The Doomsday Planet

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O Wildish
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The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

"There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. Some believe, that somewhere beyond the heavens there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive..."

Part One: An Unexpected Encounter

Somewhere in the depths of space a small blue and green like planet stood in its orbit, its inhabitants were scared, all their cities were suffering a global power loss, and something terrible was coming to their world. A dark shadow loomed over the planet as another but slightly larger planet approached ominously, within moments the smaller planet seas began to dry up, and the plant life began to die the planet itself disintegrated, all that was left was a rocky field of debris.

Somewhere on the drifting planet, in a dimly lit chamber, mechanical figures observed emotionless, a human hand operated some controls.

“Planet-14--Has Been--Destroyed--No Survivors--We Will Survive--We Will Survive---” an electronic voice rasped… The unknown planet continued its deadly journey...

Sometime later, the mighty Batttlestar Galactica led the Colonial Fleet into an uncharted solar system. On board Commander Adama sat in his quarters.

“It is now exactly one yahren since the destruction of the colonies, we have encountered a new ally, a proud reptilian race called Draconians. After helping them deal with Morok
Space Pirates, explaining our own plight, they have offered us protection as we travel through their territory. These noble creatures, thought highly arrogant and somewhat dogmatic, have also given us supplies and information regarding what little they know of Earth, which to say the least is not a lot, save a distant image of the planet we are looking for. Adding to what we have already learned. A blue and white planet in a system of nine, orbiting a yellow star. Our analysts are trying to enhance the image, however there could be thousands of such planets across the galaxy, I cannot help wonder if the Book of the Word speaks the whole truth about the 13 colonies as we have already encountered many more worlds inhabited by Humans than what's told of, most notably the planet Terra. As we near the edge of the Draconian Empire, their ambassador, who has just left us, has directed us to a nearby planet who might have more information...”

As Adama concluded his journal, the comline then buzzed.

“Sir, it's Tigh, we've just left Draconian Space, we have a problem, the planet the Draconians told us about in this sector, isn't here, just a massive asteroid field which will be nearly impossible to navigate the fleet through, we could blast our way through...but” reported Colonel Tigh anxiously as the stood on the command deck.

“But we don't know what's out there, very well send out a Viper recon probe, I doubt our Draconian friends would have lied to us, but still, we have a missing planet to find” Adama replied…

Moments later Starbuck, Apollo and Sheba launched their Vipers, as they flew through the asteroids they talked about recent events.

“God, That Draconian Ambassador!” exclaimed Sheba irritably.

“Don't worry about it, I'm sure he didn't mean to treat you and Athena as second class beings, not everyone is as enlightened about female rights as us” laughed Starbuck.

“Are you getting any readings?” asked Apollo.

“Nope, not a thing, other than these rocks” replied Sheba.

“Me nether, I think the Galactica can blast her way through” confirmed Starbuck.

“Hang on, I'm picking up something... odd, I'm going to investigate”” realized Apollo sweeping on. Pulling up side-by-side Sheba and Starbuck looked at each other with concern.

Apollo’s puzzled voice spoke though their comlines. “You're not going to believe this...”

Apollo couldn't believe his eyes, all his years as a pilot, he'd seen some of the weirdest things out there but this was off the scales weird. A tall blue box with a flashing light spun just ahead of him, it didn't look dangerous, however Apollo know all to well how appearances could deceive. Drawing closer he could make out some of signage on the object “POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX”, he read “A Police Call Box?” Wondered Apollo to himself “Could be some sort of marker I suppose”. Just then he heard a strange eerie sound, a sort of pleasing wheezing “ka-vorping” sound unlike anything he'd ever heard before, the mysterious box then faded out of existence as did the sound.

“So what was it?” questioned Starbuck as Apollo rejoined them.

“Buddy, you wouldn't believe me if I told you” replied Apollo.

“Do you think it's dangerous?” asked Sheba.

“Well I doubt it, besides it's... gone now,” replied Apollo.

The Vipers Pilots then continued their investigation, their ships then began to tremble as an unseen energy struck them.

“We're in trouble, something is pulling our ships!” realized Starbuck.

“Hold on!” cried Apollo.

The Vipers then went dead in space...

Back on board the Galactica, out of nowhere, the mysterious blue box materialized corner of the Launch Chamber, one of its doors opens and a tall figure stepped out, the man wore a heavy Burgundy coat and an incredibly long scarf, he also had a mop of brown curly hair and piercing blue eyes.

“I wonder where you've taken us to this time” he mused, surveying the chamber, luckily no one was about, the stranger then spied the Viper “ahh Impressive” walking over to it.

“It's just like the one we saw in the asteroid field,” said a well-spoken woman's voice from within the box.

“Indeed, Romana? You know you don't have to use the viewer to look, it’s perfectly safe out here,” The strange man pointed out.

A blond young looking woman popped her head out of the door of the Police Box
“I'm just recalibrating the dimensional stabilizers, K-9's helping me so it won't take long,” she then returned to what she was doing, the strange man shrugged indignantly, he pulled out a silver rod like device and continue to inspect the Viper.

At that moment Boomer walked into the Launch Chamber and spotted the strange man, who was now crouched, with his back to them, looking into an opened hatch in the underbelly of the Viper, the two Viper pilots looked at each other in puzzlement then whipped out his laser pistol.

“Ok pal, hold it right there, stand up slowly, hands raised and turn around, slowly” demanded Boomer, the strange man did as he was told “now drop that thing in your hand” continued Boomer, the man then dropped the silver rod to the floor.

“It's just a screwdriver, perfectly harmless I can assure you,” protested the stranger innocently.

“Who the hell are you and what are you doing here? This is a restricted zone,” said Boomer cautiously
“I'm the Doctor and I was just admiring the workmanship of your starfighter” the stranger replied beaming a toothy grin.

Meanwhile inside the Police Box which was considerably larger than the outside, the in a brightly lit many sided room, the blond woman, Romana, stood by a mushroom shaped control console, she watched in concern what was going on, on a large viewer, she knelt down to a metallic gray robotic dog.

“K-9, the Doctor is in trouble again,” she told her mechanical friend.

“Understood Mistress” K-9 replied, as the robotic dog trundled outside.

“You better come with me, the Commander would want to talk to you” insisted Boomer forcefully.

“Certainly, there’s no need to be aggressive” replied the Doctor, tired of being questioned, just then Boomer heard a noise behind him and he spun round as K-9 positioned himself before them and extended a tube from his snout.

“What! Are the Cylons making daggits now?” exclaimed Boomer in surprise, before they could react K-9 fired a red beam at them, the Viper pilot then collapsed unconscious.

“Hostile element have been neutralized” K-9 noted.

“Was that really necessary?” scorned the Doctor half-heartedly.

“He is merely stunned, Master” replied K-9.

Romana came out of the Police Box and trotted over to the Doctor and K-9, why were the lights dimming? She wondered to herself aloud.

“So much for the welcoming committee, I don't recognize the uniform. Do you know who they are?” Romana sighed looking at the pilot.

But the Doctor wasn't listening he was looking at his out stretched hand that was trembling

“Something’s wrong, can you feel it Romana? I've felt this before” he realized, suddenly the whole ship shuddered violently.

The effect was as if a massive ripple across the entire Galactica, passengers and crew steadied themselves, there was much confusion it the command centre.

“What has happened?” Adama exclaimed.

“I don't know sir, something’s pulling the ship and the fleet off course and into the asteroids,” replied Tigh.

“Have Apollo, Starbuck and Sheba returned yet?” he then asked Athena.

“No they haven't returned yet” she replied.

Back in the launch chamber, the Doctor and Romana picked themselves up
“What was that?” questioned Romana dusting herself off.

“I think this ship in terrible danger” said the Doctor, “Romana look after those two, K-9 your with me, I've a bad feeling about all this” he continued, marching off to find the ship's bridge, followed by K-9, Romana smiled warily as she carefully removed the Viper pilots weapons.

Council Security Officer Reese sat, hunched against the bulkhead, he had a nasty gash on is forehead and he felt concussed, his vision blurred as a figure entered a corridor and swept over to him.

“Easy there old chap, that's a nasty bump to your head there” said the Doctor reassuringly in his warm deep voice.

“I better get you to your sickbay, here have a jelly baby,” he added offering the officer a red coloured jelly sweet from a paper bag, Reese looked uncertain.

“It'll help with the shock,” he continued, Reese took the sweet and popped it into his mouth, and then the Doctor helped him to his feet “K-9 locate the nearest medical facility” he requested.

K-9 went over to a nearby computer terminal and extended eye probe.
“Medical facility located, it is not far from here” K-9 informed them as he headed off.

“th-thanks” said Reese as the Doctor dragged him along, following K-9...
The three Vipers that were in space drifted limply, “what the frack was that!” cried Sheba as the pilots rectified their craft.

“I don't know, but it's pulling the fleet into the asteroids,” replied Apollo.

“Well at least we can tell them they can blast their way through but it's going be hell of a bumpy ride” Starbuck pointed out, as they headed back to the Galactica.

