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The Anyone Interested Critic and bitch post

Posted: 2002-08-10 11:08pm
by Jack Lain
If you have a problem in the anyone interseted story, post your remark here.
This thread is open to those who did not join the story, think that their character was unfairly treated or even has a "way to go" statement to post.
Do not post comments in the anyone interested thread after you have read something. Post your reply here.
We are about to turn the anyone interested thread into a story only post. So please post your opposition, ideas and other comments here.

This is the place for discussion and critism and praise.

-Jack "Thanks for your consideration" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-12 10:48pm
by Jack Lain
Shameless bump after my last post in the Anyone Interested thread.

-Jack "bumper elite" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-14 10:46am
by Captain Cyran
Hmmmmm, so when are you gonna be finishing your chapter Jack Lain, I'm gonna get started on mine soon, and I'm gonna be trying to keep away from the rest of the characters for now, make things easier until I truely get used to this kind of writing.

Posted: 2002-08-14 04:21pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm I just killed everyone's Charater off after Jar-Jar Stumbled into the Sun-Crusher 2, Hope no one minds :twisted:

Posted: 2002-08-14 09:27pm
by Jack Lain
Stupid jar jar. Now look what you've done!
Given the Republic to Palpatine and destroyed what was destined to be the single greatest thread story of all time!!!

Captain_Cyran - I'm kinda hoping that some of the original ppl that signed up to write will write. I'm going to give it another 24 hrs or so and then just post up my second. I'll start incorporating other ppl's ideas into my part probably by the end of my chap 2 or the start of my chap 3.
You are more than welcome to use what I've written so far if you want. Go ahead and make us meet or what have you. Makes no never mind to me. That's what I like about thread stories, the interactive nature and combination of thought.

Posted: 2002-08-14 09:36pm
by Mr Bean
Hope no one minds, Jar-Jar accedently ended up in the Culture Universe and crashed into a World ship, He's loose in the Corrdoiors now

Posted: 2002-08-14 11:45pm
by Captain Cyran
Dear God....the horror....THE HORROR!!! :cry: :shock: :cry: :shock:

Posted: 2002-08-16 12:24am
by Skelron
Okay I've got a favour or two to ask. One what time frame are people setting events up in. (E.G is this before ANH, After RotJ or what, in B5 is this during the Drakh War, in Andromada erm actually I don't know about that...) This will be a help to The Char I introduced, and so will the next request.

If People have any long running plot thread ideas could you PM me a brief lead into it. (Small ones, and vague, just enough for me to start making up a few prophecies from them, I'll make them suitably vague and prophecy like of course sort of so that in most cases people will go, 'What does that mean' Then later on when you write it up they go 'Doh' The reason I ask this is that there is little point being a guy that can see the many paths of the future if it does him no good. (And that would remove the point of being a Farseer somewhat)

Posted: 2002-08-16 11:10am
by Captain Cyran
Going off what Skelron said, If any of you have questions about the storyline I have introduced, since there are no books (Yet :) ) or movies, or TV, etc. feel free to PM me and ask so that this works out perfectly. My char. is Captain Cyran so please, ask away if you plan to involve my character in anything and are confused by something.

Posted: 2002-09-03 08:42pm
by Skelron
General Call here, I think that the scene I'm writing up could do with another person deciding the responses to Milt-Hith's Suggestions. (I'm assuming that as an unknown alien species his first destination will be somewhere like to see Captain Lochley... This is where I need help, he's going to have a conversation with this women, and I have decided that Milt-Hith is going to use the ISA as a tool against a certain Imperial Grand Admiral.) What I need is someone to 'play' the part of the ISA in general, since some of my ideas may be a little too much for person to add without asking another's opinion, plus it'll make it a little more realisitic. So could someone PM me if they can play the part of the ISA.

Unfortunatly having said all this, I won't be able to be online till friday night, not counting the night I have posted this. (I have to go back to Uni for a few days to take a resit exam... One exam for two/three days of hassle, still I get to see a few of my Uni friends, since my Flat mate has several resists and a friend finished last year and now works in the city of Nottingham.)

Posted: 2002-09-06 09:33pm
by Skelron
Jack... hmm, I don't think Sdair could challange Slannessh unless you are making him as powerful as the God Emporer of mankind... and stronger than the combined souls of thousand's of Eldar. Remember that Slannessh is a god, a God that ate all but two of the Eldar's God's adding their power's to his own, a God that drove off, in hand to hand Combat Khailia Mensha Khaine, The War God. (And who defeated the greatest of the C'Tan in hand to combat, after fighting for seven days, and the C'Tan ate Star's...) In short I admit the dark side is strong and Sdair might be powerful, Powerful enough to defeat Greater Deamon's but a God... thats Q levels of power.

Other than that a great post... just could you have Slannessh turn out to be merely a greater Deamon of Slannesh not Slannessh her/him/itself, this being's birth changed a Galaxy, caused the creation of the Eye of terror... and much much more, no mortal can defeat it, unless that being is the God-Emporer of mankind, a person who isn't a Mortal anyway, as he has lived for all human history, seen it all... Sdair isn't that level of power, the Emps in SW isn't that level of power, it's why the Emps is a God.

Posted: 2002-09-06 10:06pm
by Jack Lain
Well, what I wanted to show was that Sdair is dead. He is the dark side incarnate. Unlike the Emperor or Vader, there is no more Sdair. He is a marionette.
But I have not written off Slaneesh. I have a great scene in my mind about how slaneesh contacts the other chaos lords and Sdair must escape.
But think about it and let me know how you feel. I mean there is no more human in Sdair at all. He is nothing more than a puppet of the dark side. I think that could compete with a full chaos lord in anger and hate. And quite possibly power. With the four combined universes, Sdair is able to call upon (or is) the dark side of the force from/in four different universes. The only thing more powerful that that in SW would be a full jedi master able to tap the force in four distinct universes.

Besides, I didn't say Sdair won that fight. hehe - I give myself an out if needed. Anyone and everyone is more than welcome to write out the battle. I still have Sdair's son in law and Captain Alps to continue my input. Plus I like Portiatish, Sark and Haormon. I can do a lot of things with those characters. So if you kill Sdair - so be it. Though I really do think he could hold his own to a stalemate in this battle. -?-

Posted: 2002-09-06 10:18pm
by Jack Lain
Oh to add real quick. All the writhing figures in the cracked plain were supposed to be those humans and eldar that Slaneesh had taken. I realize now that was not obvious. I probably should have dropped a hint about that.

What did you guys think about the way I worded the sentences to change the sex of Slaneesh? She/He/It is represented as both female and male and as an it. Do you think that worked in the update?

Anyway lates, I'm off to play CS. If anyone else plays - I typically play on and Hope to see you there. I play under the same name or something close. Jacked, Jack Shithead, JackBot, Jack Nub, etc... But try to keep the Jack theme as the name.

Lates again.

Posted: 2002-09-06 10:35pm
by Skelron
jack having read what you intend on doing, all I can say is go for it. As long as Slannessh survives, (in the end) I don't mind, have Sdair kick butt! if Slannesh calls in the others to help...Slannessh must survive the others powers through, not so important, why my fascination with Slannesh, it's the Eldar connection, if Slannesh go's the Eldar would be massivly altered, remove the fear of Slannesh, and the Eldar would no longer be the Eldar. The other powers, can be removed as long as some still remain, without altering the other species.