship had engaged the warp drive, he couldn't stop staring out of the window, into the emptyness.

The UED patriot Travis Ryan served under Admiral du Galle to conquer the terran sector, and to crush the Zerg and the Protoss. Being young and unexperienced when he arrived in the terran sector, the cruelty of the Zerg, and the ruthlessness of his superior officers forced him to act cold and to hide his ture nature, knowing that to show any signs of weakness ment certain death out there.
Though he never questioned the orders of his superiors and always did everything which was necessary to acheive victory, the conflict arising between his duties and his morality is beginning to slowly tear him apart.
After the retreat of the UED fleet and Admiral du Galle's suicide he seized command of the fleet including the flagship DSS Aleksander, and now tries to bring the fleet back home again. Knowing the Zerg, he knows they'll never make it home again, yet he refuses to give up hope.

If you like him, use him.

Posted: 2002-08-05 04:04am
by Jack Lain
Nice writing by both of you guys. But we need to follow the form.

We have 6 characters left and we've introduced some story line elements, but lets not start writing it until we have the principle players.

I like the Zerg elemet, I like Starships addition. But again, lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Add a character and then we'll write the opening sequence. This should allow all of us to contribute and continue with the collaborative story.

-Jack Lain

Posted: 2002-08-05 09:01am
by Cpt_Frank
btw my writing wasn't meant to be an actual part of the story, more an introduction for the character and the general situation he's in. We should start the actual writing after we have all the characters.

Posted: 2002-08-05 09:05am
by Cpt_Frank
btw my writing wasn't meant to be an actual part of the story, more an introduction for the character and the general situation he's in. We should start the actual writing after we have all the characters.

Posted: 2002-08-05 10:34pm
by StarshipTitanic
Nice writing by both of you guys. But we need to follow the form.
Well, nothing's set in stone. I did have to get the ship there. The backstory will come with my first in character post.

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:53am
by Typhonis 1
Major Mark Hazzard Eartf Force Marine Corps in charge of the marine troops on the EAS Mars is a tough no nonsense commnder survived the Minbari war and the EA Civil War fought on Sheridans side .Is considered a bit of a maverik and is willing to use unorthodox methods to win a fight , he is 40 years old wirh black hair that is greying and blue eyes ,medium build and height.He is well veresed in combined arms combat and can command a tank or infantry unit equally well .

Posted: 2002-08-06 07:39am
by Cpt_Frank
Hmm, your description reads like a military file.
Could you perhaps introduce us to your character in a more personal fashion?
What are his motives? Why does he fight? Revenge, for the death of his family, for example? Or patriotism? What are his feelings about his duties? How does he view his enemies? Does he hate them? Or even feel some contempt for them? Does he love what he fights for, or does he hate what he fights against? Or perhaps even both?
And perhaps you could give us a small scene to see him in action.

Posted: 2002-08-06 02:21pm
by StarshipTitanic
Ah yes, I forgot to mention that the EAS Mars is a Warlock

Posted: 2002-08-07 01:40am
by Typhonis 1
Major Hazzard swore under his breath as his Thor MBT ran over more zerglings.His eyes scanned the area through the turrets sensors .He knew he should pull an isralei but these "zerglings" could get in his tank and that would be bad,very bad."Im getting too old for this....first the Mimbari then the freaking Shadows and Vorlons Then the Civil War ...I`m a patriot as much as the next fella but still....hope Red is alright ..Gunnner ..Ripsaw Two o`clock.*the turret traversed to face the three Hydralisks .The Gunner merely nodded as the round was loaded by the cannon "Ripsaw up","Ripsaw away"he fired the shell at them .as soon as it left the barell the hollow container exploded like a shotgun shell unleashing hundreds fo triangular shards of metal ,there cutting edges sharpened to a molecule thick ,at the Hydralisks.Said Hydrylisks imediately collapesed as they were shredded by the shards moving at mach 6.