At the Command Centre, Rigel informed Commander Tigh, that the Vipers that had been sent out, were now returning.

“Sir Apollo says it's safe to blast through” she then told Adama.,
Last edited by O Wildish on 2012-05-15 10:05am, edited 7 times in total.
O Wildish
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Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

“Excellent, we'll begin the barrage as soon as they have landed” Adama replied.

In the Life Centre, Dr. Salik and Cassiopeia were busy tending to the injured crewmen, fortunately, there were no serious casualties, and Cassiopeia was surprised when a robotic Cylon like daggit thing entered.

“Emergency, injured humanoid crew member in need of immediate medical treatment ” it told her, Cassiopeia blinked, and then a tall man with brown curly hair arrived with the wounded Reese.

“How do you do, I'm the Doctor, and this man is injured” greeted the Doctor, Dr. Salik then came over.

“You'll find I'm the doctor around here,” he snorted.

“Ahh, you maybe a Doctor, but I'm the Doctor, though I'm not exactly a medical Doctor, mind” grinned the Doctor mischievously “anyway could someone direct me to the main bridge of this ship, I believe we're all in terrible danger” he continued.

“Ok I'll take you there, but don't blame me if Adama has you removed,” replied Cassiopeia.

“Thank you my dear, now K-9 can you help these good people?” he asked his robot friend.

“Affirmative Master” replied K-9, the robot dog then turned to Dr. Salik “Medical science is my primary function, I am programmed with 9.786 medical procedures, and how I can be of service?” the robot asked, Dr. Salik was speechless...

Meanwhile, Boomer woke up from being stunned “ooh, my head” he complained, then he realized was now strapped to a chair, inside a spacious white, many sided room which had a number of roundels on it‘s walls, at the centre of the room was a mushroom shaped console with a transparent glowing cylinder on top. Standing at the console was an attractive blond woman, who was watching the three Viper pilots returning to the Galactica on the main viewer.

“Where the hell am I!” demanded Boomer, making the woman jump out her skin.

“Oh? You're awake, sorry about this, I'm Romana and you are on board the Doctor's TARDIS,” explained Romana politely.

“Doctor... Who?” asked Boomer, to which Romana merely smiled and shrugged?

“Ok then, what’s a TARDIS?” Boomer continued.

“It's our ship, it stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space.” Romana replied.

“A time-Ship?” Boomer exclaimed, scarcely believing this, “Why am I tied up anyway am I your prisoner or something, do you realize how much trouble you guys are in?” He continued.

“No, we just didn't want you to shoot anyone,” replied Romana.

“I wasn't going to,” protested Boomer but trying to sound friendlier.

“Well you did point a gun at the Doctor” Romana replied with a sigh.

“The Launch Bay is off limits to civilians, for all I know, you could be space pirates or Cylon spies or something,” Boomer explained.

“But we're not, we mean you no harm, we're Time-Lords and what's a Cylon?” asked Romana innocently.

“You don't know what a Cylon is? Then pray you never will” replied Boomer coldly.

Suddenly the TARDIS lurched, as did the Galactica as the massive ship positioned herself and began to attack the asteroids firing all her laser cannons, in the TARDIS, the lights started to dimmed.

“Oh no, whatever is affecting your ship is affecting the TARDIS!” Romana realized, almost panicking.

The Doctor and Cassiopeia walked up the corridor, Cassiopeia was trying to dis-wade the Doctor.

“I really don't think the Commander will appreciate you barging into the Command Centre,” she warned.

“But I need to warn them of the danger we're all in” protested the Doctor.

“I'm sure Adama is fully aware of the Asteroids, In fact he's already sent out some warriors to check for any danger and they've returned unharmed,” said Cassiopeia, she felt as if she could trust this stranger, but at the same time she was concerned and still suspicious.

“Ahh, Cassiopeia, and a lovely name that by the way, the danger is a hidden one, which in has little to do with those asteroids, something incredibly big is drawing this ship and draining its power, the closer we get the faster the drain, this ship…” The Doctor started.

“The Galactica” Cassiopeia interjected as she discreetly scanned him.

“The Galactica is caught in a powerful gravitational shock wave,” explained the Doctor, just at that moment as if to prove the Doctor's point, the Galactica lurched, the Doctor caught Cassiopeia in his arms as she stumbled over.

“I think I better take you to the Command Centre,” she agreed.

In another part of the Launch Bay the trio of Warriors, Sheba, Apollo and Starbuck emerged from their Vipers, they walked past some of the Launch Crew.

“You mean to say that this blue box just vanished before your eyes?” teased Sheba incredulously.

“That’s what happened,” replied Apollo defensively, shaking his head.

“Come on pal, things don't just vanish” chuckled Starbuck in disbelief.

They walked over to the other section of the Launch Bay, chatting about what had happened, as they walked by, Apollo did a double take as he glimpsed the Police Box standing in a dark corner, at first he carried on walking then he realized what he just seen and dashed back.

“Holy Feldergarb!” he exclaimed in shock as he walked over to the blue box, it was indeed the same one he'd spotted in the asteroids, Sheba and Starbuck caught up with him and stared at what Apollo had just found “That’s it, It's the blue box, the I saw earlier” Apollo told them.

“Police Box, what’s a Police Box?” asked Sheba confused.

“Well, I'm sorry I ever doubted you Apollo” Starbuck apologized jokingly, then he noticed that the box's door was ajar “I think we better take a look, he suggested drawing his laser pistol, Apollo nodded in agreement.

“Sheba, you wait here and stand watch, if we don't return in five centons, tell Adama what's happened” Apollo ordered.

“Sure, leave me here while you and Starbuck have your little adventure” Sheba smiled sarcastically, the she gave Apollo a peck on the lips, the two warriors then darted into the box...

Upon entering the blue box, the first thing they noticed was the box was bigger on the inside than on the out, then they spotted Boomer strapped to the chairs and there was a surprised, attractive blond lady staring at them in shock...

The Doctor and Cassiopeia continued up the corridor, the Doctor listened intently to Cassiopeia as she told him about the fall of the 12 colonies and the fleet's flight from the Cylons but she decided not to mention their search for Earth. The Doctor was unfamiliar about the colonies however, he was all too familiar with similar stories across the universe. He sympathized deeply, they were not the first to flee from tyranny nor would they be the last.

“This Commander Adama of yours sounds rather fascinating, indeed I'm looking forward to meeting him,” noted the Doctor, then he heard an electronic “Yap, yap!” as something furry and mechanical bounded over to him, followed by a young boy.
“Hey Boxy, you know you shouldn't run around like this” greeted Cassiopeia
“Sorry Cassy, I was just playing with Muffit” Boxey apologized, then he looked at the Doctor, head tilted “Hey Mr. who are you, are you from the Senate?” he asked.

“Ahh, well, no, I'm just a traveller visiting this fine ship, I'm called the Doctor” chuckled the Doctor kindly.

“That’s a funny name,” replied Boxey.

“He’s a friend... I think” Cassiopeia told the boy, though she sounded uncertain.
The Doctor produced his bag of sweets “Would you like a Jelly Baby young man?”
While the Doctor was offering his sweets, “Cute” Cassiopeia said to herself as she took the opportunity to check her scanner, her heart skipped a beat, the readings didn't make sense “Two hearts, he's an alien?” she gasped.

Boxey took the Jelly Baby “Dad says I shouldn't talk to strangers” he said popping the sweet into his mouth.

“Indeed, you shouldn't, your dad is quite correct, you mustn't talk to strangers, fortunately I'm not a stranger now am I'm, but not all people are as nice, it best to be careful” smiled the Doctor.

“Thanks Mr. Doctor” replied Boxey as he ran off after Muffit.

“Hmmm, I dread to think what would happen if his robot dog met mine” grinned the Doctor as they went on to the Command Centre, as the walked Cassiopeia just stared at him, now curious and uncertain, was this man a danger to the Galactica and the fleet? She wondered..

In the Command Centre, Adama pondered over the mystery of the mystery of the lost planet, “what had happened to it, was this asteroid field all that was left of it, if so then what terrible power could have done this?” He asked himself, then a strange darkness seemed to descend over him, Adama thought he heard something distant, and an eerie other worldly voice.

“Do not dwell on this old friend, what’s done is done, you must go on, go forward to your destiny” it chuckled coldly… that voice sounded somehow familiar... Adama decided to dismiss it though, must been his imagination due to the stress he decided.

Meanwhile Rigel tried to contact Boomer but found she could not.

“Sir, Boomer was suppose to patrol the fleet with Jolly, but he hasn't launched, I tried to contact him, he was last seen heading to the Launch Bay but he’s gone missing since” she told Commander Tigh.

“Where could he gotten to?” Tigh muttered to himself.

In the Tardis, Romana look nervously at the newcomers, she cursed herself for leaving the doors open.

“Apollo, Starbuck aren't I glade to see you guys” Boomer greeted, Apollo nodded then pointed his laser pistol at Romana.

