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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 10:44pm
by Vehrec
Honestly, Harry doesn't know about Xanatos' wife and kid? HAH. HAHAHAHA. That'll be Fun.

But really, we shouldn't need to bother with buying upgrades. We're just a few missions away from getting one of Jack's best guns. Even if it LOOKS unconventional...

And anyways, i'm not the biggest fan of the robot sequences anyways. Poor T gets sidelined.

Image Look at that face! See how unhappy he is?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 11:51pm
by Majin Gojira
I know Teal'c's underused. Especially with all the mechs around.

I'll be doing something about that relatively soon.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-09 12:05pm
Kamikage wrote:(Last one til next week I swear) I have this image of him (accidentally, mind you) setting ALL OF JAPAN ON FIRE!!!!!!!! (You can see it from space)
You realize we have a series in here with a guy who did that on purpose, don't you?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-09 03:53pm
by Kamikage
That was a building, I'm talking ALL OF JAPAN (The entire damn thing)! If you put that scene in can you use some of the dialogue from the SG-1 nove Barque of Heaven when they're on the Ice World for the scene from space ( Space Route guys are about to leave when it happens).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-09 03:54pm
by Kamikage
And it's funnier to me (yes, I'm insane, why do you ask?) if it's on accident.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-14 05:39pm
by Kamikage
I know that my last two posts were a bit strange so here's an explanation: to the first I don;t know the series in question but I like to think that it was Negima and personally I think that our Main Characters will get to do crap that will leave everyone in utter awe of their powers but not without some foul ups along the way (for example; Harry is preparing a massive fire spell while a fights going on, then something happens that causes him to lose his concentration and ends up accidentally lighting all of japan on fire, and subsequently being banished from Japan either for life or maybe 5 months at least) and the second one is because I've had an image of Harry accidentally setting all of Gundam 00-era Japan on fire for a while now and I can't help but laugh at it for some reason. Also, a question when in the Dresdenverse is this set in? I hope it's before Small Favors at least so our intrepid bunch of superpowerful wierdness gets to go up against Nicomdemous on Demonreach, and so we can get Micheal and Sanya.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-15 11:05am
by xie323
Also who's the Emperor? Not who HE is but is he from a known series or is he a character you made up??

After all most SRW games have their original villain at the end, but in some rare cases he is from a licensed work.

Furthermore I agree you really need to cut the mech battles for a while and give characters like Teal'c more usage.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-15 11:30am
by Majin Gojira
Kamikage wrote:I know that my last two posts were a bit strange so here's an explanation: to the first I don;t know the series in question but I like to think that it was Negima and personally I think that our Main Characters will get to do crap that will leave everyone in utter awe of their powers but not without some foul ups along the way (for example; Harry is preparing a massive fire spell while a fights going on, then something happens that causes him to lose his concentration and ends up accidentally lighting all of japan on fire, and subsequently being banished from Japan either for life or maybe 5 months at least)
Harry's tough, but he's no Jack Rakan.
and the second one is because I've had an image of Harry accidentally setting all of Gundam 00-era Japan on fire for a while now and I can't help but laugh at it for some reason. Also, a question when in the Dresdenverse is this set in? I hope it's before Small Favors at least so our intrepid bunch of superpowerful wierdness gets to go up against Nicomdemous on Demonreach, and so we can get Micheal and Sanya.
We can only hope.
Also who's the Emperor? Not who HE is but is he from a known series or is he a character you made up??
He's both an original and he's not. Largely because he's a fusion of two horrific big bads.

Let's just say, crap will be in pants when his identity is fully revealed.
Furthermore I agree you really need to cut the mech battles for a while and give characters like Teal'c more usage.
No worries, the next battle is a human one.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-15 06:25pm
by Kamikage
If you do a sequal I think Shin Mazinger should get upgraded to Mazinkaiser (with an upgraded God Scrander).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 10:44am
by Majin Gojira
Kamikage wrote:If you do a sequal I think Shin Mazinger should get upgraded to Mazinkaiser (with an upgraded God Scrander).
I'm obeying the SRW rule on that one.

That rule, from Go Nagai himself: "You cannot have Grendizer and Mazinkaizer in the same series."

