Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

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Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by LT.Hit-Man303 »

Imperial Phoenix Divergence
Chapter 2

Sheppard and the rest of his staff watched in bowel wrenching terror as the creature walked over to the toy ball and picked it up and put it in it's mouth and sat down like a small dog and was making a strange hissing sound as it began to lightly thump it's deadly tail on the floor of the briefing room.

" Don't worry you're safe. " they heard off to their right and when they looked they saw LT.Hit-Man enter the room but their was something about him that held them spell bound as he walked over to the monstrous creature that had nearly made lunch meat out of the Cleaners back on LV-426 and reach out and pet the creature on it's nightmarishly mishappen head.

LT.Hit-Man was about to speak to Sheppard when he saw the Butcher standing in the briefing room and for a moment there was a deadly and fearful silence that was shattered by the low thumping sound of the monster's as it let out a strange hissing sound,
" LT.Hit-Man you have got five fucking seconds to explane your sorry ass before I come over there and rip your fucking head off and shit down you neck! " Shepard said in a deadly tone of voice as his fear turned to outright hate for the loony Sith lord's childish behavior that had put the whole mission at deadly risk not to mention his dream and hopes of conquering this galaxy and then returning home with a massive invasion force and utterly crushing the damn rebels into dust but yet there was something about the way the LT was acting that kept him of blasting him where he stood.

LT.Hit-Man manged to get over his shock at seeing a man he considered to be a man after his own black and twisted heart, " Sheppard listen to me carefully.. " he said in a calm tone of voice which scard the ever living shit out of Shepard because he knew when the LT was like this, which was only once or twice since he had themisfortunee to have met the most lethal being in his home galaxy after the Emperor and Darth Vader when he had used that tone of voice before it at been at the times when the shit was going to hit the fan so hard that one would need a death star to stay above it.
There was also the fact that the insane Sith lord's voice had a deadly edge to it that told them all that the LT was not playing games which meant they had better listen to him.

Admerial Daala was in a very confused state of mind because ever since the terrifying cyborg had given her those strange flowers his face was practically haunting her every waking thought so much so that she was driving herself to mental rack and ruin as she was trying to understand not only why the insane LT was interested in her but to deal with that look of all to human vulnerability she had seen on his face before he stormed out of her qauters as well as her own need for the touch of man and her her deathly terror of the Sith lord.

Once Lt.Hit-Man saw that he had everyone ones attention he took a deep breath and slowly let it out, " Sheppard these creatures from LV-426 maybe my legacy. " he said as he felt calm and resolute much like the times before a major battle, " LT what the fuck are you talking about? " Sheppard said as he was still trying to deal with the LT's rather dramatic shift in personalty and he felt his blood run cold at the deadly smirk on the loony cyborg's scared face, " If I am right, these creatures were the creation of the Sith long before the first recorded history of our home galaxy as a biological weapon to combat the Jedi in an age so far back that it was time of the gods. " LT.Hit-Man said with such a strange and reverent tone of voice that Sheppard and the others were slightly dumb struck, after a few minutes Sheppard manged to get his wits about him.
" LT your not making any sense with this talk about gods and what not. " he said with a slightly exasperated tone of voice as he found himself wishing for a large, stiff drink.

" Sheppard before we met I had raided one of the Emperor's hidden treasure worlds, that's where I got the bio weapon from that I had on me when we met, it was there that I found a book of the Emperor's that contained fragments of achent Sith history and it was in that book that I came across a legend of a nightmare horde that consumedall in it's path and from that llegend have come to the concultion that these creatures are those spoken of in that achent legend. " LT.Hit-Man said as the creature started to rub it's head against his cybernetic right hand.
Sheppard was having a hard time wrappingg his mind around what he had just been told but yet there was something in the LT's voice that stopped him from dismissing all this talk about achent legends out of hand, " When I returned to LV-426, I opened my mind to these creatures and a strange thing happened I seemed to force resonate with one of them and it came toacknowledgee me as a Hive Master. " LT.Hit-Man said as he stoked the creature's head which caused it to thump it's deadly tail into the floor of the briefing room once more.

Grenral Yates did not have to hard of a time beileving what the insane Sith lord was saying, he had gone up against these creatures before back on The Cleaner's mission to that nightmare world and seeing one of those snarling and hissing demons acting like a puppy dog seemed to lend credence to the LT's words despite the absurdity of such a statement.

