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Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-05-01 02:07pm
by Skywalker_T-65
AN: Well, it has been almost a month since the last post. Sorry about that, but I got swamped working on my other fics, in addition to getting past some serious writers block. In any case, we move on to the next chapter. Not much more to say here, though there will be a fairly decent length AN at the bottom.

Milky Way Galaxy

Orion Arm

Sol System

United Earth Republic


July 16th 2004


A flash of purple light announced the arrival of several vessels in the orbit of planet Earth. First in the formation was the massive and elegant Redemption. Following close behind it was the amphibian looking Bifrost, the pyramid shaped Liberator and the deadly looking Daedalus. The last vessel still bore slight scorch marks from its battle with the Aschen.

Since that battle, more and more Jaffa worlds fell to the powerful Aschen. And it wasn’t just the Jaffa…Ba’al and the System Lords were just as easy of targets. Anubis’s successor refused any aid, and attacked anyone who got near his systems. The System Lords had made numerous calls for aid from both the UER and the Alteran/Furling Remnant. But they weren’t going to help the Goa’uld unless they turned over power to the Tok’ra and Jaffa.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Earth and the Remnant hadn’t fought the Aschen…the Free Jaffa Nation was still their allies after all. But it wasn’t an easy task to undertake, as the three nations combined only had about twenty ships…twenty ships to the Aschen’s hundreds. But that was where Luke’s new friends from Corusca came in. They were currently standing guard over Chulak, the Jaffa Capital, allowing the ships currently in Earth orbit to move onto other missions.

“Message from Olympus sir…they want confirmation of our IFFs,” a Furling communications officer called out on the Redemption’s bridge.

From his position at the Captains chair, Luke nodded his head, “Of course, send them the IFF codes.”

The Furling nodded herself, and set about the job. Soon enough, a flash of light announced the arrival of the second ship in the Daedalus class, the Odyssey. It had even more improvements to the original design that the Daedalus herself, and it showed. Large weapons emplacements marked the first Earth built turbolaser turrets, and despite the IFF all of them were trained on the Redemption.

Hmm…I have to applaud their security measures, Luke thought, slightly impressed by how well the UER was adapting to being a major space power.

“This is the UERS Odyssey, is that you Redemption?” a voice came over the radio.

“This is the FES Redemption, we read you loud and clear Odyssey,” a Republic crewmember answered.

“You think they would have noticed the Daedalus…”an inexperienced crew member muttered.

“Quiet over there, they have to be careful to make sure we aren’t Aschen,” an older crewmember said.

While the crew continued to talk amongst themselves, Luke got another message in for the Odyssey. It did seem odd that they were so cautious, considering what the small battle group was made up of. So he sent a query and waited for a reply. He got it quickly enough too…

“We are being so cautious because the SGC is on lock down. Somehow Anubis survived and has infiltrated the base. We can’t let anyone too close to Earth, there is too much risk of him taking over one of our ships,” came the reply.

Luke frowned at that answer, and cast out feelers in the Force. But he couldn’t get a reading from more than the outlying ships in his group. For some reason, Luke couldn’t connect to the Force like he used to. And it had been that way ever since he had arrived in the Milky Way. But even with that, it was still possible to feel the dark center of power that represented Anubis. It was that much power…Luke hadn’t felt anything like it since Palpatine and his own father. And he knew it wasn’t his power that allowed him to feel Anubis…it was the Goa’uld Dark Lord attempting to draw him in. And Luke wasn’t one to back down from a challenge like this…not when people he considered friends were in danger.

“I appreciate the concern for our safety, but I must get to the SGC. I am the only one in this galaxy who can confront Anubis,” Luke said, before the Redemption shot forward towards Earth.

The smaller BC-304A quickly moved out of the way. Luke had more authority than they did, so they couldn’t keep him from heading for Earth. All they could do was keep the Bifrost, Liberator, and Daedalus back. For his part, Luke was trying his hardest to get a better connection to the Force. But it seemed like every time he was able to tap into his power, it would slip away. He felt no stronger than he did when he was first learning from old Ben…and it was not a good thing.

