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Posted: 2002-07-30 04:25am
by Gil Hamilton
*reads Graham Kennedy's fan-fic and feels his occular nerves severed by brain to minimalize damage*

Posted: 2002-07-30 04:34pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Is GK a science teacher? If he was, that would be bad for the students.

"Kids, a laser is an inferior weapon used by ships in most sci-fi series. But ST ships use the far superior phasers, and immune to any laser of any power level."

"Mr. Kennedy, what's a phaser?"

"I just told you!"

Posted: 2002-07-30 04:37pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
"Turbolasers are just lasers."
"But Mr. Kennedy, they don't act like a laser. They-"
"George, do you need another suspension? I thought you learned your lesson after that little hyperspace isn't 1.5 c incident"


A joke of course.

Posted: 2002-07-30 04:42pm
by Doomriser
Kennedy would be a great science teacher. Students would learn about scienfific errors, logical fallacies, circular reasoning, and unethical research practices. They wouldn't learn it intentionally, though.

Posted: 2002-07-30 04:45pm
by Doomriser
In fact, I love comparing Kennedy's exaggerations to real canon. For example, he used to list the "Subspace Relay Station" as having several terawatts of defensive shielding. Then someone must have informed him about the TNG quote stating that 4.2 GW is enough to power a subspace relay station. He then nixed the TW figure, otherwise without blinking over the fact that his estimate exaggerated the power of the Federation device by several orders of magnitude. This is typical for DITL. Meanwhile, Wong's estimates of Trek tech have been almost dead-on and consistent even in light of new evidence.

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:02pm
by Master of Ossus
Doomriser wrote:Kennedy would be a great science teacher. Students would learn about scienfific errors, logical fallacies, circular reasoning, and unethical research practices. They wouldn't learn it intentionally, though.
I had a crappy science teacher in HS in my junior year. It was NOT pleasant. I know how bad Kennedy can be, and you should not even be joking about him being a good teacher because you learn about scientific errors and things. My teacher once failed to have a correct answer on more than 30% of the test that she gave us (the multiple-choice section), and on two more of the forty-five questions, the answer letter that was right was marked incorrect and we had to argue with her about what the answer should have been. And that was not nearly the worst thing she did to us!

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:04pm
by Stravo
Despite all these points we've brought up, I think that it is fairly obvious that there is a rabid contigent out there that looks upon "Portal" the way we look on "Conquest" UGH. :roll:

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:10pm
by Master of Ossus
Stravo wrote:Despite all these points we've brought up, I think that it is fairly obvious that there is a rabid contigent out there that looks upon "Portal" the way we look on "Conquest" UGH. :roll:
There IS! According to GK himself, about 95% of the feedback he gets for the story is positive! :shock:

Completely ridiculous, if you ask me. He should at least have some understanding of how ST power generation is markedly inferior to SW generation.

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:16pm
by 2000AD
Does someone have an e-mail address for GK so we can all tell him how much we laughed at his brilliant piece of comedy?

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:20pm
by Master of Ossus
2000AD wrote:Does someone have an e-mail address for GK so we can all tell him how much we laughed at his brilliant piece of comedy?
His e-mail is posted on his site. It is: <>

He said that he will not care if we flame him, because he has a very thick skin. Funny.... He never seemed to reply to my last message, though. Jerk.

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:21pm
by Wicked Pilot
Doomriser wrote:Kennedy would be a great science teacher. Students would learn about scienfific errors, logical fallacies, circular reasoning, and unethical research practices. They wouldn't learn it intentionally, though.
Although there is no evidence of this, I wouldn't be supprised if Kennedy was a creationist also. When you are of an intellegence of his level, it is easy to get sucked in.

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:25pm
by Stravo
Can't we just email him this thread? Or post this thread somewhere for all to would be GREAT if some idiot Trekkie who believed this pile of horsehit would come along and try to defend this tripe. Has ANYONE actually ever even DEFENDED this utter piece of shit??? If so please post the thread....

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:31pm
by Master of Ossus
Stravo wrote:Can't we just email him this thread? Or post this thread somewhere for all to would be GREAT if some idiot Trekkie who believed this pile of horsehit would come along and try to defend this tripe. Has ANYONE actually ever even DEFENDED this utter piece of shit??? If so please post the thread....
That's what I would suggest. We should do so, anyway, just to make sure that he doesn't say that we've been launching stealth attacks on his site, the way that Wong sometimes comes under attack.

Posted: 2002-07-30 05:54pm
by Needa
I thought Mr. Bean in his underwear was the most horrible thing to see, but now that I've read only a handful of GK most intelligent sentences, I know now the true meaning of ABOMINATION!

Posted: 2002-07-30 06:37pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Everything I have to say about Portal can be summarized in three words :
"Sick, dude, sick!"

I have seen better stuff being flushed down the toilet.