" Ok everyone out, LT you say behind we have a great deal to discuss, I am not happy at your bullshit antics and believe you me you are going to damn well toe the fucking line or I'll have your spleen on a spork! " Grand Admiral Sheppard said as he some how found the inter strength to look the LT in his one human eye as the rest of his staff left the briefing room while giving the LT's pet a wide berth.

Benjamin Sisco was in a depressed mood as he found himself still shaken to the core over the death of Kira as he was looking out of his ready room's window at one of the massive ships of Grand Admerial Sheppard's small fleet when the chime to his ready room pinged, " Come in! " he said as he turned to face the door of his ready room and saw Odo walk in with a grim look on his usually unreadable face, " Yes Constable what is
it? " Benjamin asked as he walked back to his desk and sat down, " I've come to inform you that Dr.Bashir is making a fast recovery from the creature's attack. " Odo said as he was struggling to keep a tight lid on his raging emotions that ranged from utter despair to the blood burning need for vengeance over the death of the woman he had loved.
" Thank you Odo, is there something else on your mind? " Benjamin asked for he was sure that Odo was close to cracking, " No there isn't! " Odo said with a flat and slightly snarly tone of voice that made it clear to Benjamin that Odo was most likely blaming Sheppard and his people for Kira's death.
" Odo you are heard by relived of duty for the next three days, try and get some rest. " Benjamin said and he was not to surprised by the outraged look on Odo's face, " But Commander I- " Odo was starting to say when he saw Benjamin hold up his right hand.

" Constable it is my considered opinion that you are in no shape to continue with your duties as the station's head of security, there for I'm ordering you to take three days off, believe you me I'm sure that you will could use the time off to working on some
* Personal * issues you might have. " Benjamin said with a conspiratorialrial tone of voice that told Odo that Benjamin seemed to share his supissions about the Imperials and he was not to sure if his friend was giving him a subtle message to take sunofficialical action into the death of Kira.
" I see Sir and I am inclined to agree that I could use the time off. " he said to Benjamin with a conspiratorial tone of voice of his own, " I'm glad to hear that Constable so long as you don't let your feelings get the better of you I don't see why you should not take some time off to put your affairs in order. " Benjamin said with a knowing smile that told Odo that he was reading from the same page as the Commander.

He watched as Odo bid him a good day and left his ready room, once he was gone Benjamin got up from his seat and walked back to his ready room's window, " What are you up to? " he thought to himself as he was looking out at one of the Imperial ships and he shivered as if someone had walked across his grave as he got a worrying feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Admerial Daala was standing outside of the bridge when the door opened and out walked LT.Hit-Man with his pet by his side and she watched as the loony Sith lord just walked right by her as if she did not exciste and this finally pushed her over the edge.
" GODS DAMN IT! QUIT FUCKING RUNNING AWAY YOU COWRAD! " she snapped as the fear and stress she was under finally got the better of her, there was a suddenly hushed silence in the corridor from the few crewers that had been at been there when Daala had signed her death warrant by calling out the LT.
They watched in bowel wrenching silence as LT.Hit-Man his creature came to a stop and slowly turn towards her as the temperature in the corridor seemed to drop to sub zero temperatures.
" OH FUCK! " Daala thought to herself as she felt something warm and wet run down her right leg as she saw the dreaded LT's creature get on all fours and raise it's deadly tail above it's back with a menacing hiss as she saw the look of death in the LT's one cold human eye as time came to a stand still as the fearful crewers watched with blood chilling terror as the LT and the Admerial looked at one another as they mentallyybegan to perpaired themselves to run for their lives as the LT slaughtered Daala.

Daala felt like her heart was going to explode like a hyper matter reactor undergoing irreversible meltdown then she and the other crewers where stuck close to dead as LT.Hit-Man and his creature turned away from her and began to walk away with cold and deadly looks on their faces, " WHY?! " Daala thought to herself as her mind refused to except the fact that not only was she still alive and in one piece but also the fact that LT.Hit-Man was not massacring every one else in sight and for a moment she knew that it would be a good idea to leave the LT alone and not tempt fate a second time but yet she found that she could not and called out to the LT as she started to walk after him.