“Step away from that console and tell me who you are,” he demanded.

“My name is Romana and your weapons won't work in here, this ship is in a state of temporal grace” stated Romana confidently.

Starbuck then aimed his laser pistol and fired at the hat stand cutting it clean in half, Romana winced and side stepped from the console, the Doctor wasn't going to like that.

“Good bluff, I think you'd better release that man” Starbuck grinned.

“My father is the commander of the Galactica, he'll want to talk to you,” Apollo added
Romana sighed and nodded despairingly as she removed the restraints from Boomer, suddenly the ship jolted violently again, Romana stumbled and banged her head heavily against the arm of the chair, sustaining a nasty cut, with a groan she fell into a deep unconsciousness. Boomer jumped up and examined her “She’s out cold, we better get her to the Life Centre” he pointed out urgently.

The Galactica led the fleet through the asteroids, blasting away at any asteroid that came in the way or endangered the fleet but it wasn‘t smooth sailing, again the mighty ship shuddered violently.
Last edited by O Wildish on 2012-05-15 10:09am, edited 3 times in total.
O Wildish
Posts: 34
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Location: United Kingdom

Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

At the Command Centre Adama steadied himself against a rail, “These jolts aren't coming from the asteroids” he realized to himself, “it must be something to do with whatever's pulling the fleet,” he concluded. Just at that moment, the Doctor entered the Command Centre followed by Cassiopeia.

“What in blazes!” stormed Adama as he went over to them, drawing attention to the newcomers

“I'm sorry Sir he insisted on coming here, he says he knows what’s happening” Cassiopeia apologized, Adama looked at the Doctor, who was now staring at the main view screen, he examined the readings with deep concern on his face, the atmosphere was charged with tension.

“This is a restricted area, who are you and what are you doing here!” pressed Adama, however the Doctor rudely ignored him and walked over to the monitor displays, Adama glared at Cassiopeia, who tried to hide herself nervously behind commander Tigh.
“Just as I suspected,” The Doctor muttered, looking at the readouts.

“I said, who you are and what are you doing here” Adama growled, the strange man before him turned to face him, with a grim look on his face.

“Ahh! Commander Adam, I presume?” greeted the Doctor warmly.

“Adama” corrected the commander.

“Ahh, I'm known as the Doctor, your battle ship is truly marvellous however and as I've already explained to this young lady that this fleet of yours is in terrible danger,” he continued, beaming a toothy grin.

“Is this you’re doing?” Adama confronted suspiciously.

“My doing, do I look like the sort who goes around blowing up planets and spaceships? Certainly not, nor can I stop this pull, but I can help” reasoned the Doctor looking a little affronted by the accusation.

“Help, how?, I think we can manage a few asteroids” retorted Adama.

“So I’ve been told but there’s an even greater danger, something terribly big has passed though this system and your ships are caught in it's gravity wake, the shock wave is pulling the fleet towards it, the closer you get, the faster the pull.” explained the Doctor grimly.

“And then what?” questioned Athena, turning to face them from her console.

“Well not to put too fine a point, we’ll keep on going until eventually we all crash,” replied the Doctor simply.

“You said you can help us, can you stop this?” Adama replied sternly.

“I believe so, with the right calculations I should be able to slow us down so we don't crash. Then you can correct your course.” smiled the Doctor thoughtfully, however Adama looked sceptical.

“How do we know we can trust you? Our past experience with mysterious strangers hasn't exactly been pleasant” Adama pointed out however the Doctor smiled gently seemed used to this attitude on his travels.

“Adama, I realize how you must feel, this is a big and dangerous Universe after all but all things considered, I'm well aware that you’ll find it hard to trust me, not at face value but we haven’t the time to debate this. Lives are at stake, I can’t ask you trust me but at least let me do what I can to save your people, please give me that chance, time is not on our side.” the Doctor replied sternly. Adama thought about this for a moment, the stranger seemed reasonable, but he wasn‘t entirely convinced, he looked the Doctor in the eye.

“Very well, if you can save us then do so” something dark at the back of his mind was warning him not to trust this strange man, the Doctor beamed a toothy grin.

“Thank you” he replied then he went over to Athena.

“Excuse me my dear could you assist me?” he asked gently, uncertain Athena looked at her father, Adama nodded his reluctant approval.

Athena then gave the Doctor a friendly smile “Sure thing, I assist” she replied, unlike her father she felt she could trust him somehow as they began working together on the ship's computers with Commander Tigh keeping a close watch on them.

“Where did he come from” Adama asked Cassiopeia as she went over to him.

“I don't know, he turned up at the Life Centre with his robot daggit carrying Reese“ she replied pulling out her scanner “I think you better take a look at this” she suggested showing the readings.

“An alien?” he whispered harshly.

“I guess so but he doesn't seem threatening,” Cassiopeia agreed.

Dr. Salik had justly, grown quite impressed with K-9's medical skills and a fondness perhaps, he wondered to himself, if this mysterious Doctor would allow him to stay, suddenly their was a bustle of activity as Med-techs rushed in led by Apollo, carrying a blond young woman who was unconscious, followed by Boomer and Sheba.

“What’s Happened, who is she?” asked Dr. Salik as the young lady was placed onto a sickbed.

“She called herself Romana, she was found inside a blue box that was bigger on the inside than on then out and she was knocked over in that last jolt, she's been unconscious ever since” explained Apollo hurriedly.

K-9 rushed over to them and extended his eye probe towards Romania's temple “Mistress Romana has been injured, what has happened?” the robot asked, startling Apollo.

“It's alright, he's with them, this so called Doctor and the young woman it seems” explained Dr. Salik.

“Repeat, what has happened to Mistress Romana?” K-9 continued, with a hint of distress in his voice, Boomer knelt down to K-9's level.

“I was tied up and Romana was releasing us when the ship jolted and she fell over, that’s why she’s been brought here,” he explained reassuringly.

“You have no knowledge of Time Lord Physiology, your treatments may harm her,” K-9 warned.

“You mean she's not human, then I take it you know about their physiology?” questioned Dr Salik.

“A little, when injured a Time Lord may go into a self induced coma to aid healing, in extreme cases Time Lords are also capable of full bodily regeneration” explained K-9.

“Where is this Doctor?” Apollo asked Dr, Salik. Just then, Cassiopeia then entered the Life Centre and heard what was being said.

“I just took him up to the Command Centre” she answered, Dr. Salik realized there was going to be trouble.

At the Command Centre, the Doctor had finished his calculations and handed them over to Athena.

“Right I'll take these over to Omega,” she told him.

“Ahh, I knew an Omega once, he tried to blow up the Universe” smiled the Doctor, Athena paused.

“Tried to blow up the Universe? That sounds a bit extreme.” she smirked sceptically.

“He was very angry, mad even, he thought my people had abandoned him” mused the Doctor thoughtfully.

“Did they?” giggled Athena uncertain weather he was being serious or not.

“Well he did fall into a Black Hole” beamed the Doctor, Athena smiled again, trying not to laugh and went over to Omega with the Doctor's calculations.

Adama watched carefully as Athena and the Doctor worked together, they seemed to be getting on well but he had his doubts and was on edge with this stranger, something was gnawing at the back of his mind.

“You cannot trust him, you’ll be a fool to do so, he is an alien and dangerous” whispered the familiar unseen voice in his ear. Adama turned to face whoever it was that spoke behind him yet there was no one there, he turned to face Tigh.

“Did you just say something?” he asked his old friend.

“No I didn’t, is something wrong?” replied Tigh, he looked at his commanding officer in concern. Adama shook his head uncertain.

“They seem to be getting on” Tigh continued, changing the subject “What do you make of this Doctor?” he asked indicating too the Doctor and Athena, who was now laughing at something the Doctor had said to her, Adama pondered over the question.

“Just like Sheba all over again, that’s what’s wrong, he is manipulating everyone”
The mysterious unseen voice purred mockingly, there was defiantly something familiar about the voice but it‘s identity escaped him.

“To be honest old friend, I’m unsure, the Doctor is an alien, and he could be very dangerous,” Adama replied, with solemn honestly, he looked back at the Doctor.

“By the Gods!” he then exclaimed as he spotted what the Doctor was now doing, just at that moment the inter-com buzzed.

The Doctor had his coat and scarf and was busy taking apart one of the consoles, he then crawled into it on his back, to get to its inner workings, until only his legs could be seen, Commander Tigh stormed over to confront him.

“What the hell are you doing man!” he demanded furiously. The Doctor pulled himself out from under the console.

“Ah well, I just need to make a few minor adjustments to this piece of rather primitive hardware” explained the Doctor innocently.

“Primitive!?” Tigh exclaimed incredulously

“Indeed, compared to some, but it does have some potential” replied the Doctor waving his Sonic Screwdriver in his hand.

“Anyhow I’ve got work to do, I’m nearly done making these modifications,” he continued hurriedly.

