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Star Wars Fanfiction? Any takers?

Posted: 2002-07-28 05:44pm
by willburns84
Anyone out there read SW fanfiction? Can you recommend any?

I personally like... "An Uncertain Path" & "Long Twilight Path" by Red Rose Knight at - two series (latter incomplete) that covers an Alternate Universe where Obi-Wan Force Heals Qui-Gon (and hence does not die at the hands of Darth Maul) and is changed forever. Found specifically at and

Another personal favorite is "What Really Happened There?" by Zeynep Dilli (Morwen) at Summary bit written by author - "At the Truce of Bakura, no one but Han knew of the relationship between Luke, Leia and Vader - er, Anakin Skywalker. By the time of the Zahn Trilogy, everyone are aware Luke and Leia are siblings, but noone seems to know of their parentage but the Noghri, and them with their sense of smell. How was one bit of knowledge made public while the other was kept silent? And more important - how would a close friend, say, one Wedge Antilles, deal with it when he was confronted with what must have seemed impossible, incomprehensible? The story is from Luke's point of view, but Wedge is the star."

Any stories you all recommend or to stay the hell away from?

Posted: 2002-07-28 06:43pm
by Mr Bean
Anything where the writting is Entirely Pro-Trekky, Normaly these are mear literary throw up as far as grammer and sentance structor go and if not the *Uber Enterpize kills em all gets tiresome fast

Or to put it another way
Imagine how good a book would be if it where written about DOOM
Where the Lead Charater has God-Mode and All Weapons cheats on...

Posted: 2002-07-28 06:57pm
by Master of Ossus
Mr Bean wrote:Anything where the writting is Entirely Pro-Trekky, Normaly these are mear literary throw up as far as grammer and sentance structor go and if not the *Uber Enterpize kills em all gets tiresome fast

Or to put it another way
Imagine how good a book would be if it where written about DOOM
Where the Lead Charater has God-Mode and All Weapons cheats on...
It's actually FUNNY how nearly every person who writes pro-Trekkie vs. fanfic appears to be horribly stupid from their grammar, punctuation, and vocabularies. I was reading this one in which every other sentence involved X federation ship fired a spread of photon torpedoes blowing up 500 tie fighters. It was FUNNY, because the numbers didn't even add up. The four ISD's he had in his story would have carried less than ten percent of all the TIE's he was claiming were destroyed.

On the other hand, nearly every SW vs. fanfic I have read has at least been marginally coherent, and the vast majority of them have been fairly good. I think there might be a slight intelligence discrepency between the two sides.

Posted: 2002-07-28 07:00pm
by XaLEv
All the SW fanfiction I've read has been SW/ST crossover. The ASVS fanfic archive at has some pretty good stuff. Specifically, Chuck Sonnenburg's Worlds Without End and Price of Unity, under Story Arc Fanfics. Then, of course, there is Lord Wong's story Conquest, which is also at the ASVS archive.

Posted: 2002-07-28 07:06pm
by Crazy_Vasey
I read a lot of SW fanfic mainly the stuff at forums.

Posted: 2002-07-28 07:49pm
by willburns84
Yes, Lord Wong's series is quite good. I loved how he brought World Devastators into the story. Of the EU stuff, that is what I love the most. :D

"Not only did we reduce your planet to slag, but we sent down the World Devastator to process the raw materiels. Tyranids eat your heart out." :D

Posted: 2002-07-28 09:00pm
by Soontir C'boath
Is there any Fanfic sites that mostly contains the accurate canon #'s....i'm getting sick and tired of reading how several phaser and torpedoes can bring down a ISD's Shields and how SW weapons are only around 1 megaton.


Posted: 2002-07-28 10:36pm
by willburns84
The only place that I can imagine would be however, trying to find the crossover stories with the right power levels, SW vs ST, etc would be difficult. There is a blanket cross-over section, however trying to sift through that mass of stories is rather... painful.

Posted: 2002-07-28 11:01pm
by phongn
Marina O'Leary's De Imperatoribus Galacticis is an excellent read. You may also wish to read the comments afterwords. Be aware that the story is spaced throughout the first thread; IIRC she's up to Volume 1 Chapter 7.

Posted: 2002-07-28 11:50pm
by RayCav of ASVS
XaLEv wrote:All the SW fanfiction I've read has been SW/ST crossover. The ASVS fanfic archive at has some pretty good stuff. Specifically, Chuck Sonnenburg's Worlds Without End and Price of Unity, under Story Arc Fanfics. Then, of course, there is Lord Wong's story Conquest, which is also at the ASVS archive.
Conquest is excellent. So are all of Chuch's fanfics.

Fanfics I personally like are Rasputin and the Humor fanfics. I'm sure the other fanfics are good but I've actually read only a few of them. I'm trying to get to Osiris and Past Imperfect right now. Nonetheless, I recommend the ASVS archives as a whole, and I honestly think we have the best quality crossover ST/SW fanfics on the net.