Sheppard was reading out the status reports from the home base when he got the report of LT.Hit-Man and Dalaa's latest encounter and he felt like some had ripped his guts out as he had the horrendous image of a high number of fatalists from the rampaging Sith lord and then he felt blood chilling terror as he had the mental image of the LT on a rampage as he went insane which totally put the entire mission to conquer this back water galaxy right down the shitter.
" How many dead. " he asked Admerial Dalton as he felt like his life was coming apart, " None, the LT didn't kill anyone and he left Admerail Daala alive and just walked away with out so much as a word said and he had made his freak show pet back off from killing her. " Dalton said and when Sheppard heard that he reacheddd for the bottle of Corilain moonshine that he had in his desk as he could noaccepttt the fact that there was a gobecauseee of this mericel, Sheppard was about to pour a large glass of the moonshine when said fuck it in his mind anbeganin to drink right from the bottle.

Dalton knew that his friend and bother in arms was having himself a very stiff drink as he was having the same religious experience that he was that necessitated a very strong sedative as he took another slug from his bottle of Huttanese rum and waited for Sheppard to get over the shock of it all.
" Right, no fucking time to go to pieces here, I'll deal with the LT later, right now I think it would be best if he went back to LV-426, in fact I'm going to order him to do it, hell if he can trulyontrol these things then we may have a very potaint bbbiologicalweapon at out ddisposalnot to mention a very potaint ppsychologicalweapon to keep these Federation weakling off bbalanceand better yet a pperfectmeans of some operations if this is played right. " Sheppard thought to himself as he saw a way to take care of three problems at once.

" Dalton find LT.Hit-Man and order him back to my quartersss, tell him I have a sweetheart mission for him that he will enjoy emancely as well agivee us a potanet newweaponn in our up and coming war, and tell him that it will be aperfecttopportunityy to harvest souls for the Sith, that'll bring him in line. " Sheppard said as he could not help but to smile evilly as he found himself hungry for action.

Voltrick was about to jump a shuttle with his new servant/watch dog/pet when he saw Dalton and a detachment of stormtroopers enter the hastily evacuated hanger bay as Daala was standing there looking at him with such a need to talk to him that he deiced to ignore her because he was still pissed off at her.
" Easy my loyal one. " he said with a calming tone of voice as he reached out and and began to lightly stroke the creature's armored head, " Watch! " he said as he reached into the creature's mind and exerted his will on the nightmare monster.
Dalton was about to piss himself as he wondered why in the hell he was risking his ass to carry out Sheppard's orders to bring the insane Sith lord back to him as he knew full well that this situation between the LT, Daala and the rest of the command staff tantamount to suicide for the entire war effort to not step in and get the two hot heads to cool off.

" Dalton what do you want? " Voltrick asked as he saw that Dalton was looking like he was going to have a terror induced stroke which he found refreshing but yet he could sense that while Dalton was terrified to death of him he could also sense hope and a determination to stand his ground which peaked his interest. " LT, Sheppard has give me orders to find you and bring you back to him, he has something planed that you might find interesting. " Dalton said with a knowing smile but on the inside he was about to shit himself to death as he saw the loony son of a bitch that had been making his life hell ever since he got to this piss ant galaxy look at him with with a strangely calming look of interest and deiced to push his luck.

" Sheppard says his plan will bring a rich harvest of souls for the Sith. " Dalton said as he gulp nervously because he was talking about something deeply personal to the very embodiment of death incarnate like he had the right to talk about something he not only feared but knew nothing about, " Interesting. " Voltrick though as he could sense not only the power of the Dark Side envegrated him but he could also sense their will and to top it off he knew from this state of being that there was about to be a whole lot of dying in the near future.

Dalton watched as the LT gave him a strangely friendly but yet terrifying smile, " Let on I'm more then instrest as to what that old fox Sheppard has planed. " Voltrick said with an icy cold tone of as he was enjoying not only Dalton's terror but the fear from the stormtroopers as he felt a strange sense of excitement that he found to be just as pleasurable as sex.

Sheppard took a sip of his drink as Dalton and LT.Hit-Man and the nightmarishpet of the LT's walked into his office and he felt his hand shake because he had half excpiceted the Sith lord to threaten feed his soul to the dark side but yet there he was not only calm and in a sane frame of mind but he looked happy and friendly,
" Sheppard, you have said you have an interesting plan that will bring souls to the Dark Side, also I can tell you have an idea for a potent form of warfare consering the legacy of the Sith as I call these creatures? " LT Hit Man asked as he sat down on one of the chairs facing Sheppard's desk as his minion came to rest beside him, alert and ready to do his bidding.