“But you’ve wrecked it?” Tigh growled, thinking the Doctor to be completely insane

“Have I, then I better fix it then, before anyone notices, how else are we going to escape this gravity wake, eh?” smiled the Doctor smugly, looking almost child like. Tigh looked gave him a blank look, then shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I won’t damage anything” the Doctor reassured persuasively
With a toothy grin.

“I anything happens that’ll endanger this ship, if anything is out of place, then Adama will personally have you thrown onto the Prison Barge,” warned Tigh pointedly

“Certainly, thank you” replied the Doctor with a nod as he carefully slipped back under the console, just as Tigh walked away the Galactica shuddered and started to tilt sideways, Commander Tigh winced as the console began to spark and smoke. “Oops!” grumbled the Doctor from within the console, “ahh, of course this circuit should be over here and you should be there,” he continued as he corrected the problem, “All done, that should do it” he said as he pulled himself out from the console again. The Galactica then began to shake considerably.

“What have you done to my ship!?” Adama who was in the middle of talking though the intercom, yelled angrily at the Doctor.

“It’s all right, we’re just about to enter a wormhole” announced the Doctor reassuringly, for all to hear.

“A wormhole?” questioned Tigh

“Certainly, it’s a side effect from whatever’s pulling us… I think, though it‘s terribly odd this should happen now, don‘t you think?” replied the Doctor as the shaking died down to a low shudder. “Dose this ship have any force shields?” he
Last edited by O Wildish on 2012-05-15 10:13am, edited 2 times in total.
O Wildish
Posts: 34
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Location: United Kingdom

Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

then asked.

“Only a weak field to maintain our atmosphere, it offer‘s little defence” replied Adama, walking over to him, looking worried.

“Oh! I see, that would explain the shuddering” smiled the Doctor unconcerned. “It’ll be a good idea to inform the rest of your fleet, the last thing you need is a panic on your hands. I’d have a word with the people who built this ship, leaving space-dock without a decent shield indeed, utterly criminal I say” he then advised insensitively. Adama glared at the Doctor for a moment.

“I’ll keep that in mind” he replied darkly, “anyway I’ve just been informed that you are not alone, a woman friend of your’s is in the Life Centre” he then told the Doctor.

“Oh that must be Romana, yes she’s a friend, she must be looking for K-9, my dog” replied the Doctor.

“She’s unconscious” Adama stated irritably.

“Really, what happened?” confronted the Doctor, though he didn‘t seem too concerned.

“I don’t know my son is on his way, he’ll tell you when he gets here” replied Adama sternly.

Adama then went over to the inter-com and quickly informed the rest of the fleet what was going on and telling everyone not to panic, Adama hadn’t felt so helpless since the lose of the Colonies.

Led by the Galactica, the fleet cautiously entered the swirling mass of cosmic energy and into the wormhole, it seemed as if the entire Universe folded into itself forming a twisting tunnel of stars.

In the Command Centre Athena walked crossly over to the Doctor and painfully jabbed him in the side with her elbow.

“Ow! What was that for?” asked the Doctor in surprise.

“A painful reminder” arms folded, Athena replied coldly but with half smile across her face.

“Reminder?” questioned the Doctor awkwardly, rubbing his side.

“The people who built the Galactica died with the Colonies” Athena informed him with a scowl across her face.

“Oh, I’m so terribly sorry… I’m so sorry, please forgive me,” the Doctor replied realizing his mistake, he give her the puppy eye treatment with bag of jelly babies in hand.

“Ok you’re forgiven… this time” Athena sighed, taking one of the jelly babies and popping in mouth, she then gave the Doctor a friendly hug, which mildly surprised him.

“ I hope your friend is alright, she‘s in safe hands” Athena said kindly.

“No need to worry, we Time-Lords are pretty tough lot” smiled the Doctor reassuringly, yet Athena could tell he was worried, “Hmm, I’ve always wanted to travel through one of these, you know” noted the Doctor “The trouble is the TARDIS hates wormhole travel and avoids them like the plague” he added with a smile

“Your ship hates wormholes?” questioned Athena, puzzled.

“Naturally, since she was built to travel through the great Time/Space Vortex, which despite looking rather similar is really very different, I mean you wouldn’t want to butter your bread with a broadsword now would you?” he reasoned. Athena smiled and shook her head, still a little unsure what the Doctor was talking about, leaving his new friend baffled, he went over to Adama.

“If my calculations are correct, which invariably they are, we’ll soon reach the end of this wormhole and probably onto the source of the gravitational wake, we have little time, so please listen carefully” he told Adama in a matter of fact tone.

“Go ahead” replied Adama.

“It is imperative that six of your largest ships, including the Galactica in the lead, form a three-dimensional diamond formation around the smaller vessels, which must group together as close as possible at the centre. When I give the signal, when the pull is at its weakest, the larger ships must activate their forward thrusters at maximum, the Galactica must also fire everything she’s got towards the pull, until we break free“ instructed the Doctor. “Of course it would be a lot easier if we had force-fields and tractor beams to work with.” He muttered to himself.

“Why a diamond formation?” asked Commander Tigh.

“Oh I just like the shape” replied the Doctor mischievously, Tigh was dumb founded, Athena pulled the Doctor away before Tigh did something drastic.

“Really?” she questioned , looking at the Doctor as if to say ‘You got to be kidding’, The Doctor gave her a big knowing grin.

“Actually I was joking, you see, each of your ships’ engines generate a low polarized energy field, creating a sort of protective bubble around us, the diamond formation enhances this energy and also it is a perfect shape to resist the pulling force” explained the Doctor.

“And the thrusters and weapons fire will act as brakes” Athena concluded thoughtfully.

“Exactly” replied the Doctor, impressed, “the trouble is it’s only a theory we could ether keep on going or tear ourselves up in the process” warned the Doctor gloomily, Athena wanted to say something but she couldn’t find the words she chewed her lip apprehensively.

It didn’t take long to reach the end of the wormhole, as instructed Adama commanded
the fleet, the ships moved into position.

Relying on his Time-Lord instincts, there was a look of deep concentration on the Doctor’s face, his arm out-stretched, ready to give the signal, after a short while, just as the fleet emerged from the wormhole, the Doctor lowered his arm.

“Now!” he shouted, Adama acknowledged the signal and gave the order to activate the forward thrusters, the rest of the fleet took the cue and each ship did the same, the Galactica then fired all her forward weapons.

“Photon torpedoes away!” announced the Doctor jokingly

“We haven’t got any of those” Athena pointed out, she didn’t even know what a photon torpedo was, the Doctor gave her a funny look.

Eventually, with one last shake, the fleet slowed, almost to a halt, everyone in the Command Centre cheered except for the Doctor and Adama, who walked over to the Doctor and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

“Well I guess you did it, you save us, I misjudged you and I am sorry you have my thanks” Adama smiled warmly.

“But can you trust this man, this alien?” warned the dark unseen voice in Adama’s ear venomously.

“Soon you’ll see” the voice added sinisterly, Adama shook his head, confused.

“Are you alright old chap, you don‘t look well?” Asked the Doctor in a worried tone, he sensed something was terribly wrong.

“Oh, it’s just a headache,” Adama lied.

Just then Apollo and Sheba entered the Command Centre, Apollo saw the Doctor and went over to him and confronted the Time-Lord.

“Are you the Doctor?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m the Doctor, how do you do” the Doctor greeted cheerfully, shaking his hand.

“I bring you grave new about your friend, there’s been an accident and Romana was injured, she’s currently in the Life Centre in some kind of deep coma” Apollo informed.

“Injured!? An accident!?” The Doctor boomed furiously, even Adama was intimidated and backed away.

“How?” he continued, lowering his voice.

“She had one of my pilots, tied up in your ship, the TARDIS as you guys call it, she was releasing him when the Galactica shook, she fell and hit her head hard” explained Apollo, looking at the Doctor, sizing him up to see if he was a threat.

“What! You had one of my men tied up in your ship!” demanded Adama furiously.

“Ah well, he pulled a gun on me and I don’t like guns” replied the Doctor, looking uncomfortable.

“You had Boomer stunned” retorted Apollo.

“But it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t even my idea, besides I really don’t like guns” replied the Doctor earnestly.

“See how this fool lies, he has attacked one of your people, he is an enemy, you should throw him out of an airlock” sneered the unseen voice malevolently into Adama‘s ear.

“Sir! We’ve just entered a new star-system, there are eight planets” Omega announced.

“Hmm, look like one of the Pleiades’ star-systems” realized the Doctor, taking advantage of the distraction.

“You know this system?” asked Adama.

“I’ve passed by a few times” replied the Doctor.

“Wait! There’s another planet, between the second and third, there’s something odd about its orbit” interrupted Omega again

“We’re heading straight for it” Rigel pointed out.

From the darkness of space, the blue and green planet cam into view, the Galactica and the fleet were coming in too close, the ships veered, avoiding disaster.

“That Planet looks oddly familiar” realized the Doctor forebodingly.

“Indeed it does!” replied Adama excitedly.

“Pardon?” questioned the Doctor in surprise, how could they know this planet, he wondered worriedly, he had a very bad feeling about this.