But Luke was a Jedi…and he would do everything in his power to help his allies in the UER. It helped that he had friends in the SGC in the form of Daniel, Jack, and Teal’c. So taking a deep breath and grabbing his lightsaber from its place in his chair, Luke stood up and vanished in a flash of green light.
As the flash from the Furling transporter died down, Luke found himself in a dimly lit room. It seemed that he had ended up in one of the areas of the SGC that had been sealed up. Luke carefully lit up his lightsaber, the green light illuminating the room. Judging from the amount of machines around him he had ended up in the ‘MALP Room’ as Jack had called it. If Luke remembered the maps of the SGC correctly, then the gate room was nearby. So he started moving towards that room…feeling the dark presence of Anubis heading in the same direction.

As Luke entered the hallways connecting the various parts of the SGC, he saw several people lying on the ground. A cursory glance with his Force senses showed them to be alive, just un-conscious. So Luke continued on, hoping to stop Anubis before he could reach the gate room. As the Jedi walked along, he noticed more and more signs of Anubis passing by. There was a dark aura suffusing everything, and it was almost a cloying feeling. Luke could feel the Dark Lord’s power seeping into his own Force aura, and it was powerful…entirely too powerful. It reminded him far too much of the Emperor…but with a long sigh, Luke moved forward again, using the shining light of his own power to clear the darkness.

The Jedi continued to walk down the halls of the SGC, homing in on Anubis. Soon enough, Luke reached the gate room, and he saw SG-1 gathered in the large room, surrounding the active Stargate. But standing near the gate was Jack O’Neill, and he was holding a gun on the rest of SG-1, in addition to them targeting him. At first Luke wondered why they were targeting their commander, but then Jack turned towards him…and Luke got a deep feeling of darkness from his friend. The feeling was the same as the traces Anubis had left all over the SGC…and the Jedi’s suspicions were confirmed when ‘Jack’ started to speak.

“Ah…the ‘Jedi’. I have read O’Neill’s memories of you…and you will make a far more suitable body!” ‘Jack’ said in the typical Goa’uld voice.

Luke’s eyes widened at that…Anubis had possessed his friend! But before he could do anything about it, a black mass of power left Jack’s body, and started to shoot towards Luke. The Jedi brought his brilliant green lightsaber up to block Anubis, and the dark cloud of energy recoiled slightly, seemingly burnt by the lightsaber. But it would take more than that to stop Anubis, and he moved forward again. Luke’s lightsaber continued to burn the half-Ascended Goa’uld, but the black mist forced its way slowly past the green blade.

Luke felt the first tendrils of Anubis’ dark power start to infect his body, and he was hard pressed to resist the Goa’uld. He pushed his connection to the Force…trying to get more power to counter Anubis. But the Force remained tantalizingly out of reach. Luke felt more and more of his soul being overtaken by Anubis’ power…until a flash of light made the Goa’uld flinch back. Standing between Luke and Anubis was a tall woman with dark hair.

Of the group in the gate room, only Daniel recognized her, and that was from his repressed Ascended memories.

“Oma Desala…how are you here now?” the archeologist asked in shock.

Oma ignored him however, and looked over her shoulder at Luke. The Jedi was almost blinded by the Force power coming off this woman…it was every bit as bright as Ben and Yoda had been, but much more powerful.

“Jedi Luke Skywalker…I am here to help you fight Anubis. My fellow Ancients will never allow me to fight him myself, but I can help your connection to our power,” Oma said calmly.

Luke felt a sudden surge in his powers. He could feel the Force in all its glory again…the bright power enveloping him in a warm feeling. Luke turned back to Anubis, the specter of the Goa’uld Lord flinching away from the bright light encompassing both Luke and Oma.

The Jedi Knight stepped past the Ancient woman, raising his hands to Anubis. As he did so, he gave himself completely over to the Force. And as Luke felt the Force flowing through his body, bolts of green lightning shot out from his fingers. Despite how similar the attack was to what Palpatine had used over Endor…Luke felt no Dark Side taint. The attack he was using was the pure power of the Light Side personified, and as the green bolts engulfed Anubis, the specter let out a horrendous shriek. The dark mist was being vaporized by the cleansing power of Luke’s lightning, until nothing was left. Anubis was dead…a feat that even Oma would have been unable to do on her own.