" LT based on all the data you have given me on these creatures I an plaing to use there as not only a potanet bio-logcal weapon but an equal potnet pycholigcal wepaon as well as some deep recon work as well as some wet works in order to not only keep these Federation weakling off blance but to instill some terror in their popluation centers as well as create some cover for our speical opratives, exspecaily Imperial Phonex. " Sheppard said as he watched as the LT reached into one of his comaprtments in his stromtooper belt and he felt his anus clench violently as he wonder if the LT was going for a weapon or not, " I'm all ears, I kind of have an idea of where you are going with this idea of your's and I'm all for it so let's get right down to it and work something
out. " Voltrick said as he pulled out a stogie and let it up with the plasma torch in the middle finger of his cybernetic right hand.

Sisco was reading over the recorded data on Bashir's tri-corder about the life form that had killed Kira and he had no idea of what to make of it, " Commander it would apper that this creature is some kind of pirasidic life from that had infected Kira, how it got there and what it is we have no idea. " Dr. Binicca Heldgar said as she looked at him and he could see that the acting Cheif Medical Officer looked like she had been working late on this case for about a week or so.
" Doctor what else can you tell us about this life form." Sisco asked as he balled his right hand into a fist as he was still trying to understand what the hell happened back on Bajor.

" Commander from what we have been able to tell is that this creaure was a larva of some kind and we haven't be able to make much of it's biolocgal data except for the fact that is a totaly new form of life that we have encountered, because our entrie xenomrophic data base has nothing like this monster in it. " Binicca said and she could see that frustered look in his eyes that she had in her own.

" Has there been any other reports of these creatures on Bajor? " Benjamin asked Binicca as he was cosidering how he was going to handle this mess because of the death Ki'Wyn had thrown the Bajorins into a panic and the Bajorin goverment had been asking him non stop him to reasure the people of Bajor that everything was going to be ok, as both the emssisary and as a Starfleet commander, " No so far it seems that this was an isolated incdent. " Binicaa said with a relieved tone of voice that did not unoticed by him
" I see, if you discover anything new about this lifeform I want to be infromed of it, dismissed. " Benjamin said as he leaned back in his chair and ran his hand over his head as he felt like he was standing on the edge of of a cliff that was rapidly giving way under him, " I know you're behind this, you son of a bitches. " he thought to himself as he looked out at Sheppard's small fleet of ships.

Dalaa was wondering back to her queaters with a head full of chaotic thoughts as she still could not understand not only her very confusing and fearful feeling for LT.Hit-Man but she was also even more preplexed by the strange changes in the insane Sith lord.
When she got to her questers she decied that a nice hot shower was what she needed to unwind and get her wits about her and she begain to strip off her uniform and once that was done she reached behind her back and undid the clip to her dark gray imperial issue bra and shuck out of it, next she took off her standered issue panties that were of the metiral and color of her bra and she took a deep breath as she felt the slightly cool air of her questers play over her nude, curvy body.

" I am defently geting to old for this shit. " she said to herself as she made her way into the small cubical room that served as her bathroom as she felt like she wanted to sleep for a month stright and she took a moment to inpsect the refelction of herself in the polisted metal squiar over her chome sink, " Not bad for an old bitch like me. " she thought to herselrf as she saw that her fair sized C-cup breasts were showning no sign of sagging at her age of thrity two years, she turned her back to the mirror and saw that she had a night, firm but very feminine figuer and that her small, tight looking ass was showing no sign of fat.

Dalaa let out a bone wery sigh as she recalled how Grand Moff Tarkin had thoroughly violated her ass over the few short years that they had been lovers and walked into the shower stall and turned on the tap, when she felt the high presure jets of hot water hit her body she took the small imperial issue washcloth from it's holder and held it uner the in built shampoo/liquid soap and squirted some of it on to the washcloth.