“Athena show me the image the Draconians gave us” Adama requested urgently.

“What!” demanded the Doctor, confused but Adama ignored him, an image appeared on the monitor screen.

“Now show us a comparison with the new planet” Adama instructed

“Oh no” murmured to himself the Doctor recognizing the first image.

“Now flip and rotate the Draconian image“ Adama continued, the two images were near identical.

“Earth!” Adama realized excitedly, looking at the planet, they were heading for.

“Yes, we’ve finally done it, we have found Earth!” he concluded.

“No!” the Doctor snapped warningly, realizing what was happening. “You are mistaken, It’s not Earth, that planet is something far more dangerous!”

“Take him down to the Brig, I’ll deal with him later” Adama ordered tersely, pointing at the Doctor.

“Father!” cried Athena, shocked at her Father’s harsh attitude.

“Listen to me! You are all in terrible danger” The warned urgently, but Adama was in no mood to listen. “I know that planet, don’t go down it’s not Earth, it’s…!” he protested as he tried to warn, the black shirt security dragged him of the Command Centre.

“Father he just saved our lives, he saved us!” reminded Athena desperately, she too sense something was wrong here, she then storm out after the Doctor. Apollo was about to stop her but Sheba stopped him.

“I should talk to her” she suggested intuitively, then ran after her.

Adama surveyed his now Doctor free Command Centre, angry with Athena, he looked at the main view screen and at the planet that now filled it, it had to be Earth.

The unseen, unheard voice chuckled evilly to itself “As they say on Earth, two birds with one stone, sooon my revenge will be complete” it jeered malevolently.

The Galactica came into orbit over the Planet, maintaining a geostationary possition…

Meanwhile deep beneath the surface of the planet in a dimly lit chamber, the trio of machine like figures stirred, they stood before a large circular screen, the image on it showed the Galactica and the fleet.

“There are--space-ships--approaching,” announced the first figure, it spoke in a cold rasping voice.

“We have--been--followed--They will--investigate” replied the second, with a similar flat toned voice.

“If they are hostile--we will--eliminate them--They will be--destroyed, ---” informed the third, a pair handlebar like protrusions on the side of its head glinted in the gloom.

---Next: The Hidden Danger---
Last edited by O Wildish on 2012-05-15 10:17am, edited 5 times in total.
O Wildish
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Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

Part Two: The Hidden Danger

The Galactica and the fleet were in a geostationary orbit around the newly discovered planet, the Colonials little suspected that they had been detected and were now being monitored by the planet’s inhabitants.

The Doctor was shoved into the brig, “Steady on fellows!” he complained but the Black Shirts ignored him. “Well I’ve been in worse” he appraised as he sat down on the bench, surveying his new surroundings. “I don’t suppose there’s any room service!?” he yelled, yet there was no reply.

Meanwhile in a nearby corridor Athena kicked the bulkhead in frustration, Sheba caught up with her.

“Are you all right?” She asked softly as the Black shirts walked pasted.

“The Doctor is a good man, I just know he is, he just saved us, and he saved the fleet, but father…” Athena replied, Sheba looked at Athena in the eye.

“Thinks he’s found Earth, I understand but are you sure about this Doctor, what do we know about him, I mean, remember what Count Ibis did to me?” Sheba questioned.

“No, it’s not like that, he hasn’t brainwashed me or anything” replied Athena defensively He hasn‘t caused any trouble, not intentionally, he hasn’t given us any empty promises or tried to take over, he just wants to help” Athena continued.

“It’s alright, I believe you, maybe if you spoke with your father?” Sheba suggested, Athena shook her head.

“What if the Doctor was telling the truth, that this is not Earth and we’re all in terrible danger, I need to find out before it’s too late” Athena pointed out urgently, Sheba thought about this for a moment.

“Adama will probably send a recon to the Planet” she realized.

In the Commander Centre, Adama had already made his decision, he turned to Apollo.
“Gather our best pilots and go down to the planet, find out what you can and what’s down there,” he ordered.

“Are you sure it’s Earth father?” Apollo asked softly.

“I’m positive, I mean, the chances of two planets that look the same, but be cautious anyway, we still don‘t know what’s down there.” replied Adama coldly.

“I don’t know, what the Doctor just said?” Apollo questioned worriedly.

“I don’t give a damn what that alien has to say.” growled Adama sternly, Apollo was taken aback by his father‘s attitude, Commander Tigh went over to them.

“Sir, with your permission I’d like to lead the expedition” he requested.

“Certainly old friend, why not?” replied Adama.

“Thank you,” replied Tigh with a nod.

“Sir, the Galactica, she’s experiencing a gradual energy loss, I can’t find the source!” announced Rigel.

“This must be the Doctor’s doing,” groaned Adama angrily.

Elsewhere, the Galactica wasn’t the only ones to have entered the star-system, a Cylon Basestar had followed them, they were just out of detection range from the fleet.

Onboard, in the Baseship’s Command Chamber, surrounded by a number of shiny robotic humanoids, the dreaded Cylons, Baltar observed the enemy fleet and wondered why they had stop here, at this planet, certainly a tempting target he realized, since his return to the Cylons, he had even more reason to hate Adama.

“Do you want us to attack the Battlestar Galactica?” asked a Cylon Centurion, speaking in its typical impassive drone. Something at the back of his mind warned Baltar that there was something wrong.

“No this could be a trap, we’ll wait and see what happens, besides we don‘t want to risk losing another Basestar.” Baltar answered cautiously.

“By your Command” replied the Centurion sounding confused, just then Lucifer entered.

“Lord Baltar there is a situation In the Throne Chamber we or rather you have… a visitor, he claims to be an associate of yours” Lucifer informed, sounding perplexed.

“How is that possible?” Baltar demanded.

“I do not know, he seems rather arrogant and insists that he speaks with you” replied Lucifer.

“Then I should greet our uninvited guest, shouldn’t I, very well take me to him,” Baltar huffed irritably.

“By you command” replied Lucifer with a bow.

On the Galactica, the Doctor sat in his cell whistling to himself as Sheba and Athena entered the brig.

“Doctor I’m so sorry about this” apologized Athena earnestly”

“It’s quit alright,” smiled the Doctor warmly.

“You said you know that planet, that there’s great danger?” Sheba asked.

“Indeed, the planet is called Mondas and it’s the original home-world of a particularly nasty life-form” replied the Doctor sincerely, before the Doctor could explain further Adama stormed in.

“Tell what have you done to this ship, why are we losing power!” he demanded angrily the Doctor groaned but he didn‘t seem surprised at this accusation…

On the Cylon Basestar, Baltar and Lucifer entered the Throne Chamber, a motionless gold Cylon Centurion stood, it’s blaster raised at the throne, Baltar tapped it on the shoulder.

“What’s going on!” he demanded but the Cylon collapsed noisily into a pile of parts.

The throne then turned to face them, revealing a sinister figure seated upon it, the man was dressed entirely in black, he had dark slightly greying hair and a neatly trimmed goatee beard and moustache, , Baltar recognized him instantly.

“Hello Baltar, I must say it’s been a while hasn‘t it, the Battlestar Nemesis was it not? You were wise not to approach the Galactica and that particular planet” purred the shadowy figure in a strained voice, Baltar was too shocked to answer, then he glared in hint of degust at the figure.

“You know this man, who is he?” questioned Lucifer.

“Of course he does, I am the Master!” snarled the figure, contemptuously “and you would be wise to obey me!” he added coldly, his powerful eyes became dark and hypnotic. The column like platform that the throne was on, lowered, bringing the throne to ground level, the Master stood up and walked over to Baltar.

“The Galactica has had their own unexpected guest and my associates are rather worried so they sent me to observe, however it was never expected that they would stumble on Mondas, this could get rather interesting,” chuckled the Master, offering his hand in handshake, Baltar was about to except, when he noticed something grim, the Master’s hand was burnt and partially decayed, Baltar grimaced and the Master smiled wickedly.

“Mondas?” asked Baltar.

“Yes, it’s the planet the fools have discovered, they are certainly in for a nasty surprise, I doubt they’ll ever be the same ever again” the Master explained, with an evil knowing chuckle…

“And who are you working for?” Baltar questioned.

“Lets just say the Cylons aren’t the only ones who have an interest in the… annihilation of the Human race” replied the Master, clearly trying not to reveal too much…

Meanwhile, back onboard the Galactica, Athena and Sheba watched as Adama looked at the strange man casually seated on a bench, in the brig.

“Who are you, what have you done to done to the fleet,” he demanded, firm but compassionately.

“I’ve already told you Commander I’m the Doctor and I haven’t done anything,” snorted the Doctor impatiently.

“Very well, then tell me where do you come from and what are you doing here, tell me everything,” Adama continued.

“I’m a Time-Lord from the planet the Gallifrey which is in in the constellation of Kasterborous at the galactic coordinates 10-0-11-0-0 by 0-2 from galactic 0 centre, if that helps,” stated the Doctor irritably.

“Don’t be so pedantic man” growled Adama.