Luke sunk to his knees, absolutely drained from drawing more power from the Force than he ever had before. Oma smiled at the young Jedi, before fading from view, her job complete. SG-1 ran up to Luke, all of them in shock of what they had just witnessed. Even Jack was able to muster the strength to get up to Luke, despite his own possession by Anubis.

“Are you okay Luke?” Daniel asked, helping Luke to his feet.

The Jedi nodded tiredly, “Yes I am…I don’t know how, but I was more in touch with the Force than I have ever been before…Anubis won’t be troubling you again.”

Jack clapped Luke on the back, “Great job kid! It’s about time someone put that freak in his place.”

“Thank you Jack…now, I need to get back to the Redemption. Naverra is going to kill me…” Luke said, with a wan smile on his face.

The collected members of SG-1 got a good laugh at that, it relieved the lingering tension in the gate room. Of course Teal’c didn’t laugh, but that’s just how the stoic Jaffa acted. All of them helped Luke out of the room though, the Jedi wasn’t joking when he said he was exhausted.

Ida Galaxy

Asgard Empire


July 16th 2004


Meanwhile, in the Ida Galaxy, a decidedly more positive event was going on. Well, more positive than Anubis’ attack, not the demise of the Goa’uld Lord. But the Asgard didn’t know what was happening on Earth, aside from Heimdal on the Bifrost anyway. But the majority of the Asgard people were watching the revival of some of their old allies…the crew of the Aurora.

“We are ready to begin the mind transfer Supreme Commander,” an Asgard scientist said.

Thor nodded his head slightly and gave a hand signal to start the process. As the group of Asgard looked on, the main computer of the Aurora flashed with brilliant white light. Slowly but surely, it was separating the minds of the crewmembers, and transferring them into new bodies. It had taken serious work on the Asgard’s part to build the bodies, but it was worth it, as the first of the clones opened his eyes.

“Where am I?” the man asked in Alteran…with a distinct Lantean accent(1).

“You are on Orilla, the Capital of the Asgard Empire,” Thor answered, using a translator to allow him to communicate with the man.

The Lantean man turned his head to look at Thor, his eyes widening slightly, “The Asgard…you were such a young race though, how could you have found the Aurora?”

“You have been in stasis for over ten thousand years. In that time my people have grown in power and technology,” Thor answered patiently, as other Lanteans started to wake up.

The man turned his head again and slowly pushed himself up, not used to the new body. Shock was still written across his face though, as he saw the Aurora’s computer continuing to glow.

"How am I alive then? Our stasis pods are incapable of sustaining our lives for that long. Is this just a simulation?”

“No it is not a simulation. You’re bodies would have indeed died if we had attempted to awaken them. Thus, we have used our cloning technology to transfer you and your crews minds to new bodies.”

“Clone bodies? And you transferred our minds from the Aurora’s computers? Amazing…”

If Thor were human he would be wearing a grin at the awe in the Lantean’s voice. After all, the Alterans/Lanteans/Ancients were the pinnacle of technology in the known galaxies. But considering that he was an Asgard, a blink of his large eyes sufficed for Thor.

“Are you able to stand? We need to run tests to ensure the bodies are stable,” Thor said.

The Lantean nodded and slowly got to his feet. He seemed somewhat unstable, which was to be expected considering he hadn’t used a real body in millennia. But as the man slowly got used to his body, he was able to move around freely. It was both younger and fitter than his old one, and it showed. Soon enough the man was able to jog in place, and after getting used to that he walked over to Thor.

“This body is amazing. I must thank you for saving my crew and I from a fate worse than death,” the man said, bowing slightly.

Thor nodded slightly, “It is not I you should be thanking. It was the Furlings and some of your own people who revived Atlantis and found the Aurora. All my people have done is help secure your ship and transfer your crew to the new bodies.”

“Ah…the Furlings. They were always good friends and allies. Whom of my people found Atlantis?” the Lantean man asked, still a little out of it from the mind transfer. He didn’t even question Atlantis being abandoned in the first place.

Thor picked up on that, but didn’t say anything about it. He had bigger problems to worry about than explaining everything to the man in front of him. He would figure it out eventually, and that would be when another Asgard would explain things. So Thor jumped into other things to explain.

“You would not know of them, as they left Pegasus to explore Corusca. They left after your warship was attacked, and have only recently returned,” the Asgard answered.