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 11:51am
by Kamikage
Dang, and here I was hoping for the Mazinkaiser movie plotline too. Oh well, i'll just have to settle for the Shin Mazinger plotline instead.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 04:52pm
The Manzaiser Movie was basically Mazinkaiser vs. Great Mazinger's villains. But I think they fought the Daishogun and his boys a long time ago, if at all.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 05:53pm
by Kamikage
Am I the only that thinks the various (non-original) plotlines in the SRW games funtions as a "get allies, get money, get exp, get upgrades, and secure the home front" type thing?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 09:39pm
How many SRW games have you played?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 09:52pm
by Kamikage
Only OG 1 and 2, but I really want to play the others but I don't know how to play them on my computer. How any skill slots are there maximum for each character (so I can better come up with some stats for Harry)?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 10:14pm
by Kamikage
I'm just saying plot-wise that's what it seems to me and if you don't agree or if it's just wrong I accept that.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-16 10:16pm
by Kamikage
Though I doubt that's whats happening here. Also, I have a question for you: How many books of The Dresden Files have you read (non-short stories)?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-17 01:04am
Working on the first now.

But as I was about to respond, it varies from game to game. I've played both OG games, Endless Frontier, and W, and am just starting into J. W has a backstory at least that's pretty deep with the component series. For example, the main character's father was a rival of the leader of GGG (Gao Gai Gar) when they were younger, and even fought over the same woman (dad won). Plus there's the mixing many series do with each other, like shared origins for Tekkaman Blade and Detonator Orgun, or Gao Gai Gar and Golion(Voltron). Not to mention all the times you can save/spare the lives of Roy Focker, Gai Daigoji, and others.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-17 09:58am
by Kamikage
Reallly? When I said that, I meant that in terms of when everything takes place (you take care of the various series plots and villains first then the real bad guys of the game).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-17 11:54am
It's rarely that straightforward. Even when the villain is the final boss (usually but not always. Impact, IIRC, actually ended with Char's Counterattack), the Original villains are often encountered a number of times over the course of the story. This is particularly true of the Rival character, if the game has one. Think about the number of times you faced Seolla, Yuuki, and Carla in OG2. They usually appear about that much.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-17 01:13pm
by Kamikage
True, I also meant in terms of what you focus on first (do you take care of the Titans first or do you focus on the Balmarians first, and I know that you focus on the DC/Neo DC before dealing with the Balmarians/Inspectors in OG and OG2 but really they've pretty much got no choice due to the lack of non-OG content), plus there's the fact that I just interperet it as "We have to take car of: Dr. Hell, Daishogun, etc. before we can really save the Earth from the true threat". Mainstream SRW (Non-OG series) is somewhat confusing for me because I can't get access to them like you guys can.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-20 02:12am
Incidentally Maijin, I think Banpresto jacked one of your ideas:

Spoilers for Endless Frontier EXCEED

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-20 09:22am
by Majin Gojira
Maybe if Wodan was intended to be the final Boss....

But he's not.

Hell, only a few of the villains are going to survive into the second act.

And the true big bad has yet to make its appearance.

And now that my midterms are over, get to work on the next segment (that gives the previous segments their title).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-20 10:03am
by xie323
Majin Gojira wrote:Maybe if Wodan was intended to be the final Boss....

But he's not.

Hell, only a few of the villains are going to survive into the second act.

And the true big bad has yet to make its appearance.

And now that my midterms are over, get to work on the next segment (that gives the previous segments their title).
Well, you say that the big bad's idea is original but as a character he is a combination of two Big Bads that aren't original.
Kamikage wrote:True, I also meant in terms of what you focus on first (do you take care of the Titans first or do you focus on the Balmarians first, and I know that you focus on the DC/Neo DC before dealing with the Balmarians/Inspectors in OG and OG2 but really they've pretty much got no choice due to the lack of non-OG content), plus there's the fact that I just interperet it as "We have to take car of: Dr. Hell, Daishogun, etc. before we can really save the Earth from the true threat". Mainstream SRW (Non-OG series) is somewhat confusing for me because I can't get access to them like you guys can.

Well, are you talking about SRW Alpha here?

I never played OG here but I played Alpha. In it while the Titans are a major threat but you don't deal with them first. Most of the route splits revolves dealing with the antagionsts or the series involved in said splits. In fact most of the Gundam-related route splits do not deal with the Titans. They deal with you fighting Zeon/Haman's Neo Zeon. At the end the Titans force you to go into hiding and you kill them in Alpha Gaiden.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-20 11:44am
by Kamikage
The point was; do you deal with bad guys that aren't part of the series involved or do you deal with the guys that are part of the series invovled? Also, the whole "Harry lighting all of Japan on fire" thing could be used as a mental image conjured up by the other Earth Route guys after seeing how he deals with things, assumig we do his part in the Earth Route first.