“Well, I’m something of a traveller these days, the TARDIS, my ship came here by accident.” smiled the Doctor innocently, “Besides you’re a long way from home aren’t you, trying reach Earth I presume, hmmm?” he pondered thoughtfully, Athena and Sheba looked at each other and nodded.

“Yes” replied Adama, “We are fleeing from the Cylons and their tyranny, they hate us with every fibre of their being and they wish to utterly exterminate us” he explained.

“I see, these Cylons sound a lot like the Daleks” realized the Doctor.
Last edited by O Wildish on 2012-05-15 10:38am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by Crayz9000 »

Well... ah... hmm. Where do I start?

It's a very interesting premise, of course, oBSG and classic Dr. Who. The way you've portrayed the interactions between the characters, from what I can tell, is pretty much in line with what I'd expect from either show.

However, you really need someone to proof the story for you. There's a huge chunk of text in the middle that looks like it was accidentally copied and pasted out of position, which really breaks up the flow of the story. The rest is mainly minor typos that would easily be caught by a second pair of eyes.
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O Wildish
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Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

“Daleks?” questioned Adama.

“Yes Daleks, evil machine creatures driven by utter hatred of all sentient life that is not Dalek, let me tell you, the universe is a big place and there are things out here that act against everything we believe in, dangers even greater than your Cylon menace, you are lucky you haven‘t encountered them but that’s about to change.” warned the Doctor.

“You sound just like Count Ibis” snorted Adama suspiciously, the Doctor stood up and paced his cell.

“Ibis? Hmm that’s one of the names used by…?” he pondered, the he stopped “no it can’t be” he realized.

“What’s wrong?” asked Sheba

“Ibis is a name I haven’t heard in a long time, an ancient name used by the Black Guardian, I’m starting to wonder if me being here is not an accident.” suggested the Doctor worriedly.

“This planet, is it Earth?” confronted Adama.

“No” replied the Doctor firmly

“Then what is it?” Adama scoffed disbelievingly.

“Earth’s twin, Mondas and I strongly urge you not to send anyone down there, you won’t like what you’ll find,” continued the Doctor earnestly, Adama shook his head.

“If you are not behind this power drain the it must be coming from that planet, we have to go down and find it’s source,“ reasoned Adama.

“Oh, you won’t find the source on the planet” smiled the Doctor grimly

“Why” demanded Adama.

“Because the source is the Planet, if you send anyone down they won’t stand a chance against what‘s down there” snorted the Doctor.

“I’m sure my people can handle whatever’s down there” retorted Adama

“You don’t know what your facing, Adama” snapped the Doctor angrily

“You are mad, I do not believe a word you say,” growled Adama storming out…

“This is just the calm before the storm, expect visitors Adama! Expect visitors!” yelled the Doctor after him, “Well that went well” he muttered to himself then he turned his attention to the two girls, “Tell me, where did you people get that image, the one of Earth?” he asked politely.

“From the Draconian Empire” replied Athena, looking shaken.

“Oh, which one?” puzzled the Doctor cocking his head.

“What do you mean? questioned Sheba

“Well there’s actually two Draconian empires near here, one lot look a lot like your people and the other are...well…” smiled the Doctor

“Reptiles” interrupted Athena

“Ahh that empire, well I suspect there’s more going on here than mere coincidence however I do know these Draconians, old friends of mine in fact and I doubt they would intentionally put your people in danger, they’re a nice lot really, but still” mused the Doctor “you must stop Adama from launching any ships to that planet, it imperative that no one goes down there and we must get far away from here, before it’s too late,” he continued, looking at the girls pleadingly “Oh by the way have you seen my Sonic Screwdriver, I‘ve seemed to have misplaced it“ he added…

Moments later Athena and Sheba exited the brig Sheba looked at her friend with concern

“Look I believe the Doctor but you can’t seriously do this Athena,” she warned

“I have to, if what the Doctor says is true we must stop Adama,” replied Athena

“But you’re going to go up against your father, this is mutiny” Sheba continued.

“I know, I know, listen I’m sick of taking a backseat, this is my chance to prove myself, Adama isn’t himself, I must stop him making a terrible mistake”

“But what if we’re wrong about the Doctor, what if…?” Sheba pressed

“Then I will have to face the consequences” Athena scowled, Sheba shook her head.

“Ok I’ll do what I can” she replied softly…

Adama had already sent out a single Viper to scout around the planet.

“There’s no sign of anything out here, it seems safe…” reported an inexperienced pilot, the pilot saw something hiding behind the planet. It was a small fleet of twenty spaceships which the pilot did not recognize, there was at least two kinds of ships, small hockey puck shaped ships that could barely land within the Galactica’s landing bay and the larger type which were composed of four main parts a torpedo like cylinder running through two complex ring like structures with an array of sensors and antenna on their surface and a glowing sphere like structure set between them. Taking a closer look, the pilot checked the computerized War Book but it did not recognize these ships.

“Galactica, we have a fleet of unknown ships out here…” the pilot reported but the com was filled with static and a horrible whine, the Viper suddenly went dead, the pilot franticly tried to regain control as one of the larger ships came closer, the unknown ship launched a missile destroying the Viper instantly…

Meanwhile the Galactica continued it’s orbit, it’s crew oblivious to what had happened or the threat that waiting patiently behind the planet…

Athena nervously entered the Command Centre, she breathed deeply and glanced over to her father, he was distracted, talking to Tigh, she scanned the Centre, then spotted the Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver, left unnoticed on the floor by a control console, Athena walked up to it and picked it up, she then went over to Rigel, her heart pounding.

“Hi Rigel, what’s happening?” Athena asked.

“Not a lot, a Viper scout was sent out and reported back that everything’s ok” answered Rigel.

“Ok…” Athena replied softly, discreetly aiming the Sonic Screwdriver at the console and was ready to activate the device a determined look on her face.

“Ah’hem!” coughed a voice from behind, it was Adama, looking very stern. Athena realized she’d been caught red handed.

Awhile later Athena found herself in a cell in the brig, she gave a deep exasperated sigh and glanced towards the neighbouring cell. The Doctor sat with his eyes closed his head lowered, he then gave a loud snore…

Meanwhile Sheba had entered the Launch Bay where she found Apollo and Starbuck, who was chatting to Cassiopeia.

“Hey Cassiopeia, the Doctor wanted to know how Romana’s doing?” she ask.

“Well she’s still unconscious, but stable, K-9 is helping Salik with her” replied Cassiopeia casually.

“Apollo can I have a word” Sheba then asked softly, pulling him to one side.

“I think the Doctor’s right, we don’t know anything about this planet, we can’t risk the lives the Colonial Warriors like this and so far the Doctor seems to haves all the answers.” Sheba told him simply.

“I agree, but we can’t disobey a direct order, we have to take a look, we just have to be careful” reassured Apollo.

“But we could be facing something beyond our understanding, something dangerous, I‘m really scared” Sheba pressed.

“We’ve faced dangerous situations, hell we took out a Cylon Basestar, this won’t be any different,” replied Apollo, Sheba shrugged.

“I want you on the team” Apollo continued.

“Ok, I love you but I still don’t like it,” nodded Sheba, she then hugged him and they kissed, at that moment Commander Tigh entered the Launch Bay.

“We’re good to go” he announced, Sheba pulled herself away from Apollo and sighed.

A short time later, a squadron of six Vipers and a Colonial Shuttle launched and headed down to the planet below, it didn’t take them long to enter the planet’s thin blue atmosphere, the Colonial Warriors were in for a shock…

The surface of the planet was mostly a barren and cold, greyish wasteland with thick green sludge. However there was a massive ruined city of steel and concrete that clearly, once long ago, belonged to a highly advanced alien civilisation, this was where the Colonials decided to land.

“What the frack happened here, this can’t be Earth,” realized Commander Tigh as everyone surveyed their new surroundings.

“Mondas, the Doctor said this is Mondas!” confirmed Sheba, Apollo looked concerned.

“This Doctor was telling the truth I guess,” Starbuck realized nervously.

“Maybe, but this place has been abandoned and uninhabited for centuries, I don’t see any danger here, we better investigate,” nodded Tigh.

As they continued on, no one noticed a rod like device rise from the rubble with some sort of electronic camera attached, which resembled an eye, the robotic camera turned and observed the Colonials walking away, somewhere beneath the surface the three mechanical humanoids watched them….

“Bio-Scan--Indicates--Human--life-form” informed the first figure

“That--Is--Not--Possible---Humans--Have--Not--Yet--Developed--Space-Travel” replied the second.

“They--Could--Be--Our--Descendants--From--The--Planet--Kobol” reasoned the third.

“Data--Confirmed--They--Are--Human” reported the first.

“Then--They--Belong--To--Us--They--Will--Be--Like--Us” announced the third, the figures continued to watch the unsuspecting Colonials…

On the other side of the star-system sat the Cylon Basestar, in the corridor Lucifer questioned Baltar about how he knew the Master, not a subject Baltar wanted reminding off however he recounted his encounter.