Now if I may add a shameless plug here, may I recommend reading two of my fanfics. One is Pirates' Endeavor, it actually takes place entirely in the ST universe but everyone I've talked to about it (Dalton, Sheppard, Nitram, among others) say its a really good fanfic. You'll find it under the challenge section. Another rather quirky one, just for all you Grand Theft Auto III fans out there, is Welcome to Liberty City. Imagine the events in the game - if they were done by a certain Imperial Lieutenant named Hit-Man:)

Posted: 2002-08-07 01:34pm
by starcraft
go to this site it contains my favorite fic

It's the only good fic becase it is a fight betwwen species 8472 and well read this.

Posted: 2002-08-07 07:44pm
by Eleas
"go to this site it contains my favorite fic

It's the only good fic becase it is a fight betwwen species 8472 and well read this."

That's Paul Cassidy's fic. It's okay, no more.

Posted: 2002-08-07 08:02pm
by Mr Bean
Decent except they act nothing like 8472...

Re: Star Wars Fanfiction? Any takers?

Posted: 2002-08-07 08:16pm
by Eleas
"Anyone out there read SW fanfiction? Can you recommend any?"


The Long Patrol by Marina O'Leary, and its successor De Imperatoribus Galacticis are both fine reads, for those who like near-pornographic amounts of space battling. *g*

Past Imperfect, while quite brilliantly executed, has sadly stalled for quite a while. I hope Aron writes more...

Doomriser has given us a number of good fics. His best to date, IMHO, is The Prize. This story has a fresh take on the conflict and is an all-around fun read.

Worlds Without End, Shadows of the Night and Paradise Lost by Chuck Sonnenburg form a satisfying and engrossing triumvirate. These stories are good, and heartily recommended. Best of all, they're long reads.

True Slayer by Durandal is an interesting piece. It's a Star Wars / Buffy crossover. As I am Durandal's beta reader, the story is obviously excellent. ;) It's currently being rewritten, so no link is available until Damien damn well says so. *g*

I don't know why I didn't hate Blacklight when I first read it. I mean, it's got weird naming conventions and a story that, in lesser hands, would have come off as cringe-worthy. But despite this, Blacklight manages to be an interesting read and a truly fun story. Check it out.

Suicide Squad, though stillborn, is a hilariously funny fic written by Pablo Sanchez. It's debatable if it has that much to do with Star Wars, though - it's mainly a denizen fic set in the SW universe.

Steve Cavanaugh's Role Playing Adventures follow a group of struggling adventurers on their path to heroism. This is a transcript from Cavanaugh's group and their campaign. Enjoyable.

CrayZ' Intergalactic Allegiance, finally, is a good fanfic I hope to see more of in the future. Sadly it appears that CrayZ has tired of it for the time being, and wants to move on to greener pastures, so my prayers will probably go unheard.

There are others, but this is from the top of my head.

Re: Star Wars Fanfiction? Any takers?

Posted: 2002-08-07 09:47pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Eleas wrote:Suicide Squad, though stillborn, is a hilariously funny fic written by Pablo Sanchez. It's debatable if it has that much to do with Star Wars, though - it's mainly a denizen fic set in the SW universe.
It is NOT stillborn. I only have like, five words to write in the next chapter and it's done. But they are the five hardest words of all. It'll be on ASVS later tonight, I think. Plus it's not as funny as the other chapters, IMO. A bit more serious, but I'll rectify that in the fifth chapter.

It is mainly of interest to ASVS denizens, unfortunately. It's only marginally comprehensible if you treat the characters as beings seperate from ASVS.

Re: Star Wars Fanfiction? Any takers?

Posted: 2002-08-08 11:50am
by Eleas
"It is NOT stillborn. I only have like, five words to write in the next chapter and it's done."

You'll rue the day you crossed me, Trebek!

Posted: 2002-08-13 07:43pm
by irishmick79
I was thinking of throwing together a fanfic scenario involving a Hapan Civil War. The New Republic and the Empire have established a non-agression deal, and both parties use the opportunity to rebuild their militaries and reach for allies. Hapes remains officially neutral, but establishes lucerative business deals, arms and weapons deals, and such with both the Empire and the Republic.

A figure in the Hapes royal family makes a determined push to become the next queen mother at the expense of several other factions in Hapan society. The resulting political clash results in a fatal split, and Hapan political factions begin to arm themselves in preperation for a drawn-out power struggle. Things start off pretty low scale mostly skirmishes and such, but events rapidly spin out of control. Imperial forces later would enter the fray allied to some factions within Hapes in an effort to establish stronger footholds in Hapan space. New Republic responds likewise with factions allied to it's causes, and fairly soon after the conflict blows up into a full-scale war.

Anybody interested in the idea? I think personally think the scenario can go in a lot of interesting directions...