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Clip of my B5/SW fan fic.

Posted: 2002-08-17 06:03am
by DodoBrd16
Williams watched the video with horror. He hadn't seen anything like this since Intel had brought him the footage of the Cerberus incident, they never told him how they got it. And all though this wasn't as bad it sure as hell was a close second. Three Omega Destroyers, some of the strongest ships of the Galaxy, being torn to shreds by a white, triangle shaped ship. The forward beam weapons slamming harmlessly against an invisible barrier. Suddenly the hammer section of the Omega to the right the Athena if he remembered right, exploded. A ripple effect began and the massive explosions chewed their way along the ships x-axis, when the explosions reached the rotating section, where almost the entire crew was Williams closed his eyes for a brief moment. When he re opened them the ship was a burning hulk, slowly it began to drift away from the battle.

The other two ships were hopelessly out matched. But they kept on fighting, the Ceres, with fires all over her hull, made the attempt at ramming the ship. But a full barrage from its guns swatted the mile long war ship aside as if it were a toy.

Then the hostile ship boar down on the last Omega, the Zeus. The ship was so badly damaged, its forward section a ghost of its former self, brightly burning fires living on the fuel of the long dead fighters, dotting it. The rotating section was no longer active, the section seemed to have locked into place. A dirty yellow light filled the area, the Zeus was trying to make a run for it. She did a snap Hundred an eighty degree turn and made best speed for the Jump point. It didn't have a chance. The Hostile ship let loose a volley of dozens of shots from its upper section, they ripped through the engines of the Zeus, digging deep into the ship and sending it into a tumble. The Jump point began to destabilize and as the Omega entered the vortex it collapsed on it.

For a moment the white triangular ship just sat there, then it rotated and began to advance on the location of, where ever the camera that was recording the events was placed. Quickly the view snapped around and another Jump point filled the screen. This time however, the ship made it into hyperspace and then the recording ended.

Lights, General Williams said, and his office came into existence. He turned off his vid screen and looked at the commanders and Intel officers that were in the room.

"Where did we get this from?"

"It was relayed to us from ISA intelligence, we don't know where they got it from or who was recording the battle."

Williams nodded. "Alright, now who are these bastards, where did they come from, how many of them are there and what the hell do we have to do to kill them?" His eyes drilling into everyone in the room.

"There is the possibility that this is another incursion by the aliens from Third Space." One of the Intel officers said.

Captain Ivanova shook her head and looked at the man, "No, the TSA had technology that slightly resembled that of the Vorlons, basically organic." She turned at looked at Williams. "This ship sir, it seems like one a human would design."

Williams chewed on that one for a second, "Yeah, big, bulky, easy to repair and mass produce."He shook his head. "But since we obviously didn't build it, that idea doesn't hold any water."

"Next, where did they come from?"

"As of yet General, we have no idea as to their origin. However President Sheridan promised that it would be the highest priority of the Rangers."

"Alright, how many of them are there?"

"We know of no others sir."

"Okay." Williams left eye began to slightly twitch,this was beginning to look a hell of a lot like the Earth Minbari war.

Williams almost didn't want to ask this, for he suspected he already knew the answer. "And how do we kill them."

And as he suspected, no one said anything. Williams let out a sigh and activated the vid screen. He paused it on a shot of the enemy ship. "I want this video torn apart, frame by frame, pixel by pixel and I want to know everything we can about this ship in the next twelve hours, dismissed."

YAY B5 vs SW!

Posted: 2002-08-17 06:15am
by Crown
Oooh I like, more please! :D

Posted: 2002-08-17 06:20am
by DodoBrd16
Thank you very much.

I'll try to get it out in the next two weeks if possible.

Well I have to take off for the night, you have a good day.

Posted: 2002-08-17 06:26am
by Crown
No rush, I can wait.....not! :D

Posted: 2002-08-17 11:12am
by XaLEv
Hmm. It seems to be a tiny bit different than it is over at B5tech.

Posted: 2002-08-17 04:10pm
by DodoBrd16
Crown- Lol

XaLEv- It might be, when I origionally posted it here it had groupings of numbers appear where all my commas and apostrofies(sp). So I had to go through and remove them all with the edit feature.

b5 vs sw yes!

Posted: 2002-08-23 12:09pm
by starfury
that was really nice, can't wait to see the complete story.