“I met him a few years prior to my contact with the Cylon Empire, when I was still second in command of the Nemesis, shortly before I discovered the planet Carillon. He was involved in some sort of profiteering and illegal arms dealing, I recall he gave us quite the run around” chuckled Baltar, his face then darkened “For some reason, known only to himself, he singled me out and showed me what humanity was really was and the hypocrisy of my People… it was then I, on his advice, decided I had to teach the human race of the error of their ways and lead them… but of course the fools laughed at me and they turn their backs.” he sneered angrily.

“Is that why you turned to the Cylon Empire, to punish your people?” reasoned Lucifer.

“Indeed, true I craved power but my cause was always a noble one,” smile Baltar evilly he took a deep exaggerated sigh and entered they Throne Chamber.

As Baltar and Lucifer entered, they found the Master seated on the throne with his back to them, he was talking to someone conspiringly, through what looked like a small black box in his hand, there was something not quite right about the Master’s voice, realizing that he had company he turned to face them.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Laurel and Hardy,” purred the Master smoothly, reverting to his more normal tone.

“Who?” questioned Baltar.
O Wildish
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Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

“Ah, just a joke, what I do for you gentlemen,” smiled the Master arrogantly.

“Adama has sent a squadron down to Mondas,” Baltar informed him.

“Indeed, how foolish off him,” replied the Master, looking board.

“We need to report this to the Imperious Leader,” Lucifer pointed out, the Master glared at him in irritation.

“We must also report your presence,” continued Lucifer, Baltar face palmed.

“Oh, I see, very well tell your leader of what’s happening” replied the Master coldly “But I would strongly advised you not to mention me, I‘m in charge now” he continued warningly, Baltar and Lucifer backed away, noticing the shiny black rod like device with a bulbous end in the Master’s other hand, it was the Master’s trademarked Tissue Compressor, Baltar knew only too well what it could do.
“You will obey me,” growled the Master.

“By your command,” replied Lucifer with a exaggerated bow.

“Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into,” grumbled Baltar to Lucifer as they left the Throne Chamber, the Master Chuckled evilly to himself…
Athena sat in her cell onboard the Galactica “What do we do now?” she sighed to herself in despair “Doctor!?” she called.

“Hello!?” came the reply from the other cell, next door.

“You told me your ship can travel in time, right?” Athena continued.

“Certainly,” replied the Doctor, with a note of minor suspicion.

“Well, what else can it do? Athena asked.

“Many things,” smiled the Doctor.

“Like What,” continued Athena.

“Hmm, well it said in the manual that it could break the fourth wall whatever that suppose to mean,” noted the Doctor “not that I’d ever tried,” he added starring into space.

“Ok, ” Athena shrugged.

“You know, I’m surprised, for a moment I thought you were going to ask if we escape and we could use the Tardis…?” started the Doctor.

“To slip back in time and stop my father?” continued Athena hopefully.

“It doesn’t work that way because of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect, terrible things tend to happen when you mess around with time,” explained the Doctor.

“Oh” replied Athena, with a sigh, “I was wondering are you sealed?” she then asked.

“hmm, I believe so,” replied the Doctor, puzzled.

“Congratulations,” Athena smiled brightly.

“Yes, this cell seems quite sealed,” the Doctor as he surveyed his cell, misunderstanding.

“No, I meant are you married?” giggled Athena.

“Ahh, well I was once, long ago,” replied the Doctor realizing his mistake.

“You and Romana?” questioned Athena.

“What do you mean, me and Romana?” questioned the Doctor naively.

“Oh nothing,” Athena chuckled.
“How about we get out and see what happening eh,” suggested the Doctor.

“Escape?!” gasped Athena in disbelief.

“Certainly, well we can’t do much stuck in here” reasoned the Doctor.

“How, you haven’t got you’re Sonic Screwdriver, Adama confiscated it from me” replied Athena, thinking the Doctor had completely lost the plot.

“Oh, but I do have something just as useful” snorted the Doctor pulling out a dog whistle
which he blew on, of course the sound was inaudible to the human ear…

In the Life Centre K-9 waited by Romana’s bed his ear antenna twitched
“Coming Master” he said, before trundling off towards the exit, Dr. Salik and everyone else was too busy to notice…

K-9 hurriedly trundled up the corridor, eventually he came by Boxey and Muffit.

“Cool” gasped Boxey, Muffit yapped a K-9 and wagged it’s ears excitedly

“Apologies, I do not have time to play, I must proceed,” informed K-9 as he past by, Muffit looked disappointed

“Come on Muffit, lets see where he’s going” suggested Boxey, deciding to follow.

It didn’t take long for K-9 to reach the brig, after stunning the security guard, he fired his laser at the control panel which exploded in a shower of sparks, releasing the Doctor, who in turn released Athena .

“What do we do, we can’t go to the Command Centre now” realized Athena

“The TARDIS” the Doctor replied simply

“What you can’t leave, you can’t just abandon us, I…” Athena gasped in protest, but seeing the look on the Doctor’s face, she then realized she had overreacted.

“Don’t be silly, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that, I just need to check something in the Tardis Library” chuckled the Doctor,

“…oh,” Athena blushed. the Doctor then spied Boxey hiding behind the doorway.

“Hello again,” he greeted, Boxey reluctantly came out of hiding.

“Boxey what are you doing here?” asked Athena awkwardly.

“The metal daggit thing said he was too busy to play with us so I followed him” asked the boy “why were you locked up, did you do something wrong?” he then asked.

“Erm, just a misunderstanding with your grandfather” Athena explained awkwardly, the Doctor crouched down and looked intently, though not intimidating at Boxey.

“Listen young man, things are going to get very dangerous soon, I have a favour to ask, could you please be brave and look after K-9 for me?” asked the Doctor softly, pointing to K-9, Boxey thought about it for a moment then nodded.

“There’s a good fellow, I suggest you go and find somewhere to hide” smiled the Doctor warmly, then he turned his attention to his robot dog.

“K-9, protect the boy” he ordered.

“Affirmative Master” replied K-9, who then trundled over to Boxey.

“Come on, I know a great place to hide, you and Muffit will be great friends” Boxey told his new friend as they ran off with
K-9 trailing behind.

“What about Romana?” questioned Athena.

“She’ll be fine” replied the Doctor…

On the Surface of Mondas the Colonials continued their exploration of the ruined city, a cold mist clung eerily to the ground.

“I don’t like it, it’s too quiet, what the hell happened here anyway?” pondered Starbuck.

“Can’t have been a nuclear war, unless it was long ago, there’s no trace of any radiation what’s so ever” reasoned Apollo.

“That’s impossible, there’s not even any background radiation” realized Boomer.

“Must have been some kind of global natural disaster” suggested Tigh.

“Well whatever, I’ve got a bad feeling about this” Sheba shuddered…

In the Command Centre, Adama waited.

“Has the landing party made contact yet?” he asked Rigel.

“No sir” she replied.

“Sir, there’s something out there, there was a blip on the scanner, just on the edge of sensor range,” Omega stated urgently.

“Cylons? I thought we‘ve seen the last of them!” Adama growled. “But why haven’t they attacked?” he pondered…

On the planets surface the Colonial Warriors continued through what was once a street.

“A vast alien city in the middle of nowhere, completely abandoned, this place gives me the creeps,” noted Starbuck uneasily, to no one in particular.

“You can say that again” agreed Sheba nervously, “expect visitors… that’s what the Doctor said?” she muttered to herself.

Just at that moment a gust of wind blew into a pile of wreckage and debris that was piled haphazardly, collapsing it noisily in the background, startled Sheba spun round and whipped out her laser pistol, for a brief second, she glimpsed a flash of silver, a figure perhaps, her eyes darted around, trying to spot any hidden enemies.

“Hey, A little twitchy there aren’t yah, that Doctor guy’s gotten you really spooked hasn’t he?” Starbuck realized gently.

“Sorry, it’s just for a second, I thought, I thought I saw something” Sheba explained, still badly shaken.

“It’s alright, I understand totally… I bet if there was such a thing, an old place like this would be full of ghosts… maybe your imagination is playing tricks.” Starbuck reassured kindly.

“Yeah… maybe…” Sheba replied, still uncertain, as everyone moved on…

Behind the pile of debris, unseen by anyone, a silver shoulder then an arm and a hand appear from the shadows…

Meanwhile on the Galactica, the Doctor and Athena cautiously travelled thought the Galactica’s corridors, careful not to be noticed by security guards and other personal, at one point nearly getting caught if it wasn’t for Athena’s quick thinking.

In the brig, the security guard regained consciousness and groggily got to his feet, he then activated the alarm.

In the Life Centre, Dr. Salik sat at his desk reading some reports on a display.

“Ah-hem” called a voice from behind, Dr. Salik turned, to his surprise he saw Romana was now sitting upright, hugging her legs “I don’t suppose you could tell me what I’ve missed?” she asked politely.

“You’d better ask your friend” replied Dr Salik, a pair of security guards stepped forward an aimed their laser pistols at her.

