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To not read this would make Santa Claus vomit with rage!

Posted: 2002-08-11 12:25am
by Solid Snake
Mr. B just gave me a ball-twisting, crazy idea!!!!
A SWvsAOG! (Army of God) It will be the most lowdown, scum of the earth type story that will have the Galactic Empire fight one of the world's largest religions! Tell me what you think!

Posted: 2002-08-11 02:44am
by Peregrin Toker
Erm.... this depends much on which attitude the Empire has towards abortion. (IIRC, the Army of God is a militant anti-abortion group which has been involved in assassinations, arson and attempted murder) What about the Empire vs. Aum Supreme Truth?? Or even the Empire vs. National Rifle Association???

Posted: 2002-08-11 03:07am
by Mr. B
Yes all will bow down before Mr. Bs imagination.

Bwuahhhhhhh :twisted:

And I was talking about the Empire vs. god and his army of angels/slaves, whatever

Posted: 2002-08-11 07:34am
by Mr Bean
Ohh, God is Earthbound
Send in Death-star
Problem solved :D
And if he deactives the DS or somthing
Rush Twenty ISD for a BDZ operation and sneak the sun-crusher in.

If we do this by D&D rules he may be powerful but he is plantary limited

Posted: 2002-08-11 01:19pm
by Solid Snake
Yes Empire vs. Christians, angels, GAWD himself, and we'll throw in Jesus.
I will probably go to hell for this.... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Posted: 2002-08-24 09:53pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
God could just change the laws of physics to his advantage, or send the Imperial fleet to hell. It's his universe.

Posted: 2002-08-24 09:55pm
by Mr Bean
God could just change the laws of physics to his advantage, or send the Imperial fleet to hell. It's his universe.
He Is Plantary Limited however that much is clear(Name one example of him leaving) also he has limits to his powers as why does he nuke the occsional City but can't stop armies and has the Isrelists fight them

Posted: 2002-08-27 11:47am
by NecronLord
Humm, Centerpoin/Galaxy gun = crisped deity

Posted: 2002-08-27 11:47pm
by spongyblue
GOd would try to make the Emporor feel guilty about something or another and how he really loves unconditionally forever, but if the emperor doesn't stop the emperor cant have fun when he dies. god gets shocked by force lighting big time and then retires and sells heaven on e-bay.