“Why would we send an expedition to Corusca when the Wraith were winning the war? We couldn’t afford to lose any of our ships at such a crucial juncture,” the Lantean said softly.

“It was a Furling vessel. The Redemption was sent to gather aid from the renegade group in Corusca,” Thor replied.

The Lantean nodded slightly, “The mission failed didn’t it?”

“It did, all that was left of the Furlings in Corusca were legends of a ‘Celestial Empire’,” Thor said.

“Thank you for answering my questions Supreme Commander. I request to be allowed back on board my ship,” the man said.

“You can return to the Aurora as soon as your crew is revived. I wish you luck Captain Sarli,” Thor replied.

Captain Sarli nodded and walked over to his crew. Soon enough they would head back to the newly repaired Aurora and head back to Pegasus. They had been unable to stop the Wraith the first time…and they were determined to make up for that failure this time.
AN: And there was the chapter. Now on to explanations...some of you are probably going to be wondering why Luke couldn't get as much power from the Force, or how Oma showing up allowed him to get more power. That is the way I am viewing the Force in this universe. It is, to put it simply, the collected power of the Galaxy's (MW, Corusca, Pegasus, it doesn't matter) Ascended Beings.

The midichlorian count is a measure of how well they can tap into that power, thus Force 'sensitivity'. But they could have blood made up of nothing but MC's, it wouldn't matter if the Ascended Beings refused to let their power be used. For example, in Corusca, the Furlings/Celestials jump started the Jedi/Sith and let them use their power more or less freely. But in Pegasus or the MW, the Ancients would be far more leery of people using their accumulated power. Luke can still access the power (as could any Jedi/Sith), but he can't use much of it. Thus he isn't at full strength. It would be even worse in the Ori Galaxy, where even if a Jedi could use the power, they would only get Dark Side effects from it (tying into how the Priors look like KOTOR versions of Sith).

As for the green lightning, that was a result of the shear amount of power Luke was channeling. It manifested in the form of that attack, and Luke's inherent power (how he can use the Force even with the Ancients actively holding back most of their power (not all, most)) mixing with an unrestrained tap into the Ancients. Thus he was able to fry Anubis, as opposed to him just being in eternal battle with Oma.

And one final note on the Force can look at the MC as the middle-men. They help connect the physical plane with the Ascended planes, allowing a Force Sensitive being to use the Ascended's power.

And finally, that (1) was related to the Lantean accent. I figure that the Lanteans wouldn't have invented a whole new language, so they just have a noticeable accent compared to Alterans.

That is all.

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-05-01 11:35pm
by Borgholio
I like this chapter...mostly. I think the part about Luke losing his connection to the Force should be omitted. To quote a...crazy old man... "The Force is an energy field created by all living things..." It has to do with all life everywhere, not just ascended life. You are correct about the midichlorians being the "middlemen" though. That's why Vader (pre-Mustafar) and Yoda were so strong. A further plot point could be a Jedi academy forming on Earth, since with 6 billion people we're bound to have a few Force-sensitives somewhere.

Anywho, there's no sense redefining the Force for this story. It would add needless complication. As you had Luke compare Anubis to Palpatine...remember that Luke couldn't fight Palpy on his own without Vader's help. If Anubis is that strong, then Luke at full strength still wouldn't have been enough so Oma could still help out a bit. So, leave the Force as it was before and just let Oma give Luke a helping hand to defeat Anubis. If you wanted, you could make the Ascended beings (including the Ori) a more substantial (physical) form of a Force Ghost.

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-05-02 09:31am
by Skywalker_T-65
Didn't Luke fight Dark Empire Palpy though? Or did he have Leia's help there? In any case, I can see your point. I mostly changed things up to allow a way of melding the Force with Ascended beings.

Though...a way to make it work better would be have the Ascended beings more in touch with the Force than the Jedi/Sith. And have them be lending their energy whenever a Jedi/Sith does something truly spectacular. I'll need to give this some more thought.

(PS: A Jedi Academy on Earth will be formed, eventually. They are a wee bit busy at the moment.)