" So LT this is what I have in mind, I was thiking that if you can truely control these creatures and perhapps we could use them as shock troops to wear down the enemy before we launch and all out attack on their postions. " Sheppard said as he opened up his desk dwar and took out the nearly empty bottle of this new glaxy's human moonshine and found that even though it was harsher then the stuff back home it did pack on hell of a punch as he saw a displeased look on the Sith lords face.

" My children are not cannon fodder. " he hear the LT say to him very an annoyed tone of voice and quickly opened up the bottle and took a very long drink from it to stedy his frazzled nerves at having to deal with the insane Sith lord, * Cough..HACK! * went Sheppard as the moonshine started to kick his ass, " Well what do you intent to do with these cureatures? " he asked as the LT's pet slunk up beside him and was giving him a scary look before Voltrick called it over to his side.
" I was thinking more of a terror unit in the enemie's back lines, they would be most useful to me in any wet works, sabaotge missions. " Voltrick said with a calm but lifeless tone of voice as he could see that Sheppard was terffied out of his mind at being near him and for some odd reason his terror dod not seem all that refreshing to him which put him in a some what perplexed mood.

Odo walked ino Qaurk's and saw that there were only a few patrions in the bar and that Quark was talking to his brother and for some odd reason he that the gut feeling that the shift freengi might have had a part in Kira's death and for a moment he had to fight down the urge to grab the tollish bartender and drag him into one of the station's intterogation room and dementrat some of the more advanced Cardasin interagtion technies up close and personal.

Qurak felt as if some had just walked over his grave and he looked around his bar and when he saw Odo standing there glaring at him with a deciedly hostile look he realized that he might have an axe to grind with him over the death of Kria, he dismissed his brother walked over to the edge of the bar as Odo took a seat at the bar before him.
" Good day Odo, I'm sorry to hear about you're loss. " he said with a turthful tone of voice for even though he and Kria were contantly at odds with one another they had bonded in a strange way juring the war with the Dominon as had he and Odo and the rest of the station's personal jurning that savage conflict.
He got out a bottle of of Bajorin spring wine and two large glasses and placed the wine on the bar and the two glasses before Odo and himself, " Qurak I'm only going to ask you this once and if you lie to me so God help you I will making you're life a living hell do you understand me? " Odo said with a cold and very menaing tone of voice as he watched as Qurak poured the drinks.

" What do you want to know. " Quark said as he finished pouring the drinks, " What happened between you and Sheppard's party when they came here? " Odo asked as he saw Quark take a drink of his spring wine, " Well they are a shifty bunch, they wanted to know if I had any how shall we sat *Exotic* items for sale. " Quark said as he could see that he had Odo's gaurded intrest becuse he was hinting that there might have been some less then legal dealings between himself and the group of new arivals that had shown up and in his mind's eye Odo had the mental image of Sheppard in a priate's outfit.
" What do you mean by that Qurak? " he asked as he took a drink of his wine and he felt a slight stabbing pain in his soul as his mind assoated the taste of the wine with one of the few intmate moment with Kira when they had been dating each other, " Well Odo, they asked about some erotic entertainment, from the way they were talking it seems that there is only one female on bord their ship. " Qurak side as he took a sip of his wine and saw that questoning look in Odo's eyes and knew that even though he not have Odo hood winked that he did have Odo's intrest for the time being.

" So I offered my ususal fares of my holo-suites and even though they could not make use of them becuase they might have to return to their ship shuddenly if things did not go well between Sisco and Sheppard. " Quark said as he saw Odo take a long drink from his wine, " Really what else did they want? " Odo asked as he was wondering what Qurak was getting at and studied him intenstly.
" Well from the way they were carrying on it seems like they were staved for some female compaionship, as that the single female on their ship might a *Kepted* female from they way they were talking. " Quark said with a conspertial tone of voice that hinted that female slavery might be not only legel in Sheppards neck of the woods but that slave trading was an aceptable from of comerce.

" MMM! " Dalaa moaned as she ran the soapy washcloth over her right breast and she became slightly aroused by the memroy of how Tarkin use to bite her nipples as he not only worked them but her whole breast as well and with a bitter sweet smile she bgain to roughtly rub her now hard right nipple as she was taking a stroll down the lane of her memories of her and Tarkin 's highly passionet relationship.