Posted: 2002-07-30 06:54pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Master of Ossus wrote:My teacher once failed to have a correct answer on more than 30% of the test that she gave us (the multiple-choice section), and on two more of the forty-five questions, the answer letter that was right was marked incorrect and we had to argue with her about what the answer should have been. And that was not nearly the worst thing she did to us!
That reminds me of my Geometry teacher. I had a nice conversation with her, which ended with my saying:

"No, it can't be a linear function. Look at it! It's a parabola!"

Posted: 2002-07-31 01:43am
by Typhonis 1
Thanks :D

Posted: 2002-07-31 05:17am
by Cpt_Frank
Now, anyone perhaps gonna write 'Portal - the truth' and send it GK?

Posted: 2002-07-31 08:55am
by Antediluvian
I think reading that piece of crap made me sterile.

Posted: 2002-07-31 10:24am
by NecronLord
Now I think about it I had a Science teacher called Mr. Kennedy for Chemistry.


Posted: 2002-07-31 03:00pm
by Doomriser
Cpt_Frank wrote:Now, anyone perhaps gonna write 'Portal - the truth' and send it GK?
What exactly are you thinking about? Heck, GAT's deconstruction is quite fine.

Posted: 2002-07-31 03:44pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Cpt_Frank wrote:Now, anyone perhaps gonna write 'Portal - the truth' and send it GK?

Hell fucking no, that would mean I'd have to read Portal again. But here's a little bit of a rewrite.

"Unknown vessel, this is the Imperial Star Destroyer Battlecry. You are trespassing in the Coruscant Restricted Zone, a region of space designated for use by authorised personnel only. State your identity and business here."
Picard hesitated. "Battlecry, this is the Federation Starship Enterprise. We intend no trespass on your space - our vessel is a ship of exploration." That's a half truth, he thought - the Sovereign class was officially an Enhanced Deterrence Explorer, in reality a battlecruiser. But there was no need to go into that right now. "We encountered a spatial anomaly of some kind which catapulted our ship to this region of space. We are investigating possible methods of returning home now."
The reply was almost instant. "Enterprise, you are already committing a serious violation of Imperial law just by being in your present location. Making false statements to an Imperial Navy officer will just add to those charges and make things more difficult for you."
"Battlecry, we are falsifying nothing. Our ship has been the victim of an unfortunate accident which we are trying to correct. We intend no harm-"
"Enterprise, stand by to receive a boarding party. Your senior officers will be taken into custody and your ship impounded until appropriate action can be taken. The transport is on its way now." Picard saw a smaller craft emerge from beneath the huge vessel and begin to glide slowly towards them. "Be warned, Enterprise; our heavy turbolaser turrets are locked onto your ship and we will fire at any provocation. Battlecry out." The line went dead.
"Well, that sounded final," Riker said quietly.
"Indeed," Picard nodded, watching the transport draw closer. "This may be their territory, but I'm not about to let them board this ship. Red alert. Mister Data, scan that vessel. Let's learn what we can."
"Aye, sir. Scan initiated."
"Mister Worf," Picard said. Worf had been shooting covert looks at the tactical station for the last five minutes. "Please take the tactical station. I'm afraid you've been drafted."
"Thank you, sir," The Klingon said with obvious glee.
"Tactical analysis please."
Worf studied the console. "The vessel is armed with 8 large turrets, 6 of 1 type, 2 of another, all double. Weapon type unknown. There appear to be 120 smaller types of the 6 ones. As well as several medium size turrets. Also there are ten tractor beam emitters. A conformal shield grid of huge capacity, and the hull is constructed of very high density armour. She is powered by a unknown power core, very large."
"How large?" Picard asked cautiously.
"Undetermined," Worf said simply.
"Captain Picard, this is your last warning," The intercom sounded. "Drop your shields and prepare to be boarded."
"Battlecry, I say again: we were thrown to this location by a natural anomaly. Our intentions are peaceful, but we are equipped to defend ourselves and will if we must." He made a slashing motion to Worf, who cut the channel.
"The enemy vessel is using targeting scanners on us," Worf announced.
"Don't worry Worf. Did you here him? Lasers. Why, they won't even get past our navigational-"
As he spoke a single bolt of brilliant green flashed out from the Star Destroyer and impacted on the Enterprises shields. The blast penetrated, blowing the saucer section into oblivion. Picard felt the ship explode under his feet. Then he felt nothing at all. The Enterprise's warp core soon breached, and the burning hulk of the finest ship in Starfleet exploded.

This is just a joke of course :D

Posted: 2002-07-31 03:48pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
BTW, has anyone emailed this this thread to GK?

Posted: 2002-07-31 04:00pm
by Master of Ossus
I just did, Grand Admiral Thrawn. I asked him to come here and set you guys straight on who would REALLY win a fight between ST & SW, so you'd better be scared! :roll:

Posted: 2002-08-01 04:56pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Master of Ossus wrote:I just did, Grand Admiral Thrawn. I asked him to come here and set you guys straight on who would REALLY win a fight between ST & SW, so you'd better be scared! :roll:

[Dr. Evil mode] Look at me, I'm shaking in my little space boots [/Dr. Evil mode]