EDIT: *lightbulb goes off over head* You know, I think I found a way to meld the new view of the Force I worked with, and the original Force. It is formed by all life, but the Ascended Beings are the focus of a lot of that power. Look at the Ori for example...they are empowered by having people worship them. So in theory, they could be using the latent Force abilities (even a tree makes an imprint in the Force) of their worshippers to increase their power. And I could say that while they (they being all Ascended Beings) aren't the source of the Force, they could still use their massive power to cut off links to it. Plus one could say that the Ori give their Priors power through a Force connection. Thus you could use Ysalmiri (or however the heck you spell it) as natural Ori blockers. No need for that one anti-Prior device anymore. :D

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-05-02 03:07pm
by Themightytom
Borgholio wrote:I like this chapter...mostly. I think the part about Luke losing his connection to the Force should be omitted. To quote a...crazy old man... "The Force is an energy field created by all living things..." It has to do with all life everywhere, not just ascended life. You are correct about the midichlorians being the "middlemen" though. That's why Vader (pre-Mustafar) and Yoda were so strong. A further plot point could be a Jedi academy forming on Earth, since with 6 billion people we're bound to have a few Force-sensitives somewhere.

Anywho, there's no sense redefining the Force for this story. It would add needless complication. As you had Luke compare Anubis to Palpatine...remember that Luke couldn't fight Palpy on his own without Vader's help. If Anubis is that strong, then Luke at full strength still wouldn't have been enough so Oma could still help out a bit. So, leave the Force as it was before and just let Oma give Luke a helping hand to defeat Anubis. If you wanted, you could make the Ascended beings (including the Ori) a more substantial (physical) form of a Force Ghost.
Um water water everywhere, but nor any drop to drink? It's not hard to imagine that Luke may not be able to use the force as effectively in another galaxy, considering he couldn't even sense the Vong at first in teh EU, and access to the force is nothing knew, the Jedi commented that they were losing their ability to wield it in Attack of the Clones. The rise of the Sith was messing with it's balance and their ability to wield it. If the ancients exist in the same universe as the Force, it's entirely possible they can effect a similar change, it's actually a verrry good analogy to say Luke felt similar to when he first trained, the dark side may have been stronger during A New Hope than after Luke began to train, the same way it grew darker, as Dooku and Palpatine trained.

Anubis was ascended with help, and ejected from that status to somewhere in between as punishment. Palpatine had a clean connection to the dark side, studied it, and grew his power on his own. What's more, Anubis had never met a Jedi before, even as Luke had never gotten shot by lightening until the Emperor did it to him. Yoda could absorb that lightening, where as Luke could only manage to cook. Power does not equal experience nor knowledge.

Besides the ultimate cop out can always come from Oma's presence. The Ancients will help as long as it looks like the mortals are doing it on their own, they cheat all the time, whose to say Oma didn't plant an idea in Luke's head that didn't happen to be Anubis' Achilles heel :P

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-05-02 04:05pm
by Borgholio
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:Didn't Luke fight Dark Empire Palpy though? Or did he have Leia's help there? In any case, I can see your point. I mostly changed things up to allow a way of melding the Force with Ascended beings.

Though...a way to make it work better would be have the Ascended beings more in touch with the Force than the Jedi/Sith. And have them be lending their energy whenever a Jedi/Sith does something truly spectacular. I'll need to give this some more thought.

(PS: A Jedi Academy on Earth will be formed, eventually. They are a wee bit busy at the moment.)

EDIT: *lightbulb goes off over head* You know, I think I found a way to meld the new view of the Force I worked with, and the original Force. It is formed by all life, but the Ascended Beings are the focus of a lot of that power. Look at the Ori for example...they are empowered by having people worship them. So in theory, they could be using the latent Force abilities (even a tree makes an imprint in the Force) of their worshippers to increase their power. And I could say that while they (they being all Ascended Beings) aren't the source of the Force, they could still use their massive power to cut off links to it. Plus one could say that the Ori give their Priors power through a Force connection. Thus you could use Ysalmiri (or however the heck you spell it) as natural Ori blockers. No need for that one anti-Prior device anymore. :D
k I like these new ideas. Ascended beings are more in touch with the Force and thus can have a greater degree of control over it than a normal being. If I remember correctly, only an extremely powerful normal being could strip the Force away from another (happened once or twice in the EU), so an Ascended being could do it much easier.

