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Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 12:58am
by darksoul
Uncluttered wrote:EDIT: Double post. I erased it.

I suppose I should use this space to contribute something. Hmmmm
The birth defect question sounded interesting.

What also interests me is weather 2nd and first lifers can share organs, blood, bone maro etc.
I hope not.
Otherwise belial will strike at new Rome with an army of demons, angels and renegade 2nd lifers armed with modern weapons. After the big and bloody battle, Belial is once more pushed to his last stronghold. The first team to break through finds a hell within hell: A Matrix-like farm of 2nd lifers kept on suspended animation in order to harvest blood and organs to sell in the growing black market of first lifers, and the underground (lame pun) world of baldricks "for snacks of the past", and using this money to fund Belial`s aspirations to rebuild Hell.

EDIT: The policeman Bob story is a very good concept. For a real side story, not a comedy one.
The other ones range between hilarious and plain silly. :)

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 01:46am
by atheistcanuck
somehow I don't think second lifers and first lifers can share organs, second life bodies are just way too different then first life bodies. They just wouldn't be biologically compatible.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 05:44am
by Deebles
Hmm... organ transplants. Given that:

1) Angels, demons, and secondlife humans have extensive regenerative capabilities
2) Angels and demons are close enough genetically to human to be able to reproduce with humans and have fertile offspring

It's possible that organ transplants could be made from living angel, demon or secondlife human donors, who'd then regenerate the lost organ, into humans, addressing the current public health issue of the great number of people waiting for organs.

Unanswered questions, however:

1) Secondlife humans cannot survive long on Earth. Can their organs? If not, could a transplant recipient survive just fine if they stayed in Heaven rather than Earth?
2) Could extensive transplants give a firstlife human angelic or demonic capabilities they might not have had previously?
3) Might some people prefer to simply die and become a secondlife human rather than try risky xenotransplants anyway?

EDIT: Unnecessary advocacy sidenote deleted.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 06:20am
by GrayAnderson
1) Could we cut the advocacy posting? I hate to ask for this, but I tend not to bring my politics or other views into this thread as best I can (I think the closest we've come was a discussion on economics and some discussion surrounding Gen. Lee). That "real-life sidenote" really is pretty far off-base.

2) That said, the unanswered questions above are intriguing. I'm going to assume that the "inability to function" is on the cellular level rather than that of an organ or the organism as a whole, basically mooting being able to transfer into someone back in UA (i.e. on Earth). Compatibility between UA and UB beings is not yet addressed (and another question comes up: If a Second Lifer had previously lost an arm, could some form of farmed transplant be used? Images of Frankenstein's Monster aside, the question does not seem untoward).

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 08:18am
by Deebles
GrayAnderson wrote:1) Could we cut the advocacy posting? I hate to ask for this, but I tend not to bring my politics or other views into this thread as best I can (I think the closest we've come was a discussion on economics and some discussion surrounding Gen. Lee). That "real-life sidenote" really is pretty far off-base.
OK, I've cut the organ donation advocacy and info. One part of it does raise a question, however: do people who experience brain death but whose hearts are kept beating pop into their second life existence in this world or not?
GrayAnderson wrote:2) That said, the unanswered questions above are intriguing. I'm going to assume that the "inability to function" is on the cellular level rather than that of an organ or the organism as a whole, basically mooting being able to transfer into someone back in UA (i.e. on Earth). Compatibility between UA and UB beings is not yet addressed (and another question comes up: If a Second Lifer had previously lost an arm, could some form of farmed transplant be used? Images of Frankenstein's Monster aside, the question does not seem untoward).
It seems from previous descriptions that transplants would be entirely unnecessary for second-lifers, since limbs can grow back anyway, just as long as there aren't foreign bodies in the way (embedded bullets, shrapnel etc.)

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 08:32am
by darksoul
GrayAnderson wrote: 2) That said, the unanswered questions above are intriguing. I'm going to assume that the "inability to function" is on the cellular level rather than that of an organ or the organism as a whole, basically mooting being able to transfer into someone back in UA (i.e. on Earth). Compatibility between UA and UB beings is not yet addressed (and another question comes up: If a Second Lifer had previously lost an arm, could some form of farmed transplant be used? Images of Frankenstein's Monster aside, the question does not seem untoward).
You mean, if a 2nd lifer can`t regenerate some part of their body, can they bought a body part from a freezer? An special organ company?

I like the idea of first lifers with transplants living in Heaven. it sounds plausible, given that 2nd lifers from New Rome are pretty much happy there. I`m assuming there are second lifers in the Legions...
However, why would someone want that if they wouldn`t be able to stay in Earth, which is the advantage first lifers have in the first place? I can only think of political or legal motivations to stay "alive". For example someone running for office or for the presidency of a company or conglomerate, or someone wanting to marry a healthy first lifer before marriage between species is ruled into law, or not wanting to go without putting his business in order, etc.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 08:40am
by Deebles
darksoul wrote: I like the idea of first lifers with transplants living in Heaven. it sounds plausible, given that 2nd lifers from New Rome are pretty much happy there. I`m assuming there are second lifers in the Legions...
However, why would someone want that if they wouldn't be able to stay in Earth, which is the advantage first lifers have in the first place? I can only think of political or legal motivations to stay "alive". For example someone running for office or for the presidency of a company or conglomerate, or someone wanting to marry a healthy first lifer before marriage between species is ruled into law, or not wanting to go without putting his business in order, etc.
The main advantage is that they have an "extra life"; for them, death is now a known quantity. Whereas if you die in your second life, death may be forever, or have other, horrific consequences if you then pass on to some kind of hell beyond hell. So postponing the loss of your first life gives you a little added security.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 09:15am
by Uncluttered
Deebles wrote: The main advantage is that they have an "extra life"; for them, death is now a known quantity. Whereas if you die in your second life, death may be forever, or have other, horrific consequences if you then pass on to some kind of hell beyond hell. So postponing the loss of your first life gives you a little added security.

We don't want to talk about SUPERHELL.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 11:13am
by GrayAnderson
Deebles wrote:
darksoul wrote: I like the idea of first lifers with transplants living in Heaven. it sounds plausible, given that 2nd lifers from New Rome are pretty much happy there. I`m assuming there are second lifers in the Legions...
However, why would someone want that if they wouldn't be able to stay in Earth, which is the advantage first lifers have in the first place? I can only think of political or legal motivations to stay "alive". For example someone running for office or for the presidency of a company or conglomerate, or someone wanting to marry a healthy first lifer before marriage between species is ruled into law, or not wanting to go without putting his business in order, etc.
The main advantage is that they have an "extra life"; for them, death is now a known quantity. Whereas if you die in your second life, death may be forever, or have other, horrific consequences if you then pass on to some kind of hell beyond hell. So postponing the loss of your first life gives you a little added security.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 06:24pm
by westrim
I think it's important to note (and probably cover in the 3rd book) the subtle yet massive shift in how people will plan and execute their lives now that life after death is tangible and real. For even the most devout believers, it has always been intangible, so they could justify whatever actions they took as being just in God's eyes and set aside their society's usual morality. Now, everyone is subject to human morality, even after death, and their objectives will shift to setting oneself up to live comfortably in the afterlife, not this one.

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up

Posted: 2010-08-09 06:50pm
by Mayabird
Since we have a new thread (thanks, Stuart), this one is locked. Finally.
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