“Oh Doctor, what’ve gotten us in to now?” sighed Romana, rolling her eyes.

Eventually the Doctor and Athena reached the Launch bay, where they found the TARDIS.

“Is that really your ship, how can you travel in that thing, it’s nothing more than just a wooden box” Athena scorned in disbelief upon seeing the Police Box, there was a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“Well if you take a look inside, you’ll see” replied the Doctor softly as he opened the TARDIS door.
O Wildish
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Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by O Wildish »

Athena peeked inside, her eyes widened, nearly popping out of their sockets, Athena stepped back and she walked around the TARDIS, then looked at the Doctor.

“it’s… it’s…” began Athena, the Doctor looked at her expectantly.

“It’s kind of pretty” she grinned mischievously.

“Pretty?” the Doctor retorted, taken aback, Athena smiled and walked into the Tardis.

“Pretty?” mumbled the Doctor sounding disappointed as he followed her in.

Inside the Tardis, Athena inquisitively went over to the central console and place her hand it, the console lit up and made a an electronic sound.

“I think she rather likes you,” commented the Doctor thoughtfully

“I think I like her too” replied Athena with a smile, the Doctor then spied the destroyed hat stand

“Oh dear, someone’s made a mess, I guess they didn‘t like my hat,” he muttered irritably.

“So how come it’s so much bigger on the inside than on the out?” she questioned, trying to make sense of her surroundings, following the Doctor, as he went through a side door,

“Ah you’ve noticed have you, well it’s transcendental you see, dimensionally speaking,” replied the Doctor whimsically.

Meanwhile in the now empty console room, a monitor on the console came to life, the display showed a diagram of Mondas and a small rectangle that represented the Tardis, which indicated the Galactica’s position over the planet the display also showed a number of flashing red dots behind the planet…

The Doctor and Athena reached the TARDIS library.

“Could you be a dear an make us a cup of tea?” asked the Doctor as started look for the book he was after.

“Tea?” Athena questioned, puzzled

“Yes tea, don’t they have tea where you come from, good grief, what‘s the Universe coming to?” replied the Doctor sounding perplexed as he scanned the shelves, Athena shook her head, the Doctor pulled out a small booklet and handed it to her

“Instructions on how to make tea… or you could just use the Food Machine,” the Doctor smiled, he then found the large book he was after sat down into a arm chair and started to read. Athena rolled her eyes and with a shrug, went off to find the Food Machine, hoping she didn‘t get lost...

After a while, seemingly unnoticed by the Doctor, a pair of humanoid figures appeared, dressed in white glittering robes, their faces concealed.

“Soon the Doctor will become aware of the paradox, as a Lord of Time he will want to investigate and uncover it’s truth,” said the shorter of the two, observing the Doctor.

“Hmm, that’s very interesting,” muttered the Doctor to himself, engrossed in his book, apparently oblivious to the aliens‘ presence.

“Indeed history has been altered, he of all beings will want to solve this anomaly,” replied the taller.

“But sadly the changes cannot be undone,” noted the shorter alien.

Suddenly without warning there was a loud bang, as the Doctor slammed the book shut and was now looking directly at them.

“It’s incredibly rude to talk about people, especially when they are in earshot,” he scorned, getting to his feet and giving them a deathly glare.

“Our apologies Doctor, we did not realize you were aware of our presence,” replied one of the startled aliens.

“I’m a Time Lord” the said simply, as thought this answered everything. “Even in it’s weakened state, not many can slip by the TARDIS defences, who are you?” he then questioned.

“We are the Enlighteners, or as the Humans call us, the Beings of Light,” replied the taller alien.

“Ahh, I see, yes I’m sure I’ve heard of you… hmm, associates of the White Guardian, if I’m not mistaken?” mused the Doctor thoughtfully.

“You are correct Doctor, we serve the Guardian and oversee the Universe’s harmony.” answered the shorter alien.

“And you know the timeline has been drastically altered, instead of the great Human and Cylon Alliance, they at war to the death, someone‘s gone to a great deal of trouble to change the history and I somehow doubt any of these Humans would believe me If I told them what I‘ve just learned,” pondered the Doctor.

“We could not stop this, whoever did this is very powerful” replied the shorter alien.

“Then I take it that the Black Guardian is somehow involved in all this” realized the Doctor.

“In part… yes, that is why the White Guardian brought you here, however we have no time to discuss this, you must aid these Humans now, the enemies from Mondas are about to strike,” warned the taller alien, the two aliens then stepped back and faded away as mysteriously as they had appeared, the Doctor turned grab his book and rushed out of the TARDIS Library, muttering something about the Randomizer being utterly useless.

Along the corridor he ran past Athena who was carrying a silver tray with cups tea on it.

“We’ve no time for tea, come on!” called the Doctor urgently, confused Athena look around and found a small table, which she was sure wasn’t there a moment ago and she placed the tray on it, she then ran after the Doctor, Athena entered the Console room and saw the Doctor at the control console.

“What’s happening?” she asked.

“Trouble,” replied the Doctor, pointing at the display on the console, it showed the red dots were now moving around from behind the planet, towards the green dot from both sides, a red light started flash on the console and the lights dimmed.

“What’s happening, is it the Cylons?” asked Athena

“Worse, much worse” replied the Doctor solemnly, “I’m going to deactivate the Randomizer and get to the Command Centre,” he continued as he activated the controls…

In the Command Centre everyone was on alert, Romana had just been brought in.

“One of our pilots hasn’t reported back in and the landing party hasn’t made contact with us ether,” Rigel reported, Adama nodded, then he turned his attention to Romana.

“What do you know of this” Adama demanded threateningly

“That’s most unfair, I’ve been unconscious, I probably know less than anyone else here” Romana retorted despairingly.

“Your Doctor friend has tried to sabotage my ship and I’ve just heard he’s escaped the brig and has kidnapped my daughter in the process,” Adama snapped angrily.

‘Certainly sounds like the Doctor’ Romana thought to herself “He must have had good reason,” Romana replied cautiously.

“Sir!” called Omega

“What’s going on?” asked Adama .

“A large number of ships are approaching in a pincer movement around the planet towards us,” added Omega.

“Cylons?” questioned Adama

“No, their configuration dose not match any known ship” replied Omega.

On the Planet’s surface, the Colonial Warriors reached the centre of the city, there they found a small building like structure at it‘s heart which might have been an ancient bomb shelter of some kind.

“Sir, I’ve just tried to contact the ship but all I get is static,” reported Boomer.

“Keep trying” replied Tigh uneasily.

“This would be a perfect spot of an ambush, if the Cylons were here,” noted Apollo, surveying the area.

Just at that moment about eight tall silver robotic figures marched into view, not Cylon but something unfamiliar to the Colonials, sleeker more streamline, thin pipes ran down their arm, larger heads, blank faces with circular eye holes, slit like mouths and handle bar like “ears”, a reticular box like device was attached to their chests.

“I guess this is the welcoming committee” Boomer noted nervously as they watch the silver figures approach…

The sound of the TARDIS filled the Command Centre as it materialized by the main view screen, the Doctor and Athena stepped out.

“Doctor!” called Romana cheerfully, the Doctor gave her a friendly wave, Athena ran over to Romana.

“Hi, I’m Athena, I’ve been helping the Doctor, you must be Romana” she greeted shaking her hand.

“I am, how do you do” smiled Romana warmly.

“What in blazes, how did you get here in that… thing, how the hell did manage to escape the brig!?” Adama demanded,

“No time for that now” retorted the Doctor shapely as the lights dimmed again the Command Chamber then darkened almost completely.

“Sir we’re completely paralyzed!” Omega reported

“What’s going on!” Adama continued

“It’s the Mondas effect” explained the Doctor urgently

“Mondas!?” exclaimed Romana in horrified recognition of that name.

“Yes and there’s a number of hostiles surrounding this ship” . replied the Doctor

“Who are they?” Adama asked forcefully

“Cybermen…!” replied the Doctor coldly…

While the Galactica and the fleet were being surrounded by Cyber-Ships, on the planet, the Colonial Warriors were surrounded as more of the silver figures appeared. The Colonials whipped out the laser pistols, instinctively before anyone could stop her, Sheba fired her laser at one of the robotic figures, the one with black handle bar ears that had just emerged from a doorway, which had opened from central structure. The Cyberman staggered as the laser bolts deflected off it‘s metallic rubbery skin, but it did not fall and soon regained it composure.

“Frack, these guys must be invulnerable… that‘s… that’s just cheating!” gasped Starbuck in shock, realizing the Colonial Warriors were now trapped.

“That Was Illogical---We Are Stronger---Than You” informed the Cyberleader in a cold, electronic rasping voice, raising it’s own weapon “You will---come---with us” it added…

---Next: Planet of the Cybermen---
The Imperator
Posts: 100
Joined: 2012-04-15 03:39pm

Re: The Doomsday Planet

Post by The Imperator »

I like this story so far, interesting way to cross Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica. I like the interactions between the characters, I think you did a good job on them.
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