As she was losing herself in her lusty haze as she was twisting her nipples the erotic slide show of the love and lust that she and Tarkan had shared took a strange and hightly frighting turn as it change from Tarkin riding her ass to one of LT.Hit-Man standing in her shower as she had a small, fear induced orgasm.
" OOHH GODS NO! " she moaned as she slid down the wall of her shower stall and come to rest on the shower's floor as her erotic dreamscape became one of raw lust and shame as she could see the evil and lusty snear on the Sith lord's scared face as she felt her hand slide down to her qurvering womanhood and she felt her burning lust burn all the hotter at the thought of having the insane living incarnation of death watching her as she did herself like a shameless slut.

Sheepard watched as he saw the look of confused distraction on the LT's face and for a moment all he could was just sit there and stare at the Sith lord for that look was so out of place for the thrid most feared man in the Old Empire.
" What the fuck? " Voltrick thought to himself as he was feeling the long forgotten feeling of sexual arousal as he had the mental image of Dalaa deep throating him as he was fingering her ass with the middle finger of his cybernetic right hand and all he could do was just sit still as he was trying and failing to understand what the hell was going on with him as he got the unshakeable feeling that he was sensing Dalaa's lusty desire for him even thought he knew that this was imposable.
But yet the strange sense of contection to Admerial Dalaa told him that this was not a long surpessed desire of his own mind and body and for a moment he was not sure as what to do as the erotic dreamscape of his mind changed to one of him making a lunchion of her pussy like a man who had been starved for a week would attack a five billion coruse banquit.

" So they asked if I had any of my more adult orinatated holo programs for sale and I must say I have never seen a happyer bunch as they brought out my enitre collection of erotic holo programs. " Quark said as he was nrusing is drink, " Some how I don't that they were just a bunch of love starved spacers. " Odo said with a scorning tone of voice.
And he was surpised when he heard Qurak say " I agree with you. " becuase the number of times that he and Qurak ever saw eye to eye could be counted on the hand of a man missing seven fingers with one hand, " What are you getting at Qurak! " he said with an annoyed tone of voice as he wanted to stop playing this childish game with the troll and get right to the heart of the matter.

" Relax Odo, I'm just saying that I agree with you because they started asking for some *Intresting Items.* as well " Qurak said and when he saw that Odo was starting to get angry with him he spoke once more. " I think that they are either slavers or smugglers or both, they started asking me questions about crime in this galaxy as well as asking for star chart of local shiping as well as star chart for this quadrent. " he added and he could see that Odo was looking a little bit less pissed off.

" I guess you would know woun't you. " Odo said with a sarcastic tone of voice as he took a drink of his wine, " Odo, I'm a bussne man and I making it my busses to get to know what I can about the people I deal with. " Quark said and he knew he was about to take a very big risk in the next few minutes and when he saw that Odo was about to make a coment he held up his hand, " Do you remeber that Orion Free Trader that came here about two years ago by the name of Grdelo Farbak? " he said to Odo and saw a guard look on his face, " You mean the smugler/arm dealer that was killed by a Frengi hit team a month ago over a bad deal for bio-genic compounds? " Odo asked as he could not help but to wonder what the hell Quark was getting at.

" Well he was a smuggler all right. " Qurak said and when he saw the * I knew it! * look on Odo's face he knew that things were going to get very dicey and that if he did not play his cards right he could be looking at a very long stint in a Federation prison.
" Anyway he sold me a box of two thosand Federation neural impant chips and they had been siting on my shelf since then. " Qurak said as he saw the shocked look on Odo's face, shocked because he had never expected him to openly admit to any kind of illegal dealing, " Now hold on a sec, this is were things get really intresting. " he added quickly with a conspertal tone of voice.
Odo knew that Quark was up to something but as to what it was he could not understand, " Go on. " he said as he took another drink of his spring wine, once he was done he watched as Quark picked up the bottle of wine and started to top up his drink.
" Like I had said they had been siting on my self since I got them from Grdelo Farbak and so I thought I would see if they would be instresting in buying them, they had no idea of what they were and once I explanied what the neural induction chips did and how they worked they got really quiet for a moment. " Qurak said as he topped up his own drink.

" When one of them asked me how many of them I had I told them and they became quiet excited and brought them all and paid quite handsomely for them, but the kicker is that I heard them say and I quiat " With these things we would have no trouble in controling our merchandice " and " Ya with these things we can brake any of our bitches. " he said and watched as a dark look appered on Odo's face and when he saw that he decied to that he had Odo hood winked for the moment and decied to up the ante.