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-06-07 03:25pm
by Skywalker_T-65
AN: And I'm you can tell by how long its been since I updated, I have a rather bad case of writers block right now. That's also why this 'chapter' is so short, its because I can't keep an idea in my head right now for the life of me. So I'm asking a favor...if any of my readers have an idea for what they want to see in the next full chapter...any ideas at all...let me know. I need some help to get past this writers block...

EDIT: Also, if no one does have any ideas for the next chapter...another SG idea has started to float around in my head. Namely, what if SG1 and the Atlantis team used the Moebius device to aid the Ancients agains the Wraith? Saw a video on Youtube that got this particular plot bunny going if anyone is wondering. Again, if none of my readers have ideas for this story, I'll try the new one to get ideas flowing again.

Unknown Area

Unknown Time

Ancient Councilroom

In the main meeting room for the Ascended Ancients, a shouting match had broken out. Something had really riled up the normally calm and collected Ancients. The source of the disturbance was currently shouting at the head of the Ancients, Liam.

“What is the meaning of this Oma! You know our laws as well as anyone!” the Ancient man yelled at the source of his ire, who was staring him down calmly.

“Anubis remained a threat to all life in Avalon. You would never have allowed me to fight him myself, as Daniel attempted to do. So I used my only option, and let Jedi Skywalker connect fully to the Force,” Oma answered.

“And put us all at risk to do it! You made it to where Anubis could gain more power, just to let an ill-trained boy fight him!” Liam shouted back.

“Hardly ill-trained. Skywalker is a Jedi, son of our former allies in Corusca. He was the only one among the lower races who could possibly hope to kill Anubis,” Oma replied.

Liam just continued to glare at his former friend, “Even though you were correct in that regard Oma, you still took an ill-advised risk. Anubis was your mistake to start, and you almost allowed him the power to once more stand amongst this august group.”

Oma shrugged, “With all due respect High Councilor, I had no choice. Anubis would have continued to grow in power on the material planes, no matter what limits we put him under. Our charges, human, Furling, Asgard, Nox, all of them would have been unable to stand against him in the long run.”

“You can no more prove that than I can Oma. And you would only have yourself to blame if he had risen to power like that,” Liam reminded her.

“Yes I know, as you are so very fond of telling me. I have already taken full responsibility for Ascending Anubis…that is why I couldn’t not take this chance to finally kill him,” Oma shot back.
Liam let out a long suffering sigh, “Be that as it may, you have finally overstepped your bounds Oma. You interfered directly on the material plane, and you are well aware of the punishment for that. Henceforth, you are banished from our world, and will be stripped of you powers and memories. You will be placed on Earth, with the people you are so determined to protect, and will only have your memories of them.”

Oma nodded her head. She had expected that judgment, and anything was worth it to get rid of Anubis. So she consented to the order, and felt as her powers and Ascended memories were ripped away in a bright flash of light…

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-06-08 04:45pm
by Jedi Commisar
It's back

Just a quick question how are forums such as Spacebattles handling this because I am all most certain that warsies will be going at last we have a real ISD to test and we can shut those stuipid trektard trolls up

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-06-08 06:20pm
by Skywalker_T-65
EDIT: Disregard this post...

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-06-08 07:55pm
by InsaneTD
I think he meant in story. Which could be a couple interesting plot points.

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-06-08 08:09pm
by Skywalker_T-65

That makes more sense...I fail reading comprehension apparently.... :oops:

That being said, it is certainly an interesting situation in that regard, though I obviously can't include SDN in that, considering I post the story here. :P

I think I might make a filler chapter detailing how the SW community is reacting to this...maybe...

Re: Change of Fate, a SW/SG crossover

Posted: 2012-07-02 03:32pm
by Themightytom
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:Oh...OH...*facepalms*

That makes more sense...I fail reading comprehension apparently.... :oops:

That being said, it is certainly an interesting situation in that regard, though I obviously can't include SDN in that, considering I post the story here. :P

I think I might make a filler chapter detailing how the SW community is reacting to this...maybe...
Too much of that will break the fourth wall, they do it alright in the TGG fanfics by having it mentioned in casual conversation rather than really focusing on it. The stargate TGG fic was something like two red shirts just commenting in the background, "Hey wait until they figure out that all fiction is real!"