" Qurak, cut the bullshit and tell me stright what game are you playing? " Odo said with a grave tone of voice and was surpised when he saw Quark look him right in the eyes with a grave look on his face, " I don't know but for some reason I think that Sheppard and his band of not so merry men are a lot more then just smugglers and slavers, what kind of goverment do they have? " he heard Qaurk ask as he watched as the trollish bartender took a long drink of his wine and for some odd reason he decied that playing along with Quark might prove to be benfishal.
" Sisco calls them a * Bannaboat Republic *. " he said to Quark and watched as a puzzled look appered on his face, " What is that? " Quark asked as he saw Odo take a long drink of his refilled wine, " It was a form of dicatoral goverment on earth in the twentyth centruy, basicly it was a type of gorverment in the small and poorer nations at that time, basicly a millitry junta with screct police, disaperances, arms and drug smuggling and torture. " Quark heard Odo say and what he heard seemed to fit the bill of Sheppard's men.

" You maybe right Odo or maybe they are reneagades of this *Bannaboat Republic *, something about them just reaks of military or ex military, or maybe they are apart of their goverment's scantioned crime organsation, anyways I have said what I had to say on this matter, here's some free advice, don't trust them, I don't, sorry about what happened to Major Kira, enjoy the wine, it's on the house. " Odo heard Qurak say and watched as he went over to Rom and started to talk to him about one of the holo suites being off line.

He said there for a time and was slowly nursing his wine as he was trying and failing to understand what Qurak was up to, after half an hour or so he finished off the last of his wine and decieded to go have a talk with Sisco about this intresting turn of events.
After he had left the bar a man in a Starfleet uniform finished off his coffee and left the bar with a grim look on his hard face.
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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by Vehrec »

You know, its fashionable these days to not start a new thread for every chapter. I'll flag this for a mod's attention, see if Mayabird feels like merging threads today.
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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by LT.Hit-Man303 »

Vehrec wrote:You know, its fashionable these days to not start a new thread for every chapter. I'll flag this for a mod's attention, see if Mayabird feels like merging threads today.
Oh ok then sorry and thanks for pointing it out
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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by Falkenhorst »

Ah another great chapter as always, LT. At this rate Shep will need a cooler of fresh liver replacements.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by LT.Hit-Man303 »

Falkenhorst wrote:Ah another great chapter as always, LT. At this rate Shep will need a cooler of fresh liver replacements.
Can you really blame Shep for hitting the bottle? :twisted:
Don't worry things are going to get intresting in the next chapter
I'm kind of stalled on my version of UNPF
So is anything new with your's shep's and fan boy's UNPF?
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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by Falkenhorst »

The truth is regarding UPF that shep and I really did our best work in the early chapters. I started to burn out after the part with Palpatine slagging Tarkin's sexdoll and then Fanboy started to hijack it and eventually he became the most active author in the later part of the existing body of UPF work. I still have ideas for UPF chapters, but I have been busy in RL for the last couple years. Actually if you want, your work could be considered part of the overall UPF genre, seeing as it's been bootlegged and hijacked several times over it's lifespan. Take it and run with it, I personally would pay money to see UPF written by the dark twisted likes of LT.Hit-Man.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

-Johnny Cash, "Wanted Man"

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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by LT.Hit-Man303 »

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner been really busy
Falkenhorst wrote:The truth is regarding UPF that shep and I really did our best work in the early chapters. I started to burn out after the part with Palpatine slagging Tarkin's sexdoll and then Fanboy started to hijack it and eventually he became the most active author in the later part of the existing body of UPF work. I still have ideas for UPF chapters, but I have been busy in RL for the last couple years. Actually if you want, your work could be considered part of the overall UPF genre, seeing as it's been bootlegged and hijacked several times over it's lifespan. Take it and run with it, I personally would pay money to see UPF written by the dark twisted likes of LT.Hit-Man.
Hehehe becareful what you wish for :twisted:
just finished answering Sheppard's pm to me about UPF reboot and gave him some ideas, maybe he will share then with you.
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Re: Imperial Phoenix Divergence Chapter 2

Post by Darth Fanboy »

I totally agree with Falk on this, Hitman should become the new champion of UPF. My "career" is beyond derailed at this point.
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